These don't lie on the street. What to do if you accidentally found money Such similar words - such different mental models

These don't lie on the street

adj., number of synonyms: 7

Extraordinary (77)

Rare (74)

these don't lie on the road (7)

these don't lie on the floor (7)

you won't find anything like this during the day (7)

Look for something like this (7)

look for something like this with a flashlight (7)

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A well-known expression says: “There is no money lying on the road.” However, sometimes it turns out to be wrong. There are often cases when a person, walking down the street, finds a wallet with money or banknotes or coins lying on the ground. In connection with the find, a dilemma arises: to take it or not to take it. To avoid getting into trouble, let’s figure out what to do if you accidentally found money on the street.

Chance or fate

Nothing in the world happens by chance. As M.A. Bulgakov said in his novel: “A brick will never fall on anyone’s head for no reason.” If you are lucky enough to find money on the street, in a hallway, in a store, in general, no matter where, know: this is a whim of fate, which once again wants to test your strength. Before picking up the coveted bill, a natural question arises: “Are you lucky?”

People's fears about money finds are not unfounded. Among the people there are 2 opinions on this matter.

Some citizens view a money find as good luck, while others view it as a harbinger of trouble.

In folklore there are many beliefs about the money found. They take into account a lot of additional nuances: who found it, on what day, under what circumstances.

Good omen

People who believe that finding money is a good sign rely on a fairly simple theory, which says:

“Whatever is done is for the better.”

That is, if a person finds a wallet with money, this is a gift to him from the Almighty. A classic of the genre can be read as the case when a person, experiencing financial difficulties and being in an almost hopeless situation, suddenly finds a banknote, which turns out to be a real salvation for him. However, there is a second side to this story: after all, someone lost this money.

Adherents of good omens have their own explanation for this. They believe that if a person’s money is missing, this means that the “lucky” person will receive something ten times more in return. This could be the birth of a long-awaited child, luck, love or wealth. There is also an opinion that missing funds or a stolen wallet should be considered as a payoff for something bad.

Losing money in this case is an opportunity to avoid illness, misfortune, and loss.

In the context of the above statements, a number of good signs about money finds can be identified:

  1. If a woman finds money on the street during her critical days, then she will soon have a romantic acquaintance or marriage.
  2. If a man in a hurry to go on a date finds money, it will be successful.
  3. Rubles found in rainy weather promise unexpected profits. If money is found during a snowfall, you can count on success in business.

If the bill is found on Monday, folk signs will soon predict an improvement in well-being, and this will happen unexpectedly. If you were lucky enough to make a similar discovery on Tuesday, in the coming days you need to prepare to meet an influential person who will assist in important matters. Finding money on Wednesday means a promotion or profitable job. There is a sign that says:

“If you find money on Thursday, you will make a profit.”

If a banknote or coin was found on Friday, you will soon be presented with an expensive gift. A banknote found on Saturday is a harbinger of a successful acquisition or a lucrative contract. And finally, finding money on Sunday means meeting a wealthy person. To be more precise, this meeting will improve matters.

Bad Omen

In addition to the good omens associated with all kinds of money finds, there are a lot of bad omens. History says that since the advent of money, people have treated it with awe and respect. In ancient times, coins were associated with a reward for hard work, and all actions associated with dishonestly obtaining them were considered shameful and subject to universal condemnation. Our ancestors considered it impossible to take something without giving something in return. Consequently, any find was considered as the appropriation of someone else’s property without any rights to it.

Having absorbed human labor, money became the owner of powerful energy, which was often used and continues to be used by magicians and sorcerers in their rituals. With the help of charmed coins, rituals are performed to improve one’s financial situation; pennies are often thrown at crossroads as a ransom. People who practice magic transfer their illnesses and misfortunes to money so that it passes on to the person who picked up the coins and leaves their “master” alone. If we consider a money find from this point of view, it becomes clear that picking up bills or coins on the street is extremely dangerous.

