Betting on sex is a strong rune of love. Women's runes Runes becoming attractive

Rejuvenating apples, elixirs of long youth, “golden pills” - at all times people have been looking for ways to preserve their beauty and tone. And although we will not claim that it is possible to live faithfully, we can no longer dispute the well-known fact that the body ages much faster than genetically inherent in it, due to external influences and internal negative programs.

The magic of Runes can get rid of these influences, prolonging life and youth. This is why we created this Rejuvenation amulet-galdrastav.

Interesting fact: When we found out that inadequate intimidating articles appeared on competitors’ blogs about how this approach would only cause harm, we were even more glad that we did it. This means that it is so good that competitors even took such measures to try to stop its spread in society. Only the competitors kept silent about the basic rule of Rune Magic - what the master puts in the amulet, the amulet gives to those who use it. Here))

The ligature Ingwaz + 2 Dagaz + 4 Perthro, as well as the “corners” from Ár, were borrowed from the works of our colleague and friend, Maxnamara, for which we sincerely thank her.

Dot + sol(center) - the personality itself and the preservation, accumulation of the healing effect of stav in the personality itself;

Ingwaz+ 2 Dagaz+ 4 Perthro- renewal, rebirth, changes in positive side;
Plastur+Ár— work to restore and rejuvenate the body to the desired result;
Tví-örvaðr bogi- attachment to the source of life, removal of damage and return of negativity to the one who did it.

4 Sol- removes internal blocks that interfere with the rejuvenation process;
4 Bjarkan- for treatment, recovery, for the return of youth (even if it was taken away by damage), for the treatment of the thyroid gland and hormonal levels;
Týrt-to remove damage to diseases and troubles in treatment, rebirth in a new quality “Phoenix from the ashes”;

4 Reið + 4 ass-healing of the soul, restoration of the correct perception of the world, and can also remove gray hair
Added “mirrors” (arcs on all axes), and amplifiers (“trident fork”), which together with Sol provide additional solar energy for the work of the stave.

Disclaimer intent:
This runic system renews, heals, restores the body to optimal levels for<имя>terms, leads it to rejuvenation, harmonization through the removal of internal blocks and healing from acquired diseases that interfere with the process of restoration of the body as a whole. Becoming removes damage to illness and old age, as well as damage to beauty, changes the state of the body in a positive way and returns youth both inside the body and in my appearance.

Stav works without any harm to me and my loved ones. By my will, for my good and for the glory of the Gods. As I said, so it is done. True.

As always, when I became Runava, I thought about it only for rejuvenation, but it turned out to be very gentle, cozy and not only for rejuvenation, but multidisciplinary :)

Strong runes for attractiveness– this is a real gift from heaven to all people living on the planet. Today, interest in ancient symbols is growing more and more.

After all, thanks to their power, you can create a variety of talismans, tell fortunes, cast spells and enchant.

Having an idea of ​​how to activate runic energy, you can awaken previously unknown abilities in yourself.

Many of us are familiar with the feeling of inferiority - unfortunately, almost everyone has encountered such a complex at least once in their lives. We begin to find a bunch of flaws in our appearance and character. How to restore beauty and with it self-confidence?

It turns out that runes for beauty and attractiveness will help here too, capable of changing your personal worldview. Seek help from the experience of your ancestors, and your attitude towards yourself will completely change.

Runes for female attractiveness

Every woman enjoys the attention of others. Agree, your soul becomes warmer and a smile appears on your face when men start courting and women give compliments.

Runic staves to enhance attractiveness

There are a lot of formulas that enhance beauty and sexuality. Let's look at the strongest ones:

  • Hyères – Perth – Inguz – Berkana

Becoming, which rejuvenates the body as a whole. It won't be long before you forget about wrinkles or other signs of aging. This also applies to physical condition.

  • Teyvaz – Uruz – Gebo

The runogram is suitable for those who, due to lack of confidence in their own importance and external perfection, cannot establish social and love relationship. It will help you become more active and bolder.

Alena Golovina— white witch, master of Cosmoenergetics,author of the site

Interesting on the topic:


Among several of my new works, I want to put to the test a complex whose action should replace us going to a beauty salon at a minimum and to a plastic surgeon at a maximum.
I ask everyone who wants to take the test to report their results.

