Toxicosis at 13 weeks of pregnancy causes. A detailed explanation of the problem of nausea, vomiting and toxicosis (early gestosis) during pregnancy: causes and effective treatment

2016-08-19 15:16:21

Gunay asks:

Hello, it’s hard for me to talk about this now, but a week ago, at 17 weeks of pregnancy, I had a miscarriage. 2 days before that, I had an ultrasound and did a blood test to check for the Rh factor (my blood type is negative and my husband is positive, I have a daughter, she’s 3 year, she also has a positive blood type. But after the first birth, I was injected against Rhesus conflict) and a urine test. Everything was super. The ultrasound said that the child (boy) was very healthy and that he was the best ultrasound specialist in our country. 4 days before the miscarriage I had cramping pain and then there was a brown spot. The day of the miscarriage I went to the toilet, I was in pain and suddenly my water started gushing. We called an ambulance and they beat me to the maternity hospital and there was no blood yet. They didn’t install a system with antibiotics and then the blood began to flow, the gynecologist checked with her hand and said that the baby was already coming out, she told me to get up and when I got up the baby came out, he was alive and his heart was beating. The gynecologist cut off the umbilical cord((. We analyzed the abortion material for infection and the infection was mycoplasma hominis. The histological analysis is not ready yet. During pregnancy, I took Duphaston 2 tablets, Magne B6 three tablets, Vominor for toxicosis and folic acid. How can I find out what caused the miscarriage? When should I plan my next pregnancy? Could mycoplasma hominis have caused the miscarriage? What should I do next?

Answers Palyga Igor Evgenievich:

Hello, Gunay! Why didn’t you go to the hospital during these four days of cramping pain? I don’t think that the presence of mycoplasma hominis could provoke premature birth at this time. It is rational for you to wait for the histology conclusion and it will allow you to finally determine the cause of such an unpleasant situation. When registering, did you take a blood test for the presence of anti-Rhesus antibodies? The reason may be a Rh conflict. It is recommended to plan your next pregnancy no earlier than 6 months later.

2016-02-17 22:42:14

Irina asks:

Hello! My pregnancy is 9 weeks according to ultrasound, and 12 weeks according to my period. First pregnancy after infertility. Last menstruation November 11-16, 2015. There were lingering pains in the lower abdomen, they were admitted to the hospital for preservation, they took magnesium for 4 days. Then they did an ultrasound (an inexperienced specialist, as I found out later) and said that I was frozen, I immediately went to a paid clinic, they did an ultrasound and everything was fine, the fetus was alive. I went to bed at home to preserve, suppositories with papaverine for 20 nights, and took duphaston until 22 weeks. After 2 weeks, my pain went away. What worries me is that my toxicosis has gone away, my chest has become painful just a little, there are no symptoms. This is fine? Is my child alive? And I’m also very nervous, sometimes to the point of shaking and bursting into tears, I can’t always control myself. What can my nerves lead to? And how to avoid the consequences, what kind of sedative you can use. And I also have a concomitant illness: thyrotoxicosis and diarrhea, I’ve been taking propicil for about a week. What consequences can there be for a child with such a disease? I have been waiting for this child for 20 years and I really want to become the mother of a healthy baby. Thanks in advance for your answers.

Answers Gerevich Yuri Iosifovich:

Hello. You should be monitored jointly by a gynecologist and an endocrinologist. I won’t tell you anything new except what they told you (I have to tell you), you have a high-risk pregnancy - age, thyretoxicosis, possibly pregnancy as a result of ART. Thyrotoxicosis during pregnancy is dangerous, so treatment is necessary; it is also associated with certain risks, but they are much less than in the absence of it (treatment). Your psychological state is related to thyrotoxicosis, treatment should help, the condition of the embryo can only be clarified by ultrasound at this time.

2015-11-28 12:40:57

Aigul asks:

Hello! From the 8th to the 11th week of pregnancy I take Somnol, because I can’t sleep at night due to severe hunger. I can’t eat because of toxicosis. I want to know if there will be any harm to the fetus if I drink a quarter of it?

Answers Wild Nadezhda Ivanovna:

In animal studies of Somnol (zopiclone), no direct or indirect adverse effects on the fetus were recorded (it must be borne in mind that the results obtained in animal studies do not always correlate with those in humans). There is insufficient clinical experience to prescribe zopiclone in the first trimester of pregnancy. In the second and third third of pregnancy, zopiclone can lead to changes in fetal heart rate and decreased activity of movements. When using excessive doses of the drug Somnol in the second half of pregnancy, newborns may experience reversible respiratory depression, hypothermia, apnea, as well as the development of withdrawal syndrome (with characteristic anxiety, tremor and increased excitability). Prescribing Somnol tablets during pregnancy is prohibited. Patients of reproductive age should be warned about the negative effects of zopiclone. If you are planning or suspecting pregnancy, you should contact a specialist to adjust your therapy. If you have toxicosis in pregnancy, seek medical help from an obstetrician-gynecologist at the antenatal clinic, do not self-medicate, because this can lead to disastrous results.... Somnol is strictly prohibited during pregnancy.

