Test the dynamism of the political map of the world. b) Saudi Arabia

Municipal budgetary educational institution secondary school No. 66 of the city of Tula

Final test on the topic:

A political map of the World

Tula 2015

1. Find the correct pairs of names of giant countries by area and their capitals:

a) USA - New York;

b) Great Britain - London;

c) Australia - Canberra;

d) Canada - Ottawa;

2. Find the correct pairs of names of giant countries by population and their capitals:

a) Nigeria - Cairo;

b) Indonesia - Jakarta;

c) Pakistan - Islamabad;

c) Italy;

d) Switzerland;

d) Mexico.

18. Select the options in which both named states are republics with a federal structure:

a) Finland, Mexico;

b) Pakistan, Brazil;

c) India, Malaysia;

d) Switzerland, Sweden;

d) Germany, USA.

19. Which of the following countries simultaneously meet three conditions: 1) are not members of the CIS; 2) are not members of the Commonwealth, headed by Great Britain; 3) are not members of military-political organizations?

a) Australia; d) Sweden;

b) Finland; d) Denmark.

c) Belarus;

20. Choose the correct statement.

a) Geopolitics has nothing to do with the policy of a state in relation to its neighbors.

b) Germany's influence on world events will intensify in the near future due to its stable economic development.

c) The presence of UN troops in a number of countries will contribute to increasing tension between the conflicting parties and complicate the situation in the region.

d) At the beginning of the 21st century. Many new states will appear on the political map of South America.


9. 1 - B; 2 - A; 3 - B, G; 4 - B, D; 5 B.

Test assessment criteria:

Rating “excellent” 20-18 correct answers out of 20 proposed questions

Rated “good” 17-15 correct answers out of 20 proposed questions

Rating “satisfactory” 14-10 correct answers out of 20 proposed questions

Rating “unsatisfactory” 0-9 correct answers out of 20 proposed questions

Test on the topic “Political map of the world”

Option 1

1. Find correct pairs of names of giant countries by area and their capitals:

a) USA - New York;

b) Great Britain - London;

c) Australia - Canberra;

d) Canada - Ottawa;

e) China - Shanghai.

2. Find correct pairs of names of giant countries by population and their capitals:

a) Nigeria - Cairo;

b) Indonesia - Jakarta;

c) Pakistan - Islamabad;

d) Saudi Arabia - Riyadh;

e) Canada - Ottawa.

3. Select correct pairs names of states and parts of the World Ocean to which they have access:

a) Spain - Mediterranean Sea;

b) Türkiye - Red Sea;

c) India - Bay of Bengal;

d) Venezuela - Caribbean Sea;

e) Ethiopia - Arabian Sea.

4. The names of which giant countries (both in terms of population and area) and their capitals are indicated incorrectly?

a) Russia – Moscow; d) China - Beijing;

b) Bangladesh - Delhi; e) Canada – Ottawa;

c) Spain – Madrid;

5. Which of the following countries are not key developing countries?

a) Türkiye;

b) Brazil;

d) Mexico;

d) Indonesia.

6. Which of these countries belong to the subgroup of least developed countries?

a) Mozambique; d) Ethiopia;

b) Saudi Arabia; d) Chile.

7. Which of these countries are states with a federal administrative-territorial structure?

a) Italy; d) Sweden;

b) USA; d) India.

c) Switzerland;

8. Choose the correct statements.

a) Great Britain is a constitutional monarchy, a unitary state.

b) Belgium is a republic, a federal state.

c) The USA is a republic, a federal state.

d) India is a constitutional monarchy, a federal state.

e) Saudi Arabia is an absolute monarchy, a unitary state.

9. Match:

1. Poland. A. State within the Commonwealth.

2. Canada. B. State within the CIS.

3. Russia. B. NATO member state.

4. France. D. The largest federal state in the world.

5. Ukraine. D. One of the most economically developed countries in Europe.

10. Choose the correct statements.

a) Political geography studies the formation of the political map of the world.

b) The UN plays an active role in resolving global conflicts, but does not interfere in resolving regional and local ones.

c) In the last decade of the 20th century. Not a single new state appeared on the political map of Africa.

d) China's influence on world events will increase due to the high growth rates of its economy.

