The structure of the assortment of bread bakery products. Analysis of the structure of the assortment of bread in the store "khemchik"

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The company offers traditional and new types of bakery products for sale. The assortment of bakery products is reflected in table 11.

Table 11 Range of bakery products sold by the Agryz RaiPo


1. White bread 1s

2. Black bread

3. Sliced ​​loaf

4. Bread "Harvest"

5. Hearth bread "Capital"

6. Bread "Rustic"

7. Bread "Amateur"

8. White bread

9. Kalach wicker top

10. Pie "Izmalkovsky"

11. Bread "Test"

12. Bun "Pokrovskaya"

13. Bread "Mustard"

14. Bread "Fragrant"

15. Russian pie

16. Loaf "Podmoskovny"

17. Bun "Terbunskaya"

18. Braid with poppy

19. Baton metropolitan

20. Baton with onions

21. Loaf with raisins

22. Bar "Gourmet"

23. Bread "Milk-bran"

24. Bun "Sea buckthorn"

25. Rowan bun

26. Bun "Original"

27. Horn "Borinskiy"

28. Jam bar

29. Bun "Moscow"

30. Muffin "Dobrovskaya"

31. Bun with poppy seeds

32. Bar "Gentle"

33. Bun "Sweet"

34. Bun "Fantasy"

35. Bun "Shell"

36. Roll with poppy seeds

37. Pony cod

38. Vanilla bun

39. Muffin "Izmalkovskaya"

The structure of the assortment of bakery products by the Agryz RaiPo is presented in fig. 3.

Rice. 3 The structure of the assortment of bakery products of the Agryz RaiPo

In the product range of the Agryz RaiPo, the largest share in terms of the number of items presented is occupied by bakery products, including rich ones - 70.7%, bread occupies only 29.3%.

If we analyze the assortment of Agryzsky Raipo in terms of sales, then the structure is completely different: the largest share in sales is 74.7% bread and only 24.3% bakery products. This is due to the fact that bread is consumed more often and in greater volume than rich and other types of bakery products. The structure of the assortment of bakery products in terms of the volume of laying is presented in Figure 4

Rice. 4 The structure of the assortment of bakery products by sales volume of the Agryz RaiPo

Let us analyze the dynamics of changes in the structure of the assortment of the Agryz RaiPo for 2014-2015. The results of the analysis will be displayed in Table 12 and Figure 5.

Table 12 The structure of the assortment of bakery products of the Agryz RaiPo



2014 to 2015

Sale of products

in % of the total

Sale of products

in % of the total

Sale of products

in % of the total

by absolute


from it hearth

shaped round

shaped rectangular

milk bran bread

Bakery products including:

long loaf

Butter products

Total bread and bread-

bakery products

From the calculations in Table 12, it can be seen that the sale of products in 2014 amounted to 2378.2 tons, and in 2015 - 2328.1 tons, and it is obvious that the sale of products increased by 49.9 tons, as a percentage this is equal to 2.1%. Consequently, the products are in demand among the population, because These are essential products.

Sales of products in 2015 amounted to 2100.4 tons, which is 277.7 tons or 13.2% less than in 2014. Sale of hearth bread in 2005. - 604.60 tons, and in 2006. – 593.9 tons decreased by 10.7 tons. This is due to the fact that the cost of its production is higher than the molded one, and therefore the price for it is appropriate. Sales of "shaped round" bread in 2014 - 595.5 tons, and in 2015 - 560.7 tons, decreased by 34.7 tons.

After analyzing the assortment of bakery products, and in particular bread, we see that sales of all bread for 2015 decreased by 210.7 tons or 13.2%.

Now let's see how the volume of sales of bakery products presented in the Agryz Raipo changes. From table 12 it can be seen that the volume of sales for the loaf of the first grade in 2014. in physical terms amounted to 210.4 tons, and in 2015. - 207.3 tons, i.e. it decreased by 3.1 tons or 1.4%. The volume of sales of high quality long loaf in 2014. amounted to 269.2 tons, in 2015 - 233.5 tons, it decreased by 12.3%. The volume of sales of rich products in 2014. amounted to 107.6 tons, and in 2015. - 80.5 tons, it decreased by 27.1 tons or 25.2%.

After analyzing the range of bakery products, we also see that their total sales decreased by 67 tons or 11.4%.

Figure 5. Dynamics of changes in the range of goods for 2013 - 2015

In terms of production in 2015, there is a downward trend in sales of bakery products. The decline in sales may be due to competition from private entrepreneurs who sell products from other bakeries in their stores and pavilions.