2015-10-20 08:05:44

Natalia asks:

Good afternoon... My name is Natalia, I have the following situation... On July 4, 2015, I was bitten by a tick on my leg, just above the bone, I found it 12 hours after the bite, I got it completely out, there was no inflammation at the site of the bite... The whole situation is complicated by the fact that I was 8 weeks pregnant... Naturally, the general practitioner and the infectious disease doctor said that there was no need to do anything yet, but to donate blood after 20 days... I donated blood after 16 days, the test was negative . I didn’t have any symptoms - no headache, no fever, no withdrawal symptoms, just toxicosis itself. In September I began to notice that redness and itching appeared and disappeared on my leg where the bite was, I donated blood again and my Ig G was tested = 0.38 units - positive, and Ig M - 0.02 units - negative. The doctors again told me not to do anything for now, but to re-donate blood in a month. The whole situation is complicated by the fact that I am pregnant.... Please tell me, because no one really tells me, can these bodies penetrate the placenta or not? What is this anyway? thanks

Answers Yanchenko Vitaly Igorevich:

Unfortunately, this issue has been little studied during pregnancy. I can say that ELISA is not enough, you need to do an immunoblot. Next, go with him to an infectious disease specialist. It is he who should make a decision on your case and observe you together with the gynecologist.

2015-05-11 20:56:43

Larisa asks:

Hello. At 7-8 weeks of pregnancy, scanty brownish mucus began to come out, an ultrasound scan said everything was fine with the fetus, but there was a threat of miscarriage, they prescribed Duphaston and Magne B6 twice a day, in addition to Elevit, which I take after a week’s delay in my period. I keep quiet, I lie down almost all the time, also because of severe toxicosis... fifth pregnancy: abortion, childbirth, medicated abortion, frozen in the tube - an operation to remove the tube and now, now the uterine is normal and now there is a threat ((I persist for two days, There is no result yet, maybe the doctor’s mistake? Or am I in a hurry with the results? I’m afraid of the disease! Thank you!

Answers Bosyak Yulia Vasilievna:

Hello, Larisa! Discharge Brown are not a cause for concern. The treatment you have been prescribed is adequate and you need to take it. Next, you need to monitor the dynamics, and after 2-3 weeks undergo a control ultrasound scan. From 7-8 weeks, the fetal heartbeat should be clearly visualized.

2015-02-10 23:14:51

Elina asks:

Good afternoon, dear specialists. Since I live in a small urban village. remote from the regional center. all hope is only for you! At 12 weeks of pregnancy, I was informed that the pregnancy was regressing at 8-9 weeks. Then they sent it for curettage, after which they took the material for examination and a month later the answer came:
"NON-DEVELOPING UTERINE PREGNANCY WITH SCLEROTIC CHANGES IN PART OF THE VILLUS. DISRUPTION OF ANGIOGENESIS. FOCAL PURULENT-NECROTIC DECIDUITISM. ACCORDING TO THE MORPHOLOGICAL PICTURE CAN BE SUGGESTED ABOUT CHROMOSOMAL PATHOLOGY OF TROPHOBAST ON F ONE OF ASCENDING BACTERIAL INFECTION OF THE AFTERMISSION." Of course, I didn’t understand anything about it. But I don’t have the opportunity to go for a consultation with geneticists. By the way, the first pregnancy was accompanied by toxicosis in the 1st trimester, and then everything was just fine. Help me understand the results of the study and what can be done in this situation. Yes, please notice. that a month before my last pregnancy, I took a course of antibiotics, amoxiclav. due to complicated angina. And during pregnancy she suffered from acute tracheitis.

Answers Bosyak Yulia Vasilievna:

Hello, Elina! You have one healthy child, do I understand correctly? If yes, then there is no point in taking karyotypes. Most likely, we can conclude that there is a genetic pathology of the fetus due to the negative influence environment. In this case, the mechanism of natural selection worked. I advise you to wait a while and then plan your next pregnancy. If the fading recurs, then it is rational to be examined for APS.

