The dog started writing at home what to do. What to do if your dog craps at home: advice and recommendations from a specialist

A similar problem occurs not only with puppies, but also with those dogs that previously relieved themselves only on the street. The reasons lie either in the pet’s psyche or in a violation of its physical health.

How to stop a dog from peeing at home and shitting in the apartment? About this in detailed review Further.

If we are talking about a puppy or young dog, then The reason is most likely psychological in nature:

  1. Excessively strong emotions sometimes cause relaxation of the intestinal muscles in animals, which leads to an acute desire to relieve themselves. For example, the dog was very happy about the arrival of the owner - he might do something dirty. Or he was afraid of punishment for his misdeed. IN the latter case, if people yell at a pet and hit it, it will crap at home more often, afraid in anticipation of punishment. Or even out of revenge.
  2. The reason may also be longing for the owner who left the dog alone for a long time. This is a strong emotion, and, unable to cope with sadness, the dog relieves itself in the wrong place.
  3. The walking and feeding schedule is disrupted. In this case, the puppy’s body cannot develop the necessary reflexes, and he may want to go to the toilet at any time, and not at a strictly defined time. In addition, if the gap between walks is too long, the dog will shit, being unable to endure it.
  4. Problems of master's authority are quite capable of leading to similar consequences. Those. a puppy or young dog proves that he is the boss in the house and strives for a dominant position. And if a person treats a pet too gently, then the latter feels unpunished.
  5. Sometimes the reason is a lack of attention from the owner, and the dog attracts him to itself with this behavior.

Attention! Bitches up to two years of age have problems with toileting outdoors due to the formation of the hormonal system.

However, everything returns to normal after the first birth.

If a problem occurs with a pet that previously relieved itself strictly on the street, you need to pay attention to physiology, because:

  • in cold weather a dog can catch a cold, and this leads to various kinds of diseases, the consequence of which is a violation of the regime (at risk are decorative pets, which even warm clothes cannot save);
  • jealousy can have this effect; for example, a cat appears, and the dog shits because he is jealous of the owner’s attention;
  • stress sometimes causes, according to which the dog cannot wait to go outside and relieves itself at home.

When a pet, who previously had no problems with the toilet, suddenly shits at home, you should first take him to the veterinarian.

Important! Changing a habit can be a sign of illness!

How to stop a dog from littering the house?

The most important thing in this matter is patience. We must understand that It will not be possible to quickly retrain either a puppy or an adult dog. And it is important to know which actions lead to the opposite, negative consequences in all respects.

  • if a problem with the toilet arose due to ill health, the pet should be shown to a veterinarian - after treatment everything will return to normal;
  • if the cause of the problem is incorrect training of the dog to the street, the same recommendations should be applied to it as to a puppy;
  • If a dog craps at home without accepting the owner’s authority, you need to start training to strengthen the person’s leadership position.

How to stop a dog from shitting on the bed? In cases where an adult dog or puppy relieves itself on sofas, beds, chairs, etc., The use of special sprays used to treat furniture helps. They have no smell, do not leave stains, and are harmless to pets. However, the desire to shit in the treated area is discouraged.

Attention! After eating, sleeping or playing, especially active ones, the puppy will definitely want to go to the toilet.

Therefore, you should be more careful and take him out before he has time to relieve himself at home.

How to stop a puppy from littering the house? Recommendations for children are as follows:

  • when the baby wants to go to the toilet, he begins to fuss and look for a place, as soon as this starts, it’s time to take him outside;
  • be sure to strive to ensure that walks happen at the same time of day about 5 times a day (when the pet grows up, you can limit yourself to 2-3 times);
  • the walk should be long so that the dog has time to do his business, it should be active, because physical activity stimulates the intestines;
  • a good option is to take water with you: after drinking, the pet will want to relieve itself and will do it outside;
  • You need to walk where there are other dogs, because... their example helps the puppy understand what is wanted from him.

You can teach your baby to go outside right away, or you can do it gradually. In the second case, the dog is kept away from the places where he sleeps and eats, and then taken out for a walk with the newspaper. This helps form a habit.

Important! You cannot accustom a puppy to the street until 4 months of age.

Firstly, he will not understand what is required of him, and secondly, there is a high risk of infection (and others).

Reward for correct behavior

How to stop a puppy from crapping at home and accustom him to the street? So that the pet quickly and thoroughly understands what is wanted from him, you need to give him positive motivation:

  • verbally praise after he goes to the toilet outside;
  • give various treats after this;
  • express your joy in every way possible correct action with his hand.

