SP 45 13330.2012 earthworks and foundations. Tolerances crushed stone base

Approved by Order

Ministry of Regional Development of Russia

Set of rules



Earthworks, Grounds and Footings

SP 45.13330.2012

Date of introduction


The goals and principles of standardization in the Russian Federation are established by Federal Law of December 27, 2002 N 184-FZ “On Technical Regulation”, and the development rules are established by Government Decree Russian Federation dated November 19, 2008 N 858 “On the procedure for developing and approving sets of rules.”

Rulebook Details

1. Executors - Research, design, survey and design-technological Institute of Foundations and Underground Structures named after. N.M. Gersevanova (NIIOSP) - institute of OJSC "National Research Center "Construction".

2. Introduced by the Technical Committee for Standardization TC 465 "Construction".

3. Prepared for approval by the Department of Architecture, Construction and Urban Development Policy.

4. Approved by Order of the Ministry regional development Russian Federation (Ministry of Regional Development of Russia) December 29, 2011 N 635/2 and put into effect on January 1, 2013.

5. Registered by the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology (Rosstandart). Revision 45.13330.2010 "SNiP 3.02.01-87. Earthworks, bases and foundations."

Information about changes to this set of rules is published in the annually published information index "National Standards", and the text of changes and amendments is published in the monthly published information index "National Standards". In case of revision (replacement) or cancellation of this set of rules, the corresponding notice will be published in the monthly published information index "National Standards". Relevant information, notices and texts are also posted in the public information system - on the official website of the developer (Ministry of Regional Development of Russia) on the Internet.


This set of rules contains instructions for the production and assessment of the conformity of earthworks, the construction of foundations and foundations during the construction of new buildings and structures. The set of rules was developed in development of SP 22.13330 and SP 24.13330.

The updating and harmonization of SNiP was carried out on the basis of scientific research carried out in recent years in the field of foundation engineering, domestic and foreign experience in the use of advanced construction production technologies and new means of mechanization of construction and installation work, new building materials.

SNiP 3.02.01-87 was updated by NIIOSP named after. N.M. Gersevanov - Institute of OJSC "National Research Center "Construction" (Doctor of Technical Sciences V.P. Petrukhin, Candidate of Technical Sciences O.A. Shulyaev - topic leaders; Doctors of Technical Sciences: B.V. Bakholdin, P.A. Konovalov, N.S. Nikiforova, V.I. Sheinin, Candidates of Technical Sciences: V.A. Barvashov, V.G. Budanov, Kh.A. Dzhantimirov, A.M. Dzagov, F.F. Zekhniev, M. N. Ibragimov, V. K. Kogai, I. V. Kolybin, V. N. Korolkov, G. I. Makarov, S. A. Rytov, A. N. Skachko, P. I. Yastrebov; engineers: A.B. Meshchansky, O.A. Mozgacheva).



On approval of SP 45.13330.2017
"SNiP 3.02.01-87 Earthworks, foundations and foundations"

In accordance with the Rules for the development, approval, publication, amendment and cancellation of sets of rules, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 1, 2016 No., subparagraph 5.2.9 of paragraph 5 of the Regulations on the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the Government Russian Federation dated November 18, 2013 No. 1038, clause 96 of the Plan for the development and approval of sets of rules and updating of previously approved building codes and rules, sets of rules for 2016 and the planning period until 2017, approved by order of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation dated March 3, 2016 No. 128/pr, I order:

1. Approve and put into effect 6 months from the date of publication of this order the attached SP 45.13330.2017 “SNiP 3.02.01-87 Earthworks, foundations and foundations”.

2. From the moment of entry into force of SP 45.13330.2017 “SNiP 3.02.01-87 Earthworks, foundations and foundations”, SP 45.13330.2012 “SNiP 3.02.01-87 Earthworks, foundations and foundations”, approved by order, shall be recognized as not subject to application Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2011 No. 635/2, with the exception of paragraphs SP 45.13330.2012 “SNiP 3.02.01-87 Earthworks, foundations and foundations” included in the List of national standards and codes of practice (parts of such standards and sets of rules), as a result of which, on a mandatory basis, compliance with the requirements of the Federal Law “Technical Regulations on the Safety of Buildings and Structures”, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 26, 2014 No. 1521 (hereinafter referred to as the List), is ensured, until appropriate changes are made to the List.

3. The Department of Urban Planning and Architecture, within 15 days from the date of issue of the order, sends the approved SP 45.13330.2017 “SNiP 3.02.01-87 Earthworks, bases and foundations” for registration with the national standardization body of the Russian Federation.

4. The Department of Urban Planning and Architecture shall ensure publication on the official website of the Ministry of Construction of Russia on the information and telecommunications network “Internet” of the text of the approved SP 45.13330.2017 “SNiP 3.02.01-87 Earthworks, bases and foundations” in electronic digital form within 10 days from the date of registration of the set of rules by the national standardization body of the Russian Federation.

5. Control over the implementation of this order is entrusted to the Deputy Minister of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation Kh.D. Mavliyarova.



SP 45.13330.2017


Updated edition
SNiP 3.02.01-87

Moscow 2017


1 CONTRACTORS - JSC "Scientific Research Center "Construction" - NIIOSP named after. N.M. Gersevanova

2 INTRODUCED by the Technical Committee for Standardization TC 465 “Construction”

3 PREPARED for approval by the Department of Architecture, Construction and Urban Development Policy of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Construction of Russia)

4 APPROVED AND ENTERED INTO EFFECT by order of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation dated February 27, 2017 No. 125/pr and entered into force on August 28, 2017.

