Greenhouses and greenhouses for summer cottages: design features and their installation, materials used, prices, photos. How a modern greenhouse works The most modern greenhouses

A country house can be not only a place of relaxation, but also a place where you can grow your own healthy and environmentally friendly fruits and vegetables. To achieve a good result: getting the first harvest or growing seedlings even in a fairly cold period, you need to buy a greenhouse. With its help you can increase productivity, grow ornamental plants and much more.

With a good greenhouse, the first harvest can be harvested much earlier

Features of greenhouses

Greenhouses have a durable, high-strength and at the same time fairly lightweight frame. In most cases, plastic or metal pipes are used that are resistant to mechanical damage and corrosion. The structure is sheathed on top with a special covering fabric, which allows you to protect the crops being grown from the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation, cold, and heavy rainfall. But the material allows the natural light necessary for plants to pass through and allows maintaining optimal temperature conditions inside the greenhouse and humidity.

Modern greenhouses with various designs represent compact and very convenient solutions even for the smallest areas. However, for them effective use You must follow some rules before installing the selected model.

The most simple design greenhouse - a small arch covered with film or agrofibre

To install a greenhouse you need to decide the following questions:

    installation should only be carried out in warm weather when the air temperature rises above 10 ºС;

    choice suitable shape– snow loads must be taken into account winter time and direction sun rays during daylight hours;

    choosing the optimal installation locations– the most important question is that the ends of the structure should be located in the most illuminated place of the entire site.

If several species are grown in a greenhouse at the same time different cultures, then additional use of special partitions is required. They are used to avoid cross-pollination of plants.

Advantages of greenhouses

Greenhouses for summer cottages are somewhat different from greenhouses, and have a number of advantages. The main feature of greenhouses is that they are used for growing small plants, various greens, as well as any seedlings. In addition to all of the above, plants of great height can be grown in greenhouses. The greenhouses are compact in size, they can be assembled like a construction set, so they are easy to transport, and for the winter they can be put away in a utility room for storage.

A greenhouse with a lifting lid - this makes it convenient to get close to the plants

Thanks to their compact size and ease of assembly, they can be installed not only in the country, but also in the garden or garden. The maximum height of the structure does not exceed 1.75 m. There are practically no doors; in some cases the roof is used as a passage. You can buy a polycarbonate greenhouse, the cost of which is lower than greenhouses.

Wall material

Various inexpensive materials are used in the production of greenhouses. For example, a thick film, which is considered quite durable and affordable. It is light in weight, can be cut directly to the dimensions of the structure, used for partitions, and laid in several layers. It accumulates and stores heat coming from the sun's rays quite well.

PET has a porous structure and is light in weight. The material does not disturb natural air exchange, but stores heat inside the structure and protects well from temperature changes. A disadvantage can be considered the fact that due to the porous structure, the material allows moisture to pass through.

One of the most best options is a cellular polycarbonate with numerous cells filled with air.

A polycarbonate greenhouse can be spacious enough to easily care for the beds

Due to the special structure of the cladding material, such a country greenhouse has high thermal insulation characteristics. Despite the light weight, the material is different high performance fire safety, strength, biological and chemical inertness. It is worth noting that these greenhouses are the most popular.

So as not to fight a large number weeds, the greenhouse is installed on an agrofibre cloth

Ease of use

Modern greenhouses provide maximum ease of use, durability and good results. One of their main advantages is the simplicity and speed of assembly. For example, it may take about an hour to assemble a structure with an awning, while models with polycarbonate may require an average of about two hours. At the same time, the design features allow the greenhouse to be stored and transported with maximum convenience. If necessary, the design can be supplemented with other elements, modernized, enlarged or reduced.

Many people decide to buy a greenhouse in Moscow inexpensively from the manufacturer due to the fact that it is a ready-to-use structure that can be mounted in any convenient or suitable place. The greenhouse does not require any foundation; it is installed directly on the ground, and inside you can place boxes with fertilized and loose soil on a raised platform or use the soil under your feet. The design is characterized by a long service life; an optimal microclimate is created inside, which significantly increases the overall yield.