2015-01-04 05:19:43

Olga asks:

Hello, I have been living abroad for 10 years (hot climate), but I urgently need to fly to Russia in January for 2 weeks, the pregnancy period is 10 weeks, and back 12 weeks. The pregnancy is proceeding normally, there is no toxicosis, to be on the safe side, it is prescribed to take 1 tablet of Duphaston in the morning and evening until 13 weeks. In my case, whether there might be a threat or whether I can fly, my doctor did not answer anything specific to this question. I’m very worried about the sudden change in temperature and the long flight, about 10 hours. thank you

Answers Bosyak Yulia Vasilievna:

Hello Olga! The flight itself does not have a negative impact on the course of pregnancy. You just need to get up and stretch your legs after a certain period of time. A sharp change in climate is fraught with a cold, but not with the threat of termination of pregnancy.

2014-11-28 11:55:14

Victoria asks:

Good afternoon I am 30 weeks pregnant, I took a urine test again and a lot of salts were found there, they said that this means that there is sand in the kidneys, the analysis says sugar-sugar, protein-sugar. leukocytes-805, salts-phosphate (if I read the handwriting correctly). Previously, there were no problems in analyzes or with this at all. I felt good in the first week of pregnancy, there was no toxicosis, but in the second half, if I ate something wrong, I might feel sick and vomit a couple of times. I lived and worked in China for five and a half months, where there are no dairy products. After moving to Ukraine, I started eating dairy, but I can’t say that it was very much. A month before the test, I generally drank about a liter of milk a week, and occasionally cottage cheese, if I don’t eat on time, sometimes I feel sick, if I eat something that’s not very fresh (they never admit it in the store), I end up with vomiting or upset. The doctor told me to eat less dairy products. What do I need to change in my diet, what to eat, and what’s wrong, how to treat it, tell me, I’m very worried.

Answers Kostynenko Tatyana Vladimirovna:

Victoria, good afternoon! The doctor gave you correct recommendations. There is a diet and drinking regime for phosphaturia (available on the internet). Nausea can also be a sign of late toxicosis. You need to lead a healthy lifestyle, visit more fresh air and, if there are no problems with high blood pressure and no swelling, then drink enough water. And, most importantly, don’t worry. Judging by the urine test, you do not have any serious disorders.

2014-11-13 06:25:15

Alice asks:

Please tell me, I'm just at a loss! the last month was 09/28, the test showed two stripes, the hCG was 11/06 = 1480 mOhm 0.74, today the ultrasound showed 4 weeks of pregnancy, the doctor says the pregnancy is frozen early, but according to my calculations the period is 4 weeks 3 days, what should I do? The chest also continues to hurt, toxicosis

Answers Bosyak Yulia Vasilievna:

Hello Alice! I advise you to donate blood for hCG over time, every 2 days. During a normally developing pregnancy, the rate should double. If the indicator does not increase or decreases, then the pregnancy has stopped.

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News on the topic: toxicosis at 13 weeks of pregnancy

In many countries, expectant mothers often turn to marijuana when they begin to suffer from toxicosis. The question of the effectiveness of such self-medication does not make sense, since marijuana increases the risk of developing serious pregnancy complications.

The moment has come when the first trimester of your pregnancy ends. Toxicosis, nausea and bad mood, strong feelings are behind us. You are enjoying your pregnancy with pleasure.

Fetal development during this period

Now your baby is approximately 7 cm long and weighs about 28 grams (this is standard size fetus). This week he is at the stage of actively completing the development of all organs, after which he will begin to gain fat.

The skeleton was fully formed and the ribs began to appear. The bones begin to harden, including the skull. Future imprints continue to form on the fingers.

The head becomes more proportional to the body. The facial muscles are developing, the child is already smiling. Vocal cords appeared. The tuft of future hair is clearly visible on the eyebrows and head.

The brain is enlarged. The intestines are growing and have already completely taken their place in the abdominal cavity. It is covered with villi, which help in digestion. The pancreas produces insulin. The child’s body continues to improve and creates blood itself.

The genital organs continue to actively develop. The girl's ovaries have already formed. Eggs are being laid in them; there are already more than 2 million of them. During the thirteenth week, the boy’s genitals are also actively developing, and now his prostate is developing.

The most interesting event during this week in the baby’s development was that he began to smell. Now when he swallows the water he is in, he smells it. The smell of amniotic fluid depends on what you are currently eating. The baby gets used to this smell, it becomes familiar to him. So that in the future, when he is born, he does not refuse milk. Now you need to eat the foods that you will eat during breastfeeding. So pay attention now to what you eat most. And if during breastfeeding your baby refuses to eat, you will simply introduce into the diet the foods that you currently eat.

What happens during this period?

During the 13th week of pregnancy there are no unpleasant sensations. You feel great. Every day is joyful, you anxiously observe your tummy and sensations.

During this period, you may experience increased sexual attraction. Enjoy while your tummy is small and does not interfere with making love.

The uterus continues to grow and, naturally, your belly continues to grow. Your favorite jeans have long since become too small, now you are gradually changing your wardrobe. During this period, it’s time to change your shoes so that your legs don’t get tired when walking, because they are now gradually being stressed more and more every day.

