Standard 8713 79 electronic version of the university. Main types, structural elements and dimensions

5. When welding circumferential seams of butt joints, an increase in convexity is allowed g, g 1 to 30%.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 3).

6. Welded joints T7, T8, T4 should be performed in the boat position according to GOST 11969*.

* GOST 11969-79 is in force on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Fillet welds without beveled edges can be made both in the lower position and in the “boat” position according to GOST 11969.

7. Back welding and weld root welding can be performed using any arc welding method.

8. Welding butt joints of parts of unequal thickness with a difference not exceeding the values ​​​​indicated in the table. 53, must be produced in the same way as parts of the same thickness; the structural elements of the prepared edges and the dimensions of the weld should be selected according to their greater thickness.

Table 53

To achieve a smooth transition from one part to another, an inclined position of the seam surface is allowed (Fig. 1).

If the difference in the thickness of the parts being welded exceeds the values ​​​​indicated in the table. 53, on a part with a large thickness s 1, a bevel must be made on one or both sides to the thickness of the thin part s, as indicated in the devil. 2, 3 and 4. In this case, the structural elements of the prepared edges and the dimensions of the weld should be selected based on their smaller thickness.

9. Size and maximum deviations of fillet weld leg K, K 1 must be installed during design. In this case, the leg size should be no more than 3 mm for parts with a thickness of up to 3 mm inclusive, and 1.2 times the thickness of a thinner part when welding parts with a thickness of over 3 mm. The maximum deviations of the fillet weld leg size from the nominal value are given in Appendix 3.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 2).

10. (Deleted, Amendment No. 2).

11. Convexity or concavity of a fillet weld up to 30% of its leg is allowed. In this case, concavity should not lead to a decrease in the value of the leg K n (Fig. 5), installed during design.

Note. Cathetus K n is the leg of the largest right triangle inscribed in the outer part of the fillet weld. With a symmetrical seam behind the leg K n any of the equal legs is accepted, with an asymmetrical seam - the smaller one.

12. The minimum values ​​of fillet weld legs are given in recommended Appendix 1.

13. When using submerged arc welding instead of manual arc welding, the leg of the fillet weld of the design connection can be reduced to the values ​​​​given in recommended Appendix 2.

14. It is allowed to mix the welded edges before welding relative to each other no more than:

0.5 mm - for parts up to 4 mm thick;

1.0 mm - for parts with a thickness of 4 - 10 mm;

0.1 s mm, but not more than 3 mm - for parts with a thickness of more than 10 mm.

15. In places where welds overlap and where defects are corrected, it is allowed to increase the size of seams up to 30% of the nominal value.

16. When preparing edges using hand tools, the maximum deviations of the edge bevel angle can be increased to ±5°. In this case, the width of the seam can be changed accordingly, e, e 1 .

15, 16. (Introduced additionally, Amendment No. 2).


Yield strength of welded steel, MPa

Minimum value of fillet weld legs for a welded element of greater thickness

St. 10 to 16

St. 16 to 22

St. 22 to 32

St. 32 to 40

St. 40 to 80

St. 400 to 450

Note. Maximum value legs should not exceed 1.2 times the thickness of the thinner element.

APPLICATION1 . (Changed edition, Amendment No. 3).


Fillet weld leg for welding

manual arc


wire with a diameter of 3 to 5

wire with a diameter of 1.4 to 2.5

in the boat position

in the down position

in the boat position

in the down position


APPLICATION3 . (Introduced additionally, Amendment No. 2).


1. DEVELOPED by the USSR State Committee for Standards, the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR

2. INTRODUCED by the USSR State Committee for Standards

3. APPROVED AND ENTERED INTO EFFECT by Resolution of the USSR State Committee for Standards dated December 26, 1979 No. 5047


6. Tested in 1990. The validity period was removed by Decree of the USSR State Standard of July 3, 1990 No. 2074

7. EDITION (September 2005) with Amendments No. 1, 2, 3, approved in August 1986, January 1989, July 1990 (IUS 11-86, 4-89, 10-90)

5. When welding circumferential seams of butt joints, an increase in convexity is allowed g, g 1 to 30%.

6. Welded joints T7, T8, T4 should be made in the “boat” position according to GOST 11969-79.

Fillet welds without beveled edges can be made both in the lower position and in the “boat” position according to GOST 11969-79.