5 REGISTERED by the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology (Rosstandart). Revision of SP 45.13330.2012 “SNiP 3.02.01-87 Earthworks, bases and foundations”

In case of revision (replacement) or cancellation of this set of rules, the corresponding notice will be published in the prescribed manner. Relevant information, notices and texts are also posted in the public information system - on the official website of the developer (Ministry of Construction of Russia) on the Internet


This set of rules contains instructions for the production and assessment of the conformity of earthworks, the construction of foundations and foundations during the construction of new buildings and structures. This set of rules was developed in development of SP 22.13330 and SP 24.13330.

The revision of this set of rules was carried out by NIIOSP named after. N.M. Gersevanov - Institute of JSC "Research Center "Construction" (candidate of technical sciences) I.V. Kolybin, Ph.D. tech. sciences O.A. Shulyatiev- topic leaders; Doctor of Engineering Sciences: B.V. Bakholdin, IN AND. Krutov, IN AND. Sheinin; Ph.D. tech. Sciences: A.M. Dzagov, F.F. Zekhniev, M.N. Ibragimov, VC. Kogai, V.N. Korolkov, A.G. Alekseev, S.A. Rytov, A.V. Shaposhnikov, P.I. Yastrebov; engineers: A.B. Meshchansky, O.A. Mozgacheva).



Earthworks, Grounds and Footings

4.9 Acceptance of earthworks, foundations and foundations with the preparation of inspection reports for hidden work should be carried out in accordance with Appendix B. If necessary, the design may indicate other elements that are subject to intermediate acceptance with the preparation of inspection reports for hidden work.

4.10 In projects, it is allowed, with appropriate justification, to establish methods for performing work and technical solutions, values ​​of maximum deviations, volumes and methods of control that differ from those provided for in the project by this set of rules.

4.11 The need for monitoring, its scope and methodology are established in accordance with SP 22.13330.

4.12 Excavation work, installation of bases and foundations sequentially includes the following stages:

a) preparatory;

b) pilot production (if necessary);

c) carrying out basic work;

d) quality control;

d) acceptance of work.

4.13 Before the construction of foundations begins, demolition should be carried out to fix the axes of the building under construction.

5 Water reduction, organization of surface runoff, drainage and drainage

5.1 The rules of this section apply to work to artificially lower the groundwater level (hereinafter referred to as water lowering) at newly constructed or reconstructed facilities, as well as to drain surface water from the construction site.

When choosing a water reduction method, one should take into account the natural situation, the size of the drained area, and production methods. construction work in the pit and near it, their duration, impact on nearby buildings and utilities and other local construction conditions.

5.2 To protect pits and trenches from groundwater, use various ways, which include borehole water intake, wellpoint method, drainage, radial water intake and open drainage.

5.3 Open (connected to the atmosphere) wells, depending on the task and the engineering and geological conditions of the construction site, can be water intake (gravity and vacuum), self-flowing, absorption, discharge (to reduce the piezometric pressure in the soil mass), through (when draining water into underground workings).

Open gravity water intake wells can be effectively used in permeable soils with a filtration coefficient of at least 2 m/day with a required water drawdown depth of more than 4 m. Basically, such wells are equipped with submersible electric pumps, working under the bay.

In low-permeable soils (clay or silty sands) with a filtration coefficient of 0.2 to 2 m/day, vacuum water intake wells are used, in the cavity of which a vacuum is developed using wellpoint pumping units for vacuum dewatering, which ensures an increase in the water capture capacity of the wells. Typically, one such unit can serve no more than six wells.

5.4 Wellpoint method, depending on the parameters of the soils to be drained, the required depression depth and design features equipment is divided into:

For the wellpoint method of gravitational water reduction, used in permeable soils with a filtration coefficient from 2 to 50 m/day, in non-layered soils with a decrease in one step from 4 to 5 m (a larger value in less permeable soils);

Wellpoint method of vacuum water reduction, used in low-permeability soils with a filtration coefficient from 2 to 0.2 m/day with a one-step reduction from 5 to 7 m; if necessary, the method, with less efficiency, can be applied in soils with a filtration coefficient of no more than 5 m/day;

Wellpoint ejector method of water reduction, used in low-permeability soils with a filtration coefficient from 2 to 0.2 m/day with a depth of groundwater level reduction from 10 to 12 m, and with certain justification - no more than 20 m.

5.5 Drains for construction purposes can be linear or layered, with the latter drainage of the linear type included in the design.

Linear drainages carry out soil drainage by collecting groundwater using perforated pipes with sand and gravel (crushed stone) filling with the removal of the selected water into sumps equipped with submersible pumps. The effective drainage depth with linear drains is from 4 to 5 m.

Linear drainages can be installed inside the pit, at the base of the slopes of excavations, in the areas surrounding the construction site.

Reservoir drainages are provided for the extraction of groundwater during the construction period from the entire area of ​​the pit. This type of drainage is carried out when extracting groundwater from soils with a filtration coefficient of less than 2 m/day, as well as in cases of water-logged fractured rock foundation.

When withdrawing groundwater from silty or clayey soils, the design of reservoir drainage provides two layers: the lower layer is made of coarse sand with a thickness of 150 to 200 mm and the upper layer is made of gravel or crushed stone with a thickness of 200 to 250 mm. If in the future it is planned to operate reservoir drainage as a permanent structure, then the thickness of its layers should be increased.

When withdrawing groundwater from rocky soils, in the cracks of which there is no sand-clay filler, reservoir drainage may consist of one gravel (crushed stone) layer.

