Types of root systems. Which plants have a fibrous root system? Types of plant root systems Common plants with fibrous root systems

Phylogenetically, the root arose later than the stem and leaf - in connection with the transition of plants to life on land and probably originated from root-like underground branches. The root has neither leaves nor buds arranged in a certain order. It is characterized by apical growth in length, lateral branches it arises from internal tissues, the growing point is covered with a root cap. The root system is formed throughout the life of the plant organism. Sometimes the root can serve as a storage site for nutrients. In this case, it changes.

Types of roots

The main root is formed from the embryonic root during seed germination. Lateral roots extend from it.

Adventitious roots develop on stems and leaves.

Lateral roots are branches of any roots.

Each root (main, lateral, adventitious) has the ability to branch, which significantly increases the surface of the root system, and this helps to better strengthen the plant in the soil and improve its nutrition.

Types of root systems

There are two main types of root systems: taproot, which has a well-developed main root, and fibrous. The fibrous root system consists of a large number of adventitious roots, equal in size. The entire mass of roots consists of lateral or adventitious roots and has the appearance of a lobe.

The highly branched root system forms a huge absorbent surface. For example,

  • the total length of winter rye roots reaches 600 km;
  • length of root hairs - 10,000 km;
  • the total root surface is 200 m2.

This is many times the area of ​​the aboveground mass.

If the plant has a well-defined main root and adventitious roots develop, then a mixed type root system (cabbage, tomato) is formed.

External structure of the root. Internal structure of the root

Root zones

Root cap

The root grows in length from its apex, where the young cells of the educational tissue are located. The growing part is covered with a root cap, which protects the root tip from damage and facilitates the movement of the root in the soil during growth. The latter function is carried out due to the property of the outer walls of the root cap being covered with mucus, which reduces friction between the root and soil particles. They can even push soil particles apart. The cells of the root cap are living and often contain starch grains. The cells of the cap are constantly renewed due to division. Participates in positive geotropic reactions (direction of root growth towards the center of the Earth).

Cells of the division zone are actively dividing, the length of this zone is different types and different roots of the same plant are not the same.

Behind the division zone is an extension zone (growth zone). The length of this zone does not exceed a few millimeters.

As linear growth completes, the third stage of root formation begins - its differentiation; a zone of differentiation and specialization of cells (or a zone of root hairs and absorption) is formed. In this zone, the outer layer of the epiblema (rhizoderm) with root hairs, the layer of the primary cortex and the central cylinder are already distinguished.

Root hair structure

Root hairs are highly elongated outgrowths of the outer cells covering the root. The number of root hairs is very large (per 1 mm2 from 200 to 300 hairs). Their length reaches 10 mm. Hairs form very quickly (in young apple tree seedlings in 30-40 hours). Root hairs are short-lived. They die off after 10-20 days, and new ones grow on the young part of the root. This ensures the development of new soil horizons by the roots. The root continuously grows, forming more and more new areas of root hairs. Hairs can not only absorb ready-made solutions of substances, but also contribute to the dissolution of certain soil substances and then absorb them. The area of ​​the root where the root hairs have died is able to absorb water for a while, but then becomes covered with a plug and loses this ability.

The hair shell is very thin, which facilitates the absorption of nutrients. Almost the entire hair cell is occupied by a vacuole, surrounded by a thin layer of cytoplasm. The nucleus is at the top of the cell. A mucous sheath is formed around the cell, which promotes the gluing of root hairs to soil particles, which improves their contact and increases the hydrophilicity of the system. Absorption is facilitated by the secretion of acids (carbonic, malic, citric) by root hairs, which dissolve mineral salts.

Root hairs also play a mechanical role - they serve as support for the root tip, which passes between the soil particles.

Under a microscope, a cross section of the root in the absorption zone shows its structure at the cellular and tissue levels. On the surface of the root there is rhizoderm, under it there is bark. The outer layer of the cortex is the exodermis, inward from it is the main parenchyma. Its thin-walled living cells perform a storage function, conducting nutrient solutions in a radial direction - from the suction tissue to the vessels of the wood. They also contain the synthesis of a number of vitally important substances for the plant. organic matter. The inner layer of the cortex is the endoderm. Nutrient solutions entering the central cylinder from the cortex through endodermal cells pass only through the protoplast of cells.

