Theatrical activities in the first junior group. Project on theatrical activities in kindergarten

Irina Kurochkina
Planning theatrical activities in the first junior group


1. Topic: Telling and showing a fairy tale "Chicken Ryaba", conversation on the content of the fairy tale. Goals: To develop children’s ability to be a friendly spectator, to listen to a fairy tale to the end.

2. Theme: Game - dramatization "Chicken Ryaba". Goals: Develop interest in dramatization games, maintain a cheerful, joyful mood. Encourage kindness towards each other. Encourage children to actively participate in the game.

1. Topic: Acting out a play "Turnip". Goals: Develop interest and respect for toys. Continue to introduce children to the techniques of driving tabletop dolls. To develop the ability to follow the development of action in a puppet show. Encourage kids to participate in dance improvisations with tabletop dolls.

2. Theme: Acting out a Russian folk tale "Turnip". Elements of costumes. Goals: Develop interest in dramatization games, maintain a cheerful, joyful mood. Encourage kindness towards each other. Encourage children to actively participate in the game - dramatization.

1. Topic: Guessing a riddle. Simulation exercises. Introduction to the fairy tale by K. Chukovsky "Chick". Goals. Form a positive attitude towards her.

2. Theme: Telling a story “Why was the kitten crying?” using desktop theater. Conversation on the content of the fairy tale. Goals "artists".

1. Topic: Finger puppets theater, on flannelgraph. Goals: Encourage children to play with tabletop dolls theater, helping them in independent play activities.

2. Theme: K. Chukovsky "Chick". Goals: Develop children’s ability to be a friendly spectator, watch and listen to the end, clap their hands, say thank you "artists".

1. Topic: It’s the Snow Maiden’s New Year. (Game - dramatization). Goals: Continue work on teaching children puppeteering techniques (desktop theater) . Teach children to reproduce individual character traits (self-confidence). Introduce the children to a fairy tale "The Snow Maiden's New Year", put on a performance with them. Encourage the kids to take part in the round dance.

2. Theme: Magic chest. Goals: Develop children’s ability to understand the state of another person and be able to adequately express their own. Encourage children to participate in theatrical and gaming activities speech: enrich the vocabulary, develop the ability to construct sentences, achieve correct and clear pronunciation of words. (Guessing riddles. Dressing up. Imitation exercises "Play the Hero".)

1. Topic: Dramatization of poems by A. Barto "Toys", joke. Goals: Develop interest and respect for toys. Maintain the desire to listen to poetry and answer the teacher’s questions. To develop the ability to convey basic emotions through facial expressions, gestures, and movements. Encourage children's willingness to participate in dance improvisations.

2. Theme: Fundamentals of acting. Goals: Develop children’s ability to understand the state of another person and be able to adequately express their own. Encourage children to participate in theatrical and gaming activities. Form a positive attitude towards her. Develop speech: enrich the vocabulary, develop the ability to construct sentences, achieve correct and clear pronunciation of words.

1. Topic:Desktop theater: Russian folk tale "Zayushkina's hut". Goals: Induce a positive emotional state. Develop the ability to communicate without conflict.

2. Theme: Fairy tale by A. Suteev “Who said "meow"Goals: To form in children a friendly attitude towards each other. Develop imagination and initiative. Teach children to find means of expressing an image in facial expressions and gestures.

1. Topic: Little joke “The squirrel dropped a cone” Goals: Create a desire to participate in theatrical play.

2. Theme: Sketch "Sparrow" A. Taraskina. Goals: Cultivate friendly relationships between children. Develop imagination and creative initiative. Develop interest in theatrical activities.

1. Topic: Mini-scene "Tanya and the ball" V. I. Miryasova. Goals: Develop communication skills. Develop the ability to coordinate your actions with the actions of your partners.

2. Theme: Mini-scene "The Mistress and the Cat" Goals: Encourage children to participate in general theatrical action. Develop the ability to improvise. Learn to combine movement and speech.

Marina Ryazantseva
Theatrical activities of children in the 1st junior group

Child development through theatrical activities.