Now a little about the bad signs of finding money:

  1. First, let's look at why you need to find paper money. Their discovery foreshadows upcoming losses, and they will be associated not only with the financial sphere. A found banknote can also cost the finder health, love, and peace of mind. In this case, it does not matter at all how much money is found: one or five. That is why, before picking up paper money, you need to think carefully about whether it is worth it.
  2. If you come across a lot of scattered coins at an intersection, there is no need to rush to pick them up. It's unlikely that anyone lost them. Most likely, the coins appeared at the intersection as a result of some kind of magical ritual, and therefore they can be dangerous for you.
  3. If these coins are scattered around the house so that you are the one to see and pick them up, you should not do this under any circumstances: it could be a lining. You should carefully sweep them away with a broom, take them away from the house and bury them or throw them into running water.
  4. There are times when a person finds not just one banknote, but a whole wallet with money. A full wallet may indicate an accidental loss, therefore, by picking it up and not returning it to the owner, a person spoils his karma. If this is a specially planted thing, through which a person tried to remove illnesses and misfortunes from himself, all these “charms” will pass on to the finder as soon as he touches it. If this item was found near the house or directly in the house, you should not touch it with your bare hands. The wallet may be planted. One should think about who could have brought it and for what purpose it was done.
  5. An empty wallet is a bad omen, no matter what day or hour this item was found. If you pick up a wallet that has no money in it, you can bring poverty upon yourself.
  • Before picking up the find, you should quickly whisper: “I accept the good, leave the evil.” Let it be so". Another option is to cross yourself and read a prayer.
  • If you come across a large banknote on the road, it is better to exchange it and give part of it to the poor or donate to the temple.
  • After money is removed from a wallet that someone has lost, it is best to throw it away or burn it.
  • Under no circumstances should money found be taken into the house - it is advisable to exchange it or immediately buy something for yourself.
  • You cannot lend money you find: this is a bad omen. By giving away what was sent specifically to you, you lose the favor of Fortune.
  • Under no circumstances should you pick up money if it is lying at an intersection. To do this means to attract misfortune to yourself.
  • If money is found during the period of the waxing Moon, before spending it, you must say: “As the Moon grows, so let my income increase.”
  • Money found during the full moon should not be kept for yourself. It is better to give them to those in need or take them to the temple. To avoid troubles, having collected money during this period, you need to buy candles with them and put them in the church, asking for happiness and health for yourself and your loved ones.
  • If you find money for the waning moon, you should buy something edible with it.
  • Eat folk sign, which prohibits raising money on an empty stomach.
  • Money

    Not all the rituals here are mine, some were invented by participants in my trainings, some were invented at the trainings of Pope and Beard, some were taken from forums (then their author is given), there are rituals from the books of Lissi Moussa.
    So I don’t claim authorship, I want everyone to live richly and cheerfully!

    Before attracting money, it is advisable to find out your attitude towards it.
    If money is something that flies flock to for you, then why do you need it?!)
    In addition to attitude, it is important to understand your attitudes towards money.

    How do you like, for example, this formidable one from your parents: money is obtained only through hard work!! with sweat and blood!!!?
    Or this: in our family people never knew how to earn money, only spend!
    Or, connected either with the negative experience of ancestors during dispossession, or with times of default: Money came - spend it quickly, as it came, so it will go!?
    My reiki teacher has a strong belief: “As much money comes to a person as he is internally ready to accept!”
    If you have sorted out your attitudes and attitudes towards money, you can get started!

    1. Catching money
    On the fishing rod
    You are making a fishing rod. Tie some money to the end. And when you throw it out the window, you say: catch big money with little money. Well, you leave the “solid food” outside the window for a while.

    To the network.

    Weave a fishing net from colored ribbons. While doing this, you think about what the money is needed for, what you will spend it on, while experiencing positive emotions. During the new moon, hang the net outside, on the balcony, overnight. By morning you are drawn into the house. Carry with you in your bag for 27 days.

    2. We lure money

    Put bait in your wallet for money. (what will happen to her is up to you to decide, depending on what kind of money you want to attract, for what and from where).
    Let's lean out the window and loudly, for the whole yard: “MONEY! HOME!”

