Maintenance of lamps. Instructions for maintenance and repair of lighting networks

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Installation of lighting networks consists of the following operations

a) markings that mark the installation locations of lamps, installation devices, group lighting points, wire routes, as well as the locations for punching openings, holes and grooves;

b) workpiece, which consists of constructing through and socket holes, grooves and niches, installing fasteners, supporting structures and insulating supports, laying pipes and tubes for wiring;

c) laying wires and cables along the finished workpiece;

d) installation of lamps, installation devices and group lighting points according to the finished workpiece.

Marking work when installing open electrical wiring

For general uniform illumination, lamps are usually positioned like this. See picture.

Options for location on the plan

The distance between the center lines of the lamps is twice the distance from the same axes to the planes of the walls. Making such a decision will become obvious if you consider that the areas between the lamps are illuminated from two sides, and the area between the lamps and the walls is illuminated from only one.

The data that determines the height of the lamps is shown in the figure.

Rice. Hanging height data

The installation locations of the luminaires are determined according to the working drawings.

Marking on the trusses or beams of the workshop is carried out by pulling a cord along the room or steel wire so that they pass exactly in the center of this row of lamps. Focusing on the marking cord or wire, mark the installation locations of the lamps with chalk, a scriber or a colored pencil. Another method of marking is also possible, for example, the locations of lamps are found by measuring from the plane of the walls.

Marking the locations of installation devices. Individual switches are usually marked at a height of 1600 - 1700 mm, plug sockets at a height of 800 - 900 mm from the finished floor level. The term clean floor refers to the level of the floor of the room after it has been cleanly finished.

It is convenient to carry out work using a rail on which the appropriate dimensions are laid out.

Depending on local conditions and requirements, switches and sockets can be installed at other distances from the floor level.

Lighting group panels or points without control are installed at a height of 2 - 2.5 m, and with control at a height of 1.6 - 1.7 m from the finished floor to the centers of switches, machine handles or switches.

The descent and ascent of wiring to lamps and plug sockets must be carried out in a vertical line.

The installation locations of lamps on the ceiling are marked depending on their number. After determining the installation locations of the lamps on the wall and ceiling, a line of future electrical wiring is cut off using a cord. The lines mark the points of wire attachment, as well as the points of through holes for passing wires through walls and ceilings. Wire passages through fireproof walls are carried out in rubber or polyvinyl chloride tubes, and through combustible walls and ceilings in sections steel pipes, on both ends of which insulating sleeves are put on. The pipe in the wall hole is sealed with cement mortar. The insulating tube should protrude from the tube by 5 - 10 mm.


PPV and APPV wires laid openly must have a light-resistant sheath. When laying open, the distance between individual wires when laid in parallel should be at least 3 - 5 mm. Laying PPV and APPV wires in bundles is not allowed. If the wire is laid on unplastered wooden surfaces, the base of the wiring route should be lined with asbestos, protruding 5 - 6 mm on both sides of the wires being laid.

Before laying the wire, it is rolled out, measured into separate pieces in sections, and then straightened using a special roller straightener or by hand with a mitten on it. Significant efforts should not be made to straighten the wire, since the sheath easily moves away from the current-carrying conductors.

Exploitation lighting electrical installations

lighting electrical wiring installation panel

The illumination values ​​​​according to these standards depend on the nature of production and the higher the greater accuracy required when performing technological processes and production operations. When designing and lighting calculations, illumination is assumed to be slightly greater than required by standards.

This reserve is determined by the fact that during operation the level of initial (design) illumination inevitably decreases over time. This occurs due to a gradual decrease in the luminous flux of lamps, contamination of fittings and some other reasons. However, the illumination reserve taken during design and calculations is sufficient for normal operation of electric lighting installations: regular cleaning of lamps, light guides, timely change of lamps, etc. If the operation is unsatisfactory, the accepted supply of illumination cannot compensate for the decreasing level of illumination, and it becomes insufficient.

It should be borne in mind that the illumination of the room is greatly influenced by the color of the walls and ceilings and their condition. Painting in light colors and regularly cleaning from dirt helps to ensure the required lighting standards. The frequency of inspections of lighting electrical installations depends on the nature of the premises, condition environment and is established by the chief power engineer of the enterprise. Approximately for dusty rooms with an aggressive environment, the required frequency of inspection of working lighting can be taken once every two months, and in rooms with a normal environment - once every four months. For installations emergency lighting The inspection time is reduced by 2 times.

