Spondylography of the spine. What is cervical spondyloarthrosis and how to treat it

Uncovertebral spondyloarthrosis of the cervical spine is a pathology characterized by degenerative-dystrophic changes in the facet joints or intervertebral discs. Until recently, it was believed that arthrosis of the cervical spine was the lot of the elderly. But now young people over the age of 30 also suffer from this disease. This incidence is associated with lifestyle, characteristics professional activity. We'll talk about the causes, signs and treatment of this disease further.

Causes, symptoms, degrees of deforming spondyloarthrosis of the cervical spine

Uncovertebral arthrosis is characterized by the formation of hook-shaped growths on the vertebrae. The most common vertebrae affected by such changes are c3, c4, c6, c7. This localization of the lesion contributes to the deterioration of blood circulation in the spinal structures, compression and disruption of the innervation of perivertebral tissues, which leads to limited movements in the neck and decreased strength in the upper extremities. In addition, the consequence of these pathological phenomena is a disruption of the normal functioning of brain structures.

On initial stages The development of the disease may not cause obvious inconvenience. However, as it progresses, numbness in the hands, dizziness and headaches appear. It is during this period that it is necessary to consult a specialist in order to avoid the development of irreversible degenerative processes in the vertebral structures.

Primary arthrosis of the neck develops in an unchanged joint. With secondary vertebral arthrosis of the neck, the disease progresses against the background of degenerative and inflammatory processes.

The causes of arthrosis of the facet joints and uncovertebral joints are congenital and acquired pathological conditions. The following circumstances are acquired:

  1. Age over 55 years. At this age, all degenerative and dystrophic phenomena occur with greater intensity. But this figure is relative, since cervical spondyloarthrosis can also develop in young people.
  2. Injuries. The defeat of any of them carries with it dire consequences. For example, damage to the atlantodentate joint leads to arthrosis of the Cruvelier joint. In this case, difficulties arise during rotation, flexion, and extension in the cervical region.
  3. Hereditary predisposition to joint diseases.
  4. The presence of congenital anomalies of the cervical spine.
  5. Incorrect posture, damage to the hip area, flat feet.
  6. Overweight. This is due to fatty degeneration of the intervertebral cartilage.
  7. Excessive loads. This paragraph applies to athletes, as well as people whose professional responsibilities includes weight lifting.
  8. Physical inactivity also leads to degeneration of articular elements.
  9. Infectious and inflammatory diseases neck joints contribute to a decrease in their trophism.
  10. Pathology. Its hyperfunction or hypofunction leads to changes in metabolism in the articular elements.

Due to the influence of any pathological factor, the cartilage tissue of the intervertebral disc begins to gradually thin out. To reduce the load on the disc, hook-shaped growths on the vertebral bodies begin to form compensatoryly. The consequence is compression of blood vessels and nerve fibers. Insufficient blood supply, dizziness, and possible disruption of the innervation of the upper extremities develop.

Symptoms of cervical arthrosis include the following:

  1. Numbness in the arms or neck.
  2. Local pain in the area of ​​the affected vertebra. In addition, pain often spreads to the shoulder blades, back of the head, upper limbs and chest area. They can be shooting in nature.
  3. Stiffness of movements after sleep in the cervical region and arms.
  4. Dizziness and poor coordination of movements when changing body position.
  5. Deterioration of sleep.
  6. When turning and tilting the head, crunching and pain occur.
  7. Hearing and vision impairment.

Osteoarthritis of the cervical spine can be divided into 4 degrees:

  1. Grade 1 has no clinical manifestations. But degenerative phenomena begin in the joints of the neck. Intervertebral discs lose their elasticity, the structure of the ligaments and joint membranes is disrupted.
  2. Grade 2 is characterized by the appearance of intermittent pain, fatigue in the muscles of the neck and shoulder girdle under moderate loads, decreased mobility in the cervical spine, and degeneration of fibrous cells.
  3. At grade 3, the process becomes inflammatory in nature. Bone tissue is involved in it, which leads to the formation of bone growths. The function of ligaments and tendons is impaired.
  4. With the fourth degree of deforming spondyloarthrosis, spondylosis and ankylosis develop in the area of ​​the lesion. Osteophytes become larger, blood vessels and nerve tissue are compressed. The process at this stage becomes irreversible.

Diagnosis of the disease

The presence of uncovertebral neoarthrosis of the cervical spine can be confirmed using the following diagnostic methods:

  1. X-ray examination in two projections. You can detect the presence of osteophytes and changes in bone structure.
  2. CT scan. Allows you to notice changes not only in the bone elements of the joint, but also in the cartilage.
  3. Magnetic resonance imaging is used in cases where it is necessary to visualize changes in ligaments, blood vessels, and cartilage tissue.
  4. Radioisotope examination will help identify the inflammatory process in the joint structures.
  5. Angiography will allow you to assess the condition of the vascular wall and vascular patency.
  6. Diagnostic blockade. Allows you to identify the affected joint through intra-articular injection of a mixture of anesthetic and glucocorticoid hormone solutions. If the pain syndrome disappears, it is considered that the pathology in question exists.

Treatment of spondyloarthrosis of the cervical spine

Many patients wonder how to treat uncovertebral arthrosis?

Therapy for moderate spondyloarthrosis may include both drug and non-drug methods. Most often it is performed on an outpatient basis. During the period of remission of the disease, sanatorium-resort treatment methods are effective.

First of all, it is necessary to eliminate overload of the cervical spine and begin the fight against physical inactivity and excess weight. These measures help improve blood flow and innervation in the affected area. In addition, the doctor selects an orthopedic collar. Its use helps reduce inflammation, pain and swelling of tissues. These effects are achieved by immobilizing and reducing the load on the cervical spine. The Shants collar should be used in doses throughout the entire treatment period. Sleeping on an orthopedic pillow is also recommended.

The goal of treatment is to stop pain syndrome and the inflammatory process.

For the treatment of this pathology, the following medications are prescribed:

  1. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are used for exacerbations. They help reduce inflammation and pain.
  2. Chondroprotectors are drugs that contain Glucosamine, Chondroitin, and hyaluronic acid. These products protect cartilage from further destruction, promote its regeneration and improve metabolism in joint structures.
  3. Muscle relaxants – relax muscles, reduce pain and inflammation.
  4. Vitamins and minerals. B vitamins are often prescribed to help improve the transmission of impulses along nerve fibers.
  5. If there is no effect from NSAIDs, glucocorticosteroid hormones are used. They quickly relieve pain and inflammation, but have a number of contraindications.
  6. Means for improving blood circulation - Trental, Reopoliglyukin.
  7. To eliminate pain and swelling, local agents are used ().
  8. Painkillers can also be administered through electrophoresis (Lidocaine, Novocaine).