This is true for both kids and adult dogs. In addition, the puppy can be taught to go to the toilet on command: while he is doing his business, you need to repeat one word each time. Later, this word will become a signal for the dog that it is time to go to the toilet.

Punishment for misbehavior

You can’t ignore your dog’s wrong actions., how it should not be allowed for her to develop an associative connection between the owner and punishment. In such cases, do the following:

  • use a more strict, scolding tone, reprimanding the pet for incorrect actions;
  • they take away his favorite toy and give it back only after he relieves himself on the street;
  • are taught the command “Ugh!” It’s impossible!” so that the dog understands the owner’s attitude towards his action.

Unacceptable punishment

There are also actions that should never be used against a pet. This applies to both adult dogs and puppies.

You cannot shout and scold after the owner notices that the dog has crap in the house - the effect will be the opposite. The pet will begin to cheat in order to hide traces of the offense, and in addition will be afraid of the person.

Under no circumstances should an animal be hit or otherwise physically aggressive towards it.

The main thing in retraining is patience and attentiveness to the dog. Over time, she will definitely learn to relieve herself on the street, and the owner’s task is not to lose her trust

Additionally, check out the video on how to stop a dog from crapping at home:

The first days after birth, puppies are entirely dependent on their mother. She feeds them, and she also takes care of their hygiene. But now the period of infancy is over, and now the owner has to instill neatness skills in the pet. Here you will have to be patient and have a set of disinfectants. It will not be possible to completely avoid menial work.

Dogs are willing to endure for hours until the owner takes them out for a walk, where they can safely relieve themselves. But this behavior is typical for adult animals, but puppies have yet to learn cleanliness.

Difficulties can be caused by various reasons:

  • bad habit;
  • owner's oversight;
  • disease;
  • stress.

In the very younger age pets must observe post-vaccination quarantine and, as a result, do all their business on newspaper or special bedding. A bad habit forms quickly; as a result, the puppy craps at home, but only frolics on walks.

Sometimes the pet is forced to relieve itself in the apartment by the carelessness of the owners. Kids, unlike adults, cannot endure for a long time. If the morning walk was missed due to lack of time, then general cleaning in the evening is inevitable. In this case, there is no point in scolding your pet.

If the puppy is sick, then neatness skills are the first to suffer. There is no time for educational measures - the dog needs to be treated.

An overly excited or frightened pet may wet itself from excess feelings. And sometimes a stinking pile becomes an expression of hidden resentment.

Sequential steps to train a puppy

If you call on natural instincts to help, learning will happen much faster. Feeding should be carried out strictly according to the clock, then it will be easier to notice the rhythm of the digestive system and at first adapt to it.

You need to carefully monitor the animal and, as soon as the puppy begins to show signs of anxiety, look for a secluded place (even the most foolish baby will not mess up where he sleeps or eats), immediately take him outside and wait for the result there.

If you feed and water your pet by the hour, natural processes will become more rhythmic, so it will be much easier to “seize the moment.” When the skill is established, the mode can be weakened.

It is important to be consistent, persistent and patient. This is not about mischief or pranks - as soon as the pet understands what is required of him, his instinct will “turn on”, and the problem will be solved once and for all.

Reward for correct behavior

Incentives in case of success work flawlessly. During a walk, you should definitely have your favorite treat in your pocket. As soon as the puppy has gone to the toilet outside, he needs to be praised, caressed and given a well-deserved reward.

Having the right example before your eyes speeds up learning. You need to find an older friend for walks. When the older dog begins to do his business, the baby will definitely repeat after him. And after this, the owner should praise the puppy for his intelligence and reward him with “yummy food.”

Outdoor games and water will do a good job. The pet, excited by the game, will want to drink, and he needs to be allowed to drink to his heart's content. Dogs have a fast metabolism, and within a few minutes everything will work as it should. The owner needs to praise the pet for the skill to stick. Larger cases will follow on their own. The walking time will have to be increased a little, but the results are worth it.

If an adult dog starts shitting at home

It is much more difficult to train an adult dog to be orderly again. First of all, you need to check your pet's health. If this is all right, then you need to tighten discipline. But beatings, screaming, swearing are absolutely prohibited methods.

