Thick diaphragm. Pork diaphragm Features of cooking meat on fire

The barbecue season began, and with it disputes began (did not even begin, but resumed) about what and how and whether it is necessary to marinate meat at all. It so happened that I have my own opinion on this matter.

Opponents of marinades claim that good meat should not be marinated, but should simply be fried and eaten, seasoned with a maximum of salt and pepper. And another argument that you can’t make good marinade out of bad meat. And famous and not so famous chefs and bloggers write on this topic. This is the current point of view. I’m not a cook and I don’t even consider myself a blogger, but I had to learn something about meat due to the specifics of my work. And I have something to object to these quotes from all sorts of fashionable culinary figures, such as Heston our Blumenthal, for example, and to the pseudo-experiments of Russian TV stars dancing around barbecues.

So, about the fact that good meat should not be marinated, I can say that good meat can not be marinated, but it can be marinated, you just need to know what exactly I am marinating; why do I marinate it; and what kind of marinade for what kind of meat do I use.

What can be called good meat, what's bad? Back in school, in geometry lessons, I was taught to always start with definitions. That is, if you call good meat one that can be fried without marinade and it will turn out soft and juicy, then of course there is no need to marinate such meat. But after all, there are also such pieces in beef carcass that you can fry and they will be tasty, sometimes even tastier than pop steak cuts (I mean popular ones), but they come out harsh on the grill. So, such meat should be considered bad?

Now about what to marinate in. Beef, for example, should not be marinated in water, but in vegetable oil with spices, it is very worth it and even good meat, even tenderloin or some New York steak will only benefit from this. Although I’m not lying, you can marinate beef in water marinades, but then you need to use phosphates, and they don’t just sell them in the store. It is better to look instead for mineral water with a high content of all the same phosphates.

For example, one comrade, while conducting his own experiment, marinated shish kebab from a thin edge in kiwi to prove that it is not worth marinating in kiwi, that they say the meat decomposes under the action of an enzyme into something incomprehensible. He crushed the kiwi in mashed potatoes, slightly diluted it with water and poured the meat with this mixture. And then he happily told us that it turned out some kind of kaka.

But if I want to get a normally chewing piece of meat on the coals, and I have some, say, a piece of pectoralis minor muscle, then I can use kiwi. But I’ll take it quite a bit: ¼ kiwi, grind it into a puree, dilute it with a liter of water, filter it to remove the kiwi pulp, add 50 grams of salt, 5 grams of sodium phosphate, or if I don’t find phosphate, a mineral water containing it (actually with phosphates it’s not worth playing, it’s necessary to strictly adhere to the recipe no more than 0.1% of the weight of the meat, in short, spit on phosphate and don’t listen to me), and in this bodyaga you can marinate the pectoral muscle, but not longer than 2 hours, or even with a small amount enzyme, it will still spread. But after all, I need the marinade to get inside, for this I will take the meat out of the refrigerator every few minutes and flounder in the marinade, so it will soak faster. Of course, you can sprinkle or even use a vacuum marinator, but not everyone has these bells and whistles. In short, my opinion is that you should not limit yourself to the opinions of authorities and restrain your creative impulses, if you want to marinate meat - marinate boldly, and send purists like me to the forest.

But for illustration, I brought home a skirt steak. It's also not an easy piece. This is the thin part of the diaphragm, I already wrote about the thick part once. Again, the meat is very tasty, but harsh. Either fry it - almost do not fry it, but eat it raw, or marinate. It is said that this piece gave the name fajitas. There are also inside skirt and outside skirt. The one that is inside it will be more gentle. She holds the diaphragm from the side of the ribs.

I remember they introduced me to a Cordon Blue graduate at a party. Well, I’m such a show-off like a cool butcher and a connoisseur of meat, I rub him about the t-bone, which has only fillet on 2 sides, and there is no thin edge at all, such as an advanced achievement in the butcher business (but in fact I then worked with some beef). He groans, groans, delighted, and then I ask him what his favorite steak is, so he calls skirt steak. I nodded my head with a smart look, like I approve of the choice, and the next day at work I tortured people with questions, but I found out everything about this piece. Since then, I have cut this steak more than once at work, a ton or two a day, and bought a few kilos for myself at home.

