Brief information about the city. Brief information about the city of Vladimir

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Tolyatti - thrice born

Tolyatti is a unique city. This is the largest city in Russia, which is not a regional or regional center. Its population is more than 700 thousand people! Moreover, representatives of more than 60 nationalities, adherents of a wide variety of religions and people of cultures different from each other live and work peacefully in Togliatti.

The city of Tolyatti is located on the left bank of the Volga opposite the ancient Zhiguli Mountains. Nearby is the Samarskaya Luka nature reserve with unique animals and plants, as well as vast forests and sown fields.

Togliatti is often called the thrice-born city. Indeed, the first city appeared on this site in 1737. It was founded by Vasily Tatishchev and was called Stavropol on the Volga. It was a small county town with a population of approximately 6,000 people leading a quiet provincial lifestyle.

In 1951, already in Soviet times, the Council of Ministers of the USSR decided to build a large hydroelectric power station in Stavropol on the Volga. According to the project, after construction, the water level in the Volga was supposed to rise greatly and flood the entire city. Therefore, in 1953 - 1955 the city was almost completely moved to a new location.

It was this event that became the second birth of the city. After the transfer, Stavropol on the Volga began to grow rapidly and literally increased 10 times in just 10 years! New residential areas and industrial enterprises appeared: chemical, mechanical engineering and electrical engineering.

In 1964, the city of Stavropol on the Volga was renamed the city of Togliatti in honor of the famous Italian politician Palmiro Togliatti. And in 1966, the construction of the Volzhsky Automobile Plant began in the city - the famous VAZ or, as it is now called, AVTOVAZ. This event became the third birth of the city.

Together with the new modern plant, residential neighborhoods grew in Tolyatti, parks and squares were laid out, theaters and sports complexes, museums and concert halls appeared. Togliatti has turned into a large modern city with developed industry and has become known throughout the world for the Lada and Zhiguli cars produced here.

Now Tolyatti is trying to reach a new level of its development. Cars are also produced here, the chemical industry and other industries operate here. National economy, but because economic crisis the city's growth rate was lost. Tolyatti seems to be frozen in time and choosing where to go next. Who knows, maybe the city is waiting for a new breakthrough and a fourth birth.

Plan of my speech at the presentation.

Tolyatti - thrice born
1. General information about Togliatti, geographical location
2. First birth - Stavropol
3. Rebirth - Volzhskaya HPP
4. Third birth - AVTOVAZ
5. Tolyatti now.

How do I evaluate my work on the project (was the work interesting, easy or difficult, was it completely independent or did it require the help of adults, how did the collaboration with classmates develop, was the work successful).

Before, I didn’t even know where Lada cars were made. It was very interesting for me to get to know the city of Tolyatti and learn its history. My dad and grandfather helped me a lot while working on the project. It turned out that my grandfather had been there and knew the history of the plant well.

Thanks for your help and cooperation.

Thank you very much to my grandfather for the interesting information about the city of Tolyatti. Thanks to dad for his help with the project. And thanks to my classmates for helping me prepare the presentation correctly.

1. History of the founding of the city.
2. Location of the city.
3. City coat of arms.

1. History of the founding of the city.

Ancient Vladimir city located on an elevated plateau located between the Lybid and Klyazma rivers. The plateau is divided into three parts by transverse ravines. In the chronicles central part called at different times Pecherny city, Kremlin . It was here that the city of Vladimir was founded by Vladimir Monomakh in 1108, which is why this part of the city is sometimes called Monomakh’s city. The other two parts became part of the city in the middle of the 12th century under the great Vladimir prince Andrei Bogolyubsky. They were called as follows: the western part - from the Golden Gate to the Kremlin - the “New City” - under this name it is mentioned in the chronicles of the 13th century, and the eastern part - from the Kremlin to the Silver Gate - was called the “Vátshanyi gorod” in documents of the 17th century. The leading role has always been played by the central part, or the Kremlin. So, in the 13th century, there was a Grand Duke’s Detinets with the court Dmitrievsky Cathedral, the Assumption Cathedral and the courtyard of the Vladimir bishop, the Nativity Monastery, and a number of parish churches. There was also a trading and meeting area here. Judging by documents from the 17th century, the Kremlin was the most densely populated part of the city.