Theater- this is a magical land in which a child

he rejoices while playing, and in the game he learns about the world.

S. I. Merzlyakova

What prompted me to do theatrical and play activities with children? Probably, this is the sincere joy on their faces, laughter and happiness that come to life dolls that have learned to talk, dance, and sing. I realized that theater is a miracle, fairy tale, magic...

Theatrical activities is a source of development of feelings, deep experiences of the child, introduces him to spiritual values.

No less important is that theatrical games develop the emotional sphere, make him sympathize with the characters.

It is no secret that young children perceive speech addressed to them better if it is supported by visual objects: pictures, toys.

Main objectives of the organization theatrical activities in our group.

Stimulate interest in theatrical and gaming activities, encourage participation children in this type of activity

Learn to navigate group room and hall.

Develop skills and convey facial expressions, gestures, movements, basic emotions

Our initial focus group was aimed at enriching the subject-development environment.

IN group introducing children to different types of theaters helps our children relax, relieve stress, creates a joyful atmosphere, and fosters kindness. Telling and showing fairy tales to children, changing the voice and intonation in accordance with the hero, made it possible to note that children, playing with small toys, can act out Russian folk tales that are well known to them (“Chicken Ryaba”, “Kolobok”, “Turnip”, etc.).

Theatrical Games help children develop attention, speech, memory, and creative imagination. It is very important from an early age to show children examples of friendship, truthfulness, responsiveness, resourcefulness, and courage.

We begin any lesson with finger gymnastics, carried out in a playful way. This beginning of classes helps children concentrate their attention and tune in to the topic of class.

Finger games are a wonderful opportunity to play with your child.

Playing with finger puppets helps your baby better control the movements of his own fingers.

By playing with adults, the child masters valuable communication skills, plays out various situations with dolls that behave like people,

developing the child's imagination.

At our age the prototype theatrical games are games with a role. Children, acting in accordance with their role, use their capabilities more fully and cope with many tasks much more easily. Acting on behalf of cautious sparrows, brave mice or friendly geese, they learn, and unnoticed for themselves. In addition, role-playing games activate and develop imagination children, prepare them for independent creative play.

Our children groups They are happy to transform into dogs, cats and other familiar animals, but they are not yet able to develop and play out the plot. They only imitate animals, copying them in appearance, without revealing their behavioral characteristics, therefore children we are trying to teach some ways of playing based on the model. For this purpose we conduct games "The Mother Hen and the Chicks", "Bear and cubs", "Hare and Bunnies", and in class act out small scenes from children’s everyday life.

IN group organized a corner for theatrical performances, performances. It has a place for director games with finger, table theater.

In the corner are located:

Various types theaters:puppet, tabletop, theater on flannelgraph, etc.;

Props for acting out scenes and performances: set of dolls, screens for dollhouse theater, costumes, costume elements, masks;

Attributes for various games positions: theater props.

Theatrical activity is reflected:

cultural and leisure activity:

Holidays (themed, entertainment;

Stories with musical illustrations;

-theatrical performances(puppet theater, dramatizations);

Singing games;

Dramatization of songs;

Sports entertainment;

“Theatrical activities in the first junior group” Most young children entering kindergarten are not ready to perceive fairy tales. Special work is required to involve children in a fairy tale, develop interest in it, the ability to comprehend the plot and be included in the fairy tale action. Therefore, at the first stage of work, it was important to develop in children self-confidence and a desire to cooperate with adults in activities that were new to the child.