Inspections of lighting installations

When inspecting lighting electrical installations, the condition of electrical wiring, panels, lighting fixtures, automatic devices, switches, plug sockets and other installation elements is checked. They also check the reliability of the contacts in the installation: loose contacts must be tightened, and burnt contacts must be cleaned or replaced with new ones.

Replacing lamps in luminaires

In the production shops of industrial enterprises, there are two ways to change lamps: individual and group. With the individual method, lamps are replaced as they fail; in the group method, they are replaced in groups (after they have served the required number of hours). The second method is more economically profitable, since it can be combined with cleaning the lamps, but is associated with a large consumption of lamps.

When replacing, do not use lamps of higher power than allowed for the lighting device. Excessive lamp power leads to unacceptable overheating of lamps and sockets and worsens the condition of wire insulation.

Lamps and fittings are cleaned of dust and soot in workshops with a small emission of pollutants (mechanical and tool shops, machine rooms, tanneries, etc.) twice a month; with large emissions of pollutants (forges and foundries, spinning factories, cement factories, mills, etc.) four times a month. Clean all elements of lamps - reflectors, lenses, lamps and outer surfaces of fittings. Windows for natural light are cleaned as they become dirty.

Working and emergency lighting in production workshops is turned on and off according to a schedule only when natural light is insufficient to carry out work.

Inspections and tests of lighting installations during operation

During operation, electric lighting installations are subjected to a number of checks and tests. Check the insulation resistance of working and emergency lighting. The serviceability of the emergency lighting system is checked by turning off work lighting, at least once a quarter. The automatic switch or emergency lighting switch unit is checked once a week during the daytime. For stationary transformers with a voltage of 12-36 V, the insulation is tested once a year, and for portable transformers and lamps with a voltage of 12-36 V - every three months.

Performing photometric measurements of indoor illumination

Photometric measurements of illumination in the main production and technological workshops and premises with monitoring of lamp power compliance with the design and calculations are carried out once a year. Illumination is checked using a lux meter in all production workshops and at main workplaces. The obtained illumination values ​​must correspond to the calculated and design ones.

Before you begin checking the illumination, it is necessary to establish the places where it is advisable to measure the illumination. The results of inspections and checks are documented in acts approved by the chief power engineer of the enterprise. Features of operation of gas-discharge light sources.

Repair of lighting electrical installations

During repairs, the presence, integrity and reliability of fastening of lenses, shielding grilles, reflectors, sockets, lamp holders, chokes, starters, protection devices, the reliability of contact connections, the insulation condition of charging wires, the strength of fastening the lamp to the ceiling, walls, columns and other structures of the room are checked. .

In a lamp with fluorescent lamps, copper wires with plastic or rubber insulation for a voltage of 500 V are used. For lamps with incandescent lamps and DRLs, flexible copper wires with heat-resistant insulation for a voltage of 660 V are used, grades PRKL and PAL-130 or PRKS and PAL-180 with the permissible wire temperature, respectively, + 130 and + 180 ° C and a cross-section of at least 0.5 mm².

When repairing main and group panels, the contact surfaces of fuses and circuit breakers are checked for the presence of oxides, dirt and dust. Contact connections are tightened, and burnt or melted ones are cleaned of soot and metal deposits, wiped and tightened with bolts or screws. Faulty devices are replaced with similar new or repaired ones. Check compliance of rated currents fuse links fuses to actual load currents. Panels and cabinets must have working locks and reliable door seals.

During repairs electrical wiring lighting, attention is paid to the condition of insulating supports (insulators, clits), insulating tubes and funnels in places where wires and cables pass through walls or ceilings and protect wires from mechanical damage at a height of 1.5 m from the floor surface. Faulty insulators and other insulating parts are replaced with new ones. Places of wiring with damaged insulation are immediately isolated or sections of wiring are replaced with new ones. Damaged sockets and switches are replaced with new ones.

During the repair of lighting wiring, the condition of the grounding loop and grounding wires is checked, as well as the condition of fastening of all devices and wiring to structures. Weak or faulty places of fastenings or connections of grounding conductors are restored immediately. Torn, bent brackets for fastening cable and pipe wiring are replaced with new ones.

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Lamps, unlike other electrical elements of lighting installations, change their lighting characteristics continuously, starting from the day they are put into operation. During operation, light sources experience a continuous decline in luminous flux, which can reach 40% of its initial value. The lighting fixtures gradually become dusty, which reduces the efficiency of the lamp and distorts the light distribution. Therefore, reliable operation of the lighting installation can be ensured by its constant and regular maintenance. Maintenance of a lighting installation consists of timely cleaning of lamps and light openings, carrying out scheduled preventive maintenance, replacing burnt-out lamps and failed components.

