Closed water cooling system for chiller. Water-cooled chillers (water chillers)

Water chillers

This section of our Internet portal presents models of chillers with water-cooled condenser. Unlike models with an air condenser, which are designed optimally for operation in air conditioning systems of buildings, a water condenser chiller or, as specialized experts call it, a “water water” chiller, its design is fully consistent with its use in production processes. Today it is no longer possible to imagine the production of thermoplastics and dairy products, or the operation of laser machines and the production of food drinks, the production of which involves a natural fermentation process without the use of constant temperature systems. This is where the industrial water cooling chiller became a core element of the production process. A water-cooled chiller system has a number of advantages over models with an air condenser.

Advantages of a water chiller:

1. Minimum overall dimensions for such installations

Due to the fact that heat is removed by liquid, the condenser design has much smaller dimensions than a capacitor in which heat is removed by blowing air. This makes it possible to place the refrigeration machine directly in the workshop, which has a positive effect on the service life of the equipment, and also makes it possible to use them throughout the entire calendar year.

2. Since the principle of operation of a water chiller allows it to be used all year round, models of water-cooled units are equipped with components with increased wear resistance, which has a positive effect on the reliability of chillers.

3. The use of clean running water, which is used in general during production, to remove heat from the condenser has a positive effect on the cooling capacity of the chiller and its service life.

Working principle of water cooled chiller

The main components of the chiller are the refrigeration circuit units: compressor, evaporator, condenser and thermostatic valve.

The external liquid circuit of the cooling system using a chiller takes heat from other equipment involved in the production process and carries it to the heat exchanger (evaporator). This is where the two different temperature circuits of the chiller system intersect. Heat from the external circuit is transferred to the internal circuit of the chiller, further due to physical properties refrigerant and other components of the chiller, heat is transferred to the condenser, where heat is removed by the flow of running water in the cooling tower or by blowing with an air flow in the dry cooler.

Important to remember

Chillers are equipment that ensures the operation of all production process units that require heat removal. The practice of using refrigeration units (chillers) in production processes proves that it is much more economical to use a water-cooled chiller than an air-cooled one. This is due to the fact that air-cooled chillers are extremely rarely used for all 12 months of the year, therefore the units are designed for fewer machine hours. If we take into account that expensive equipment is almost always used in production, we can draw the following conclusion: the failure of a chiller with remote condenser cooling will entail the breakdown of many installations requiring heat removal. Therefore, do not forget that the price of a water chiller includes not only the cost of the refrigeration machine, but also a certain guarantee of long-term operation of other equipment that cannot be operated without the operation of the chiller.

How to choose the right water chiller and buy suitable model?

First of all, it is necessary to calculate the cold performance of the chiller. Otherwise, the installation will not perform its functions or will wear out. The second step is to pay attention to the possible placement of the condenser (it should be understood that during air cooling a large amount of heat will be released into the air space) or connection to running water. The next question that will confront you is whether a chiller hydraulic module is required and, if necessary, determine its technical characteristics. If your technical specialists know all the selection parameters, then choosing an industrial chiller at the best price in our store will not be difficult for you. A well-thought-out product sorting filter will help you quickly get suitable models. If you have difficulties at any stage of selecting a chiller in Moscow or any other city in the Russian Federation, then immediately contact our engineers for advice. We are always ready to help you in choosing a chiller model that is suitable strictly for your parameters; only from us you can buy equipment from various manufacturers, and the price will be lower than the market average, since our company has signed agreements with official representatives of manufacturing plants in Russia. You can buy a chiller in Moscow using the service of a free visit to the site by an engineer from our company.

(chiller) is a refrigeration unit (refrigerator) for or other liquid. The refrigeration machine is designed to extract heat from the cooled medium at low temperatures, while releasing heat at high temperatures is a side process. The refrigeration machine contains several functional elements: a compressor (from 1 to 4), a condenser, an electric motor, an evaporator, a device for expanding the refrigerant or a thermostatic valve, and a control unit.

The production of artificial cold is based on simple physical processes: condensation, compression and expansion of working substances. The working substances used in refrigeration units are called refrigerants.

