Tests to determine volitional qualities. Tests to determine volitional qualities in preschool children

How strong the will is, the more fruitful our work and studies are usually. Do you want to know this about yourself? Then try to answer the proposed questions of this test with maximum frankness.

You can use three answer options: “yes” “sometimes it happens” (“I don’t know”, “I don’t know”, “no”.

Willpower test questions


1. Are you able to complete work that does not interest you?

2. Do you easily overcome internal resistance when you need to do something unpleasant?

3. When you find yourself in a conflict situation at home or at work, are you able to pull yourself together enough to look at the situation objectively?

4. If you are prescribed a diet, can you overcome culinary temptations?

5. Will you find the strength to get up earlier than usual in the morning, as planned the day before, if it is not necessary?

6. Will you remain at the scene to testify?

7. Do you respond quickly to emails?

8. If you are afraid of an upcoming airplane flight or a visit to the dentist's office, will you be able to not change your intention at the last moment?

9. Will you take a very unpleasant medicine that your doctor strongly recommends?

10. Will you keep your promise in the heat of the moment, even if fulfilling it will bring you a lot of trouble?

11. Do you hesitate to go on a business trip (business trip) to an unfamiliar city?

12. Do you strictly adhere to your daily routine?

13. Do you disapprove of library debtors?

14. Even the most interesting TV show won’t make you put off doing urgent and important work?

15. Will you be able to interrupt a quarrel and remain silent, no matter how offensive the words addressed to you may seem?

Test results:

Answer “yes” - 2 points

- “sometimes it happens” (“I don’t know”, “I find it difficult to answer”) - 1 point

- “no” - 0 points.

Now count the results.

0-12 points. Your willpower is not going well. You simply do what is easier and more interesting, even if it may hurt you in some way. You often take your responsibilities carelessly, which can cause various troubles for you. Your position is expressed by the well-known expression “What do I need more than anyone else?” You perceive any request, any obligation almost as physical pain. The point here is not only about weak willpower, but also about the selfishness of your personality. Try to look at yourself with this assessment in mind. Maybe this will help you change your attitude towards others and “remake” something in your character. If you succeed, you will only benefit from this.

13-21 points. Your willpower is average. If you encounter an obstacle, you will take action to overcome it. But if you see a workaround, you will immediately use it. Don’t overdo it, but keep your word. You will try to do unpleasant work, although you will grumble. You will not take on unnecessary responsibilities of your own free will. This sometimes negatively affects the attitude of managers towards you and does not characterize you from the best side in the eyes of others. If you want to achieve more in life, train your will.

22-30 points. Your willpower is fine. You can rely on you - you will not let you down. You are not afraid of new assignments, long trips, or those things that confuse others. But sometimes your firm and irreconcilable position on fundamental issues annoys those around you. Strong-willed qualities are very good, but it is also necessary to have such qualities as flexibility, forbearance, and kindness.

Everyone is familiar with the states of mobilization of will and its weakening. We either experience decline, weakening of will, then we mobilize our efforts and show perseverance and strength. Some forms of behavior become habitual over time and turn into character traits.

A strong-willed person has a number of characteristic qualities.

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Since ancient times, the greatest philosophers have tried to answer the questions: how can one objectively evaluate a person? What are the criteria for assessing personality? Which qualities are more important and which can be classified as secondary?

Of course, we will never get an exact answer, because it is subjective and depends on goal setting.

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Non-existent animal test

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If you answered “yes” to points 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 and “no” to points 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, give yourself 2 points for each. No points are awarded for all other answer options.

1. Very often I hide my stash, and then I can’t find it for a long time.

2. When I go shopping, I always write a list and never deviate from it.

3. When I receive a salary, I like to show off in the first week.

4. I never buy “unnecessary” things on trains and underground passages.

5. I often miss...

So, offer your date a drink, but so that she can make her own choice. When the choice is made, find out everything about it.