So when I brought it home (this piece) this morning, I cleaned it of excess films, cut it into pieces the size of a palm, sprinkled it with salt and pepper and poured it with olive oil.

One piece left a gram for 70, cut it thinly across the fibers, sprinkled with salt and pepper and ate it with a glass of vodka, but the purists are right, you don’t need to marinate the meat, however, and fry it - also only spoil (do not try to repeat it - this is unsafe).

In short, the rest of the meat left for 3 hours in oil to stand outside the refrigerator. Then I fried it on a grill heated to the maximum for literally 1.5-2 minutes on each side. I have already written about my grill, so I will not repeat myself.

By the way, while the meat was standing and marinating, I decided to make chimichuri sauce for my steak, but I’ll tell you about the sauce.

How much does a pork diaphragm cost (average price per 1 kg.)?

Moscow and Moscow region

As you know, pork has been eaten by humans since the Stone Age. For centuries, this type of meat was in fact the only meat dish for European peasants. This is an animal that is distinguished by unpretentiousness in nutrition and care, and to this day has a very important role for humans. So, according to the latest estimates, the number of pigs worldwide reaches 400-500 million, that is, approximately 1 individual for every 10 people on the globe.

In general, pork is divided into five categories, which depend on the mass of the carcass in the steam state, as well as on the thickness of the subcutaneous fat. In addition, pork by-products are of particular importance, in particular the first category - tongue, liver, heart, brain, kidneys, udder, diaphragm, and tails. Offal of the second type is less valuable - heads, stomach, ears, legs, lungs, meat and bone tail of a pig and trachea.

Regarding the porcine diaphragm, we can say that from an anatomical point of view, this internal organ is an unpaired wide muscle that separates the abdominal and chest cavities - it serves to expand the lungs. In meat processing, a pork diaphragm is usually understood as a piece of meat, which is distinguished by the presence of a variety of small internal muscles.

Pork diaphragm is excellent for stewing, this offal is no less good in fried or boiled form. True, in order for such meat to turn out juicy and soft, it needs a long heat treatment, that is, it takes a long time to cook it. Pork diaphragm is an ideal raw material in the production of canned food, as well as in the manufacture of jellied meat and jellied meat.

When purchasing a pork diaphragm, you should always pay attention to the freshness of the product, which can be determined by many indicators. For example, one of good signs The quality of the pork diaphragm is the color of the meat, which can vary from juicy red to darker, but the fat should be whitish-cream in color and soft.

In addition, high-quality chilled pork diaphragm has a delicate and marbled texture, as well as a fresh and pleasant smell. When pressed with a finger, the dent straightens quickly if the meat is really fresh and elastic. And you can also learn about the freshness of the pork diaphragm by the cut off piece - its edges are slightly damp, not dried, that is, the pork diaphragm should be shiny in appearance. The calorie content of pork diaphragm is approximately 199 kcal per 100 grams.

Pork diaphragm calories 199 kcal

The energy value of the pork diaphragm (Proportion of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - bzhu).

Beef- meat of bulls, cows and oxen. The quality of meat may depend on the breed of the animal, on its fatness, on age (not older than 2 years), on feed and much more. Good quality beef is not inferior in tenderness to veal meat.
The freshness of meat can be determined in many ways. One of the good indicators of meat quality is the color of the meat. It can range from rich red to dark red, but the fat should be soft and whitish-cream in color. The meat should have a fresh and pleasant smell, tender and marbled texture. It should be elastic and when you press your finger on the meat, the dent should quickly straighten out. You can also determine by the cut piece, the edges at the cut should be slightly damp, and not dried out. The meat should be shiny in appearance and should show that it is freshly cut.
For quick frying, meat with marble veins and layers of fat is best suited.