Only a specialist should prescribe medications! Self-medication in this case is not allowed.

Non-drug treatment

Non-drug methods include manual therapy, acupuncture, physiotherapeutic treatment, massage, and physical therapy. Let's look at some of them.

This method can only be used if the inflammatory process has been stopped with the help of drug therapy.

With the help of manual therapy, muscle relaxation is achieved, the pathological effect of inflamed tissue on blood vessels, nerves and vertebrae is eliminated.

Application of the method should not cause pain. The course of treatment is 7-10 procedures.

Massage for arthrosis of the cervical spine promotes muscle relaxation and prevents the occurrence of new muscle spasms.

Massage of the collar area is most effective. Massage movements should be soft and relaxing; there should be no pain during the session. Performing massage is contraindicated during exacerbation of the pathology.

Exercise therapy for arthrosis of the cervical spine

The specialist selects a set of exercises for cervical arthrosis individually, in accordance with the severity of the disease. At the initial stages, exercises for the cervical joint are performed strictly under the supervision of a specialist. Gradually, the frequency of repetition of exercises and their intensity increases.

Gymnastics includes the following elements:

  1. Warm up. Walk around the room, leaning on your full foot, for 3 minutes. Then walk on your toes, then on your heels.
  2. Relaxation of the neck muscles. Straighten your back, strain your arms along your body. At the same time lower your shoulders and remain in this position for 30 seconds. Relax by shaking your arms. Repeat 7 times.
  3. Head tilts. The exercise can be performed both sitting and standing. Extend the upper limbs along the body. Smoothly tilt your head to the right side, stay in this position for 15 seconds, then tilt in the other direction. After 15 seconds, return to the starting position. Repeat 7 times.
  4. The exercise is performed standing or sitting. Upper limbs along the body. Keep your shoulders raised for 3 seconds, then lower them while moving them back. Do 8 times.
  5. Hands are lowered along the body. Raise your shoulders forward. Hold for 3 seconds, return to the original position. Then move the shoulder girdle back, simultaneously bringing your shoulder blades together. Repeat 8 times.
  6. Spread your arms to the sides. Squeeze your shoulder blades together, moving your arms back slightly. Hold the pose for 3 seconds. You need to try to make sure that only your shoulders and shoulder blades work. Do 8 times.
  7. The complex ends with rotational movements in the wrist, elbow and shoulder joints.

  1. Melt one part of propolis, add one part of turpentine and four parts of linseed oil. Put on fire, stir. Then cool and pour the mixture into a dark glass container. Place in a cool, dark place. Lubricate the affected area every evening. Wrap your neck in woolen cloth. The procedure helps reduce pain.
  2. Mix in equal quantities sunflower oil and geranium oil. Place in a cool place for 2 weeks. Apply to the affected area with smooth movements before going to bed.
  3. Heat sea buckthorn oil, soak gauze in it and apply to painful areas of the neck. Place cellophane film and woolen fabric on top. The compress can be left overnight.


Uncovertebral spondyloarthrosis of the cervical spine requires timely diagnosis and treatment, following all recommendations of specialists. To avoid the occurrence of pathology, it is necessary to take preventive measures: sleeping on an orthopedic mattress, monitoring correct posture and body weight, avoiding overload and hypothermia, performing exercises to develop the cervical spine.

We also must not forget about proper nutrition. It is necessary to exclude the consumption of fatty foods, eat more fish, fruits, herbs, vegetables, and consume a sufficient amount of liquid. Every patient should know that a healthy spine prevents the development of many diseases.

Aug 22 2019

As a rule, radiographic photographs of a fragment of the spine (about 4-7 bodies) are taken in perpendicular projections: anterior, posterior, lateral.

The contours and structure of the vertebrae, vertebral arches, spinous and transverse processes, joints, intervertebral discs, lumen and walls of the spinal canal are examined. Particular attention is paid to the dorsal surfaces of the vertebral bodies, pathological changes and neoplasms in the spinal canal and paravertebral tissues, overgrown osteophytes and split arches.

In some cases, the analysis of spondylograms can be difficult due to the complexity of the anatomical structures and the overlap of some organs with others in the image. Additional information about pathologies is obtained by performing functional radiographs in lateral or three-quarter views with maximum flexion, extension or rotation of the spinal column. This allows us to determine the biomechanical capabilities of the skeleton and its individual segments.

For what diseases is spondylography prescribed?

Spondylography is used to identify the following pathologies of the spine, diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system:

  • osteochondrosis disease (treatment of protrusion of intervertebral discs and hernial formations);
  • treatment of spinal curvatures, postural disorders (scoliosis, kyphosis, lordosis);
  • abnormalities in the development of vertebrae or cartilage;
  • diagnosis of vertebral instability (treatment of spondylolisthesis, retrolisthesis), preoperative and rehabilitation control;
  • traumatic injuries of the spine, identification and observation of the consequences of injuries;
  • spinal hemangioma and its treatment;
  • diagnosis of pathologies of intervertebral joints and ligaments, treatment of spinal spondyloarthrosis;
  • detection of spinal cord tumors and spread of metastases;
  • treatment of spinal canal stenosis (persistent narrowing of the lumen and compression of the spinal cord);

Carrying out the procedure

Spondylography does not require any preliminary preparation for the procedure. You only need a referral from the attending physician (vertebrologist, osteopath, orthopedist), which will clearly indicate which segment of the spine is being examined and in what projections the images need to be taken.

Spondylography is performed in a specialized office by a laboratory assistant or radiologist. The patient will be asked to remove clothes (underwear can be left on if there are no metal fasteners), watches, and jewelry. At the time of the procedure, you will be given a disposable medical gown.

The patient will be helped to lie down on the laboratory table and take the required position (lying on his back or side, on his stomach or half-turned). To neutralize radiation, the area of ​​the reproductive organs is covered with special lead plates.

After direct exposures are taken, the patient may be asked to lean forward as far as possible and remain there for the next exposure. When examining the cervical vertebrae, it may be necessary to open the mouth to avoid overlapping images of the occipital and mandibular bones with the spine.

Contraindications to the procedure are pregnancy and the general serious condition of the patient, in which research is impossible, or acute chronic diseases.

Elderly people are more susceptible to spondyloarthrosis, although it is often diagnosed in young people. Typically, this disease develops against the background of advanced osteochondrosis or as a result of congenital pathologies of the vertebrae, causing pain and limitation of motor functions in a person. The disease can occur in any part of the spine, but most often it affects the cervical spine - the most vulnerable part of the spinal column. The main condition for successful treatment is timely diagnosis and properly selected therapy, otherwise it is impossible to completely restore the affected joints. So, what is spondyloarthrosis of the cervical spine and how should it be treated?

