Essay take care of honor from a young age based on the work of A.S. Pushkin's captain's daughter

There is an old saying: “Take care of your honor from a young age...”. Have you ever thought about the meaning of these words? V. I. Dahl’s dictionary defines “Honor” as “the internal moral dignity of a person, valor, honesty, nobility of soul and clear conscience.” Clear Conscience! Honor represents the moral dignity of a person, and it must be protected from a young age. When people are young, it seems to them that they have plenty of time and that everything can be changed in the future. But this is far from the case; you cannot turn around so that the past is left behind. Many things in life are interconnected. And the honor saved from a young age - excellent quality person. You need to live like a human being from the very beginning, so as not to pay for your mistakes later.

Marital fidelity and maiden honor are the genetic basis of family happiness and a happy future for parents and their children. It is the basis for the strength of not only family foundations, but also the genetic continuity of the health and well-being of the nation and state. That is why all the leading religions of the world demand that women's and men's morality be protected and strengthened in the family and in the state.

Proper upbringing of children is the key to their long, fulfilling and happy life. And the education of chastity is also the possibility of our future incarnations into intelligent, healthy offspring. All this is actually very serious...

The importance of teaching chastity cannot be overestimated

In the modern “civilized” world, amid the total rejection of traditions, talk about maiden chastity is perceived as archaic. However, advanced psychological and medical science rightfully casts doubt on the wisdom of neglecting the foundations in this matter, and also shows the sad consequences of the sexual emancipation of adolescents.

Times change, but not the essence.

Russia is a country with a thousand-year-old culture. Therefore, we have always attached great importance to female chastity. The loss of a maiden's honor was considered a great sin, and shame fell on the entire family.

The sexual revolution, which came to us 30 years later than in Western countries, noticeably changed the attitude of parents towards instilling chastity in their daughters. There are already frequent cases when adults are calm about not only the extramarital cohabitation of young couples (in cities this is quickly becoming new normal), but also to sexual relations of 14-15 year old teenagers. Some admit with a sigh that they cannot influence their daughter (although she lives with her parents under the same roof and is completely dependent on them financially), while others do not see anything wrong with this. Times have changed, they say, the only thing that matters is that there is no unwanted pregnancy.

Such people perceive discussions about chastity as hopelessly archaic and obscurantist. But experiments in the field of education are an extremely dangerous thing, since their result is unknown in advance.

Chastity is inseparable from modesty. It is difficult to imagine an impudent, impudent and at the same time chaste girl. Of course, this doesn't mean that girls have to be quiet. People have different personalities. Some, like Pushkin's Tatyana, are prone to solitude and melancholy, others, like her sister Olga, are cheerful, playful. In the pre-revolutionary peasantry, which made up the overwhelming majority of the Russian population, languid, “muslin” young ladies were not in honor. Guys liked lively, cheerful girls, good dancers and singers much more. They were the first to be recruited into a round dance, invited to a square dance, etc. But in any case, no matter how lively the girl’s character was, she did not cross certain boundaries so as not to lose her maiden honor. And thus she earned respect from the guys. They understood that the girl would not allow them to go too far.

When now girls, imitating the heroines of modern mass culture, do not behave modestly, but, on the contrary, cheekily, rudely, assertively, offer themselves (or even impose themselves!) on boys, write love notes to them, inviting them on a date, post their invitations and often not very decent photographs for everyone to see on the Internet, they divide the guys among themselves, they have no idea that they are falling into a trap. On the contrary, they consider themselves masters of the situation, since guys (especially older ones) respond to advances with pleasure, and girls feel like the whole world lies at their feet.

But it quickly becomes clear that the guys’ attitude towards them is consumerist, and often rudely cynical. It cannot be otherwise, because centuries-old attitudes passed down from generation to generation are too strong. And even when at the level of consciousness a person holds different views, the so-called collective unconscious (or ancestral, genetic memory) tells him the truth. But the truth, in this case, is that decent girls don’t behave like that. This means that they are treated as dishonest. With all that it implies.

But girls, no matter how they set themselves up, by their very nature are aimed at emotional attachment to the person with whom they will have a love relationship. This is again a medical fact, which, however, many parents are not even aware of.

Try to influence your daughter's social circle. In adolescence, this is, of course, more difficult than at five or six years old, but still the opinion (and in some cases, a ban!) of parents is of great importance. “If you want to preserve your daughter’s honor, look at who she is friends with” - this is something like an Arabic proverb that I once heard.