Neck or cut
The neck or cut is a piece of meat of which tendons are a significant part. It is considered inexpensive, but it has a good taste. Basically, the cooking methods are boiling and stewing, so it makes a good stew and a strong broth. Neck meat is sold in minced form.

Neck part
This part is also known as the back of the head. It has layers of fat and tendons. This piece of meat can be baked and makes a juicy roast. It is also used for marinating meat and for minced meat. It goes on sale cut into cubes or chopped.

Spinal edge of the neck
This piece of meat can be called lean. It is of high quality and is well suited for stewing, marinating meat, for roasts and minced meat. After removing the bones, it makes excellent steaks.

Shoulder (shoulder pulp)
The meat is tasty, has a small amount of fat and is of high quality. It is considered tender, so it is used for making beef stroganoff, fried and stewed rolls, as well as for stewing and for steaks. A piece of meat goes on sale with the shoulder bone removed.

Thick edge or shoulder blade
This part of the back, which borders on the lower back, is fine-fibred, marbled with layers of fat. A piece of meat also has 4-5 ribs. Particularly tender boiled meat is obtained from this piece, and it is also used for stewing and baking in a large piece, for roast beef on ribs and without ribs for a roll (a piece of meat is folded and secured with a thread) with fillings. It is sold with or without ribs.

Thin edge
This piece of meat also contains 4-5 ribs. The meat is very tender and is perfect for roast beef, which is cut into 2-3 ribs thick. When baking in the oven as a whole piece, the meat must be left on the bones and baked at a high temperature, then it will turn out juicy and fragrant. Meat cooked on a grill has an excellent taste.

This piece on the last three ribs has very tender meat. It can be fried whole without bones or with ribs. Very tender steaks are obtained with and without ribs, which can be fried both on coals and in a pan. In the back of the lumbar part, under the spine, there is a piece of tender tenderloin. It can be fried whole or cut into portions. This meat is well suited for fondue and small rolls with gourmet fillings.

The rump has layers of fat. Cut into portions, it is well suited for frying and stewing, and a large piece (1 kg or more) can make an excellent roast beef. Boneless meat is cut across the fibers, resulting in steaks with excellent taste, which can be fried on coals and in a pan.

The thigh is a piece of lean meat with an excellent taste. It can be boiled, fried, stewed. It is used for slow cooking and for salting. Excellent roast beef, various (larded, stewed, etc.) roasts, fondue, beef steak, minced meat dishes, tender beef rolls, broths and various soups are prepared from it, or deliciously fried on skewers. The thigh is divided into four cuts: probe, thigh, rump, cut.

The meat is lean, very tasty, tender and fragrant. It is cut into pieces 4-5 cm thick along with the marrow bone and tendons. This piece of meat contains a lot of gelatin and therefore it is well suited for jelly, as well as for broths and thick soups with a variety of dressings. The meat, removed from the bones, tastes excellent when stewed, and therefore it makes a tasty and tender stew.

The diaphragm is a piece of meat with a variety of small internal muscles. The meat is great for stewing, frying and boiling, but it takes a long time to cook. Beefsteaks cooked on an open fire or a pan have a great taste.

This is a thin layer of muscle tissue that is the membrane of the abdominal cavity, has a pleasant taste and consists of 1/3 of cartilage and bones. This is a piece for cooking, it makes a good broth. It can also be stewed, but for this you need to remove the rough films and cut it into pieces.

This piece of meat on the ribs with layers of fat. The finished meat remains juicy and has a good taste. It is equally good for cooking and for stewing and for minced meat. The meat is stewed, cut into pieces on the ribs, and without them.