Spondyloarthrosis is a chronic disease and can develop asymptomatically for a long time. It is a lesion of the facet joints of the spine with the formation of bone spurs along the edges of the vertebrae. At the initial stage, degenerative changes affect only the cartilage tissue: the cartilage between the vertebrae becomes thinner, loses its elasticity and can no longer perform shock-absorbing functions.

In the future, if no measures are taken, the destruction process will cover bone tissue in periarticular areas, as well as ligaments and muscles of the spine. Gradually, bone growths form on the joints, which cause the patient some discomfort when turning and tilting the head. The more the disease progresses, the stronger the pain when moving the neck, and only at rest does a person feel relief.

Reasons for the development of spondyloarthrosis

In people over 60 years of age, spondyloarthrosis most often occurs as a result of osteochondrosis and other degenerative diseases of the spine that were not promptly identified and treated. In the age group of 25-30 years, the disease usually develops for other reasons:

  • spinal injuries in the cervical region;

    Provoking factors are bad habits, lack of physical activity and an unbalanced diet, which disrupts the regeneration of bone and cartilage tissue.

    Important! Spondyloarthrosis is one of the most dangerous chronic diseases of the spine, prone to progression, and if left untreated can lead to disability.


    At an early stage, the disease does not have pronounced symptoms, and isolated manifestations (aching pain in the neck, discomfort when bending and turning the head) are usually attributed to overwork. As the disease progresses, the symptoms intensify, but even then the signs of spondyloarthrosis can be confused with manifestations of other spinal pathologies that are similar in nature.

    The main symptoms of spondyloarthrosis in the cervical spine are:

    • muscle spasms in the neck;
    • pain in the back of the head of an acute or aching nature, spreading to the shoulder girdle and upper limbs;

    The greater the changes in the facet joints, the more intense the symptoms. Experts distinguish four degrees of spondyloarthrosis, depending on the severity of damage to the vertebrae.

    To prevent serious health complications, you should consult a doctor at the first signs of illness. Even the initial stage of spondyloarthrosis requires long-term treatment, because it is impossible to restore cartilage and bone tissue in a short period of time. If the disease is advanced, oh full recovery there is no question, and the doctor’s task is to stop the progression of the pathology and maintain the mobility of the vertebrae.

    Diagnosis of spondyloarthrosis

    For examination, you need to contact a rheumatologist, vertebrologist or neurologist; you can also make an appointment with a local physician, who, after the initial examination, will refer you to the right specialist. The primary diagnosis is made on the basis of a general history, but confirmation requires a hardware examination.

    Additionally, a specialist may prescribe a radioisotope scan if inflammatory processes in tissues are observed. The technique consists of introducing a contrast agent into the circulatory system to determine the location of the source of inflammation.

    Treatment options

    Spondyloarthrosis can only be cured in a comprehensive manner: in addition to medicines, therapy should include physical therapy, physiotherapeutic procedures and proper nutrition. Specific ways treatments are selected by the doctor depending on the degree of the disease and general condition the patient’s body, taking into account possible complications and contraindications.

    Drug therapy

    In case of acute pain syndrome, treatment should begin with the use of medicines, the action of which is aimed at relieving pain, relieving swelling and inflammation, and restoring cartilage tissue.

    1. Anesthetics. Used to block nerve impulses in acute pain caused by pinched roots and swelling in the area of ​​​​compression. The most commonly prescribed drugs are novocaine, lidocaine, and trimecaine.

    Additionally, to alleviate the condition, you can use topical agents, for example, warming ointments or compresses. They have fewer contraindications and do not affect the digestive system, while effectively relieving pain, spasms, and inflammation.


    In case of cervical spondyloarthrosis, intense movements and physical stress on the vertebrae are contraindicated, as this can cause pinching of nerve fibers and microtrauma of the joints. For this reason, the patient benefits from isometric exercises, in which only the muscles work, and the vertebrae remain in one position. Such training allows you to strengthen the neck muscles, increase their elasticity, and even out tone, thereby improving blood supply and metabolism to the affected areas.

    Isometric exercises have no contraindications, they are not difficult to perform and do not take much time. Dynamic exercises should be performed carefully, without sudden movements, and only if there is no pain. With regular daily exercise, improvement is observed within a week, but to achieve lasting results you need to train for about 1.5-2 months, and then repeat periodically.

    Massage is mandatory element therapy for spondyloarthrosis, but it is not prescribed during an exacerbation. To avoid injury to the affected vertebrae, the massage should be gentle: stroking, light rubbing and massaging of the problem area are allowed, without intense impact. Since the cervical region is considered the most vulnerable, massage should be performed by a qualified specialist.


    Conservative treatment necessarily includes physical therapy. Properly selected procedures help eliminate swelling, normalize blood flow, and tissue regeneration, significantly reducing the duration of treatment. Most often, for spondyloarthrosis, the following are prescribed:

    • electroanalgesia (for severe pain);
    • electrophoresis;
    • magnetic therapy;
    • ultrasound therapy.

    Important! Not all of these procedures can be combined with other treatment methods; in addition, physiotherapy also has its contraindications. That is why a set of treatment measures is selected individually for each patient.


    Surgical intervention is indicated as a last resort - when the disease does not respond to conservative treatment methods and continues to progress. Now preference is given to minimally invasive surgical methods, in which microscopic incisions are made and there is no damage to adjacent tissues. Treatment is carried out by installing interspinous implants - spacers that widen the intervertebral foramen. Such implants significantly reduce the load on the discs and stop the narrowing of the spinal canal.

    Disease prevention

    Preventing spondyloarthrosis is easier than treating it, so Special attention should be given to disease prevention. The main condition is regular physical activity without excessive stress on the spine. If possible, you should avoid staying in one position for a long time, do warm-ups more often, including for the neck: tilt your head from side to side, up and down, and turns. It is useful to do self-massage if your neck is stiff or you feel discomfort in the back of your head.

    Great importance has a diet: it should include legumes, buckwheat, nuts, fatty fish, lactic acid products, a lot of greens and vegetables. But you should avoid processed foods, whole milk and fast food: saturated fats, the source of which are these products, stimulate inflammatory processes in tissues and lead to excess weight, which increases the load on the spine.

    Video - Spondyloarthrosis of the cervical spine

    Cervical spondyloarthrosis– degenerative-dystrophic process in small joints of the cervical spine. Typically affects people aged 50-55 years and older. After injuries, in some diseases and pathological conditions, signs of spondyloarthrosis can be detected in young and middle-aged people. The disease manifests itself as night pain, pain during movements and after static exercise, morning stiffness and limitation of movements. When nerve roots are compressed, neurological disorders occur. The diagnosis is clarified using radiography, MRI, radioisotope scanning, vascular ultrasound and other studies. Treatment is conservative.