The greenhouse does not require a foundation

Sizes and prices

There is a large selection of greenhouses on the market that are made from different materials. Their sizes and costs differ significantly from each other. For example, for 3-7 thousand rubles. You can purchase the structure itself and cover it with any suitable material. The length of such a structure will be from 2 to 6 m, the height is about a meter, and the standard width is 1.25 m. The option with folding roofs costs a little more: 5 - 10 thousand rubles. The most inexpensive models are greenhouses in the form of semicircular pins, which are covered with agrofibre or film on top. Similar designs can be purchased for less than one thousand rubles. The most expensive greenhouses are made in the form of tunnels: their width, height and length are generally twice as large as others. Depending on the coating material, the price for such structures is 4-10 thousand rubles.

The simplest greenhouse will be available to any summer resident

Greenhouses for the country, the prices of which are affordable for everyone, remain a profitable solution. Manufacturers offer a large selection of models, materials and sizes. Depending on the characteristics of the structure, its cost can vary significantly. However, such greenhouses are considered a profitable investment - due to the structural features, the ability to replace the covering material, change the design, and so on. The variety of choices and characteristics of greenhouses allow you not only to grow plants, seedlings, flowers and herbs for yourself, but also to set up your own business and expand it even on a small scale summer cottage.

Video description

How the greenhouse is assembled is shown in the video:

Usage time

There are two types of greenhouses - year-round and seasonal. The first ones can be installed on on an ongoing basis, and the latter must be put away in the utility room for the winter. Year-round greenhouses in most cases are made with a metal frame made of corners, pipes and the like. Polycarbonate or film is used as a covering material. Seasonal or collapsible greenhouses are made from PVC. They have the simplest type of construction, when the arcs are driven into the ground, and spunbond or film is laid on top.

Manufacturers offer various configurations of greenhouses - you can buy a greenhouse in Moscow for both year-round and seasonal use. In any case, pay attention to the ventilation system of the structure. Around the middle of the day, the temperature in the greenhouse will heat up above optimal levels, which leads to a deterioration in the condition of the plants, and as a result, the plants begin to wither and grow much longer.

Depending on the type of model, the ventilation system can be made in various ways. For example, some designs use doors that open in different directions. This provides not only good and fast ventilation, but also gives free access to the plants. If covers, agrofibre or film are used, then small holes are made in them for air circulation.

The greenhouse must have holes for air circulation

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer turnkey installation and installation services for local areas. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the “Low-Rise Country” exhibition of houses.


Greenhouses can be used in various regions of the country for growing various plants and flowers. For their production, a variety of lightweight and durable materials, designs, and access methods are used. There are year-round and seasonal models, which differ significantly from each other. The cost of each option depends entirely on the materials used and the size of the structure.

Growing heat-loving garden crops is a favorite hobby of summer residents. In order for plants not to depend on the vagaries of the weather and to produce a high yield at the end of the season, they need not only good care, but also certain conditions for growth. Therefore, it is impossible to do without installing a structure such as a greenhouse on a plot of land. It acts as a reliable protection against negative impact external environment and provides a suitable microclimate inside the space.


A greenhouse is a special structure that is made in accordance with certain agricultural technology standards established for growing plants. Such structures are highly durable, light weight and easy to install. In addition, they are able to provide the room with a constant temperature regime and protect crops from harmful ultraviolet radiation. Today, such products are sold both ready-made and disassembled, requiring self-installation.


A country greenhouse can be of several types, so before choosing suitable model, you need to know not only its purpose, but also whether it will be used in winter, its automation capabilities and size.

Today, the following types of greenhouses are most often used for arranging gardens and cottages.

  • Single-pitch. These are new structures that are ideal for small areas and can be built on any side of a residential building. The extension to the house is placed in such a way that the slope of its roof “looks” to the south. It is characterized affordable price and compactness. It is best to replace the film used to cover the roof with plastic or glass, since it will begin to sag over time and will not be able to withstand gusts of wind.
  • Gable. Outwardly they resemble “houses”, which are quite possible to build with your own hands. These greenhouses have many advantages: they give the site a stylish look, are durable and can be made from both expensive eco-materials and available raw materials in the form plastic bottles and glass. The disadvantage of the structure is its fixed size, mandatory foundation laying and high consumption fasteners.