Refrigeration machines differ:

  • by design (absorption, with a built-in or remote condenser - condenser and non-condenser);
  • type of condenser cooling (air or water);
  • connection diagrams;
  • availability heat pump.


  • Ease of use – the set parameters in each room are automatically maintained year-round in accordance with sanitary and hygienic standards;
  • Flexibility of the system - the distance between the chiller and fan coil units is limited only by the pump power and can reach hundreds of meters;
  • Economic advantage – operating costs are reduced;
  • Environmental advantage - harmless coolant;
  • Construction advantage - flexibility of layout, minimal cost of usable space for placing a refrigeration machine, since it can be installed on the roof, technical floor of buildings, or in the yard;
  • Acoustic advantage – low noise design of the units;
  • Safety – the risk of flooding is limited due to the use of shut-off valves.
VMT-Xiron chillers can only serve as a source of refrigeration supply, but also, in refrigeration or water cycle reversal mode, operate as a heat pump, which is in demand during the cold season.

Types of chillers

The absorption type is a very promising area of ​​development of refrigeration technology, which is increasingly used due to its pronounced modern trend to energy saving. The fact is that for absorption refrigeration machines the main source of energy is not electric current, but waste heat, which inevitably arises in factories, enterprises, etc. and irretrievably emitted into the atmosphere, be it hot air, air-cooled hot water, etc.

The working substance is a solution of two, sometimes three components. The most common binary solutions of an absorber (absorbent) and a refrigerant meet two main requirements for them: high solubility of the refrigerant in the absorbent and a significantly higher boiling point of the absorbent compared to the refrigerant. Solutions of water-ammonia (water-ammonia refrigeration machines) and lithium bromide-water (lithium bromide machines) are widely used, in which, respectively, water and lithium bromide are absorbents, and ammonia and water are refrigerants. The operating cycle in absorption chillers (see the figure below) is as follows: in the generator, to which waste heat is supplied, the working substance boils, as a result of which almost pure refrigerant boils away, because its boiling point is much lower than that of the absorbent.

The refrigerant vapor enters the condenser, where it cools and condenses, giving off its heat to the environment. Next, the resulting liquid is throttled, as a result of which it cools during expansion) and is sent to the evaporator, where, evaporating, it gives up its cold to the consumer and goes to the absorber. The absorbent, from which the refrigerant boiled off at the very beginning, is supplied here through the throttle and absorbs the vapors, because we outlined above the requirement for their good solubility. Finally, the absorbent saturated with refrigerant is pumped to the generator, where it boils off again.

The main advantages of absorption chillers:

  1. The ideal solution for creating trigeneration in an enterprise. The trigeneration complex is a complex that allows today to minimize the cost of electricity, hot water supply, heating and cooling for an enterprise through the use of its own cogeneration power plant in conjunction with an absorption chiller;
  2. Long service life - within 20 years, until the first major overhaul;
  3. low cost of produced cold, cold is produced almost free of charge, because absorption chillers simply utilize excess heat;
  4. Reduced noise and vibration levels, as a result of the absence of compressors with electric motors, as a result - quiet operation and high reliability;
  5. The use of refrigeration/heating units with a direct-acting flame gas generator makes it possible to eliminate the need for boilers, which must be used in conventional installations. This reduces the initial cost of the system and makes absorption chillers competitive with conventional systems that use boilers and chillers;
  6. Ensuring maximum energy savings during peak load periods. In other words, without consuming electricity to produce cold/heat, absorption chillers do not overload the enterprise’s power grid even during peak loads;
  7. It is possible to combine into steam district systems with an efficient double-effect refrigeration unit;
  8. It is possible to distribute the load under conditions of maximum performance in cooling mode. The device copes with a critical load in cooling mode with minimal power consumption due to the use of coolers with a direct-acting flame gas generator or a steam-heated generator;
  9. Allows the use of emergency electric generators of lower power, since the energy consumption of absorption refrigeration units is minimal when compared with electric refrigeration units;
  10. Safe for the ozone layer, does not contain ozone-depleting refrigerants. Cooling is carried out without the use of substances containing chlorine;
  11. The overall impact on the environment is reduced to a minimum, as the consumption of electricity and gas, which causes the greenhouse effect and, as a consequence, global warming, is reduced.