The drainage of groundwater selected by reservoir drainage is carried out into a linear drainage system, the sand and gravel filling of which is interfaced with the body of the reservoir drainage.

5.6 Open drainage is used for temporary drainage of the surface layer of soil in pits and trenches. Shallow drainage ditches can be either open or filled with filter material (crushed stone, gravel). Groundwater captured by grooves is drained into sumps equipped with submersible pumps.

5.7 Before the start of water reduction work, it is necessary to examine the technical condition of buildings and structures located in the zone of influence of the work, as well as clarify the location of existing underground communications, assess the impact of a decrease in the groundwater level (GWL) on them and, if necessary, provide protective measures.

5.8 Dewatering wells equipped with submersible pumps are the most common types of dewatering systems and can be used in a wide variety of hydrogeological conditions. The depth of the wells is determined depending on the depth and thickness of the aquifer, the filtration characteristics of the rocks, and the required amount of drop in the groundwater level.

5.9 Drilling of water-reducing wells, depending on hydrogeological conditions, can be carried out with direct or backwash or by shock rope method. Drilling wells with clay flushing is not allowed.

5.10 Installation of filter columns in water-reducing wells is carried out in compliance with the following requirements:

a) before installing a filter column, when using the percussion-rope drilling method, the bottom of the well must be thoroughly cleaned by pouring clean water into it and jelliing until completely clarified; when rotary drilling with direct and reverse circulation, the well is pumped or washed using a mud pump;

b) when installing the filter, it is necessary to ensure the strength and tightness of the connections of its lowered links, the presence of guide lights and a plug for the column settling tank on the column;

c) when drilling wells, it is necessary to take samples to clarify the boundaries of aquifers and the granulometric composition of soils.

5.11 To increase the water-capacity of wells and wellpoints in water-saturated soils with a filtration coefficient of less than 5 m/day, as well as in coarse-grained or fractured soils with fine aggregate, sand-gravel (or crushed stone) filling with a particle size of 0.5 or more should be installed in the near-filter zone up to 5 mm.

When collecting water from fractured soils (for example, limestone), sprinkling may not be necessary.

5.12 Filters should be sprinkled evenly in layers with a height of no more than 30 times the thickness of the coating. After each successive lifting of the pipe, a layer of sprinkling with a height of at least 0.5 m should remain above its lower edge.

5.13 Immediately after installing the filter column and installing sand and gravel, it is necessary to thoroughly pump the well with an airlift. The well can be put into operation after its continuous pumping with an airlift for 1 day.

5.14 The pump should be lowered into the well to such a depth that when the valve on the discharge pipeline is fully open, the suction hole of the pump is below the dynamic water level. If the dynamic level decreases below the suction opening, the pump should be lowered to a greater depth or, if this is not possible, the pump performance should be adjusted using a valve.

5.15 Installation of pumps in wells should be carried out after checking the wells for permeability along the entire height of its trunk using a template whose diameter exceeds the diameter of the pump.

5.16 Before lowering the submersible pump into the well, it is necessary to measure the insulation resistance of the electric motor windings, which must be at least 0.5 MOhm. The pump can be turned on no earlier than 1.5 hours after draining. In this case, the resistance of the electric motor windings must be at least 0.5 MOhm.

5.17 All water-reducing wells must be equipped with valves, which will allow regulating the flow rate of the well and the system as a whole during the pumping process. After constructing the well, it is necessary to conduct a test pumping.

5.18 Considering that the water-reducing system must operate continuously, it is necessary to ensure redundancy of its power supply by supplying power from two substations with supply from different sources or receiving electricity from one substation, but with two independent inputs from the high side, two independent transformers and two supply cables with grassroots side.

5.19 The power supply system of pumping units must have automatic protection against short circuit currents, overloads, sudden power outages and overheating of the electric motor. Water-reducing systems should be equipped with devices for automatically shutting off any unit when the water level in the water intake drops below the permissible level.

5.20 The filter part of vacuum wells and wellpoints of vacuum installations must be located at least 3 m below ground level to prevent air leaks.

5.21 Measures should be taken to prevent damage or clogging of water-reducing and observation wells by foreign objects. The heads of the latter must be equipped with lids with a locking device.

5.22 After installing a water-reducing well, it must be checked for water absorption.

5.23 Before general launch system, each well should be launched separately. The launch of the entire water reduction system is formalized by an act signed by the responsible persons.

5.24 The water reduction system must additionally include backup wells (at least one), as well as backup open drainage pumping installations (at least one), the number of which, depending on the service life, should be from the total estimated number of installations:

No more than 1 year - 10%;

No more than 2 years - 15%;

No more than 3 years - 20%;

More than 3 years - 25%.

5.25 When operating wellpoint systems, it is necessary to exclude air leaks into the suction system of the installation.

During the process of hydraulic immersion of wellpoints, it is necessary to control the presence of constant outflow from wells, and also to exclude the installation of the filter section of the wellpoint into a low-permeability layer (layers) of soil. If there is no outflow or a sharp change in the flow rate of water coming from the well, you should check the filter capacity by filling, if necessary, remove the wellpoint and determine whether the filter outlet is free and whether it has clogged. It is also possible that the filter is installed in a highly permeable layer of soil that absorbs the entire flow of water entering the wellpoint. In this case, when immersing the wellpoint, a joint supply of water and air should be organized.

In groundwater captured by wellpoints, no soil particles should be found, and sanding should also be excluded.

5.26 Removal of wellpoints from the ground during their dismantling is carried out using a special truck crane with a thrust stand, a drilling rig, or using jacks.

