Union including meaning. After the combination “including,” is a comma necessary or not? Is there a need for a comma after “including”: rule

In Russian, the rules are sometimes so flexible that they are difficult to remember. For example, after the phrase “including,” is a comma necessary or not? In short, there are different options. In some places it is needed, in others it is not.

What is this phrase

According to dictionaries, the phrase “including” is a compound (consisting of several words) coordinating (connects homogeneous members sentences and parts of complex sentences) conjunction. Refers to connecting. That is, he brings some additional information to the sentence, adding it to what is already available.

The conjunctions themselves are not separated by commas; these are not introductory words. It's all about the information they bring with them. Usually this is some additional information to tell you more about something.
This information is called a connecting clause, a member of the sentence. As soon as it was formed, the union became dependent and is now considered together with the entire turnover. If it is in the middle or at the end of a sentence, it is highlighted (in the middle) or separated (at the end) with commas. Dashes are used less often.

Is there a need for a comma after “including”: rule

In the “Academic Directory”, paragraph 84, we read: “...Adjunct members of a sentence... are separated by commas.” The following mistake is often made here: understanding this phrase as an independent adjunct phrase, they put two commas on both sides. Thus, “including” is separated by commas as a connecting member of the sentence, being in fact a conjunction.

The mistake is that the second comma after this conjunction is placed too early. It should be placed after the attached information. The Union seems to be making an announcement: now there will be information. This information follows. And after them you need a comma.

Examples of correct and incorrect spelling

When is a comma needed after “including” and when not?
Example of correct spelling:
    There is a lot of boring information in this text, including about connecting turns.
Example of incorrect spelling:
    There is a lot of boring information in this text, including about connecting turns.
The part of the sentence that, with the help of this conjunction, complements what was said earlier is highlighted in italics. It should not be broken by a comma. It should only be highlighted, separated from the previous text. And here a comma is needed.

When to put a comma after a revolution

Sometimes a comma is also placed after the turn. This happens when the sentence does not end there and the thought from its first part continues. Then in a phrase starting with the words “including”, a comma on both sides highlights it, and the phrase is entirely enclosed in commas. Example:
    This text contains a lot of boring information, including about connecting phrases, and only an academician can understand it.
Here, if you remove the phrase, commas are not needed. The conjunction “and” excludes them. But it happens that even if you remove the phrase, commas are needed. This is required if an idea from the first or second part is being explained. Example:
    This text contains a lot of boring information, including about connecting phrases, which only an academician can understand.
The idea from the first part of the sentence is explained.
    This text contains a lot of boring information, including about connecting phrases, which only an academician can understand.
The idea from the second part of the sentence is explained.
It is important to understand that these examples do not apply to the rule of writing only the conjunction “including”. They are given in order to show the emphasis of the turnover with this union. They will also stand out with another union. Example:
    This text contains a lot of boring information, namely about connecting phrases, which only an academician can understand.
Knowing conjunctions, it is easy to understand where to put commas.

When a comma is not used

There are cases when they write “including” without commas. Example:
    Previously, we occupied office number one hundred, and now we occupy number one hundred thirty-seven. It’s a pity that we moved, I also liked the ease of memorization.

Everything is clear here. From the context it is clear that we are talking about numerals. The meaning of the phrase is different. And the rules are different. This is no longer a conjunction, but a noun “number” in the prepositional case. Here's a more complicated example:
    Due to the unrepaired vehicle fleet, field cultivation has been reduced. As we can see, fluctuations in the quantity gross product occur, among other things, due to the liquidation of an auto repair company.
There is no comma before or after “including”. Context is important here too. If you remove the conjunction, the meaning of what was said changes slightly. That is, the only reason for fluctuations in the amount of gross product is indicated - the liquidation of an automobile repair enterprise. Because of the phrase, it is clear that this reason is not the only one. You can rephrase this so that the connecting phrase becomes visible:
    Fluctuations in the amount of gross product are influenced by certain reasons, including the liquidation of an automobile repair enterprise.
The word “reasons” is supplemented with a phrase (in italics).
In common speech it might look like this:
    This happened also due to your fault. This happened due to your fault as well.
Classic option:
    Many people are to blame for what happened, including you.
Here the word “many” is supplemented with a phrase. It is implied, but not in the previous version. Here is an example of the movement of the tongue. This is how the majority began to speak, these constructions (with the missing explanatory word) are pronounced on the radio, they fly from the lips of politicians. Many sentences that were previously considered unacceptable constructions due to the lack of a generalizing word are now the norm.

