Test for political beliefs. VKontakte political views test

This free test will help determine your political beliefs on the main political scale of Western democracies. There are other "political orientation" and "political opinion" tests that have often been criticized for using tricks to induce the respondent to respond in a particular way, such as by shifting the emphasis or framing questions in such a way as to provoke an emotional reaction from the respondent. Unlike them, in this test the questions are formulated without any “juggling” or manipulation.

Your political coordinates:

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Quadrants explained

Left liberalism (Social liberalism): People in this quadrant protect individual freedom in matters of taxation to provide benefits to those who need them. They strive to find a balance between personal freedom and social justice, and support the ideas of multiculturalism, secular government and international cooperation. And although they are usually skeptical about the role of the state in the lives of citizens, they nevertheless believe that the state should legally combat discrimination and provide equal conditions for everyone

Right-wing communitarianism (Conservatism): People in this quadrant support the traditional social and economic order and advocate state sovereignty. They consider themselves defenders of the ideas of their ancestors, supporting strict immigration laws, traditional values ​​and a strong military. Although they believe that the state plays an important role in matters of national security and culture, they are skeptical about the role of the state in economic matters.

Left communitarianism (Social democracy): People in this quadrant advocate collective solutions to both social and economic problems. They tend to support government that limits the excesses of capitalism and reduces inequality through a mixed economy and the welfare state. They support collective decisions, economic redistribution and shared values ​​in society through participatory democracy and the state.

Right-wing liberalism (Libertarianism): People in this quadrant support freedom as a fundamental political good in all respects. They are staunch supporters of both personal and economic freedom, are very skeptical of collective plans and goals and, on the contrary, attach great importance to the principle of voluntary association and the ability of everyone to draw their own conclusions. Typically, they place less importance on the role of the state compared to people in the other three quadrants, and, conversely, believe in the spontaneity of the social structure of the market.

Horizontal Axis: Left-Right

In our test, the Left-Right Axis measures the economic views of the respondent. The "Left" supports government intervention and economic regulation, while the "Right" supports economic freedom and laissez-faire. This means that the "Left" tends to support government efforts to limit what it considers to be unfair or immoral phenomena of the free market, while the "Right" tends to believe that transactions between private parties should primarily be made without government intervention.
However, the scale, which reflects the respondent's position on economic issues, is not sufficient to capture the significant variations in the two groups. Therefore, we introduced another axis.

Vertical Axis: Communitarian-Liberal

All liberals are based on the belief that defending individual freedoms is more important than meeting the needs of society. Left liberals tend to believe that an individual cannot exercise his freedoms without a certain level of education and material comfort. In their opinion, this makes redistribution between rich and poor necessary. In contrast, the Liberal Right tends to believe that taxing a person against his will in order to provide social benefits to others is an act of violence and thus violates individual freedom. They support charity and assistance for the poor, provided they are voluntary.
All communitarians assume that the welfare of society comes before the idiosyncratic desires of specific individuals. Right-wing Communitarians adhere to so-called paternalistic political views. They advocate for a hierarchical society and take a tough stance against threats - keeping criminals in jail and keeping foreign nations at bay with strong defenses. For their part, while Left ideologues tend to support liberal values, research points to a significant segment of voters who are both left-leaning on economics while also supporting their society's most traditional values ​​and being skeptical of immigration (Mudde 2013).

Disadvantages and Limitations

Our test is designed to cover the main lines of political opinion that exist in modern Western democracies. Therefore, it failed to reflect extreme and niche views such as anarcho-syndicalism, anarcho-capitalism, Orthodox socialism and fascism. While there are political coordinate tests that attempt to capture the full range of opinions within a relative simple quadrant, their practical results (such as identifying centrist democratic leaders who are exactly like Hitler and Kim Jong-un) are rather misleading than they inform.

Another problem is that while the two axes are equally important in theory, the realities of parliamentary politics mean that in practice alliances rarely form between left and right. And although Liberals and Communitarians, in principle, could form an alliance against their colleagues, this was not observed in real politics. Therefore, despite the fact that the Left-Right axis is often called outdated, it nevertheless remains the only important one in American and European politics.


Mudde, C.: "Three decades of populist radical right parties in Western Europe: So what?" European Journal of Political Research Volume 52, Issue 1, January 2013

Why use this test?

  • 1. It's free.

    This free online test for determining political coordinates is provided to you absolutely free of charge. It will help you locate yourself along the two main political axes, placing you in one of the four main quadrants that are commonly found in Western democracies.