5.27 In case of wind force 6 or more, as well as during hail, rain and at night in an unlit area, work on the installation of wellpoints is prohibited.

5.28 When installing and operating a wellpoint system, incoming and operational controls should be carried out.

5.29 After the water reduction system is put into operation, pumping should be carried out continuously.

5.30 The rate of reduction in water level during water reduction must correspond to the rate of excavation work provided for in the PPR when opening pits or trenches. If the level reduction is significantly ahead of the excavation work schedule, an unjustified reserve of capacity of the water-reducing system occurs.

5.31 When carrying out water-reduction works, the reduced water level should be ahead of the level of pit development by the height of one tier, developed by earth-moving equipment, i.e. by 2.5 - 3 m. This condition will ensure that excavation work is carried out “dry”.

5.32 Monitoring the efficiency of the water reduction system should be carried out through regular measurements of the water level in observation wells. It is mandatory to install water meters that monitor the flow of the system. The measurement results must be recorded in a special journal. Initial measurements of water level in observation wells should be performed before commissioning of the water reduction system.

5.33 Pumping units installed in reserve wells, as well as reserve pumps in open installations, must be periodically put into operation in order to maintain them in working condition.

5.34 Measurements of the reduced water level during the water reduction process should be carried out in all aquifers that are affected by the operation of the water reduction system. Periodically, on complex objects, it is necessary to determine chemical composition pumped water and its temperature. Observations of the UPV should be carried out once every 10 days.

5.35 All data on the operation of water-reducing installations must be displayed in the log: the results of measurements of water level in observation wells, system flow rates, stop and start times during a shift, replacement of pumps, condition of slopes, appearance of griffins.

5.36 When the operation of a system consisting of water-reducing wells is stopped, acts for the abandonment of wells should be drawn up.

5.37 When operating water-reducing systems in winter, insulation of pumping equipment and communications must be ensured, and the possibility of emptying them during breaks in operation must also be provided.

5.38 All permanent water-reducing and drainage devices used during the construction period, when put into permanent operation, must comply with the requirements of the project.

5.39 Dismantling of water-reducing installations should begin from the lower tier after completion of work on backfilling pits and trenches or immediately before their flooding.

5.40 In the zone of influence of water decline, regular observations of precipitation and the intensity of its growth should be carried out for buildings and communications located in the immediate vicinity.

5.41 When carrying out water reduction work, measures should be taken to prevent soil decompaction, as well as disruption of the stability of the pit slopes and the foundations of adjacent structures.

5.42 Water flowing into the pit from the overlying layers and not captured by the dewatering system should be drained by drainage ditches into sumps and removed from them using open drainage pumps.

5.43 Observations of the condition of the bottom and slopes of an open pit during water reduction should be carried out daily. When slopes melt, suffusion, or griffins appear at the bottom of the pit, protective measures should be immediately carried out: loosening the crushed stone layer on the slopes in places where groundwater emerges, adding a layer of crushed stone, putting unloading wells into operation, etc.

5.44 When the slope of a pit crosses waterproof soils lying under aquifer, a berm with a ditch should be made on the roof of the aquifer to drain water (if the project does not provide for drainage at this level).

5.45 When draining groundwater and surface water, flooding of structures, the formation of landslides, soil erosion, and waterlogging of the area should be avoided.

5.46 Before starting excavation work, it is necessary to ensure the drainage of surface and groundwater using temporary or permanent devices, without compromising the safety of existing structures.

5.47 When draining surface and groundwater it is necessary:

a) on the upper side of the excavations to intercept the flow of surface water, use cavaliers and reserves arranged in a continuous contour, as well as permanent drainage and drainage structures or temporary ditches and embankments; ditches, if necessary, may have protective fastenings against erosion or seepage leaks;

b) fill the cavaliers on the downstream side of the excavations with a gap, mainly in low places, but not less than every 50 m; the width of the gaps at the bottom must be at least 3 m;

c) soil from upland and drainage ditches installed on slopes should be laid in the form of a prism along the ditches on their downstream side;

d) when upland and drainage ditches are located in the immediate vicinity of linear excavations between the excavation and the ditch, perform a banquet with a slope of its surface of 0.02 - 0.04 towards the upland ditch.

5.48 When pumping water from a pit developed underwater, the rate of decrease in the water level in it, in order to avoid disruption of the stability of the bottom and slopes, must correspond to the rate of decrease in the groundwater level outside it.

5.49 When constructing drainages, excavation work should begin from the discharge areas, moving towards higher elevations, and the laying of pipes and filter materials - from the watershed areas, moving towards the discharge or pumping installation (permanent or temporary) to prevent the passage of unclarified water through the drainage.

5.50 When installing reservoir drainages, violations in the interface between the crushed stone layer of the bed and the crushed stone coating of the pipes are unacceptable.

5.51 Laying drainage pipes, installing inspection wells and installing drainage equipment pumping stations must be produced in compliance with the requirements of SP 81.13330 and SP 75.13330.

5.52 The list of as-built documentation for construction dewatering using wells should include:

a) certificate of commissioning of the water reduction system;

b) executive layout of wells;

c) as-built diagrams of well structures indicating the actual geological columns;

d) act of abandonment of wells upon completion of work;

e) certificates for the materials and products used.

5.53 When carrying out work on water reduction, organization of surface runoff and drainage, the composition of controlled indicators, maximum deviations, volume and control methods must comply with the table in Appendix I.