An absorption chiller is a machine that produces chilled water using residual heat from sources such as steam, hot water or hot gas. Chilled water is produced using the principle of refrigeration: a liquid (refrigerant) that evaporates at a low temperature absorbs heat from its environment as it evaporates. Pure water is usually used as the refrigerant, while lithium bromide (LiBr) solution is used as the absorbent.

How absorption refrigeration systems work

In absorption refrigeration units, the absorbent, generator, pump and heat exchanger replace the compressor of steam compressor (mechanical refrigeration) refrigeration systems. The remaining three (3) components also found in mechanical refrigeration systems, i.e. expansion valve, evaporator and condenser, are also used in absorption refrigeration systems.

Evaporation stage of absorption coolers

Refer to Figure-2 for a schematic explanation of the absorption cooling process. Similar to mechanical refrigeration, the cycle "begins" when the high pressure liquid refrigerant from the condenser passes through the expansion valve (1, in Fig. 2) into the low pressure evaporator (2, in Fig. 2) and collects in the evaporator Settlement.

At this low pressure, a small amount of freon begins to evaporate. This evaporation process cools the remaining liquid refrigerant. Likewise, the transfer of heat from the relatively warm process water to the currently cooled refrigerant causes the latter to evaporate (2, in Fig. 2), and the resulting steam is supplied to the lower pressure absorber (3, in Fig. 2). As the process water loses heat to the refrigerant, it can be cooled to significantly lower temperatures. At this stage, chilled water is actually obtained by evaporating freon.

Absorption stage of absorption chillers

Absorption of refrigerant vapor in lithium bromide is an exothermic process. In the absorber, the refrigerant is “sucked” into an absorbent lithium bromide (LiBr) solution. This process not only creates an area of ​​low pressure that draws a continuous flow of refrigerant vapor from the evaporator into the absorber, but also causes the vapor to condense (3, in FIG. 2) as it releases the heat of vaporization provided in the evaporator. This heat, together with the heat of dilution generated by mixing the refrigerant condensate with the absorbent, is transferred to the cooling water and released in the cooling tower. Cooling water is the utility in this cooling stage.

Regeneration of lithium bromide solution

As the lithium bromide absorbent absorbs refrigerant, it becomes more and more dilute, reducing its ability to absorb more refrigerant. To continue the cycle, the absorbent must be reconcentrated. This is achieved by continuously pumping the dilute solution from the absorber to a low temperature generator (5 in Figure 2), where the addition of residual heat (hot water, steam or natural gas) boils (4, in Figure 2) the refrigerant from the absorbent. Often this generator is used to recover waste heat from a plant. Once the refrigerant is removed, the reconcentrated lithium bromide solution is returned to the absorber, ready to resume the absorption process, and the free freon is sent to the condenser (6, in Fig. 2). During this regeneration stage, waste heat from steam or hot water is useful.


The refrigerant vapor welded in the generator (5, in Figure 2) is returned to the condenser (6), where it returns to its liquid state when the cooling water raises the heat of evaporation. It then returns to the expansion valve where the full cycle is completed. During the condensation stage, the cooling water becomes useful again.

Various technologies for absorption chillers

Absorption chillers can be single-shot, double-sided or the latest, which is a triple effect. Single effect machines have a single oscillator (see diagram above, Figure 2) and have a COP value of less than 1.0. Double effect machines have two generators and two capacitors and are more efficient (typical COP values ​​> 1.0). Triple effect machines add a third oscillator and capacitor and are the most efficient, with a typical COP value of >1.5.

Pros and cons of absorption chiller systems

The main advantage of absorption chillers is lower energy costs. Costs can be further reduced if natural gas is available at a low cost or if we can use a low-grade heat source that is otherwise lost in the plant.

The two main disadvantages of absorption systems are their size-weight, and their need for larger cooling towers. Absorption chillers are larger and heavier compared to electric chillers of the same capacity.