    3. We multiply money
    We create a house for money with a romantic atmosphere. So they can “Do It” and leave them there alone for a while.
    One of the Sorceresses, Mom Lynx, tells the story: My son and I performed a ritual to multiply money.
    A candle is lit (to enhance the internal fire and create a romantic atmosphere), take a wallet with money, yeast, cinnamon, vanillin. We take the money out of the wallet, closer to the fire, so that it is warm and cozy. Money is sprinkled with yeast (so that it grows by leaps and bounds) - bill - yeast - bill - yeast - bill, etc. You can say anything that comes to mind.
    Next, the money, crazy with romance, is put into the wallet. A bag of vanilla is also placed there (like money doesn’t smell, let it smell!!!), a little cinnamon is poured into each compartment of the wallet (cinnamon is a seasoning for friendship). In addition to the fact that this ritual helps to increase the money you already have, it also attracts people with big money to you.
    The child then walked around for a long time and told everyone: “Mom and I made money.”

    Hatching the money . Under your ass.
    Highly recommend. You sit in the office, work and at the same time hatch!

    We take a charger from our mobile phone, plug it into a socket and put the other end in your wallet with money to recharge with energy.

    4. We come up with rituals for money.
    We come up with our own signs when the money comes.
    For example: “A black cat crossed the road to receive black cash: either they will give you a black salary, or a freebie will turn up!”
    You can fulfill the omen yourself and wait to receive the money!

    Hang a gallery of millionaires on the wall and there is your photo.

    Swimming in money
    In the bathroom (without water) you throw as much money as possible and bathe in money (you can douse yourself with it, rub your back); You can have a money shower right in your room!

    Shovel money
    We take a children's shovel with the inscription - "a shovel for rowing money." Even better is an adult shovel - with which you clear the garage of snow.
    The money “laundered” during bathing is poured into a heap on the floor and shoveled.

    Wrap the lemon in a large bill. Leave it overnight. In the morning, squeeze the juice out of a lemon, drink it with water, eat 1 seed so that it germinates and brings you “lemon - a million money”
    If a lady doesn’t want to earn money herself, you can “plant a bone” in your man

    The business shark goes to spawn

    Necessary equipment and conditions
    1. eggplant caviar 1 jar
    2. tablespoon 1 piece
    3. reservoir with flowing water 1 piece

    On the way from the store where you bought the caviar to the pond, you repeat the phrase “the business shark is going to spawn.” Near the pond, you open the jar and use a spoon to start throwing eggs into the pond. There should be 27 spoons. You eat the leftovers to feel the caviar in yourself. The ritual is performed on an empty stomach, after the ritual drink beer!

    Let's put sprats into the river
    It's better to do it in a group, because... more fun! We gather on the river bank, each person makes something out of a sheet of paper. boat (I had to learn), they opened a can of sprats, 2 sprats for each ship, they set sail with the words
    From Bukhta-Barakhta
    Two yachts left
    Filled with money
    Under all sails.
    Tomorrow midday
    I will have the money!
    If desired, you can substitute other words instead of money!

    Winter ritual for snowmen (invented by Sweet Couple)

    We build snowmen with intention.
    The lower part is like a foundation; you can put desires into it - notes of a fundamental nature - an apartment, a car.

    The middle part is lighter - for travel, vacations, etc.
    A top part- for spiritualized desires: love, health, enlightenment..

    Method of associations (we do whatever comes into our head..)
    I needed money urgently... I thought... money is “greenery”... there is an expression... money doesn’t lie on the road... no.. it does... I went along the road.. I picked up greenery... an evergreen tree- Christmas tree..and put an old savings book, and there was available the amount that I needed...although, according to the PMC law, it shouldn’t be! SO!