7. Back welding and weld root welding can be performed using any arc welding method.

8. Welding butt joints of parts of unequal thickness with a difference not exceeding the values ​​​​indicated in the table. 53, must be produced in the same way as parts of the same thickness; the structural elements of the prepared edges and the dimensions of the weld should be selected according to their greater thickness.

Table 53

To achieve a smooth transition from one part to another, an inclined position of the seam surface is allowed (Fig. 1).

If the difference in the thickness of the parts being welded exceeds the values ​​​​indicated in the table. 53, on a part with a large thickness s 1, a bevel must be made on one or both sides to the thickness of the thin part s, as indicated in the devil. 2, 3 and 4. In this case, the structural elements of the prepared edges and the dimensions of the weld should be selected based on their smaller thickness.

9. Size and maximum deviations of fillet weld leg TO, TO 1 must be installed during design. In this case, the leg size should be no more than 3 mm for parts with a thickness of up to 3 mm inclusive, and 1.2 times the thickness of a thinner part when welding parts with a thickness of over 3 mm. The maximum deviations of the fillet weld leg size from the nominal value are given in Appendix 3.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 2).

10. (Deleted, Amendment No. 2).

11. Convexity or concavity of a fillet weld up to 30% of its leg is allowed. In this case, concavity should not lead to a decrease in the value of the leg TO n (Fig. 5), installed during design.

Note. Cathetus TO n is the leg of the largest right triangle inscribed in the outer part of the fillet weld. With a symmetrical seam behind the leg TO n any of the equal legs is accepted, with an asymmetrical seam - the smaller one.

12. The minimum values ​​of fillet weld legs are given in recommended Appendix 1.

13. When using submerged arc welding instead of manual arc welding, the leg of the fillet weld of the design connection can be reduced to the values ​​​​given in recommended Appendix 2.

14. It is allowed to mix the welded edges before welding relative to each other no more than:

0.5 mm - for parts up to 4 mm thick;

1.0 mm - for parts with a thickness of 4-10 mm;

0.1 s mm, but not more than 3 mm - for parts with a thickness of more than 10 mm.

15. In places where welds overlap and where defects are corrected, it is allowed to increase the size of seams up to 30% of the nominal value.

16. When preparing edges using hand tools, the maximum deviations of the edge bevel angle can be increased to ±5°. In this case, the width of the seam can be changed accordingly, e, e 1 .

15, 16. (Introduced additionally, Amendment No. 2).

Yield strength of welded steel, MPa

Minimum value of fillet weld legs for a welded element of greater thickness

St. 10 to 16

St. 16 to 22

St. 22 to 32

St. 32 to 40

St. 40 to 80

St. 400 to 450

Note. The maximum value of the legs should not exceed 1.2 times the thickness of the thinner element.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 3).

Fillet weld leg for welding

manual arc


wire with a diameter of 3 to 5

wire with a diameter of 1.4 to 2.5

in the boat position

in the down position

in the boat position

in the down position

(Introduced additionally, Amendment No. 2).


1. DEVELOPED by the USSR State Committee for Standards. Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR


I. A. Serebryanik(topic leader) ; L. M. Titkova; M. N. Shabalkin, A. A. Kazimirov(topic leader); V. P. Lozovsky

2. INTRODUCED by the USSR State Committee for Standards

3. APPROVED AND ENTERED INTO EFFECT by Resolution of the USSR State Committee for Standards dated December 26, 1979 No. 5047

4. INSTEAD GOST 8713-70


6. REISSUE (July 1993) with Amendments No. 1, 2, 3, approved in August 1986, January 1989, July 1990 (IUS 11-86, 4-89, 10-90)

GOST 8713-79





Official publication


UDC 621.791.753.5.052:006.354

Group B05



Main types, structural elements and dimensions

Flux welding. Welded joints.