    Cervical spondyloarthrosis

    Cervical spondyloarthrosis is a type of arthrosis, a disease that affects the small joints of the cervical spine. Usually occurs at the age of 50 years and older, but with traumatic lesions, developmental anomalies and some other conditions it can develop in younger patients. Sometimes it is detected even in children. Rarely isolated, as a rule, it is combined with other diseases of the spine - osteochondrosis and spondylosis.

    Pathological changes caused by a combination of the listed diseases can provoke a number of different symptoms, including neurological disorders, signs of deterioration of blood supply to the brain, etc. Therefore, each case of cervical spondyloarthrosis must be considered in its entirety, taking into account other lesions of the spine. Treatment of cervical spondyloarthrosis is carried out by specialists in the field of traumatology and orthopedics, vertebrologists and neurologists.

    The cervical region consists of 7 vertebrae, with the two upper vertebrae having a non-standard shape and different from all the others. The first cervical vertebra (atlas) resembles a ring, which on one side is connected to the occipital bone, and on the other is “fitted” onto the odontoid process of the second cervical vertebra. This connection allows for free rotational movements(the atlas, together with the head, “spins” around the tooth). In addition, the I and II cervical vertebrae are connected to each other by several small joints located on the lateral surfaces of the vertebrae. There is no intervertebral disc between the 1st and 2nd vertebrae.

    The remaining vertebrae of the cervical spine have a typical structure. They have a body, superior and inferior articular processes. The lower articular processes of the overlying vertebra are connected to the upper articular processes of the underlying vertebra through facet joints. Between the vertebral bodies there are intervertebral discs - elastic formations that act as shock absorbers. The spine is strengthened by ligaments and deep tonic muscles, which are not subject to conscious control and work reflexively, ensuring the maintenance of balance and correct position of the spine during movements and static loads.

    Pathogenesis of the development of cervical spondyloarthrosis

    Changes occur in the facet joints: the amount of joint fluid decreases, the cartilage becomes thinner and becomes less smooth. Often the articular surfaces are excessively displaced relative to each other, which is caused both by changes in the properties of the articular capsule and by excessive or non-physiological load on the articular processes. The load may increase due to developmental anomalies (disturbances in the normal relationships between various structures of the spine), postural disorders (redistribution of load) or decrease in height intervertebral discs(increasing vertical load).

    Due to the displacement of the articular surfaces, the capsule of the facet joint is stretched. Nerve receptors located in the thickness of the capsule send a signal to the brain about excessive stretching. The surrounding muscles, having received the “command” to eliminate the disorder that has arisen, become excessively tense and spasm. Moreover, since the normal relationships between the elements of the spine are disrupted, the joints are fixed in a vicious position, which further aggravates cervical spondyloarthrosis and leads to further progression of degenerative changes.

    The range of motion in the joints decreases, and ankylosis may develop over time. A complex of pathological changes with simultaneous damage to the facet joints and discs leads to pinched nerve roots. Neurological disorders occur. Direct compression of blood vessels and pain, causing spasm of the vertebral arteries, negatively affect the blood supply to the brain, which is manifested by dizziness, headaches and flashing spots before the eyes. There may be disturbances in the venous outflow, leading to an increase in intracranial pressure, resulting in heaviness in the head, impaired coordination of movements and tinnitus.

    Causes of development and classification of cervical spondyloarthrosis

    Along with age-related involutional changes, the development of cervical spondyloarthrosis can be associated with spinal injuries and developmental anomalies (insufficiently formed vertebral arches, asymmetry of processes, etc.). Of great importance is the non-physiological load on the cervical spine in athletes, people with heavy physical labor and people forced to remain in the same position for a long time (PC operators, typists, laboratory doctors). Hereditary predisposition, the presence of autoimmune diseases, hormonal and metabolic disorders play a certain role.

    Taking into account the severity of pathomorphological and clinical manifestations, 4 stages of cervical spondyloarthrosis are distinguished:

    • Stage 1- is asymptomatic. Initial changes occur in the joints.
    • Stage 2– the first signs of spondyloarthrosis appear: discomfort, pain, slight decrease in mobility.
    • Stage 3– changes become clearly visible on radiographs: facet joints are deformed, bone growths appear along the edges of the articular surfaces.
    • Stage 4– pronounced impairments in the mobility of the affected part occur, ankylosis, disturbances in the blood supply to the brain and neurological symptoms may be observed.

    Symptoms and diagnosis of cervical spondyloarthrosis

    The main manifestation of cervical spondyloarthrosis in the initial stages is pain and discomfort in the neck. The pain is usually aching, constant, and worsens with movement. If you stay in an uncomfortable position for a long time or undergo intense stress at one time, the pain can become more acute, sometimes burning. In the morning, patients often feel stiffness in the neck, which usually disappears within 30-40 minutes. Irradiation to the shoulder and arm is uncharacteristic, and there are no neurological abnormalities.

    With the progression of cervical spondyloarthrosis and the addition of osteochondrosis, the symptoms become more vivid and varied. The pain periodically intensifies, begins to radiate to the shoulder girdle and top part backs. Dizziness, headaches, a feeling of fog and heaviness in the head appear. Paresthesia and numbness of certain parts of the body occur, and sensitivity disorders are possible. When the joints of the I-II vertebrae are affected (uncovertebral spondyloarthrosis), imbalance, hyporeflexia, cervical and brachial neuritis are noted.

    To confirm the diagnosis, X-rays of the spine, MRI and CT are prescribed. X-rays of the cervical spine are informative in the presence of pronounced changes in the facet joints. CT scan of the spine is more sensitive and allows diagnosing spondyloarthrosis in the early stages. MRI of the spine shows associated soft tissue changes. To assess the state of cerebral circulation and exclude vertebral artery syndrome, Doppler ultrasound (ultrasound of the vessels of the neck and head) is prescribed. If there are neurological disorders, patients are referred for consultation to a neurologist.

    Treatment of cervical spondyloarthrosis

    Treatment of cervical spondyloarthrosis is most effective in the initial stages, when ankylosis has not yet developed in the joints. Anti-inflammatory drugs, chondroprotectors and B vitamins are used, and blockades of the affected area are performed. The patient is referred for acupuncture and taught special exercises aimed at strengthening the muscles of the cervical spine and developing proper breathing (due to pain, the duration of inhalation and exhalation may change).

