Drying chambers with loading of lumber using a forklift. Description of the design of the drying chamber Uraldrev-into front loading chamber Technical characteristics of the drying chambers of the SKVP series

Domestic drying chambers of European level

IN modern conditions woodworking products are becoming more and more in demand. At the same time, one of the ways to increase the profitability of a woodworking enterprise is deeper processing of the material.

At the stage of primary processing, increased economic efficiency favors the use of drying chambers. Despite the abundance various designs, the most effective, as before, remain traditional - convection-type drying chambers. The Negotsiant-nizhiniring company has extensive experience in the supply of convective drying chambers. The quality of the supplied cameras corresponds to the best European standards, while their prices are significantly lower than their imported counterparts.

The coolant in chambers of this type is ordinary hot water or steam, and energy complexes operating on wood waste (sawdust, shavings, etc.) can be used to heat the water. The drying process requires practically no additional costs, while simultaneously solving the problem of waste disposal. Drying of wood is carried out with hot air with high-speed circulation of the drying agent. Air movement is directed perpendicular to the stack. Our company supplies cameras in a variety of sizes. They allow you to dry wood of any species, and are suitable for both large enterprises and small workshops.

The supporting structure of the chamber is formed by a massive frame made of special grades of aluminum. The enclosing structures are a cassette structure, which significantly increases the speed of assembly and the reliability of the structure. The cassette design elements are made of three-layer panels filled with hard mineral wool insulation. The thickness of the panels reaches 120 - 150 mm.

Drying chambers with front loading are equipped with lift-and-slide gates. The opening and closing of the gate is carried out by a special mechanism along a suspended track. Trolley-loading chambers are usually equipped with single or double doors. swing gates. Tight clamping of the gate is ensured by a screw mechanism, and a special silicone rubber profile is used as a seal.

The main purpose of metal structures of internal equipment is to create a channel for the movement of the drying agent. At the same time, they also serve for mounting internal equipment - fans and heaters. All components are made of aluminum. To provide easy access to equipment when performing routine maintenance and inspections, the false ceiling panels are made easily removable.

A significant advantage of the cameras is the use of imported components (electronics, fans, etc.). They have long proven their reliability in comparison with Russian analogues. This factor slightly affects the overall cost, but significantly increases the reliability of the camera. To implement automatic control of the drying process, a control unit from HOLZMEISTER is used. On its back panel there is a port for connecting a printer without using a computer. Chamber control units can be combined into a single network, which will allow the operator to control a block of drying chambers (up to 32 pieces) from one personal computer.

The entire electrical power part of the control system is mounted in the control cabinet. The switches are located on the front panel of the cabinet. They allow, if necessary, to switch to manual control of all drying chamber equipment. This function is especially convenient when carrying out routine and repair work.

The drying chambers are equipped with KNSk type heaters with bimetallic (carbon steel - aluminum) spiral-rolled pipes. If necessary, the heater design is made from of stainless steel. The service life of air heaters with a supporting structure made of carbon steel is 8-10 years, and those made of stainless steel - up to 30 years.

All internal elements cameras have undergone repeated testing. Air circulation is ensured by highly efficient reversible fans made in Germany, installed in the upper part of the chamber. The fans are made in a moisture-thermoproof design according to class “H” (GOST 8865-93), degree of protection IP55 (GOST 14254-96). The design speed of the drying agent is 2.0 - 2.5 m/s. This characteristic ensures fast and high-quality drying and corresponds to modern level drying equipment. If necessary, fans can be equipped with an electronic speed variator, which allows you to change the drying speed and at the same time save up to 30% of energy when drying long-drying species and wood assortments. Balanced characteristics and rational layout of fans and heaters ensure uniform airflow of lumber and efficient operation of the equipment.
The ventilation system is designed to discharge excess moisture into the atmosphere and supply air with low moisture content into the chamber. The system consists of insulated boxes, aluminum valves and electric actuators manufactured in Switzerland.
The humidification system increases the air humidity in the chamber. Humidification is done with hot or cold water. The system is equipped with stainless steel slot nozzles that are easy to clean.
Air temperature and humidity are measured at two points, and wood moisture is measured at six points. If necessary, the number of measurement points can be changed.

In addition to the standard internal equipment, the following additional equipment is installed:

  • electronic fan speed variator;
  • valve for steam or water for temperatures up to 150 0C;
  • stainless steel fasteners;
  • heating system piping (heaters): pipes and fittings;
  • pumping station for the humidification system;
  • double-sided humidification system for use in large-volume chambers when drying hardwood;
  • control room: a fully equipped room attached to the chamber with a kit for piping systems and fastening units (including piping heaters and humidification systems);
  • stacking trolleys, rails.

Structure of a forest drying chamber

The SKVP drying chamber consists of an all-metal frame insulated with mineral wool basalt sandwich panels 100-120 mm thick, guaranteeing normal operation in the ambient temperature range from -30 to +40 ºС. The frame of the drying chamber is treated with a thermal and moisture-resistant Finnish coating. The drying chamber doors are lift-and-slide on rhombic supports and are pressed down spontaneously under their own weight. The gate is opened using a removal mechanism on which a worm winch is installed and rolled to the side to the width of the opening along an I-beam located in the upper part of the frame under the roofing sandwich panels. There is an inspection door on the rear wall of the drying chamber for visual monitoring of the condition of the lumber during the drying process in case of need for maintenance or emergency repairs.

