Amount of deposit insurance for individuals. Deposit insurance amount

System compulsory insurance deposits (CER)– a special state program implemented in accordance with the Federal Law of December 23, 2003 No. 177-FZ “On insurance of deposits in banks Russian Federation».

The main objectives of the CER are:

  • protection of the rights and legitimate interests of depositors of banks of the Russian Federation;
  • strengthening confidence in the banking system of the Russian Federation and stimulating the attraction of funds into banking system Russian Federation.

The State Corporation “Deposit Insurance Agency” (hereinafter referred to as the Agency) was created to ensure the functioning of the DIS and, first of all, to ensure the payment of compensation for deposits in the participating banks of the DIS in the event of an insured event.

Operation of the compulsory deposit insurance system

Participation in the SSV is mandatory for all banks that have the right to work with deposits individuals. Deposits are considered insured from the day the bank is included in the register of banks participating in the CER. The current list of banks participating in the CER is published on the Agency’s official website on the Internet information and telecommunications network

Currently, depositors of 718 (data as of February 27, 2020) banks participating in the deposit insurance system are protected by CERs, including:

  • operating banks licensed to work with individuals - 360;
  • existing credit institutions that previously accepted deposits but lost the right to attract funds from individuals -6;
  • banks in the process of liquidation - 352.

Subject to insurance cash depositors who have entered into an agreement with the bank bank deposit or a bank account agreement, including deposits certified by savings certificates.

In accordance with federal law, depositors include:

  • individuals - citizens of the Russian Federation, foreign citizen, stateless person;
  • individuals - individual entrepreneurs (IP);
  • legal entities classified in accordance with legislation of the Russian Federation to small enterprises, information about which is contained in the unified register of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) maintained by the Federal Tax Service of Russia.

The following funds are not insured:

  • placed in bank accounts (deposits) of lawyers, notaries and other persons, if such bank accounts (deposits) are opened in connection with professional activities;
  • placed in bank deposits, the deposit of which is certified by certificates of deposit;
  • transferred to banks for trust management;
  • placed on deposit in branches of banks of the Russian Federation located outside the territory of the Russian Federation;
  • being electronic money;
  • placed on nominal accounts, with the exception of separate nominal accounts that are opened by guardians or trustees for the benefit of wards;
  • placed on collateral accounts;
  • placed in subordinated deposits;
  • placed by legal entities or in their favor, with the exception of funds placed by small enterprises or in their favor.
The depositor's right to compensation for deposits arises upon the occurrence of an insured event.

An insured event is one of the following events:

1) revocation (cancellation) by the Bank of Russia of the bank’s license to exercise banking operations; 2) introduction by the Bank of Russia in accordance with legislation The Russian Federation has a moratorium on satisfying the claims of bank creditors. An insured event is considered to have occurred from the date of revocation (cancellation) of the bank’s license from the Bank of Russia or from the date of the introduction of a moratorium on satisfying the claims of the bank’s creditors.

Informing depositors about the occurrence of an insured event by the Agency

Information about the occurrence of an insured event in relation to a bank is published on the official website of the Bank of Russia and on the official website of the Agency on the Internet, as well as in the media. The Agency, within 5 working days from the date of receipt from the bank in respect of which the insured event occurred, publishes the register of the bank’s obligations to depositors on the Agency’s official website on the Internet and sends it to this bank, as well as to the Bank of Russia for posting on its official website on the Internet information and telecommunications network and in the periodical printed publication at the location of this bank, a message containing information about the place, time, form and procedure for accepting applications from depositors for payment of compensation for deposits. In addition, within 1 month from the date of receipt from the bank of the register of the bank’s obligations to depositors, the Agency also sends a corresponding message to each depositor of this bank, whose data is contained in the register and to whom, as of the date of sending this message, the bank has obligations on deposits.

The investor can receive all this information by phone hotline Agencies (8-800-200-08-05) (calls within Russia are free).

The depositor can also subscribe to news about the bank he is interested in on the Agency’s official website on the Internet. In this case, the depositor is automatically sent news posted on the Agency’s website in the “Deposit Insurance/Insured Events” section for this bank to the email address he specified when subscribing.

Amount of insurance compensation

The amount of compensation payable on deposits is determined based on the amount of the bank's obligations to the depositor insured in accordance with federal law.