Cleaning the glass of skylights should be done at least 2 times a year for rooms with a slight emission of dust and at least 4 times for rooms with a significant emission of dust. Cleaning of lamps should be done from 4 to 18 times a year, depending on the dustiness of the premises.

Replacing lamps during op-amp operation is carried out in two ways:

individual and group. With the individual method, burnt out lamps are replaced as they fail. With the group method, all op-amp lamps, both failed and working, are replaced after a certain time interval. The interval between two replacements is called the group replacement time ^/y. Its duration is determined by the stability of the luminous flux of the lamps, the rate of failure, the cost of lamps and maintenance. Due to their high cost, DRL and DRI type lamps are economically feasible to replace individually. It is advisable to change fluorescent lamps individually and in groups. Group replacement time for LL

should be approximately 9600 hours.

Measurement of illumination from artificial lighting installations is carried out at control points of the production premises at least once a year. Measurements should be made in the dark, when in the room the ratio of illumination from natural light on a conditional working surface does not exceed 0.1* The actual illumination should be greater than or equal to the normalized one, multiplied by the safety factor. If this requirement is not met, the lighting installation is not suitable for further operation and requires repair or replacement.

To measure and control illumination, an objective lux meter Yu-116, Yu-117 is used. The device consists of an external photocell with attachments (to expand the measurement range) and a meter with a dial indicator. The luminous flux incident on the photocell is converted into electric current and recorded by a measuring device, the scale of which is graduated in lux.

When servicing lighting installations, as well as to protect the eyes from the blinding brightness of light and protection from ultraviolet and infrared radiation, personal protective equipment is used - glasses and shields. Light filters are selected depending on the nature and intensity of radiation. Glasses should be light and safe, comfortable, and fit well to the face. Light filters are made from safety glass of the triplex type or are tempered.