    According to indications, relaxing massage and manual therapy are prescribed. These types of treatments should be treated with caution, used strictly as prescribed by a doctor and only in the absence of signs of acute inflammation. Ill-conceived, ill-timed therapy, and even more so self-medication, can lead to exacerbation of spondyloarthrosis, a sharp increase in pain, and even the appearance of neurological symptoms. It is better to carry out massage and manual therapy in short courses and only under the cover of anti-inflammatory drugs.

    Surgical treatment for cervical spondyloarthrosis is extremely rare. In case of dynamic disorders caused by displacement of processes and compression of nerve structures by osteophytes, surgical interventions to stabilize the spine are indicated. For stable disorders caused by excessive bone growths in combination with severe degenerative changes in the intervertebral disc and spinal canal stenosis, decompression surgery is necessary (in some cases, in combination with subsequent stabilization of the affected area). In case of a pronounced reflex component (constant strong muscle spasms), minimally invasive interventions are effective - denervation of joints using chemicals or high frequency current.

    Spondyloarthrosis of the cervical spine is a disease of the cervical vertebrae, during which they become deformed and fuse together. Sitting at a computer and laptop for many hours every day has led to the development of diseases that were previously considered “age-related.” According to statistics from the US National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, this disease has become an occupational disease.

    What is it and what does it lead to?

    This is the name of degenerative pathology of the cervical vertebrae, which is expressed in the growth of bone growths, deformation and fusion of the vertebrae with each other due to a decrease in the thickness of the intervertebral discs.

    What does it lead to?

    The disease is accompanied by severe pain in the neck and upper back, and the result can be a complete loss of mobility. If arthrosis is not treated, the surfaces of the joints become more deformed, cartilage and bones grow to a state requiring surgical intervention.

    Which parts are affected?

    • cartilage;
    • bones;
    • joint capsules;
    • muscles;
    • ligaments;
    • nerve endings.

    Precursor diseases

    • Osteochondrosis of the neck is a degenerative disease of the intervertebral discs caused by low physical activity and mobility, as well as hormonal imbalance.
    • Spondylosis – changes in the bone structures of the neck (premature aging): bone spines (osteophytes) grow along the edges of the vertebral bodies. The main reason is incorrect posture and physical inactivity.

    Is it possible to get rid of cervical spondyloarthrosis?

    Medicine offers a variety of medical, surgical and traditional methods combating SASHOP depending on the degree of its development.

    Symptoms and causes

    Spondyloarthrosis of the upper segments of the spinal column develops unnoticed. At the beginning, there is no articular degeneration yet, and the person only sometimes feels pain and muscle spasms. These sensations are replaced by loss of sensitivity due to poor blood supply to the nerve endings. As the disease progresses, the symptoms of cervical spondyloarthrosis become more intense and occur:

    1. Shooting, sudden acute pain in the back of the head and above the shoulder blades (lumbago) or chronic, constant and aching pain (cervicalgia).
    2. Spasm of the muscles of the neck and upper third of the thoracic spine.
    3. Numbness in the neck, shoulder girdle and arms (sometimes with tingling in the neck and palms).
    4. Restless sleep with awakening when changing the position of the head.
    5. Morning stiffness that goes away within 15-20 minutes.
    6. Crunching in the cervical region when turning the head.
    7. Restricted neck mobility, especially when doing exercises.

    Sometimes the main symptoms of cervical spondyloarthrosis are supplemented by:

    1. The spread of pain to the chest, the appearance of neuralgia in the lumbar region.
    2. Deterioration of vision and hearing, the appearance of ringing and noise in the ears.
    3. Headaches accompanied by dizziness.
    4. Formation of an unnatural vertebral curve - a “hump”.

    Spondyloarthrosis is found in almost all old people. Over the past decades, the list of patients with SASHOP began to include people of various age and social groups. And natural aging of the spine is not the only cause of the disease.

    Degrees of deforming spondyloarthrosis of the neck

    Grade 1 occurs due to primary changes occurring in the arcuate joints of the vertebrae, which begin to deform the cervical region. The disease manifests itself with mild fatigue, a stiff neck and an occasional crunch. People almost never start treatment at this stage, despite the greatest effectiveness at this stage.

    Stage 2 is the stage at which most people discover the problem and begin treatment. Pain syndrome and limited mobility of the neck appears due to joint deformation. The second stage responds well to correction and treatment with gymnastics, changing muscle habits while maintaining posture, walking and increasing physical activity.

    Stage 3 is a chronic form of the disease, in which the patient experiences ongoing pain due to damage to the spinal roots located in the cervical segments. Here the entire list of symptoms may appear, and other serious complications begin to develop, including cardiovascular system. Drug treatment, manual therapy and a set of restorative exercises will be required.

    Stage 4 is extremely severe, the last stage of the disease, often leading to disability. Against the background of vivid symptoms of stage 3, subluxations, dislocations, protrusions, and severe deformation develop in the cervical area, leading to neurological complications. Most often, only surgery can cure the pathological condition of SASHOP.

    Treatment methods

    The doctor confirms the diagnosis of cervical spondyloarthrosis based on the patient’s complaints, as well as examinations:

    • X-rays.
    • MRI (magnetic resonance imaging).

    After receiving the examination results, treatment measures are prescribed. At grade 1-2, doctors give a positive prognosis for the treatment of spondyloarthrosis, and at grade 3, the progression of the disease can only be stopped. A neurologist or vertebrologist will suggest the following:

    Drug treatment

    Prescribed in case of exacerbation of the disease and increased pain. The medications listed below can be purchased at a pharmacy without a prescription. Taking them without a doctor's advice is dangerous to your health!

    Surgical treatment

    Not used in the first two stages of development of cervical spondyloarthrosis. The doctor will only suggest them in rare cases for grades 3 and 4, when the disease can no longer be treated with conservative methods.

    Prescribed for the following patient conditions:

    • spinal cord compression;
    • spinal canal stenosis;
    • paralysis/paresis;
    • unstable spine.

    The doctor may recommend a facetectomy - removal of a deformed joint or an entire group (c3 - c4, c3 - c7 or c6 - c7) with the creation of a fixed, immovable block in the spine to eliminate pain. This is an extreme measure when, as a result of the operation, a section of the spine will be immobilized.

    Another way is to replace the diseased joint with an artificial one. Basically, the 5th, 6th and 7th (C5, C6, C7) vertebrae are replaced: when lifting weights, they take on the maximum load, and bone osteophytes form on them. The implant will return the patient to activity and maintain health for many years. Sometimes the inserted vertebra does not take root due to rejection of the foreign body by the body.

    When the intervertebral space is narrowed (most often the first three vertebrae - C1, C2, C3), another type of implant is inserted near the nerve root to increase it - an interspinous spacer. It unloads the intervertebral disc, creating a limitation of vertebral extension when bending backwards.