Compensation for deposits is paid by the Agency to a bank depositor in the amount of 100 percent of the amount of all his deposits, including interest, but not more than 1.4 million rubles. In total.

For escrow accounts opened for settlements under a real estate purchase and sale transaction and for settlements under an agreement for participation in shared construction, the maximum amount of insurance compensation is 10 million rubles. Reimbursement for escrow accounts is calculated and paid separately from reimbursement for other deposits.

Interest is calculated on the date of the insured event based on the terms of each specific bank deposit (account) agreement.

For bank deposits denominated in foreign currency, the amount of compensation is calculated in the currency of the Russian Federation at the rate established by the Bank of Russia on the day the insured event occurred.

The amounts of the bank's counterclaims to the depositor (for example, for a loan taken by the depositor from the same bank) are deducted when calculating the compensation paid by the Agency from the amount of deposits. At the same time, subtracting the amount of counterclaims does not mean their automatic repayment (full or partial). The depositor's obligations to the bank remain the same and must be fulfilled properly in accordance with the terms of the agreements concluded with the bank.

If the depositor repays the debt to the bank in full or in part, the depositor has the right to receive insurance compensation in the appropriate amount. At the same time, he can send a free-form application to the bank to make appropriate changes to the register of the bank’s obligations to depositors.

Get information about everyone available ways You can repay the loan and pay the loan to a bank whose license to carry out banking operations has been revoked on the Agency’s payment portal:

Payment of insurance compensation

Acceptance of applications from depositors for payment of compensation for deposits and payment of compensation for deposits begin, as a rule, 10–14 calendar days after the occurrence of the insured event. The Agency needs the specified time to receive information from the bank about deposits (register of obligations), verify it and organize payments.

You can apply for payment during the entire period of bank liquidation. On average, the bank liquidation procedure takes about 3 years.

Insurance compensation for depositors who did not have time to apply for payment of insurance compensation is carried out by the Agency upon applications in exceptional cases, for example, in case of serious illness, long-term business trip abroad, or military service.

In order to ensure the fastest possible payment of compensation for deposits, the acceptance from depositors of applications for payment of compensation for deposits (the application form is posted on the Agency's official website on the Internet) and other necessary documents, as well as the payment of compensation itself, can be carried out by the Agency through agent banks, acting on his behalf and at his expense.

The selection of agent banks is carried out on a competitive basis. The announcement of the results of the selection of agent banks is posted on the Agency’s official website on the Internet no later than 7 days after the occurrence of the insured event.

Payment of compensation for deposits is made within 3 business days from the date the depositor submits to the agent bank an application for payment of compensation for deposits and an identification document. Payment of compensation can be made either in cash or by transferring funds to a bank account opened with the bank specified by the depositor. Payment of compensation for deposits of individual entrepreneurs is carried out only to an account opened for business activities. Payment of compensation for deposits of a small enterprise is made to the bank account of the small enterprise opened with the bank.

The start dates for payments and the name of the agent bank, including the addresses of its offices where insurance compensation can be received, are published on the Agency’s official website on the Internet and in the media.

If the court makes a decision to liquidate the bank, settlements with depositors in the amount exceeding the payment made by the Agency are carried out during the bankruptcy proceedings or forced liquidation carried out by decision of the arbitration court. Such claims of depositors are satisfied as part of the claims of first-priority creditors.

Financial Basics NNE

To make insurance payments, federal law provides for the formation of a compulsory deposit insurance fund (hereinafter referred to as the Fund). The Fund is formed from insurance premiums of banks - participants of the CER, income from investing temporarily free funds of the Fund, and the property contribution of the Russian Federation.

Insurance premiums are paid by banks participating in the CER on a quarterly basis. The rate of insurance premiums is established by the Agency's Board of Directors. Since the third quarter of 2015, a mechanism for paying contributions at differentiated rates has been introduced. The application of increased rates depends on the maximum interest rates banks on the deposits they attracted and the Bank of Russia’s assessment of their financial position, including the supervisory response measures introduced by the Bank of Russia.

The procedure and mechanisms for control over the investment of temporarily available funds of the Fund are established by the Government of the Russian Federation. The list of assets permitted for investment is strictly regulated. Data on income from investing the Fund's funds are published in the Agency's annual reports.