Maih types design elements and dimensions

MKS 25.160.40 OKP 06 0200 0000

Date of introduction 01/01/81

1. This standard applies to joints made of steels, as well as alloys on iron-nickel and nickel bases, performed by submerged arc welding, and establishes the main types, structural elements and dimensions of welded joints.

The standard does not apply to welded joints of steel pipelines in accordance with GOST 16037.

2. The standard adopts the following designations for submerged arc welding methods:

AF - automatic on weight;

AFf - automatic on a flux pad;

AFm - automatic with flux-copper lining;

AFo - automatic on the remaining lining;

AFP - automatic on a copper slide;

AFsh - automatic with preliminary application of a weld seam;

AFk - automatic with preliminary welding of the weld root;

MF - mechanized on weight;

MFO - mechanized on the remaining lining;

MFsh - mechanized with preliminary application of a weld seam;

MFk - mechanized with preliminary welding of the root of the seam.

3. The main types of welded joints are given in table. 1, sections of pre-applied back welds are conditionally blackened.

Official publication Reproduction prohibited

© Standards Publishing House, 1980 © Standartinform, 2005

S. 2 GOST 8713-79

GOST 8713-79 S. 3


Character of the weld

Cross-sectional shape

prepared edges








With a broken bevel on one edge


S. 4 GOST 8713-79


Character of the weld

prepared edges


Thickness of welded parts, mm





Single-sided locking

With beveled edges



GOST 8713-79 S. 5


Character of the weld

Cross-sectional shape

prepared edges


Thickness of welded parts, mm





Single-sided locking



slightly beveled edges


With broken bevel edges


With broken bevel edges

Single-sided locking

With two symmetrical double-sided bevels

S. 6 GOST 8713-79


Character of the weld

prepared edges


Thickness of welded parts, mm





With two symmetrical edge bevels


With two symmetrical double-sided curved edge bevels

With two asymmetrical edge bevels

With flange on one edge


GOST 8713-79 S. 7

S. 8 GOST 8713-79


Character of the weld

prepared edges


Thickness of welded parts, mm





With a curved bevel of one edge



With two symmetrical bevels on one edge

With two asymmetrical bevels on one edge

GOST 8713-79 S. 9

Connection type


Character of the weld

Cross-sectional shape


parts, mm





prepared edges



With two symmetrical curved bevels on one edge



No beveled edges



(Changed edition, Amendment No. 2, 3).

4. Structural elements of welded joints and their dimensions must correspond to the previously applied weld seams and are conditionally blackened.

Dimensions, mm

indicated in the table. 2-52, sections

table 2

Size for reference.

S. 10 GOST 8713-79

o.6S^a< 0,7 S

yeah, no more

Note. It is allowed that there is no convexity on the back side of the seam and local concavities with a depth of no more than 0.1 l with complete penetration of the edges. The value of ei should be from 4 mm to 0.5e.

GOST 8713-79 S. 11

yeah, no more

St. 10 to 12





The value of ei should be from 4 mm to 0.5e.

Table 6

Note. The absence of convexity on the reverse side of the seam and local concavities with a depth of no more than 0.1s are allowed if the edges are fully fused.

S. 12 GOST 8713-79



t, no less

yeah, no more

St. 10 to 12

Note. The MFO welding method is not recommended for s > 6 mm. The thickness of the lining must be at least 0.25s, but not less than 1.5 mm.

Dimensions, mm

Table 8





yeah, no more

Note: The MFsh welding method is not recommended for thicknesses 3 mm > s > 6 mm.