The official founding date of Vladimir is 1108. At the same time, the Ipatiev Chronicle mentions the city of Vladimir in 990: “in the summer of 6498,” the great Kiev prince Vladimir Svyatoslavich, during the baptism of the local population in Suzdal land, founded the city and named it with his princely name.

Archeology is currently unable to confirm the chronicle information, that is, no objects dating from the late 10th or early 11th centuries have been found on the territory of the city.

2. Location of the city.

Vladimir— administrative center of the Vladimir region. Located along the banks of the Klyazma River, 190 km northeast of Moscow. Vladimir is the ancient capital of North-Eastern Rus', a historical city in Russia, part of the “Golden Ring” of Russia.

3. City coat of arms.

Coat of arms of the city of Vladimir, based on the historical coat of arms, approved on August 16, 1781. The coat of arms was restored in 1992.

Description of the coat of arms: “In a red field, a lion standing on its hind legs, having an iron crown on its head, holds a long silver cross in its front right paw.”
a lion - in origin, one of the most ancient in Russian heraldry, it is more than 700 years old. It arose in the 12th century as a family sign of the Vladimir-Suzdal princes. The image of a lion is one of the most common subjects in the decorative design of temples built on the Vladimir land in the 12th-14th centuries, for example, in the wall reliefs of the Assumption (1158-1161) and Dmitrievsky (1193-1197) cathedrals in Vladimir, the church The Protection of the Virgin Mary on the Nerl (1156) and especially in the main relief of the St. George Cathedral in Yuryev-Polsky (1230-1234). The lion is depicted on a military shield, where Western European knights traditionally placed the coat of arms.

The figure of a lion in heraldry symbolizes strength, courage, power, which does not contradict the main political idea of ​​the Vladimir-Suzdal princes in the 12th-13th centuries - the creation of princely power capable of overcoming the feudal fragmentation of Rus'.

On the Vladimir coat of arms, placed in the Titular Book of 1672, the lion now has attributes - a crown and a cross in its paws. And on the banners of the Vladimir regiments of 1712 the lion is depicted without a crown. In the banner armorial of 1730, the lion's head was turned to the front for the first time: this image was used in drawing up the officially approved coat of arms in 1781.

4. Sights of the city.

Dmitrievsky Cathedral was founded in 1194-1197 and dedicated to the holy warrior Dmitry of Thessalonica. Its main advantage is sculptural decorations made of carved stones. This exquisite, truly regal decoration gives the walls of the temple an openwork appearance. Demetrius Cathedral is the most interesting creation of the era of Vsevolod the Big Nest, one of the most beautiful and most original cathedrals Ancient Rus'. Currently the temple is not operational. It is included in the list of UNESCO monuments and is an architectural monument of federal significance.

Assumption Cathedral (1158-1160) is a world-famous architectural monument and the main operating temple of the Vladimir-Suzdal diocese. This is a monument of federal significance, included in the UNESCO list. Fragments of frescoes by unknown masters of the 12th century are kept here.

Church of the Intercession on the Nerl - the best building of Vladimir-Suzdal architecture from the era of Andrei Bogolyubsky, preserved to this day. Built in 1165 near Bogolyubov at the confluence of the Nerl River and Klyazma. In terms of its brevity and perfection of forms, the Church of the Intercession on the Nerl is compared to ancient Greek temples. It is distinguished by exceptional harmony of proportions, elegance of stone carvings and plastic processing of the walls. There is no royalty here of the Vladimir Assumption Cathedral, no courageous majesty of the Demetrius Church. The architects managed to overcome the heaviness of the stone, creating the impression of weightlessness and an abundance of light.