The brisket has a layered structure with fatty layers and consists of 4 parts: brisket, front brisket, brisket core, middle brisket.
The brisket is a piece that comes from the chest and has a good mix of meat, fat and bones. This is a good cut for various soups and strong broths, but after cooking, the fat should be removed.
The front part of the brisket is almost boneless and rich in fat. It makes a good broth or various soups, but it is better to remove the fat.
The brisket kernel is a valuable part of a beef carcass, it has a sternum bone and a fatty layer. Brisket can be stewed, but it is best to boil it. It produces tasty and juicy boiled meat. This piece is sold with or without the bones, or as a roll or pickled.
The middle part of the brisket is one of the best cuts of the brisket. He is lean and has few bones. It makes excellent roasts and delicious soups.

This piece of meat is from the front leg. The piece has marrow and tendons, as well as muscles with a thick layer of connective tissue. It can be boiled together with the bone or stewed by separating it from the bone. The piece contains gelatin, it makes good broths when boiled, and delicious juice when stewed.

Shoulder blade
This piece of meat is not as tender as a shoulder blade. It is more suitable for stewing and cooking. It makes very tasty and tender boiled meat. If you want to fry, then the meat must be separated from the bones in a large piece. Fried meat has an excellent taste, but the piece must be fried slowly over low heat.

The tenderloin is the outer part of the cow's back. It is highly valued as its meat is tasty and tender. From the tenderloin, you can cook a whole piece of roast, roast beef, steaks, etc.

Fillet - meat for frying, the most expensive and best piece of beef carcass. It is located in the dorsal part under the ribs. Chateaubriand is cut from the middle, tournedo from the thinnest part, and filet mignon from the sharp end of the filet.

"Meat for the burgomaster"
"Meat for the burgomaster" or lady's slipper - meat of good quality. It is fragrant, juicy and makes exceptionally good stews, marinated roasts and tender goulash.

The flesh of the back
The flesh of the back is a lean piece, while it is drier and harder than the meat of the rump, so it should be stuffed and larded before frying. In addition, this type of meat can be used to prepare instant dishes, such as beef stroganoff.

Useful advice:

Enjoy your meal!!!

Diaphragm steak is an alternative cut valued for its intense beef flavor and unique aroma. But not many people decide to cook it, because this meat is quite tough and it is easy to spoil it. How to cook a diaphragm steak right? T-Bone Academy will tell you!

Diaphragm Steak: Cooking Machete Steak

Machete steak (or scart steak) is called the pride of Mexico. As bright and recognizable as the blade it is named after. This is a steak from the diaphragm of a young bull. If you cook it correctly, you will get juicy and very fragrant, which can compete with popular classic cuts.
The peculiarity of this steak is in the large number of connective tissues that cover it. And, if the Skert steak came to you unpeeled, you have to sweat a little. Diaphragm steak has an elongated shape, so before frying in a pan, it is often cut into two parts for convenience. To diaphragm steak turned out to be tender, not only the correct temperature regime is necessary, but also proper preparation meat. After it is cleaned and, if necessary, cut into two parts, the meat for the steak should be marinated. We suggest you use the popular Mexican meat marinade, which will not only help soften the fibers, but also give the beef a special taste.
The marinade recipe is as follows: mix lime juice, corn oil, some tequila, Brown sugar, chili pepper rings, crushed garlic cloves, hand-torn cilantro, salt and ground pepper. You can add a little mineral water with gases. Dip the beef in the Mexican mixture and refrigerate for 8 hours.
Marinated meat should be removed from the marinade 1-1.5 hours before frying so that it has time to reach room temperature. Pat it dry with paper towels, drizzle with refined oil and cook on the grill or grill pan. It will take about 3-4 minutes on each side on a well-heated surface for the temperature inside the cut to reach 53-54°C. This is a Medium Rare that works well with a diaphragm steak. Serve with spicy salsa or grilled vegetables.