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Presentation by the teacher of MBDOU TsRR DS No. 28 “Firefly” Liliya Stanislavovna Poleshchuk

Presentation on the topic: “Theatrical activities in the first junior group” 2012

Contents: 1. Introduction………………………………………………………………………………… 3 2. Justification for choosing the topic…………………………………… ……………….. 4 3. Objectives of theatrical activities in the 1st junior group ……… 5 4. Mnemonics…………………………………………………………………… 6 5. Mnemonic tracks. Examples of mnemonic tracks………………………. 7 6. Tactile boards. Samples of tactile boards…………….. 9 7. Making tactile boards………………………………….. 11 8. Stages of working with tactile boards. Examples………………… 12 9. Playing out nursery rhymes……………………………………………………… 13 10. Our first steps…………………………………… …………………….. 14 11. Table theaters, educational games…………………………. 16 12. The fairy tale “Kolobok”………………………………………………………………. 17

Introduction: Most young children entering kindergarten are not ready to perceive fairy tales. Special work is required to involve children in a fairy tale, develop interest in it, the ability to comprehend the plot and be included in the fairy tale action. Therefore, at the first stage of work, it was important to develop in children self-confidence and a desire to cooperate with adults in activities that were new to the child. Therefore, much attention was paid to individual communication. It was differentiated depending on the psychological characteristics of the child and his ability to assimilate the material, because Even children of the same age have different levels of motor development.

Justification for the choice of topic Introducing children to various types of theater should begin in the 1st junior group. I noticed that meeting with a theatrical puppet, especially during the adaptation period, helps children relax, relieve tension, creates a joyful atmosphere, and fosters kindness. Performing small performances in front of children, changing the voice and intonation in accordance with the character being portrayed, allowed me to note in my observations that children, playing with small toys, can act out Russian folk tales that are well known to them (“Ryaba the Hen”, “Kolobok”, “Turnip”) ", etc.). Therefore, I decided to show small performances, inviting children who wanted to play in them. From an early age, every child strives to show creativity, and therefore it is important to create an atmosphere of free expression of feelings and thoughts in the children's team, it is important to encourage the child's desire to be different from others, it is important to awaken his imagination and try to realize his abilities to the maximum. Theatrical games help children consolidate communication skills, develop attention, speech, memory, and creative imagination. It is very important from an early age to show children examples of friendship, truthfulness, responsiveness, resourcefulness, and courage. The habit of expressive public speech can be cultivated in a person only by involving him in speaking in front of an audience from an early age. Such games help overcome timidity, self-doubt and shyness.

Objectives of theatrical activities in the 1st junior group: 1. Develop memory and attention. 2. Develop the ability to listen to an adult’s speech, understand its content, and act in accordance with it. 3. Cultivate endurance. 4. Develop intonation expressiveness of speech (emotionality). 5. Develop mental and speech activity. 6. Develop the ability, with the help of an adult, to stage and dramatize short passages from folk tales.

Mnemonics To improve memory in children, in my practice I use mnemonics techniques. Mnemonics is a system of methods and techniques that ensure effective memorization, preservation and reproduction of information. The purpose of training with its use is the development of memory (different types: auditory, visual, motor, tactile), thinking, attention, imagination. The basis of training is the development of creative cognition. Children get to know their surroundings not only by directly perceiving something, but also indirectly, through books they read and fairy tales told. A fairy tale, a constant companion of childhood, plays a special role in a child’s life. The imaginary situation makes a fairy tale similar to a game, the main activity of a preschooler. The kid empathizes with the characters, shares their feelings, lives with them in the world of a fairy tale. It is easier for him to establish associative connections with his favorite and understandable fairy-tale characters.

Mnemonic tracks A mnemonic track carries educational information in a small amount, which is very important in the early stages of a child’s education. You can work with a mnemonic track using overlay techniques and applications (often used in working with children of primary preschool age), excluding at first the method of partial or complete graphic sketching. For younger children, it is necessary to give colored mnemonic tables, since children retain individual images better in their memory: a fox is a red cheat, chickens are yellow, a cockerel has a red crest, a mouse is gray, a Christmas tree is green, the sun is yellow and red ( warm) and other images. The reference in the table is the image of the main characters of the fairy tale, through whom there is an awareness of what is happening in it, an understanding of the fairy tale itself, the content that is “tied” around its main characters. The size of mnemonic tables can be different - depending on the age of the children and their level of development. So, after mastering mnemonic tracks in the younger group, you can switch to small mnemonic tables with 4 cells (2x2).