When a proposal is made incorrectly

It happens that the sentence itself containing this conjunction is composed incorrectly. The rules stipulate that the connecting structure must refer to a specific word. If it is not there, there is nothing to add.
    At the alumni meeting, we remembered, among other things, the Petrov twins.
Here the conjunction “including” is completely unnecessary; the comma in front of it speaks of an attached phrase. But there is just no word that needs to be added. Sounds ignorant. You can rephrase it like this:
    At the alumni meeting, many classmates were remembered, including the Petrov twins.

Why do you need to know this?

Not only schoolchildren, but also adults have to figure out where to put a comma. Imagine this situation: a graduate wrote a resume and sent it to companies that require a specialist of his level. He was sure that they would take him.

While his competitors sitting in line for an interview were worried, he calmly imagined himself in a new place of work. Imagine his surprise when the employer’s representative pointed to his resume as the reason for the refusal!
It turned out that, trying to present himself from the best side, the applicant wrote the following phrase:

    I had the opportunity to develop software products for large companies, including “A” and “B”, and I have a certificate of successful implementation of one of them.
After the conjunction “including” there is a comma, but it should come after the turn (in italics), and not break it. Apparently, the young man was afraid to put a comma before “and”. In vain.

This is how a specialist competent in his field can suddenly become a loser.

Is it worth replacing this phrase?

It should be noted that such phrases can be added without conjunctions. For example:
    This text contains a lot of boring information, including about connecting turns. This text contains a lot of boring information about connecting turns.
In the second case, the conjunction will be thrown out, but the meaning has changed a little. Now from the sentence it follows that boring information contains connecting phrases. In the first sentence, this is not the only reason; some other reason is implied.
Some people try to replace awkward words and write in simple sentences to avoid mistakes. Thus, the language is impoverished and deprived of turns of speech. Words that accurately express the thought are gone. Ultimately, this leads to an impoverished vocabulary and the inability to explain or prove anything.

Having dealt with unions, it will be easy to pass the literacy test, and the mistakes of your colleagues will only make you smile. The best way improve literacy - reading fiction. It is rich in expressive means; in it you can find all the techniques necessary for writing texts.
The main thing is not to give up, and everything will work out!

In Russian, the rules are sometimes so flexible that they are difficult to remember. For example, after the phrase “including,” is a comma necessary or not? In short, there are different options. In some places it is needed, in others it is not.

What is this phrase

According to dictionaries, the phrase “including” is a compound (consisting of several words) coordinating (connects homogeneous members of the sentence and parts of a compound sentence) conjunction. Refers to connecting. That is, he brings some additional information to the sentence, adding it to what is already available.

The conjunctions themselves are not set off by commas, this is not introductory words. It's all about the information they bring with them. Usually this is some additional information to tell you more about something.

This information is called connecting turn, member of the sentence. As soon as it was formed, the union became dependent and is now considered together with the entire turnover. If it is in the middle or at the end of a sentence, it is highlighted (in the middle) or separated (at the end) with commas. Dashes are used less often.

Is there a need for a comma after “including”: rule

In the “Academic Directory”, paragraph 84, we read: “...Adjunct members of a sentence... are separated by commas.” The following mistake is often made here: understanding this phrase as an independent adjunct phrase, they put two commas on both sides. Thus, “including” is separated by commas as a connecting member of the sentence, being in fact a conjunction.

The mistake is that the second comma after this conjunction is placed too early. It should be placed after the attached information. The Union seems to be making an announcement: now there will be information. This information follows. And after them you need a comma.

Examples of correct and incorrect spelling

When is a comma needed after “including” and when not?

Example of correct spelling:

  • , including.

Example of incorrect spelling:

  • including, about connecting revolutions.

The part of the sentence that, with the help of this conjunction, complements what was said earlier is highlighted in italics. It should not be broken by a comma. It should only be highlighted, separated from the previous text. And here a comma is needed.

When to put a comma after a revolution

Sometimes a comma is also placed after the turn. This happens when the sentence does not end there and the thought from its first part continues. Then in a phrase starting with the words “including”, a comma on both sides highlights it, and the phrase is entirely enclosed in commas. Example:

  • There is a lot of boring information in this text, includingabout connecting revolutions, and only an academician can understand this.

Here, if you remove the phrase, commas are not needed. The conjunction “and” excludes them. But it happens that even if you remove the phrase, commas are needed. This is required if an idea from the first or second part is being explained. Example:

  • There is a lot of boring information in this text, includingabout connecting revolutions, which only an academician can understand.

The idea from the first part of the sentence is explained.

  • There is a lot of boring information in this text, includingabout connecting revolutions

The idea from the second part of the sentence is explained.

It is important to understand that these examples do not apply to the rule of writing only the conjunction “including”. They are given in order to show the emphasis of the turnover with this union. They will also stand out with another union. Example:

  • This text contains a lot of boring information. , namely about connecting revolutions, which only an academician can understand.

