Essay on the topic of sports. How to write an essay “Sports in my life? Practical recommendations Write a story about sports in my life

Sport in My Life

Sport has always been the essential part of a healthy mankind life. To my mind it helps us to keep our body strong, active and fit. And it also makes our personality disciplined, organized and optimistic. Fortunately sport is getting more popular in our country. Most people go to the gym several times a week, they are keen on jogging, playing football, hockey, volleyball, basketball or tennis. Quite a lot of people go regularly to swimming-pools, ski-centers and skating-rinks.

It’s funny but there are some people who spend most of the time in front of TV watching football channels or figure-skating championships, for example. And they proudly call themselves devoted sportsmen. I think they are just passive amateurs and fans of some sports teams. And it goes without saying that watching sports events and doing sports are not the same things at all.

As for me, I’ve been fond of sports activities since my childhood. To tell the truth I prefer team games because I like feeling support of my partners in such games. Volleyball is my favorite. You have to be fast and give unexpected balls to your competitors on the other side of the net. At school I was the captain of our volleyball team and we took part in our city matches. I enjoyed the atmosphere of competitions and the sweet taste of our victories. Sometimes we lost, of course, but we tried to accept our defeat with dignity. And now when summer comes we often play beach volleyball.

I really can’t imagine my way of life without sport. I like regular training. It keeps my body healthy and young.


Sport has always been an integral part of a healthy lifestyle for mankind. In my opinion, it helps us keep our body strong, active and fit. It also makes our personality disciplined, organized and optimistic. Fortunately, sports are becoming increasingly popular in our country. Most people visit Gym several times a week, they enjoy running, playing football, hockey, volleyball, basketball or tennis. Quite a lot of people regularly go to swimming pools, ski resorts and skating rinks.

It's funny, but there are people who spend most of your time in front of the TV, watching football channels or championships figure skating, For example. And they proudly call themselves keen athletes. I think they are just passive amateurs and fans of sports teams. And, of course, watching sporting events and playing sports are not the same thing.

As for me, I have been interested in sports since childhood. To be honest, I prefer team games because I like to feel the support of my partners in such games. Volleyball is my favorite game. You need to be quick and serve unexpected balls to your opponents on the other side of the net. At school I was the captain of our volleyball team, and we participated in city matches. I loved the atmosphere of competition and the sweet taste of our victories. Sometimes we lost, of course, but we tried to accept defeat with dignity. And now, when summer comes, we often play beach volleyball.

Now modern world It is developing very quickly, everyone is in a hurry to get somewhere, stand in traffic jams for hours, work until late. And sometimes time and energy for sports no longer remains.

I think that exercise necessary for every person. Lack of time is all excuses. I think it’s not so difficult to set aside 10-15 minutes a day to do gymnastics, run with your dog in the park in the morning, ride a bike or roller skate.

Health- this is the most valuable thing a person has, and it needs to be protected and strengthened. Every day we say “Hello!” to our friend, which means we wish him health. And even in birthday greetings, New Year or any other holiday, we first of all wish our friends, teachers and loved ones good health. I think that playing sports is one of the most accessible and enjoyable ways to take care of your own health. You don't have to spend hours in the gym doing hard exercises. It’s enough to do gymnastics in the morning, don’t miss physical education lessons, and after school do the sport that you like. For example, I really like to play volleyball and basketball, I even go to the sports section and take part in competitions. I love skiing and skating, playing hockey. All my friends, like me, go in for sports. Someone goes to the swimming section, someone plays volleyball with me. Many girls from our class are involved in dancing and gymnastics. I have never understood those who skip physical education classes and say that there is nothing to do there. It seems to me that this is one of the most important lessons, because during it we take a break from mental work and recharge ourselves in a good mood.

Athletes always respected. First of all, of course, for their achievements in sports. But the desire to win, promoting a healthy image, and self-organization also deserve praise. Our country is famous for its athletes in many sports. sports– synchronized swimming, pole vaulting, tennis, etc. We have someone to follow by example, because athletes know for sure that being sporty and healthy is fashionable!