The breasts no longer hurt much and have already increased in size. Try to wear a bra all the time. To prevent stretch marks on the chest. Colostrum begins to be released; this is a normal process of development of the mammary glands.

The most pleasant feeling this week is yours emotional condition, everything around you makes you happy. You look at the world differently. Your body is psychologically preparing for a new status - mother.

One of the events this week is the beginning of rapid growth of the abdomen, you gain weight, and gradually the pelvis expands. In this regard, stretch marks (striae) can form, the body rapidly gains weight and grows, but the skin does not have time to stretch. “Tears” appear in the skin, which are closed by skin tissue and as a result scars appear.

During pregnancy, the skin in the abdomen, chest and hips does not have time to grow, since the body grows faster than the skin.

Stretch marks are very difficult to remove after childbirth. You can avoid the problem of stretch marks during pregnancy! Pay attention to your skin. The first sign of stretch marks is itchy skin. This means that skin cells are trying to divide faster, but are unable to do so, causing the skin to become tight and make you feel itchy.

  • Starting this week, you need to carry out prevention against stretch marks. First of all, it's nutrition. You need to remove foods that contain large amounts of carbohydrates from your diet. Also introduce foods containing protein into your diet. Recommended, there is more dietary meat, fish, green vegetables.
  • You also need to monitor your weight. Do light exercises, this will help your skin be elastic.
  • Use folk remedies. For example, olive oil improves the skin and increases its elasticity. Also now in any pharmacy you can find creams that are used to prevent stretch marks.
  • From the 13th week of pregnancy, doctors recommend wearing a bandage and a bra with a supportive effect. Your skin does not have time to grow along with your tummy and scars appear on it. Therefore, more skin care is required in the chest and abdomen area.


In order to help your body in the process of growth and development, you now need protein. So enrich your diet with foods that contain protein during this period. Protein is found in foods: fish, dietary meat, eggs, dairy products.

Your body also needs iron so that iron deficiency anemia does not develop. The human body absorbs iron faster from animal products than from plant foods. Animal meat is well enriched with iron. But if for some reason you don’t eat meat, it will come to your aid herbal products that are rich in iron (for example, legumes). Iron is well absorbed in the body when it also receives vitamin C, so don’t forget about citrus fruits.

For the full development of the baby, it is necessary calcium. After all, now his baby teeth are forming, his skeleton and bones are getting stronger. If it does not have enough calcium during this period, it will take calcium from your body, which can lead to deterioration of your hair, nails and teeth. So, dairy products should be an integral part of your diet.

Remove coffee from your diet. Coffee for a pregnant woman does not give any positive results. It can only worsen your physical condition. If you really love coffee and can’t stop yourself from drinking it, drink less of it, no more than one cup a day. The exact amount of coffee that is harmful to you and your baby during pregnancy has not been proven by science.

Discussion of current topics

I'm 13 weeks pregnant. I don’t feel very well (weakness and body aches, headache, slight runny nose). What is this? The first signs of a cold or the usual state of a pregnant woman?

A slight runny nose, as you put it, could be due to overheating. Perhaps you are dressed too warmly and are in a hurry to get home from the store, then you start sweating and have watery nasal discharge, similar to a runny nose. A headache can also begin in a healthy person, for example, due to overexertion at work. The remaining symptoms occur in most pregnant women in the first trimester.

But the possibility of a cold cannot be ruled out. Therefore, if possible, stay in bed, drink more warm liquids (milk with honey, tea with lemon or warm cranberry juice). Soaking your feet, lying in a hot bath and putting mustard plasters on is not advisable!

For more serious cold symptoms (chills, body temperature above 37.9 ºC, or cough), contact your doctor immediately for treatment. You can bring down a high temperature yourself, even before visiting a doctor, with one paracetamol tablet.

Remember that the normal body temperature for a pregnant woman is between 37.2 ºС and 37.4 ºС!

13th week of pregnancy, how many months of pregnancy is this?

To make it easier for you to determine how much it is in normal weeks, subtract two weeks from the obstetric period. This will be the actual (usual) period of pregnancy or, as they also say, the period from conception.

For example, 13 obstetric weeks– 2 = 11 weeks from conception. That is, 13 obstetric weeks is 11 weeks from conception or 2 months and 3 weeks (11/4 = 2.75).

I'm 13 weeks pregnant. A week ago, brown discharge started, I didn’t pay attention to it, I thought it was normal. It’s just that my period usually started around this time, so I thought that my body was reacting this way out of habit. Then the daubing stopped. Now the bleeding has started. Do I need to go to the hospital or can I stop the bleeding at home? Will anti-bleeding medications harm the baby?