The Fund's funds spent on payments are fully or partially returned to the Fund upon satisfaction of the Agency's claims against liquidated banks transferred to it as a result of the payment of insurance compensation to their depositors.

The Fund's funds have a strict purpose and can only be spent on paying compensation for deposits. In order to control the intended expenditure, the Fund’s funds are accounted for in a specially opened Agency account with the Bank of Russia.

Financial stability CER is secured by the Agency's property, and, if necessary, funds federal budget, as well as loans provided by the Bank of Russia.

Deposit Insurance Law

Glossary of basic terms

Deposit Insurance Agency (DIA)– a non-profit organization created by the state to provide work Deposit insurance systems (DIS) and protection of interests investors. The DIA operates on the basis of the Federal Law of December 23, 2003 No. 177-FZ “On insurance of deposits in banks of the Russian Federation” (Federal Law No. 177-FZ). The organizational and legal form of DIA is a state corporation. It is the DIA that organizes the payment of compensation to individuals and legal entities for deposits, insurance of which is carried out in accordance with Federal Law No. 177-FZ, from funds compulsory deposit insurance fund.

The bank is a participant of the SSV– a credit institution that has the right to attract funds from the public in deposits. The bank must pay insurance premiums V Mandatory Deposit Insurance Fund; inform depositors about their participation in the cash reserves, about the procedure and amount of receiving compensation for deposits; keep records of the bank's obligations to depositors.

Contribution– funds placed by investors in banks - participants of the CER on the territory of the Russian Federation on the basis of a bank deposit agreement or a bank account agreement. The concept of “deposit” includes capitalized (accrued) interest on the deposit amount. Deposits in both rubles and foreign currency are subject to insurance protection. The exclusion of certain types of monetary obligations from insurance is established by law. In particular, the following are not subject to insurance: funds placed in bank accounts (deposits) of lawyers, notaries and other persons open for the implementation of professional activity; deposits, the making of which is certified by a certificate of deposit; funds transferred to banks for trust management; deposits in branches of Russian banks located abroad; electronic money; funds placed on nominal accounts, with the exception of nominal accounts that are opened for guardians or trustees and the beneficiaries of which are wards, collateral accounts and escrow accounts, unless otherwise established Federal Law No. 177-FZ; funds placed in subordinated deposits; funds placed by legal entities or in their favor, with the exception of funds placed by small enterprises or in their favor. In addition, deposits that are not denominated in monetary units (for example, in grams of precious metals) are not subject to insurance.

Investor– a citizen of the Russian Federation, a foreign citizen, a stateless person, including those engaged in entrepreneurial activities, or a legal entity classified in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation as a small enterprise, information about which is contained in the unified register of small and medium-sized businesses, maintained by in accordance with the Federal Law of July 24, 2007 No. 209 - Federal Law “On the Development of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in the Russian Federation”, having concluded a banking agreement with the bank contribution or bank account agreement. The investor is entitled by law to receive insurance compensation in the bank in respect of which the insurance case. In order to exercise this right, to an individual depositor It is enough to submit a corresponding application and a document proving his identity. Counterclaims– monetary obligations investor to the bank (balance of debt on a loan, overdraft, etc.). Counterclaims reduce the amount of obligations upon settlement insurance compensation. Payment of insurance compensation does not automatically terminate (offset) counterclaims.

Register of banks – participants of the CER– list of banks, deposits in which they are insured in accordance with Federal Law No. 177-FZ. The register is maintained by the DIA. It is available for review on the official website of the DIA on the Internet. If the bank has a insurance case, then it is subject to exclusion from the register after the DIA completes bankruptcy (liquidation) procedures of the bank.

Register of bank liabilities– a list of the bank’s obligations to depositors and counterclaims bank to to investors, on the basis of which payment is made insurance compensation. Contains information: about investors; O contributions and about counterclaims bank to to the investor.

