Combination of fingernails. Feng Shui manicure: which fingers to paint to attract money and love

Feng Shui is an old Taoist practice that teaches you to symbolically master the space in which you find yourself. Most often used in interior design, where each object or symbol carries a certain energy and allows you to create harmony in life. The teaching is based on the search and correct direction of qi energy.

However, the use of Feng Shui practices in choosing manicures and polish colors has become very popular. Today's site website will tell you how to paint your nails according to Feng Shui to bring harmony, luck, love, happiness and prosperity into your life.

Many beauty salons offer the service of creating a manicure according to Feng Shui. But you can paint your nails yourself according to Feng Shui, if you know which fingers to highlight with a different color and what color of varnish to choose for this. You can apply special Feng Shui symbols, but to properly channel the energy, it is enough to cover one or two nails with a different color.

To paint your nails according to Feng Shui you need to know your element

In order to choose the right and suitable color scheme, you need to determine which element you belong to. It’s very easy and depends on your date of birth – you just need one last digit from the year of birth.

  • If the last digit is 0 or 1 – element Metal;
  • The last digit 2 or 3 means element of Water;
  • The numbers 4 or 5 belong Wood elements;
  • Last digit 6 or 7 – element of fire;
  • Number 8 and 9 mean element of Earth.

Choosing colors for your element

When you know your element, you can easily choose the right color.

  1. Element Metal– suitable colors are white, silver, golden, jade (white with a greenish or gray tint), white with a pink tint, ivory, silver-white. Also a favorable combination, like two colors from the elements of earth (two yellow) and one white (the element of Earth feeds the element of Metal).
  2. Water Element– black, all shades of blue, cyan and turquoise, lilac, cornflower blue and ultramarine. A favorable combination is two colors (two white) from the elements of Metal and one black (Metal nourishes Water).
  3. Wood Element– all green and light green shades, brown, blue and light blue shades, indigo, blue-green, emerald, olive. A favorable combination is two blue and one green (Water nourishes the Tree).
  4. Fire Release– choose red, pink, coral, scarlet, yellow and orange, lilac purple and violet shades. A favorable combination is two colors from the elements of Wood (two green) and one red (Wood feeds Fire).
  5. Earth Element– yellow, golden yellow, apricot, ocher, yellow-brown and yellow-green shades, brown shades, beige. Favorable color combination – 2 red and 1 yellow (Fire nourishes the Earth).

Colors belonging to one or another element can be used in clothing or interior design, which will help bring harmony and good luck to life.

Which finger should be highlighted in a different color?

Each finger on the hands has its own purpose in Feng Shui. And what aspect of life it will influence depends on which fingers are highlighted in the manicure. Left and right hand matters too the right hand is responsible for the release of energy, and the left hand for receiving energy. This allows energy to circulate and what we give comes back to us again.

Therefore, it is preferable to highlight the fingers on the right hand. Because it is believed that by giving away energy, it will return again. But it is possible to paint nails according to Feng Shui on both the left and right hands. You just need to choose the right fingers, because... The symbolism on the fingers of the left and right hands is different.

On the right hand:

  • The thumb is responsible for the mind and intellect.
  • Index finger – self-centeredness, willpower, money.
  • The middle finger means resentment and quarrels.
  • Ring finger - new friendship, good relationships, harmony and close relationships, love.
  • Little finger – family well-being, harmony in life, mental balance and peace of mind.

On the left hand:

  • Thumb - destroyed hopes, disappointment in something.
  • Index finger – uncertainty and fear.
  • Middle finger – sensuality, attractiveness.
  • The ring finger is responsible for loneliness and spiritual emptiness.
  • Little finger - lies, gossip, hypocrisy.

In the photo, the manicure was made for the element of Wood on the right hand to attract love and get rid of quarrels and previous grievances.

Now you need to choose colors that suit your element and highlight one or two fingers with a different color, depending on what you want to remove from your life or, on the contrary, attract!

For example, to attract love and your element is Wood The following manicure would be suitable: paint all nails with any shade of brown, and highlight the nail on the ring finger with a green tint. And because The element of Water feeds the element of Wood. On this nail, you can make a painting or a geometric pattern with a predominance of the colors of the element of Water (for example, blue and cyan) and add a little green (the color of the element of Wood).

