Wedding statuses for classmates. Statuses about the bride

Are you ready to be with me online, through thick and thin, until a network failure separates us?

Meet me at the altar. I'll be in white.

If you watch a girl for a long time, you can see how she gets married...

The next stop is “getting married.” Let's go, girls, let's go!

Marriage is a relationship between two people, one of whom is always right, and the other is the husband.

White color represents joy. At weddings, women wear white, men wear black.

In the family, everything is shared equally: a tie for the husband, a fur coat for the wife!

A marriage certificate is a driver's license, which is awarded before the test.

I caught the bouquet, all I have to do is find the groom!

You don’t offer me your hand, you don’t have a heart... Let me at least sit on your neck!

I love weddings. Everyone is happy, everything is beautiful, and they even give a cake: the bride pretends that she is a virgin, the groom pretends that he has found the one and only one, the parents on both sides pretend that they like each other...

The first time I saw him, I thought: we’ll name the boy whatever I want, and the girl whatever he wants.

Happiness is when you meet your ex with a girl, she is scary, and you walk out arm in arm with an oligarch from a wedding salon.

I figured everything out and married for love.

It’s trivial - it’s a mess for the ears and for bed... But for the hair and in the registry office - this is original.

A second marriage is a victory of hope over common sense.

Thanks to the white dress, the groom can see whether the bride is a pig or not at the end of the wedding.

I asked my beloved to make me a sandwich. I made it, ate it - delicious. I asked for more, and she told me: “I can’t. It was a demo version of a caring woman. You can purchase a license only after registering your marriage.”

Do you think we’ll stop communicating with you?! No matter how it is! I will still dance at your wedding! In the bride's dress!

Cinderella: - The shoe suits me, when is the wedding?
Prince: - It was the semi-final. Now we will try on the bra...

Only my husband will have the best wife!

Don't marry someone you can live with. Marry the one you can't live without.

The wife must be carried in her arms; she will sit on her neck.

A good wife always forgives her husband when she is wrong.

A wedding ring on a man’s finger means “be careful, you’re married!” The woman says, “Be brave, I’m still married!”

Someday you will call me and ask: “What are you doing?” And I will answer: “I’m getting married!”

Happinnes exists! I know him! I know his phone number, his habits, the color of his eyes. We wake up together, drink morning coffee and wear matching wedding rings!..

The question is not whether to marry this man or not. The question is, what to do with the rest?

I love her very much!!! I love you to such an extent that I see our wedding in my dreams.

I don't want to marry a cheapskate like you! Here, take your ring! - Where is the box?

Get married, or what? Where is this unfortunate guy hiding?

It's high time to change wedding traditions! Instead of a bouquet, you need to throw an unmarried man into a crowd of girls!

So, I'm getting married! Everyone is getting ready for the wedding, and I went to look for my husband!

For girls to be interested in football, all matches must end with a wedding.

Wedding - The best way look at distant relatives in close combat.

After the wedding, I started having vision problems! I don't see any money!

A practical woman will marry a goat if he has a lot of cabbage.

Love is a form of temporary madness, curable only by marriage.

Girls who are “no-no” before the wedding, after the wedding usually say “I-i-i-i-h-a-a-a!”

On the fifth day of the wedding, only the marriage certificate saved us from confusion.

Girls, learn to cook! It doesn’t matter who you marry, it will still want to eat!

Dima said “Hello?”, and Katya mentally played a wedding and gave birth to three children.

Old ladies at weddings often told me “you’re next.” They stopped doing this after I started telling them the same thing at the funeral.

Every man marries a “beautiful princess”... The smart one will eventually make her a “queen”. Stupid - “poor dirty Cinderella”...

At a student wedding: -Why doesn’t the bride drink? -So it didn’t work out.

The crew on our ship is purely male, so weddings rarely happen!

Marriage is the peaceful coexistence of two nervous systems... Sometimes very nervous!

How to recognize the groom at a rural wedding? He wears the most expensive tracksuit.

A diamond wedding is love that has conquered death.

A very greedy family decided to save on a videographer and remember the wedding.