Examples of mnemonic tracks used Fairy tale “Kolobok” Alyonushka took a basket and went into the forest to pick mushrooms. It often rains, mushrooms appear in the forest after the rain, and we hide from the rain in the rain. The bright warm sun began to shine, the icicles began to melt (they began to cry), and the fox’s hut melted.

Tactile boards Tactile memory is the ability to remember the sensations of touching various objects. The basis of working with tactile boards is the development of tactile memory. Goal: development of perception of the surrounding world, imagination, fantasy, speech, the ability to express in words your feelings from touch.

Making tactile boards: Material: set of 10-15 boards with different surface roughness (5x10 cm). On one side of the board write its serial number from 1 to 15. All boards should be different to the touch. - stick a piece of natural or artificial fur onto board No. 1; - stick sandpaper on board No. 2 (it should be hard and rough); - stick a piece of soft fabric (fleece, flannel) onto board No. 3; - drip melted candle wax onto plate No. 4 so that frozen drops form on the surface; - stick a piece of rope or a thick cord on board No. 5 (zigzag); - stick matches or small thin sticks on board No. 6; - stick nut shells on board No. 7; - stick foil or cellophane onto board No. 8, its surface should be smooth; - stick velvet or velvety fabric onto board No. 9; - stick ribbed fabric (corduroy) onto board No. 10; - stick cereals (buckwheat or pearl barley) on board No. 11; - stick pine cone scales onto board No. 12; - on the remaining boards you can stick small cereals, broken pieces of sticks, dried leaves, etc.

Stages of working with tactile boards: 1. Signal the child to close his eyes. 2. Place a tablet in his hand with the instructions to touch it. 3. Ask the child what reminds him when he touches (strokes) the board (a fluffy cat, a prickly hedgehog, a toothy wolf, or something else). 4. Take the board from the child and give instructions so that he opens his eyes. Rule: for playing with a child, it is advisable to use from 1 to 3 boards, depending on age. For example, the task “Guess your friends by touch” (tactile boards) Purpose: to develop tactile memory in children. Procedure: the teacher invites the children to touch the boards, find out who lives “in the house” (see the method of working with tactile boards).

Let’s play out nursery rhymes: “Little kitten, who did you eat gingerbread with?” - One. - Don’t eat alone, don’t eat alone.” Dog: “Don’t cry, bunny! I’ll help your mountain” “One, two, three, four, five - I’m drumming again” “Strum, strum, guselki, golden strings!”

Dramatization of the fairy tale “Animal Friendship”

Show of the puppet theater "Kolobok" Show of the flannelograph "Turnip" Game-drama Show of the puppet theater "Ryaba Hen"

Fairy tale “Turnip” in pictures Demonstration of the table theater “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats” Game-dramatization “Visiting Aunt Natalka” (based on Kuban)


Theatrical play is an effective means of social-personal, cognitive-speech and artistic-aesthetic development of a preschooler. The development of theatrical play in preschoolers is more effective with a special organization of the pedagogical process. This card file contains theatrical games for younger preschoolers



Card index

theatrical games

in the younger group

Explanatory note

Theatrical play is an effective means of social-personal, cognitive-speech and artistic-aesthetic development of a preschooler. The development of theatrical play in preschoolers is more effective with a special organization of the pedagogical process.

This becomes possible if the teacher gradually reorients the child from the process of the game to its result. The path to development of play is joint play between an adult and a child, the creation of an enriched play environment that encourages independent play creativity in free interaction with toys and peers. Play as part of the educational field “Socialization” is integrated with all educational fields, since it is the main form of implementation of various types of children’s activities, including organizededucational activities , a method of education and development of younger preschoolers, a form of organizing the lives of children in kindergarten.

« The turnip grew big and big"

Russian folk tale

To teach listening to a story using a visual image Staged fairy tales on flannelgraph

Game-situation “In our yard” To evoke positive emotions in children;

Enrich the experience; awaken interest in the game, the desire to imitate the intonation of an adult’s voice.

The BI-BA-BO puppet theater and flannelgraph are used

A. Barto “Toys”


Introduce poems.