You need to go to the hospital urgently, otherwise you can’t. Without medical help, you risk not only losing your child, but also worsening your health conditions. Brown discharge and bleeding usually indicate a threat of miscarriage.

If pregnancy is important to you, then you need to react immediately after the first abnormal discharge from the genital tract. Don't expect everything to work out on its own! Do not self-medicate and do not look for reasons to put off going to the hospital! Doctors will definitely help you and will make every effort to ensure that you carry the child to term.

If the embryo cannot be saved, then you need to undergo an examination and complete cleaning of the uterus so that inflammation does not begin.

I can’t understand, they prescribed screening at 13 weeks of pregnancy. What weeks are these: obstetric or actual (i.e., from conception)?

In medicine, they only use the term “obstetric weeks of pregnancy,” so focus your entire pregnancy only on them. When the doctor says: “You will come at 13 weeks for a scheduled screening,” this means that they are waiting for you at antenatal clinic at 13 obstetric weeks of pregnancy.

The lower abdomen hurts, there is no bleeding. I'm 13 weeks pregnant. What to do?

Pain in the lower abdomen at any stage is an alarming sign. It is necessary to drink no-shpa and do an ultrasound to confirm that the embryo is not in danger. Anything can cause pain, and it doesn’t have to be feminine, so stay calm.

Video (our permanent video guide)

At 13 weeks pregnant you feel amazing. During this period, you are curious about how your baby is developing and what changes are happening in your body. And maybe you have already started a diary to record all the new sensations every day. After all, it will be so nice later, leafing through it, to remember your pregnancy and read it to your baby.

The second trimester of pregnancy is a kind of golden time for the expectant mother. Her body has almost completely adapted to its new position.

The well-being of a pregnant woman in the second trimester also needs to be monitored by the attending physician. In general, the beginning of the second trimester is a very important time for the expectant mother. Psychologically, she is already a little easier. She not only gets used to her position, but also begins to enjoy it, enjoying the processes associated with the development of the fetus.

13th week of pregnancy, feeling in the stomach

If at the 13th week of pregnancy the expectant mother has pain in her lower abdomen, then this is a rather alarming sign. With such a symptom, it is better to consult a doctor immediately. The specialist will conduct an examination, prescribe certain recommendations, and possibly put it on storage. A situation where the lower abdomen is tight at 13 weeks of pregnancy may indicate increased tone of the reproductive organ, which in turn can lead to miscarriage. But there is still no need to panic. The most important thing is not to delay consulting a specialist.

What kind of discharge is there at 13 weeks of pregnancy?

Bleeding at 13 weeks of pregnancy may mean placental abruption, which is a threat to maintaining the pregnancy. If the expectant mother observes even slight brownish smears on her underwear, she should definitely notify her gynecologist. During the examination, the doctor will decide how to normalize the situation.

Thrush at 13 weeks of pregnancy is another problem that an expectant mother may encounter. As a rule, the disease is accompanied by unpleasant symptoms: itching, redness, cheesy discharge from the vagina.

Can you feel sick at 13 weeks pregnant?

Toxicosis at 13 weeks of pregnancy is quite rare. A pregnant woman feels faint if the pregnancy itself is accompanied by some problems and causes concern to the specialist. So, the answer to the question whether toxicosis occurs at the 13th week of pregnancy is more likely no than yes.

Cold at 13 weeks of pregnancy

Throughout the entire period of gestation, you should avoid viruses and situations where you can catch them. Because, for example, ARVI at the 13th week of pregnancy can cause a miscarriage, that is, stopping the development of the fetus.

During the occurrence of a respiratory infection, the expectant mother's blood flow decreases, which can lead to hypoxia of the embryo. Oxygen deficiency is extremely dangerous due to its consequences, so the specialist will try to do everything that depends on him for the health of the pregnant woman and her fetus.

Causes of frozen pregnancy at 13 weeks

Many people are concerned about the question of how to recognize a frozen pregnancy at 13 weeks. Indeed, expectant mothers are often afraid of the signs of a frozen pregnancy at 13 weeks. What it is? Stopping the development of the embryo and its death is exactly what it is called. Why did the pregnancy stop at 13 weeks?

In fact, there may be several reasons: these are various anomalies that arose during gestation, genetic pathologies, characteristics of the expectant mother’s body, and much more.

Symptoms of a frozen pregnancy at 13 weeks may not be immediately detected. Often this can only be determined by examination by a doctor. The visible factors are the disappearance of signs of pregnancy. But these are rather conditional reasons that a pregnant woman may not see.

The most exciting period is behind us - the first trimester of pregnancy, and with it many fears and uncertainty about the future. With the onset of the 13th week of pregnancy, a woman wants to know thoroughly what is happening in the body with her and her growing baby.