Vapor compression chillers are the most common type of refrigeration equipment today. Cold is generated in a vapor compression cycle, consisting of four main processes - compression, condensation, throttling and evaporation - using four main elements - compressor, condenser, control valve and evaporator - in the following sequence: The working substance (refrigerant) in a gaseous state is supplied to compressor inlet with pressure P1 (~7 atm) and temperature T1 (~5° C) and is compressed there to pressure P2 (~30 atm), heating up to temperature T2 (~80° C).

Next, the freon flows into the condenser, where it is cooled (usually due to the environment) to a temperature T3 (~45C), while the pressure ideally remains unchanged, but in reality it drops by tenths of an atm. During the cooling process, freon condenses and the resulting liquid enters the throttle (an element with high hydrodynamic resistance), where it expands very quickly. The output is a vapor-liquid mixture with parameters P4 (~7 atm) and T4 (~0C), which enters the evaporator. Here the freon gives up its cold to the coolant flowing around the evaporator, heating up and evaporating at constant pressure (in reality, it will drop to tenths of an atmosphere). The resulting cooled coolant (Tx~7C) is the final product. And at the exit from the evaporator it has parameters P1 and T1, with which it enters the compressor. The cycle is completed. The driving force is the compressor.

Refrigerant and coolant

We especially note the separation of terms that are similar at first glance - refrigerant and coolant. The refrigerant is the working substance of the refrigeration cycle, during which it can be in a wide range of pressures and also undergoes phase changes. The coolant does not change (phase changes) and serves to transfer (transfer) heat (cold) over a certain distance. Of course, we can draw an analogy by saying that the driving force of the refrigerant is a compressor with a compression ratio of about 3, and the driving force of the coolant is a pump that increases the pressure by 1.5-2.5 times, i.e. the figures are comparable, but the fact of the presence of phase changes in the refrigerant is fundamental. In other words, the coolant always operates at temperatures below the boiling point for the current pressure, while the refrigerant can have a temperature both below and above the boiling point.

Classification of vapor compression chillers

By installation type:

Outdoor installation (built-in condenser)

Such units are a single monoblock installed outdoors. It is convenient in that it allows the exploitation of unexploited areas - the roof, open areas on the ground, etc. It is also a cheaper solution. At the same time, using water as a coolant involves the need to drain it in the winter, which is inconvenient to use, so non-freezing liquids are used, both new saline and traditional solutions of glycols in water. In this case, it is necessary to recalculate the operation of the chiller for each specific coolant. Note that all today's antifreeze solutions are 15-20% less effective than water. The latter is generally difficult to surpass - its high heat capacity and density by the standards of liquids make it an almost ideal coolant, if it were not for such a high freezing point.

Indoor installation (remote condenser)

Here the situation is almost the opposite compared to the previous option. The refrigeration machine consists of two parts - a compressor-evaporation unit and a condenser, connected by a freon route. Sometimes quite valuable areas are required inside the building, while space outside is still needed to place the condenser, albeit with noticeably lower requirements both in terms of area and weight. In indoor chillers there are no problems with water use. Let us also mention the slightly higher energy consumption of the compressor and increased pressure losses due to the extended route (from the chiller to the condenser), which, by the way, is also limited in length by the compressor.

By type of capacitor:

This is the most common option. The condenser is a tube-fin heat exchanger and is cooled by free outside air. It is cheap and easy to design, install and operate. Perhaps the only disadvantage is the large dimensions of the condenser due to the low air density.

Water cooling

However, in some cases, water cooling of the condenser is used. In this case, the condenser is a plate, plate-fin or “pipe-in-pipe” heat exchanger. Water cooling significantly reduces the size of the condenser and also allows for heat recovery. But the resulting heated water (about 40C) is not a valuable product; it is often simply sent to cooling towers for cooling, again giving all the heat to the environment. Thus, water cooling is really beneficial if there is a consumer of heated water. In any case, water-cooled chillers are more expensive than air-cooled ones, and the entire system as a whole is more complex in design, installation, and operation.