For other elements, choose the corresponding colors of your element.

You can apply special symbols that represent a particular element on your nail. This can be done using polish and a thin nail painting brush.

Thus, you can paint your nails according to Feng Shui and direct your energy in such a way as to achieve harmony in your life.

Currently, the art of Feng Shui is used not only in interior design. It has become very fashionable to do a manicure taking into account all the rules of this teaching. According to manicurists, this nail design allows you to improve a person’s life and bring more positive moments into it.

Ancient teaching

The teaching itself gives a person the opportunity to look at something completely different, and thereby receive only the best from everyday life. It's no secret that the way, for example, the bed in the bedroom is located depends general state a person in the morning, as well as his night sleep. The same can be said about manicure. It depends on how exactly your nails are painted. emotional condition. But let's talk about everything in order.

How to paint your nails according to Feng Shui

You can draw various signs and hieroglyphs on your nails. In this technique, it is very important to know about the color scheme. All shades that you use during a manicure must correspond to a certain element.

  1. The element of metal. During the manicure process, you can use any shade of metal, white, yellow and brown.
  2. Element of water. The entire palette of black, pale blue, metallic, white and chameleon colors is suitable for the water element.
  3. Element of wood. Absolutely all shades of green, black and blue. It is also worth noting that this manicure should be bright with various types of patterns and ornaments.
  4. Element of fire. Any shade of red, as well as all the colors that are inherent in the wood element.
  5. Element of earth. Absolutely all colors of yellow and brown tones, as well as pink, red and beige colors.

Impact on life events

According to Feng Shui, this means making changes in your life. All of the above colors are an excellent option for applying the main nail polish, the so-called background. Using information about the influence of color on certain areas in life, you can attract success and wealth, harmonize family relationships, improve your love sphere.

In order to calm your nerves, an excellent option would be to apply apricot-colored varnish. It is this shade that soothes and creates a feeling of warmth and comfort. Moreover, he is able to normalize relationships with family and establish contact with the outside world.

Choosing the color of the varnish

Feng Shui nail color undoubtedly plays a very important role.

  • White varnish is universal. It does not irritate the eyes, and also brings even more positive feelings and kindness into life. It creates harmony between the inner and outer world.
  • Turquoise symbolizes wealth, elegance and sophistication. In addition, this color helps improve health and protect the immune system.
  • All shades of blue increase productivity, help you concentrate, and also be more restrained in your emotions.
  • Yellow improves your mood and helps you to be in a positive mood. In addition, it prevents depression and gives confidence.
  • Green color is perfect for people who love themselves very much. In general, this color is a symbol of life.
  • Feng Shui welcomes all light brown shades, but dark tones must be excluded. There are many variations of manicure in this style. How to do nails according to Feng Shui, you can view photos in this article.
  • Golden shades promote the growth of physical strength and also give positive emotions.
  • Beautiful painted ones symbolize passion, freedom and activity. This varnish will give its owner power, a sense of courage, as well as brightness of the image.
  • colors are a sign of purity. This shade will help you establish contact with others simply and naturally.
  • The sunny orange tone of the varnish will bring joy and cheerfulness to life. Using this color you can improve your mood.
  • If a woman is used to keeping everything in her hands, then in manicure it is necessary to give preference to the purple color.
  • For sensitive and gentle natures, a perfect option would be a pattern on the nails using a pink shade of varnish.
  • For those who like to not stand out from the crowd, any shade of gray is perfect.
  • Blue is suitable for creative people who primarily care about their spiritual development. In order for you to understand what nails look like according to Feng Shui, photos are presented in this article.

Multicolored nails according to feng shui

In this type of manicure, you need to cover the middle and ring fingers with colors different from the base shade. It will probably be no secret to anyone that the seven energy chakras of a person are directly connected to the hands. It is for this reason that these fingers are painted with other colors. With this manicure you can attract good luck, establish contact with others, improve your health and, of course, achieve love victories.