The bark surrounds the central cylinder of the root. It borders on a layer of cells that retain the ability to divide for a long time. This is a pericycle. Pericycle cells give rise to lateral roots, adventitious buds and secondary educational tissues. Inward from the pericycle, in the center of the root, there are conductive tissues: bast and wood. Together they form a radial conductive bundle.

The root vascular system conducts water and minerals from the root to the stem (upward current) and organic matter from the stem to the root (downward current). It consists of vascular-fibrous bundles. The main components of the bundle are sections of the phloem (through which substances move to the root) and xylem (through which substances move from the root). The main conducting elements of phloem are sieve tubes, xylem is trachea (vessels) and tracheids.

Root life processes

Transport of water in the root

Absorption of water by root hairs from the soil nutrient solution and conduction in the radial direction along the cells of the primary cortex through passage cells in the endoderm to the xylem of the radial vascular bundle. The intensity of water absorption by root hairs is called suction force (S), it is equal to the difference between osmotic (P) and turgor (T) pressure: S=P-T.

When the osmotic pressure is equal to the turgor pressure (P=T), then S=0, water stops flowing into the root hair cell. If the concentration of substances in the soil nutrient solution is higher than inside the cell, then water will leave the cells and plasmolysis will occur - the plants will wither. This phenomenon is observed in conditions of dry soil, as well as with excessive application of mineral fertilizers. Inside the root cells, the suction force of the root increases from the rhizoderm towards the central cylinder, so water moves along a concentration gradient (i.e. from a place with a higher concentration to a place with a lower concentration) and creates root pressure, which raises a column of water through the xylem vessels , forming an ascending current. This can be found on leafless trunks in the spring when the “sap” is collected, or on cut stumps. The flow of water from wood, fresh stumps, leaves is called “crying” of plants. When the leaves bloom, they also create a suction force and attract water to themselves - a continuous column of water is formed in each vessel - capillary tension. Root pressure is the lower driver of water flow, and the suction force of the leaves is the upper one. This can be confirmed using simple experiments.

Absorption of water by roots

Target: find out the basic function of the root.

What we do: plant grown on wet sawdust, shake off its root system and lower its roots into a glass of water. Pour a thin layer over the water to protect it from evaporation. vegetable oil and mark the level.

What we see: After a day or two, the water in the container dropped below the mark.

Result: consequently, the roots sucked up the water and brought it up to the leaves.

You can also do one more experiment to prove the absorption of nutrients by the root.

What we do: cut off the stem of the plant, leaving a stump 2-3 cm high. We put a rubber tube 3 cm long on the stump, and on the upper end we put a curved glass tube 20-25 cm high.

What we see: The water in the glass tube rises and flows out.

Result: this proves that the root absorbs water from the soil into the stem.

Does water temperature affect the intensity of water absorption by roots?

Target: find out how temperature affects root function.

What we do: one glass should be with warm water(+17-18ºС), and the other with cold (+1-2ºС).

What we see: in the first case, water is released abundantly, in the second - little, or stops altogether.

Result: this is proof that temperature greatly influences root function.

Warm water is actively absorbed by the roots. Root pressure increases.

Cold water is poorly absorbed by the roots. In this case, root pressure drops.

Mineral nutrition

The physiological role of minerals is very great. They are the basis for the synthesis of organic compounds, as well as factors that change the physical state of colloids, i.e. directly affect the metabolism and structure of the protoplast; act as catalysts for biochemical reactions; affect cell turgor and protoplasm permeability; are centers of electrical and radioactive phenomena in plant organisms.

It has been established that normal plant development is possible only if there are three non-metals in the nutrient solution - nitrogen, phosphorus and sulfur and four metals - potassium, magnesium, calcium and iron. Each of these elements has an individual meaning and cannot be replaced by another. These are macroelements, their concentration in the plant is 10 -2 -10%. For normal plant development, microelements are needed, the concentration of which in the cell is 10 -5 -10 -3%. These are boron, cobalt, copper, zinc, manganese, molybdenum, etc. All these elements are present in the soil, but sometimes in insufficient quantities. Therefore, mineral and organic fertilizers are added to the soil.

The plant grows and develops normally if the environment surrounding the roots contains all the necessary nutrients. This environment for most plants is soil.

Breathing roots

For normal growth and development of the plant, it is necessary that the root receives fresh air. Let's check if this is true?

Target: Does the root need air?