Champagne is preferred by coquettes and laughers who are not averse to marrying a man much older than them. They often cheat on their husbands and get drunk almost instantly.

Vodka is drunk by strong-willed, strong women with a strong character. They do not hide their desires, act directly and get drunk very slowly.

Cognac is a drink for middle-aged women...

So, which of the six answers to the question “How are you?” in a chance meeting, what is most typical for you is:

1. I talk in detail about my life.

2. I answer: “Can’t you see from me that it’s bad!”

3. I sigh: “It can’t get any worse!”

4. “Great! What about you?"

5. “Why are you suddenly interested in my affairs?”

6. “Everything is fine” and move the conversation to another topic.

Answer No. 1. It doesn’t matter to you what another person thinks when forced to listen to your story, you only listen to yourself...

The method for processing the results is given at the end of the test.

The following points are awarded for answers to each question:

    - it doesn’t happen like that;

    – perhaps incorrect;

    - May be;

    - maybe yes;

    - I'm sure yes.


    Ability to set clear goals and objectives:

A – I have a clear long-term goal of professional improvement for 3-4 years in advance;

B – together with the teacher, I plan the level of achievements for the coming year; I outline specific tasks for the appropriate stages of preparation;

B – I set the next tasks for the next classes, tests, exam.

    Ability to carry out activities systematically:

A - I carry out plans for individual homework;

B – I carry out plans for speaking at tests and exams;

B – I evaluate the classes conducted, tests and exams completed; I am adjusting my plans.

    The ability to subordinate oneself to achieving a set goal:

A – in order to achieve the goal, I follow a strict regime;

B – goals and objectives of professional growth are a powerful source of activity for me;

Q – I feel a great sense of satisfaction from the very process of my musical studies.


    Ability to achieve goals over a long period of time:

A – I practice a musical instrument regularly and strictly observe the number of hours allotted to me for lessons;

B – I painstakingly and carefully try to practice the technique of game movements;

B – I persistently and consistently try to overcome the shortcomings of my professional skills.

    Ability to overcome negative moods:

A – when a feeling of fatigue develops, I try to be patient and continue classes without reducing the intensity of my work;

B – being in a bad mood, I can force myself to take action through “I don’t want” or “I can’t”;

B - patiently and for a long time, I can repeat monotonous and boring, but necessary exercises.

    The ability to continue activities despite failures and other difficulties:

A - failure to perform a piece mobilizes me to achieve my goal - to play well;

B – in case of failure, I am inclined to increase the duration of my studies;

B – having played one piece unsuccessfully at the test, I don’t lose heart and try to play other pieces well.


    Ability to make responsible decisions in a timely manner:

A – I can make a timely decision to perform any action, intention, deed when I cannot hesitate;

B – I can make a timely decision to take the necessary actions under risk conditions;

B - I can make a timely decision in conditions of moral responsibility for my actions to my team (ensemble or orchestra).

    Ability to suppress feelings of fear:

A – in the conditions of a responsible performance, I feel a desire for risk and a desire to move on to action (I can play a piece at a faster tempo at a competition);

B – in conditions of a responsible performance, I mentally disconnect from my experiences and concentrate entirely on my performing actions;

B – in an atmosphere of moral responsibility, I consciously overcome unfavorable experiences and act decisively (I can perform a part in place of a sick soloist).

    Ability to accurately implement decisions:

A – after making a decision to perform a responsible action (task), I certainly begin its practical implementation;

B – having started to play a difficult episode or piece, I continue to do it and finish it, play it to the end, even if I make mistakes;

B – failures when playing difficult things motivate you to make repeated attempts to achieve success.


    Ability to maintain clarity of thought:

A – when playing for a test or exam, I can concentrate well, distribute and switch attention despite the exciting situation;

B – I do not allow “defeatist” thoughts and negative ideas under the influence of failures and mistakes in tests and exams;

B – In a stressful exam environment, I can act thoughtfully in accordance with what I know and can do.