The chakra, which is responsible for a person’s spirituality, as well as his morality, is directly related to the middle finger. By highlighting it in a different color, you will automatically activate good luck and success in all your endeavors. The ring finger is responsible for the relationship between the two sexes. It is not for nothing that a ring is put on it during marriage. By highlighting your ring finger, you can discover sensuality in yourself, as well as learn how to correctly express your inner emotions.

What does each finger on the hand mean according to Feng Shui?

Left hand

  • Thumb. Small misunderstandings, worry, wasted work.
  • Middle finger. Sexuality, grievances.
  • Ring finger. Loneliness, sadness, frustration.
  • Little finger. Deception, loss, flattery.

Right hand

  • Personal egoism, dislike of oneself and others.
  • Middle finger. Dissatisfaction with sex, resentment towards the partner.
  • Ring finger. Dating, new love.
  • Little finger. Well-being in the family, mutual understanding.

Now it’s a little clearer how to paint your nails according to Feng Shui? Following this teaching, you can bring new events into your life and make it the most positive in all respects.

and the color of the varnish according to Feng Shui

The first thing you should do when starting a manicure is to decide what shape your nails will have. In most cases, women answer this question following the flow of fashion and Feng Shui. In order to finally decide, look at pictures in fashion magazines. Also, in order to understand what Feng Shui nail design looks like, photos are posted in our article.

Of course, when choosing a shape, you need to take into account the structural features of the hand, as well as the natural characteristics of the hands. Nails can be trapezoidal, rectangular, square or round.

Pattern and color of varnish to match the elements

In order to understand which nail design is right for you, you need to know which pattern and color of varnish most correspond to a certain element.

  • How to paint nails for representatives of the water element according to Feng Shui? For such a design, you should give preference to blue, black and light blue shades of varnish as a basis. The pattern can be presented in the form of snowflakes, stars, white stones.
  • For girls who belong to the element of wood, it is best to use the color of the varnish. Thin lines in the form of a spiral or web can be applied to the nails.
  • The fire element involves performing a manicure using red, pink, orange and yellow polishes. The pattern, in turn, should symbolize the sun, fire, berries, triangles.
  • Earth element. Colors: gold, beige, brown. Pattern: falling leaves, rain, specks, sand.
  • The element of metal. Beads, gold, silver, circles, sparkles.

Nail shape

In fact, the state of things in everyday life directly depends on knowing how to paint your nails and create their shape.

  • Nails in the shape of a semicircle or oval are related to a person’s creative potential.
  • Short square shapes attract wealth.
  • Pointed ones help to improve relationships in matters of the heart.
  • Shortened, processed round nail plates mean care.

Nail design

From all of the above, you can get an idea of ​​how to paint your nails according to Feng Shui. Design also plays an important role in the manicure process. Various rhinestones, sparkles and designs not only give your nails even more beautiful view, but also contribute to introducing something new into life. Often girls ask a manicurist to give them beautiful painted nails (a photo in a magazine often serves as a kind of sample). Sometimes an original manicure is a merit solely of a specialist’s imagination, but you yourself can think about it and come up with your own version.

For example, the famous actress Katy Perry is of the opinion that the image of the Yin and Yang symbol on her nails helps her stay in harmony with her loved one.

If you don’t really like manicures of different colors, then you can use only one color of varnish that matches your element. And, of course, don’t forget to decorate your nails with beautiful rhinestones or designs.

In fact, manicures according to Feng Shui are becoming more and more popular. Indeed, according to many, this method allows you to attract good luck, wealth and such an important feeling as love. Nowadays it is very fashionable to apply a pattern in the form of hieroglyphs on your nails. It is these symbols that help increase vital energy, fulfill desires and stabilize relationships with your soulmate.

Is it possible to extend nails according to Feng Shui?

Of course, any self-respecting girl carefully monitors her appearance. And here it is worth saying that beautiful clothes are not enough. You also need to take care of your hair, skin and, of course, your hands every day. An integral part beautiful hands is a manicure. But, to the great regret of the fair sex, not everyone was destined to be born with beautifully shaped nails. Not so long ago this was a real problem, but in our modern world Neither technology nor science stands still. It is for this reason that this deficiency can be corrected through nail extensions. Nails extended with gel or acrylic look very beautiful; they can be filed and given the desired shape.