What we do: Let's take two identical vessels with water. Place developing seedlings in each vessel. Every day we saturate the water in one of the vessels with air using a spray bottle. Pour a thin layer of vegetable oil onto the surface of the water in the second vessel, as it delays the flow of air into the water.

What we see: After some time, the plant in the second vessel will stop growing, wither, and eventually die.

Result: The death of the plant occurs due to a lack of air necessary for the root to breathe.

Root modifications

Some plants store reserve nutrients in their roots. They accumulate carbohydrates, mineral salts, vitamins and other substances. Such roots grow greatly in thickness and acquire an unusual appearance. Both the root and the stem are involved in the formation of root crops.


If reserve substances accumulate in the main root and at the base of the stem of the main shoot, root vegetables (carrots) are formed. Plants that form root crops are mostly biennials. In the first year of life, they do not bloom and accumulate a lot of nutrients in the roots. On the second, they quickly bloom, using the accumulated nutrients and forming fruits and seeds.

Root tubers

In dahlia, reserve substances accumulate in adventitious roots, forming root tubers.

Bacterial nodules

The lateral roots of clover, lupine, and alfalfa are peculiarly modified. Bacteria settle in young lateral roots, which promotes the absorption of gaseous nitrogen from the soil air. Such roots take on the appearance of nodules. Thanks to these bacteria, these plants are able to live in nitrogen-poor soils and make them more fertile.


Ramp, which grows in the intertidal zone, develops stilted roots. They hold large leafy shoots on unstable muddy soil high above the water.


Tropical plants living on tree branches develop aerial roots. They are often found in orchids, bromeliads, and some ferns. Aerial roots hang freely in the air, without reaching the ground and absorbing moisture from rain or dew that falls on them.


In bulbous and corm plants, such as crocuses, among the numerous thread-like roots there are several thicker, so-called retractor roots. By contracting, such roots pull the corm deeper into the soil.


Ficus plants develop columnar above-ground roots, or support roots.

Soil as a habitat for roots

Soil for plants is the medium from which it receives water and nutrients. The amount of minerals in the soil depends on specific features parent rock, the activity of organisms, the life activity of the plants themselves, and the type of soil.

Soil particles compete with roots for moisture, retaining it on their surface. This is the so-called bound water, which is divided into hygroscopic and film. It is held in place by the forces of molecular attraction. The moisture available to the plant is represented by capillary water, which is concentrated in the small pores of the soil.

An antagonistic relationship develops between moisture and the air phase of the soil. The more large pores there are in the soil, the better the gas regime of these soils, the less moisture the soil retains. The most favorable water-air regime is maintained in structural soils, where water and air exist simultaneously and do not interfere with each other - water fills the capillaries inside the structural units, and air fills the large pores between them.

The nature of the interaction between plant and soil is largely related to the absorption capacity of the soil - the ability to hold or bind chemical compounds.

Soil microflora decomposes organic matter to more simple connections, participates in the formation of soil structure. The nature of these processes depends on the type of soil, chemical composition plant residues, physiological properties of microorganisms and other factors. Soil animals take part in the formation of soil structure: annelids, insect larvae, etc.

As a result of a combination of biological and chemical processes a complex complex of organic substances is formed in the soil, which is combined with the term “humus”.

Water culture method

What salts the plant needs, and what effect they have on its growth and development, was established through experience with aquatic crops. The water culture method is the cultivation of plants not in soil, but in aqueous solution mineral salts. Depending on the goal of the experiment, you can exclude a particular salt from the solution, reduce or increase its content. It was found that fertilizers containing nitrogen promote plant growth, those containing phosphorus promote the rapid ripening of fruits, and those containing potassium promote the rapid outflow of organic matter from leaves to roots. In this regard, it is recommended to apply fertilizers containing nitrogen before sowing or in the first half of summer; those containing phosphorus and potassium - in the second half of summer.

Using the water culture method, it was possible to establish not only the plant’s need for macroelements, but also to clarify the role of various microelements.

Currently, there are cases where plants are grown using hydroponics and aeroponics methods.

Hydroponics is the growing of plants in containers filled with gravel. A nutrient solution containing the necessary elements is fed into the vessels from below.

Aeroponics is the air culture of plants. With this method, the root system is in the air and is automatically (several times within an hour) sprayed with a weak solution of nutrient salts.