Of course, you cannot be unequivocally sure that toxicosis will disappear at the 13th week of pregnancy and will no longer bother you. This happens, alas, not to everyone.

But more often than not (especially if the toxicosis was mild) it goes away without a trace, and already at the beginning of the new trimester the expectant mother no longer remembers about it. If nausea is still bothering you, you shouldn’t be too upset, because it will gradually become less and by 16-20 weeks, when the baby begins to move, it will pass.


External changes, still unnoticeable a couple of weeks ago, become obvious. This is especially true for the breasts, because at the 13th week of pregnancy they continue to actively grow and adipose tissue is replaced by glandular tissue for future lactation.

There is no longer any concern about unpleasant and often painful sensations in the chest - they are a thing of the past, when the hormonal system was intensively rebuilt in a new way.


This time, perhaps, can be called calm, which means that the uterus at the 13th week of pregnancy is not periodically in good shape, as during dangerous periods (8-9 weeks). But this does not mean that you can be negligent about your health. A moderately active lifestyle without excesses and overexertion will allow you to fully enjoy your condition and watch your growing belly.

By the way, it has already grown a little and can already be visible in some pregnant women under light clothing. But it looks more like a mother who has gained a little weight, and an ignorant person will not be able to distinguish a tummy from a “pregnant” one.

How does the baby change?

The development of the fetus at the 13th week of pregnancy is very active, its weight is already 20 grams. This is how much a small peach or an average plum weighs. The longer the period becomes, the faster the baby’s weight gain.

The size of the fetus at the 13th week of pregnancy is from 65 to 80 mm. Such a big difference may be due to the individual characteristics of the future person. After all, among adults there are tall and short people. Outwardly, the baby is beginning to resemble more and more a little man.

The gastrointestinal tract has acquired villi, which will soon participate in the process of digesting food. The pancreas is already producing insulin, and the rudiments of future milk teeth are already in the gums.

The baby's movements are becoming more active, and soon the mother will be able to feel them. In the meantime, they are not yet strong enough to be felt. The baby's vocal cords begin to develop at 13 weeks.

Tests and examinations at week 13

For those who, for whatever reason, have not had an ultrasound scan now, it’s time to catch up. Often at this stage the sex of the baby is very clearly visible, but during the second ultrasound monitoring it is not so visible.

All tests in the first trimester have already been completed and now a woman can only see specialists, and before each visit to the antenatal clinic she can take a general blood and urine test.

Nutrition of a woman at 13 weeks of pregnancy

Now, when many toxicosis has already passed, or has become much less, there is a great desire not to limit yourself in anything and to eat foods that until recently you didn’t even want to look at. This is fraught with a sharp jump in weight and rapid addiction, which will subsequently lead to excess weight for both mother and child.

Therefore, a healthy lifestyle in this period is the right thing to do, and, of course, regular eating is better to give preference to easily digestible foods, such as vegetables, fruits, and dairy products. This good habit will be very relevant during further breastfeeding.

Fruit (development, size)

The first trimester of pregnancy is ending, and by this time the child’s body has achieved tremendous success in its development. The small heart is amazing: every day it pumps 23 liters of blood! By this time, all of the baby’s baby teeth are already fully embedded.

But the achievements do not end there: at the 13th week of pregnancy, bone and muscle tissue continues to form, and the baby’s digestive system develops. Thus, the first villi are formed in the intestines, which in the future will take part in the digestion and movement of food. The pancreas is already producing its first insulin. The child's vocal apparatus began to form. The genital organs are increasingly differentiated: this week the genital tubercle lengthens and either gradually turns into a penis, or bends downwards, forming the clitoris. The sex cells or prostate gland develop, depending on the sex of the fetus.

The child’s appearance also gradually acquires more expressive features. The body is gaining momentum in growth - over time it will look larger and larger relative to the head. Now the coccygeal-parietal size of the fetus is on average 7-8 cm, and its weight ranges from 15-25 g.

A huge amount of work has been done to lay down the main organs and systems, and now it’s the turn of the emotional sphere. At the 13th week of pregnancy, the baby is active all the time: he listens, learns new skills, reacts to signs coming from the outside world (sounds and silence, light and darkness, heat and cold, various kinds of touches). Now the baby is more and more awake, falling asleep only for a few minutes and waking up again. The movements of the fetus are no longer as chaotic as before, and have some order.

At the 13th week of pregnancy, the baby distinguishes the smells and tastes of the food consumed by the mother. He may not like everything from the proposed menu, but on the contrary, he will really love some products. Just imagine: he not only knows how to suck and swallow, he already yawns, smiles and makes grimaces! The baby is very comfortable in his mother’s tummy: it is warm, cozy, calm, soft, the sounds coming from outside pleasantly lull him to sleep, he is surrounded by a soothing twilight...