Traditionally, cooling towers are used to cool the condenser of refrigeration machines, in which water heated in the condenser is sprayed through nozzles in a stream of moving outside air, and in direct contact with the air is cooled to the wet bulb temperature of the outside air, then entering the condenser. This is a rather bulky device that requires special maintenance, installation of a pump and other auxiliary equipment. Recently, so-called “dry” cooling towers or condenser coolers have been used, which represent a surface water-to-air heat exchanger with axial fans, in which the heat of the water heated in the condenser is transferred to the air, which is circulated through the heat exchanger by axial fans.

In the first case, the water circuit is open, in the second case it is closed, in which it is necessary to install all the necessary equipment: circulation pump, expansion tank, safety valve, shut-off valves. To prevent water from freezing when the chiller operates in cooling mode at subzero outside temperatures, the closed circuit is filled with an aqueous solution of antifreeze liquid. When the condenser is cooled with water, the heat of condensation is also uselessly lost and contributes to thermal pollution of the environment. If there is a heat source, such as a hot water system or process line, it may be useful to use the heat of condensation during the cold production period.

By type of hydraulic module:

Chillers of this configuration are a monoblock, which includes a pump group and, as a rule, an expansion tank. Obviously, manufacturers produce standard hydraulic modules most often in two modifications - with less and more powerful pumps, which do not always meet the necessary requirements (usually their pressure may simply not be enough). In addition, the built-in hydraulic module in outdoor chillers will be located outside, which can create problems in winter - the non-freezing coolant can thicken and in the first seconds of operation the pumps are not able to overcome its viscosity and do not start. On the other hand, there is no need to look for a place for a pumping station, think through its layout, etc. plus there are no problems with automation - these are very significant advantages of built-in hydraulic modules.

With remote hydraulic module

A remote hydraulic module is used, firstly, when the power of the built-in one is not enough; secondly, if redundancy is necessary (note that in built-in hydraulic modules one backup pump is allowed); thirdly, if for some reason internal installation of pumps is desirable. The system becomes flexible, and the length of the route is almost unlimited, because the pumps can be very powerful. At the same time, there are ready-made pumping stations, including pumps and an expansion tank and automation and compactly assembled on a support frame.

By type of condenser fans:

Chiller options

- free cooling function. Almost indispensable for chillers operating in the cold season. A reasonable question arises: why use a vapor compression cycle for cooling if it is already cold outside. The answer comes naturally - the coolant should be directly cooled with street air. In a refrigeration system, the most common temperature schedule is 7/12C, which means, theoretically, at outside temperatures below 7C it is already possible to use free cooling. In practice, due to underrecovery, the scope of application is somewhat narrowed - at a temperature of 0C and below, the cooling capacity from free cooling reaches nominal values.

Body pump- this is the “heating” operating mode of the chiller. The vapor compression cycle operates in a slightly different sequence, the evaporator and condenser change their roles and the coolant is not cooled, but heated. By the way, we note that although the chiller is a refrigeration machine, producing three times more cold than it consumes, it is even more effective as a heater - it will provide four times more heat than it consumes electricity. The heat pump mode is most common in public and administrative buildings, sometimes used for warehouses, etc.

Compressor soft start- an option that allows you to get rid of high starting currents that exceed operating currents by 2-3 times.

Chiller typology

The source of cold in water-air air conditioning systems is the chiller - a water-cooling refrigeration machine. There are different types of chillers depending on the method of cooling the condenser, the configuration method: monoblock or with a remote condenser, with or without a built-in hydraulic module, operating mode (cooling only or cooling and heating). Manufacturers are constantly upgrading their equipment based on the latest technological and design developments.

Range of produced chillers in last years has been significantly updated due to the widespread use of new, more efficient types of compressors: scroll, single-screw, twin-screw, which are gradually replacing piston compressors in the range of small, medium and large capacities. The range of chillers with a built-in hydraulic module has expanded, including those with a storage tank.

Plate and surface heat exchangers are more often used as evaporators, which has made it possible to reduce the dimensions of the units and their weight. Recently, manufacturers have begun to produce chillers using environmentally friendly freons R407° C, . Depending on the method of cooling the condenser, refrigeration units are divided into chillers with air-cooled condenser and water-cooled condenser. The greatest use is found in chillers with air-cooled condenser, when heat is removed from the condenser by air, often external air.