  • 2. No hidden motives.

    Although there are other political orientation tests, many of them phrase questions in a way that allows respondents to tailor the answers to their own political point of view. There are no ulterior motives in this test, and the questions are formulated without bias or “rigging”.

  • 3. Modern.

    Several of the most popular tests of political coordinates were compiled more than 10 years ago and/or were associated with specific elections. One way or another, the questions in the tests revolved around problems that were characteristic of those times, and not for the modern political balance of power.

  • 4. Compiled with the help of professionals.

    This test was created by the efforts of researchers who work professionally in the field of political science and political analysis.

Political coordinates test CelebrityTypes is the property CelebrityTypes International. Test "The Political Compass" Pace News Limited. The Vote Compass is a registered trademark of the company Vox Pop Labs Inc. Neither Pace News Limited, neither Vox Pop Labs Inc. have no connection with this site.

This test was developed with the help of professional political analysts and respondents from across the political spectrum. Even so, please keep in mind that these tests are only indicators - a first look at the system to give you a head start.

Political orientation tests, whether professional or "official" ones used in academic studies, or free online tests like this one, are only indicators that can give you a general idea of ​​your political point of view. No test ever created can determine your political beliefs with complete accuracy and reliability, and no political affiliation test can replace your deep familiarity with the politics of your country.

The authors of this free online political coordinates test are certified in the use of various personality tests and work professionally in the field of psychology, political psychology and personality testing. Before taking our free online test, please note that test results are provided as is, free of charge, and should not be construed as providing professional or certified advice of any kind. For more detailed information about the online political coordinates test, please see

The Soviet people, having fallen out of the paternalistic state, experienced bitter disappointment not only from unexpected everyday hardships (they promised a self-assembled tablecloth while maintaining a horizontal position on the stove!), but also from the inability to adequately express their thoughts and experiences. The Soviet man simply lacked language accurate descriptions of new and unfamiliar socio-political phenomena. There was a lack of basic terminology.

Over the 70 years of its existence, the Soviet government accustomed Soviet people to the Manichaean (bipolar) culture of thinking: “We - They”, “Workers - Bourgeois”, “Socialism - Capitalism”, “Collectivism - Individualism”, “Materialism - Idealism”, “Atheism” -Religion”, “Science - Pseudoscience”, “Marxism - Anti-Sovietism”, “Dialectics - Metaphysics”, “Soviet art - Bourgeois art”.

Each Soviet “Yang and Yin” had an armor-piercing ethical binding: we, the working people, socialism, collectivism, materialism, atheism, science, Marxism, dialectics, Soviet art - this is GOOD, this is CORRECT, this is KIND; they, the bourgeoisie, capitalism, individualism, idealism, religion, pseudoscience (this, as you remember, included any non-Soviet sciences: cybernetics, genetics, structuralism, semiotics, etc.), anti-Sovietism, metaphysics, bourgeois art - this is BAD, this is WRONG, this is EVIL.

It was quite comfortable to live with such a Manichaean language under Soviet rule, under which free public discourse was absent by definition, but after the collapse of Soviet power, life became painfully inconvenient. The new reality, despite its primitiveness and infancy, turned out to be an order of magnitude more complex than the former Soviet grace, so the Manichaean language was clearly not enough for descriptions.

And then the post-Soviet people began to invent their own terminology to explain new socio-political phenomena. Since there was no tradition, knowledge, and especially continuity, the post-Soviet information space was filled with a variety of concepts that, at best, meant something directly opposite to the terminology generally accepted in the world, and at worst, did not mean anything at all except propaganda suggestions.

In modern Russia, the word “left” refers to someone who, in a normal world that has preserved the continuity of thought and tradition, is usually called a “conservative”; the word “right” refers to a “liberal”; “liberalism” in the discourse of modern Russia is “libertarianism”; "conservative" is, depending on the context, either a "statist", or a "paternalist", or a "totalitarian", or a "religious fanatic". And so on in all areas of social and political life.

Recently, even greater oddities have been observed: complex constructions have begun to be superimposed on top of a system of basic terminology that has been turned upside down. It is, of course, possible to understand what “liberal conservative”, “conservative liberal”, “left conservative” and “right liberal” (terms ported to modern Russia from narrow-profile Western European and American sources) mean, but it’s just impossible to answer the question: “Why did it become necessary to complicate concepts that are inadequately perceived even at an elementary level?”