Diagram of overhead equipment, front loading with forklift (side view)

SKvp 30....80

The forest drying chamber is equipped with aluminum axial reversible fans that ensure air flow through the stack at a speed of 2...2.5 m/s and stainless steel heat exchangers designed to heat the air. The equipment is located in the upper part of the building and is covered from below by a false ceiling with gaps of 1000...1200 mm to the internal surfaces of the rear wall and door, which ensures good ventilation of the stack. On the back and front walls above the door, 2 aluminum air valves with electric drives are installed to automatically release excess humid air from the drying chamber. A 3-way valve with an electric drive is installed on the supply pipeline to automatically adjust the supply hot water into heat exchangers. Air and 3-way valves provide the necessary climate in the timber drying chamber, namely the temperature and air humidity set by the operator using the program at each stage of lumber drying.

Temperature, air humidity and wood moisture content during the drying process are measured using sensors installed on the rear and side walls inside the wood drying chamber. The entire drying process is controlled automatic system control based on advanced Italian controllers of the new generation LITouch or dTOUCH.

Technical characteristics of drying chambers of the SKvp series

Options SKvp-30 SKvp-40 SKvp-50 SKvp-65 SKvp-80
External dimensions of the drying chamber frame, mm:
- length
- width
- height





Doorway dimensions, mm 6600 x 3600
Useful loading volume of lumber 6000 mm long (board 150 mm wide, spacer 25 mm thick), m³
- board thickness 50 mm
- board thickness 40 mm
- board thickness 30 mm






Number of packages loaded in the stack 6 9 12 15 18
Dimensions of one package (width x height), according to which the useful loading volume is calculated, mm 1200 x 1100 1100 x 1100
Number of reversible fans and power of electric motors 3 pcs. 3 kW each 3 pcs. 4 kW each 5 pieces.
3 kW each
5 pieces.
4 kW each
Air flow created in the drying chamber, m³/h 90 000 105 000 150 000 175 000
Number of heaters and thermal power each with water supply 90 ºС 3 pcs. 65 kW each 6 pcs. 65 kW each 9 pcs.
65 kW each
Heat exchange surface area of ​​heaters, m² 127 254 381
The number and dimensions of the flow area of ​​air valves 4 things. 300 x 300 mm each 4 things. 400 x 300 mm each 4 things. 500 x 300 mm each
Conditional bore of 3-way valve, mm DN 40 DN 50 DN 65
Thickness of basalt-based mineral wool insulation, mm
- walls
- roofs

Drying process control

Automation SAU-30 based on LITouch controller

Automation SAU-40 based on dTOUCH controller

Average drying time under normal drying conditions for conifers, days
- board thickness 50 mm
- board thickness 40 mm
- board thickness 30 mm


Required thermal power when choosing a boiler, kW 160 215 285 355 425
Ambient air temperature during operation of the drying chamber, ºС - 30 … + 40

We produce six standard sizes of convective drying chambers with front loading of lumber - for 30 m³, 40 m³, 50 m³, 60 m³, 80 m³ and 100 m³ one-time loading

The chambers are built according to the classical scheme with vertical-transverse circulation of the drying agent throughout the stack. The height of the drying chamber is divided into two parts by a false ceiling. The stack is formed at the bottom of the chamber, and all the main equipment is located above the false ceiling level. To fasten the equipment under the ceiling of the drying chamber, a metal structure is assembled, the main elements of which are trusses connected to each other by ties and braces. Axial reversible fans and heat exchangers, as well as a false ceiling, are attached to the trusses. The false ceiling serves to organize the movement of air flows inside the chamber. To carry out air exchange with external environment Supply and exhaust ventilation pipes are built into the roof or walls above the level of the false ceiling. The pipes are equipped with air valves.

The basis of the design of a front-loading drying chamber is a frame installed on a pre-prepared base. The frame is made of aluminum profiles. Elements of internal and external cladding are attached to the frame. Between the skins there is insulation made of mineral wool. Insulation - slab. To prevent possible subsidence of the insulation, sheathing is installed on the vertical wall fences. The vapor barrier layer allows you to avoid condensation on the outer skin of the chamber and the absorption of this moisture by the insulation, maintaining its high heat-insulating properties.

In front-loading drying chambers, the loading gates have a significant length, i.e., a length exceeding the length of the stack, so they are most often made lift-and-slide gates. The gates are equipped with roller clamps, a profile silicone seal for sealing the junctions of the chamber with the doorway and hooks for opening the gates. To open, use a special gate removal mechanism. On doorway The drying chamber is equipped with special grips, which include roller gate clamps. The gate, settling under its own weight, is tightly and securely fixed with grips to the doorway. Mechanism for up and down gates suspended on a monorail mounted above the doorway. The design of the gate removal mechanism allows you to lift and move gates weighing up to 1200 kg.