    If, in the last stages of the disease, neurological problems arise due to narrowing of the spinal canal, an operation is performed to restore the conduction of nerve endings of impulses to the spinal cord.


    Isometric gymnastics, like Dr. Bubnovsky’s exercises for the cervical spine, is the best means of treating and maintaining the vertebrae in working shape. Together with massage and medications, moderate physical activity and a home gymnastics complex developed by an orthopedist will significantly improve the condition of the cervical region and the entire spine.

    Possible complications and prevention

    If you do not seek treatment in a timely manner and neglect your own health, deforming spondyloarthrosis in the cervical spine can cause complications:

    • Complete loss of neck mobility.
    • Neuralgia.
    • Disturbance of the spinal circulation.
    • Heart attacks and strokes.
    • Paralysis.
    • Dislocations, subluxations and protrusions of the vertebral sections, etc.

    To stop the development of the disease, and to prevent pain in the back and spine from bothering you, you must:

    • regularly change body position while working;
    • while at the computer, every half hour, be distracted by a one-minute warm-up with neck turns and bends;
    • massage the collar area;
    • in case of exacerbation of illness or fatigue, put on a Shants collar for half an hour or an hour.

    The main condition for restoring health is perseverance, patience and hard work. Good health is in your hands!

    In contact with

    Spondyloarthrosis of the cervical spine is one of the most common degenerative diseases of the joints. The mechanism of its development resembles osteoarthritis of peripheral joints. Spondyloarthrosis is often considered a disease of older people. Indeed, deforming arthrosis of any joint can develop with age for natural reasons. But today this disease has become significantly younger. There are cases when it occurs even in children. Treatment methods are divided into conservative and surgical.


    The clinical manifestations of the disease are quite varied. Many of them are not specific for spondyloarthrosis. Therefore, diagnosis is impossible without instrumental studies such as X-rays and MRI.

    All signs can be divided into two groups:

    • reflex pain syndromes;
    • compression syndromes.

    The latter are caused by compression of nerves and blood vessels.

    In practice, for most people, pain is often the only reason to see a doctor. The pain is especially severe in people whose muscular corset is poorly developed. In such cases, pain occurs even with static loads. When tilting the head, turning, or any other load of this kind, a crunching sound can be heard. It is caused by the joint capsule being trapped between the articular surfaces. It is pinched and movement in the joint stops. Often pain occurs not only in the neck, but also in the back. Many people believe that this is caused by misalignment of the vertebrae, which is only one of the reasons for the development of spondyloarthrosis.

    The capsule contains nerve endings. When it is pinched, they become irritated, which causes muscle spasm and only increases the immobility of the joints.

    There are other symptoms of spondyloarthrosis in this department. These include:

    • shooting pains that radiate to the occipital region and shoulder girdle;
    • sensations of numbness in the neck and shoulder girdle;
    • limited movement in the morning immediately after sleep;
    • impaired coordination of movements;
    • deterioration of hearing and vision.

    In advanced stages of the disease, pain may occur in the chest area - this is how neuralgia manifests itself.

    Development mechanism and consequences

    The causes of the disease are the same as for scoliosis or osteochondrosis. Sometimes cervical spondyloarthrosis is called a disease of intellectuals, since it is typical for those who lead a sedentary lifestyle and work in the same position. But the reasons may also lie in injuries or congenital tissue pathologies (this often becomes a factor provoking its development in children).

    The mechanism of disease occurrence is important for diagnosis and treatment. Osteoarthritis affects any joint, not just the knee. Processes occur that lead to the death of cartilage cells (chondrocytes) and the content of the substance that forms cartilage tissue, chondroitin sulfate, decreases. In place of the destroyed tissues, scars form, and then bone growths - osteophytes. Often this situation occurs with osteochondrosis, when the load on the intervertebral joints increases and it becomes too mobile, and then spondyloarthrosis occurs. When a patient is diagnosed, it is most often observed that the pathology affects the vertebrae c3-c4 to c6-c7.

    There are stages such as hypermobility, associated with increased mobility, and hypomobility - it replaces the first and is expressed in blocking movements. Hypomobility persists for a long time, which leads to even greater circulatory disorders and worsening of the situation.

    The consequences of spondyloarthrosis can be disastrous. In the absence of adequate treatment, hypomobility can turn into complete immobility, as fusion of the articular surfaces occurs. Due to dysfunction of the joint, compression of nerves and arteries, deformation of the capsule occurs, accompanied by severe pain. In this case, only surgery will help.


    Treatment of spondyloarthrosis can be conservative or surgical. Surgery is performed only when drug treatment has not given the desired effect. At the same time, the “articular” nature of pain in the disease determines the choice of certain drugs for drug therapy.


    This medicine combines well with anesthetics, which are also used to relieve pain. The latter are used mainly for severe pain, often for injection blockade. These are drugs such as Novocaine, Lidocaine.

    Other means are also used:

    1. 1., which reduce swelling and relieve inflammation. These are Movalis, Ibuprofen and others.
    2. 2. Antispasmodics - needed to relax muscles and dilate blood vessels (No-Shpa, Actovegin).
    3. 3. Means for strengthening the walls of blood vessels. They will not help relieve pain, but will reduce the permeability of the vascular walls.
    4. 4. B vitamins. Normalize tissue trophism by improving blood circulation.
    5. 5. Chondroprotectors prevent the further development of destructive processes in the joints and activate the synthesis of joint fluid. The most popular drug in this group is Teraflex.

    Warming ointments that have a vasodilator and anti-inflammatory effect (Finalgon and Diclofenac-gel) are widely used.

    Non-drug therapy

    Non-drug therapy is also used for spondyloarthrosis. It involves different methods of influence:

    1. 1. Kinesiotherapy is not only therapeutic exercises, but also proper breathing, special nutrition and water procedures. Active exercises are performed exclusively during the period of remission. In the acute period, doctors use other, more gentle methods.
    2. 2. Reflexology. This includes many therapeutic methods of influencing reflexogenic zones, the most famous of which is acupuncture. Reflexology methods relieve muscle spasms and improve microcirculation in tissues.
    3. 3. Physiotherapeutic methods. They are good because they can be used at almost all stages of the development of the disease, they are not prohibited even during the period of exacerbation. These methods help eliminate pain, help relax tense muscles, stimulate the work of atrophied ones, reduce inflammation and relieve swelling. The use of electrophoresis with various drugs is effective. Methods such as magnetic therapy, low-frequency current treatment, etc. are also used.

    Speaking about physiotherapeutic methods, we should mention manual therapy and massage. These are not identical concepts. Manual treatment is used to eliminate the functional blockade of a certain motor segment. This occurs due to inadequate static or dynamic load on the cervical spine - due to incorrect working posture or sudden movement during sports.