Teach children to perform characteristic actions when reading again, repeating lines of text after the teacher

To develop the ability to convey basic emotions through facial expressions, gestures, and movements.

Encourage children's willingness to participate.

Used tabletop theater toys

Fairy tale "Kolobok"


Arouse interest in theatrical play through the first experience of communicating with characters.

Invite children to follow the development of the plot based on illustrations,

Develop attention and visually effective thinking;

Learn to name characters and their actions. Reinforce in speech the names of animals and their characteristics; expand the active vocabulary: round, ruddy, red and cunning, clubfoot, etc.

Theatrical game based on a fairy tale (spoon theater is used, Bi-Ba-Bo;)

Nursery rhyme “Cucumber, cucumber...”

Cucumber, cucumber,

Don't go to that end

There's a mouse living there

He'll bite your tail off!


Teach children to pronounce a nursery rhyme.Mastering affectionate behavior (cucumber, ponytail, mouse).

Develop attention, enrich vocabulary.

Cultivate careful behavior.

Option 2. Use in a game (the mouse lives there - the children run away

Theatrical nursery rhyme game (head masks are used)

Folk game: “The gray bunny is sitting”


Improve the ability to examine objects, learn to examine, feel;

Learn to perform movements as shown by the teacher and pronounce the words of the song

Develop emotional responsiveness, the desire to communicate with peers, and play together;

Game - the situation “The girl forgot to feed the kitten, he couldn’t remember how to ask for food.”


Learn to identify yourself with a theatrical character; develop mindfulness;

Learn to combine movements and speech; consolidate knowledge about the environment.

The game is the situation “For the grandfather, for the woman, the Ryaba Hen laid a golden egg.”


Stimulate children's emotional perception of theatrical play and active participation in it;

Develop children's physical activity. Retelling a fairy tale with movements.

Strengthen the ability to imitate movements

Theatrical play based on a fairy tale, all types of theater are used

“We won’t tell you where we were, but we’ll show you what we did.”

Tasks: Encourage children's attempts to participate in a collective conversation and make joint decisions; develop creative imagination; encourage children to improvise.

Using a counting rhyme, the driver is selected. He leaves the room. Children agree on what and how they will portray. The driver returns and asks: “Where have you been, boys and girls? What were you doing? The children answer: “We won’t tell you where we were, but we’ll show you what we did.”

Children show the actions they came up with.

During the game, the teacher first advises what and how to depict. When the children get used to it, he only suggests what to depict, and how to do it, they decide for themselves

TV Orc tasks for the development of pantomime.


1. Show how the Goat (Baba Yaga, Little Red Riding Hood, etc.):

  • looks in the mirror;
  • tries his favorite dish
  • tries his least favorite dish
  1. Dialogues - pantomimes:
  • conversation between two “foreigners” who do not know each other’s language, using gestures in various situations, for example: in a store, at a train station in a pharmacy, etc.;
  • act out a situation in which one fairy-tale character steps on another’s foot (for example, on a tram); show how they sort things out using gestures.

3. Riddles - pantomimes:

  • in a store (toy store, grocery store, grocery store, furniture store, etc.): guess what product the buyer needs or what product is on the shelf;
  • at the zoo: guess who is sitting in the cage;
  • guess the profession (based on characteristic movements and posture);
  • guess how the journey took place (by boat, plane, train, etc.);
  • guess what the weather is like outside;
  • identify a passerby by their gait (ballerina, soldier, very old person, fashion model, person whose shoes are pinching, etc.).

4.Show (with hands or fingers):

  • Stay where you are!
  • Come with me!
  • Goodbye!
  • Let's make peace.
  • I love you!
  • I'm afraid.

Fairy tale "Kids and the Wolf"


Introduce children to the work, teach them to follow the development of the plot based on illustrations. During special moments

Game "Bunnies for a walk"


Teach children to perform playful actions and engage in play with peers.

To develop the ability to perform basic role-playing actions. Game situation using various attributes (table theater, circle theater, etc.)

Tasks (children hold “bi-ba-bo” dolls or ordinary toys in their hands).