Beauty saloon

IMHO the components of beauty are thick hair without gray hair, so that it doesn’t fall out))),
The skin is fresh and elastic, without wrinkles, bags under the eyes and all sorts of “Shar Pei effects”, of course, a sparkle in the eyes. Let's go down below: beautiful, elastic breasts and, preferably)) a flat tummy without stretch marks, naturally weight balance, toned muscles, no cellulite.
And most importantly, self-confidence! Otherwise we know beauties who see kikimora in the reflection of the mirror
The project is long-term, you should not expect quick results, BUT in 2-3 months you are a goddess)))
Well, now in more detail:

Starting position, I called him “Sculptor”, we start the process of transformation
Mannaz - operator
Yera (2) launch
Ingvaz - the process of rebirth (restoration) to
Uruz - healthy
Vunyo - comfortable condition
Fehu - by right
Dagazy (3) - transform on three levels
Soulo - energy and confidence
Background 2Kano - the embodiment of the plan

Growth, strengthening, beauty and protection of hair, but this also includes eyelashes
Uruz - strength and density
Fehu - formation of bulbs
Vunyo - absolutely comfortable
Soulo - energy
Algiz - protection of hair from loss
Ingvaz is the energy of rebirth on the physical plane;
Yera(2) - getting results and constantly launching the stave

Removing gray hair
Eyvaz - activates the process
Dagaz - turns gray hair into its opposite, rejuvenation
Fehu - promotes the process
Nautiz - forcing the body to change
Vunyo + Yera = positive result

Let's move on to the face

Perto-hormonal balance
Uruz - muscle and tissue tone
Gebo - “mutual understanding” between the body and the operator’s body
Laguz - deep penetration action
Ingvaz - balance and recovery
Yera - starting the process and getting the result
Algiz - operator protection
Perto + Berkano = tissue and muscle regeneration
Eyvaz (2) - activation of processes, tightening and blood flow to muscles
Secondary Kenaz - speeds up the process

"Beauty injection"
Turisaz - syringe
Magyar TPRU - anti-wrinkle drug (hyaluronic acid)
Isa - fixing the result

Let's make a small transition from physical transformations to psychosomatics and make the young lady's eyes sparkle

Mannaz is a young lady, that is, our operator
Dagaz - blossoms
Berkano - a Woman and her eyes wake up in her
Kano - glow
Vunyo - happiness, and in
Perto - reigns over the soul
Gebo - harmony

Let's move on. Getting your chest in order

Perto + Ingvaz = restoration of forms
Eyvaz (2) - tightens, restores, makes a transition from one state to another
Fehu - direct and mirror - embodiment, materialization
Nautiz - forcing the body to change
Yera - getting the result
Gebo - “friendship” between the body and the body

Well, in relation to the mortal body, in general we use

Hagalaz - destroys toxins
Kano + Soulo = burns excess
Fehu - fat)))
Dagaz - the body is transformed
Laguz - displays excess liquid from the body
Yera + Ingvaz - the process of restoration and regeneration to
Vunyo - comfortable
Algiz + Uruz = healthy state + these three Runes give a surge of energy
Uruz + Soulo = healing effect
Algiz+Laguz+Perto+Ingvaz = regeneration, tightening,
Yera - enhances and guarantees results
Yera + Perto = rejuvenation
Evaz - transformation engine
Ansuz - allowing ourselves to change
Kano + Perto + Ingvaz - for stretch marks
Isa - fixes the body in this state
Kano + Perto + Ingvaz - healing Runes
Secondary Berkano - softens the process, making it less painful

And consolidate the awareness of our new state

"Mary Poppins"
Mannaz - I (cameraman)
Gebo + Vunyo = charming and attractive
Laguz - alluring
Kano is sexy
Uruz+Berkano = feminine
Teyvaz + Uruz + Soulo = causing great interest (i.e. profuse salivation))) in men
You can discuss it one by one, and then give a task to each position in something like this:

This Runic Stav produces actions in the operator’s body to renew, rejuvenate and restore at the physical level: skin, muscles and connective tissues of such and such a part of the body
This Runic Stav works absolutely comfortably for the operator, without any blocks, side effects or irritations
This Runic Stav misses any influences that benefit the operator.
It's said! Made! Let it be so! This is true!
Wearing everything at once, despite the fact that the staves seem to be formed from one another and, in principle, should be in harmony, I think it will be a little difficult. For this reason, they should be divided into several stages
We apply staves to creams, gels, shampoos, etc.
“injection” on the pipette and precisely on the places where such injections are made,
“firefly” on the day cream around the eyes and can be duplicated on yourself, paper, or a talisman. "Mary Poppins" also on itself or the carrier

IN runic practice becoming attractive refers to formulas that help create the desired image.

It works on the basis of energy flows and enhances the effect of special care products.

Anyone who needs help can use magic. special attention those around you.

Girls always give great importance appearance. The magic of runes can reveal feminine nature, emphasizing strong features and smoothing out flaws.

In every lady, the signs awaken a goddess who is capable of independently managing her own life and changing the reality around her.

A woman can apply runic form to different surfaces, depending on the expected result:

  • amulets and talismans will provide long-lasting effects with a permanent effect;
  • drawings on the body will work for less time, but will sharpen the personal characteristics of the owner;
  • cosmetics supplemented with the formula are designed to gradually enhance attractiveness and maintain results.

After working with the bet, you need to activate it. Choose any convenient way– with the help of an element or several, breath, blood.

It is recommended to use the magic of attractiveness on significant days when you need to gain the approval of others or achieve success.

Runic formula Feminine magnetism

It is important for women that those around them are admired both by their external appearance and their internal energy. The charm emanating from a confident, wise and beautiful lady is referred to as feminine power.

In the runic version, the formula consists of the following signs:

  • Inguz is a flow of vital energy that can change in the right direction;
  • Kenaz - highlighting charm and attractiveness, sexuality;
  • Laguz – harmonization of personality, magnetism, charisma.

The main direction of the phrase “Women’s power” is intended to present the bearer as an object of intellectual and sexual admiration. It is used with an inscription on the body for a short period of time. After the action expires, the remains of the drawing are removed with thanks.

Rune of Beauty

The main sign of the Elder Futhark, responsible for femininity and attractiveness, is called Berkana. To take advantage of its power, just apply the rune to the wrists of your left and right hands.

The effect can be supplemented with the Boundless Trust setup, including Ansuz – Laguz – Vunyo in the foreground and Kenaz – Gebo – Soul (mirror) in the background.

If desired, the runic form is supplemented with the sign Laguz for a fresh appearance, or Perth to enhance sexual magnetism.

When creating a formula, each part is discussed separately. If a certain result is required, add the Yera rune.

Becoming Circe

One of the strongest formulas is closely related to the mythical queen of divine origin. The runic form of Circe has a stupefying effect on men.

Elm consists of several parts:

  1. The central block includes Uruz - the personification of the force directed towards Petro - female body. He begins to produce pheromones, indicated by the Berkan rune. Kenaz reveals the special smell of beauty fluids, and Laguz directs it into the surrounding space. The Gebo rune, which ends with becoming, denotes men attracted by pheromones.
  2. The upper and lower parts of the formula are created by the combination Teyvaz - Uruz - Soul. Runic signs in this combination stimulate the response production of male hormones. The result looks like sudden, intense sexual arousal and attraction to the woman.
  3. The side parts of the stav are decorated with mirror Ansuz runes, which block a man’s thinking under the influence of desire. Laguz signs are added to them, forcing one to head towards the object of desire. Vunyo, closing the block, creates a feeling of euphoria and enthusiasm in enchanted men.

The runic pattern is applied to the amulet, which is used in exceptional cases. Its strength is enormous, so it is not suitable for everyday wear. Practitioners also notice the powerful use by signs of the personal energy reserves of the bearer.