  • Arched. The main advantage of such types is that they have a small reflective surface, so a sufficient amount of sunlight penetrates into the room. It is also convenient to grow tall crops in arched greenhouses. As for the disadvantages, the structures are not recommended for growing seedlings intended for planting in open ground, since there are no conditions for hardening the plants. Prefabricated rack-type models are easy to dismantle and assemble, allowing you to add new sections to the structure at any time, lengthening it. But the only problem can arise in winter - due to the lack of a free slope, the roof will bend under the weight of snow.
  • Drop-shaped. They have an unusual shape and have received many positive reviews. The pointed roof prevents the accumulation of snow, so its strength increases, and in the spring the structure ensures good heating of the soil. These models are an ideal choice for growing in areas located in the middle zones of the country, where winters are very snowy. The downside of teardrop-shaped greenhouses is their complicated assembly.

  • Polygonal. They are rarely found on sale, although they are considered a rather practical design, each face of which is evenly heated in the sun. Maintaining a constant temperature in such buildings is difficult and they are expensive, since they are installed from polycarbonate (glass) and metal or wood.
  • Dutch. They provide heat-loving crops with the maximum amount of sunlight and protect the room from precipitation. Such greenhouses have a special gutter system, thanks to which rainwater is collected and drained. This model is especially suitable for growing flowers; there is no drop effect or condensation.

Depending on what plants you plan to plant. The following types of greenhouses can be used.

  • Vegetables. They are designed for growing crops throughout the year; from such beds you can harvest an excellent and environmentally friendly harvest, since the vegetables are completely protected from chemical natural contaminants and the negative effects of the external environment. More often similar designs are chosen for planting radishes, cucumbers, tomatoes and peppers. They necessarily have a heating and watering system, which makes the structure comfortable and easy to use, but the disadvantage is the high price.

  • Seedlings. They are used exclusively for sowing and growing seedlings, which are later transplanted into open ground. These greenhouses are equipped with soil and air temperature control. They require constant chemical and thermal treatment of the soil, as well as the surfaces of the structure. This helps maintain photosanitary conditions and protects plants from various diseases. The disadvantage of a greenhouse is that it is strictly forbidden to plant green forced plants in it, since they can introduce diseases and pests from open soil.

  • Floral. These structures are collected for growing flowers, varieties of which are demanding in terms of moisture and temperature levels. They can be purchased either ready-made (gable, wall, hipped and arched) or built with your own hands. Often such greenhouses are also called greenhouses or film tunnels. Under a special film, flowers feel comfortable in cold winters and hot summers. The only thing is that such objects should be protected from the wind by placing them next to residential buildings or fences, and carefully consider the lighting system to save energy.


Before making your choice in favor of one or another type of greenhouse, you need to take into account one important point - what material the frame and covering of the structure are made of. In order for a structure to reliably serve for many years, it must be easy to install, operate, and be made of a material that can transmit light well. In addition, it is advisable to choose a coating that is resistant to deformation, which occurs under the influence of wind and snow and can withstand temperature changes.

Recently, the following material has been used to install greenhouses:

  • polyethylene;
  • glass;
  • reinforced film;
  • acrylic;
  • polycarbonate

Each of the above coatings has its pros and cons. For example, glass has the ability to transmit 94% of sunlight and is not afraid of low temperatures, but it is fragile, expensive and heavy. Therefore, an excellent alternative to glass is polymer film - its weight is insignificant, installation can be carried out without laying a foundation or assembling a bulky frame. The film is characterized by high light conductivity, but it breaks quickly and requires replacement once every few years.

Polycarbonate has also proven itself well; it ideally replaces film and glass and is suitable for cladding structures placed on a solid, stationary base. Thanks to the positive qualities of the material, inside the greenhouse favorable conditions for crop growth. They receive the necessary level of lighting, moisture and heat. Polycarbonate has no disadvantages; it is easy to assemble and affordable. It is in no way inferior to high-quality PVC and acrylic, but in many ways it prevails over ordinary polyethylene, which is afraid of gusts of wind and sudden changes in temperature.


Huge role When choosing a greenhouse, its dimensions also play a role, suggesting the height, width and length of the structure. Greenhouse structures can be both large and small. Small adjustments are usually installed in areas with limited space, and their length can reach from 4 to 6 meters. But the width is considered the most important indicator on which the comfort and ease of maintenance of the greenhouse depends, so it should not be small, its optimal size is 5 m.