Hitting an animal is unacceptable. The dog may become angry or too fearful. The result will be the same stinking heaps, made either to spite the owner or out of fear of him.

Poking your nose in feces is even worse. Such treatment will completely ruin the dog’s character. Normal habits simply cannot be formed. Most likely, a frightened animal will eat excrement, but this will not make the house cleaner.


Punishments are just as necessary as rewards, but they must be constructive and educational. The dog is devoted to its owner and is ready to do everything in its power to earn praise. She understands perfectly well when she is being scolded, and this affects her much more powerfully than physical punishment. Pain and hunger are not only inhumane, but also useless influences. Too strong stimuli confuse the animal, it becomes fearful, nervous and cannot understand what exactly they want from it.

A pet should be reprimanded for bad behavior, but there is no need to shout or swear. An intelligent animal is good at distinguishing the intonations of a human voice. An angry tone is enough for the puppy to understand that he has done something wrong.

The baby probably has his favorite toy. You can take it away from him if he gets it dirty. But when he does what he has to do on the street, the toy is immediately returned to him with praise and treats.

Punishment makes sense only if the puppy is caught in the act of a crime (otherwise he will not understand what his fault is). He needs to be scolded, and if he is very angry, then he needs to be spanked by the withers. As a last resort, you can lightly slap him with a newspaper.

The puppy must remain at home for the entire period until vaccination is completed (that is, until 4 months of age), otherwise there is a high risk of infection. You will have to put up with the need to do unpleasant cleaning. It is better to remove carpets, rugs, and soft floor coverings at this time, as “unexpected incidents” are inevitable.

You can try to protect the most problematic areas with odorous tags. Substances with repellent odors are sold in veterinary pharmacies. Regular vinegar will work too. They are used to treat those places that have been dirty, as well as those where the puppy is prohibited from entering.

You cannot clean up dirt in the presence of an animal - the owner risks losing his dominant status in his eyes. Therefore, the dirty one needs to be locked in a safe place while cleaning.

The baby has a bowel movement after every sleep and meal. Thus, you will have to take him out into the yard 7-8 times a day. To speed up the process, you can gently massage the abdomen and give a verbal command, for example, “do business,” etc.

If training is carried out firmly, systematically, patiently and with love, the pet will quickly learn the new rules and will delight everyone with its cleanliness.

When getting a purebred dog, you should not assume that its pedigree comes with correct behavior. An inexperienced owner who is not systematically involved in raising an animal may encounter the fact that a puppy and an adult dog begin to pee and crap in the house. Experts have developed a number of re-education recommendations for such cases, including an adequate reaction of the owner to a dirty floor, the use of the animal’s instincts and the formation of stable pet habits.

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    Teaching a puppy to be clean

    Nature itself helps a person in teaching a puppy to be clean.

    The desire for cleanliness is inherent in the instincts of a puppy. When the puppies become stronger and begin to stand on their feet, they, following the example of their mother, leave the den to defecate on the outskirts of their territory. Thus, from a very tender age, all dogs get used to going to the toilet away from the place where they sleep and eat.

    Another aid to toilet training puppies is their digestive tract. In dogs, food digestion is particularly fast. As a rule, within 5-30 minutes after eating the puppy needs to recover. Even a small 10 week old puppy can already pee and poop on a schedule.

    First days in the apartment

    While the puppy is small, it will be impossible to do without puddles on the floor. Physiologically, he cannot tolerate it and pees at the first call of his body. It is better to immediately remove carpets from rooms than to lament later about material losses, since if urine is absorbed into the fabric, it will not be possible to completely eliminate the traces.

    At this time, the puppy cannot be scolded for puddles and piles - they are not to blame. You can’t poke him with your nose, spank him or hit him - he will only get scared and needlessly be offended. At this stage, physical punishment will not help to achieve cleanliness in the house, but will undermine trust in the owner and will significantly complicate parenting in the future.

    Experienced dog breeders use the following trick:

    1. 1. Place a low box with sand or sawdust in the room.
    2. 2. Some time after feeding, noticing that the puppy is squirming around in search of a place to sit, he is taken to the crate.
    3. 3. After he has relieved the intestines in this place, he is praised and stroked.
    4. 4. After a few days, the pet will develop the habit of pooping not just anywhere, but in the box.

    Street training

    After this, the baby needs to be taken outside as often as possible: it is best to do this after each feeding. This does not mean that the puppy will immediately learn to tolerate it and will begin to relieve itself only on the street. A three-month-old baby can defecate 15 to 30 times a day. There will definitely be times when it stains the floor of the room; but over time the pet will crap less and less.