6 Vertical planning, development of excavations, preparation of the territory for development by hydraulic filling

6.1 Vertical planning, development of excavations

6.1.1 The dimensions of the excavations adopted in the project must ensure the placement of structures and mechanized work on driving piles, installing foundations, installing insulation, dewatering and drainage and other work performed in the excavation, as well as the possibility of moving people in the cavity in accordance with 6.1.2 . The dimensions of the excavations along the bottom in situ must be no less than those established by the design.

6.1.2 If it is necessary to move people in the cavity, the distance between the surface of the slope and the side surface of the structure being built in the excavation (except for artificial foundations of pipelines, collectors, etc.) must be at least 0.6 m in clear space.

6.1.3 The minimum width of trenches in the project should be taken as the largest of the values ​​that meet the following requirements:

For strip foundations and other underground structures - should include the width of the structure taking into account the formwork, insulation thickness and fastenings with an addition of 0.2 m on each side;

Pipelines, except main ones, with slopes of 1:0.5 and steeper - according to the table;

Pipelines, except main ones, with slopes of 1:0.5 - no less than the outer diameter of the pipe with an addition of 0.5 m when laying individual pipes and 0.3 m when laying in strands;

Pipelines in sections of curved inserts - at least twice the width of the trench in straight sections;

Construction of artificial foundations for pipelines, except for soil bedding, collectors and underground channels - not less than the width of the base with an addition of 0.2 m on each side;

Developed by single-bucket excavators - not less than the width of the cutting edge of the bucket with the addition of 0.15 m in sand and sandy loam, 0.1 m in clay soils, 0.4 m in loosened rocky and frozen soils.

Method of laying pipelines

Width of trenches, m, excluding fastenings for butt joints of pipelines



coupling, flange, seam for all pipes and socket for ceramic pipes

1 Strands or separate sections for the outer diameter of the pipesD, m:

up to 0.7 in the key.

D+ 0.3, but not less than 0.7

St. 0.7


2 The same, in areas developed by trench excavators for pipelines with a diameter of no more than 219 mm, laid without lowering people into the trenches (narrow trench method)

D+ 0,2

3 The same, in sections of the pipeline loaded with reinforced concrete weights or anchor devices


4 The same, on sections of the pipeline loaded using non-woven synthetic materials

1,5 D

5 Separate pipes for pipe outer diameterD, m, incl.:

up to 0.5

D + 0,5

D + 0,6

D + 0,8

from 0.5 to 1.6

D + 0,8

D + 1,0

D + 1,2

» 1.6 » 3.5

D + 1,4

D + 1,4

D + 1,4


1 The width of trenches for pipelines with a diameter of over 3.5 m is established in the project based on the technology of foundation construction, installation, insulation and sealing of joints.

2 When laying several pipelines in parallel in one trench, the distances from the outer pipes to the walls of the trenches are determined by the requirements of this table, and the distances between the pipes are established by the project.

6.1.4 The dimensions of the pits for sealing pipeline joints must be no less than those indicated in Table 6.2.

Table 6.2


Butt joint


Conditional diameter of the pipeline, mm

Pit size, m






For all diameters

D * + 1,2

Cast iron


Rubber cuff

Up to 300 incl.

D + 0,2

Hemp strand

Up to 300 incl.


D + 0,5

St. 300

D + 0,7


Up to 300 incl.

D + 0,5

St. 300

D + 0,7

Chrysotile cement

CAM type coupling

Shaped rubber ring

Up to 300 incl.

D + 0,2

St. 300

D + 0,5

Cast Iron Flange Coupling

Rubber O-ring and KChM type

Up to 300 incl.

D + 0,5

St. 300

D + 0,7

Any for gravity pipes


Up to 400 incl.

D + 0,5

Concrete and reinforced concrete

Bell-shaped, coupling and with concrete belt

Rubber O-ring

Up to 600 incl.

D + 0,5

From 600 to 3500

D + 0,5


All types butt joints

For all diameters

D + 0,5



Asphalt bitumen, sealant, etc.


D + 0,6


* D- outer diameter of the pipeline at the joint.

Note - For other designs of joints and pipeline diameters, the dimensions of the pits should be established in the project.

6.1.5 In pits, trenches and profile excavations, the development of eluvial soils that change their properties under the influence of atmospheric influences should be carried out, leaving a protective layer, the size of which and the permissible duration of contact of the exposed base with the atmosphere are established by the design, but not less than 0.2 m. The protective layer is removed immediately before the construction of the structure begins.

6.1.6 Excavations in soils, except boulder, rock and those specified in 6.1.5, should be developed, as a rule, to the design level while maintaining the natural composition of the foundation soils. It is allowed to develop excavations in two stages: rough - with the deviations given in paragraphs 1 - 4 of Table 6.3, and final (immediately before erection of the structure) - with the deviations given in pos. 5 of the same table.

