Test on the topic of Latin American countries. Geography test.docx - Geography test Topic: Latin America

Tests on the topic “Latin America”.

Option 1

1. Which of the following Latin American countries has access only to the Atlantic Ocean?

a) Mexico; d) Colombia;

b) Bolivia; d) Argentina.

c) Panama;

2. Which Latin American island state has the largest area?

a) Dominican Republic;

b) Cuba;

c) Haiti;

d) Grenada;

d) Jamaica.

3. In which of the following Latin American countries are Creoles predominant?

a) Mexico;

b) Brazil;

c) Bahamas;

d) Haiti;

d) Uruguay.

4. Which of the named cities form the largest agglomerations in Latin America and are not seaports?

a) Rio de Janeiro;

b) Lima;

c) Buenos Aires;

d) Sao Paulo;

d) Santiago.

5. Which option incorrectly indicates the resources that this country has?

a) water resources - Brazil;

c) tungsten and silver ores - Jamaica;

d) forest resources - Colombia;

6. Which Latin American country is among the top ten countries in the production of cars, televisions and radios?

a) Argentina; d) Guyana;

b) Brazil; e) Dominican Republic

c) Mexico;

7. Which Latin American country is a wheat exporter and also one of the top ten countries in terms of cattle population?

a) Argentina;

b) Mexico;

c) Venezuela;

d) Peru;

d) Cuba.

a) Mexico - to the south;

b) Venezuela - to the north;

c) Brazil - to the Amazon;

a) Brazil is ahead of India in terms of its share of global GDP.

b) Argentina's main production facilities are concentrated in Pampa, where one of the world's largest agro-industrial complexes has developed.

c) The economic “face” of the Andean countries is determined by the oil refining industry, which operates on imported raw materials, as well as international tourism.

d) There are no areas in Brazil where small-scale consumer agriculture predominates.

10. The Port of Tampico in Mexico specializes in:

a) export of wheat;

b) export of coal;

c) import of iron ore;

d) oil exports;

e) import of timber.

Option 2

1. Which of the following Latin American countries has access only to the Pacific Ocean?

a) Mexico; d) Peru;

b) Paraguay; d) Argentina.

c) Panama;

2. Which of the following Latin American countries are federal republics?

a) Peru; d) Nicaragua;

b) Mexico; d) Venezuela.

c) Cuba;

3. In which of the following Latin American countries do mestizos predominate?

a) Mexico; d) Haiti;

b) Brazil; d) Uruguay.

c) Jamaica;

4. Which of the named cities forms one of the four largest metropolitan areas in North America and is a seaport?

a) Mexico City; d) Buenos Aires;

b) Lima; d) Quito.

c) Sao Paulo;

5. Select the option in which the minerals exported by this country are incorrectly indicated:

a) iron ores - Brazil;

b) tin and antimony ores - Bolivia;

c) bauxite - Colombia;

d) oil - Venezuela;

e) copper ores and saltpeter - Chile.

6. Which Latin American country is among the top ten countries in oil production?

a) Ecuador;

b) Bahamas;

c) Argentina;

d) Mexico;

d) Chile.

7. Which Latin American country is an exporter of raw cane sugar, and is also among the top five countries in terms of cattle population?

a) Argentina;

b) Mexico;

c) Venezuela;

d) Cuba;

e) Brazil.

8. Select the option that correctly indicates the direction of the shift in productive forces as a result of regional policy:

a) Mexico - to the border with the USA;

b) Venezuela - to the west;

c) Brazil - to the upper reaches of the Uruguay River;

d) Argentina - to the Gulf of La Plata.

9. Choose the correct statement.

a) Mexico City, Sao Paulo and Montevideo produce about 10% of the industrial output of their respective countries.

b) The importance of Rio de Janeiro as an economic center did not decrease after the capital was moved to Sao Paulo.

c) Brazil's main production facilities are concentrated in Patagonia, where one of the world's largest agro-industrial complexes has developed.

d) What the Andean countries have in common is the development of the mining industry. Some countries in the subregion are leaders in world fisheries.

10. Select agricultural crops for which Brazil ranks 1st in the world:

a) cocoa;

b) coffee;

c) coconuts;

d) oranges;

d) sugar cane.

Option 1

1. d. 2. b. 3. d. 4. b; g. 5. c. 6. b. 7. a. 8. c. 9. b. 10. g.

Option 2

1. g. 2. b; d. 3. a. 4. g. 5. c. 6. d. 7. d. 8. a. 9. g. 10. b; d.

Tests on the topic “Latin America”.

Option 1

Indicate, underlining with different lines or colors, which of the following Latin American countries are particularly prominent in the production of: a) oil; b) iron ores; c) copper ores; d) tin ores; e) nickel ores; f) bauxite; g) sulfur; h) saltpeter:
1) Bolivia; 2) Brazil; 3) Venezuela; 4) Guyana; 5) Cuba; 6) Mexico; 7) Peru; 8) Suriname; 9) Chile; 10) Jamaica.