1. The dolls meet each other and:

a) say hello

b) ask each other about health,

c) say goodbye.

2. One doll accidentally pushed the other. We must ask for forgiveness and, accordingly, apologize.

3. The doll is celebrating her birthday. Her friends come to her and:

A) congratulate you on your birthday and give gifts.

b) the doll thanks for the congratulations and invites you to the table.

c) one of the guests was late: ask for forgiveness for being late.

d) one of the guests accidentally spilled compote on the tablecloth, play out the actions of the hosts and the offender.

3. Some tasks can be offered to children to complete without dolls:

a) knock, go into the group and call one of the children with a gesture (silently, so as not to interrupt the teacher’s story);

b) go to the head (methodologist, speech therapist, etc.) and give her a message;

c) explain to “mom” why the clothes are dirty after visiting kindergarten;

d) apologize to the children for the fact that the ball rolled and broke the sand buildings.

Note: the content of communication sketches can include exercises on etiquette and culture of behavior.

Long term project

1 junior group

"Theater in a child's life"

The fairy tale teaches us to understand goodness,

If he is bad, then condemn him,

Well, the weak - protect him!

Children learn to think, dream,

Get answers to your questions.


Sidorova Nina Alekseevna

Firsova Svetlana Vyacheslavovna

Relevance of the project

Theater- a fertile and irreplaceable source of a child’s upbringing, these are the spiritual riches of culture, which, by learning, a child learns with his heart. Preschool age is the age of fairy tales. It is at this age that the child shows a strong craving for everything fabulous, unusual, and wonderful. If a fairy tale is well chosen, if it is naturally and at the same time expressively shown and told, you can be sure that it will find sensitive, attentive listeners in children. And this will contribute to the development of the little person.

Type: cognitive - speech.

Implementation deadlines: long-term project. (01/11/2016 - 04/30/2016)

Project participants: children, teachers, parents.

Resource support:

Finger Theater: “Teremok”, “Turnip”, “Kolobok”

Costumes for the fairy tale “Turnip”, “Teremok”

Story pictures

Project goal:


Implementation plan.

Organizational and preparatory stage.

Prepare for the project:

Finger Theater: “Teremok”, “Turnip”, “Kolobok”, etc.

Costumes for the fairy tale “Turnip”, “Teremok”, etc.

Plot pictures based on fairy tales.

Main stage.

Game: 1. Plot-role-playing games: “On the roads of the city”, “Traffic rules”. Goal: To consolidate children's knowledge about behavior on the roads. Develop the ability to be polite and attentive to each other.

2. Didactic games:

"Loud - quiet." Goal: To teach children to change the strength of their voice: speak loudly, then quietly.

"Bear cubs eat honey."

"The Frog and the Little Frogs."


"Safety" life safety

"Cognitive Development"

« Artistic and aesthetic development"

2. Modeling - egg, turnip, bun, etc. (fairy tales “Ryaba Hen”, “Turnip”, “Kolobok”).

3. Drawing - trees, a Christmas tree, falling snow, footprints in the snow (fairy tales “Teremok”, “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”, “Kolobok”)

2. Singing children's songs.

"Speech development".

2. Listening to sound recordings of children's fairy tales - “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”, “Kolobok”, “Turnip”, “Teremok”, “Ryaba Hen”.

"Physical development".

Working with parents:

2. Preparation of a consultation for parents: folder - moving “How a puppet theater helps in working with children who lack self-confidence”, “How to watch a play”, “A fairy tale in a child’s life”, “Theater activities in kindergarten”, “Finger games”, "Puppet therapy in working with young children."

The result of the project.

The children got acquainted with Russian folk tales.

Children of the first junior group learned to recognize fairy-tale characters from illustrations.

The children took part in puppet shows.

Children learned to create images of what they read in creative works.

Children began to more often resort to active speech as an expression of their feelings and emotions.

Parents took an active part in theatrical activities.

Project product.