Becoming Veil

The formula for revealing a woman’s own magnetism differs from standard obsessions. Becoming a Veil acts as a coating of attractiveness created from external bright qualities and inner harmony. A woman reveals herself from a new side with the help of a combination of runic signs:

  • Berkana - the innate attractiveness of a person, its special essence;
  • Kenaz – opening, highlighting and manifestation of femininity;
  • Laguz is the attraction of others to an object.

The peculiarity of the rune stav is its direct influence on the woman herself. It makes her more harmonious and flexible, smoothes out conflicts, and rewards her with gentleness. The veil also provides self-confidence, self-sufficiency, and flexibility.

Runes for male attractiveness

It is equally important for men to attract the attention of women and colleagues. With the help of rune staves, even a novice practitioner gains self-confidence, courage, willpower, charisma, charm and external charm.

The most popular formulas relate to different characteristics of male attractiveness:

  • Teyvaz - Inguz - Soul - Vunyo - Kenaz - Berkana can awaken the interest of the ladies and endow even an ordinary guy with the traits of a winner, a charming leader;
  • you can overcome any external manifestations of aging, physical disabilities and replenish your strength using the formula Yer - Perth - Inguz - Gebo;
  • gives courage, gives self-confidence, activity, the connection of the Teyvaz - Uruz - Gebo runes helps to establish relationships with the opposite sex and harmonize social connections;
  • The Inguz-Uruz runic symbol applied to a hair care product or comb can overcome male pattern baldness and restore former attractiveness and charm.

In case of constant need to influence others, the formulas are applied to a more durable object that serves as an amulet or talisman.

For an immediate effect, the marks are placed directly on the skin. If a thing symbolizing solidity and prosperity is used to draw the ligature, this will serve as an additional stimulation of the attention of others.

Bottom line

The attractiveness bestowed by runic staves is always based on the personal characteristics of a person. It ensures increased interest from the environment towards the carrier of the formula, but requires careful handling and constant energy replenishment.

In order for the signs to work correctly, it is important to follow all the rules for applying and destroying the signs.

Runic formula of attractiveness

What girl doesn't dream of being the center of men's attention? Yes, we all want this, especially when the place of the other half is completely vacant. In order to increase interest in their person, female representatives go to all sorts of tricks: they sit on, make stunning looks, carefully choose an outfit, visit beauty salons. But what should we do if all our efforts do not find a response? men's hearts? Are we not getting the attention we deserve? There are actually two ways out: continue to stubbornly look after yourself and believe in a Miracle, or lure this Miracle to yourself in one very cunning way...

You've probably already heard about runes. It is not known for certain how old these ancient signs are and who their creator is, but one thing is undeniable - runes have magical properties and are capable of not only showing the future, but also attracting what you want.

Today you will learn about one very effective runic formula that helps enhance natural charm and female love magnetism. It has already been tried by one of my very good friends and gave an amazing result.

On the very first day, an acquaintance found herself at the epicenter of male attention: on the bus, guys gave up their seats, colleagues became more polite and courteous, and in line at the store a complete stranger began to flirt with her.

Do you think it's a coincidence? We thought so too... and decided to try the runic formula on another unmarried girl. Afterwards, she admitted that the runes that day did not give her a new acquaintance or a meeting with her soulmate, but they filled her day with small pleasant surprises. I quote verbatim: “It’s been a long time since I caught so many male gazes on myself... I even ran into the toilet in the shopping center, looked in the mirror, maybe where something was torn or dirty... no, I’m just such a princess.”

Do you want to try the runic formula of attractiveness? If yes, then take a pen of any color and write the signs Laguz-Berkana-Gebo-Soulo on any shoulder. They look like this:

When applying the formula, pronounce each rune correctly out loud. And it sounds like this: Lo-guuz + Be-kon-o + Gey-bo + So-vi-lo.

Yes, at the moment the runes can be pronounced differently, but the Russian version of the same rune “Berkana” is not entirely correct. Plus, the girls used exactly the pronunciation that I gave you.

Then blow on the inscription and say: “Runes are activated. I am the most charming and attractive." These words seem to complete the ritual, putting the runic formula into action.

Please note: if the formula begins to wear off, you cannot “add on” anything; you need to wash it off completely with words of gratitude. Then you can apply the runes again.

Anastasia Volkova for the site