If by this time you have not yet established a tradition of communication with your child, then the transition to the second trimester is the time. The most tranquil period for mother and baby begins - use every minute of it for your own and his pleasure.


At the 13th week of pregnancy, a woman, as a rule, no longer feels sick. The “hormonal riot” is over, the body has adapted to the changes that have occurred and has become accustomed to the new state. The second trimester is the calmest of all periods of pregnancy: most of the signs, symptoms and ailments associated with the onset of pregnancy are already behind us, but still this time cannot be called absolutely carefree. It's time to get serious about preventing stretch marks, constipation and swelling.

By the 13th week of pregnancy, the waist gradually disappears and the tummy becomes rounded. Chances are you've already switched to maternity clothes. Otherwise, update your wardrobe now. Special attention Pay attention to your bra: it should be the size of your growing breasts and support them well (wide straps do this). The breasts will grow and fill out throughout the entire period: compared to the pre-pregnancy state, its weight by the end of pregnancy will increase at least two, or even four times.

Uterus at 13 weeks of pregnancy

Just like the fetus, the uterus is constantly growing, rising higher and higher. it fills almost the entire hip area and rises higher - into the abdominal area. Neighboring organs will have to make room, and this will cause some inconvenience in the future: heartburn, shortness of breath, and others.

During each examination, the gynecologist will now measure the height of the uterine fundus. It is equal to the number of weeks in centimeters. So, at the 13th week of pregnancy, the uterus is 13 cm high and 10 cm wide. It can already be easily felt, especially if a thick fat layer does not prevent this.

In the second trimester, the tone of the uterus will no longer be so bad - it becomes softer and more elastic, and, as a rule, contracts for a short time.


During moments of increased uterine tone, you may feel stretching and pain in the lower abdomen. At such moments you just need to lie down and rest. If this happens often, the doctor will advise you to use suppositories with papaverine or drink Ginipral, for example. But many mothers do without any medications. Just learn not to “disturb” your uterus once again: don’t wear heels, don’t carry heavy things, don’t get nervous over trifles.

The stomach may also hurt due to gas formation. Monitor your diet and the presence of such a relationship. Some foods may need to be eliminated from your diet.

For most women, at the 13th week of pregnancy, the belly already reveals their position: it has become rounded, or even noticeably grown. But it happens that the tummy is just beginning to appear, and it seems as if you have just gained a little weight.


If abdominal pain at 13 weeks of pregnancy is accompanied by spotting, then it is better to warn your doctor about this. Try to limit physical activity for a while, and if bleeding starts, go to the hospital immediately.

It is not at all uncommon to have pain on the sides of the abdomen at 13 weeks. This stretches the muscles that hold the uterus, and the uterus itself is constantly stretched. Such pains are not dangerous, but if you are excited, then lie down to rest - it will not harm.

Pain in the legs, accompanied by cramps in the calf muscles, is a signal of a lack of calcium in the body. Typically, such pain occurs at night. Increase the amount of calcium-containing foods in your diet - this element is very important now. Just give preference to plant sources of calcium, since the animal quickly ossifies the fontanel, which is undesirable during the passage of the child through the birth canal.

Cold at 13 weeks of pregnancy

If you have a sore throat, and also a headache, and the whole body, and the temperature has risen or a runny nose has begun, then you need to treat the cold. The likelihood of getting the flu during pregnancy is very high, so you should avoid crowded places, especially during the peak of viral diseases. And although a cold at the 13th week of pregnancy is no longer as dangerous as in the first trimester, its severe course can cause some abnormalities in the development of the child and even premature birth. Therefore, do not let a cold get worse, but start treatment immediately. Try it first traditional medicine, and only if the condition worsens, turn to medications. All your actions should be coordinated with your doctor so as not to harm the baby.


Doctors say that there is no need to lower your temperature during pregnancy. But if it stays at 38 C for more than two days or rises, then you need to take an antipyretic. Consult your doctor in choosing a medicine, these may be paracetamol-containing drugs or homeopathic antipyretics.

The temperature at the 13th week of pregnancy can still remain normal at subfebrile levels. There is no need to worry if you feel well, nothing hurts, you do not feel this increase in temperature and it is not accompanied by yellow-green or bloody discharge.


Discharge at the 13th week of pregnancy may change its character. Now they will be more liquid and possibly plentiful. This is a normal phenomenon, the main thing is that the color and smell of the discharge do not change, that is, that they are absent. The reason for contacting a doctor should be curdled, bubbling, strong-smelling discharge of yellow, greenish, gray, brown or red color, as well as discharge that causes discomfort and discomfort in the genital area: itching, burning, pain, swelling, irritation.