Self-test questions

1. Give definitions: luminous flux, luminous intensity, illumination, brightness.

2. Indicate the types of industrial lighting.

3. What hygienic requirements apply to industrial lighting?

4. What are the principles for regulating industrial lighting?

5. What quantities regulate natural and artificial lighting?

6. What is the calculation of natural lighting?

7. Name the sources of artificial lighting, their advantages and disadvantages.

8. In what case is the luminous flux utilization coefficient method used for calculation?

9. What devices measure illumination and the principle of their operation?

Fluorescent lamps are quite common these days. They are often used for indoor lighting for various purposes, ranging from office to industrial premises of industrial enterprises. Such lamps have become widely used due to their many advantages over conventional incandescent lamps. But these lamps have a significant drawback - low reliability. This is due to the fact that one lamp is not enough to operate the lamp; its design contains auxiliary elements, which also somewhat complicates its operation, in particular its repair. Let's consider the features of repairing fluorescent lamps. In order to find a lamp malfunction, you need to know its operating principle. Structurally, the lamp, in addition to the lamp, has auxiliary elements designed to start and operate the lamp - a starter and a choke, the so-called ballasts (ballasts). The starter is a neon lamp with two (less often one) bimetallic electrodes. When voltage is applied to the fluorescent lamp, a discharge is formed in the starter, which contributes to the short circuit of the initially open electrodes of the starter. At the same time, a large current flows in the circuit, which heats up the gas gap in the bulb of the fluorescent lamp, as well as the bimetallic electrodes of the starter themselves. At the moment when the starter electrodes open, a voltage surge occurs, which is provided by the throttle. Under the influence of increased voltage, the gas gap in the lamp breaks through and it lights up. The inductor is connected in series with the lamp, so the 220 V supply voltage is divided into 110 V for the lamp and inductor, respectively. The starter is connected to the lamp in parallel; therefore, when the lamp is operating, lamp voltage is supplied to it. This voltage value is not enough to re-close the starter electrodes, that is, it participates in the circuit only when the fluorescent lamp is turned on. The choke, in addition to generating an increased voltage pulse, limits the current when the lamp is turned on (when the starter contacts are closed), and also ensures stable burning of the discharge in the lamp during its operation.
Reasons why a fluorescent lamp may not work. A fluorescent lamp, unlike conventional base lamps, has a large number of contact connections. Therefore, one of the reasons for the inoperability of the lamp may be the lack of contact in one or another part of the lamp. That is, before concluding that one of the elements of the lamp is faulty, you need to make sure that the contacts are reliable and, if necessary, solve this problem by tightening the screw connections, as well as stripping and tightening the plug-in contacts. In this case, it is necessary to check the reliability of the contact in the socket of the non-working lamp, the starter, at the throttle terminals, as well as at the terminals to which the supply conductors of the lamp are connected. Contacts can be checked visually, but if further troubleshooting of the lamp does not produce results, then you should return to checking the contact connections again, but with a tester, checking each of the contacts. If the contacts are in normal condition, then the fluorescent lamp itself should be checked for integrity. To do this, remove it from the socket and insert it into a known working fluorescent lamp. If the lamp does not light, it should be replaced. But you should take into account the fact that it could burn out due to a malfunction of the choke, so before installing a new lamp in a non-working lamp, you need to make sure that the choke of the lamp is working.
The next reason for the lamp to not work is a faulty starter. A starter malfunction can be manifested either by complete inoperability of the lamp or by its characteristic flickering. If the starter contacts do not close when the lamp is turned on, there will be no signs of lamp operation. Or, on the contrary, the starter contacts are closed and do not open - in this case, the lamp will flicker but not light up. If the starter is removed, it will work normally. In both cases, the repair boils down to replacing the starter. Another reason is a malfunction of the throttle. A characteristic feature If the inductor malfunctions, there may be a partial violation of the integrity of the insulation of its winding, which is manifested by a sharp change in its characteristics (current at the moment of starting the lamp and during its operation). This can be seen visually by the unstable operation of the lamp after it is turned on. In this case, the lamp turns on in normal mode, but during its operation flickering and uneven glow are observed that are uncharacteristic of its normal operation. As mentioned above, the lamp may burn out due to a malfunction of the inductor, namely the presence of an interturn short circuit in it. If a characteristic burning smell appears when the lamp burns out, then most likely the inductor is damaged. When installing a new starter or choke, you must pay attention to their rated voltage and power; the values ​​of these parameters must correspond to the previously installed elements. It should also be noted Special attention on the network voltage and its stability. Unstable and high/low voltage is the main cause of ballast failure, lamp burnout or unstable operation of the luminaire. If the problem with poor-quality power supply is not solved, the fluorescent lamp will often fail. Work safety when repairing a fluorescent lamp 1. Before you begin replacing or checking the elements of the lamp, you must completely de-energize it and make sure that no electric current is coming to it. 2. Caution when using a multimeter (tester): - to avoid the risk of electric shock and/or damage to the device, do not measure voltage above 500 V; - before using the tester, carefully inspect the test probe cable to see if the insulation is damaged. - When replacing the fuse or battery of the tester, to avoid electric shock, before opening the tester case, make sure that the test leads are not connected to any electrical circuit

The lighting and light signaling system is operational if all lighting devices function normally, providing the specified output characteristics. It is considered partially operational if it transmits complete information about the car to other road users, but does not ensure that the driver receives the necessary information about the road.

A partial malfunction of the system is indicated by an increase in the angle of the headlight to the road or failure (burnout) of a lamp in one of the high beam headlights. In both cases, the headlights do not interfere with other road users, but force the car driver to reduce speed to ensure the necessary level of safety.

A lighting system is faulty when it does not convey all the intended information to road users. Headlight malfunctions are a sign of danger only if the permissible light distribution deteriorates. Any malfunction that changes the functional properties of a mandatory light-signal device makes the car dangerous in relation to other road users.

Most often, lamps fail (burn out). Formally, this malfunction is considered minor, so some cars are operated with one of two paired lighting devices. This is a serious violation of the Traffic Rules.

Two light devices of the same functional purpose do not duplicate each other, but complement each other, providing the necessary angles of visibility of the signal light in various road situations. Typically, lamps burn out when turned on, when the current flowing through the lamp can be 8-10 times the rated value.

During operation, efficiency lighting device decreases due to a decrease in the transmittance of the bulbs of conventional incandescent lamps. Do not touch the glass bulb of a halogen lamp with your fingers when installing it in a headlight. At high flask temperatures, greasy fingerprints cause darkening of the quartz glass.

  1. Maintenance of lighting devices

During long-term operation, even if the maintenance rules are strictly followed, the optical properties of the diffusers change. They are exposed to particulate matter and sunlight. Relatively soft plastic diffusers become covered with microdents and a network of scratches, the dyes fade, the color of the diffuser changes and the transmittance increases. The diffuser may lose its shape if it overheats if a high power lamp (21 W) is used for a long time while the car is parked. If there are chips or cracks on the color diffuser, the signal from the light device is perceived as two-color; white color can suppress the main color of the signal, distort the transmitted information and increase the glare of the light device. Damaged lenses should be replaced.