    Ability to control your feelings:

A – I can easily increase my emotional tone in a state of apathy, confusion, anxiety and restlessness;

B – I can easily reduce the level of my emotional arousal (with excitement, pain, indignation, exaggerated idea of ​​\u200b\u200bresponsibility);

B – in case of successful performance of a piece in class or on an exam, I do not show excessive self-confidence, carelessness and imaginary superiority over others.

    Ability to manage your actions:

A – I can maintain control over my gaming movements even when showing feelings of fatigue, irritation, and dissatisfaction with myself;

B – despite my failures in the tests, I strive to continue speaking publicly to the best of my abilities;

B – in conflict situations, I can easily restrain myself from unethical actions and actions (rude words, bickering, leaving class).


    Ability to demonstrate independence in decisions and actions:

A - I am critical of the advice offered to me by my comrades; I am not inclined to imitate my successful comrades;

B – I like to prepare for my next classes on my own (read and take notes on the necessary books, complete the necessary tasks);

Q – After my public performances, I prefer my own analysis of what worked and what didn’t.

    Ability to demonstrate personal initiative and innovation:

A – I like to invent technical exercises and propose original plans for performing a piece;

B – I am inclined to independently plan the stages of my professional growth;

Q – I like to look for individual ways to improve my professional skills.

    Ability to demonstrate resourcefulness and intelligence.

A – I easily adapt to unexpected changes in the conditions of classes and exams (transfer in time and room);

B – when playing in an ensemble, I can quickly change the nature of my performance, focusing on the soloist or fellow ensemble members;

Q – I can quickly adapt my performance of works depending on the audience (composition of listeners, acoustic capabilities).

The task is performed individually or in pairs, when students evaluate each other. Evaluation of results: for each volitional quality:

36 – 45 points - high level;

26 – 35 - average;

15 – 25 - low. The results are summarized according to the following scheme:

Volitional qualities Volitional skills Trait assessments

strong-willed skills

1. Determination 1. Set clear goals A B C General

and tasks 3 5 4 12

2. Systematically 4 3 2 9



3. Submit yourself 5 5 5 15

achievement of the set


    Perseverance and 4. Persevere for a long time

persistence of the intended goal

5. Overcome painful things


6. Continue activities,

despite the failures

3. Determination and

How strong the will is, the more fruitful our work and studies are usually. Do you want to know this about yourself? Then try to answer the proposed questions of this test with maximum frankness.

You can use three answer options: “yes” “sometimes it happens” (“I don’t know”, “I don’t know”, “no”.

Willpower test questions

1. Are you able to complete work that does not interest you?

2. Do you easily overcome internal resistance when you need to do something unpleasant?

3. When you find yourself in a conflict situation at home or at work, are you able to pull yourself together enough to look at the situation objectively?

4. If you are prescribed a diet, can you overcome culinary temptations?

5. Will you find the strength to get up earlier than usual in the morning, as planned the day before, if it is not necessary?

6. Will you remain at the scene to testify?

7. Do you respond quickly to emails?

8. If you are afraid of an upcoming airplane flight or a visit to the dentist's office, will you be able to not change your intention at the last moment?

9. Will you take a very unpleasant medicine that your doctor strongly recommends?

10. Will you keep your promise in the heat of the moment, even if fulfilling it will bring you a lot of trouble?

11. Do you hesitate to go on a business trip (business trip) to an unfamiliar city?

12. Do you strictly adhere to your daily routine?

13. Do you disapprove of library debtors?

14. Even the most interesting TV show won’t make you put off doing urgent and important work?

15. Will you be able to interrupt a quarrel and remain silent, no matter how offensive the words addressed to you may seem?

Test results:

Answer “yes” – 2 points

- “sometimes it happens” (“I don’t know”, “I find it difficult to answer”) - 1 point

- “no” - 0 points.

Now count the results.

0-12 points.