And most importantly, do not forget that more than anyone else in the world, girls (as well as boys, but now we are not talking about them) need a mother and father. In the book “What Are You Teaching My Child?” M. Grossman writes:

“Rest assured, your influence on your daughter - at twelve, fourteen, and sixteen - is much greater than you might think... Education is what she needs. She needs parental warmth, support and guidance. Clear rules and high expectations are required of you... Strengthen contact with your child. She needs a close, trusting relationship with you... Share your experience with your daughter, instill in her your moral values... This will definitely affect her behavior. Yes, she may argue with you, but research shows that teenagers from families where parental expectations are high are in no hurry to have early sexual intercourse. If you have an unambiguously negative attitude towards such connections, this will be a serious factor of influence on your daughter...”

It is very important for parents who wish their daughters happiness to remember this and not to succumb to crafty talk that the world has changed irreversibly.

Creative work

An essay about:“Take care of your honor from a young age”

Completed by an 11th grade student

MKOU "Utamyshskaya Secondary School"

Vagabova Madina

From teaching experience.

Life lessons based on the story by A.S. Pushkin, The Captain's Daughter."

Having finished studying the story by A.S. Pushkin, The Captain's Daughter, I bring the children to the final stage of the lessons - the students will have to write a class essay.

Essays are the sparks of students’ creativity. All children are talented in their own way.

Teaching them to think, to give their own assessment of the problem posed, to express personal opinion is the task of a literature teacher.

The class chose the topic of the essay, “Take care of your honor from a young age.”

I’m reading the interpretation of the word “honor” from the Dictionary of the Russian Language by S.I. Ozhegov: “Honor is the moral qualities of a person worthy of respect and pride.”

During the conversation, students express their personal opinions on this issue. Pyotr Grinev passed the test of honor, unlike Alexei Shvabrin; he turned out to be a man without honor and conscience.

I think that A.S. Pushkin endowed this scoundrel with the telling surname Shvabrin - from the word “mop”, this is something dirty, unscrupulous..."

In our time, it is also very important to preserve honor from a young age.”

Students answer the questions: Why did the story get such a name?

Who is narrating the story? How does the author show human dignity in the behavior and actions of the heroes? How do P. Grinev’s character traits manifest themselves in difficult life situations for him? Did you like the story?


Take care of your honor from a young age.

(based on the story by A.S. Pushkin, The Captain's Daughter)

People have always been concerned eternal problems life and death, love and hate, the choice of honor and dishonor... Everything changes in this world, universal moral concepts remain unchanged.

When they talk about honor, nobility and true love, images of Pyotr Grinev and Masha Mironova from A.S. Pushkin’s story “The Captain’s Daughter” appear before me.

This work, despite its small volume, is full of deep meaning. The action of the story takes place during the uprising of E. Pugachev of 1772-1776.

The young officer Pyotr Grinev was sent to the Belogorsk fortress.

Along the way, he commits rash acts and loses 100 rubles in a tavern. Arriving at the fortress, Grinev met the daughter of commandant Mironov, Masha. The young man liked Masha.

Because of the girl, he quarreled with officer Shvabrin, who wooed her, but was refused. Grinev did not allow Masha’s good name to be discredited.

He challenges the offender to a duel. Grinev acted as a real man. Grinev’s subsequent behavior is based on his father’s orders: “Serve faithfully to whom you swear allegiance, obey your superiors; don’t chase their affection..., remember the proverb: take care of your dress again, but take care of your honor from a young age.”

The father's order to serve whom he swore allegiance becomes a code of honor for Grinev.

In the life of every person there is an intersection of two roads, and at the crossroads there is a stone with the inscription: “If you walk through life with honor, you will die.” If you go against honor, you will live.” It was precisely this stumbling block that the officers of the Belogorsk fortress faced: Grinev and Shvabrin.

Even under pain of death, Grinev will refuse to kiss Pugachev’s hand. He stuck his sinewy hand in his face and said in an authoritative voice:

Kiss the hand!" Some came up and kissed, others chose death. Kissing the hand means betraying honor. Not kissing means going to death. Grinev chooses death. At Pugachev’s offer to serve “him, Grinev will say: “I swore allegiance to the empress, I won’t serve you.” Can".

Grinev is characterized by such qualities as valor, dignity, and loyalty. His family had high ideas about honor and duty. For Grinev, honor and duty are above all.