Dimensions, mm

Table 10

S. 14 GOST 8713-79




Structural elements

yeah, no more


St. 22 to 26

St. 26 to 30

St. 16 to 24

St. 24 to 32

* Before welding the first seam, the gap must be filled to 1/3 of the thickness of the base metal with flux, and then to the remaining 2/3 - with grit from

electrode wire, pellets or other granular metal.

Dimensions, mm

Table 11





Structural elements

prepared edges of welded parts


Welding method

e v no more

St. 22 to 26

St. 26 to 32

GOST 8713-79 S. 15





Note. The absence of convexity on the reverse side of the seam and local concavities with a depth of no more than 0.1s are allowed if the edges are fully fused.

Dimensions, mm

Table 13

8, no less

t, no less

St. 10 to 12

St. 12 to 14

St. 14 to 16

St. 16 to 18

St. 18 to 20

St. 20 to 24

St. 24 to 30

S. 16 GOST 8713-79

St. 10 to 12

St. 12 to 14

St. 14 to 16

St. 16 to 20

St. 20 to 24

St. 24 to 30

Table 15

Dimensions, mm

Symbol of welded joint

Structural elements

prepared edges of welded parts


GOST 8713-79 S. 17

S. 18 GOST 8713-79





Structural elements

prepared edges of welded parts


Welding method

St. 10 to 12

St. 12 to 14

St. 14 to 20

St. 20 to 24

GOST 8713-79 S. 19





Structural elements

Welding method

prepared edges of welded parts


Dimensions, mm

Table 21

8, no less

t, no less

St. 10 to 12

St. 12 to 14

St. 14 to 16

St. 16 to 18

St. 18 to 20

St. 20 to 22

St. 22 to 24

St. 24 to 26

St. 26 to 28

St. 28 to 30

S. 20 GOST 8713-79





Prev. ogl.

Prev. ogl.

St. 10 to 12

St. 12 to 14

St. 14 to 16

St. 16 to 18

St. 18 to 20

St. 20 to 22

St. 22 to 24

St. 24 to 26

St. 26 to 28

St. 28 to 30

Dimensions, mm

Table 23




Structural elements

prepared edges of welded parts


St. 16 to 20

St. 20 to 24

St. 24 to 30

GOST 8713-79 S. 21





Dimensions, mm

Table 25

St. 10 to 12

St. 12 to 14



Dimensions, mm

2 0 +1 ’° -1.5

Table 26

Symbol of welded joint

Structural elements

prepared edges of welded parts


Welding method

St. 18 to 24

St. 24 to 30

S. 22 GOST 8713-79

St. 16 to 20

St. 20 to 25

St. 25 to 30

St. 30 to 35

St. 35 to 40

St. 40 to 45

St. 45 to 50

Over 50 to 55

St. 55 to 60



Dimensions, mm

Table 28



St. 16 to 20

St. 20 to 25

St. 25 to 30

St. 30 to 35

St. 35 to 40

St. 40 to 45

St. 45 to 50

GOST 8713-79 S. 23

S. 24 GOST 8713-79

Prev. ogl.

Prev. ogl.

St. 20 to 22

St. 22 to 24

St. 24 to 26

St. 26 to 28

St. 28 to 30

St. 30 to 32

St. 32 to 34

St. 34 to 36

St. 36 to 38

St. 38 to 40

St. 40 to 42

St. 42 to 45

St. 45 to 48

St. 48 to 50

Over 50 to 55

St. 55 to 60

Table 31

Prev. ogl.

Prev. ogl.

St. 16 to 20

St. 20 to 25

St. 25 to 30

St. 30 to 35

St. 35 to 40

St. 40 to 45

St. 45 to 50

Over 50 to 55

St. 55 to 60





Dimensions, mm





GOST 8713-79 S. 25





Note. With the MF welding method, bluntness c = 3 + 1 mm.