Separately, it is worth saying that such a teaching as Feng Shui in no way opposes extensions. On the contrary, everything that helps to bring harmony and a sense of beauty into a person’s life is welcomed. The most important thing is that even fake nails look beautiful and aesthetically pleasing. Of course, for this they need to be looked after on an ongoing basis.

In conclusion, it should be said that if you want to improve your life and bring positive emotions into it, then you should definitely strive for this! After all, with a wave of a magic wand you will not have, for example, such a long-awaited gentleman. You must do everything to attract love to you. If you are still tormented by the question of how to paint your nails, turn to such a teaching as Feng Shui. Be sure that you will not only get a beautiful manicure, but also be able to turn your life into a direction completely unknown to you. We wish you good luck in all your endeavors!

The Eastern practice of Feng Shui has gained enormous popularity not only in its historical homeland, but also in other countries. The essence of this philosophy lies in the competent distribution of vital energy Qi, which can be achieved by correct location objects in the surrounding space. The practice is used in various areas of life, including to create a manicure according to Feng Shui.

Highlighting the nails on one hand with color or design is a Feng Shui manicure.

To get a manicure according to Feng Shui, you must follow the following rules:

  1. Choose the right main color and additional shades depending on what benefits you need to attract to life.
  2. Determine which fingers to highlight. This also depends on the purpose of the practice.
  3. Do a manicure in a calm environment and in a good mood.
  4. Choose a place for the procedure. If the goal is career growth and financial well-being, it is better to do this right at the workplace. To attract love into your life, a bedroom is suitable, for health - a bathroom or an area of ​​​​the home where cosmetic procedures are most often carried out.
  5. Apply new varnish only after removing the old one.

On a note. The shape of the nails is also important. It is better to make them rounded or square, but they should not be too long.

Determining your element for an effective manicure

There are five main elements: Earth, Water, Fire, Metal and Wood. You can find out which of them a particular person belongs to using a special formula.

Feng Shui is extremely picky about shapes and places.

The calculation should be done like this:

  • Subtract 4 from the last two digits of the year of birth.
  • divide the difference by 9.

Each element corresponds to a certain number, in our case it will be the number resulting from division:

  • 1 - Water. The best colors for this element are all shades of blue and blue, as well as black.
  • 2, 5, 8 - Earth. In this case, you should choose pastel colors, as well as shades of yellow and brown.
  • 3, 4 - Tree. Colors such as green, black or blue are favorable for this element.
  • 6, 7 - Metal. This element requires the use of white, yellow and bronze shades, as well as gold and silver.
  • 9 - Fire. With this result, the main shades used in manicure are gold, orange or red.

In addition, it is important to carefully choose the decor:

  • Water - waves, fish, snowflakes or droplets;
  • Earth - round or square patterns;
  • Tree - images of plants and insects;
  • Metal - decoration with rhinestones, foil or beads;
  • Fire - images of flame, sun, shiny elements.

In addition, to create the right manicure you need to know what each shade symbolizes.

The right color combination

The practice of Feng Shui is used to attract certain benefits into your life.

To achieve what you want, when designing a manicure you need to choose the right shades depending on their meaning:

  • white - purity and serenity;
  • beige - calm and poise;
  • yellow or gold - mental balance and a surge of physical strength;
  • orange - joy of life;
  • pink - tenderness and softness;
  • red - passion and inner strength;
  • green - vital energy and spiritual harmony;
  • blue - strengthening the spirit and inner core;
  • blue - emotional and psychological stability;
  • purple - composure and power;
  • brown - warmth.

But even knowing the meaning of each color, it is sometimes difficult to decide on their combination.

Let's list the most successful “neighbors” for basic shades:

  • for yellow - brown and green;
  • for orange - white, purple, green or brown;
  • for red - blue, gold and green;
  • for burgundy - pink, gray and blue;
  • for purple - gray, chocolate or green.

The listed shades will enhance the effect of each other and achieve the best result.

Meaning of fingers

For the chosen color to “work”, you need to know which fingers to paint.

It is important to take into account that each hand has its own meaning:

  • thumb: on the right hand - success in business and career growth, on the left - fear, anxiety and fruitless efforts;
  • index finger: on the right hand - narcissism and selfishness, on the left - self-doubt;
  • middle finger: on the right hand - unsettled personal life, on the left - family well-being;
  • ring finger: on the right hand - friendship and love, on the left - loneliness and sadness.
  • little finger: on the right hand - well-being in all areas, on the left - pretense and deception.