1. Which of the following Latin American countries has access only to the Atlantic Ocean?

a) Mexico; d) Colombia;

b) Bolivia; d) Argentina.

c) Panama;

2. Which Latin American island state has the largest area?

a) Dominican Republic;

d) Grenada;

d) Jamaica.

3. In which of the following Latin American countries are Creoles predominant?

a) Mexico;

b) Brazil;

c) Bahamas;

d) Uruguay.

4. Which of the named cities form the largest agglomerations in Latin America and are not seaports?

a) Rio de Janeiro;

c) Buenos Aires;

d) Sao Paulo;

d) Santiago.

5. Which option incorrectly indicates the resources that this country has?

a) water resources - Brazil;

c) tungsten and silver ores - Jamaica;

d) forest resources - Colombia;

6. Which Latin American country is in the top ten countries for the production of cars, televisions and radios?

a) Argentina; d) Guyana;

b) Brazil; e) Dominican Republic

c) Mexico;

7. Which Latin American country is a wheat exporter and also one of the top ten countries in terms of cattle population?

a) Argentina;

b) Mexico;

c) Venezuela;

a) Mexico - to the south;

b) Venezuela - to the north;

c) Brazil - to the Amazon;

a) Brazil is ahead of India in terms of its share of global GDP.

b) Argentina's main production facilities are concentrated in Pampa, where one of the world's largest agro-industrial complexes has developed.

c) The economic “face” of the Andean countries is determined by the oil refining industry, which operates on imported raw materials, as well as international tourism.

d) There are no areas in Brazil where small-scale consumer agriculture predominates.

10. The Port of Tampico in Mexico specializes in:

a) export of wheat;

b) export of coal;

c) import of iron ore;

d) oil exports; e) import of timber.

Option 2

1. The peoples of Latin America speak predominantly,,,,,,, languages.
2. The share of Indians in the entire population is especially large in countries such as,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.
3. The vast majority of Latin Americans profess religion.

1. Which of the following Latin American countries has access only to the Pacific Ocean?

a) Mexico; d) Peru;

b) Paraguay; d) Argentina.

c) Panama;

2. Which of the following Latin American countries are federal republics?

a) Peru; d) Nicaragua;

b) Mexico; d) Venezuela.

3. In which of the following Latin American countries do mestizos predominate?

a) Mexico; d) Haiti;

b) Brazil; d) Uruguay.

c) Jamaica;

4. Which of the named cities forms one of the four largest metropolitan areas in North America and is a seaport?

a) Mexico City; d) Buenos Aires;

b) Lima; d) Quito.

c) Sao Paulo;

5. Select the option in which the minerals exported by this country are incorrectly indicated:

a) iron ores - Brazil;

b) tin and antimony ores - Bolivia;

c) bauxite - Colombia;

d) oil - Venezuela;

e) copper ores and saltpeter - Chile.

6. Which Latin American country is among the top ten countries in oil production?

a) Ecuador;

b) Bahamas;

c) Argentina;

d) Mexico;

7. Which Latin American country is an exporter of raw cane sugar, and is also among the top five countries in terms of cattle population?

a) Argentina;

b) Mexico;

c) Venezuela;

e) Brazil.

8. Select the option that correctly indicates the direction of the shift in productive forces as a result of regional policy:

a) Mexico - to the border with the USA;

b) Venezuela - to the west;

d) Argentina - to the Gulf of La Plata.

9. Choose the correct statement.

a) Mexico City, Sao Paulo and Montevideo produce about 10% of the industrial output of their respective countries.

b) The importance of Rio de Janeiro as an economic center did not decrease after the capital was moved to Sao Paulo.

c) Brazil's main production facilities are concentrated in Patagonia, where one of the world's largest agro-industrial complexes has developed.

d) What the Andean countries have in common is the development of the mining industry. Some countries in the subregion are leaders in world fisheries.

10. Select agricultural crops for which Brazil ranks 1st in the world:

c) coconuts;

d) oranges;

d) sugar cane.

Option 1

Fill in the blanks in the following sentences:

1. The peoples of Latin America speak predominantly Spanish and Portuguese.
2. The share of Indians in the entire population is especially high in countries such as Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, and Paraguay.
3. The vast majority of Latin Americans profess Christianity (Catholics) religion.

a) oil – Venezuela;
b) iron ores – Brazil;
c) copper ores of Chile;
d) tin ores – Bolivia;
e) nickel ores – Cuba;
f) bauxite – Guyana, Suriname, Jamaica;
g) sulfur – Chile, Peru;
h) saltpeter - Chile.

1. d. 2. b. 3. d. 4. b; g. 5. c. 6. b. 7. a. 8. c. 9. b. 10. g.