    Massage covers a wider range of occasions. It has independent meaning. It is used not only for joint pain syndrome, but also for various neurodystrophic, muscular, and vegetative-vascular syndromes. It helps improve tissue nutrition by normalizing metabolism and blood circulation. This is extremely important for spondyloarthrosis. For this disease, massage of the collar area is performed. But the deep massage procedure is excluded, especially in the acute period. Only a doctor can perform massage sessions.

    As for treatment with folk remedies, for spondyloarthrosis it is not effective on its own. With the help of some folk remedies You can only enhance the effect of massage and other treatment methods. So, during a massage, rub a mixture of oils into the skin - 1 tbsp. l. olive oil (it acts as a base oil), add 3-4 drops of lemon, lavender and pine essential oils.

    Another composition that can be used for massage is an infusion of eucalyptus (for 1 liter of vodka, take about 100 g of crushed plant material and infuse for 7-8 days in a dark place). Birch bud tincture is prepared and used in a similar way. Some traditional healers suggest using kerosene-based products. They can give a warming effect, but there is also a high probability of a chemical burn. From this point of view, pepper patch is a safer remedy.


    Therapeutic exercises begin from the first days of exacerbation. But active exercises are recommended only on the 25th day from the start of treatment. Moreover, at first they are performed at a fairly slow pace and with a small number of approaches. Gradually the load can be increased. First, gymnastics is done under the supervision of a medical professional, then you can do it yourself. All exercises are performed lying on your back or sitting on a chair. Therapeutic exercises should alternate with relaxation ones.

    A course of exercise therapy is prescribed by a doctor individually. It includes exercises breathing exercises, because due to pain in the neck, free air circulation is disrupted.

    Basically, for cervical spondyloarthrosis, it is recommended to perform a number of simple exercises to develop joints and muscles.

    1. 1. You need to lie on your back (the mattress should be of medium hardness). Algorithm for performing the exercise:
    • Stretch your arms in front of you, inhale and return to the starting position. Must be repeated 4-5 times.
    • Bend one leg at the knee, then straighten it. Do the same with the other leg. Repeat 6 to 10 times.
    • Lie flat. Alternately press your hips, lower back, shoulder blades and shoulders onto the mattress. Repeat the entire cycle 4 times.
    1. 2. Lying on your stomach:
    • Raise your shoulders as if swimming. Then lower it. Repeat the movement 6 times.
    • Stretch your arms forward, then place them on the back of your head and slightly raise your body. Repeat the movement 4 times.
    1. 3. In a lying position, leaning on your side, you can perform the following exercise: pull up the hand that is on top (for example, if a person is lying on his left side, then this must be done right hand, and vice versa). You should not arch your lower back. Then return to the starting position. This movement must be repeated 6 times. Then turn over to the other side and do everything again with the other hand.
    2. 4. The simplest method of extraction without the use of additional means is a horizontal bar or crossbar. You need to grab the bar with your hands and hang in this position for at least 1 minute. Feet must not touch the floor. To enhance the effect, you can pull your knees towards your stomach.
    3. 5. Lie on your back. Extend your arms parallel to your body. Gently pull your knees towards your sternum. Hold this position for 10 seconds and then return to the starting position. It is recommended to do 5 repetitions.
    4. 6. While standing, tilt your head forward and try to touch your chest with your chin. Then tilt your head back and reach your back with the back of your head. Then make movements to the sides, trying to alternately touch your ears to the left and right shoulders. You need to do 10 repetitions in each direction. One approach is enough.

    As the spine is stretched, the pain gradually decreases. But before starting such training, it is necessary to consult a doctor so that the patient’s condition does not worsen in the future.

    The name “spondyloarthrosis of the cervical spine” refers to a number of degenerative changes that cause severe pain and limited mobility of the neck. With the development of this type of spondylosis, irreversible changes in the facet joints and disruption of their functions occur.

    At later stages, the surfaces of the joints become ossified and deformed. Osteophytes and other osteochondral growths appear, which can only be removed surgically.

    Spondyloarthrosis of the cervical spine affects up to 90% of older people to one degree or another. However, this disease is sometimes diagnosed at the age of thirty. It is characterized by limited mobility and pain in the neck, decreased range of motion. All this reduces the patient's quality of life.

    With spondyloarthrosis, all tissues of the musculoskeletal system are affected: joint capsules, muscles, ligaments, cartilage, subchondral bone.

    Pain appears with the slightest movements: bending and turning the head. They retreat into a state of rest.

    Spondyloarthrosis often precedes or accompanies cervical osteochondrosis. Methods of treatment and prevention of these diseases also have much in common. Spondyloarthrosis is a disease whose course cannot be reversed. But you can significantly slow down its development and thereby improve the patient’s quality of life.

    Causes of neck spondyloarthrosis

    Most people over 60 years of age suffer from some form of neck spondyloarthrosis. The main reason for this is that people pay little attention to disease prevention. Patients, under the influence of a certain lifestyle, develop a certain type of incorrect posture and habitual neck position.

    This can happen from constant heavy physical exertion, from daily long-term sitting at the computer and for other reasons. The most likely causes of spondylosis include:

    • Congenital spinal defects in the cervical region;
    • Displacement of the vertebrae after injury or strenuous physical work;
    • Frequent hypothermia, infections manifesting themselves in the cervical spine;
    • Long-term fixation of the body in the same unfavorable position from a physiological point of view.

    How does cervical spondyloarthrosis develop?

    The cervical region is the seven upper vertebrae. Between the vertebrae there are discs, a kind of shock-absorbing pads. They make the spinal column mobile, allowing it to bend forward and sideways.

    The vertebrae are connected to each other by ligaments. The muscles located along the cervical spine serve as a natural support base and allow movement (turns, bends). The facet joints are also located between the vertebrae. They stabilize the spine and prevent it from twisting too much. The role of these joints is especially important in the cervical and lumbar region.

    Negative factors (we listed them above), influencing for a long time, cause overload of the capsular-ligamentous apparatus of the cervical spine.

    As a result, the articular surfaces are injured, rearranged, and ossified. Blood circulation and nerve conduction are impaired.

    How does spondyloarthrosis begin?

    At the beginning of the disease, the capsules of the facet joints swell. At the same time, the nerve endings are compressed, and every movement provokes pain. Since there are multiple branches of nerves in the area of ​​the facet joints, pain with cervical spondyloarthrosis is very severe.

    The spasms of the neck muscles that are observed in patients are a response to pain. In this way, the body tries to limit movement in the injured joint and provide it with rest.

    But another problem arises. Active blood supply to the damaged area can promote rapid healing. But the spasm disrupts the blood flow to the joint capsule, leading to vasoconstriction. As a result, there is a deficiency of blood supply and limitation of nerve conduction, which ultimately causes spondyloarthrosis.