    The most serious thing that can be done in this case is to express your displeasure in your voice and intonation. You can easily spank the puppy at the very moment of the violation and, after reprimanding him, immediately take him out for a walk. A slap delayed even by a few seconds no longer produces the desired effect.

    When a puppy is awake and actively moving, he cannot cope with the need for relief for a long time, so it is better to play with him outside.

    During a walk, you need to praise the puppy every time for walking and show that the owner is happy when the pet relieves itself in the right place. After the puppy has gone to the toilet, there is no need to rush back home: for the dog, just being outside is a reward. The puppy will likely accept a short walk as a reward, which will motivate him to patiently refrain from eliminating in the house.

    Even small puppies have favorite places where they go “big” - they need to be visited every time they walk. It is very important to praise your baby after he has gone to the toilet in the right place. This can be a simple quiet voice of approval - the pet will still feel it.

    Accustoming to cleanliness will take several months, but not because the puppy is not trainable, but due to the immaturity of the growing dog’s excretory system. The puppy cannot yet endure hours waiting for a walk, as an adult dog does.

    Expert advice:

    • Puppies are taken for a walk first in the morning, then immediately after each feeding, afternoon nap and after long periods of playing in the apartment.
    • The puppy is taken outside to the same place.
    • If the puppy needs to be left alone for a while, he is placed in a closed, safe place: a cage, enclosure or kennel.
    • You need to feed the puppy at the same time - this promotes normal digestion, and the puppy is relieved at the same time. On vacations, holidays and weekends, this rule must also be observed.

    You should not feed puppies in the evening or at night so that they can wait until the morning. This does not teach cleanliness, but only harms the health of the animal. The fact is that for puppies up to 6 months of age, the greatest benefit comes from the last meal of the day. It is best digested during a long night's sleep.

    Approximate daily routine

    If the puppy is fed 3 times a day (usually this is done for dogs under 8 months), he should be taken for a walk immediately after eating. And additionally - after a long sleep or a long game.

    An approximate daily routine for a puppy aged 2-3 months, helping to teach cleanliness:

    1. 1. 7:00 – go outside to a place that the puppy has already chosen as a toilet.
    2. 2. 8:15 - 8:30 taking the puppy outside immediately after morning feeding.
    3. 3. 11:00 – another trip to the toilet.
    4. 4. 15:30-16:00 – full walking.
    5. 5. 19:30-20:30 - walk after dinner.

    In the first three months of a dog's life, habits are developed for the rest of its life. If after 6 months the puppy continues to defecate in the apartment, despite all the measures taken, this is a signal that he is unhealthy. In this case, you should contact your veterinarian.

    Teaching an adult dog to be clean

    Trouble with cleanliness does not arise if the feeding, exercise and walking regime with the dog is followed. It is healthier to feed an adult dog twice a day rather than once. You also need to take your dog out for a walk twice a day – immediately after waking up and before going to bed.

    Sometimes it is necessary to accustom a dog to cleanliness, which previously lived in a kennel in the yard and for some reason was transferred to an apartment. Each breed has its own temperament and training abilities. However, any dog ​​can be taught to keep the house clean - from a small toy terrier to a large Labrador. An adult dog learns to toilet faster than a puppy – in just 3 days.

    Teaching a dog to be clean consists of two stages:

    • The animal must learn Where need to go to the toilet.
    • The animal must learn When you can go to the toilet.

    The dog is tied near its place in the apartment and is untied and monitored from time to time. When a dog tries to sit down or raise its paw, they throw a chain at it, shout at it, and immediately take it out for a walk. A few days are enough to teach an adult animal to get used to the street.

    Causes of uncleanliness in adult dogs

    If a pet craps at home as an adult, this is most often due to the fact that the dog is left at home alone for many hours or is forgotten to be walked after eating, after playing, and before bed. Sometimes uncleanliness is due to improper feeding.

    You need to set aside enough time to walk your dog. A dog cannot relieve itself in one go. The animal does this in several stages with breaks. Huskies and other sled dogs are particularly resilient in this regard. When kept in an apartment, they have to be walked for a long time so that they completely empty their bladder.

    When a dog is fed at the same time throughout the day, it will need to relieve itself at approximately the same time.