It is not allowed to replace the round headlight lens yourself. The lenses of round headlights are strictly oriented relative to the seat under the lamp, which is ensured only in the factory, so the entire optical element is replaced. The decision to replace the optical element of the headlight is made based on the results of measuring the light intensity at the rated voltage on the lamps and their correct adjustment. The luminous intensity must be at least 85 000 cd.

The reflectors of lighting devices are usually damaged optical properties working surface due to corrosion due to insufficient ventilation. Do not wipe the work surface. This leads to the formation of scratches and distortion of the structure of the light beam. The light distribution of the device also changes if the shape of the reflector is damaged or the aluminum coating peels off from its working surface.

A violation of the contact of the light device with the “ground” is very specific. In two-headlight lighting systems, in a headlight that does not have contact with the car body, both lamp filaments glow very faintly, since when the low beam is turned on, the low beam filament is connected to the body through the high beam filaments of both headlight lamps. At the same time, the high beam indicator lamp lights up. Both rear turn indicators will operate in flashing mode with less luminous output if contact with the ground of the rear grouped light device is broken. At the same time, the lamps of other signal lights may also light up.

A break in the power supply circuits of light sources due to burnout of incandescent lamp filaments or disruption of connections in the network and switching equipment leads to sudden failures. These faults can be detected by external inspection of the lighting devices. Deterioration of the lighting characteristics of individual lighting devices during operation leads to gradual failure of the system. Faults associated with gradual failure can only be detected using special measuring instruments.

External inspection of vehicle lighting devices must be carried out daily. It allows you to detect sudden failure of the lighting device or its mechanical damage. During daily maintenance, you should check the condition of the lenses, the operation of all lighting devices in various positions of switches and light switches, and the serviceability of indicator lamps. Particular attention should be paid to the color of the front and rear lights when they are on, and to the correct functioning of the brake signals and turn indicators. Braking signals must be red and of equal intensity. The flashing frequency of the turn indicators can be checked using a wristwatch with a second hand (10 light pulses over 5-10 s). Any detected malfunction must be corrected immediately. Operating a vehicle with a faulty light fixture from the mandatory kit is not permitted.

During TO-1, daily maintenance operations are performed, checking the fastening of headlights, front and rear lights, the operation of all switches and switches, and the reliability of connections in the power supply circuits of lighting devices. During TO-2, TO-1 operations are carried out, and the light distribution is also checked, the luminous intensity of the headlights is measured and the need for their adjustment is determined. During TO-1 and TO-2, the lighting and light signaling system is checked using instruments.

It is advisable to monitor the performance of lighting devices that directly affect traffic safety when performing transport work on the line. The serviceability of the lights while the vehicle is moving can be assessed by the light reflected from road objects. Thus, the correct functioning of the brake signals can be checked by observing the headlights of the car standing behind through the rearview mirror. If the low beam is on while the car is moving, and the driver is often signaled to switch the light, then the headlight adjustment is faulty and the fault must be corrected immediately.

Malfunctions of switches, switches, relays and current interrupters of the direction indicators of the lighting and light signaling system must be determined using indicator lamps in accordance with the internal connection and switching diagrams. Gaps between relay contacts, moving forces of freewheel switch levers and working movement of lamp switch rods reverse and the diaphragms of the brake signal switches are adjusted in accordance with the technical specifications for this switching device.

Maintenance of lighting electrical installations consists of constant supervision, periodic inspection and timely repair of elements of lighting devices. The timing of inspections, inspections and repairs is established in accordance with the Rules technical operation depending on the operating conditions of lighting electrical installations. The serviceability of the emergency lighting system is checked at least once every 3 months; condition of electrical wiring, fuse links and working and emergency lighting equipment - once a year.

Testing and measuring the insulation resistance of wires and cables is carried out at least once every 3 years; measurement of loads and voltage at individual points of the power grid - once a year; testing the insulation of transformers with a secondary voltage of 12 - 42 V - once a year, and portable transformers - once a month.

During the inspection of lighting networks, the condition of openly laid cables and wires, cable terminations, the integrity of grounding conductors, the quality of connections and wire branches, and the absence of heating in the connections are checked. When inspecting group and main panels, the compliance of the fuse links with the operating currents of the circuits, the serviceability of switches, circuit breakers, plug sockets and their contact parts are checked. When inspecting lamps, pay attention to the condition of the fittings and its parts, the strength of the glass cover, the serviceability and heating of the socket, the correspondence of the power of the lamps to the type of lamp, the strength of the lamp fastening, the integrity of the grounding conductor, the serviceability of starter and throttle devices for gas-discharge lamps, the condition of cable suspensions and strength their fastenings.