Technical requirement

Maximum deviation

Control (method and volume)

1 Deviations of excavation bottom elevations from the design ones (except for excavations in boulder, rock and permafrost soils) during rough mining:

Measuring, measurement points are set randomly; the number of measurements per area taken must be at least:

a) single-bucket excavators equipped with buckets with teeth

For mechanically driven excavators by type of working equipment:

dragline +25 cm

direct digging +10 cm

backhoe +15 cm

For excavators with hydraulic drive +10 cm

b) single-bucket excavators equipped with leveling buckets, cleaning equipment and other special equipment for leveling work, leveling excavators

5 cm

c) bulldozers

10 cm

d) trench excavators

10 cm

e) scrapers

10 cm

2 Deviations of excavation bottom elevations from the design ones during rough mining in rocky and permafrost soils, except for leveling excavations:

Measuring, with the number of measurements per site being leased at least 20 in the highest places determined by visual inspection

a) shortages

Not allowed

b) busts


3 The same, planning recesses:

a) shortages

10 cm

b) busts

20 cm

4 The same, without loosening boulder soils:

a) shortages

Not allowed

b) busts

Not more than the maximum diameter of boulders (blocks) contained in the soil in an amount of more than 15% by volume, but not more than 0.4 m

5 Deviations in the elevations of the bottom of excavations in places where foundations are installed and structures are laid during final development or after completion of shortfalls and replenishment of overshoots

±5 cm

Measuring, in the corners and center of the pit at the intersections of the building axes, in places of changes in elevations, turns and junctions of trenches, the location of wells, but at least every 50 m and at least 10 measurements per received area

6 Type and characteristics of the exposed soil of natural foundations for foundations and earthworks

Must correspond to the project. Erosion, softening, loosening or freezing of the top layer of foundation soil more than 3 cm thick is not allowed.

Technical inspection of the entire surface of the base

7 Deviations from the design longitudinal slope of the bottom of trenches for non-pressure pipelines, drainage ditches and other excavations with slopes

Should not exceed ±0.0005

Measuring, in places of turns, junctions, wells, etc., but at least every 50 m

8 Deviations of the graded surface slope from the designed one, except for irrigated lands

Should not exceed ±0.001 in the absence of closed depressions

9 Deviations of graded surface elevations from design ones, except for irrigated lands:

Should not exceed:

a) in non-rocky soils

±5 cm

Visual (observation of precipitation runoff) or measuring, on a 50×50 m grid

b) in rocky soils

From +10 to -20 cm

Measuring, on a 50×50 m grid

6.1.7 Refinement of shortfalls to the design level should be carried out while maintaining the natural composition of the soil.

6.1.8 Replenishment of overflows in places where foundations are constructed and pipelines are laid must be carried out with local soil compacted to the density of the soil of the natural composition of the base or with low-compressible soil (deformation modulus of at least 20 MPa) taking into account the table in Appendix M. In type II subsidence soils, the use of draining soil.

6.1.9 The method of restoring foundations damaged as a result of freezing, flooding, as well as overhauling, must be agreed with design organization.

6.1.10 The greatest steepness of the slopes of trenches, pits and other temporary excavations constructed without fastening in soils located above the groundwater level (taking into account the capillary rise of water according to 6.1.11), including in soils drained by artificial dewatering, should be accepted in accordance with the requirements ensuring labor safety in construction.

When the height of the slopes is more than 5 m in homogeneous soils, their steepness can be taken according to the application schedules. The steepness of the slopes should ensure labor safety in construction. The steepness of the slopes of excavations developed in rocky soils using blasting operations must be established in the design.

6.1.11 If during the period of work there is groundwater within the excavations or near their bottom, not only soils located below the groundwater level should be considered wet, but also soils located above this level by the amount of capillary rise, which should be taken:

0.3 m - for coarse, medium-sized and fine sands;

0.5 m - for silty sands and sandy loams;

1.0 m - for loams and clays.

6.1.12 The steepness of the slopes of underwater and flooded coastal trenches, as well as trenches developed in swamps, should be taken in accordance with the requirements of SP 86.13330.

6.1.13 The design must establish the steepness of the slopes of soil quarries, reserves and permanent dumps after completion of excavation work, depending on the directions of reclamation and methods of securing the surface of the slopes.

6.1.14 The maximum depth of excavations with vertical loose walls should be taken in accordance with the requirements ensuring labor safety in construction.

6.1.15 The maximum height of the vertical walls of excavations in frozen soils, except for loose frozen soils, at an average daily air temperature below minus 2 °C may be increased by the amount of soil freezing depth, but not more than 2 m.

6.1.16 The design must establish the need for temporary fastening of the vertical walls of trenches and pits depending on the depth of the excavation, the type and condition of the soil, hydrogeological conditions, the magnitude and nature of temporary loads on the edge and other local conditions.

6.1.17 The number and dimensions of ledges and local depressions within the excavation should be minimal and ensure mechanized cleaning of the base and manufacturability of the construction of the structure. The ratio of the height of the ledge to its base is established by the project, but must be no less than: 1:2 - in clay soils, 1:3 - in sandy soils.

6.1.18 If it is necessary to develop excavations in the immediate vicinity and below the base of the foundations of existing buildings and structures, the project must provide technical solutions to ensure their safety.

6.1.19 Places where excavations being developed or backfilled embankments overlap the security zones of existing underground and overhead communications, as well as underground structures, must be indicated in the project, indicating the size of the security zone established in accordance with the instructions.

If communications, underground structures or signs indicating them that are not specified in the project are discovered, excavation work must be suspended, representatives of the customer, designer and organizations operating the detected communications must be called to the work site, and measures must be taken to protect the detected underground devices from damage.

6.1.20 Development of pits, trenches, excavations, construction of embankments and opening of underground communications within security zones are allowed with written permission from the operating organizations and a conclusion from a certified organization assessing the impact of construction work on the technical condition of communications. If the soil contains more than 0.5% of the volume of inclusions that are oversized for slurry pumps (boulders, stones, driftwood), it is prohibited to use suction dredgers and installations with slurry pumps without devices for preliminary selection of such inclusions. Inclusions with an average transverse size of more than 0.8 of the minimum flow area of ​​the pump should be considered oversized. When laying pressure slurry pipelines, the turning radii must be at least 3 - 6 pipe diameters. At turns with an angle of more than 30°, slurry pipelines and water conduits must be secured. All pressure slurry pipelines must be tested at maximum operating pressure. The correct installation and reliability of the pipelines are documented in a report drawn up based on the results of their operation within 24 hours of working time. Parameters for the development of excavations and quarries by floating suction dredgers and maximum deviations from the marks and dimensions established in the PPR should be taken according to Table 6.5.