Table 33

Dimensions, mm




Dimensions, mm

Table 34

Symbol of welded joint

Structural elements

prepared edges of welded parts


Welding method

From 18 to 25 Over 25 to 40 Over 40 to 50

Over 50 to 60

S. 26 GOST 8713-79

Table 36

Over 50 to 55

St. 55 to 60

St. 60 to 65

St. 65 to 70

St. 70 to 80

St. 80 to 90

St. 90 to 100

St. 100 to 110

St. 110 to 115

St. 115 to 120

St. 120 to 125

St. 125 to 130

St. 130 to 140

St. 140 to 150

St. 150 to 160



GOST 8713-79 S. 27



Prev. ogl.

Prev. ogl.

St. 24 to 26

St. 26 to 30

St. 30 to 32

St. 32 to 34

St. 34 to 36

St. 36 to 38

St. 38 to 42

St. 42 to 45

St. 45 to 50

Over 50 to 55

St. 55 to 60

P. 28 GOST 8713-79





Welding method

*Size for reference.

Dimensions, mm

Table 40





Welding method

GOST 8713-79 S. 29





Welding method

Prev. ogl.

St. 12 to 14

St. 14 to 20

Dimensions, mm

Table 42




S. 30 GOST 8713-79





Welding method

Prev. ogl.

Welding method

Prev. ogl.

Dimensions, mm

Table 45





Welding method

Prev. ogl.

St. 10 to 14

St. 14 to 20

GOST 8713-79 S. 31





Structural elements

prepared edges of welded parts


St. 9 to 14 St. 14 to 20 St. 20 to 24 St. 24 to 26 St. 26 to 28

St. 28 to 30

Prev. ogl.

Dimensions, mm

Table 47





Structural elements

Welding method

prepared edges of welded parts


Prev. off

St. 16 to 18

St. 18 to 20

St. 20 to 22

St. 22 to 24

St. 24 to 26

St. 26 to 28

St. 28 to 30

P. 32 GOST 8713-79





Welding method

Prev. off

St. 18 to 22

St. 22 to 26

St. 26 to 30

St. 30 to 36

St. 36 to 40

Note. With the MF welding method, bluntness c = 3 + 1 mm.

Dimensions, mm

Table 49

St. 20 to 24

St. 24 to 28

St. 28 to 34

St. 34 to 40

GOST 8713-79 S. 33





Welding method





Welding method

Prev. off

St. 10 to 20

Dimensions, mm

Table 52





Welding method

Prev. off

St. 10 to 20

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1, 2, 3).

P. 34 GOST 8713-79

5. When welding circumferential seams of butt joints, it is allowed to increase the convexity g, gi up to 30%.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 3).

6. Welded joints T7, T8, T4 should be made in the “boat” position in accordance with GOST 11969*. Fillet welds without beveled edges can be made both in the lower position and in the “boat” position according to GOST 11969.

7. Back welding and weld root welding can be performed using any arc welding method.

8. Welding butt joints of parts of unequal thickness with a difference not exceeding the values ​​​​indicated in the table. 53, must be produced in the same way as parts of the same thickness; the structural elements of the prepared edges and the dimensions of the weld should be selected according to their greater thickness.

To achieve a smooth transition from one part to another, an inclined position of the seam surface is allowed (Fig. 1).

Table 53 mm

If the difference in the thickness of the parts being welded exceeds the values ​​​​indicated in the table. 53, on a part with a large thickness s h, a bevel must be made on one or both sides to the thickness of the thin part s, as indicated in Fig. 2, 3 and 4. In this case, the structural elements of the prepared edges and the dimensions of the weld should be selected based on their smaller thickness.

9. The size and maximum deviations of the fillet weld leg K, K\ must be established during design. In this case, the leg size should be no more than 3 mm for parts with a thickness of up to 3 mm inclusive, and 1.2 times the thickness of a thinner part when welding parts with a thickness of over 3 mm. The maximum deviations of the fillet weld leg size from the nominal value are given in Appendix 3.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 2).

10. (Deleted, Amendment No. 2).

11. Convexity or concavity of a fillet weld up to 30% of its leg is allowed. In this case, the concavity should not lead to a decrease in the value of the leg K p (Fig. 5) established during the design.