The root, being the most important organ, performs a number of irreplaceable functions and is quite diverse in its structural features. life without him plant organisms would be practically impossible. Our article will examine in detail the fibrous plant in which plants it develops, what characteristic features it has and how it helps organisms adapt to constantly changing conditions. environment.

What is a root

A root is an underground organ of a plant. Obviously, in plants it is not singular. Indeed, all the roots of one organism differ in appearance and developmental features. There are three types of underground parts of plants: main, lateral and accessory. It won't be difficult to distinguish them. The plant always has one main root. It stands out from the rest in size and length. Lateral roots grow on it. They are quite numerous. And if the roots grow directly from the shoot, then they are adventitious.

Root functions

Without a root, the plant will die, since its functions are truly vital. First of all, it is the fixation of organisms in the soil, providing mineral nutrition and upward flow of water. If necessary, many plants form For example, beets, carrots and radishes form root vegetables. These are thickenings of the main root. They accumulate water and a supply of necessary substances to survive unfavorable conditions.

Types of root systems

One type of root is not enough for a plant. After all, the life of the entire organism depends on the functioning of this organ. Therefore, the plant develops root systems, consisting of several types of underground organs. They are more efficient. The main types of root systems are taproot and fibrous. Their main difference lies in their structural features. For example, a fibrous root system is characterized by a small depth of penetration, while a tap root system, on the contrary, allows plants to receive water from considerable depths.

Tap root system

The very name of this structure characterizes the features of its structure. It has a pronounced main root. This is how the taproot system differs from the fibrous one. Thanks to this, plants with this structure are able to obtain water from a depth of several tens of meters. Lateral roots extend from the main root, which increases the absorption surface.

Structure of the fibrous root system

The fibrous root system consists of only one type of roots - adventitious ones. They grow directly from the above-ground part of the plant, so they form a bunch. Usually they are all the same length. Moreover, the main root still grows at the beginning of development. However, it subsequently dies off. As a result, only those roots that grow from the shoot itself remain. In most cases, such a beam is quite powerful. Try to pull a wheat plant out of wet soil with your hands and you will see that this requires considerable force. Sometimes lateral roots can develop on adventitious roots, which further increases the diameter occupied by this system.

Which plants have a fibrous root system?

In the process of evolution, this structure first appears in representatives of higher spore plants - ferns, mosses and horsetails. Since in most of them the body is represented by an underground modification of the shoot, namely a rhizome, adventitious roots grow from it. This is a big step forward in the phylogeny of plant organisms, since algae and other representatives of spores had only rhizoids. These formations had no tissue and performed only the function of attachment to the substrate.

All plants that belong to the class Monocots also have. Along with the absence of cambium, arched or other features, this is their systematic feature. This class is represented by several families. For example, Liliaceae and Onions form a characteristic thickened underground stem in which water and all the necessary minerals are stored. It's called an onion. Bunches of adventitious roots grow from it. Rice, wheat, corn, rye, barley are representatives. They are also characterized by a fibrous root system. Examples of this structure are also dahlia, asparagus, sweet potato, and chistyak. Their adventitious roots are significantly thickened and take on a tuberous shape. They also store nutrients. Such modifications are called root tubers. Supporting, breathing, suckers and trailers also grow from the shoot. Therefore, they can also be considered a modification of the fibrous root system. For example, vines can grow even on a vertical surface with the help of trailing roots. And orchids absorb moisture directly from the air. This is carried out by adventitious respiratory roots. A special modification occurs in corn. These are support roots. They surround the lower part of the stem and support a powerful shoot with heavy fruit-cobs.

Advantages and disadvantages of fibrous root system

Plants that do not have to obtain moisture from a significant depth have a fibrous root system. This significantly distinguishes it from another similar structure - the rod one. It has a well-developed main root, capable of penetrating tens of meters deep into the soil. This characteristic feature for all plants of the Dicotyledonous class. But a fibrous root system also has advantages. For example, it can occupy a significant area, which increases the suction surface. In wheat, the fibrous root system occupies up to 126 cm in diameter with a length of up to 120. The degree of development of this structure completely depends on environmental conditions. IN loose soil in corn, adventitious roots can grow within a radius of 2 m, in apple trees up to 15 or more. At the same time, the depth of penetration is quite significant. In some weeds it reaches 6 m. That is why it is so difficult to get rid of them. If the soil is dense and the oxygen content in it is insufficient, then almost all adventitious roots are located in its surface layer.