1 The timing of geotechnical monitoring must be extended if changes in the monitored parameters do not stabilize.

2 The frequency of recording monitored parameters must be linked to the schedule of construction and installation work and can be adjusted (i.e. carried out more often than specified in the geotechnical monitoring program) if the values ​​of the monitored parameters exceed the expected values ​​(including their changes exceeding the expected trends) or identifying other dangerous deviations.

3 For unique newly constructed and reconstructed structures, as well as during the reconstruction of historical, architectural and cultural monuments, geotechnical monitoring should continue for at least two years after completion of construction.

4 Recording of controlled parameters during geotechnical monitoring of the enclosing structure of a pit with a depth of more than 10 m, as well as at a shallower pit depth if the controlled parameters exceed the design values, must be performed at least once a week.

5 Geotechnical monitoring of the soil mass surrounding a newly constructed or reconstructed structure, after completion of the construction of its underground part and when changes in the controlled parameters of the soil mass and surrounding buildings have stabilized, can be carried out once every three months.

6 In the presence of dynamic influences, the level of vibrations of the foundations and structures of newly constructed (reconstructed) structures and surrounding buildings should be measured.

7 Recording changes in monitored state parameters building structures, incl. damaged, during geotechnical monitoring of structures of the surrounding buildings should be carried out, incl. based on the results of periodic visual and instrumental examinations.

8 The requirements of Table 12.1 must be followed, incl. during geotechnical monitoring of surrounding buildings located in the zone of influence of the installation of underground utilities, which is determined in accordance with the requirements of 9.33, 9.34.

9 Geotechnical monitoring of newly constructed or reconstructed structures in areas of a dangerous category in terms of karst-suffusion must be carried out throughout the entire period of construction and operation of structures. The period for geotechnical monitoring of newly constructed or reconstructed structures in areas of a potentially hazardous category in terms of karst-suffosion should be determined in the geotechnical monitoring program, but be at least five years after completion of construction.

3.1. The dimensions and profiles of the trenches are established by the project depending on the purpose and diameter of the pipelines, soil characteristics, hydrogeological and other conditions.

3.2. The width of the trenches along the bottom must be at least D+300 mm for pipelines with a diameter of up to 700 mm (where D is the nominal diameter of the pipeline) and 1.5 D for pipelines with a diameter of 700 mm or more, taking into account the following additional requirements:

for pipelines with a diameter of 1200 and 1400 mm, when digging trenches with slopes no steeper than 1:0.5, the width of the trench along the bottom can be reduced to a value of D+ 500 mm;

when excavating soil with earth-moving machines, the width of the trenches should be taken equal to the width of the cutting edge of the working part of the machine, adopted by the construction organization project, but not less than specified above;

the width of the trenches along the bottom in curved sections from forced bending bends should be equal to twice the width in relation to the width in straight sections;

The width of the trenches along the bottom when ballasting the pipeline with weights or securing it with anchor devices must be at least 2.2D, and for pipelines with thermal insulation it is established by the design.

3.3. The steepness of the slopes of trenches should be taken in accordance with SNiP 3.02.01-87, and those developed in swamps - according to Table. 1.

Table 1

In silty and quicksand soils that do not ensure the preservation of slopes, trenches are developed with fastening and drainage. Types of fastening and drainage measures for specific conditions must be installed by the project.

3.4. When digging trenches with rotary excavators, in order to obtain a more even surface of the bottom of the trenches at the design level and ensure a tight fit of the laid pipeline to the base along the entire length along the axis of the pipeline at a width of at least 3 m, preliminary planning of the microrelief of the strip should be carried out in accordance with the project.

3.5. The development of trenches in swamps should be carried out using single-bucket excavators with a backhoe on widened or regular tracks with sleds, draglines or special machines.

When laying pipelines through swamps using the rafting method, it is advisable to develop trenches and floating peat crust using an explosive method, using elongated cord, concentrated or borehole charges.

Clauses 3.6 and 3.7 shall be deleted.

3.8. In order to prevent deformation of the profile of the dug trench, as well as freezing of the soil dump, the shifting rates of insulation, laying and excavation work must be the same.

The technologically necessary gap between the excavation and insulation-laying columns must be indicated in the work design.

Development of trenches into the reserve in soils (with the exception of rocky ones) summer time) are generally prohibited.

Loosening of rocky soils by explosive means must be carried out before transporting the pipes to the route, and loosening of frozen soils is allowed after laying out the pipes on the route.

3.9. When developing trenches with preliminary loosening of rocky soil using the drilling and blasting method, soil overruns must be eliminated by adding soft soil and compacting it.

3.10. Foundations for pipelines in rocky and frozen soils should be leveled with a layer of soft soil at least 10 cm thick above the protruding parts of the foundation.

3.11. When constructing pipelines with a diameter of 1020 mm or more, the bottom of the trench must be leveled along the entire length of the route: on straight sections every 50 m; on vertical elastic bending curves after 10 m; on vertical curves of forced bending every 2 m; when constructing pipelines with a diameter of less than 1020 mm only on difficult areas routes (vertical turning angles, areas with rough terrain), as well as at crossings through railways and highways, ravines, streams, rivers, beams and other obstacles, for which individual working drawings are developed.