Your willpower is not going well. You simply do what is easier and more interesting, even if it may hurt you in some way. You often take your responsibilities carelessly, which can cause various troubles for you. Your position is expressed by the well-known expression “What do I need more than anyone else?” You perceive any request, any obligation almost as physical pain. The point here is not only about weak willpower, but also about the selfishness of your personality. Try to look at yourself with this assessment in mind. Maybe this will help you change your attitude towards others and “remake” something in your character. If you succeed, you will only benefit from this.

13-21 points.

Your willpower is average. If you encounter an obstacle, you will take action to overcome it. But if you see a workaround, you will immediately use it. Don’t overdo it, but keep your word. You will try to do unpleasant work, although you will grumble. You will not take on unnecessary responsibilities of your own free will. This sometimes negatively affects the attitude of managers towards you and does not characterize you from the best side in the eyes of others. If you want to achieve more in life, train your will.

22-30 points.

Your willpower is fine. You can be relied upon - you will not let us down. You are not afraid of new assignments, long trips, or those things that confuse others. But sometimes your firm and irreconcilable position on fundamental issues annoys those around you. Strong-willed qualities are very good, but it is also necessary to have such qualities as flexibility, forbearance, and kindness.

How strong the will is, the more fruitful our work and studies are usually. Do you want to know this about yourself? Then try to answer the proposed questions of this test with maximum frankness.

You can use three answer options: “yes” “sometimes it happens” (“I don’t know”, “I don’t know”, “no”.

Willpower test questions


1. Are you able to complete work that does not interest you?

2. Do you easily overcome internal resistance when you need to do something unpleasant?

3. When you find yourself in a conflict situation at home or at work, are you able to pull yourself together enough to look at the situation objectively?

4. If you are prescribed a diet, can you overcome culinary temptations?

5. Will you find the strength to get up earlier than usual in the morning, as planned the day before, if it is not necessary?

6. Will you remain at the scene to testify?

7. Do you respond quickly to emails?

8. If you are afraid of an upcoming airplane flight or a visit to the dentist's office, will you be able to not change your intention at the last moment?

9. Will you take a very unpleasant medicine that your doctor strongly recommends?

10. Will you keep your promise in the heat of the moment, even if fulfilling it will bring you a lot of trouble?

11. Do you hesitate to go on a business trip (business trip) to an unfamiliar city?

12. Do you strictly adhere to your daily routine?

13. Do you disapprove of library debtors?

14. Even the most interesting TV show won’t make you put off doing urgent and important work?

15. Will you be able to interrupt a quarrel and remain silent, no matter how offensive the words addressed to you may seem?

Test results:

Answer “yes” - 2 points

- “sometimes it happens” (“I don’t know”, “I find it difficult to answer”) - 1 point

- “no” - 0 points.

Now count the results.

0-12 points. Your willpower is not going well. You simply do what is easier and more interesting, even if it may hurt you in some way. You often take your responsibilities carelessly, which can cause various troubles for you. Your position is expressed by the well-known expression “What do I need more than anyone else?” You perceive any request, any obligation almost as physical pain. The point here is not only about weak willpower, but also about the selfishness of your personality. Try to look at yourself with this assessment in mind. Maybe this will help you change your attitude towards others and “remake” something in your character. If you succeed, you will only benefit from this.

13-21 points. Your willpower is average. If you encounter an obstacle, you will take action to overcome it. But if you see a workaround, you will immediately use it. Don’t overdo it, but keep your word. You will try to do unpleasant work, although you will grumble. You will not take on unnecessary responsibilities of your own free will. This sometimes negatively affects the attitude of managers towards you and does not characterize you from the best side in the eyes of others. If you want to achieve more in life, train your will.

22-30 points. Your willpower is fine. You can rely on you - you will not let you down. You are not afraid of new assignments, long trips, or those things that confuse others. But sometimes your firm and irreconcilable position on fundamental issues annoys those around you. Strong-willed qualities are very good, but it is also necessary to have such qualities as flexibility, forbearance, and kindness.