Option 2

1. g. 2. b; d. 3. a. 4. g. 5. c. 6. d. 7. d. 8. a. 9. g. 10. b; d.

1. What is the origin of the name Latin America?

For a long time, this region was subject to colonization by mainly Spain and Portugal, i.e. countries whose populations speak Romance (Latin) languages. This is where the name of the region comes from.

2. The countries of South America that do not have access to the sea:

a) Paraguay and Uruguay; b) Uruguay and Bolivia; c) Bolivia and Paraguay.

3. In the industrial structure of most countries, the leading place belongs to:

a) mining; b) processing.

4. What causes the high level of urbanization in Latin American countries? What problems do city residents face?

Latin America is one of the regions with rapid population growth (about 20%), which determines the youth of the inhabitants in most countries. Moreover, if at the beginning of the twentieth century. While the increase in the share of the region's urban population was mainly due to the influx of immigrants from Europe, in the second half of the last century it was caused by internal migrations associated with industrialization and the unresolved agrarian question. Urban residents face problems of income inequality and poverty.

5. How can we explain the coastal location of many industrial areas of Latin America?

The orientation of the Latin American economy towards the foreign market has led to the formation of separate “clumps” of the export economy in ports of export. Often the capitals and main export ports coincide (Buenos Aires, Montevideo, Havana, etc.).

6. What are the features of the economy of Latin American countries?

The industrial appearance of the region is determined by Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, and, to a lesser extent, Chile, Venezuela, Colombia and Peru. Despite the dynamic development of the manufacturing industry, mining (mainly mining raw materials and oil) still occupies a strong position in the economy of most countries in the region. And a breakthrough in the development of modern manufacturing industries was made by the “big three” - Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, which are increasingly classified as newly industrialized countries. As for the countries of Central America and the Caribbean, as well as Bolivia, Paraguay and some others, here the food and light industries predominate in the structure of industrial production.

7. What are the advantages and disadvantages of many Latin American countries being close to the United States?


1. Most Latin American countries have the United States as their main trading partner. The main flows of raw materials from South and Central America go there, and the main flows of finished products go back.

2. The United States builds new production facilities in developing countries and provides new jobs for workers in these countries.


1. The United States exports outdated technologies to some countries, as well as polluting industries. This worsens the quality of the environment, and consequently the quality of life of people and their health.

2. Latin American countries in the 20th century were “raw materials” appendages of the United States, which ultimately led to the one-sided economy of most countries and the dependence of the economy on the prices of raw materials.

3. The United States imposes governments it likes, often repressive and totalitarian.

4. To please US consumers, unauthorized drug production is carried out in Latin American countries (cocaine in Peru and Bolivia, heroin in Colombia)

8. Explain why many Latin American countries have the highest levels of economic development among developing countries.

These are the countries that have taken the industrial path of development from the very beginning: primarily Brazil, Argentina, Mexico and Chile.

Latin American countries are rich in proven natural resources. The forms of government in these countries are quite progressive from the very beginning, in addition, they turned from colonial countries into independent ones much earlier than most African countries and some Asian ones. The industrial structure of the most developed countries does not depend on one sector of the economy.

10. Group the peoples of the region by ethnic composition and anthropological origin.

The indigenous population of the region are numerous Indian peoples. The largest share of the Indian population is in Bolivia (more than 60%) and Guatemala (more than 50%). The majority of the West Indian population is descended from Africans. Subsequently, the countries of Latin America (primarily Argentina, Uruguay and Brazil) received many immigrants from other countries of Western and Eastern Europe, China, etc.

11. Many peoples and countries of Latin America have a very ancient culture. Collect materials that tell about it.

Before the arrival of Europeans, in the territory now called Latin America, there were many ancient Indian civilizations, the most interesting of which were the Incas, Mayans and Aztecs.

The Incas are an ancient Indian civilization that conquered and built a large empire in South America in the territory of modern Peru and existed until the 16th century, until it was destroyed by the Spanish conquistadors. The Inca Empire was distinguished by the high development of culture, science and social system. Many monuments and evidence of the Inca civilization have survived to this day, such as Inca roads and the remains of ancient cities and buildings.

The Maya are a Mesoamerican civilization known for their writing, art, architecture, mathematical and astronomical systems. The beginning of its formation dates back to the pre-classical era (2000 BC - 250 AD), most Mayan cities reached the peak of their development in the classical period (250-900 AD). By the time the conquistadors arrived, it was in deep decline.

The Aztecs are an Indian people in central Mexico. The number of modern Nahuas (descendants of the Aztecs) is over 1.5 million people. The Aztec civilization (XIV-XVI centuries) had a rich mythology and cultural heritage. The capital of the Aztec Empire was the city of Tenochtitlan, located on Lake Texcoco, where the city of Mexico is now located.