A. K. Bondarenko “Didactic games in kindergarten.”

E. N. Panova “Didactic games - classes in preschool educational institutions (junior age 2nd edition).”

E. V. Zvorygina “The first story-based games for kids.”

E. A. Yanushko “Development of fine motor skills of the hands in young children.”

V. V. Gerbova “Classes on speech development with children 2-4 years old”

Reader for little ones. Compiled by L. N. Eliseeva.

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“Long-term project of the 1st junior group theatrical activity “Theater in a child’s life””

Long term project

1 junior group

theatrical activity

"Theater in a child's life"

The fairy tale teaches us to understand goodness,

To talk about people's actions

If he is bad, then condemn him,

Well, the weak need to protect him!

Children learn to think, dream,

Get answers to your questions.

Prepared. Teachers of the preschool educational institution “Kindergarten No. 9 “Rainbow”

Sidorova Nina Alekseevna

Firsova Svetlana Vyacheslavovna

Relevance of the project

Theater- a fertile and indispensable source of a child’s upbringing, these are the spiritual riches of culture, which, by learning, a child learns with his heart. Preschool age is the age of fairy tales. It is at this age that the child shows a strong craving for everything fabulous, unusual, and wonderful. If a fairy tale is well chosen, if it is naturally and at the same time expressively shown and told, you can be sure that it will find sensitive, attentive listeners in children. And this will contribute to the development of the little person.

Type: cognitive - speech.

Implementation deadlines: long-term project. (01/11/2016 – 04/30/2016)

Project participants: children, teachers, parents.

Age of project participants: first junior group.

Resource support:

Tabletop theaters: “Turnip”, “Ryaba Hen”, etc.

Finger Theater: “Teremok”, “Turnip”, “Kolobok”

Costumes for the fairy tale “Turnip”, “Teremok”

Story pictures

Didactic games: lotto “Fairy Tales”, “My Favorite Fairy Tales”, coloring pages based on the fairy tales “Teremok”, “Kolobok”, “Turnip”.

Project goal: creating the necessary conditions for introducing children to the theater. Fostering children's love for theater through the theatricalization of fairy tales.


1. Give students a basic understanding of the theater (about those people who perform performances, about their clothes, about the dolls that take part in the performance).

2. Continue to expand children’s understanding of the fairy tales based on which the theater is shown.

3. Introduce the features of the theater show.

4.Develop the speech of early preschool children through theatrical activities.

Implementation plan.

Organizational and preparatory stage.

Prepare for the project:

Tabletop theaters: “Turnip”, “Ryaba Hen”, etc.

Finger Theater: “Teremok”, “Turnip”, “Kolobok”, etc.

Costumes for the fairy tale “Turnip”, “Teremok”, etc.

Plot pictures based on fairy tales.

Didactic games: lotto “Fairy Tales”, “My Favorite Fairy Tales”, coloring pages based on the fairy tales “Teremok”, “Kolobok”, “Turnip”.

Main stage.

Educational areas. Activity. Forms and methods of work.

"Social - communicative."

Game: 1. Plot-role-playing games: “On the roads of the city”, “Traffic rules”. Goal: To consolidate children's knowledge about behavior on the roads. Develop the ability to be polite and attentive to each other.

“Fox”, “Bear Cubs”, “Cat”, “Horse”, “Hedgehog”. Goal: To develop in children the ability to take on the role of an animal.

2. Didactic games:

"Loud - quiet." Goal: To teach children to change the strength of their voice: speak loudly, then quietly.

"Bear cubs eat honey."

Goal: To develop the articulatory apparatus of children.

"The Frog and the Little Frogs."

Goal: To develop speech attention.

"Work" 1. Assignments: “Washing toys”, “Washing doll clothes” Purpose: To develop the skills, together with an adult and under the supervision of adults, to properly care for toys.

2. Observation: Purpose: To attract children's attention to what and how an adult does, why he performs this or that action. Encourage a desire to help adults.

"Safety" life safety 1. Conversations with children “When I went with my mother then...”. Goal: Continue to familiarize children with the rules of road safety. Form the foundations of a healthy lifestyle.