All defects identified during the inspection must be corrected immediately. At large volume necessary work, defects are recorded in the inspection log and eliminated during routine repairs.

The frequency of cleaning lamps depends on many factors and, first of all, on the environment of the illuminated room. So, in production premises where there is dust, smoke and soot in an amount of more than 10 mg/m³ - the lamps are cleaned 2 times a month; for pollution from 5 to 10 mg/m³ - once a month; when their content is no more than 5 mg/m³, as well as in rooms with a normal air environment - once every 3 months. In modern large industrial complexes, in which thousands of different lamps are installed, cleaning, as a rule, is carried out in a workshop using special equipment using the necessary detergents. In the same workshop, preventive and current repairs lighting devices, checking light sources, switching devices, etc.

The lifespan of incandescent lamps is greatly influenced by the voltage level. With a 10% increase in voltage, the lamp life is only 14% of the life at rated voltage. Thus, one of the main requirements for the operation of lighting installations with incandescent lamps is the need to maintain voltage within acceptable limits. A long-term increase in voltage on lamps should not be more than 2.5%, and a short-term increase - 5% of the rated network voltage. The voltage level in the network is monitored annually during illumination measurements at control points of the lighting installation using special devices.

After burning out, the incandescent lamp is replaced with a new one (individual method). For gas-discharge light sources, which, after expiration of their service life, continue to operate for a long time with a significantly reduced luminous flux, a group method of replacing lamps is used: they are replaced after a set period of time (usually after 70 - 80% of the nominal service life).

Rice. 57. Scheme for connecting capacitors to group lines with DRL:
1 - RP tires; 2 - contact clamp; 3 - bit resistor; 4 - capacitor.

In order to increase the power factor in lighting electrical installations for fluorescent lamps, ballasts (ballasts) of the UBK and ABK types are produced with built-in capacitors that increase the power factor to 0.95 or more. For lighting electrical installations with gas-discharge lamps, to increase the power factor, capacitors are connected to the group lines (Fig. 57). Capacitor units (UC) are produced at 380 and 415 V and with a power of 25 and 20 kvar, respectively (the connection diagram of the UC includes so-called discharge resistors, which ensure a reduction in the voltage on the capacitors to 50 V in no more than 1 minute after they are turned off) .

Lamps and electric lamps become contaminated with dust and soot during their operation, which reduces the illumination of the room. Various types of malfunctions may also occur due to mechanical damage or environmental influences.

Faulty luminaires can cause accidents: damage electric shock, fire, etc.

Periodic preventive inspections, maintenance and repair of lighting equipment must be carried out within the time limits established by local instructions, as well as taking into account schedules developed in accordance with the operating recommendations of the manufacturers.

Periodic inspections and cleaning of lighting fixtures in livestock and poultry buildings, feed preparation rooms and other similar rooms with difficult environmental conditions are recommended to be carried out at least once a month.

During periodic inspections of luminaires, the fastening of the shades is checked. The power of the installed lamps must correspond to the luminaire for which they are intended. The tension of the wires supplying power to the lamp should not exceed the permissible value and have a reserve for possible swing of the lamp. It is necessary to carefully check the condition of the insulation of the wires at the point of entry into the luminaire, as well as the reliability of the connection of the neutral wire to the clamp on the luminaire body.

Periodic inspection of lamps and timely elimination of all detected faults ensure their reliable operation, as well as the safety of people and animals.

Maintenance of lamps is carried out together with the maintenance of internal electrical wiring in clean, dry rooms with a normal environment once every six months, and in damp, dusty and fire-hazardous rooms once every three months.

Maintenance, as well as periodic inspections, is carried out with the lamps completely turned off in compliance with all safety measures. Maintenance is carried out by a group of electricians of two to three people.