This method of heat removal requires installation outside the building or the use of special measures to ensure this method of cooling. Chillers with air-cooled condenser are available in a monoblock design, when all elements of the chiller are located in one block, and chillers with a remote condenser, when the main unit can be installed indoors, and the condenser, cooled by outside air, is located outside the building, for example on the roof or in the yard . The main unit is connected to an air condenser installed outside the building using copper freon pipes.

Monoblock chillers

Chillers with axial fans

Monoblock chillers are available with axial fans and centrifugal fans. Axial fans cannot work on the ventilation network, so chillers with axial fans should only be installed outside the building, and nothing should interfere with the air entering the condenser and exhausting it from the fans. Chillers with axial fans can be manufactured in various versions: 1 - standard, 2 - with full heat recovery, 3 - with partial heat recovery, 4 - for cooling an aqueous non-freezing solution of ethylene glycol in the operating temperature range from +4°C to −7° WITH.

It is possible to design the chiller with an additional method of regulating the cooling capacity. With chiller versions 1 and 3, the heat of condensation is transferred to the outside air and is irretrievably lost. For chiller options 2 and 4, additional shell-and-tube heat exchangers are installed, duplicating the condenser completely in option R (using 100% of the condensation heat to heat water) or partially (using 15% of the condensation heat to heat water).

In option 4, an additional shell-and-tube condenser is installed on the discharge line after the compressor before the main air condenser. The chiller configuration can be: ST-standard; LN - with a reduced noise level, which is achieved by installing a sound-absorbing casing for the compressor and reducing the rotation speed of the axial condenser fan compared to the standard configuration; EN - with a significant reduction in noise level, which is achieved by installing a sound-absorbing casing for the compressor, increasing the open cross-sectional area of ​​the condenser for air passage and reducing the rotation speed of the axial fan, as well as installing the compressor on spring anti-vibration supports, using flexible inserts on the discharge and suction pipelines of the refrigeration contour.

The sound power level requirements of an operating axial fan chiller when installed outside a building may not be very high unless there are specific noise level requirements in the development where the building is located. If such limitations apply, it is necessary to calculate the room sound pressure level emitted by the chiller and, if necessary, use specially configured chillers.

Chillers with centrifugal fans

Chillers with centrifugal fans are designed for installation inside a building. The main requirements for these units: compactness and low noise level associated with indoor installation. Chillers of this type use centrifugal fans with low rotation speed; most of the small and medium-capacity sizes have a scroll compressor, which is characterized by a low noise level; in sizes with a hermetic piston compressor, it is placed in a special soundproof casing. The side panels of the housing of such chillers have a sound-absorbing coating on the inside; along with the standard ST configuration, it is possible to have a SC configuration with a low noise level, where a semi-hermetic piston compressor is placed in a noise-absorbing casing and there are flexible inserts on the discharge and suction pipelines of the refrigeration circuit.

When choosing this type of chiller and its placement, it is necessary to ensure a free supply of cooling air to the chiller and removal of air heated in the condenser. This is done with the help of suction and discharge air ducts, and a ventilation network is formed, consisting of a centrifugal fan, an air heater (chiller condenser), air ducts, intake and exhaust ventilation louvres. The dimensions of the latter are selected based on the recommended air speeds in the cross section of the grilles and air ducts.

It is necessary to determine the pressure loss in the ventilation network based on an aerodynamic calculation. The pressure loss in the ventilation network must correspond to the pressure developed by the centrifugal fan at the air flow rate cooling the condenser. If the pressure of the centrifugal fan is less than the pressure loss in the ventilation network, it is possible to use a more powerful electric motor for the centrifugal fan upon special order. Air ducts must be connected to the chiller using flexible inserts so that vibration is not transmitted to the ventilation network.

Chiller performance

Depending on the capacity, chillers are equipped with three types of compressors: scroll compressors for low (recently there has been a shift towards medium) capacity, single-screw compressors for medium and high capacity, twin-screw compressors for medium capacity, hermetic piston compressors for low capacity and semi-hermetic piston compressors for average performance. Scroll and screw compressors, being more efficient in a certain performance range compared to piston ones, are gradually replacing the latter. Chillers are available in two versions: those operating only in refrigeration mode and those operating in two modes: refrigeration and thermal. In air-cooled chillers, which operate in heat pump mode, reversal of the refrigeration cycle is provided; in water-cooled chillers, reversal is provided in the water circuit.