* In the territory Russian Federation GOST 11969-79 is valid.

Note. The leg K p is the leg of the largest right triangle inscribed in the outer part of the fillet weld. With a symmetrical seam, any of the equal legs is taken as the leg Kp, with an asymmetrical seam - the smaller one.

12. The minimum values ​​of fillet weld legs are given in Appendix 1.

13. When using submerged arc welding instead of manual arc welding, the leg of the fillet weld of the design connection can be reduced to the values ​​​​given in Appendix 2.

14. The displacement of the edges to be welded before welding relative to each other is allowed no more than:

0.5 mm - for parts up to 4 mm thick;

1.0 mm - for parts with a thickness of 4-10 mm;

0.1 s mm, but not more than 3 mm - for parts with a thickness of more than 10 mm.

15. It is allowed to increase the size of welds to 30% of the nominal value in places where welds overlap and in places where defects are corrected.

16. When preparing edges using hand tools, the maximum deviations of the edge bevel angle can be increased to ± 5°. In this case, the seam width, e, e, can be changed accordingly.

15, 16. (Introduced additionally, Amendment No. 2).

Note. The maximum value of the legs should not exceed 1.2 times the thickness of the thinner element.

APPENDIX 1. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 3).

Fillet weld leg for welding

manual arc


wire with a diameter of 3 to 5

wire with a diameter of 1.4 to 2.5

in the boat position

in the down position

in the boat position

in the down position

APPENDIX 3. (Introduced additionally, Amendment No. 2).


1. DEVELOPED by the USSR State Committee for Standards, the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR

2. INTRODUCED by the USSR State Committee for Standards

3. APPROVED AND ENTERED INTO EFFECT by Resolution of the USSR State Committee for Standards dated December 26, 1979 No. 5047

4. INSTEAD GOST 8713-70


6. Tested in 1990. The validity period was removed by Decree of the USSR State Standard of July 3, 1990 No. 2074

7. EDITION (September 2005) with Amendments No. 1, 2, 3, approved in August 1986, January 1989, July 1990 (IUS 11-86, 4-89, 10-90)

Editor M.I. Maksimova Technical editor N.S. Grishanova Proofreader E.D. Dulneva Computer layout V. I. Grishchenko

Signed for publication on September 28, 2005. Format 60x84*/8. Offset paper. Times typeface. Offset printing. Cond.bake.l. 4.65. Academician-ed.l. 3.90. Circulation 60 copies. Zach. 766. Since 1941.

FSUE “Standartinform”, 123995 Moscow, Granatny per., 4. Typed in IPC Publishing house of standards on a PC.

Printed in the branch of FSUE "Standardinform" - type. "Moscow Printer", 105062 Moscow, Lyalin lane, 6.

Dimensions, mm
Symbol of welded jointStructural elementsWelding methods g
weldNom.Prev. off
T8 AF ; MF From 16 to 18 4 25 +4
St. 16 to 22 5 30 +4
St. 22 to 26 6 36 +4
St. 26 to 30 7 40 +4
St. 30 to 36 8 50 +4
St. 36 to 40 9 56 +4
Note. When welding method MF dullness With= 3 ±1 mm.

Table 49

Dimensions, mm
Structural elementsWelding methods h
g g 1
e e 1
prepared edges of welded partsweldNom.Prev. offNom.Prev. offNom.Prev. off
T4 AFsh ; MFsh 20 7 6 ±2 3 26 +4
13 ±3
St. 20 to 24 7
St. 24 to 28 8 8 4 29 +4
St. 28 to 34 10 10 5 35 +4-10 17
St. 34 to 40 12 12 ±3 40 +4

(Amendment, IUS 6-2007).