During maintenance it is necessary:

Remove dust and dirt from the fixtures of the lamps with a damp wiping material, wipe heavily soiled areas with a wiping material moistened with a 5% caustic soda solution;

Remove the glass of the lamps and turn out the electric lamps, wash the glass in a 5% solution of caustic soda, rinse in clean water and dry, wipe the lamps with a damp cleaning material;

Replace glass that has cracks or chips;

Unscrew the cartridge body and check the condition of its parts;

Disassemble, clean and reassemble oxidized or burnt contact connections, tighten loose clamps; remove corrosion from the threaded part of the cartridge with fine glass sandpaper and cover the cleaned surface with a thin layer of technical petroleum jelly; cartridges with burnt contacts or damage to insulating parts must be replaced;

Check the condition of lighting fixtures, replace fixtures that have damaged porcelain, ceramic, plastic or other parts;

Check the reliability of fastening the lamps to the base;

If necessary, paint the metal parts of the fittings, check the presence and condition of the sealing elements of waterproof, hermetic and explosion-proof lamps; Replace rubber gaskets and seals that have lost elasticity;

Install lamps and glass lamps, turn on the lighting network and make sure that each lamp is working properly.

To limit voltage deviations in lighting installations, wall-mounted stabilizers-limiters of the EON-1 type are used.

The voltage limiter is powered from a 380/220 V mains voltage, the electrical design is single-phase. The maximum load current per phase is 15 A. The failure-free operation coefficient of the limiter during operation of 4000 hours is not lower than 0.9. Service life - at least six years. Limiter weight - 3.5 kg.

Stabilizers-limiters of the TON type are used to maintain network voltage with incandescent lamps, DRL lamps and fluorescent lamps.

Table 1.34 - Technical specifications stabilizers-limiters TON

Indicators TON-3-220-63 TON-3-220-100
Rated phase voltage
supply network frequency 50 Hz, V
Permissible voltage increase
supply network, V
Accuracy of maintaining a given
load voltage
when the supply voltage increases
network above the set voltage, % ± l.5
Rated current in the line, A
Voltage setting control limits 0,9...1,05
Efficiency in nominal mode, %
Overall dimensions, mm 465x395x930
Weight, kg

When designing lighting installations, a safety factor should be introduced. The value of the safety factor and the cleaning time of the luminaires are indicated in the table. 1.35.

Table 1.35 - Safety factor and cleaning times for luminaires

Devices for servicing lamps and light openings should be provided.

When the height of the light openings does not exceed 5 m above the floor, as well as when the height of the suspension of lamps is up to 5 m, it is allowed to service the lamps using ladders and stepladders by a team of at least two people.

At enterprises producing livestock, poultry and crop products industrial basis it is necessary to provide special rooms (up to 15 m2) for the repair and cleaning of lamps with the installation of a workbench, bathtub and provision of hot water.

The most common malfunction of the lighting network is the burnout of the electric lamp. To test an incandescent lamp, you must use a known-good lamp. If such a replacement does not give a positive result, the reason should be sought in the cartridge. It is necessary to check whether the base is in contact with the central contact. If necessary, the contact should be bent slightly. If the base-socket contact is poor, the lamp base can be welded to the socket, causing unacceptable overheating of the socket and lamp, lamp and supply wires. If there are mechanical breakdowns of the contact posts, burnt plastic cases, cracks or chips, the cartridge must be replaced with a known good one.

In networks where voltage fluctuations are possible, lamps quickly fail. Lamps with higher voltages up to 240 V are more reliable in operation.

In practice, this voltage can also be exceeded, for example, when there is a short circuit to the equipment housing of another phase to which the lamp is not connected. Since the lamp is connected to the phase and neutral wires connected to the equipment housing, it turns on for a short time in two phases, which leads to its burnout.

Bad clamps and contacts in the lamp circuit also have a negative effect, which leads to current fluctuations in the lamps. Various overvoltages in the network, frequent switching on and off of the lamps themselves have a negative effect on lamps.

To store broken gas-discharge lamps, a room should be provided at the rate of 2.5 m 2 per 1000 lamps in use.

Failed DRL and fluorescent lamps, as well as other light sources containing mercury, must be stored packaged in a special room and periodically removed for destruction or disposal.

Malfunctions of lighting installations and methods for eliminating them are given in table. 1.36.