The walls of the temple are decorated with traditional Vladimir-Suzdal architecture white stone carving. The Church of the Intercession on the Nerl has long been recognized as an architectural monument of federal significance and is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Amazing temples and cathedrals amaze with their size.

Golden Gate - a rare monument of military engineering architecture of Ancient Rus'. Built in 1164 , it retained only two powerful white stone walls from the ancient building. The uniqueness of the structure lies in the fact that of the same Golden Gates that existed in the Middle Ages in Jerusalem, Constantinople and Kyiv, only the ancient ones, the Vladimir Gates, have survived to this day.

During the time of Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky, this was the main, most elegant and solemn gate of the capital of North-Eastern Rus'. In addition to the defensive purpose, they also had the purpose of a triumphal arch.

In Vladimir, under the arches of the gates, princely squads passed, returning from campaigns and leaving to defend their homeland. Foreign ambassadors and distinguished guests were met here, and the ceremonial entry of Alexander Nevsky and Dmitry Donskoy into the great reign was celebrated here.

Now the building houses one of the exhibitions of the Vladimir-Suzdal Historical, Architectural and Art Museum-Reserve.

The monument is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

The sights of Vladimir are countless!

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The city of Vladimir stands on the banks of the Klyazma River, 180 kilometers from Moscow. The city received its name in honor of its founder, Prince Vladimir. But what kind of Vladimir? Scientists are still arguing about this.

According to one version, the city was founded in 990 by Prince Vladimir the Red Sun. And in 1108, another prince Vladimir, the great-grandson of the Grand Duke Monomakh, began to fortify this city and built a fortress in it.

The city of Vladimir - the Gate of the Golden Ring of Russia

In the 12th century, another prince Andrei Bogolyubsky, the son of Yuri Dolgoruky, made the city of Vladimir the capital of the Vladimir-Suzdal principality. Strengthening the city, Prince Andrei built a white stone tower with heavy oak gates between the high earthen ramparts. They defended the entrance to the city. And, at the same time, they were the front gates through which honored guests entered the city. In the sun these gates shone like gold. And, although in fact, the gate was covered with copper sheets, this gate and the entire tower received the name: Golden Gate.

The “golden” gate leaves disappeared in 1238 after the invasion of Batu Khan. Presumably, the Tatar-Mongols took them as a trophy. But when they discovered that their doors were not gold at all, they drowned them in the Klyazma. Since then, the Golden Gate, without doors, no longer served to defend the city, but remained only the main entrance to it.

In 1778, the Golden Gate burned during a fire.

In the 18th century, during the ceremonial entry into Vladimir, the carriage of Empress Catherine II got stuck in the triumphal arch of the gate. After this, the earthen ramparts next to the arch were torn down to clear passage into the city. And the gates themselves were strengthened with round towers.

Today, only two walls remain from the “Golden Gate,” holes into which the bolt and lintel were inserted. Now the Golden Gate of Vladimir is a museum. In the church above the gate and on the former battle ground you can see weapons from different times.

And, although there are a lot of other attractions in Vladimir: cathedrals, monasteries, temples, churches, this city is now called the Gate of the Golden Ring of Russia.

City of Vladimir Vladimir is a historical city in Russia, the administrative center of the Vladimir region. Located primarily on the left bank of the Klyazma River, 176 km east of Moscow. Ancient capital of North-Eastern Rus'; one of the country's largest tourist centers; is part of the Golden Ring of Russia. The city of Russia is the administrative center of the Vladimir region, Klyazma, Moscow, North-Eastern Rus', the Golden Ring of Russia.