Knowing conjunctions, it is easy to understand where to put commas.

When a comma is not used

There are cases when they write “including” without commas. Example:

  • Previously, we occupied office number one hundred, and now we occupy number one hundred thirty-seven. It's a shame they moved, I liked it including ease of memorization.

Everything is clear here. From the context it is clear that we are talking about numerals. The meaning of the phrase is different. And the rules are different. This is no longer a conjunction, but a noun “number” in prepositional case. Here's a more complicated example:

  • Due to the unrepaired vehicle fleet, field cultivation has been reduced. As we see, fluctuations in the amount of gross product occur including and due to the liquidation of an auto repair company.

Neither before nor after " including"There is no comma. Context is important here too. If you remove the conjunction, the meaning of what was said changes slightly. That is, the only reason for fluctuations in the amount of gross product is indicated - the liquidation of an automobile repair enterprise. Because of the phrase, it is clear that this reason is not the only one. You can rephrase this so that the connecting phrase becomes visible:

  • Fluctuations in the amount of gross product are influenced by certain reasons, including liquidation of a car repair company.

The word “reasons” is supplemented with a phrase (in italics).

In common speech it might look like this:

  • It happened including and it's your fault.
  • It happened and through your fault as well.

Classic option:

  • Many people are to blame for what happened, including and you.

Here the word “many” is supplemented with a phrase. It is implied, but not in the previous version. Here is an example of the movement of the tongue. This is how the majority began to speak, these constructions (with the missing explanatory word) are pronounced on the radio, they fly from the lips of politicians. Many sentences that were previously considered invalid constructions due to the lack of generalizing word now it's the norm.

When a proposal is made incorrectly

It happens that the sentence itself containing this conjunction is composed incorrectly. The rules stipulate that the connecting structure must refer to a specific word. If it is not there, there is nothing to add.

  • At the alumni meeting we recalled including and the Petrov twins.

Here the conjunction “including” is completely unnecessary; the comma in front of it speaks of an attached phrase. But there is just no word that needs to be added. Sounds ignorant. You can rephrase it like this:

  • At the alumni meeting, many classmates were remembered, including and the Petrov twins.

Why do you need to know this?

Not only schoolchildren, but also adults have to figure out where to put a comma. Imagine this situation: a graduate wrote a resume and sent it to companies that require a specialist of his level. He was sure that they would take him.

While his competitors sitting in line for an interview were worried, he calmly imagined himself in a new place of work. Imagine his surprise when the employer’s representative pointed to his resume as the reason for the refusal!

It turned out that, trying to present himself from the best side, the applicant wrote the following phrase:

  • I had the opportunity to develop software products for large companies, innumber, for "A" and "B" and I have a certificate of successful implementation of one of them.

After the conjunction “including” there is a comma, but it should come after the turn (in italics), and not break it. Apparently, the young man was afraid to put a comma before “and”. In vain.

This is how a specialist competent in his field can suddenly become a loser.

Is it worth replacing this phrase?

It should be noted that such phrases can be added without conjunctions. For example:

  • This text contains a lot of boring information. .
  • This text contains a lot of boring information. about connecting revolutions.

In the second case, the conjunction will be thrown out, but the meaning has changed a little. Now from the sentence it follows that boring information contains connecting phrases. In the first sentence, this is not the only reason; some other reason is implied.

Some people try to replace awkward words and write in simple sentences to avoid mistakes. Thus, the language is impoverished and deprived of turns of speech. Words that accurately express the thought are gone. Ultimately, this leads to an impoverished vocabulary and the inability to explain or prove anything.

Having dealt with unions, it will be easy to pass the literacy test, and the mistakes of your colleagues will only make you smile. The best way to improve literacy is to read fiction. It is rich in expressive means; in it you can find all the techniques necessary for writing texts.

The main thing is not to give up, and everything will work out!

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Connective phrases with the conjunction “including” are distinguished by punctuation marks (usually commas). The conjunction “including” is not separated by a comma from the conjunctions “a”, “and” in front of it, forming a single combination with them.

The general arrives; the trembling caretaker gives him the last two threes, including courier. A. Pushkin, Stationmaster. The next day, Prince Andrei went on visits to some houses where he had not yet been, and including to the Rostovs, with whom he renewed his acquaintance at the last ball. L. Tolstoy, War and Peace. At the same time, I saw the gifts the count received from the princess, including her portrait, so similar to Empress Elizabeth. G. Danilevsky, Princess Tarakanova.

Dictionary-reference book on punctuation. - M.: Reference and information Internet portal GRAMOTA.RU. V. V. Svintsov, V. M. Pakhomov, I. V. Filatova. 2010 .

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