Shvabrin confronts Grinev. If Grinev is a hero, then Shvabrin is a villain. Shvabrin, realizing that the fortress will soon be captured by the rebels, runs over to the side of the enemy. He imitates Pugachev in everything: in clothes, in behavior, he tries to please him in everything. Shvabrin does not understand what honor is; the main thing for him is to survive.

When talking about honor, how can one not talk about the Mironov spouses, for whom honor and duty are the meaning of life. They are pure, tall people who look death in the face with dignity.

We can safely say that all of Pushkin’s works touch on the problem of morality and immorality.

The heroes of the story "The Captain's Daughter" are in exceptional circumstances, where all aspects of their characters are revealed.

This story shocked me. I think again and again about the actions of the heroes of this magnificent work. I deeply like the images of Masha Mironova and Pyotr Grinev. A man is alive as long as he remains a Man.

The issue of honor ranks first among moral symbols. You can survive the collapse of the economy, you can come to terms, albeit very difficult, with the collapse of the state, you can finally endure, moreover, parting with the most dear people and with the Motherland, but not a single people on earth will ever come to terms with the decay of morality. IN human society They always treated dishonest people with contempt.

Loss of honor is a decline in moral principles, followed by inevitable punishment. Immorality destroys a person’s personality, entire nations...disappeared from the face of the earth as a result of the fact that their rulers forgot about moral standards.
Russian writers have always addressed the problem of honor in their works. It is important to report that this problem was and is one of the central ones in great Russian literature.

The concept of honor is brought up in a person from childhood. Using the example of A. S. Pushkin’s story “The Captain’s Daughter,” we can trace how this happens in life and what results it leads to. Main character In the story, Pyotr Andreevich Grinev received a good upbringing as a child. He had someone to follow by example. Pushkin, through the lips of Savelich, on the first pages of the story introduces readers to the moral principles of the Grinev family: “It seems that neither the father nor the grandfather were drunkards; there is nothing to say about mother...” With these words the old servant brings up his ward Pyotr Grinev, who got drunk for the first time and behaved unsightly.

The first time, Pyotr Grinev acted honorably, returning the card debt, although in that situation Savelich tried to persuade him to evade payment. But nobility prevailed. A man of honor, in my opinion, is always kind and selfless in his interactions with others. For example, Pyotr Grinev, despite Savelich’s dissatisfaction, thanked the tramp for his service by giving him a hare sheepskin coat. His action saved both of their lives in the future. This moment seems to say that fate itself protects a person who lives by honor. But the point is also that people remember goodness, which means that a noble person has a greater chance of happiness in life.

Moral tests awaited Grinev in the fortress where he served. Shvabrin interferes with Grinev’s love for Masha Mironova and weaves intrigues. In the end it comes down to a duel. Shvabrin is the opposite of Grinev in everything. This is a selfish and ignoble person. Even in the hour of a duel, he did not hesitate to use a dishonorable situation to strike. Fate in the future will also present him with an account for his position in life, but completely different than for Grinev.

Shvabrin will side with Pugachev, and he will be condemned as an officer who violated his oath. Using the example of Shvabrin, Pushkin shows that external culture has little influence on the development of a person’s character. After all, Shvabrin was more educated than Grinev. He knew French novels and poetry well and was an intelligent conversationalist. Moreover, he got Grinev addicted to reading. Therefore, the conclusion suggests itself that the decisive importance is internal installations man, his concepts of good and evil.

During the hour of the Pugachev rebellion, the moral qualities of some heroes of the story and the baseness of the feelings of others were especially dazzlingly revealed. We learned that Captain Mironov and his wife preferred death, but did not surrender to the mercy of the rebels. Pyotr Grinev did the same, but was pardoned by Pugachev. It seems to me that the author made it clear to the reader that Pugachev showed generosity towards the young officer not only out of a feeling of gratitude for the old service. He equally, it seemed to me, appreciated a man of honor in Grinev. The leader of the popular uprising himself was not alien to the concepts of honor. Moreover, Grinev and Masha, thanks to Pugachev, forever found a friend.

Shvabrin turned out to be powerless in implementing his selfish plans. Pugachev not only did not support Shvabrin, but also obviously made it clear to him that he was dishonest and therefore not a competitor to Grinev.

Young Grinev even influenced Pugachev himself. So, the ataman told the officer a fairy tale he had heard from an old Kalmyk woman, in which it was said that it was better to drink fresh blood once than to feed on carrion for three hundred years. Of course, the fairy-tale eagle and raven in the fairy tale symbolize different approaches to the problems of the revolutionary transformation of the country. Pugachev obviously preferred the eagle that feeds on blood. But Grinev boldly answered the ataman: “Intricate... But to exist by murder and robbery means, for me, to peck at carrion.” After such an answer from Grinev, Pugachev plunged into deep thoughts.