    5. Making a money wallet. Rituals with banknotes.
    Opening your wallet...
    And there, says the sorceress from the forum, Eva Petrelli-Goldman .
    On my wallet there is the inscription “Magic Wallet”, in it “The Required Amount” - I periodically show it to sellers, they say - I always have it. Yes, she herself constantly sticks out.
    Oh, I forgot to say, there’s an elephant in the wallet. Shara to us, Ganesha!
    So, then in the wallet there is a pink FEATHER, a battery, an irreplaceable dollar, an object of power from one very expensive restaurant (in which one man spent a very decent amount for lunch with me).

    The wallet also contains calls and songs for money
    May there always be money!
    You can also put beautiful pictures cut out from magazines in your wallet with what you want to buy, for example, kitchen set, shoes, clothes, so that the money knows what to save for."

    Oh yes! My wallet is called “Rockefeller”. It is very generous – it always gives me money for a lady’s whims.

    6. Affirmations
    Affirmation is a short positive statement aimed at a specific aspect of your consciousness and establishing new program, according to which the subconscious builds its work and creates life situations that correspond to this affirmation.
    Method of working with affirmations: Create, Listen, repeat.

    It is important that the affirmations are positive, without the particle “not”, in the present tense.
    The group "Lyapis Trubetskoy" has two money songs: the first is "Capital":
    “I eat gold bars for lunch, a diamond dessert, petroleum cream - one beginning is worth something and the second: the Wild West, the Middle East, the smell of money delights, the golden antelope under my starry leg, beats with its hoof and forges money.”
    If these affirmations are too harsh for you, you can turn to the Affirmations offered in her books by Natalia Pravdina (Natalia Pravdina “I attract money. Positive thinking and Feng Shui”)

    7. Prosperity vaccine!(we start the ritual on the new moon)
    Take a jar and pour water into it (as the best transmitter of information!)
    We put banknotes in this jar in a waterproof container.
    You can throw gold in there - diamonds, it won’t be too much! We put a magnet there. And we put this jar with all its contents on the windowsill to recharge! You can have water every day or, as conveniently as possible, recite “money rhymes.” Let it stand until the full moon! On the full moon, the vaccine is ready! We buy a disposable syringe and carry out universal home vaccination! We give injections to all wallets, pockets, bags, etc.. in the house!

    8. We compose mantra songs and poems for the arrival of money .
    For example, one song from Lissy-Moussa’s mailing list
    The song is sung to the melody of "Oh, the viburnum is blooming." The point is that many rich and wealthy people often become poor.

    There is nothing, we have nothing!
    Only half a kilo of diamonds in stock.
    A mine in Alaska - golden sand.
    The enemies in Canada are poking our forest!
    Chorus (singing) - The enemies in Canada are poking our forest!

    I bought a fur coat - lynx flares to the floor.
    My husband didn't give me money for a spare hem.
    Here I stand, I don’t know anything about
    What to wear to the people, because they are in love with me!

    I don’t really know what we will be!
    Let's finish the caviar and the balychok.
    Peking duck cost for the third day:
    I'll give the Chinese cook a look!
    Choir (singing): I’ll show the Chinese cook!

    They wanted to buy one island.
    The government insisted: “No, we won’t give it up!
    We need our Fujiyama ourselves!
    Japan is important for good people!”
    Chorus (singing): Japan is important for good people!

    Oh, the potato sacks have run out...
    Where will I put my money?
    Abramovich asks for a million dollar loan,
    I just don’t have any small ones again.
    Chorus (embarrassed): But I just don’t have a word for it again!

    Oh, the elephant got lost in the apartment again.
    Where can I find him now, he is so dear to me.
    Gray baby weighing eight tons -
    Maybe there's an elephant lost in the dressing room?
    Choir (with hope): Maybe he got lost in the dressing room?

    Oh, in the ninth Bentley the carpet is all covered in dust,
    My husband and I went to buy the tenth one.
    And, imagine, such a bummer was waiting for us there -
    The number is without diamonds, the steering wheel is not gold.
    Choir (sadly): The number is without diamonds, the steering wheel is not gold!
    Türkiye, Canary Islands, India, Bali...
    Tired of beaches, yachts, ships...
    I flew into space for a ride, -
    And in the window - damn it, there’s only Earth!
    chorus (confused): And in the porthole - damn it, there’s only Earth!