ON THE TOPIC: "Assortment analysis, assessment of the quality of bakery products, the impact of packaging and storage mode on quality"


Bread has long been the basis of the food supply of mankind. And now people satisfy about one third of the daily food intake with bread and cereals. The great Russian naturalist, world famous for his discoveries of the energy laws of photosynthesis, K.A. Timiryazev proposed to take into account 1 kg of bread as a certain amount of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorus, sulfur, potassium and defined it as 2167 calories. They are obtained by assimilation of the appropriate amount of sunlight by wheat and the subsequent conversion of the energy of light into the chemical energy of carbohydrates, proteins and fats of the grain from which the bread is baked.

The culture of plant growing has been developing for 100 centuries. Man first became a reaper and a baker, and a long time later a plowman and a sower. Wheat is the most ancient grain crop, the cultivation of which was started by the Egyptians 6.5 thousand years ago.

On the territory of our country, bread was known in the fourth millennium BC. In Russia, wheat was once called arable land (from the word arable land). The wheat of the Black Sea steppes was especially famous. In Russia, the cultivation of rye (winter and spring), barley, oats, and millet has also been known for 1000 years. Historically, bread in Russia has become not only food, but also a measure of the human soul, a source of economic well-being, strengthening the country's international influence through the export of grain. Entire dynasties arose that strengthened the Fatherland through the production of grain and its trade.

The Bugrovs are the most famous flour millers from the Volga region, the Nizhny Novgorod lands. The ancestor is a specific peasant (serf land of the royal family) Pyotr Egorov son (1782–1859). In 1833, Pyotr Yegorovich laid the foundation for the main business of the Bugrov family - flour milling. Started four mills on the river. Linda. He bought grain in the markets of the Nizhny Novgorod province. Grinding rye. In the middle of the XIX century. P.E. Bugrov was a merchant of the first guild in terms of capital, although he remained a peasant.

Another dynasty is the Bashkirovs. These are the largest flour mills in Russia. In the 20s. 19th century peasant son from serfs Emelyan Bashkirov arrived in Nizhny Novgorod engaged in household goods. Paid off for the landowner's ransom. He began to drive a barge with wheat and millet from the lower reaches of the Volga to the "bread capital" of Russia - Nizhny Novgorod. In 1871, being already a merchant of the first guild, he founded the trading and flour milling enterprise “Trading House of Emelyan Bashkirov with Sons”.

The Bashkirovs paid attention to the construction of mills and the technical improvement of flour milling. In 1888, an elevator of the American system was put into operation at one of the mills. In 1890, the most perfect mill complex was built in Samara. Flour was divided into varieties: blue, red, green, black. "Trading house Emelyan Bashkirov with sons", having its own cargo fleet, began to control almost the entire Volga grain market.

The scope of entrepreneurship, the high level of technology and organization of production allowed M.E. Bashkirov (son of the founder of the company) together with N.A. Bugrov to unite domestic millers and begin the successful development of European markets. Thanks to the activities of the Council of the All-Russian Congress of Flour Millers, with the support of the government, railway tariffs for flour exporters were reduced. As a result, Russian flour milling products pushed out the perishable American flour made from early-ripening wheat varieties in the markets of England and Sweden.

The Ural dynasty of flour millers Pervushins enjoyed fame in Russia. A native of the Yaroslavl province, Ivan Diomidovich Pervushin, having moved to Yekaterinburg, engaged in the grain trade. Became a merchant of the second guild. His son Stepan in 1864 erected on the river. Sysert flour mill, which eventually became a flour-grinding company famous throughout the Urals. After the death of S.I. Pervushin's business was continued by his wife.

Anna Nikiforovna Pervushina proved herself to be one of the first major businesswomen in Russia, skillfully using the achievements of technological progress. At her mills, she resolutely changed outdated millstones for roller mills, the old power plants for steam turbine engines. The introduction of expensive foreign technology paid off quite well.

The assortment of flour was significantly expanded. High-quality products were in great demand in the markets of Yekaterinburg. Its main consumers were the Ural factories and local bakeries. Flour was packed in linen and calico bags of domestic production.

In Siberia, the Basnin dynasty of grain merchants was widely known. In Russian conditions, the delivery of food to remote non-grain regions of the country has always been a difficult task, especially the supply of bread to the population of North-Eastern Siberia. Since the time of Catherine II, all the expensive and risky business of floating grain along the rivers of Siberia up to Yakutsk has passed from the treasury into the private hands of entrepreneurs. One of these was Timofei Maksimovich Basnin (1716–1797), who traded in bread and furs on the river. Lena. He delivered goods on barges to Yakutsk.