Chiller diagram with built-in hydraulic module

In the version, the chiller block includes: a circulation pump on the return pipeline, a membrane expansion tank, a water safety valve, a drain valve, a water filling unit, a pressure gauge, a differential pressure switch.

Energy-saving technologies in chillers

When developing modern climate control equipment, special attention is paid to the problem of energy saving. In Europe, the amount of energy consumed by equipment during the annual operating cycle is one of the main decision criteria when considering proposals submitted to tender. Today, a significant potential for increasing energy efficiency is the development and creation of climate control technology that can cover the load schedule as accurately as possible under constantly changing operating conditions. For example, according to research carried out by Clivet, the average load on the air conditioning system varies by up to 80% during the season, while operation at full capacity is only necessary for a few days a year.

At the same time, the daily graph of heat excess is also uneven with a clearly defined maximum. Traditionally, in chillers with a capacity of 20–80 kW, two identical compressors are installed and two independent refrigeration circuits are made. As a result, the unit is capable of operating in two modes at 50% and 100% of its rated power. The new generation of chillers with cooling capacities from 20 to 80 kW allows three-stage capacity control. In this case, the total refrigeration capacity is distributed between the compressors in a ratio of 63% and 37%.

In new generation chillers, both compressors are connected in parallel and operate on the same refrigeration circuit, that is, they have a common condenser and evaporator. This design significantly increases the energy conversion efficiency (ECE) of the refrigeration circuit when operating at part load. For such chillers, at 100% load and an outside air temperature of 25°C, KPI = 4, and when operating at 37%, KPI = 5. Considering that 50% of the time the chiller operates at a load of 37%, this provides significant energy savings.

To effectively implement the new solution, microprocessor controllers are installed on the chillers, which allow:
  • control all operating parameters of the equipment;
  • adjust the set value of the water temperature at the outlet of the chiller in accordance with the parameters of the outside air, technological processes or commands from centralized system management (dispatching);
  • select the optimal power control step;
  • in case of real need, quickly and efficiently perform a defrosting cycle (for models with a heat pump).

As a result, short-term compressor starts are automatically minimized, compressor operating time is optimized, and the water parameters at the outlet of the chillers are adjusted in accordance with real needs. As tests have shown, on average, only 22 compressor starts are turned on during the day, while the compressors of conventional chillers are turned on 72 times.

The average annual chiller KPI reaches 6, and energy savings when using modern chillers instead of conventional ones is 7.5 kWh per 1 m2 of serviced facility area per season, or 35%. Another important advantage The advantage that the use of new chillers gives is that the need to install bulky storage tanks disappears, and the circulation pump built into the chiller body makes it possible to do without an additional pumping station.

As is known, to accurately implement the chiller load schedule great importance has the type of compressors used. Traditionally, high-capacity chillers have used piston or screw compressors. A piston compressor has a large number of moving parts and, as a result, low efficiency due to high friction losses. During operation of piston compressors, high levels of noise and vibration occur, and there is also a need for their regular maintenance. Screw compressors, in turn, have a complex design and, as a result, a very high cost. The production of screw compressors turns out to be low-profit.

Servicing such compressors is labor-intensive and requires highly qualified personnel. In recent years, new SCROLL compressors have appeared on the market, which do not have the characteristic disadvantages of piston and screw compressors. Scroll compressors have high energy efficiency, low noise and vibration levels and do not require maintenance. This type of compressor is simple in design, very reliable and, at the same time, inexpensive. However, the productivity of Scroll compressors, as a rule, does not exceed 40 kW.

The use in modern chillers of many small but very reliable Scroll-type compressors, as well as several refrigeration circuits, has made it possible to obtain a very “maneuverable” chiller that is capable of delivering the required refrigerating power with high accuracy. Obviously, the use of such a chiller makes the installation of a pumping station unnecessary, and a wide selection of pumps of different capacities built into the chiller body solves all issues related to the circulation of chilled water. Particular attention should be paid to the very small inrush currents of new equipment. After all, the start-up of small Scroll compressors, which have low power consumption, occurs alternately, in accordance with the increasing load on the unit.