    Oh, I can’t cry, I can’t howl -
    Everything, damn it, is working out... How the hell can I continue to live?
    Where are my problems, grief and sadness?
    Why won’t anyone say: “I feel sorry for you”?
    Choir (dejectedly) Why doesn’t anyone say: “I feel so sorry for you”?

    Oh, there’s a queue at the door again:
    Every third is Willis, every fifth is Pitt.
    They are ready to give their lives for me,
    Why am I, a fool, not fucking cheating on Gates...?
    Choir (with regret) Why don’t I cheat on Geeeeeits...?

    Oh, there are problems with children - there’s nothing to scold for...
    Who should I, poor thing, yell at now?
    Whom to put in the corner and scare with Yaga?
    You brought it, children, by obedience to your mother!
    Choir (indignantly) The children brought obedience to their mother!

    The cat sits and looks at my misfortune:
    I lost my ring - where can I find it now?
    Well, to hell with it, with the ring, it’s five carats -
    Don't buy this kind of cheap stuff again!
    Chorus (with understanding): Don’t buy such cheap stuff in the future!

    Oh, where am I going to sleep tonight?
    and which one to choose from the eight beds?
    And which house (out of four) should I go to spend the night?
    Should I go to Arbat or out of town???
    Chorus (sincerely) Where would I lie down to sleep - where would I go!

    LET'S SING!!!

    There is also a song by a blonde, it’s funny and memorable: Moving forward and career growth is very good for me! Oh peeled pomegranate and freshly squeezed juice - this is very good for me! The car is expensive and the boots that go with it are very good for me! That is, everything I want is very good for me)))
    Travel to the Dominican Republic and loving husband-this is very good for me!...Keep going! And hum to yourself more often!!!

    There is no Prost lying on the road. Express It's hard to get, but you get it. - We have eight wagons loaded with forest for the entire region,” Fyodor Lukin said in a whisper, “here you can get out of it as best you can... And you demand sixteen for one village!.. Where is the reality here. The timber is not lying on the road, and it is impossible to get it(S. Babaevsky. Knight of the Golden Star).

    Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language. - M.: Astrel, AST. A. I. Fedorov. 2008.


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      Expensive- Precious, valuable; beloved, dear, beloved, desired, pearl. Exorbitantly expensive, at a high (crazy) price; Selling anything worth its weight in gold is incredibly expensive. These goods are burned (bited, pinched), there is no attack on these goods.… … Synonym dictionary

      road- noun, f., ??? Morphology: (no) what? roads, why? road, (see) what? road, what? dear, about what? about the road; pl. What? roads, (no) what? expensive, why? roads, (I see) what? roads, what? roads, about what? about roads 1. A road is a long strip... ... Dmitriev's Explanatory Dictionary

      ROAD- And along the roads there are dead people with scythes. Razg. Joking. What's l. about? scary, threatening. /i> Replica of a superstitious soldier from the movie “The Elusive Avengers” (1967). Dyadechko 1, 14. Show seven roads to someone. Smol. Punish, beat someone. SRNG 28, 365.… … Big dictionary Russian sayings

      road- and, f. 1. A strip of land used for driving and walking. Country road. Highway road. Get out on the road. □ [We] drove into a gorge along which a road wound, half overgrown with tall grass. Lermontov, Princess Mary. [Along the plain] there were many... Small academic dictionary

      ROLL ON- WALKING, I'm lying, I'm lying; imperfect 1. Lying down, toss and turn from side to side. V. in dust, in sand, in mud. V. on the floor, on the ground. 2. Lying, casually stretched out, lounging, and also lying while sick (colloquial). V. on the sofa. I've been lying around for a week now... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

      priceless- expensive, costly, (precious) valuable; dear to the heart, no price, beloved, desired, amiable, kind, precious, not lying on the road, dear to the heart, worth a lot, dearest, invaluable, darling, light of the eyes, dear to the heart, dear,... ... Synonym dictionary


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