Baking in the country in a short time, due to correctly chosen priorities, has become a highly industrialized industry National economy, which occupies a leading position, including at the world level.

1. Theoretical part

1.1 Consumer properties of bakery products, ways to improve them

The property of a product is its objective feature, i.e. what distinguishes one product from another. Each product has many properties that can manifest itself during its formation and consumption.

The quality of food products is a set of properties that reflect the ability of a product to provide organoleptic characteristics, the body's need for nutrients, safety for its health, reliability during production and storage.

Food safety - the absence of toxic, carcinogenic, mutagenic or any adverse effects on the human body when consumed in generally accepted quantities

Nutritional value is a concept that reflects the fullness useful properties goods, including the degree to which the physiological needs of a person in basic nutrients, energy and organoleptic qualities are met.

Biological value is an indicator of the quality of a food protein, reflecting the degree to which its amino acid composition meets the body's needs for amino acids for protein synthesis.

Energy value - the amount of energy in kilocalories (kJ) released from the product in the body to ensure its physiological functions.

Falsification of food products and food raw materials - the manufacture and sale of counterfeit food products and food raw materials that do not correspond to their name and recipe.

Shelf life - (realization) - the period of time during which, under certain conditions, food raw materials, food products retain the quality established by the standard or other normative document.

The nutritional value of bread and bakery products is determined by their chemical composition, as well as energy value (calorie content) and the ability to be absorbed by the human body.

Chemical composition bread and bakery products, i.e. the content of substances necessary for our body, and primarily proteins, vitamins and mineral salts, depends on the type and grade of flour, as well as on the amount of improvers (sugar, molasses, fat, eggs, milk, etc.).

Biological value is characterized by the presence of biologically active substances in products: vitamins, macro- and microelements, essential amino acids, etc. These substances are not synthesized in the human body.

When baking bread products, the amino acids contained in the flour are partially destroyed. The biological value of simple bread products in terms of the content of essential amino acids will be somewhat lower than the flour used for their preparation. Bread proteins contain all the essential amino acids. However, there are fewer individual essential amino acids (lysine, methionine, etc.) in bread proteins than, for example, in meat, fish. Rye bread proteins contain more lysine than wheat bread proteins.

When consuming 500 g of bread, the body's needs for thiamine are satisfied by an average of 42-50%, riboflavin - by 18-27 and nicotinic acid - by 15-47%.

Due to bread, especially from low-grade flour, a person almost completely satisfies his needs for mineral elements. Bread made from premium flour requires enrichment with calcium and iron salts.

With bread, the human body receives phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, calcium, and various trace elements - copper, zinc, iodine, manganese, etc. Of the vitamins in bread, there are - B1, B2, B6, E, PP, etc.

The physiological value is determined by the ability of food products to influence the digestive, nervous, cardiovascular system person.

Due to the porous structure, bakery products evenly fill the stomach and give the mass of food absorbed the most convenient consistency for its complete wetting with digestive juices. The hard crust of bread helps to strengthen the teeth. Fiber and semi-fiber, present in bread, removes poisons from the body, enhance intestinal motility and create favorable conditions for the development of beneficial microflora in the body. gastrointestinal tract.

The energy value (calorie content) of products is determined by the content of fats, proteins, carbohydrates in them and their digestibility. The energy released during the oxidation of 1 g of fat in the body is 9 kcal (38 kJ), and 1 g of carbohydrates or 1 g of protein is 4 kcal (17 kJ).

When 100 g of bread is oxidized, from 8793 to 10886 kJ is formed in the body. When consuming 500 g of bread per day, a person provides about 40 percent of his energy needs.

2.2 Analysis of the structure of the assortment of bakery products commercial enterprise"Ramos"

Let's analyze the structure of the assortment of bakery products, grouping them according to certain criteria: by suppliers, by groups, types, sales volumes (demand). And also calculate the coefficients of breadth, completeness, novelty and stability of the assortment of the Ramos supermarket.

1) In total, 50 types of bakery products are sold in the trading enterprise "Ramos", of which:

Rye bread - not for sale - 0%;

Rye-wheat bread - 2 items - 4%;

Wheat-rye bread - 6 items - 12%;

Wheat bread - 11 items - 22%;

Bakery products - 10 items - 20%;

Sweet products - 15 items - 30%;

Lamb products - 3 items - 6%;

National bread products - 3 items - 6%.