Coat of arms of the city of Vladimir 1. HISTORY OF THE COAT OF ARMS The coat of arms of Vladimir is a monument of history and culture that has ancient historical roots. Back in the 12th century, the image of a leopard beast was the family sign of the Vladimir princes, an attribute of strong power capable of overcoming the feudal fragmentation of Rus'. Since the 17th century, the coat of arms of Vladimir has been a symbol of city sovereignty, an indicator of the development of city organization. The Great State Book of 1672 "Titular" contains the first description of the coat of arms of the city of Vladimir. In 1730 and 1781, the coat of arms of Vladimir was approved by the Supreme Authority, and in the 19th century it was included in the Complete Collection of Laws of the Russian Empire. 2. DESCRIPTION OF THE COAT OF ARMS In a red field, a lion standing on its hind legs, with an iron crown on its head, holds a long silver cross in its front right paw.”

Golden Gate The Golden Gate was the main entrance to the city. In addition to defensive purposes, they also had a triumphal character. Foreign ambassadors and distinguished guests were met here, and soldiers were escorted off to defend the Motherland more than once. Princely squads returning from campaigns passed under the arches of the Golden Gate. Here the residents of Vladimir celebrated the ceremonial entry of Alexander Nevsky and Dmitry Donskoy into the great reign.

Nativity Monastery The Nativity Monastery is located in the south-eastern part of the Vladimir Kremlin. It was founded in 1191 by Prince Vsevolod III. Until 1744 it existed as a monastery, from the middle of the 18th century - as a bishop's house. The holy noble prince Alexander Nevsky was buried in the Nativity Cathedral; in 1723 his remains were transported to St. Petersburg. Currently, the residence of the Vladimir-Suzdal bishop is located here.

Trinity Church Trinity Church is one of the last church buildings of the provincial Vladimir. The building was built in a “pseudo-Byzantine” style. It consists of two connected volumes: the church itself and the bell tower. Divine services in the Trinity Church ceased in 1928. Currently, the building houses a museum of crystal, lacquer miniatures and embroidery.

Monument to commemorate the 850th anniversary of the city of Vladimir In 1918, to celebrate the first anniversary of the October Revolution, an obelisk was erected on the square. It was a tetrahedral wooden prism topped with a star, inside of which an electric light bulb was lit. The monument is a truncated triangular pyramid of white stone on a marble base (height - 22 meters). Three symbolic bronze figures (height - 3 meters) are placed in the concave edges: an ancient warrior, an architect and a modern worker.

Water Tower The water tower located on an ancient rampart near the Golden Gate was built in 1912. This interesting building, built of red brick in a pseudo-Gothic style, is one of the examples of an urban outbuilding, characteristic of urban planning late XIX century. In 1975, the water tower building was reconstructed and converted into a museum. Currently operating here museum exhibition"Old Vladimir".

Assumption Cathedral An outstanding creation of Russian architecture is the Assumption Cathedral. It is a complex complex of buildings from different periods. The original white stone cathedral was built by Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky in the years. and was conceived not only as a city cathedral, but also as the first altar cathedral of all Rus'. After the fire of 1185, side galleries were added to the temple, four additional chapters were built at the corners, and the altar was enlarged. The Assumption Cathedral stores the largest number of frescoes by the brilliant medieval artist Andrei Rublev.

The city of Vladimir is located in central Russia on the banks of the Klyazma River. Vladimir is a major tourist center, part of the famous Gold ring Russia. The administrative center of the Vladimir region, a historical city, the ancient capital of North-Eastern Rus'.


On the territory occupied by modern Vladimir, traces of human settlement were found dating back to about 30-25 thousand years BC. - here was the famous Sungir site.

In 1157, Vladimir became the capital of the Rostov-Suzdal principality, and it was at this time that its dawn came. In the 13th century, Vladimir was considered the capital of the Russian lands. During the existence Russian Empire the city of Vladimir was the center of one of the provinces within the Moscow province, and later - the center of the Vladimir province. The city was actively developing, theological seminaries, gymnasiums and public schools, theaters and public libraries appeared.

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During Soviet times, Vladimir began to develop as an industrial center, numerous factories and enterprises were built. During this period, polytechnic and pedagogical institutes were founded, and the first trolleybus line was opened.