The fans used in these drying chambers are reversible, axial, with a cast aluminum impeller. As fan drives, imported electric motors of tropical design, insulation class “H” are used, i.e. they can be used in rooms with ambient temperatures up to 100ºС.

As heat exchange equipment in convective drying chambers, water heat exchangers, the heat-transfer elements of which are made of bimetallic finned pipe. The fins are aluminum, rolled, which ensures good contact between it and the supporting pipe, which in turn increases the heat transfer coefficient between the coolant and environment. The connection of the heat exchangers with the supply and return manifolds is flanged. The supply manifold is equipped with an air removal system, and the return manifold is equipped with a coolant drain system.

To control the lumber drying process, drying chambers are equipped with automation systems. In the basic version drying chambers are equipped with self-produced automation PSU-TPS(d) based on a domestic controller. At the request of the CUSTOMER, it is possible to complete the cameras with automation based on a controller DELPHI.

Drying chamber SK-60

Loading lumber into a front-loading drying chamber can be done in two main ways: in the form of packages placed by a forklift, and in the form of stacks placed manually inside the working space of the drying chamber.

The first method is traditionally used for large volumes of dried material, and the second for very small load volumes.

Front-loading drying chambers, compared to longitudinal loading chambers, are characterized by a number of positive features:

  • 1. Lack of rail tracks in front of the drying chamber;
  • 2. The use of a unified lifting and transport mechanism - a forklift;
  • 3. Significantly facilitating the working conditions of lumber stackers and, accordingly, increasing their labor productivity;
  • 4. Uniform stacking of lumber packages in the drying chamber and in dry and wet lumber warehouses.

In the mass series, FRONT loading drying chambers have a loading volume starting from 40 m3.

Vertical circulation

Distinctive features of drying chambers of this type

  • - technological equipment is installed in a vertical plane in relation to the dried lumber;
  • - the vertical circulation pattern of the drying agent through stacks of dried lumber allows for high-quality drying of large volumes of lumber;
  • - large loading volumes can provide the required amount of lumber for any needs for dry lumber;
  • - batch loading of lumber into the drying chamber is carried out using a forklift. Due to the preliminary placement of lumber in bags, the duration of the “loading-unloading” operation takes minimal time
  • - possibility of pass-through execution of drying chambers

Composition of the main technological equipment

  • - axial fans with motors on remote shafts;
  • - bimetallic heat exchangers;
  • - humidification system;
  • - system of supply and exhaust ducts;

Drying process automation system

To control the process in the drying chamber, it is possible to install an automation system of varying levels of complexity:

  • - first level of automation (A1)
  • - second level of automation (A2)
  • - third, full level of automation (A3)

Design documentation

For the construction of drying chamber enclosures, design documentation is provided upon request.

Heat supplyFor heat supply to drying chambers, it is possible to select and supply boiler equipment

Drying chamber SK-60

Specifications drying chamber SK-60

Parameter Meaning

Chamber capacity, m 3, standard mat. 60

Productivity, conventional m 3 /year: 4000

Number of bags in the chamber, pcs. 15

Size of packages loaded into the chamber, mm

width 1200

height 1100

Overall dimensions of the chamber, m:

width 8300

height 6200

Installed electric power, kW22.5

Required thermal power, Gcal: 0.3

Location of the main elements of the SK-60 drying chamber

The main equipment of the SK-60 drying chamber consists of the following elements:


An axial, reversible fan with an electric motor on an external shaft is used as circulation equipment. In this case, an ordinary electric motor is used. At the customer's request, it is possible to use fans with motors for placement in the drying space of the chamber. When installing fans with an impeller on the electric motor shaft, tropical motors with protection class “H” are used inside the drying chambers.

Heat exchangers

As thermal equipment water, steam bimetallic heat exchangers (material - steel tube, with aluminum fins), electric heaters, hot air can be used. IN the latter case an air heater is used. Also, at the customer's request, it is possible to install copper-aluminum water heat exchangers.

Supply and exhaust ventilation

Supply and exhaust ventilation is made of carbon steel or aluminum.

Humidification system

The humidification system consists of a spray system and a water distribution unit.

Auxiliary equipment - Door block

The door block consists of a gate frame and door leaf. Material: frame - carbon steel, doors - carbon steel or sandwich panel.

Lifting and retracting device

Designed for lifting and moving the gate to the side, for loading and unloading the drying chamber

Metal structures

They are a prerequisite for the installation of all technological equipment. They consist of electric motor frames, fan supports, fan screens, upper enclosing screen, heat exchanger racks. Made from carbon steel. Drawings for the manufacture of metal structures are included in the design documentation.

Service equipment

Drying process control unit

Depending on the level of automation system, it is used to control the drying process.

Psychrometric block

Serves to measure the parameters of the drying agent inside the chamber. Made from stainless steel. Temperature sensors are installed directly on it.

Fan control cabinet

Serves to control fan drives

Heat control unit

It is a bypass with an actuator on the main line.

Arrangement of SK-60 drying chambers in blocks

For large volumes of dry lumber processing, the possibility of arranging drying chambers of this type into blocks should be used.

The number of drying chambers in a block is determined taking into account the annual demand for lumber.