    You need to stick to a regular diet. A sudden change in diet will lead to gastric upset, and the dog will be forced to defecate in the apartment.

    Many short-haired dogs do not like to walk in rainy weather and rush home. In this case, before taking your pet to the apartment, you need to make sure that he has done all his business.

    Sometimes bitches shit in the wrong place during heat. The dog seems to go crazy and can even pee or poop on the owner’s bed. Experienced dog breeders advise walking more often during estrus. When the heat ends, the pet's routine and habits return to normal. You also have to walk an old dog more often, since a weakened animal will not be able to endure it for long.


    No wild animal soils its lair. This property was passed on to the dog from its wild ancestors. It can be used to train an animal to be clean.

    Quickly accustoming an adult dog to walking:

    1. 1. The animal is tied with a short chain at its place.
    2. 2. Every 2 hours, they are untied and taken out for a walk to the place designated for emptying.

    Gradually, the length of the leash is increased, as are the intervals between walks. The dog will start counting everything most premises as his “den”, that is, a place where he cannot relieve himself, and will stop getting dirty.

    Sometimes adult dogs do big things outside and small ones at home. In this case, in order to repel the animal, the wetted area is thoroughly washed. folk remedies for disinfection - a weak solution of potassium permanganate or formidron. You can wash the floor in the place in the apartment where the dog relieved itself with vinegar. Useless ammonia– it removes stains, but does not eliminate the smell, and the dog will relieve itself again and again in the same place.

    In the yard at the walking area, rags are placed, moistened with the urine of this dog and lightly covered with sand and earth - then the animal gets used to urinating in one place. Dogs who love to eat can be rewarded for proper elimination with a small piece of treat. Animals quickly understand what they are rewarding for and instantly learn to defecate outside.

    If your dog persistently urinates at home certain place, you can put a bowl of food there - even a very young dog will not shit where it eats.

    If a dog is sick or recovering from spaying or sterilization, you need to walk it immediately as needed. Painful sensations in the urinary canal area, as well as bad feeling, will not allow the pet to endure the need for as long as it was in the normal state.

    A sign that it’s time for the dog to take a walk is sniffing the floor and spinning around in a small space. There is no need to try to drag the dog to another place when it has already begun to defecate - cleaning in this case will cause more trouble. If the dog still shits at home, it does not need to be poked with its nose in the feces and physically punished.

    Sometimes, in order to wean an adult dog from peeing at home, you have to put a cage or booth in the room, since even small puppies try not to relieve themselves in their own den.

    Useful accessories

    Special accessories will help solve the problem of hygiene for puppies and adult dogs of small breeds. Diapers and trays are the best solution when it is not possible to walk your pet.

    Puppy diapers

    Owners of puppies who cannot handle five or six walks a day can purchase a special pee mat. This accessory is a kind of help for teaching a dog to be clean. The mats can be used while traveling.

    Excessive training of puppies to pee mats leads to the fact that an adult dog cannot go to the toilet on the street: the accessory has dulled the animal’s instinct not to defecate where you live.

    The best way to use rugs is to lay them out when the owner cannot watch the puppy. First, 3-4 rugs are laid out on the floor to determine in which place it is more convenient for the puppy to urinate. After this, you can remove all the rugs, leaving only one in the place where the puppy usually pees.

    To draw the puppy's attention to the accessory, place a little grass or soil with the smell of another dog's feces on it. This will make your pet want to go to the toilet in this particular place in order to kill the foreign smell. The mat should be placed away from the dog's area.

    The used writing mat is thrown away. The floor needs to be washed to eliminate the smell. Instead of a rug, you can lay out newspapers or other bedding. Any bedding should be removed as soon as the dog has relieved himself, as the animal will not want to pee a second time where it is already wet.


    For pets of decorative breeds kept in the room, it is permissible to go to the tray. This allows the owner not to get up early in the morning for a walk.

    For a male dog, purchase a tray with a post, where he can get into Right place, raising his paw.

    The following breeds can use the litter box:

    • chihuahua;
    • dwarf spitz;
    • small terriers (Yorkie, Toy Terrier)

    To train your dog to use the litter box, you need to watch it for several days. When the animal begins to crouch and look for a secluded place, it is transferred to the tray and waited for it to relieve itself. When the process is completed, the dog is praised or given a treat.