Essay on sports | March 2015

An essay about "Sports and healthy lifestyle"

Benefit healthy lifestyle is generally known and has been beyond doubt for many years. High-quality and balanced nutrition, good sleep, feasible physical work, frequent walks fresh air– all these aspects greatly help strengthen the body, promote youth and longevity. However, it is sport that becomes the most powerful and effective factor in maintaining health.

Sport contributes in every possible way to the harmonious development of a person, and this is especially important at a young age. That is why both boys and girls are recommended to regularly engage in sports from a very young age, so that it can exert its beneficial effects and lay a good foundation for health for many, many years.

Sports activities- This is an integral component of human life, providing the necessary activity. Physical education and sports give a boost of vivacity and optimism, strengthen the immune system and thereby protect a person from various diseases.

Sport is inseparably associated with hardening, and this point is extremely important, since a person’s resistance to all kinds of external factors, such as low temperatures, dampness or heat, ensures his good health throughout his life.

While playing sports, you can also note with pleasure and joy the lightness and flexibility of your body, the strength of your muscles, the elasticity of your joints, because excellent physical shape is a worthy reward for someone who readily overcomes laziness and confidently strives towards their own perfection.

However, the benefit physical culture is not limited to just health functions. Sport– it is also an excellent mood, high vitality and extraordinary elation, and this is an excellent basis for the desire for success, new achievements and fruitful work.

Essay sports and healthy image life | March 2015

Composition "Sports in my life"

Sport helps a person to be in good physical shape, and in addition, it develops character and willpower. Exercising helps improve health. Even a simple exercise in the morning with your favorite music will charge you with energy for the whole day.

I have always loved active entertainment. For as long as I can remember, I have always played various outdoor games. And I got incredible pleasure from it! That's why my parents signed me up for table tennis. This is a very interesting sport in which you need to show quick reaction, good coordination of movements, and concentration. When I play, it completely captivates me! I like this sport because there is no overload, it is not very traumatic, but it develops flexibility, coordination, endurance and muscle strength.

And also sports make you feel the joy of your own achievements. You once couldn’t even throw a ball over the net, but now you take prizes at competitions! And you understand the price of the effort and work on yourself. And besides, you realize that perseverance helps well in achieving any goals.

You don't have to be a professional athlete to enjoy the benefits and enjoyment of sports. Many people run in the morning, some go to aerobics and fitness, some play football or do karate. The main thing is that you like it. At the same time, it makes you physically strong and confident, and also gives you the opportunity to meet many interesting people.

Essay on the topic Sports in my life | October 2015

An essay about "My attitude to sports"

I would like to talk about my attitude towards sports. Sport plays an important role in our life. Many people play sports in our country. They want to be healthy. Sport is a good way to combat stress. In my opinion, sport is important for healthy free time; sport makes people strong.

Some people take part in competitions, others prefer to watch them on TV. It is known that an hour's walk is more beneficial than constant participation in physical activities. To stay healthy, people join yoga and aerobics classes and do gymnastic exercises. Others play football, badminton, volleyball or tennis. For me, I try to take everything into account, while I'm in good shape and hope to stay that way.

I would like to tell you a little about my winter fun. Since childhood, my parents taught me to ski. For a small child and also for a beginner, this one is for me kind of sport It seemed very difficult: I was always falling, or I was just too lazy to get on my skis.

A few years later, I began to look forward to when it would fall out. Skiing in the fresh air, sledding down a steep mountain or light jogging around the stadium - all this has become my hobby.

Almost every year my brother and I go skiing to the ski resort. Having chosen the most extreme path, we begin the game of who will reach the finish line first. We get so much adrenaline from this game that it’s enough for the whole year.

And when you come home, you feel such a pleasant tiredness. And what you need after skiing is to make hot tea and enjoy watching your favorite movie to completely relax your muscles. That's what I always do.