Option 2

1. Which of the following countries are at the same time giants both in area and in population?

a) China; d) Pakistan;

b) Canada; d) USA.

in Russia;

2. Which of these cities are the capitals of giant countries both in area and in population?

a) Abuja; d) Havana;

b) Brasilia; d) Delhi.

c) Washington;

3. Select a landlocked country:

a) Finland; d) Niger;

b) Mongolia; d) Nepal.

c) Slovakia;

4. Which of the following countries not included in a Commonwealth led by Great Britain?

a) Azerbaijan; d) New Zealand;

b) Australia; d) Canada.

in Egypt;

5. Which of these countries are oil-exporting countries?

a) Sweden; d) Singapore;

b) Kuwait; e) Saudi Arabia.

c) Brunei;

6. Which of these countries belong to the group of the most backward?

a) Iran; d) Afghanistan;

b) Bangladesh; d) Argentina.

c) Hungary;

7. Which of these countries have a unitary administrative-territorial structure?

a) France;

b) United Arab Emirates;

c) Italy;

d) Switzerland;

d) Mexico.

8. Select the options in which both named states are republics with a federal structure:

a) Finland, Mexico;

b) Pakistan, Brazil;

c) India, Malaysia;

d) Switzerland, Sweden;

d) Germany, USA.

9. Which of these countries simultaneously meet three conditions: 1) are not members of the CIS; 2) are not members of the Commonwealth, headed by Great Britain; 3) are not members of military-political organizations?

a) Australia; d) Sweden;

b) Finland; d) Denmark.

c) Belarus;

10. Select correct statement.

a) Geopolitics has nothing to do with the policy of a state in relation to its neighbors.

b) Germany's influence on world events will intensify in the near future due to its stable economic development.

c) The presence of UN troops in a number of countries will contribute to increasing tension between the conflicting parties and complicate the situation in the region.

d) At the beginning of the 21st century. Many new states will appear on the political map of South America.

Test: Political map of the world.

Option 1

1. in; d. 2. b; V. 3. a; V; d. 4. b; V; d. 5. a; d. 6. a; d. 7. b; V; d. 8. a; V; d. 9. 1 - B; 2 - A; 3 - B, G; 4 - B, D; 5 - B. 10. a; G.

Option 2

1. a; V; d. 2.b; V; d. 3. a. 4. a; V. 5 B; V; d. 6. b; g. 7. a; V. 8. b; d. 9. b; d. 10. b.


Final test No. 1 in geography on the topic

"Modern political map of the world"

1. The main object of the political map of the world

a) seas b) country c) state d) country, state

2. How many sovereign states were there by 2007:

a) 100 b) 50 c) 130 d) 194

3. The most common grouping of countries by:

a) the size of their territory and population

b) the state system

c) linguistic affiliation

d) skin color

a) Canada b) USA c) India d) Russia

a) Canada b) USA c) China d) Russia

a) highly developed, developing, countries with economies in transition

b) socialist, capitalist

c) developing, democratic

d) highly developed, capitalist, socialist

9. According to the characteristics of their geographical location, countries are divided into:

a) coastal, peninsular, island, archipelagic countries

b) coastal, island

c) archipelagic countries, landlocked countries

d) continental, peninsular, river

10. How many countries are classified as developing:

a)50 b)150 c) 100 d)25

11. The leaders of developing countries are:

a) India, China, USA, Cuba b) Chile, Argentina, Canada, Peru

c) India, Brazil, Mexico, China d) Russia, Rwanda, Uganda

12. Asian Tiger countries

a) Chad, Kuwait, Indonesia, Thailand

b) Mali, Somalia, Singapore, Yemen

c) Yemen, Singapore, Malaysia, Philippines

d)Korea, Singapore, Taiwan, Hong Kong

13. Oil exporting countries include

d) Russia, Thailand, Iran, Iraq

14. In what year was the military-political bloc NATO created?

a) 1949 b) 1980 c) 1961 d) 1990

15. How many countries did the NATO military-political bloc include at the time of its creation?

a)10 b)5 c) 30 d)16

16. Where is the UN headquarters located?

a) Washington b) New York c) Tokyo d) Brussels

17. In what year did the collapse of Yugoslavia take place?

a) 1990 b) 1992 c) 1995 d) 1991

18. Form of government in which the head of state is the emperor, king, duke, prince, sultan

a) unitary state b) monarchy c) republic d) federation

19. Monarchy happens

a) constitutional, absolute, theocratic

b)absolute, unitary, theocratic

c) constitutional, absolute, parliamentary

d) parliamentary, republican, absolute

20. Basic forms of government

a) republican and monarchical

b) patriarchal and matriarchal

c) republican and matriarchal

d)monarchical and patriarchal

1. d, 2. d, 3. a, 4. d, 5. c, 6. a, 7. d, 8. a, 9. a, 10. b, 11. c, 12. d, 13. c, 14.a, 15.d, 16.b, 17.d, 18.b, 19.a, 20.a.