Deposit Insurance System (DIS)– a special state program implemented in accordance with the Federal Law “On Insurance of Deposits in Banks of the Russian Federation”. Its main task is to protect the savings of the population placed in Russian banks. SSV allows to investors upon the occurrence of an insured event, receive compensation for deposits within the maximum amount of insurance compensation established by law. The deposit insurance mechanism is as simple as possible and does not require any preliminary actions from the depositor: deposits and accounts of individuals and legal entities in the participating bank of the CER, subject to insurance in accordance with Federal Law No. 177-FZ, are insured “automatically” from the moment the funds are placed in the bank on the basis of a bank deposit/account agreement.

Insurance compensation (reimbursement for deposit/deposits)– amount of money to be paid to the investor upon arrival insured event. It is established based on the amount of the bank’s obligations to investor minus counterclaims jar.
Compensation for deposits is paid in the amount of 100% of the amount of all deposits in the bank, but not more than the maximum amount of insurance compensation established by law. The deposit amount includes both the amount of funds contributed by the depositor and capitalized (accrued) interest on the deposit. Insurance compensation is paid in rubles within three working days after the depositor (his representative, heir, legal successor) submits an application for payment and the necessary documents (identity document, power of attorney, document on the right to inheritance), but not earlier than 14 working days from the date occurrence of an insured event, if more early date not determined by the decision of the DIA Board. Deposits in foreign currency are converted into rubles at the Bank of Russia exchange rate on the date of insured event.

Maximum amount of insurance compensation– a legal limit on the total amount of compensation for deposits paid to one depositor in one bank. Starting from December 30, 2014, the maximum amount of insurance compensation is 1.4 million rubles. In previous periods of operation, the CIC was set equal to 100,000, 190,000, 400,000, 700,000 rubles, depending on the date of occurrence of the insured event. certain species accounts (escrow accounts opened for settlements under a real estate purchase and sale transaction, and escrow accounts opened for settlements under an agreement for participation in shared construction), the maximum amount of insurance compensation is 10 million rubles.

Insurance case– revocation (cancellation) from bank - participant of the CER licenses of the Bank of Russia to carry out banking operations or the introduction by the Bank of Russia of a moratorium on satisfying the claims of the bank’s creditors.

Bank insurance premiums– quarterly contributions from participating banks to the compulsory deposit insurance fund. From July 1, 2015, differentiated insurance premium rates were introduced: basic, additional and increased additional.

Mandatory Deposit Insurance Fund – financial basis of the CER. The fund consists of the property contribution of the Russian Federation, insurance contributions of banks participating in the CER, income from the placement of fund funds in state and corporate securities, cash and property received from the satisfaction of the claims of the DIA, acquired as a result of the payment of compensation to them for deposits. The Fund's funds are used for payments insurance compensation for deposits and other purposes established by federal laws.

Marina Kuznechkina

Reading time: 7 minutes


The consequences of the crisis of the nineties are still evident in the lives of Russians. People lost their savings as a result of bankruptcies of banking institutions, fraudulent schemes, financial pyramids, and default. As a result, the level of public confidence decreased significantly; keeping savings at home was considered more reliable. The situation was changed by innovations at the legislative level in 2013. The Deposit Insurance Law allowed to increase the influx of private capital into banking sector, and from there into the country’s economy. You can now save money and receive additional income without fear.

In this article:

When do individuals need deposit insurance?

According to the law “On Deposit Insurance,” firms offering banking products for storing private savings under various programs are required to participate in the insurance system. This is a condition for issuing a license. The investor does not have to do anything special; his money will be automatically protected.

You should be careful when choosing an organization. Fraud cases are not uncommon these days. Small fly-by-night companies offer to deposit money under high interest rates. Once you receive your savings, they may disappear the next day. Don't trust financial pyramids credit banks and cooperatives that lure with fantastic rates and quick profits.

Have you lost control of banks that were liquidated?

Yes I lostNo, I didn't lose it

Who participates in the deposit insurance system?

All financial institutions that open deposits for individuals participate in the insurance system, otherwise they will not receive a license. All participants regularly make contributions to the common fund. Its funds are used to return money to investors. The designated bank will pay the insurance through its branches.

To select a suitable financial institution, you need to familiarize yourself with the list of companies that have the right to store savings. It changes every year, with financial market Sometimes large organizations also leave. On the official website there are other lists of banks excluded from the program and those who are close to this. Typically, a bank loses its license in the following cases:

  1. With an ill-considered and risky policy, which leads to a significant decrease in the financial security of the organization.
  2. In case of violation of the law, identified cases of shadow transactions, transfers, withdrawals of money abroad.
  3. Violation of rules for foreign exchange transactions.
  4. Significant reduction of capital, bankruptcy.