To comprehend “left-wing conservatism,” you first need to understand what simply “left” is and what “conservative” is, and only then combine these words into a single concept. Otherwise, in the context of the post-Soviet tradition, it turns out that a “left conservative” is a “conservative statist,” or even just a “religious fanatic.”

The complication, in my opinion, is being done in order to completely confuse ordinary people, force them to give up and henceforth rely entirely on the ready-made instructions of propagandists. One problem: the attitudes of propagandists change like a weather vane depending on the political situation of the day - a circumstance that is inevitably fraught with severe neurosis for the average person.

In my opinion, clearing away the terminological rubble must begin with putting things in order elementary basic terminology. Moreover, do it in such a way that any passerby, and not just a graduate of the Faculty of Philosophy of Moscow State University, can understand it.

I’m making a modest contribution and putting the basic socio-political terminology on the shelves. I take as a basis the developments of the American politician and activist David Nolan, who in 1969 created a very simple, visual and understandable diagram (Nolan Chart), reflecting the key aspects of the political spectrum. Nolan’s diagram subsequently formed the basis for dozens of revisions, reinterpretations, deepening and complications, but the crystal clear basis of the original version still looks like an example of common sense.

The purpose of the Nolan diagram is to overcome the one-dimensionality of the political division into right and left, and also to connect these concepts with party affiliation (liberals - conservatives). The assessment of two key areas of socio-political life is taken as a watershed:

1) the relationship between the individual and the state;

2) the relationship between the state and the economy.

The distribution of political views is carried out depending on the assumption of one or another degree of state control over the individual and the economy. In its classic version, the Nolan chart divides the spectrum of political views into five areas:

It seems to me that the optimal test for determining basic political views in the conditions of post-Soviet terminological confusion is The World Smallest Political Quiz ( The smallest political test in the world), which is based on the Nolan chart. With its help, you can determine whether your views belong to one of the five basic types of the political spectrum:


Libertarians are supporters of maximum personal and economic freedom. They advocate limiting the powers of government to the function of protecting citizens from coercion and violence. Libertarians support full individual responsibility for one's words and deeds, oppose overbearing bureaucracies and taxes, promote the idea of ​​private charity, are tolerant of any lifestyle, support the free market and protect civil liberties.

Left liberalism

Liberals advocate freedom of choice in matters of private life, but largely support government control over the economy. They advocate the preservation of state structures for maintaining social security to provide assistance to disadvantaged segments of the population and all those in need. Liberals support strict regulation of business by the state, approve of strict measures to protect the environment, protect civil liberties and the right to free personal expression, and support government actions aimed at promoting universal equality and tolerance of different lifestyles.


Centrists take a moderate position on issues of government control over the economy and private life. Depending on the circumstances, in some cases they support government intervention, in others they defend the freedom of private choice. Centrists are proud of the openness and impartiality of their views, oppose themselves to any manifestations of political extremism, and advocate, as they see it, “practical” approaches to solving problems.

Right-wing conservatism

Conservatives support economic freedoms, but they approve of laws that restrict individual behavior that, in their opinion, violates “traditional values.” They oppose excessive state control over business, while supporting the authorities in matters of protecting morality and family. Conservatives generally support a strong military and law enforcement, oppose bureaucracy and high taxes, and favor free markets.

Statism (“statists”)

Etatists advocate delegating great power to the state in matters of the economy and regulating the behavior of citizens. They do not believe that economic and personal freedoms provide practical advantages in the modern world. Statists distrust the free market, support high taxes and central planning of the economy, advocate restrictions on what they consider unacceptable lifestyles, and question the importance of civil liberties.

As you can see, everything is very simple and transparent. Among other things, the great merit of Nolan’s diagram is the rehabilitation of “liberalism” (Nolan himself, by the way, did not share liberal views, being an active libertarian), a term that has undergone extreme distortion in the post-Soviet information space.

The main advantages of the test are: clarity of wording And brevity: there are only 10 questions in it (five about the relationship between the state and the individual, five about the relationship between the state and the economy), so in just one minute you will be able to accurately determine the place of your socio-political views, moreover, using generally accepted terminology in the world, and not the vague shifters of post-Soviet newspeak.

1. It's free. This free online test for determining political coordinates is provided to you absolutely free of charge. It will help you locate yourself along the two main political axes, placing you in one of the four main quadrants that are commonly found in Western democracies.