1 option
1. Find the correct pairs of names of countries - giants in area and their capitals:
a) USA - New York;
b) Great Britain - London;
c) Australia - Canberra;
d) Canada - Ottawa;
e) China - Shanghai.
2. Find the correct pairs of names of countries - giants in population and their capitals:
a) Nigeria - Cairo;
b) Indonesia - Jakarta;
c) Pakistan – Islamabad;
d) Saudi Arabia – Er – Riyadh;
e) Canada - Ottawa.
3. Select the correct pairs of names of states and parts of the World Ocean to which they have access:
a) Spain - Mediterranean Sea; b) Türkiye - Red Sea;
c) India - Bay of Bengal; d) Venezuela - Caribbean Sea;
e) Ethiopia - Arabian Sea.
4.Which of these states are not key developing countries?
a) Türkiye; b) Brazil;
c) India; d) Mexico; d) Indonesia.
5.Which of these countries belong to the subgroup of least developed countries?
a) Mozambique; b) Saudi Arabia;
c) India; d) Ethiopia; d) Chile.
1. Poland A. State within the Commonwealth
2. Canada B. State within the CIS
3. Russia B. NATO member state
4. France G. The largest federal state in the world
5. Ukraine D. One of the most economically developed countries in Europe
7. Match.
Type of developing countries Countries
1. Oil exporting countries A. Egypt, Brazil, Nigeria
2. New industrial countries B. Kuwait, Qatar, Iran
B. Republic of Korea, Singapore
8. Name the country, identifying it from the list of capitals of neighboring states. Having a common border with it (Berlin, Prague, Bratislava, Budapest, Ljubljana, Rome, Bern, Vaduz), and name the form of government, the form of government of this country and who owns the executive power in this country.

This highly developed country is located on islands and is a constitutional monarchy. The basis of its industry is a variety of mechanical engineering, but it stands out from other European countries due to its significant oil and gas production and coal reserves in old basins, the development of which has now practically ceased. The country is a member of the EU.

One of the largest countries in the world by territory; the modern population was formed as a result of immigration; 90% of the population lives in a narrow strip along the southern border; diversified industry; One of the branches of international specialization is the forestry and wood processing industry.

Test on the topic “Political map of the world” - grade 10
Option 2
1.Which of these countries are both giants in both area and population?
a) China; d) Pakistan;
b) Canada; e) USA
in Russia;
2.Which of these cities are the capitals of countries that are giants in area and population?
a) Abuja; d) Havana;
b) Brasilia; d) Delhi.
c) Washington;
3.Select a country with access to the sea:
a) Finland; d) Niger;
b) Mongolia; d) Nepal.
c) Slovakia;
4.Which of these countries are oil-exporting countries?
a) Sweden; d) Singapore;
b) Kuwait; e) Saudi Arabia.
c) Brunei;
5. Which of these countries belong to the group of the most backward?
a) Iran; b) Bangladesh;
c) Hungary; d) Afghanistan; d) Argentina.
6. Establish compliance:
Types of developing countries Countries
1. Key A. Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore
2. Backward B. Nepal, Chad, Haiti
V.India, Brazil, Mexico
7. Select from the list of cities the capitals of “key” developing countries:
1) Delhi; 5) Rio de Janeiro
2) Tokyo 6) Lisbon
3) Jakarta 7) Mexico City
4) Seoul
8. Identify the country by its brief description. This state with the smallest territory and the minimum number of inhabitants is unique in its form of government. It has its own government, bank, guard, laws. The sphere of activity of this state is the whole world.
9. Identify the country by its brief description.
This country has a favorable economic and geographical position: it borders on a highly developed country, has access to two oceans; the capital is one of the most ancient cities in America; pockets of ancient civilization have been preserved on the territory of the country; there are large reserves of non-ferrous metal ores, oil production is high; A sufficiently high level of economic development allows it to be characterized as “key” in the group of developing countries.
10. Identify the country by its brief description.
A small state in the heart of Europe, not part of the European Union, has significant economic potential, despite the lack of mineral resources and limited farmland (80% of the territory is mountainous). The multinational population is characterized by a high standard of living. The capital is not the largest city in the country. This country is home to the European headquarters of the United Nations, of which it has been a member since 2002.

1 option

1 c, d;
2 b, c;
3 a, c, d;
4 a, d;
5 a. G;
6 – 1 V, 2 A, 3 B D, 4 V D, 5 B;
7 – 1 B, 2 V;
8. Austria is a republic, a federal state, the executive power belongs to the president and the federal government.
9 – Great Britain;
10 – Canada.

Option 2

1 a, c, d;
2 b, c, d;
3 a;
4 b, c, d;
5 b, d;
6 – 1 B, 2 B;
7 – 1,7;
8 – Vatican;
9 – Mexico;
10 – Switzerland.