Such discharge at the 13th week of pregnancy indicates the presence of infection in the genital tract or the threat of miscarriage.


Bloody discharge at 13 weeks of pregnancy is not normal, but it is not always associated with something tragic. Undoubtedly, the doctor must determine the cause of the appearance of blood from the vagina, and there can be many of them:

  • placental abruption;
  • placenta previa;
  • hematoma;
  • erosion or mechanical damage to the cervix (often observed after examination in a gynecological chair or after sexual intercourse);
  • neoplasms;
  • fall or blow to the abdomen;
  • fragility of blood vessels (due to an increase in blood volumes, they can burst under its pressure) and others.

As you can see, not all of the reasons are a threat to your pregnancy. So don’t be too nervous, but it’s still necessary to establish the source of the bleeding, you never know. Perhaps the doctor will prescribe an ultrasound examination for you, which will show whether the baby is normal, and this is the most important thing. It even happens that hospitalization is not necessary in all cases.

Ultrasound at 13 weeks of pregnancy

If by this time the pregnancy proceeded without complications, then perhaps your first ultrasound will take place at 13 weeks. You will be able to see how the little heart beats, how it moves, and the study will give the doctor the opportunity to assess the condition of the fetus and pregnancy:

  • accurately determine the gestational age and number of fetuses;
  • assess fetal vital signs;
  • determine the presence/absence of severe defects incompatible with life;
  • conduct a screening study to determine the woman’s risk group for chromosomal abnormalities in the fetus (in particular, Down syndrome).


There are ultrasound and biochemical screening tests. The first screening during pregnancy is carried out at 11-16 weeks, it is likely that you will be sent for an ultrasound and tests this week.

Screening includes a number of tests and studies that help identify women at risk for developing chromosomal diseases in the fetus. To do this, it is imperative to look at the collar zone of the fetus (assessing its thickness or transparency), its nasal bone (presence or absence and size), determine the presence or absence of physical defects, as well as the level of hormones and proteins in the mother’s blood. Based on the data obtained and the age category of the pregnant woman, a conclusion is made about the likelihood of this woman having a sick child.

The high-risk group includes pregnant women whose risk of developing fetal abnormalities, based on screening results, is 1:350 or less. But you should know that a risk factor is not a guarantee of pathology. Screening allows only to admit a high probability of a chromosomal disorder and nothing more.

Tests (hCG, progesterone)

Most likely, all tests at the 13th week of pregnancy will be part of the first biochemical screening, which has recently been included in the list of mandatory studies during pregnancy. This is a so-called double test, including an analysis of the hCG hormone and plasma protein PAPA-A.

The hCG level will give reason to judge the normal course of pregnancy or suspect some abnormalities: delay or arrest of fetal development, the presence of defects, negative Rh factor. You should focus on the hCG norms given in the form, which may differ slightly in different laboratories.

Progesterone at the 13th week of pregnancy is no longer so informative. There are no norms for the level of this hormone by week; it is assessed based on the trimester: in the first trimester, progesterone should normally be in the range of 8.9-468.4 nmol/l, in the second - 71.5-303.1 nmol/l .


Proper nutrition will help you avoid many troubles during pregnancy. At week 13 it should be:

  • complete: the child needs proteins, fats and carbohydrates;
  • healthy: create a menu only from natural products, prepared in a gentle way;
  • varied: regularly eat lean meat, fruits and vegetables, nuts, cereals, legumes (if there are no intestinal problems).

In addition, nutrition at the 13th week of pregnancy must be adjusted to prevent constipation. Tomato juice, vegetable and fruit purees and juices, dried fruits, beets, apples will help you with this. seaweed. Don't forget about the importance of calcium during this period. Be sure to include green fruits and vegetables (including kiwi), persimmons, and lentils in your diet.

Alcohol at 13 weeks of pregnancy

Continue to lead a healthy lifestyle until the very end of your pregnancy. Resist the temptation to smoke or drink alcohol. Alcohol at the 13th week of pregnancy is still very dangerous, because during this period the formation and differentiation of the baby’s internal organs and systems continues. But the fetus does not continue to develop throughout pregnancy, and alcohol invariably reaches the baby through the placenta. This is why it is not correct to talk about a safe dose of alcohol during pregnancy.


The sex life of expectant parents at week 13 can sparkle with new colors. By this time, the risk of miscarriage has already been significantly reduced, the woman’s worries and fears have subsided, she has become accustomed to her new condition and, perhaps, even feels the effect of hormones that can significantly increase libido during the period of bearing a baby. The sensitivity of the genital organs also increases, which will allow you to experience new sensations from intimacy with your spouse. Enjoy this blessed time. The only obstacle to this may be your bad feeling and the threat of miscarriage - in this case it is better not to risk it.