A good choice are polycarbonate structures measuring 3x6 m; they can form up to 6 beds 6 m long, which is quite enough to provide the family with the required amount of vegetables and herbs. The height in this case is no less than human height and often reaches 2-3 m. To correctly calculate the size of the greenhouse, be sure to take into account the number of doors and windows in it, as well as the type of foundation and design features.

Style and design

When arranging a summer cottage, it is important not only to fill it with useful buildings, but also to correctly select their style that would correspond to the overall design landscape design. Modern greenhouses are usually built using wood, metal and plastic. At the same time, metal in combination with original glazing, where there are beautiful drawings or patterns, allows you to create a stunning effect. Wooden buildings are also very popular, as they add a slight decorative touch to the site. When applying a decorative pattern to glass, it is worth remembering that it should not interfere with the penetration of sunlight, so it is advisable to maintain a balance and try to make it as openwork as possible.

The shape of the structure also plays a huge role in design. As a rule, it is selected based on the general style of the dacha. It is desirable that the greenhouse looks harmonious against the background of a residential building and garden. Therefore, when designing it, it is worth paying attention to the color and decorative elements, which should be repeated in other objects placed on the site. For example, beautiful patterns on the cladding of a structure can be a continuation of the compositions present on benches, gazebos, fences and pergolas. Thus, the greenhouse will not look like a random and lonely element in the landscape design.

Which one is better to choose?

For many summer residents, choosing a greenhouse is considered a huge problem, since this design is represented by a chic assortment of models. To make the right decision in favor of a particular structure, it is important to know its purpose, cultivation plan and the size of the plot that can be allocated for development. Depending on what plants will grow in the greenhouse, its dimensions, shape, and also the material for covering the frame are selected.

In the case when a gardener only needs to grow seedlings, he can install a budget version of a small greenhouse covered with film. It is compact and can be quickly dismantled after transplanting plants into open ground. If several varieties of crops that require lighting are planted, then it is necessary to build the structure on a polycarbonate foundation, since it can be additionally equipped with heating sources, artificial lighting and exploit all year round. In addition, it is convenient to place many racks and shelves in polycarbonate buildings, which will simplify the process of growing and caring for plants.

Construction of a greenhouse on a summer cottage is considered a responsible undertaking that requires not only time, but also financial costs. In order for the structure to reliably serve for a long time, the assembly of the structure must be made of durable and high-quality material, and if you do not want to test yourself as a novice builder, then it is better to install products purchased ready-made. They do not need to be registered on the site. If you plan to build a large greenhouse with a foundation, then its location at the dacha is best coordinated with the relevant authorities and obtain permission for installation.

In addition, novice gardeners should take into account the following recommendations from experts.

  • In small greenhouses it is better to form beds with central placement, and in rooms more than 2.5 m wide they can be given a place around the perimeter.
  • In the case when it is planned to plant medium- and low-growing plants, it is not necessary to build a tall structure; the most important thing is that it must be placed from north to south.
  • For “stepped” planting, you should choose lean-to structures.
  • In large greenhouses, it is advisable to plant tall crops along the walls, and low-growing crops in the middle.
  • In a gable building, you can install special shelving on the walls and grow tall plants.
  • Arched structures are well suited for planting crops in beds, and their height should be selected depending on the size of the plants. Models with a rectangular shape are considered the best option.
  • The hemispherical greenhouse is convenient for planting both medium- and low-growing crops. In the center of it you need to place a barrel of water, painted black, this way the container will heat up during the day and at night provide the room with optimal humidity and air temperature.

Glass House began its work in 2001 and successfully produces products that have no analogues throughout the world. Due to the fact that greenhouse frames are made of pre-treated metal, structures can last up to 30 years. As for the greenhouses of the Harvest House, they are different design features, since they are produced according to individual drawings, taking into account the wishes of consumers. Gardeners noted their profiles’ resistance to corrosion, the possibility of additional assembly of sections and the installation of buildings without a foundation.

It is difficult to imagine modern plant growing, professional or amateur, without the use of glass greenhouses or greenhouses. Of course, growing plants on open ground has a number of advantages over growing vegetables and herbs in greenhouses, but there are more disadvantages to this method!