If you want to live a disease-free life and extend your life to 100 years or more, play sports. After all, it’s much better than sitting in front of the TV all weekend.

Essay on attitude to sports | March 2015

An essay about “My favorite sport is football”

I love ball games, and most of all I love football. This is very interesting game, full of excitement. She came to us from England, although still in Ancient Egypt and the Mayans had similar ball games. Today football is the most widespread sport in the world. Millions of people do it in their free time, and truly billions watch the world championships. Professional players, football stars, have become idols of entire nations. You can name Diego Maradona, Paolo Maldini, Ronaldo, Zinedine Zidane, Andrey Arashavin, Andrey Shevchenko.

This sport develops speed, intelligence, reaction accuracy and endurance. Football players are very seasoned people, because they kick the ball in the fresh air from early spring to late autumn. Football is a team game and develops cohesion and team spirit. And what attracts me most is the unsurpassed excitement of this game!

I follow Russian and world football championships. I also hope that someday the European Championship will be hosted by Russia, like Ukraine this year. Of course, I wished with all my heart that at Euro 2012 our team would reach at least the quarterfinals. But, alas...

I also play football myself. From spring to autumn we kick the ball on the sports ground and school stadium. And in winter I play football in the indoor hall of the sports complex.

My favorite football team- St. Petersburg "Zenith", and in Europe - English "Arsenal", Italian "Milan". I also support the Ukrainian Shakhtar. I haven't been to big stadiums or big matches yet. I only went to root for our local team, which plays in the second division of the national championship. But when I grow up, I will definitely go to a serious championship and see high-class football players play.

Essay about sports - football | February 2016

An essay about “Volleyball is my favorite sport”

I love outdoor games, including with a ball. A most favorite sport- this is volleyball. We often play it in physical education lessons at school. My friends and I also put up a net in the yard, gather two teams and throw a ball. I like this activity much more than sitting on a bench and dangling my legs out of boredom. We also like to play volleyball on the beach or in nature. True, without a mesh it is not so convenient.

I like this game because it has enough simple rules. You need to land the ball in the opposing team's half. In this case, you cannot kick the ball, you can only hit it with your hands. It’s not for nothing that the word “volleyball” means “flying ball.” Winning is counted by points, so there is always a chance to change the score in your favor.

Volleyball develops dexterity and hand strength, speed of reaction and eye accuracy, as well as attentiveness. Those who play a lot of volleyball have well-developed coordination of movements.

Since you can’t kick the ball, you don’t need to run around the court at breakneck speed, like in football. But your legs still get trained when you jump up, as if on springs. The movements of a volleyball player are light, graceful and beautiful. And this game is not one of those that takes a lot of energy.

Therefore, I prefer to play volleyball myself/(by myself) than to watch competitions on TV, for example. Although it can be interesting to watch others, because volleyball is included in the Olympic sports program.

Volleyball is a very gambling game; it firmly unites the players of one team. Here you have to fight for the team, worry about everyone’s luck. And winning brings me a lot of pleasure, which I can share with my team!

Essay on sports - volleyball | February 2016

Sport helps a person keep himself in good physical shape throughout his life, and it also develops character and willpower. Exercising helps improve your health. Even regular morning exercises accompanied by your favorite music will charge you with energy for the whole day.

I have always liked active entertainment. For as long as I can remember, I have always participated in various outdoor games. And I got incredible pleasure from it! Now I'm studying table tennis and I really like it! This is a very interesting sport in which you are required to have a quick reaction, good coordination of movements, and concentration. When I play, it completely captivates me! There is no overload in this sport, it is not at all traumatic, but it develops flexibility, coordination, endurance and muscle strength.

And thanks to sports, I was able to feel the joy of my own achievements. When I first started playing table tennis, it was very difficult for me; I couldn’t do anything. But then I worked on myself for a long time, studied, trained, and now I have become a worthy opponent for many table tennis fans.