What is the most important event in every girl's life? What brings her into an incredibly excited state, turns her into a wild fury and at the same time into the happiest woman on the planet? Of course - a wedding. Setting a wedding date is like a signal, a green light to start your new family. From time immemorial, young girls have given a million times more attention and nerves than grooms, but this is not surprising, because from a very young age their mothers read them fairy tales about princesses and princes, balls and lavish weddings. The girls were in thoughts about their future betrothed, what he would be like, what color his eyes and hair would be, his smell and the shape of his lips. WITH adolescence young ladies already know what style Wedding Dress they will choose what jewelry, shoes, bridal bouquet and, most touchingly, who will be the bridesmaid. Yes, every young lady has such thoughts, and how joyful is that moment when she hears those cherished words: “Will you marry me?”! The world begins to spin around her at breakneck speed, her heart is lost somewhere far in her heels, her pupils narrow to a point, and bright fireworks explode in her head with wild noise and she says “Yes” to him with incredible complexity and at the same time ease. After such a pleasant and sweet shock, another wave of thoughts and plans is approaching in my thoughts about the ceremony, celebration, guests, cake and a bunch of different nuances of preparation. The wedding day will forever remain in the thoughts of the bride and groom, as will the wedding photos - the memory of the first day, the first step into a happy life together. We present to you our wedding statuses, they are funny and romantic, everyone will find something for themselves here.

Theme of the collection: Statuses about weddings, beautiful and meaningful, short. Let life's flight be as long as possible, and today spin in a wedding waltz, looking into each other's loving eyes. Congratulations to you, newlyweds!

Dear newlyweds! I wish you nice and healthy children, financial and spiritual wealth, warmth of hearts and home.

Live happily and in style, without knowing grief and problems. And may your parents be forever young, so that they can help you raise your grandchildren!

I sincerely congratulate the beautiful and happy newlyweds on the day of creating a wonderful family, on their wedding day. I wish you to wake up every morning in each other’s strong arms, spend every day happily and cheerfully, enjoy minutes of sweet languor in the evenings.

For life to be successful, you need to skillfully use everything for its intended purpose. Place love in your heart, hold luck in your hands, and support it in your home home. I congratulate you on your wedding and wish you to master the foundations of great wisdom.

I sincerely congratulate you on your engagement and want to wish you a wonderful wedding, create a strong family, give birth to wonderful children and live your whole life in happiness, joy, prosperity, mutual understanding, love and luxury.

My lovely! Just think, we lived together for only 365 days, but it seems like we were married a long time ago. I want to confess to you that this was the happiest year of my life!

Dear children! May all your days be bright, festive, light and unforgettable! And if troubles happen, may the Lord bless you with patience, understanding and forgiveness! Love to you until your diamond wedding!

Happiness, goodness, good luck! Live to perfection and raise wonderful children.

Congratulations on your first step towards family - your engagement! May you never regret your decision to link your destiny with each other. I wish you to be a support and support for your chosen one, so that your future family life will be sunny and cloudless!

Our dear young people, today is an important and memorable day in your life, today you have set foot on the joint path of a long and happy life. We wish you, dear ones, to become a king and queen for each other, an example of a strong and friendly family for everyone around you.

In honor of such a grandiose holiday, we don’t feel sorry for our heels when dancing. Let the cognac and champagne flow like a river through life, because you have ruined how to become a strong family.

Today is the day when the bride became a legal wife, and the groom became a legal husband. From now on you are an official family and a full-fledged unit of society. We wish you to fall in love with each other again and again, like very young teenagers.

The husband is the ship, and the wife is the helm. We wish your family ship not to drown in the sea of ​​everyday problems, to sail out of any whirlpool and reach a quiet harbor, where your crew will be replenished with a new addition. Happiness to you, young people!

I sincerely congratulate you on your wedding day. And let this date, even after many years, remain in your memory as a wonderful event of the triumph of your great love. I wish to create a strong unit of society, not leave each other without attention and tenderness for a minute, and together rule one world of happiness for two.

Happy engagement, my dears! Take care of each other, appreciate, support. You become one - a family! I wish you health and boundless happiness!

I sincerely congratulate you on the day of legal possession of each other. I wish you, sweeties, a lot of money in the family budget, strong hugs and passionate kisses, kind people on your journey together and lasting happiness to you forever and ever.

Who is the most courageous guy in the world? Who deserves the most beautiful girl in the world? Of course he is the one who is getting married today! With your wedding coming soon, we wish you all the best in your family life, may the marriage be a success and all the guests can enjoy the fiftieth wedding anniversary.

Congratulations on your marriage and wish you ascension to bliss and eternal love.

Happiness to you and eternal love. Eternal faithful love to you, complete trust and mutual understanding.

Dear, beautiful bride, I congratulate you on this long-awaited event, which you have dreamed of since childhood. Marrying a prince is possible, and may a happy and long life await you now, as in the kindest fairy tale. And after some years, I wish you to become a real king and queen, whose love will forever be strong and omnipotent.