As can be seen from this diagram, the largest share in the presented assortment of bread is occupied by wheat bread, a Rye bread is completely absent. The leading position among all bakery products is occupied by rich products - a third of the entire range. We can say that this distribution in the assortment structure corresponds to demand. Which type of product is better implemented, the one in large quantities supplied.

2) Let's analyze the structure of suppliers of bakery products. In total, there are 6 of them in the Ramos supermarket:

Bakery Association "Voskhod" - 17 items - 34%;

Bakery "Inskoy" - 11 items - 22%;

Sdoba LLC - 8 items - 16%;

Bakery "Berdsky" (BHK) - 7 items - 14%;

- "Oli" - 6 items - 12%;

- "Kulinich" - 1 name (Uzbek flatbread) - 2%.

The largest share among bakery products in the supermarket "Ramos" is occupied by the products of JSC "Voskhod". It also leads in the supply of the main wheat bread demanded by the buyer (1s, 2s). "Berdsky" bakery, not being among the leaders in terms of total supplies, follows "Voskhod" in terms of supplies of wheat bread. And as noted, Berdsky wheat bread is most loved by the buyer. Further, according to the same indicator, the bakery "Inskoy" follows, and after it already "Oli".

3) If compared by the number of products sold, each item, they will be arranged in this sequence:

For bread:

1. Wheat bread of the 1st grade.

2. Wheat bread 2 grades (Russkoselsky, Chisinau).

3. Ukrainian new (hearth and shaped cut).

4. Borodinsky and Peklevannik (hearth).

5. With bran: Berdsky (cutting) and Slavic new (cutting).

6. Sunflower (sprinkled with sunflower seeds), "Niva-smak" and "Niva-Euro" (high-quality, sliced), Oli on whey.

7. Focaccio with cheese, Gourmet dark (toast).

For bakery products:

1. Long loafs Rifled and Podmoskovny, fancy horns.

2. Sandwich loaves (different manufacturers, 0.2; 0.35; 0.4 kg each).

3. Mini loaf, Sesame bun.

4. Turkish long loaf, "dacha" bar (rifled).

For sweet products:

1. Fantasy bun, Sverdlovsk puff.

2. Baba Sibirskaya, Fried tubule, Butter bun in assortment (with chocolate, marmalade, condensed milk, poppy seeds), Sverdlovsky Cake.

3. Bulk Horn, Chamomile Powder, Goby Bun.

4. Rolls Marquis (with poppy), Viennese, Poppy; Kalach with poppy.

5. Butter Pie, Jam Pie.

For lamb products:

1. Ukrainian bagel with poppy seeds.

2. Drying: Baby, Shuttle, With poppy.

For national products:

1. Flatbread Uzbek.

2. Lavash Special, Lavash Oli.

Today, manufacturers of bakery products are striving to interest their consumers not only with a new assortment and quality, but cutting of bread products is actively used. This service quite successfully attracts the buyer - sliced ​​​​bread is sold faster. Moreover, this product does not differ in price.

Also, manufacturers began to sell bread for ½ of the mass of the product (cut in half). This applies to the varieties of bread that are in the greatest demand: Wheat 1, 2 varieties; Ukrainian new. This type of service is very convenient in self-service stores, and directly for customers who consume bread in small quantities.

4) Calculate the breadth of the assortment of bakery products sold in the Ramos store. This indicator is calculated as follows:

K w \u003d W d / W b,

where W d - real latitude;

Wb - base latitude;

Latitude valid - 7 groups of bakery products,

Basic latitude - 8 groups (+ rye bread), which means:

Kw \u003d 7 / 8 \u003d 0.875.

5) Calculate the completeness ratio - it shows the degree of consumer satisfaction in the goods of a homogeneous group.

K p \u003d P d / P b,

where P d - completeness is real;

P b - basic completeness (information in price lists).

K p \u003d 50 / 250 \u003d 0.2.

Of course, these are low figures and it would be necessary to increase them by expanding the range. But other factors must also be taken into account: this store is located in a small residential area and the presence of other grocery stores in the neighborhood. Another important factor is the current drop in demand for bakery products. Hence the narrowing of the assortment and the decrease in the volume of deliveries.

6) Calculate the stability coefficient of the assortment according to the formula:

K y \u003d U / W d,

where Y is the number of goods in steady demand (we have 46 items).