You don't have to be a professional athlete to enjoy the benefits and enjoyment of sports. Many people run in the morning, some go to aerobics or fitness, and others prefer football or karate. The main thing is that the person enjoys it. At the same time, it makes us stronger and more confident, and also gives us the opportunity to meet new interesting people.

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Sport is a word familiar to everyone. Playing sports means living and smiling. Anyone who loves sports is healthy and always cheerful. Sports, air and water are our true friends. You are not afraid of the cold if you are good with sports. All these proverbs are about sports, which really helps us in life. It strengthens the body, strengthens not only the immune system, but also the muscles.

There are many types of sport. Beautiful and graceful, such as: rhythmic gymnastics and figure skating, synchronized swimming. There are active and fun ones: football and hockey. And also a sport in which logical thinking is very necessary, this is a sport called chess. Of course, I didn’t name all sports. It will take more than a day to remember and list them all. But I like the above types the most. Some of them came to us from past centuries and centuries, and some appeared quite recently, but have already managed to interest millions of people. I really like to play sports. Sport is my life. I've been doing it since childhood. And he helped me a lot in life. He developed very good traits in my character, such as: perseverance, discipline, endurance, willpower, patience, honesty and many others. Sports also helped me improve my health and stand out from the crowd. It is a pity that people nowadays spend very little time in gyms, they prefer to go to a club, sit at the computer, watch TV, without thinking about how this might affect their health. So, if you want to stand out among your peers in some way, you just need to play sports. The result will not be long in coming. Not only will they begin to respect you and take you as an example, but you will also significantly improve your health. Sport educates and teaches a person only good things. Every person on the planet should love sports. This is not only a hobby, for some it is the meaning of life. Such people will live for a very long time, and they also have a very exciting, varied and interesting life. They attend competitions in different cities and countries. They meet new people, get excited, lose, win. They get upset, they get happy, they get proud, they get disappointed, all these moments are very diverse, but unique. Such people have many pleasant memories. Their life is full of vivid impressions.

Sport educates good people for many millennia. And I hope that I will raise many more generations who will never forget that sport is closely related to health, and health to quality of life. I really want everyone to always remember this and forget what it’s like to sit in front of a computer or TV around the clock. So that people become active and always achieve their goals. So that you think about the meaning of your life and start taking care of your health.

The role of sport in human life (essay)

There are people for whom sport is the meaning of life. These athletes are famous all over the world. They are masters of sports and set their personal records and win gold medals. This sport is called professional.

I want to write about amateur sports that are available to everyone. Sport plays a big role in people's lives. It improves health, develops character, makes a person strong and resilient, and strengthens the body. Besides, I think playing sports improves your mood.

I believe that every person needs to play sports. Sport improves health and develops physical abilities. A person involved in sports is immediately visible. He is distinguished by his smartness and beautiful posture. No wonder they say: “A healthy mind in a healthy body!” People who exercise get sick less. Exercise brings health back to many people. I read about the Russian circus performer Dikul, who performed a routine where he lifted weights that weighed pounds. A misfortune happened to him - he got into a car accident. He subsequently lay in hospital with a broken back.

He was able to return to normal life and perform in the circus again thanks to daily physical exercise. I believe that this is the benefit of playing sports.

Sport brings great joy. People go to sections, visit sports clubs, play sports games, get stronger and communicate with new people. Sports team games bring the joy of victory. Traveling to different cities and countries for competitions is the most interesting side of the sport.

All this and much more brings great joy.

Sport develops a person's character. Playing sports strengthens willpower and disciplines people. A lazy person will not get up early every day to jog or shower cold water. Only mentally strong people can be friends with sports. In my opinion, the words from the song: “Real men play hockey, a coward does not play hockey,” confirm exactly this.

There is nothing more important than human health, and to be healthy, you need to play sports. Everyone should know this! It is not for nothing that all preschool and school institutions and even universities have a program for the physical education of children and adolescents. I believe that the motto of every person should be: “Movement is life!”