The nail on the selected finger can be highlighted not only with a certain color, but also with a design applied to it or decorated with decorative elements.

Which fingers to highlight according to Feng Shui

Taking into account the meaning of fingers and shades, you can create a manicure to attract various benefits into your life.

To attract money

It is necessary to highlight the middle, ring and little fingers on the left hand.

To get a manicure to attract money, first of all, you need to choose a color that matches the element. You need to highlight the fingers on your left hand with a different shade or decorate them with different elements, namely the middle, ring and little fingers.

To attract love

To attract love, you need to place emphasis on the fingers of both hands. At the same time, the ring and little fingers are decorated on the right, and the middle finger on the left.

It is believed that it is best to highlight the selected nails by drawing a hieroglyph on them that means “Love”.

Feng Shui manicure for money and love at the same time

To attract money and love, the middle and ring fingers on the right hand are highlighted at the same time.

Quite often you can notice that young girls and older women have prominent nails on the middle and ring fingers. Many people mistakenly believe that this is just a tribute to fashion, but in fact, such a manicure helps to attract both money and love.

This should be done in this order:

  1. Using a special liquid, remove the remnants of old nail polish.
  2. Prepare a warm hand bath with liquid soap or herbal decoction and soak your hands in it for 10 - 15 minutes.
  3. Remove the cuticle using special tweezers or push it back with an orange stick if you are doing an unedged manicure.
  4. Using a file, you need to give the nail plates a shape.

Important! After treating your nails, you should not apply oil or nourishing cream to your hands. These cosmetics contain fat, which will not allow the polish to spread beautifully and evenly over the nail plate.

And since there are many interpretations and ways to create the right manicure according to Feng Shui, you can use the simplest combination and highlight your nails as follows:

  • to attract love - the middle and ring finger;
  • to find harmony - the little finger;
  • for success in business with an emphasis on leadership - index finger;
  • for financial well-being - thumb.

Whether or not to believe in the effectiveness of Feng Shui practice is a personal matter for everyone, but it’s still worth trying to attract positive events into your life in this way. Moreover, a manicure done in compliance with the above rules will look beautiful and harmonious, and only you will know that it has some meaning.

The teaching of Feng Shui, which came to us from China, is finding more and more admirers in our country. This is not surprising, because art teaches how to find well-being, comfort, prosperity, harmony, positive energy, faith in the best. The symbolic meanings of objects, signs, and colors are used in almost all areas of human activity. You can improve the quality of your everyday life by creating the right Feng Shui manicure.

  • Manicure should be as neat and tidy as possible. Perfect looking nails are the first prerequisite!
  • In order for the coating to lie perfectly evenly, masters recommend wiping the nail plate with acetone or nail polish remover. This will help degrease the surface.
  • After this, you can apply a clear coat, and then a varnish.

Feng Shui manicure involves highlighting one or more fingers, depending on what area of ​​your life you want to improve. The most commonly identified are the ring and middle fingers. This combination attracts love, success, and promises a successful career.

Several simple options for nail art according to Feng Shui

First way- get a two-color manicure. It is necessary to cover all the nails with one color, and highlight the selected fingers with another.

Second way– paint absolutely all nails the same color. Then decorate some nail plates with patterns or special symbols.

In the art of Feng Shui manicure, many details are taken into account. Some theories suggest painting nails depending on the date of birth, the determining number of gua, according to the zodiac sign, and belonging to one of the five elements. But there are several general advice, which do not require deep knowledge of the doctrine.

The meaning and combination of colors in manicure according to Feng Shui

Feng Shui fans believe that the right combination flowers will help strengthen interaction with the powerful energy of the earth and make wishes come true. A bad combination will create the opposite result - it will have a bad effect on your well-being and will cause trouble.

Read also: Manicure with foil: royal grace and shine!

What meaning do colors carry?