Table 50

Dimensions, mm
Symbol of welded jointStructural elementsWelding methods e
prepared edges of welded partsweld
T5 AF 30 16 6
St. 30 to 34 17
St. 34 to 40 18
St. 40 to 42 19 7
St. 42 to 45 20
St. 45 to 50 26
Over 50 to 55 8
St. 55 to 60 28

Table 51

Dimensions, mm
Symbol of welded jointStructural elementsWelding methods b
prepared edges of welded partsweldNom.Prev. off
H1 AF ; MF From 1 to 5 0 +1,0
St. 5 to 10 +2,0
St. 10 to 20 +3,0

Table 52

Dimensions, mm
Symbol of welded jointStructural elementsWelding methods b
prepared edges of welded partsweldNom.Prev. off
H2 AF ; MF From 1 to 5 0 +1,0
St. 5 to 10 +2,0
St. 10 to 20 +3,0

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1, 2, 3).

5. When welding circumferential seams of butt joints, an increase in convexity is allowed g, g 1 to 30%.

6. Welded joints T7, T8, T4 should be made in the “boat” position in accordance with GOST 11969-79.

Fillet welds without beveled edges can be made both in the lower position and in the “boat” position according to GOST 11969-79.

7. The underwelding seam and weld root welding can be performed using any arc welding method.

8. Welding of butt joints of parts of unequal thickness with a difference not exceeding the values ​​​​specified in should be carried out in the same way as parts of the same thickness; the structural elements of the prepared edges and the dimensions of the weld should be selected according to their greater thickness.

Table 53

To achieve a smooth transition from one part to another, an inclined position of the seam surface () is allowed.

If the difference in the thickness of the parts being welded exceeds the values ​​​​specified in, on a part with a large thickness s 1, a bevel must be made on one or both sides to the thickness of the thin part s, as indicated in , and . In this case, the structural elements of the prepared edges and the dimensions of the weld should be selected based on their smaller thickness.

9. Size and maximum deviations of the fillet weld leg TO, TO 1 must be installed during design. In this case, the leg size should be no more than 3 mm for parts with a thickness of up to 3 mm inclusive, and 1.2 times the thickness of a thinner part when welding parts with a thickness of over 3 mm. The maximum deviations of the leg size of fillet welds from the nominal value are given in.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 2).

10. (Deleted, Amendment No. 2).

11. Convexity or concavity of a fillet weld up to 30% of its leg is allowed. In this case, concavity should not lead to a decrease in the value of the leg TO p(), installed during design.

Note. Cathetus TO n is the leg of the largest right triangle inscribed in the outer part of the fillet weld. With a symmetrical seam behind the leg TO n any of the equal legs is accepted, with an asymmetrical seam - the smaller one.

12. The minimum values ​​of fillet weld legs are given in the recommended one.

13. When using submerged arc welding instead, the leg of the fillet weld of the design joint can be reduced to the values ​​​​given in the recommended one.

14. The displacement of the welded edges relative to each other before welding is allowed no more than:

0.5 mm - for parts up to 4 mm thick;

1.0 mm - for parts with a thickness of 4-10 mm;

0,1s mm, but not more than 3 mm - for parts with a thickness of more than 10 mm.

15. It is allowed to increase the size of seams up to 30% of the nominal value in places of overlap and in places where defects are corrected.

16. When preparing edges using hand tools, the maximum deviations of the edge bevel angle can be increased to ±5°. In this case, the width of the seam can be changed accordingly, e, e 1 .

15, 16. (Introduced additionally, Amendment No. 2).

Note: The maximum value of the legs should not exceed 1.2 times the thickness of the thinner element.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 3).

Fillet weld leg for welding
manual arcsubmerged
wire with a diameter of 3 to 5wire with a diameter of 1.4 to 2.5
in the boat positionin the down positionin the boat positionin the down position
4 3 3 3 3
5 3 3 4 4
6 4 4 5 5
7 5 5 6 6
8 5 5 6 6
9 6 7 7 8
10 6 8 8 9
11 7 9 9 10
12 8 9 9 11
13 8 10 11 13
14 9 11 12 14
15 10 12 13 15
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