If you are seriously thinking about purchasing and making a custom-made greenhouse, be it a structure for personal purposes or a large greenhouse for commercial use, before you buy, you need to decide on the shape of the future structure, the location of the greenhouse on the site, the type of foundation, and the method of installation. communications, as well as how watering, lighting, heating and much more will be carried out. Our specialists, who have already helped hundreds of our clients decide on the greenhouse of their dreams, will help to reveal and illuminate all these questions! The consultant can explain, show and tell everything right on your site, with a home visit!

I would like to note that from us you can order and buy greenhouses not only with conventional glazing, but also with double-glazed windows. Greenhouses are equipped with them to extend the operating season, and with enough artificial heat and light, the season can be extended all year round and several harvests can be harvested! Therefore, glass winter modern greenhouses(elite and luxury) are becoming more and more popular.

Well, now we can try to decide on the shape of the greenhouse.

Greenhouses, in their design, are quite different from each other. The design and type of greenhouse for a summer residence directly depends on the type of plants that will be grown in it, landscape features, weather and climatic features of the area, as well as building materials for its foundation and resources for maintenance. The most common types of greenhouses are:

Modern greenhouses made of aluminum and glass.

Judging by the name, it is easy to understand that such greenhouses are made of glass and aluminum profile. Recently, they have become very widespread due to a number of advantages over greenhouses made from other materials. Application modern technologies in greenhouses allows you to achieve harvesting almost all year round. You can order and buy a modern greenhouse made of aluminum and glass with delivery to the regions and install it yourself according to the instructions developed by our design bureau.

Single-pitched greenhouse for a summer residence

Due to their shape, lean-to greenhouses are almost never used in large and medium-sized greenhouses. This is due to the fact that lean-to greenhouses are usually adjacent on one side to some capital building, preferably on the south side, which is an almost impossible condition in large greenhouse farms. Such a small greenhouse is a good choice for a summer residence.

  • the construction and design of such a greenhouse is cheaper and technically simpler than other options;
  • the location allows you to save space on the site, which is also important in small summer cottages;
  • if such a greenhouse is attached to some good country house with heating, then solving the issue of heating it in winter is much easier, and it will be cheaper;
  • due to the common wall with the house, it is possible to completely make an entrance to the greenhouse from the room, which will allow you to enter there without obvious discomfort in any weather and even create some kind of comfortable recreation area there.

Gable greenhouse for a summer cottage

Such greenhouses have a “classic” shape in the form of a house with a triangular roof. Like other types of greenhouses, they have many advantages. These are also luxury and elite greenhouses and they are manufactured according to designer projects. They can also be easily used all year round ( winter greenhouses) for growing vegetables and herbs.

Main advantages:

  • The factory-made structure can be easily installed on site in almost a couple of days. The aluminum and glass construction will be quite strong and durable. The estimated service life of such a greenhouse is 50 years.
  • In such a gable greenhouse, snow practically does not accumulate. The greenhouse is installed permanently and does not require clearing snow from the roof.
  • If the dimensions are calculated correctly, then such a greenhouse is quite spacious and nothing limits movement, which clearly affects the convenience of performing the necessary work.
  • They are more reliable and durable than arched polycarbonate greenhouses.

The share of imported greenhouse vegetables in Russia is about 70% of sales. Its quality leaves much to be desired; Russian cucumbers and tomatoes are much tastier, cause less concern, and are in great demand among buyers. Sanctions and rising import prices forced retailers to turn to domestic producers. The absence of large greenhouse complexes gives small businesses a chance to develop.


Consumption of greenhouse vegetables is approximately 11 kg per year for each resident of Russia. Of these, 4 kg are domestic products, and 7 kg are imported from abroad. In the last 10 - 15 years, they began to buy more, which is facilitated by the fashion for “ healthy eating", approaching Western standards of living. Therefore, the Russian greenhouse business is experiencing a rebirth.

In 2012, the State Program for the Development of Crop Production for 2013-2020 was adopted. It included the allocation of large-scale subsidies for greenhouse farming: up to 50% for equipment, and up to 30% compensation for electricity costs during operation until 2020. At the beginning of its introduction, there were only about 2,000 hectares of greenhouses in Russia, most of which required reconstruction (for comparison: in Holland - 10,000 hectares).

This caused a boom of interest among large agricultural holdings, retailers, and investors. Sberbank, Gazprombank, Vladimir Potanin, the younger Abramovich, Mikhail Fridman and many others invested. Over the past two years, construction of greenhouse complexes with an area of ​​about 600 hectares and several large distribution centers has begun. However, government money does not arrive regularly, and the initial costs are very high. The payback period for projects is 7 - 10 years.