  • White– associated with purity, light, purity, spiritual innocence, peace.
  • Pink– the color of spiritual balance and tranquility, femininity, youth and tenderness. Neutralizes aggression.
  • Yellow– the color of success and recovery, gives strength to achieve goals, enhances internal balance and good mood.
  • Citric– helps in easy communication between people.
  • Orange– symbolizes optimism, helps to cope with apathy. Helps improve relationships with loved ones. Symbol of warmth.
  • Beige- represents peace.
  • Green– preserves health, perfectly restores strength, adds confidence, and bestows prosperity. Symbol of life and rebirth.
  • Blue– concentrates attention when performing important tasks, helps in solving life issues. Symbolizes harmony and balance.
  • Blue– the color of kindness and confidence. Relieves pain and promotes creativity.
  • Gold– the color of power and strength, wealth and luxury.
  • Red– means happiness, prosperity, love. Activates a person’s internal capabilities. Symbolizes passion, brightness, energy.
  • Grey– neutral color. Associated with prudence, practicality, skepticism.
  • Lilac- a symbol of intelligence, harmony with the surrounding nature.
  • Violet– the color of intuition, mystery, deep inner knowledge. Awakens the subconscious, relieves insomnia.
  • Turquoise– confidence in the future, financial well-being. A symbol of sophistication and beauty. Relieves fatigue.

Learning to correctly combine colors according to Feng Shui is very difficult. After all, there are hundreds of options. These can be shades of the same palette or, on the contrary, contrasting colors. Anna Stramer, who studied this science, laid out her knowledge in a book with more than 250 pages. Let us remind you that the simplest rule is to highlight the middle and ring fingers of the right hand with contrasting varnish. This is a win-win combination that brings success in life, love and a successful career.

Five elements: which one is yours?

The easiest way to determine which element you belong to is the year of birth. The last number indicates one of the five elements. Depending on this, it is recommended to give preference to certain colors.

0, 1 – your element is metal. Use white, silver, yellow. Create a manicure with sparkles, rhinestones, and mother-of-pearl.

2, 3 – you are protected by the water element. Paint your nails dark blue, lavender, purple, black. Use chameleon polishes.

4, 5 – corresponds to the element tree. Choose green or light green color. Decorate your nails with patterns.

6, 7 – fire is your element. Paint your nails pink, red, orange.

8, 9 – you are protected by the earth element. Your colors are beige, brown, nude.

Read also: What do you need for a French manicure?

The meaning of each finger in the art of Feng Shui

Each finger attracts a different energy into life. It is important to know this so that the manicure works correctly for your well-being.

The teaching of Feng Shui says: if you highlight colors or make patterns on the fingers of your right hand, then this is how you direct (give) your energy to implement your plans. By focusing on the fingers of your left hand, you can focus the information on yourself. After all, the left hand receives energy.

What do the fingers of the right hand mean?

Thumb controls the work of consciousness and mental activity. He is responsible for the correctness of decisions and the effectiveness of business relationships. Attracts productivity and winning. Also promotes health. His patronizing element is air, the planet is Mars.

Pointing activates confidence, sanity, strengthens one’s own egocentrism. His patron is Jupiter, and he belongs to the fire element.

Middle finger- a guarantor of wealth, prosperity, success. Promotes the flow of money and successful business transactions. However, it indicates touchiness and quarrels. He is patronized by the earth element and the planet Saturn.

Nameless controls love affairs, meetings, attractiveness to the opposite sex. Gives inner harmony. He is patronized by the Sun, element - metal.

Little finger responsible for stability, family idyll, mental well-being, creative flight. Is under the patronage of Mercury and the water element.

What do the fingers of the left hand mean?

  • Big– unfulfilled expectations, anxiety, waste of time.
  • Pointing– great doubts, indecision, fear.
  • Average– sexuality, pleasant surprises.
  • Nameless– sadness, disappointment in love, sadness, unrequited love, loneliness.
  • Little finger- betrayal, lies, gossip, undisguised flattery.

It is not difficult to notice that only the middle finger of the left hand has a positive meaning.

Feng Shui manicure to attract money

In order for you to enjoy financial well-being, you should paint your nails, adhering to three important rules.

  • Highlight the ring and middle fingers with contrasting varnish. It is this technique that contributes to the flow of money.
  • Use a “money” color varnish. The strongest of them are gold, green, turquoise, purple. An alternative option is to apply a sign on the nail that symbolizes monetary well-being.