2. Didactic exercises “It is possible - it is not possible”, “Show me how to do it correctly” Purpose. Develop the ability to comply with safety rules in public places.

3. Regime moments. Goal: Continue to teach children to dress themselves in the correct sequence. Dry your hands and face with your towel. Form the habit of doing exercises daily.

"Cognitive Development" Cognitive-research and productive (constructive). Formation of a holistic picture of the world, expansion of horizons (joint activity of adults and children in free activities, in restricted moments).

    Looking at pictures from various children's fairy tales. Target. Learn to look at pictures of animals in various activities.

    Design of a collage based on the fairy tale “Teremok” with images of various animals:

Mouse-norushka, frog-croak, bunny-runner, little fox-sister, top-gray-barrel, bear-toed.

« Artistic and aesthetic development"

1. Construction of a tower for animals (fairy tales “Teremok”)

2. Modeling - egg, turnip, bun, etc. (fairy tales “Ryaba Hen”, “Turnip”, “Kolobok”).

3. Drawing - trees, a Christmas tree, falling snow, footprints in the snow (fairy tales “Teremok”, “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”, “Kolobok”)

Theater. Goal: To form ideas about various types of theater. Involvement in participation in theatrical activities.

1. Listening to music.

2. Singing children's songs.

3. Learning musical movements.

4. Musical works “Lullaby of the Bear”, “Song about Summer”, “Song of the Baby Mammoth”, “Song of the Little Engine from Romashkovo”, “Song about Cheburashka”, etc.

"Speech development". Joint activity of adults and children in free activities and routine moments.

1. Dramatization of fairy tales together with the teacher “Ryaba Hen”, “Turnip”, “Teremok”, etc.

2. Listening to sound recordings of children's fairy tales - “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”, “Kolobok”, “Turnip”, “Teremok”, “Ryaba Hen”.

“Reading fiction” Joint activity of an adult and children.

1. Children telling fairy tales “Turnip”, “Teremok”, “Wolf and Seven Little Goats”, “Ryaba Hen”, “Three Bears”.

2. Reading poems and nursery rhymes.

"Physical development". Motor. Ensure optimal physical activity of children throughout the day, using outdoor, sports, folk games and physical exercises.

Round dance games: “Ball”, “Carousel”, “Bubble”. Goal: Improve basic movements; running, walking, jumping. Develop a desire to play with the teacher. Breathing exercises: “How do mice squeak? ", "Pipe", "Cockerel".

Working with parents:

1. Involving parents in participating in the design of the theater corner, making materials for decorating the theater corner (drawing fairy-tale characters).

2. Preparation of a consultation for parents: folder - moving “How a puppet theater helps in working with children who lack self-confidence”, “How to watch a play”, “A fairy tale in a child’s life”, “Theater activities in kindergarten”, “Finger games”, "Puppet therapy in working with young children."

3. Conduct a parent meeting on the topic “Development of speech in early preschool children through theatrical activities.”

Exhibition of collages based on the fairy tales “Ryaba Hen”, “Turnip”, “Kolobok”, etc.

Exhibition of works “My favorite fairy tale”. Parents + Children.

The result of the project.

The children got acquainted with Russian folk tales.

Children of the first junior group learned to recognize fairy-tale characters from illustrations.

The children took part in puppet shows.

Children learned to create images of what they read in creative works.

Children began to more often resort to active speech as an expression of their feelings and emotions.

Parents took an active part in theatrical activities.

Project product.

Exhibition of collages based on the fairy tales “Ryaba Hen”, “Turnip”, “Kolobok”, etc.

Exhibition of works “My favorite fairy tale”. Parents + Children.


A. K. Bondarenko “Didactic games in kindergarten.”

E. N. Panova “Didactic games - classes in preschool educational institutions (junior age 2nd edition).”

E. V. Zvorygina “The first story-based games for kids.”

E. A. Yanushko “Development of fine motor skills of the hands in young children.”

V. V. Gerbova “Classes on speech development with children 2-4 years old”

Reader for little ones. Compiled by L. N. Eliseeva.