Diaphragm Steak: Cooking Hanger Steak

Hanger steak (muscle from the so-called "thick diaphragm") is called the butcher's steak. This is explained by the fact that earlier this piece of meat was taken away by butchers, because only they could cook it correctly. But new times have come and now, including, you can by placing an order on the T-Bone website. This is an inexpensive cut that, when cooked properly, becomes incredibly rich and "meaty".
To cook a diaphragm steak, you should first clean the meat from many films, tendons and fatty tissues. Then leave overnight in the marinade. Hanger goes well with spicy marinades and sauces, especially if they are based on citrus fruits. We suggest you mix orange juice, Tabasco sauce, crushed garlic cloves, some olive oil, salt, brown sugar and pepper.
After the pickled cut has warmed up to room temperature, it should be dried and oiled again. Cook the steak meat on a hot surface to a temperature of 53-54 ° C, and then leave it to "reach" under the foil. Be sure to cut the diaphragm steak across the grain, preferably at a 45° angle - this will make it tender. Serve Hanger with grilled vegetables and spicy sauces, bon appetit!

Pork Diaphragm - Recipes

Braised Pork Diaphragm

Friends, I recently stood in line at a butcher shop and saw something interesting in a showcase with pork offal, from a distance similar in color to beef goulash. Upon closer examination, it turned out that these meat ribbons most of all resemble meat from beef ribs (only without bones). I read the price tag, it turned out that it was a pork diaphragm.

These strips of meat are the pork diaphragm.

I didn’t know what it was, logic suggested that since it was close to the ribs in appearance and location, then the taste might be similar. I understood that the diaphragm is a muscle, and small islands of fat and a film that happens on the ribs, and when stewed, turns into something unimaginably tender, enveloping the meat with a delicious sticky sauce, only confirmed my guess. The price was also attractive - less than 180 rubles per 1 kg of boneless meat (pork fillet in a neighboring display case was much more expensive).

This is what meat called pork diaphragm looks like

In general, I bought and cooked the diaphragm like ribs - stewed with a little oil and water in spices. What can I say ... delight! It was SO delicious that I couldn't put it down. Indeed, despite the lack of bones, as in the ribs, it turned out very tender meat in a sticky sauce, reminiscent of beef. The second time the stewed diaphragm was tried by the men's team in the bathhouse. When I handed over the container of meat, I did not warn what it was. Well, it's just stew. And then they told me that everyone really liked the dish (the men ate it with boiled potatoes, bread and mashed red lentils with freshly ground pepper, thanked a lot. And they were very surprised that it was pork. Because it doesn’t look like it.

I have cooked pork diaphragm several times already and now I can say with confidence that, in fact, it tastes more like beef, and in terms of cooking properties, it resembles beef ribs. And it can be used in all recipes that prepare beef and combine the diaphragm with spices and vegetables, cereals, fruits, which are usually used in these dishes.

What to cook from the diaphragm

1. Stew

  • The diaphragm (it is like a long meat ribbon) cut across into pieces medium size(it can be like goulash, it can be larger).
  • Pour a small amount of oil (vegetable) into a saucepan or deep frying pan. Put the meat into it, cut into pieces. Pour in water (approximately 2/3 of the meat level). If you like onions and garlic, you can add immediately (onions - rings or half rings, garlic or whole cloves, or cut into pieces). Simmer for 1.5-2 hours under the lid (you can slightly open it so that the water slowly boils away).
  • At the end of cooking, you can add pepper (freshly ground is tastier), basil or mint (a pinch) or tarragon. Salt. Let it extinguish for another 5 minutes. Then turn it off. And serve to the table.

Slice of Stew Diaphragm

Stewed Diaphragm with Tomatoes, Onions and Sweet Peppers

How to apply

Stewed diaphragm must be served hot or reheated. So it will be tastier. If there are greens (parsley, dill, basil, cilantro) - finely chop and sprinkle the finished dish on top.

If you serve this meat cold, it will not be very tasty, you will not be able to feel the sticky jelly of the sauce. And the meat will seem tougher and rougher.

Stewed pork diaphragm with tender films, like on ribs

What is delicious to eat

A good side dish for stewed pork diaphragm is mashed potatoes or lentils, boiled potatoes, rice, pasta, buckwheat porridge.