2. No hidden motives. Although there are other political orientation tests, many of them phrase questions in a way that allows respondents to tailor the answers to their own political point of view. There are no ulterior motives in this test, and the questions are formulated without bias or “rigging”.

3. Modern. Several of the most popular tests of political coordinates were compiled more than 10 years ago and/or were associated with specific elections. One way or another, the questions in the tests revolved around problems that were characteristic of those times, and not for the modern political balance of power.

4. Compiled with the help of professionals. This test was created by the efforts of researchers who work professionally in the field of political science and political analysis.

Test: Political coordinates

This free test will help determine your political beliefs on the main political scale of Western democracies. There are other "political orientation" and "political opinion" tests that have often been criticized for using tricks to induce the respondent to respond in a particular way, such as by shifting the emphasis or framing questions in such a way as to provoke an emotional reaction from the respondent. Unlike them, in this test the questions are formulated without any “juggling” or manipulation.

Question 1 of 36

Homosexual couples should have the same rights as heterosexual couples, including adoption rights.


The IDR Labs Political Coordinates Test is the property of IDR Labs International. The Political Compass Test is a registered trademark of Pace News Limited. The Vote Compass is a registered trademark of Vox Pop Labs Inc. Neither Pace News Limited nor Vox Pop Labs Inc. have no connection with this site.

This test was developed with the help of professional political analysts and respondents from across the political spectrum. Even so, please keep in mind that these tests are only indicators - a first look at the system to give you a head start.

Political orientation tests, whether professional or "official" ones used in academic studies, or free online tests like this one, are only indicators that can give you a general idea of ​​your political point of view. No test ever created can determine your political beliefs with complete accuracy and reliability, and no political affiliation test can replace your deep familiarity with the politics of your country.

The authors of this free online political coordinates test are certified in the use of various personality tests and work professionally in the field of psychology, political psychology and personality testing. Before taking our free online test, please note that test results are provided as is, free of charge, and should not be construed as providing professional or certified advice of any kind. For more detailed information about the online political coordinates test, please see

In your acquaintances, loved ones, loved ones, you always look for some similarities with yourself: similar desires, hobbies, views... the more you learn about a person, the more you can say about what kind of person they are. Today you have the opportunity to learn even more about the views of your VKontakte friends, namely, about the political worldview. We suggest you take a test to analyze your political views yourself and get your friends interested in this test. Who knows, what if you are lucky enough to find a like-minded person? That is why today we present to your attention the “Political Views Test” application. To go to it, just click on link. But first, read the review so that you don’t have any questions while taking the political test!

Test application review

When you launch the application, you will be asked to follow a path to determine your political views. This path consists of 65 questions, answer options for which will be provided to you. The questions in the test relate exclusively to your own views both on politics and its leaders, and on the social and economic situation in the country.

The number of answer options that you are offered is from two to thirteen. Some questions have an unambiguous short answer “yes” or “no”, while others have entire theories formulated. There are also questions for which there may be several possible answers. In general, this test will help a lot if no one writes to you, to go to the article “What to do if no one writes in contact”, click on.

When you answer the last, 65th question, you immediately receive an answer. Please note that you are not being asked to go to another site or send a message from a mobile phone or anything like that. At the same second, the “Political Views” window opens in front of you with the result of the passed test. In it you can see your political portrait. It includes:

  • Table of political views: in percentage terms you can see how far your views are left or right; authoritarian or democratic; scientistic or anti-scientist.
  • Dominant worldview: the percentage shows how much of an anarchist, social democrat, Marxist, liberalist, fascist/Nazi you are.
  • Political coordinates: your political coordination is indicated on the coordinate plane, in addition, the views of some political figures whose views are close to you are indicated.
  • Level of protest potential: if you hover your cursor over the percentage graph, you can find out how ready you are to express your protest.
  • Summary: taking into account all the above indicators, the program has compiled your political summary, which indicates the basis of your political worldview, your affinity for certain ideas and methods of politics.

It should be noted that after each graph there is a small icon in the form of a globe. If you hover your mouse over it, you can find out the percentage of your views compared to all the views of people who took the test.

The application allows you to see the results of this test of your friends who passed it. You yourself can tell your friends the results of your test, or you can publish them on your VKontakte wall. This program will also notify you that one of your friends has taken this test, and you can view the results. The analysis of political views is quite accurate, since the results of the analysis of political views are performed on the basis of a correspondence counting algorithm.

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