Happy Wedding Day to the newlyweds! We would like to wish you healthy children who will make you happy. Be happy.

Dear and dear children. We wish you to live a long family life, overcoming all the obstacles and pitfalls of fate, filling each other’s hearts with love and joy, building strong relationships and maintaining an atmosphere of comfort and understanding in the home.

Dear newlyweds! I want to express my condolences on this special day. Let your love for each other bloom with new colors every day, and no circumstances can harm it!

Today you are getting married, I congratulate you and wish you happiness!

Dear newlyweds, on your wedding day I wish that the ties that unite you will be unbreakable, your eyes will always be as loving, your smiles will be joyful, your hearts will be burning with passion, and your family life will be filled with harmony and happiness. Bitterly!

Well, I want to wish you prosperity and abundance, joy in family life and great happiness! May your marriage be happy! May your love be joyful! Live in friendship and harmony, may your union be the happiest!

Congratulations, you are now ringed. I wish you to carry these handcuffs of marriage until the end of your days and maintain a sincere smile on your face, and not a twitching eye, excellent health, and not a mental disorder, the extraordinary beauty of soul and body, and not a disheveled and tired appearance.

Dear and wonderful newlyweds. I wish you to live in grace and joy, peace and true love.

Our dear, beloved children! Today is a very wonderful and bright day! The day when your two hearts united into a real family. You have become husband and wife! We wish you mutual respect and patience, peace and harmony for many, many years to come. Let your love double, you are now one! Be happy!

On this solemn day, I congratulate you and wish with all my heart that your home will always be full of faithful friends and loved ones, that you will live together for at least a hundred years.

We wish a strong union to two young and inexperienced hearts. Go through a long life together until the very end. Let every day be light and bright. Every night is mysterious and warm.

Our sincere congratulations! Stay together not only in joy, but also in days of sadness. Infinite patience to you at the beginning of the family path. Don't burden each other, just truly love.

Congratulations, dears. I wish you to live at least a hundred years in prosperity and love, happiness and prosperity. And may all your dreams always come true.

Engagement - important stage on the couple's path to married life. It's great to see such a wonderful couple starting a family. I wish you happiness in your upcoming marriage. Let all sorrows and adversities remain outside, and the house become an abode of peace and tranquility.

Dear newlyweds! Let your family become strong, friendly, healthy and big. Bitterly!

Look to each other for inspiration and find support within. We congratulate you loudly on your wedding day and want to wish you everything and a lot. So that you have bags of passion, a wagon of love and a lake of hope. So that you sail like ships on the sea and this life will no longer be the same. The brightest days and starry, storm-free nights.

Today you took an important step, congratulations on your engagement. I wish you never to succumb to the sorrows and difficulties of life, I wish you to walk this path together with dignity, with love and fidelity, may you be able to create a strong and prosperous family and preserve your feelings and your happiness for many years.

You are still blooming carefree, and we wish your young family fertility, great prospects and success in the future!

So that the hearth of your family happiness never goes out. Good health, prosperity and prosperity.

Dear newlyweds! Let your family be a strong and unbreakable union of two loving hearts. We wish you a speedy addition of offspring, many happy years spent together.

I sincerely congratulate the beautiful and happy newlyweds. Let thunderstorms thunder in the distance without affecting your home. We wish you love shining like snow, tenderness comparable to a spring drop, the generosity of Mother Earth and the passion of a stormy waterfall.

How important it is for people to find each other, to find their love and soul mate! You have found! Enjoy your long days and hot nights! Not gray, but colorful everyday life, bright weekends and holidays! Your home is full of children and prosperity!

Happy and young, dear newlyweds! Take care and appreciate each other, do not let the fire of your feelings go out! Let it burn brightly both after 20 and 50 years of marriage!

Today is a significant day - your wedding day! I wish you family comfort, prosperity, eternal love and a long, happy life together!

Once upon a time you wanted and decided to get married, but this is not just a big holiday. We wish you wisdom and patience to become a conscious family. Take care of each other and keep love, because time, with the wind of change, steals it.

Dear newlyweds, I sincerely congratulate you on your wedding day. I want to wish you happy sunrises and romantic sunsets, joyful days and passionate nights, true love and good blessings, eternal understanding and good health.

Congratulations to the most loving guys on their wedding anniversary! I wish you to be a single organism all your life, until old age. You can do it!

Congratulations from the bottom of my heart on your wedding, now your marriage is legalized in heaven. Always be faithful to each other, live in peace and harmony, may grace settle in your home, may your family be truly happy and strong.