When choosing an organization, it is important to read reviews from real clients and find out if there is any information about the bank’s work, its prospects and history. You should not cooperate with companies that have a tarnished reputation.

Orient Express - “Growing Interest” deposit

650,000 - 1,500,000 rubles

Up to 12 months

Individuals and private entrepreneurs have rights to compulsory insurance. Legal entities cannot count on compensation for deposits in the event of bankruptcy of a financial organization.

Citizens need to follow a number of simple rules that will make it easier to return money:

  1. Carefully read the terms of the contract, check the accuracy of the data when concluding it.
  2. Specify the type of deposit and whether it is suitable for the insured event.
  3. Take into account the amount of interest, which may exceed RUB 1,400,000.
  4. You can get insurance within a period of up to one and a half years.

What deposits are not insured?

Not all deposit accounts are insured; there is a group for which it will be difficult to obtain reimbursement:

In such cases, part of the funds can be returned through the court. Usually, after the license is revoked, the organization must pay off its creditors, one of which is the investor. After the sale of the company's property, the funds will be distributed among the plaintiffs. The total amount may not cover all expenses, so the chances of getting your money back are quite low.

The client needs to make sure that the funds are officially registered, especially if the organization is small and little known. Important:

  1. Keep the agreement.
  2. Request an account statement regularly.
  3. Keep receipts.
  4. Use online banking to control transactions.
  5. Confirmation can be obtained by calling the bank's contact center.

The documents must indicate the details of the organization and contact information. In case of disputes, all this information will be proof of the existence of the deposit.

Conditions for insuring deposits of individuals in banks

Accounts opened by individuals and individual entrepreneurs are subject to collateral. The detailed list of deposits is as follows:

The latter did not enter the program immediately. At first, they, like the money of legal entities, were not insured. Changes in legislation were made in 2014, according to which private entrepreneurs have the right to a refund when a bank’s license is revoked.


Maximum amount

Application online

Deposit calculator

Deposit amount

Interest rate (%)

Deposit term (months)

Monthly interest

Reinvested withdrawn

Foreign currency savings are returned in rubles, recalculated at the exchange rate at the time of the bank collapse.

There are cases when the Insurance Agency may refuse to reimburse funds, for example, if it decides that the client is dishonest. Similar precedents arise when an individual has funds the amount of which exceeds 1,400,000. At the time of bankruptcy, some investors begin to split up the money, transferring it to different accounts, including those belonging to relatives. Such actions serve as a reason for refusal to pay funds.

Signs of fragmentation can be observed in the activities of bona fide investors. To avoid problems, you should follow several rules:

  1. It is better not to keep savings for close relatives in one bank.
  2. When the term ends, it is preferable to close the account completely and withdraw money. Then open a new one by depositing cash.

Features of the insurance procedure

After the termination of the organization’s activities, the Insurance Agency provides information to clients in the media and on the official website within one week. You can call the hotline and get detailed information where to go for a refund. Typically, the Agency appoints another bank whose branches will serve the bankrupt's clients.

You must apply for funds within two weeks from the date of the announcement of liquidation. You must have a minimum package of documents and details with you if you plan to transfer money rather than cash out. After submitting an application, a sample of which is on the Agency’s website, the organization must respond within two days from the date of application.

If the amount to be refunded is small, it can be issued immediately at the cash desk. Otherwise, you can receive the money in 1-2 days. With the money, the client will receive a certificate of payment of the required funds.

If the depositor is unable to contact a branch of a partner bank, a notarized application can be sent directly to the Agency by mail. The money will be returned by postal order or credited to the stated details. You can find out in which banks deposits are insured by the state on the website of the Insurance Agency, where a list of insured organizations is presented. It includes more than eight hundred companies. You should not trust a big name: even recognized giants may lose their license to open deposit accounts, especially during a crisis.

Since the beginning of 2018, 23 financial organizations have already left the list. Among them are OFK Bank, NPO Leader, Credit Express, and AK Bank.