Table 1.36 - Malfunctions of lighting installations and methods for eliminating them

Malfunction Lighting does not turn on Reason for installation with incandescent lamps I. The machine turns off when turned on; Elimination
Installations with incandescent lamps
Lighting does not turn on 1. The machine turns off when turned on:
a) The machine is faulty Machine repair or replacement
b) Short circuit in the lighting network or in the luminaire Find and eliminate the cause of the short circuit
2. The lamp does not touch the contacts in the socket:
a) The contacts are bent Bend the contacts
b) Contacts are burnt or broken off Replace cartridge
3. Lamp is faulty Replace lamp
4. The switch that turns on one or more lamps is faulty Replace the switch
5. The wires in the socket, switch, machine, box have jumped out of the clamps or have been burnt. Fix the problem
6. Open circuit in the machine Replace machine
Protection is triggered 1. The lamp has closed the contacts in the socket with its base Bend the contacts
2. Touching the wires where they are connected to the socket or in the box Fix the problem
Combustion of the plastic housing of the luminaire The presence of moisture and an aggressive environment, the gradual development of a short circuit in the lamp body, to which the protection does not respond Replace the lamp
Sunbathing wire 1. Wire insulation does not meet environmental conditions Replace wire that does not meet environmental conditions
2. Short circuit in a lamp or wire without protection Apply protection (fuses, circuit breakers)
3. Wire does not match the load Replace with a larger gauge wire
Installations with fluorescent lamps
The lamp does not light up or works intermittently 1. The clamps in the circuits to the lamp, at the throttle, lamp pads, at the starter are weak or oxidized; contacts of lamp legs and starter electrodes in sockets Check the clamps and contacts in the wiring up to the luminaire and in the luminaire
2. Break in the inductor or in the ballast capacitor Check by replacing with new ones
3. Starter faulty Replace
4. The lamp is faulty. The integrity of its spirals can be checked by looking at its end through the glass of the cylinder. Black deposits at the ends indicate consumption of the active layer of cathodes Replace lamp
5. Effect of low air temperature
Changing the color of the lamp section Change in phosphor composition with long term lamp service Replace lamp
The hum of a lamp Oscillation of the throttle magnetic circuit plates Replace throttle
Trigger of protection when the lamp is turned on 1. Breakdown of the compensating capacitor at the lamp input Replace capacitor
2. Short circuit in installation circuits Check the circuits with an ammeter
Heating of combustible surfaces on which the lamp is installed Heating of the lamp choke Place asbestos pads under the lamp or leave an air gap under the lamp

Incandescent lamps often do not turn out of the socket because the base is rusty or the central contact is welded. Using a lot of force when turning it out often leads to tearing off the base. In this case, it is necessary to first de-energize the electrical network (by unscrewing the safety plugs or turning off circuit breaker) and, carefully rotating the lamp bulb, tear off the wires on which it hangs. Then use pliers to unscrew the lamp base remaining in the socket. In cases where this cannot be done, the cartridge is disassembled.

It is necessary to carefully terminate the wires when recharging the cartridge with them. After stripping the insulation, the stranded wire is twisted so that there are no wires sticking out in different directions. Then, using round pliers, a ring is formed, which it is advisable to then tin. The place where the insulation is stripped and the wire up to the ring is wrapped with insulating tape.

Proper recharging is also necessary when connecting wires and cords to other electrical appliances. In case of careless termination of the wires, a short circuit between the protruding wires may occur. In addition, it is enough for one wire from the ring to touch the outer parts of the fittings so that when touching them a person becomes energized.

Addressing fluorescent lamps, it should be said that they are a complex device with many structural elements And big amount contacts. Therefore, problems during the operation of lamps can be very diverse (see Table 1.17).

When changing, fluorescent lamps are removed from their sockets with great care so as not to damage the base or break the glass of the lamp, since the lamp contains mercury vapor, which is very toxic.

When operating fluorescent lamps, it must be remembered that the nature of the gas discharge is largely determined by the pressure of the gas or vapor in which the discharge occurs. As the temperature drops, the vapor pressure in the lamp drops and the process of ignition and combustion of the lamp deteriorates, and at temperatures below 5°C the lamp may not ignite at all.

It should be accepted as a rule that maintenance of lamps should be carried out simultaneously with the maintenance of electrical wiring and other electrical equipment.

Control questions

1. Tell us about the design and purpose of lamps.

2. Give examples of the most common incandescent lamps.

3. Give examples of luminaires with low and high pressure gas discharge lamps.

4. Tell us about the design and placement of spotlights.

5. How are irradiation facilities classified?

6. Give examples of irradiation installations for animals and birds.

7. Give examples of plant irradiators in greenhouses.

8. What stationary irradiation installations do you know?

9. Give examples of bactericidal irradiation installations?

10. Name the IR irradiation installations?

11. Give the basic conditions for the correct operation of lighting equipment.

12. Frequency and content of inspections and Maintenance lamps.

13. What is the purpose of voltage limiter stabilizers?

14. What are the main faults and how to eliminate them in lighting installations with incandescent lamps?

15. Malfunctions and methods for their elimination in installations with gas-discharge lamps.