What to add to the diaphragm when extinguishing

In addition to onions and garlic (which you can do without if you don’t have them or you don’t eat them), you can lightly pour lemon juice over the chopped diaphragm or add a spoonful of tomato puree when stewing (or a couple of whole tomatoes, sweet peppers, eggplant, mushrooms (champignons, oyster mushrooms, chanterelles, white).

If you do not have enough diaphragm, then you can cook stewed potatoes with it (with onions and carrots) or stew with vegetables (potatoes, sweet peppers, tomatoes, eggplant or zucchini, onions, garlic).

Please note that all vegetables and fruits should be added to the diaphragm only at the end of cooking (well, except for onions or onions and garlic, which, when stewed for a long time, will dissolve in the sauce and soak the meat with their spice).

Diaphragm can be stewed with sour apples: peeled from the skin and seeds and put in the middle of cooking. Then the apple will dissolve in the puree, which, combined with the sauce, will pleasantly acidify the meat. Tarragon (tarragon) or mint with black pepper goes well with the diaphragm with apples. If you put an apple closer to the end, so that the pieces soaked in meat juices are served as a side dish for meat, then the apple must be cut into large slices (do not remove the skin).

Apples in a stewed diaphragm dish can be combined with sweet peppers. And even with mushrooms.

Another option is a diaphragm with beans. You can put a jar of green peas (beans) into the finished meat and stew them together for about 10 minutes. And if you have quick-cooking ones - dried green split peas (as Mistral sells) or their own red lentils, then they need to be added 40-50 minutes before (peas ) or 20-25 minutes (red lentils). If you have ordinary yellow peas or dried beans, they can be cooked in advance and combined with meat for 20 minutes before the end of its preparation. Just remember that if you add not canned, but dried legumes to the meat, then nothing can be salted until the peas or lentils are cooked, otherwise it will drag on for a long time. Salt only at the end!

Potatoes with stewed pork diaphragm. Delicious and inexpensive!

On the stovetop or in the oven

It will be faster to put out the diaphragm in a saucepan on the stove. But you can cook this meat in the oven, but it takes longer (2-2.5 hours), the temperature is 190-200 degrees C. Be sure to cover the mold with meat with a lid or tighten it with foil.

Why does it take so long to cook the diaphragm? If you stew this meat on the stove for 40 minutes. or an hour - you can eat, but the meat will be tough. But if it is longer, it will become tender and soft.

2. Cutlets

If you have a meat grinder, then very tasty meatballs will turn out from the pork diaphragm. The stuffing will be quite juicy. The recipe for diaphragm cutlets is the same as for any other cutlets. You can fry them with some water in a saucepan, put them in a mold, cover with foil and cook steam cutlets.

In minced meat, you can add grated onion, chopped garlic, pepper, salt. You can put an egg if the minced meat is dry and crumbles, crumble the pulp of the roll into minced meat (if it is liquid) or moisten the bread crumb in water or milk and squeeze it out (if the minced meat is dry). Instead of bread, you can put rice or cereals, semolina.

Still very tasty are quickly fried minced meat patties, in which fresh herbs are added - basil, parsley or a combination of basil with a little mint.

Some housewives put a little mayonnaise in the minced meat for extra juiciness. Given that mayonnaise is made from eggs, oil and vinegar, there is nothing to be surprised at, it can really affect the taste of cutlets.

3. Diaphragm soup

For soup, meatballs from minced pork diaphragm will go, or it can be boiled until soft (a whole piece, which is then removed and cut into pieces, and at the end returned to the soup). With such meat, delicious cabbage soup, borscht, ordinary homemade soups with potatoes and other vegetables and cereals, noodle soup will come out.

4. Meat Casseroles with Aperture

If you decide to use pork diaphragm in casseroles with vegetables and cereals, then only ready-made (stewed in advance or in the form of minced meat), otherwise either the meat will not have time to cook, or the vegetables will turn into mashed potatoes from long baking.

If you have your favorite dishes with pork diaphragm - recipes, photos, write, we will add your useful information here.

Enjoy your meal!