So, the fibrous root system has a number of characteristic features. It is characteristic of plants of the Monocot class: the Cereal, Allium and Liliaceae families. This structure consists of which grow from the shoot in a bunch, occupying a significant area.

>>Tap and fibrous root systems

1 - larch roots; 2 - dandelion roots; 3 - calamus roots § 11. Taproot and fibrous root systems

Roots strengthen the plant in the soil and hold it firmly throughout its life. Through the roots, the plant receives soil minerals and water.

Developing from a small root of the embryo, the root of a growing tree branches, penetrates deeply into the soil, reaches large sizes and holds a very heavy trunk and branches with leaves. To give you an idea of ​​how durable roots trees, open during strong wind umbrella and try to hold it. The trunk of a tree with all its branches and leaves can be compared to a giant umbrella. Hurricane winds can tear out a tree or break a trunk. However, this does not happen often.

Of course, not all plants have such powerful roots as large trees. In annuals herbaceous plants The roots are usually small and penetrate shallowly into the soil. Let's get acquainted with the roots of different plants. All the roots of a plant make up its root system.

Let's compare the dug up with the roots monocot And dicotyledonous plant such as wheat and dandelion.

Dandelion has a well-defined main root, which develops from the radicle of the embryo. Small lateral roots extend from the main root. The main root is like a rod. Therefore, in plants with a well-developed main root, the root system is called a tap root. 21 , 22 .

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Root system all the roots of a plant are called. It is formed by the main root, lateral roots and adventitious roots. main root plants develop from an embryonic root. Adventitious roots usually grow from the lower parts of the plant stem. Lateral roots develop on the main and adventitious roots.

The root system of plants performs two main functions. Firstly, it holds the plant in the soil. Secondly, the roots absorb from the soil necessary for the plant water and minerals dissolved in it.

If a plant develops a powerful main root, it forms tap root system. If the main root remains undeveloped or dies, and adventitious roots develop, then the plant develops fibrous root system.

Taproot type of root system

The taproot system is characterized by a well-developed main root. In appearance it looks like a rod. The main root grows from the embryonic root.

The taproot system is formed not only by the main root, but also by small lateral roots extending from it.

The tap root system is characteristic of many dicotyledonous plants. Beans, clover, sunflower, carrots, and dandelion have a well-developed main root.

However, many perennial plants with an original tap root system, sooner or later the main root dies. Instead, numerous adventitious roots grow from the stem.

There is a subtype of tap root system - branched root system. In this case, several lateral roots receive strong development. While the main root remains shortened. The type of branched root system is characteristic of many trees. This root system allows you to firmly hold the powerful trunk and crown of the tree.

The tap root system penetrates deeper into the soil than the fibrous root system.

Fibrous type of root system

A fibrous root system is characterized by the presence of many approximately identical adventitious roots, which form a kind of bundle. Adventitious roots grow from aboveground and underground parts stem, less often from leaves.

Plants with fibrous root systems may also have a living main root. However, if it is preserved, it does not differ in size from other roots.

A fibrous root system is characteristic of many monocots. Among them are wheat, rye, onions, garlic, corn, potatoes.

Although the fibrous root system does not penetrate as deeply into the soil as the tap root system, it occupies large area near the soil surface and entwines soil particles more tightly, which improves the absorption of the aqueous solution.

Laboratory work"Tap and fibrous root systems"

  • 1. form the concepts of taproot and fibrous root systems;
  • 2. develop the skill of distinguishing between taproot and fibrous root systems;
  • 3. continue to develop the skills to observe natural objects.

Equipment: herbarium specimens of plants of the local flora with fibrous and tap root systems.

The work is carried out according to the instruction card on p. 90-91 of the textbook “Biology” by V.V. Pasechnik and is written in the workbook as task 63.

Consolidation of what has been learned.

  • 1Questions:
  • 1) What functions does the root perform?
  • 2) What types of roots does the root system consist of?
  • 3) What is the structure of the tap root system?
  • 4) How does a fibrous root system differ from a tap root system?
  • 5) What is the basis for the use of plants to secure ravines, screes, and river banks?
  • 6) What is the importance of adventitious roots for increasing yield?
  • 7) What is the importance of knowledge about the structure of the root for controlling the growth and development of agricultural plants?
  • 2. Fill out the table.

(Students fill out the column “Definition of concepts” independently).