Cystitis in a dog is often detected too late: the symptoms of the disease are too vague, and the owner becomes alarmed that the dog often pees. An undetected pathological process develops in the dog’s bladder, and complications are brewing. How to prevent undesirable consequences and help your pet in time? Recommendations from veterinarians and experienced dog breeders will help answer this question.

Translated from Greek, “cystitis” means “bubble”. The mucous membrane of this organ of urine excretion is a nutrient medium for influencing microflora. Viruses, fungi, bacteria penetrate into it in different ways: through the blood or lymphatic flow, from the urethra (urethra), ureters, genitals, and gastrointestinal tract. The biggest threat to a dog's bladder is E. coli.

It has been proven that in 70% of cases, cystitis in dogs occurs due to the appearance of a source of infection in the body. Even banal stomatitis can provoke an illness. More serious diseases are of particular danger: urolithiasis, pyelonephritis, nephritis.

The source of infection is often the urethra, which is a target for bacterial growth. Normally, pathogenic microorganisms leave it in the urine. But certain conditions can lead to their intensive reproduction. Risk factors include:

  • stagnation of urine when the dog resists the urge to go to the toilet for a long time, incomplete emptying of the bladder;
  • weakened immune system;
  • hormonal imbalances;
  • hypothermia during long periods of exercise, when swimming in ice water, lying in a draft;
  • stress caused by severe fear, melancholy, resentment - rarely.

Less commonly, the culprits of cystitis are:

The development of cystitis is promoted by an unbalanced dog diet and a sedentary lifestyle.

Bitches are more susceptible to the described misfortune. Unlike male dogs, their urethra is shorter, wider and closer to the anus. Therefore, there are more pathogenic microorganisms in it and it is easier for them to get into the bladder. “Women’s” diseases – metritis, vaginitis – cannot be discounted. They often haunt bitches, and in the absence of treatment they become chronic.

How to recognize the disease?

In order not to cause cystitis in a dog, you need to know its symptoms. At the acute stage pathogenesis, the clinical picture is clearly expressed:

  • the previously neat dog begins to urinate in corners and dirty pieces of furniture in the presence of the owner;
  • pees often;
  • raises whining during or after urination;
  • after emptying the bladder, the dog moves slowly and carefully, the hind limbs are tense, growls or runs away when trying to touch the stomach (palpation reveals an enlargement and thickening of the bladder);
  • the color and smell of urine changes: it becomes cloudy, smells bad, sometimes pieces of mucus, purulent impurities, and blood clots appear in it;
  • acts of urination occur more often, while less fluid is released;
  • There is general lethargy or unusual aggressiveness, unquenchable thirst, indifference to food, nausea, and fever.

If cystitis in dogs is accompanied by infectious complications, antibiotics alone will not help. It is necessary to include sulfonamides (Urolex, Furagin), and sometimes immunomodulators (Vestin, Ribotan). If there are signs of intoxication, droppers are prescribed.

In case of allergic origin of cystitis, a course of therapy with antihistamines is carried out. Having identified the agent provocateur, they urgently replace the hygiene product or food. Getting rid of foci of infection in the body: rotten teeth, helminthiasis, vaginitis will help speed up recovery.

Disease Prevention

It is easier to prevent the disease than to look for ways to treat cystitis in dogs.

10 rules for preventing cystitis:

  1. Do not allow your dog to get a cold in the bladder: lie under an air conditioner, a fan, in a draft, or on a tiled or concrete floor.
  2. Regularly check “girls” for the presence of gynecological pathologies and treat them in a timely manner.
  3. During the period of heat, do not walk the bitches in places favored by strays.
  4. Do not bring a male dog to mate with an unexamined partner.
  5. Trim the thick fur under the tail of long-haired dogs: this will reduce the chance of excrement getting on the animal's tongue or genitals.
  6. Keep your pet and its “bed” clean.
  7. Provide your four-legged companion with adequate nutrition, and give him plenty to drink, but only purified water. Pamper your dog with cranberry juice periodically: this natural antibiotic prevents stone formation in the bladder.
  8. Don't be lazy to walk your dog three times a day.
  9. Do not skip medical examinations at the veterinary clinic, take a urine test at the request of the veterinarian, immediately get rid of identified pulpitis, stomatitis and other sources of infection.
  10. Do not hesitate to monitor the condition of your pet’s urine.

Keeping these simple commandments will not require special effort. But precautionary measures will save a lot of mental and material resources that will be needed to defeat cystitis.