Live long, happily, richly and in harmony. Let trust and respect flourish within your little world.

I wish you to never be disappointed in each other! Let your family be strong, friendly and big. Congratulations to the newlyweds!

Newlyweds, congratulations on the day of formation of a new unit of society - your family. Love, happiness and health to you. Happy wedding!

May your great Love guide you through life, may trust in each other accompany your relationship, and may Hope never leave you in difficult times. Good luck to you!

Once upon a time, Cupid took off, found two free hearts and shot arrows. An accident occurred and these two already loving hearts are making noise and having fun at the festival of love. May these spells of passion and love never be broken by evil time, so that your souls may grow together forever. And then your family will live to see the diamond wedding itself!

Today we are lucky enough to witness the conclusion of a lasting marriage. Our dears, be sincerely loved by each other forever, experience the brightest and most joyful events of life together, and also walk hand in hand through failures and storms, your home will be filled with light, warmth and prosperity.

Young people, I hasten to congratulate you. Take care of your feelings. May your family union never be visited by envy, anger and betrayal. And let, sooner or later, obedient and healthy chicks appear in your cozy family nest. And how many there will be is up to you to decide!

Live in friendship and harmony. We always want happiness to last, and therefore I wish you only eternal happiness, only bright love, only true friends! Take care of each other!

From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on your wedding. You are a wonderful couple, and I wish you to become strong and happy family, in which there will be no place for sorrows, grievances and anxieties, in which love, prosperity and joy will always reign.

Our dear guys, our lovebirds. Congratulations on your wedding day, on the birth of your family. Accept from your faithful friends warm wishes of great joint happiness for a hundred years, prosperity and lasting love.

Your love is blessed, keep it, take care of your happiness. May there never be any pitfalls in your life.

May your status as a married lady not become an obstacle to our meetings, fun shopping trips, may you always have a moment to talk in confidence with your friends. — Statuses about the wedding are beautiful and short with meaning.

Be happy and don't be disappointed in your choice! Love each other, we believe in you!

I wish you to carry through life dizzying happiness and heartfelt care. Support each other in everything, and let it be bitter only at the wedding!

We wish you more joyful moments. And today we just cry “bitterly”.

Original beautiful statuses about a wedding is the best way to demonstrate your life position in relation to marriage or hint to your significant other about whether it’s time to propose. Statements about the most important event in the life of every sincerely loving couple are written in prose, poetry, and even anecdotal form. Funny statuses about a wedding will decorate not only a page on a social network, collecting likes, but will also come in handy for a bachelorette or bachelor party. Statuses about the wedding will meaningfully decorate the speech of the groomsmen at the gala feast.

As long as I'm single, I can do whatever I want! And when I get married, then my husband will also do what I want...))))

If I stop being his girlfriend, it will be only because I become his wife.

My shoulders are too fragile to take on the entire burden of your bullshit...

Little girl at a wedding for the first time:
- Mom, why is the bride all in white?
- Today is the most wonderful day of her life!
After a minute:
- Why is the groom all in black?

Darling, marry me!!! - Will you buy me a ring with a huge diamond??? - Yes, you cleverly sent me to hell.

All my friends stubbornly want to marry me off.
Because people don't like it when someone has a good life.

“A wedding is when you pick up a girl for a walk with her and never return her to her parents.”

When I get married, I want to be truly married.

Once one friend gets married, a real wedding boom begins in a couple of months.

Sent a girl an SMS: This subscriber asks you to marry him. Received the answer: Dear subscriber! There are not enough funds in your account for this operation.

Too late, the woman realizes that at the registry office she receives not a “Marriage Certificate”, but another work book...

I married for love, but found happiness in divorce.

- Darling, when we get married, I will share with you all your worries and worries.
“But, honey, I don’t have any worries or worries.”
“I’m telling you, when we get married.”

Only lazy people get married once.

The strength of marriage, like cognac, depends on aging...

When I got married for the fourth time, my best friend almost died from laughter during the vows!

Married?! Oh no!!! We were there!!! The service does not match the price list.

A woman needs to be married before she goes wild with disappointment in asshole men. Because the further she goes, the more she wonders: Why do I need all this fuck?

He called me to get married, but I'm not a fool! Iron and wash again?
It’s better to live alone in a cultured way: rested and go to bed.

After the wedding, we immediately left for our honeymoon. I went to Turkey, my wife went to Switzerland and lived there for three years in love and harmony.