    The disease goes through four stages of development:

    • During the first stage, the hyaline cartilage covering the surface of the joints becomes thinner. The amount of joint fluid decreases, as does the gap between the vertebrae. During this time, there are no symptoms, but the person may experience decreased range of motion in the neck or other minor discomfort. This occurs due to a decrease in the elasticity of the ligaments;
    • During the second stage of spondyloarthrosis of the cervical vertebrae, the patient feels stiffness and attacks of acute pain, most often in the morning. After some time, when a person “disperses,” the pain stops bothering him and freedom of movement is restored;
    • The third stage is characterized by the appearance of displacement of the vertebrae. They move back. Bone growths (osteophytes) appear. Displaced vertebrae and growths injure the nerve plexuses, which are located in large numbers near the vertebrae. Nerve injury (plexitis) causes burning pain, which can now constantly bother the patient. Osteophytes not only injure nerves, but also compress nearby nerves. blood vessels, nourishing the brain. This is manifested by neurological symptoms: dizziness, confusion and loss of consciousness, headaches, tinnitus. Lack of brain nutrition can lead to stroke;
    • During the fourth stage of neck spondyloarthrosis, the mobility of the joints as a result of their ossification decreases so much that the sick person may find himself completely immobilized in the neck and beyond.

    It is very important to make a diagnosis and receive treatment for spondyloarthrosis during the first or second stage of the disease, before it begins irreversible processes calcification of the surface of the facet joints. Therefore, you should respond to the most minor pain or restrictions in the amplitude of neck rotation: consult a doctor and undergo an examination.

    Instrumental studies are the most important method of making a diagnosis for pain of various types in the cervical-collar area. Typically, spondylography is used, a specific X-ray method that gives an idea of ​​the condition of the vertebrae and discs, and the degree of ossification of the joints.

    Bone growths (osteophytes), pathological cracks, and articular processes characteristic of spondyloarthrosis are clearly visible on the spondylogram. Usually this study and analysis of the patient’s complaints is enough for the doctor to make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

    But sometimes other types of research are needed:

    1. MRI and computed tomography can determine the smallest pathologies of the vertebrae;
    2. Angiography is done so that the doctor can assess the condition of the vertebral artery;
    3. Radioisotope scanning is carried out to detect inflammatory processes;
    4. Diagnostic blockade determines how the body perceives blocking drugs.

    Treatment methods for cervical spondyloarthrosis

    First of all, conservative methods are used, which are aimed at slowing down degenerative processes, pain relief, improving blood supply and healing of inflamed tissues.


    • To reduce pain and relieve swelling, the following are used: naclofen, reopirin, ortofen, ibuprom, movalis, ibuprofen, myelox and others;
    • To dilate blood vessels and relieve muscle tone, the following are used: actovegin, no-spa and other antispasmodics;
    • To reduce the permeability of vascular walls, ascorutin is prescribed;
    • For pain relief for cervical spondyloarthrosis, trimecaine, novocaine, lidocaine, etc. are prescribed orally;
    • To improve nutrition of the tissues of the musculoskeletal system, vitamins are used: primarily group B;
    • For immediate pain relief, ointments with anti-inflammatory and vasodilating effects (nokoflex, finalgon, etc.), as well as pepper and other warming patches are used externally;
    • To strengthen joints and increase the production of joint fluid, chondroprotectors are prescribed. These are Dona, Arthra, Teraflex and others.

    Physiotherapeutic procedures are necessarily included in any course of treatment for spondyloarthrosis of the cervical spine. They improve blood flow, relieve swelling from pinching, promote rapid regeneration of spinal and muscle tissue, and help fight pain.

    Depending on the nature of the disease, the doctor prescribes medicinal electrophoresis, in combination with or without ultrasound, magnetic therapy, electroanalgesia, and laser procedures.

    Physiotherapeutic procedures are prescribed at the end of treatment, after pain has been relieved.

    Devices for performing physical therapy at home are now available. But different kinds Physiotherapeutic procedures also have various contraindications.

    For example, all of them cannot be performed for epilepsy, severe hypertension, tuberculosis and some other diseases. Therefore, it is important to take them as prescribed by your doctor.

    Massage and exercise therapy

    The importance of massage and physical therapy for the treatment of cervical spondyloarthrosis can hardly be overestimated. If it was possible to “capture” the disease at an early stage of development, then massage and exercise therapy will be able to stop degenerative processes better than all other means.

    With the help of massage, blood supply to the brain is restored and pinches that provoke the occurrence of osteophytes are eliminated. A professional massage will relieve muscle spasms in the neck and improve the patient’s quality of life.

    But not everyone can take advantage of this excellent method of treatment: with vascular diseases and skin diseases, with severe pain and feverish conditions, massage cannot be done.

    Exercise therapy specialists offer patients with spondyloarthrosis of the cervical spine a set of isometric exercises. This therapeutic exercise consists of rhythmic or static exercises to tense the spasming muscles. At the same time, they do not lengthen, but experience tension. An individual exercise therapy complex is compiled for each patient.

    Unconventional methods of treatment

    1. Thermotherapy. These are special physiotherapy procedures based on the effects of heat and cold on the diseased organ. Thermotherapeutic effects include: ozokerite therapy, cryotherapy, paraffin therapy;
    2. Hirudotherapy. Treatment with leeches for cervical spondylosis is usually very effective. A jar is placed on the problem area, and then a leech is applied. Under its action, spasm and pain are quickly relieved, and subsequently rapid tissue regeneration is observed;
    3. Mud therapy. Peloids (healing medicinal mud) contain bioactive substances and microorganisms that have a beneficial effect on the body and help with many diseases. Mud applications on the cervical-collar area are simultaneously a chemical, thermal and mechanical effect of peloids. They provide a trophic effect, improve the flow of lymph and blood, and relieve swelling.

    Prevention of exacerbations

    To prevent the disease from returning for as long as possible, remember about the prevention of spondyloarthrosis. You cannot be in the same position for a long time. Static tension is the main enemy of patients with neck spondyloarthrosis.

    If your activity involves prolonged stress (sitting at a computer for a long time, driving a car, traveling in a sitting position, etc.), then do simple neck exercises every 30 to 40 minutes. This may involve several tilts and turns of the head.

    You can learn how to self-massage the cervical-collar area and do it when you feel muscle fatigue approaching.

    Vibrations or shaking, sudden movements should be avoided. Hypothermia and, in general, anything that can cause muscle spasm in the collar area and neck are also undesirable.

    If overstrain cannot be avoided, relieve the spine with an orthopedic corset. But don't wear it all the time as it weakens the neck muscles.