Your pet used to tolerate it outside, but now it started doing it in the apartment? Find out how to stop an adult dog from littering the house from our article.

Why did an adult dog start shitting at home?

Your pet regularly goes to the toilet outside, waits between walks and does not make toilet “misses”. Everything changes in one moment when a four-legged friend allows himself to relieve himself in the apartment.

The problem needs to be resolved immediately. And for this, we need to understand its causes, which can be psychological or physiological. Let's look at specific cases and outline ways to solve the problem.

Psychological reasons.
What to do if the dog starts shitting at home?

Stress and negative emotions

A dog may start defecating at home due to stress caused by:

  • Change of residence
  • The arrival of a new person or animal in the house
  • Painful medical procedures
  • Unusual smells and sounds

Lack of attention can also affect a pet's uncleanliness in the house.

Lack of attention

Having deliberately shitted in the apartment, the dog knows that punishment will follow. However, the pet is ready to accept such a fate for the sake of the owner’s attention. The fact that the dog is in dire need of your attention is indicated by piles and puddles made on the sofa or bed.

When left alone for a long time, the dog falls into despair and is even ready to commit an immoral act and deserved punishment.

How to solve a problem?

  • Identify and, if possible, eliminate the cause of stress.
  • Work out on fresh air. Walk with your pet more, give him physical activity. At the same time, encourage the desired behavior of your pet with treats. Long walks will help reinforce the skill of going to the toilet outside and help relieve stress.
  • Add positive emotions to your pet's life. Pay attention to your dog: buy him a new toy, treat him to tasty food, and don’t leave him alone for a long time.

If the reasons for your pet’s unwanted behavior are psychological, educational methods will help solve the toilet problem. Proceed sequentially:

  1. Feed your dog 30-40 minutes before going outside. The food must be digested by the time the pet enters the yard. Take a water bowl with you and let your dog drink after exercise. Double the time spent on a walk until the pet does its business.
  2. It is done? Be sure to praise the dog and give him a treat. Praise and reward your pet every time he goes to the toilet outside.
  3. If a pet makes a pile or a puddle at home, it must be punished at the time the crime is committed. Command “Ugh!” You can’t!”, spank the dog with a newspaper. Your pet should associate your dissatisfaction with the mistake you made. Thoroughly wash the place where your pet went, eliminate the smell so that this place no longer attracts the dog to crap in the house.

When raising a dog, do not lose sight of its health. The reasons that a dog craps at home may be physiological, and educational measures will not help in solving this problem.

Physiological reasons why a dog may shit at home.

Digestive disorder

Digestive disorder is one of the reasons why an animal may begin to leave piles and puddles in the apartment. The pet cannot tolerate going outside and defecates at home. Let us list the main reasons why this condition occurs:

  • Errors in nutrition
  • Stale foods in the diet, poisoning with poisons and drugs
  • Binge eating

Inflammatory processes of the genitourinary system

If there are problems with the bladder, the animal will inevitably leave puddles in the apartment, even if the owner follows the walking schedule. This problem is especially common in older dogs.

For example, a bladder tumor may contribute frequent urges to emptying. The disease is detected and treated only by a veterinarian in the clinic.

Sexual hunting

At the onset of sexual heat hormonal background The animal changes: bitches and dogs begin to mark. Animals use scent to mark their territory and attract partners for mating.

Sexual heat in females occurs 2 times a year. And males are always ready to mate if there is a female in heat nearby. Therefore, the problem of marking an apartment due to heat is more relevant for owners of male dogs than for owners of female dogs. Let's look at ways to solve it.

Three ways: how to stop an adult dog from crapping at home due to heat


For some time, mating with a female will help solve the problem of male tagging. However, as soon as the pet again feels the bitch in heat, sexual hunting and marking of the territory will resume.


Removing the testes from a male dog is a radical method of solving the problem of sexual heat. A male dog may not change his habits after castration, especially if he is castrated as an adult.

In addition, castration is not suitable for breeding animals that are used for breeding. After the operation, procreation will be impossible.

The use of drugs to regulate sexual heat

The use of a drug to regulate sexual heat will help to avoid the problem of marking territory, as well as all the problems associated with sexual heat in male dogs.

Experienced breeders and dog owners choose SEX BARRIER drugs to regulate the sexual activity of their pets.

The use of SEX BARRIER allows

  • Interrupt sexual arousal and associated territorial marking
  • Maintain male sexual rest