While business giants are “swinging” and dividing state money, small and medium-sized manufacturers are slowly occupying the niche being freed from imports. Let's take a closer look at the components of successful production of vegetables in closed ground. A greenhouse as a business is profitable if the entrepreneur:

  • studied the local demand well and found a permanent sales channel;
  • uses modern designs and agricultural techniques;
  • solved the problem of energy intensity, which makes the business profitable.

Demand for vegetables and customer preferences

Due to the harsh Russian climate, even residents of the southern regions receive vegetables “from the garden” for a maximum of 5 months, while for the rest they are available for 2 - 3 months a year. A survey of buyers by FDFgroup, conducted in the summer of 2015 in Moscow, showed that residents of the capital buy fresh vegetables:

  • at least once a month - about 90%;
  • more than once a week - about 60%;
  • buy occasionally - only 8% of respondents.

At the same time, about 60% of buyers regularly purchase cucumbers and onions, about 56% of tomatoes, cabbage and greens. And in winter, of course, these are only vegetables grown indoors. According to the study, fewer of them were purchased last year than in 2014, which is certainly due to higher prices. The predominant places of purchase are shown in Figure 1.

Interestingly, the quality of the product is assessed differently: 94% of satisfied customers in the market, in supermarkets - 81%, and in regular stores - 77%. At the same time, the lowest indicators for quality and assortment are in the large chain stores “Magnit” and “Pyaterochka”. Reason: imported goods - tasteless hard vegetables and fruits pumped with special solutions, mostly from Turkey. But now they too have come under sanctions. By the way, both of these retailers began to build their own greenhouse farms.

Cucumbers and greens are in constant demand, and these are the easiest crops to produce, including by small businesses. The situation is more complicated with tomatoes. However, the demand for them is growing, and the lion's share of them was imported from abroad (Fig. 2). Therefore, the transition to growing tomatoes has good prospects.

How modern greenhouse production works

The main task of the greenhouse is to create an artificial microclimate for growing vegetables year-round. This requires much more costs than open-ground production. Bulky metal structures, covered with glass, with obsolete traditional systems heating are no longer competitive. A modern greenhouse structure is determined by the following parameters.

Frame design

Most greenhouses are a standard width gallery, which, as a rule, can be extended in length. Roofs are gable, single-pitched or cylindrical. The frames are assembled from wooden arched structures, impregnated with antiseptic, with press-fit nails; from metal pipe, galvanized steel profile. Their service life is up to 25 years. They are installed on the foundation, piles, and sometimes simply on the surface. There are doors, transoms, vents, shelving, and less often partitions.

Quality of coating material

Glass has been replaced by film coatings and polycarbonate. Polyethylene film is an affordable material, but its service life is up to 3 years. It perfectly transmits sunlight, thanks to which the greenhouse warms up well on sunny days. But nighttime drops in temperature cause moisture condensation, which increases humidity and contributes to plant disease. Multilayer bubble-air films of the new generation do not have these disadvantages. Cellular polycarbonate is a lightweight, durable, plastic material that can withstand up to 100 kg/m2, resistant to wind and hail. The cost is significantly higher than that of film. It can withstand winter temperatures down to minus 50° and has good thermal insulation properties. Today it is the leader among greenhouse coverings.

Heating system efficiency

This is the most expensive part technological process. The share of costs for heating air, soil, and water is over 40% of the cost of production. And the total energy consumption, taking into account additional lighting in winter and ventilation in summer, reaches 60%. This is the main reason hindering the development of greenhouse production. The annual increase in prices for gas and electricity is approaching 15%, and in just the last ten years, energy prices have more than doubled. For example, when growing the most profitable crop: cucumber, the cost of electricity when using conventional fluorescent tubes for winter lighting exceeds the cost of the lamps themselves by 2 times, and is comparable to major repairs(replacement) of the entire lighting system.

Reduce energy consumption in all available ways, using energy-saving technologies; double covering of walls, combination of materials, heat shields, active soil substrates that release heat during decomposition (flax fire). Many entrepreneurs build their own boiler houses with tanks and buy autonomous thermal power plants.