Today Vladimir is a major tourism center, one of the most visited Russian cities.


The first thing a guest of Vladimir should pay attention to is Golden Gate . Built in 1164, the gate was the main entrance to the city, served to defend the city from enemies and to welcome foreign ambassadors and honored guests. Currently, in the church above the Golden Gate there is a military history museum, where Russian weapons and military equipment from different times, historical documents and materials telling about outstanding Russian commanders and other exhibits.

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One of the most grandiose among the many cathedrals of Vladimir is Assumption Cathedral . It is often called an outstanding creation of Russian architecture. The cathedral is a large and complex complex of buildings. The Assumption Cathedral was erected in 1158-1160 by Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky and for a long time was the main cathedral church of all Rus'. Today the largest number of frescoes is stored in the Assumption Cathedral famous artist Andrey Rublev.

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We also recommend visiting Nativity Monastery - one of the most ancient Russian monasteries, founded in 1191. From the moment of its foundation until 1561, the Birth Monastery was considered the main one in Rus', later losing primacy to the Trinity-Sergius Lavra. During Soviet times, the cathedral and bell tower of the monastery complex were dismantled, but now they have been restored again and are open to tourists. Among other things, the monastery is famous for the fact that in 1263 Prince Alexander Nevsky was buried there.

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Another monument of Vladimir-Suzdal white stone architecture is Dmitrievsky Cathedral , which was built by Prince Vsevolod the Big Nest in 1194 - 1197 in honor of the birth of the prince's son Dmitry. Demetrius Cathedral is famous throughout the world for its white stone carvings; reliefs on its walls depict saints, mythical and real animals.

photo from the site

In addition to these cathedrals in Vladimir, the following are interesting and popular among city guests:

  • Princess Monastery
  • Trinity Church
  • St. Nicholas Kremlin Church
  • Nikitskaya Church
  • Assumption Church
  • St. George's Church.

And in addition to the numerous cathedrals, churches and temples in Vladimir, it is interesting to visit Vladimir Regional Puppet Theater . The building in which the theater is located was built in 1904-1905 according to the design of the architect Ya.G. Revyakin and for a long time served as the People's House - public meetings, rallies, various business meetings were held here, and there was a library. Since 1973, a puppet theater has been located here and delights viewers with performances based on the works of Russian and world classics and modern authors, according to Russian folk tales. In addition, theater lovers will certainly appreciate Vladimir Regional Drama Theater named after. Lunacharsky , whose repertoire includes famous works by classics of world and Russian literature.

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Art lovers will not be able to pass by Art gallery , the pride of which are three brilliant works of ancient Russian painting - these are the icons “Our Lady of Maksimov”, “Our Lady of Vladimir” by Andrei Rublev and the icon “Our Lady of Kykkos” by Simon Ushakov. In addition to these exhibits, the museum exhibits a large collection of works of Russian fine art from the 13th to the 20th centuries, including works by such artists as I. Aivazovsky, A. Savrasov, I. Shishkin, V. Vasnetsov and others. Interestingly, the Art Gallery is located in the building of the former Government Offices, which further fuels the public’s interest in this place.

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Works in Vladimir Museum "Native Nature" , the exhibition of which is especially interesting for children and those interested in nature. The museum workers tried to recreate here various corners of the nature of the Vladimir region. Visitors can see here stuffed animals, birds and fish in their natural setting - among simulated forests, meadows, and ponds. In addition, some exhibits tell about the evolution of the animal and flora Vladimir region from ancient times to the present day.

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Many people know the famous Vladimir Central - a prison for especially dangerous criminals, built back in 1783 by decree of Catherine II. This is, in fact, a historical place, in different times here were kept: revolutionary Frunze, American spy pilot Powers, aviation lieutenant general Stalin, film actress Zoya Fedorova and others famous people. In 1996, a museum was created on the territory of the prison, which still operates to this day.

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