Basic Concepts

Definition of concepts

Underground organs of plants that absorb water and mineral salts, holding the plant in the soil

2. Root system

System of all plant roots

3. Main root

The root that goes deepest into the soil

4. Lateral roots

Roots extending from the sides of the main and adventitious roots

5. Adventitious roots

Roots extending from the sides of the stem

6. Tap root system

Root system consisting of main and lateral roots

7. Fibrous root system

Root system consisting of adventitious and lateral roots

4. Homework assignment. Study paragraph 19, complete task 64 in the workbook: what agricultural technique is shown in the picture? For what purpose is it used? (1 level)

  • Level 2. Answer the questions: 1. The total surface of the roots of sushi plants is approximately 150 times greater than the surface of its aboveground part. What does this mean for plants?
  • 2) Why is it believed that plants with fibrous root systems protect the soil from erosion?
  • 3) How does a root differ from a shoot? 4) How do plant nutrition differ from animal nutrition?
  • Level 3:
  • 1) Model the evolutionary development of the root system.
  • 2) Due to erosion alone, 7 million hectares of land lose their fertility every year. What erosion control measures would you suggest?

Plan of experimental work at the school educational and experimental site of the municipal educational institution of general education in the village of Akatnaya Maza for the 2009-2010 academic year

The area of ​​the school educational and experimental site is 0.84 hectares.

The site has a uniform soil composition. Soil of the site quite fertile.

The school educational and experimental site has the following departments:

  • 1. Department vegetable crops in a row crop rotation system;
  • 2. Department of field crops in the grass crop rotation system;
  • 3. Department of ornamental plants;
  • 4. Experienced department;
  • 5. Department of Plant Biology:
    • a) area of ​​plant taxonomy;
    • b) plant collection area;
  • 6. Department of protected soil (greenhouses);
  • 7. Dendrological Department;
  • 8. Primary school department.

Calendar and agrotechnical plan at the school training and experimental site

Name of events

Completion deadlines

Cover harrowing

Fine digging of the soil (8-10 cm).

Dividing the site into sections and plots.

Vernalization of potato tubers.

Soil preparation on plots for field grain crops.

Sowing early grain crops.

Sowing sunflowers, carrots, red beets.

Sowing crops at the Department of Plant Biology.

Preparing the soil in the collection department.

Sowing of early crops in the collection department.

Sowing vegetable seeds in a cold nursery.

Sowing corn.

Sowing flower seeds in beds to obtain seedlings.

Laying out plots on the experimental plot.

Sowing beans, chamomile.

Preparation of pumpkin and zucchini seeds (soaking, germination).

Planting pumpkins, zucchini, squash.

Sowing cucumbers.

Making holes in vegetable crop rotation and experimental ones (for cabbage, tomatoes).

Planting vegetables.

Laying out the flower bed.

Planting flowers in the school grounds, near the monument.

Caring for agricultural crops during the growing season (loosening, weeding, fertilizing, watering, pest and disease control, conducting experiments), thinning, planting, shelter from spring frosts, hilling row crops, additional artificial pollination of sunflower and corn, weed control, preparation plots for winter crops, destruction of weeds, preparation of plots for winter crops, selection of large seeds, sowing seeds of winter rye and wheat, caring for seedlings, harvesting crops, selling the resulting products. Basic tillage - fertilization, digging.

During the growing season.

Experimental work at the school educational and experimental site.

Theme of the experiment: “The influence of foliar feeding on the yield

cabbage variety "Slava"

Purpose of the experiment: to find out the effect of foliar feeding on

crop harvest (cabbage).

The experiment is carried out by 6th grade students.

Team composition:

Elesin Alyosha,

Safonova, Yana

Slavkina Ksyusha,

Ryabova Olya.

Methodology for conducting the experiment.

Foliar feeding is feeding plants directly through the leaves. By spraying them with weak solutions containing nutrients, experience has established that the nutrients applied to the leaves during foliar feeding are used not only by these leaves, but by the entire plant.

With foliar feeding, the coefficient of use of nutrients from fertilizers significantly increases, since the latter enter directly into the leaf tissue, bypassing the soil, where they usually most these nutrients are lost.

Cabbage, as a leaf crop, responds very well to nitrogen fertilizers. For 10 liters of water, take 150 g of ammonium nitrate; 15-20 days after planting seedlings in open ground perform the first foliar feeding. Repeat during the summer 5-6 times at intervals of 7-10 days.