  • It is necessary to make accents and draw signs on the fingers of the left hand. Their function is to receive energy, respectively cash flow. The right hand initiates the release of energy, therefore it can cause the release of money luck into the Universe, moving it away from you.

Feng Shui manicure to attract love

You can decorate your nails by giving them different shades in accordance with the recommendations of specialists.

What you need to know about Feng Shui manicure?

There are many interesting techniques and methods that provide the desired emotional mood when applying nail polish. Prepare your hands and nails properly. Prepare yourself psychologically for the procedure. Determine the place where you will do your manicure, since not all areas of your home are suitable for this.

Feng Shui manicure area

  • Do you want to get a manicure to attract money? Paint your nails where your cash income usually goes. Place in the kitchen - near the refrigerator with goodies. Near the furniture where the money is kept, the closet with fur coats.
  • Is manicure done to attract love? Do it in the love zone. In the bedroom, in the bathroom, where you apply makeup. In the kitchen you can do a manicure for those who want to get married - the whole family gathers there.
  • Do you need success in business? Get your nails done at your workplace.
Tune in emotionally to the procedure. Adviсe:
  1. Create a pleasant atmosphere around yourself. Turn on the music, make the lighting bright. Let no one bother you. Take your time when applying the varnish.
  2. Specify your goals specifically - what do you expect from a Feng Shui manicure?

Your element for creating a manicure according to Feng Shui

Manicure colors play a big role. Choose a shade based on your element to attract positive energy.

Determine your element. The element is determined by the last digit of the year of your birth. Each of the five belongs to certain numbers.

  • earth corresponds to 8 and 9;
  • metal belongs to 0 and 1;
  • the tree is associated with the numbers 4 and 5;
  • fire corresponds to 6 and 7;
  • water - 2 and 3.

Feng Shui nail polish colors according to the elements

  1. If your element is fire, often choose red, burgundy tones with the addition of gold.
  2. Girls belonging to the element of wood should use blue, green and their shades. Black would also work.
  3. Do you belong to the earth element? Your colors are yellow, brown, red, beige, pink.
  4. Shades of yellow, brown, silver, and white suit the elements of metal.
  5. If your element is water, do a manicure of any color.

Do you need a manicure that brings good luck, love, money? Then you need to know the meaning of each finger and the appropriate shades - you can highlight the necessary fingers, making the manicure harmonious.

The meaning of fingers in manicure according to Feng Shui

Fingers of the right hand
  • Errors and miscalculations are symbolized by the thumb. He is responsible for events related to intellectual work, for successful transactions and discoveries.
  • The meaning of the index finger denotes dissatisfaction with oneself and others.
  • Medium means anger and quarrels, dissatisfaction in sex.
  • Highlight your ring finger if you want to attract love.
  • The little finger represents family ties.
Left hand fingers
  • The meaning of the thumb is vain efforts and worries.
  • The index is responsible for injuries and fears, risks, indecision.
  • The meaning of the middle is sensuality, sex, good luck in the family.
  • Nameless personifies loneliness and disappointment.
  • Little finger - loss, betrayal, deception.
It is necessary to remember the main types of manicure according to Feng Shui.
  1. To attract wealth, love, stability, you need to highlight the middle and ring fingers of the right hand.
  2. If the little finger is highlighted, it means that its owner strives to achieve complete harmony in the soul.
  3. By focusing on the thumb, a person thereby shows that he is interested in career growth.
  4. The index finger indicates power, strength, the will to win, and the ability to manage people. It is generally universal.

According to Feng Shui, it is worth specially noting only the fingers of the right hand, which accumulates energy, while the left one takes it away.

Feng Shui interpretation of colors

Red and its shades are responsible not only for love relationship, but also in general for vital energy.

Purple symbolizes harmony, strength, perfection. It is the most important in Feng Shui - a real magnet for attracting the necessary energy.

Shades of apricot and beige mean harmony and tranquility.

Orange gives optimism; Use blue and pink to suppress negative energy.

Green gives confidence and increases self-esteem. Blue helps you concentrate, turquoise improves your health.