The list of companies where deposits are insured on the Agency’s website includes large organizations that can be trusted:

  • Sberbank;
  • Rosselkhozbank;
  • "Opening";
  • Tinkoff Bank;
  • "Bank Uralsib";
  • "Eastern Express";
  • "Pochta Bank";
  • "Renaissance Credit";
  • "Binbank";
  • "Sovcombank".

What is the amount of compensation for deposit insurance?

According to the law, the maximum amount that will be issued is RUB 1,400,000. If in 2013 this amount did not exceed 700,000 rubles, now it has doubled. Amounts equal to or less than the specified limit are fully returned to the owner. The owner will receive not only the money deposited, but also interest.

If the client held several accounts in one institution, then their total payment amount should not exceed the specified limit.

If the amount is more than the limit, it will not be possible to return it in full; you should only count on 1,400,000 rubles. There is a way out of the situation: it is enough to keep large funds in different companies.

Is it necessary to increase the amount of the guaranteed insurance payment (above 1,400,000 rubles)

Date: 08/13/2014

The State Corporation “Deposit Insurance Agency” (DIA) conducted an analysis of the development of the deposit market for individuals in the first half of 2014. The most significant trends are as follows.

Saving activity of the population

In the first half of 2014, the volume of household funds in banks remained almost unchanged, decreasing by 74.3 billion rubles. (in the first half of 2013 - an increase of 1,389.3 billion rubles) to 16,883.2 billion rubles. In relative terms, the decrease in deposits amounted to 0.4% (in the first half of 2013 - an increase of 9.8%). Specific gravity capitalization of interest in the first half of 2014 is estimated at 3.2 percentage points.

The volume of bearer savings certificates in the reporting period decreased by 6.5 billion rubles. (by 1.9%) to RUB 342.4 billion. Thereby Last year investments in this type of uninsured financial instruments have practically ceased to influence the overall dynamics of deposits.

Since the beginning of 2014, the DIA began insuring the deposits of individual entrepreneurs. Their volume as of July 1 amounted to 193.4 billion rubles. (1.1% of the total amount of deposits of individuals), having decreased since the beginning of the year by 15.1 billion rubles. The amount of insurance liability for them amounted to 105.4 billion rubles. or 54.6% of the total amount of deposits of individual entrepreneurs. This shows that the structure of their deposits in size generally corresponds to the general market structure of deposits of individuals.

In general, the total volume of insured deposits in the first half of 2014, including deposits of individual entrepreneurs, decreased by 82.5 billion rubles. (by 0.5%) to RUB 16,717.0 billion.

According to the updated forecast of the DIA, based on the trends in the deposit market that developed in the first half of the year, the volume of deposits of individuals in 2014 may grow by 1.2-1.5 trillion rubles. or by 7-9%.

Structure of deposits by size

In the first half of 2014, the fastest growing rates were deposits located closer to the upper limit of insurance compensation, from 400 thousand to 700 thousand rubles. - by 12.5% ​​in terms of the volume of deposits and by 11.3% in terms of the number of open accounts. Deposits also increased from 700 thousand to 1 million rubles. by 2.8% in amount and by 2.9% in quantity. Deposits over 1 million rubles. in terms of volume they remained almost unchanged, but in terms of quantity they decreased by 2.5%. Deposits from 100 thousand to 400 thousand rubles. decreased by 1.5% in volume and increased by 0.4% in the number of accounts. Small deposits up to 100 thousand rubles. decreased by 8.1% in volume and by 0.9% in the number of accounts.

Based on the results of the first half of the year, the share of deposits exceeding 1 million rubles. decreased from 40.0 to 39.6% in the total volume of household deposits. Deposits from 700 thousand to 1 million rubles. increased from 7.6 to 7.8%, and the share of deposits from 400 thousand to 700 thousand rubles. increased from 16.2 to 18.1%. Deposits from 100 thousand to 400 thousand rubles. reduced their share from 22.8 to 22.3%, and deposits less than 100 thousand rubles. - from 13.4 to 12.2%.

The average size of a bank deposit as of July 1, 2014 did not change, amounting to 104 thousand rubles minus small and inactive accounts.