The ending of the story is interesting. It would seem that a connection with Pugachev would be fatal for Grinev. He is actually arrested based on a denunciation. He faces the death penalty, but Grinev decides, for reasons of honor, not to name his beloved. If he had told the whole truth about Masha, for the sake of saving whom he, in fact, found himself in such a situation, then he would probably have been acquitted. But at the very last moment, justice triumphed. Maria Mironova herself appeals to a lady close to the empress to pardon Grinev. The lady takes the poor girl at her word. This fact suggests that in a society where most people live according to honor, justice is always easier to achieve. The lady turns out to be the empress herself, and the fate of her beloved Masha is decided for the better.

Grinev remained a man of honor to the end. He was present at the execution of Pugachev, to whom he owed his happiness. Pugachev recognized him and nodded his head from the scaffold. This is the ending of Pushkin's story,

So, the proverb “take care of honor from a young age” has the importance of a life talisman that helps to overcome the harsh trials of life.

Take care of your dress again, and take care of your honor from a young age. Everyone knows the old Slavic proverb. Many understand it, but not many are able to follow such a severe order. Life is always easier for those people who subsequently never think about the life they have lived, about their unworthy actions. But no one will envy someone who, having once sacrificed his honor, regrets and suffers because of what he has done all his life. However, this is not all about the hero of the great Russian poet A.S. Pushkin: acting in accordance with the moral teachings of his father - to take care of honor from a young age, Grinev does not feel remorse when remembering two years from his youth.

The main character of the story, Pyotr Andreevich Grinev, was brought up from childhood in an atmosphere of high everyday morality. He had someone to follow by example. Pushkin, through the mouth of Savelich, on the first pages of the story introduces readers to the moral principles of the Grinev family: “It seems that neither the father nor the grandfather were drunkards; there’s nothing to say about mother…” With these words, the old servant brings up his ward Pyotr Grinev, who got drunk for the first time and behaved unsightly. We see from what has been said that honor ranks first among moral priorities. You are able to easily survive the collapse of the country, you can come to terms, although it is very difficult, with the loss of property, you can even endure parting with loved ones, but never with the decay of morality. “We don’t like people like that,” says my history teacher.

The loss of honor and dignity is a decline in moral principles, followed by inevitable punishment: countries disappear from the map, peoples disappear into the black hole of history, individuals die. Peter remembered honor even in those cases when one could pay for it with one’s life. This is confirmed by the case of the duel. Moreover, here Grinev fights not for his own honor, but for the honor of his beloved girl. Grinev could not forgive Shvabrin, who shamelessly defames Masha Mironova just because she refused him. The honor of a nobleman and a noble man did not allow the young man to do this. It can be argued that Shvabrin was also a nobleman. But this is the answer: to be noble, to act according to the dictates of conscience is not only the lot of nobles, class does not matter here, what is important is upbringing, the atmosphere in which a person grows. The first time Pyotr Grinev acted honorably, returning the gambling debt, although in that situation Savelich tried to persuade him to evade payment. But nobility prevailed. A man of honor, in my opinion, is always kind and selfless in his interactions with others. For example, Pyotr Grinev, despite Savelich’s dissatisfaction, thanked the tramp for his service by giving him a hare sheepskin coat. His action saved both of their lives in the future. This episode seems to say that fate itself protects a person who lives by honor. But, of course, it’s not a matter of fate, but simply there are more people on earth who remember good than evil, which means that a noble person has a better chance of everyday happiness. Honor also distinguishes the Mironov spouses, the participants in the story. Having served the empress all their lives and defending the fortress more than once, these people preferred to die honestly rather than surrender to the enemy.

The story has a classic melodrama ending:“Distressed by her lover’s exile, in which she sees only her own guilt, Masha goes to St. Petersburg to tell the truth to the Empress. A happy accident brings her together with a lady close to the court, who later turns out to be the empress herself. Justice has triumphed: the order to exile Pyotr Grinev was cancelled.”

Of course, the ending is not without shades of irony, but this is not accidental: Alexander Sergeevich wanted to show that a noble person maintains dignity in any situation, and honor and nobility will not go unnoticed and unappreciated. What is good in a person does good to a person - this is how it should be and this is how it happens.