This is where small businesses win over large greenhouse growers. It’s one thing to heat 5 - 10 greenhouses on 20 acres, and completely different scales of energy consumption on areas of 2 hectares and above. Thus, Russian craftsmen bury structures into the ground to preserve heat, sometimes to a meter depth; reducing the height, reducing the cost of covering walls, heating, they use simple potbelly stoves, heating them with available local raw materials. To this we need to add a variety of “know-how” in terms of creating heating systems of our own design and methods of connecting to household energy networks (especially in household plots).

Entrepreneurs Viktor and Valentina Stolyarov from the village of Krasnoye, Tver Region, first grew vegetable seedlings in greenhouses, and now roses. The flower business turned out to be more profitable. Despite the fact that a gas pipeline is connected to the site, the greenhouse is heated with wood. This is more economical, although more labor-intensive.

Automation of climate control

Guaranteed yield depends on compliance temperature regime and humidity. This is provided by irrigation systems, humidification, evaporative cooling, and curtain screens. In addition, it is being arranged drainage system internal drains, supply of solutions of fertilizers and pesticides. Ventilation is often natural, through a system of vents. All this is monitored by an automatic control sensor system. Let us give as an example the average set of equipment for one greenhouse (Table 1).

Modern agricultural technology

First of all, it includes the selection of crops, high-quality seeds, and modern soil substrates. Using the seedling method speeds up the process by 2-3 weeks, makes it easier to care for, and increases efficiency. On one square meter In greenhouses, you can grow 3-4 different vegetable crops throughout the year, depending on the time of year and demand. This requires constant fertilization and control over the composition of the soil, knowledge of agricultural technology, while at the same time allowing the maximum use of the area.

The most common crop: cucumbers. Their average yield is 22-35 kg/m2. They are followed by greens: onions, dill, parsley, lettuce and radishes. But tomatoes are grown much less frequently. Despite the fact that their prices are high and their yields are good, they are more capricious and take longer to grow. Peppers and eggplants are practically not grown on small farms. It is believed that they are profitable only in industrial plants (from 20 hectares). However, below is an example that suggests otherwise.

Khakassia, Krasnoyarsk region. Farmer Nikolai Kutukov organized a profitable greenhouse business, starting from scratch in 2010, building the first greenhouse himself. At first I only grew green onions, gradually switched to other crops. Now he has five greenhouses and grows cucumbers, tomatoes, sweet peppers, and eggplants. Sells products through local stores and markets. The area is remote, there are no large competitors nearby, so the entrepreneur plans to expand the farm.

The most pressing issue for small businesses is to find a distribution channel. It all depends on local conditions. In the center and south of Russia, many small producers prefer to sell their crops to wholesalers. The latter process and package it in their own distribution centers, reselling it to retailers. Sometimes it is more profitable to open your own store (pavilion) if there is demand and target audience.

Profitability of greenhouse production

According to Aslan Devdariani, who has been developing the greenhouse business for more than 10 years, a greenhouse must provide a profitability of at least 20% for production to break even. He grows only cucumbers, supplying them to the nearby city of Orsk; the greenhouse area is 2 hectares. It's not profitable to carry it further. According to the Ministry of Agriculture and the Agroinvestproekt company, the average operating profitability of industrial greenhouse complexes in central Russia is 30 - 40%.

However, let us give an example of production on a personal plot in a small industrial city. Ilya Odintsov grows the same cucumbers. With an average yield of 10 - 15 kg per 1 sq.m. (and it can be increased to 25 kg), he receives about 1,000 rubles in two months, selling them to wholesalers at a price of 80 rubles per 1 kg. He has 10 greenhouses with an area of ​​40 sq.m. each. Total, in a good season, revenue reaches 400 thousand, net income - 200 thousand rubles. By the way, in February-March, cucumbers are sold in stores for 180 - 200 rubles.


  1. More chances of success greenhouse business in those areas where there are no industrial complexes, and the lack of vegetables is compensated by imported supplies.
  2. It is more profitable to produce near an urban settlement, especially an industrial one, where the dacha economy itself is underdeveloped.
  3. The main task is to minimize energy costs; agronomic knowledge and special skills are required.
  4. The longer the period of use of the greenhouse, the more profitable it is. For example, growing cucumbers and herbs in February - March; radishes, seedlings - in May; then - early tomatoes.