3.12. By the time the pipeline is laid, the bottom of the trench must be leveled in accordance with the design.

Laying the pipeline in a trench that does not comply with the design is prohibited.

3.13*. Backfilling of the trench is carried out immediately after lowering the pipeline and installing ballast weights or anchor devices, if ballasting of the pipeline is provided for by the project. Installation locations shut-off valves, tees of electrochemical protection control points are backfilled after their installation and welding of the cathode leads.

When backfilling the pipeline with soil containing frozen clods, crushed stone, gravel and other inclusions larger than 50 mm in diameter, insulating coating should be protected from damage by sprinkling with soft soil to a thickness of 20 cm above the upper generatrix of the pipe or by installing protective coatings provided for by the project.

Note. Carrying out post-shrinkage restoration main pipelines(laying at design marks, restoring design ballasting, adding soil to trenches, restoring embankments, etc.) is carried out in the manner established by the Rules on capital construction contracts, approved by Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated December 24, 1969 No. 973.

table 2

Tolerance value (deviation), cm

Half the width of the trench along the bottom in relation to the alignment axis

Deviation of marks when planning a strip for the operation of bucket wheel excavators

Deviation of trench bottom marks from the design:

when developing soil with earthmoving machines

when developing soil using the drill-and-blast method

The thickness of the bed of soft soil at the bottom of the trench

Thickness of the soft soil layer above the pipe (when subsequently backfilled with rocky or frozen soil)

Total thickness of the soil backfill layer above the pipeline

Embankment height

3.14*. Soft filling of the bottom of the trench and backfilling of pipelines laid in rocky, stony, gravelly, dry lumpy and frozen soils with soft soil may be replaced, in agreement with the design organization and the customer, with continuous reliable protection made of non-rotting, environmentally friendly materials.

3.15. Excavation work during the construction of main pipelines must be carried out in compliance with the tolerances given in table. 2.

Ehhhh... Once again I appeal to the entire geodetic community: LEARN THE MATERIALS! In SNiPs and GOSTs everything is described in great detail (albeit clumsily in places).

Gold words! None

Shouldn't even be close!

Now in more detail...

SP 45.13330.2012 "Earth structures, foundations and foundations".

1. We begin to carefully study from section 6.1 "Vertical layout, development of excavations"(that's what they called the pit here). The most important thing here is table 6.3. Points 1 and 5 (by the way, it will be useful to remember point 9 for landscaping).
This table determines the first 2 tolerances:
- soil surface after excavation. Most often this is +10cm, because digging will be expensive, since you will have to do backfilling and additional compaction of the bottom.
- the surface of the pit bottom after final modification is ±5 cm.
2. Go to section 17.1 "Soil compaction, installation of soil cushions." Here everything is clumsy... However, if you read carefully, then:
- paragraph 17.1.1 d) allows us to obtain a definition: crushed stone is a soil material compacted into the bottom of a pit when constructing a soil cushion. And at the same time it gives an understanding that “crushed stone foundation” is a kind of construction jargon not defined by the Building Rules.
- clause 17.1.5 “Construction of soil cushions...” - here lies the key point in subsection a): “the soil for constructing a soil cushion must CONDENSE..." According to the laws of physics, with the simultaneous addition of volumes and an increase in the density of the original volume (we add crushed stone to non-compacted soil), the total volume will not change, and therefore the previously determined elevation will not change.
3. The correctness of all conclusions made earlier is confirmed by Appendix N (informative), table N.1, clause 4 b): “The depth of the compacted pit - the deviation from the design mark should not exceed ±5 cm.”

The concept of “sand cushion” does not exist, and it cannot be accepted as a “structure”... (there is a concept of “sand-gravel mixture”, which has the same definition as “crushed stone”)

Further accuracy is determined from the logic of the entire pie:

1. A leveling sand-cement screed is laid on the arranged soil cushion (±5cm). From this moment a gradual increase in accuracy begins. Typically, the project specifies a screed thickness of 5 cm. Ideally, where the soil is underestimated by 5 cm, the thickness of the screed will be 10 cm, and where it is too high, the thickness of the screed will be 0 cm. The average spread of such deviations will give an overconsumption close to zero. The screed does not provide any load-bearing capacity - therefore, the actual thickness in a particular place does not matter. An executive geodetic diagram for the screed is not needed, because it is not regulated by governing documents. Superintendents are required to ensure accuracy based on the beacons made by the surveyor (1 per 10-50 meters, as agreed or specified in the PPGR). The only thing that the surveyor is obliged to do at this stage is to ensure operational control, Appendix A, clause A.1 of the same joint venture about excavation work.
2. All kinds of waterproofing, etc. are laid. - we are not interested in them, since they have a specific thickness, and the foreman and technical department will calculate the area themselves.
3. The concrete base of the foundation slab (aka “concrete footing”) is poured, and only here we begin to talk about reasonable accuracy and apply the joint venture “Load-bearing and enclosing structures”. In fact, the thickness of the slab depends on the correct pouring of the concrete base. And the executive is needed not so that the greedy director will calculate the overexpenditure, but so that if after pouring the FP any jambs come out, the thickness of the poured slab can be assessed and the designer’s supervision can make a decision on maintaining the load-bearing capacity and on the conditions for further construction. Naturally, logic says that the SNiP approvals “Load-bearing and enclosing structures” already apply to the concrete base.

They say that chickens are milked

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Thank you for the enlightenment in this area, alas, at one time they explained it differently to me, always live and learn!