Return on deposits and its impact on the dynamics of deposits

The results of monitoring interest rates on deposits in the 100 largest retail banks indicate a smooth increase in the profitability of deposits. At the end of the first half of 2014, more than half of the banks (61 out of 100) increased rates. In 20 banks, rates decreased, in 19 they remained unchanged. At the same time, the growth in deposit yields occurred evenly in the first and second quarters.

The average level of rates (weighted by the volume of deposits) as of July 1, 2014 for ruble annual deposits in the amount of 700 thousand rubles. increased by 0.4 p.p. and is estimated at 7.6% per annum. Average (unweighted) interest rates for annual deposits in the amount of 700 thousand rubles. decreased by 0.4 p.p. up to 9.3%.

In general, according to DIA estimates, due to a certain liquidity shortage, a gradual increase in interest rates on deposits will continue in the near future.

Currency and term structure of deposits

In the first half of 2014, the share of deposits in foreign currency increased from 17.4% at the beginning of the year to 18.9% as of July 1, 2014. At the same time, according to the results of the first quarter, due to the weakening of the ruble exchange rate and the influx of deposits in foreign currency, the share foreign currency deposits amounted to 20.3%. However, in the second quarter, due to the strengthening of the ruble, the share of foreign currency deposits decreased slightly.

The share of long-term deposits (over 1 year) in the first half of the year increased from 61.8 to 63.4%, with the main growth occurring in the first quarter. Share of time deposits less than 1 year in reporting period decreased from 19.3 to 18.5%. The share of demand deposits also decreased from 18.9 to 18.1%. Thus, the population preferred more profitable long-term deposits.

Concentration of deposits

The share of the 30 largest banks by volume of household deposits in the first half of 2014 did not change, amounting to 78.7%. At the same time, Sberbank's share decreased from 46.7 to 46.3%.

The highest growth rates of deposits were observed in network and “regional” banks - by 3.1 and 3.0%, respectively. Deposits in banks in the Moscow region decreased by 3.7%.

DIA insurance liability

The amount of DIA insurance liability (potential obligations to pay insurance compensation) in the first half of 2014 remained almost unchanged, increasing by 0.2 percentage points. up to 65.7% of all deposits. Excluding Sberbank of Russia - increased from 53.0 to 54.6%.

Deposit insurance– a system that allows private investors - individuals to receive funds in the event of revocation of a license or bankruptcy of a credit institution. To do this, banks pay insurance premiums for attracted deposits to a specialized fund, from where payments are made in the event of default.

History of deposit insurance

The first system of compulsory deposit insurance for individuals appeared in the United States during the Great Depression in 1933 on the basis of the Glass-Segal Act. At first, the specially created Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation paid no more than 5 thousand dollars per depositor. Subsequently, this amount was increased to 100 thousand. For the winter of 2017, it is 250 thousand dollars. Similar deposit insurance systems exist in other countries.

Insurance of bank deposits in Russia

At the same time, compulsory insurance of deposits of individuals in the Russian Federation serves as a condition for obtaining a license to attract money from citizens.

Amount of compensation for deposit insurance

When an insured event occurs at the bank, compensation is paid not only to individuals, but also, secondarily, to individual entrepreneurs (IP). Russian clients receive 100%* of the amount of the insured bank deposit, but not more than 1.4 million rubles for all accounts in one bank. Also, from January 1, 2019, the deposit insurance system will extend to micro and small businesses. If the Central Bank revokes its license, a company included in the Register of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises will be able to return the money placed on the account or deposit up to 1.4 million rubles.

In this case, the currency is converted into rubles at the Central Bank exchange rate on the day the insured event occurred. Insurance payments on a deposit in one bank do not affect the amount of compensation in the event of default in another bank for the same client.

*However, if there is a loan from the same bank, the client will receive the deposit amount minus the amount of debt.

Uninsured deposits

Non-insurance funds, i.e. not subject to the deposit insurance system for individuals, include the following types of funds:

  • bearer deposits;
  • funds transferred to the bank for trust management;
  • deposits in foreign branches of Russian banks;
  • money transfers without opening an account;
  • funds in unallocated metal accounts.
  • In order to be guaranteed to receive compensation in the event of a bank’s license being revoked or its bankruptcy, the depositor needs to make sure that the credit institution in which he opens an account is a participant in the compulsory deposit insurance system for individuals. Such information can be obtained, for example, on the DIA website.