K y \u003d 46 / 50 \u003d 0.92.

This indicator meets the standards, even slightly exceeds them, which indicates the efficiency of the enterprise. But still, it is necessary to constantly study and analyze the demand of the population, track the timing of the implementation of each supply.

7) Calculate the coefficient of novelty of the range of bakery products in the Ramos supermarket, according to the formula:

K n \u003d N / W d,

where H is the number of new items.

K n \u003d 4 / 50 \u003d 0.08.

At present, with a fall in demand, this figure is sufficient. It is necessary to carefully offer new products to the consumer.

State Autonomous Vocational Educational Institution of the Saratov Region Volga Region College of Technology and Management

State Autonomous Professional educational institution
Saratov region
Volga Region College of Technology and Management
Branch information technologies and programming
Coursework on the topic:
“Analysis of the assortment and quality of bread and
bakery products sold in
enterprise "Magnit"
Completed by a student of group 421
Zakharov Sergey
Balakovo 2017

Analysis of assortment and quality
bakery products is
relevant to the present
time and assumes the main
importance in all physiology

Purpose and objectives of the course work:

Consideration of consumer properties and nutritional value of bakery products
Consideration of the role of bakery products in nutrition, classification and
characteristics of the assortment of bakery products
Consideration of consumer
bakery products
Trading company "Magnit", which is located in the city of Balakovo st. Brothers
Zakharov, 154.

Bread classification:

By weight

Raw material ratio
Mass fraction of sugar
Crumb acidity
Crumb moisture
Mass fraction of fat

Defects in bread and bakery products

foreign smell and taste
creaking of the teeth due to the presence of sand in the flour
pale coloration of the surface of the crust due to
insufficient sugar and gas-forming ability of flour
stickiness and creasing of the bread crumb
spreading of hearth bread, reduced volume and
crumb porosity

Brief description of the trade enterprise "Magnit"

Balakovo st. Brothers Zakharov, 154.
Shop area is 80m², warehouse area is 25m²,
commercial 55m².

Analysis of the structure of the assortment of bakery products at the enterprise "Magnit"

Name of commodity groups
Number of species
Share in assortment, %
Rusks in a package
wheat bread
Rye bread

Analysis of assortment indicators at the Magnit enterprise

Name of indicator
Indicator value, %
Latitude coefficient (Ksh)
27/ 31 *100%
Depth Ratio (Kg)
27/30 * 100%
Novelty coefficient (Kn)
5/27 * 100%
Stability factor (Ku)
10/27 * 100%
Completeness factor (Kp)
27/30 * 100%

Organoleptic analysis of 1 sample: Bagel "Sdobnaya"

Requirements according to GOST No. 7128-3
Compliance in fact
The form
oval or round
oval or round
corresponds to GOST

also small cracks.
matches, but
no gloss
from light yellow to dark brown. from light yellow to dark brown.

and allowed
product contamination
product contamination
corresponds to GOST
internal state
smashed, baked, no signs smashed, baked, no signs
corresponds to GOST

musty or other foreign taste.
corresponds to GOST

musty or other foreign smell.
corresponds to GOST

should be brittle and brittle
corresponds to GOST

Organoleptic analysis 2 samples: Bagel "Moscow"

Requirements according to GOST No. 7128-91
Compliance in fact
oval or round
oval or round
corresponds to GOST
The form
glossy, smooth, without swelling and cracks; on glossy, smooth, without blisters and cracks; on the
one side is allowed mesh prints, and one side is allowed mesh prints, and
also small cracks.
light yellow
corresponds to GOST
also small cracks.
dark brown. from
light yellow
dark brown.
Dark color and no gloss allowed on Dark color and no gloss allowed on
the side lying on the sheet, mesh or hearth. Not the side lying on the sheet, mesh or hearth. Not
product contamination
internal state
and allowed
product contamination
rotten, baked, without signs of rotten,
corresponding to this type of product, without corresponding to this type of product, without
musty or other foreign taste.
corresponds to GOST
musty or other foreign taste
corresponding to this type of product, without corresponding to this type of product, without
musty or other foreign smell.
musty or other foreign smell.
should be brittle and brittle
should be brittle and brittle
corresponds to GOST
corresponds to GOST
corresponds to GOST
corresponds to GOST


Continuously develop existing
list of bakery products
Carry out a survey from
the number of consumers in the shopping center,
identify more purchased commodity
category of bakery products and
increase the circle of the existing list
bakery products