All chillers of the latest generations have a modern microprocessor control system that allows you to adjust the set value of the water temperature at the outlet of the chiller in accordance with the parameters of the outside air, technological processes or commands from a centralized control system (dispatching). From an economic point of view, using a large number of scroll compressors and installing a built-in circulation pump instead of a separate pumping station turns out to be a more profitable option than using expensive, powerful and complex semi-hermetic compressors.

Advantages and disadvantages of chillers


Compared to split systems, in which gas refrigerant circulates between the refrigeration machine and local units, chiller-fan coil systems have the following advantages:
  • Scalability. The number of fan coil units (loads) on the central refrigeration machine (chiller) is practically limited only by its productivity.
  • Minimum volume and area. The air conditioning system of a large building may contain a single chiller, occupying a minimum volume and area; the appearance of the facade is preserved due to the absence of external air conditioning units.
  • Virtually unlimited distance between the chiller and fan coil units. The length of the routes can reach hundreds of meters, since with a high heat capacity of the liquid coolant, the specific losses per linear meter of the route are much lower than in systems with a gas refrigerant.
  • Wiring cost. To connect chillers and fan coils, ordinary water pipes, shut-off valves, etc. are used. Balancing water pipes, that is, equalizing the pressure and flow rate of water between individual fan coils, is much simpler and cheaper than in gas-filled systems.
  • Safety. Potentially volatile gases (gas refrigerant) are concentrated in the chiller, which is usually installed in air (on the roof or directly on the ground). Piping failures within a building are limited by the risk of flooding, which can be reduced by automatic shut-off valves.


  • Chiller-fan coil systems, in the strict sense, are not ventilation systems - they cool the air in each air-conditioned room, but do not affect air circulation in any way. Therefore, to ensure air exchange, chiller-fan coil systems are combined with air (roof) air conditioning systems, the refrigeration machines of which cool the outside air and supply it to the premises through a parallel forced ventilation system.
  • Being more economical than rooftop systems, chiller-fan coil systems are certainly inferior in efficiency to VRV and VRF systems. However, the cost of VRV systems remains significantly higher, and their maximum productivity (volumes of cooled rooms) is limited (up to several thousand cubic meters).
  • Some aspects of refrigeration design
  • A refrigeration machine is a large (all three dimensions significantly exceed a meter, and the length can exceed 10 m) and heavy (up to 15 tons) equipment. In practice, this means an almost unconditional need to use unloading frames to distribute the mass of the chiller over large area with a choice of acceptable support points. Standard frames are not always suitable for each specific case, therefore, most often, special design is required.
  • The VMT-Xiron chiller consists of 1-4 compressors, 1-12 fans, 1-2 pumps, which causes a whole range of negative vibrations, therefore, the chiller must be installed on vibration supports of the appropriate load-bearing capacity, and all pipelines are connected through vibration inserts of the appropriate diameter .
  • As a rule, the connecting diameters of the chiller's pipelines are smaller than the main pipe (usually by one, sometimes by two standard sizes), so a transition is required. It is recommended to install a vibration insert directly at the chiller, followed immediately by a transition. Due to significant hydraulic losses, it is not recommended to remove the transition from the unit.
  • To avoid clogging of the evaporator on the coolant side, it is mandatory to install a filter at the inlet to the chiller.
  • In the case of a built-in hydraulic module, there must be a check valve at the outlet of the chiller to avoid water movement against the design one.
  • To regulate the forward and reverse flows, a jumper between them with a differential pressure regulator is recommended.
  • Finally, in the documentation you should always pay attention to which coolant the data is given for. The use of non-freezing coolant reduces the efficiency of the refrigeration system by an average of 15-20%.

Hydraulic diagram of the chiller, hydraulic module

Diagram of the operation of a chiller with an air condenser and a winter start-up system (monoblock design, without a hydraulic module)


  1. Danfoss compressor
  2. High pressure switch KR
  3. Rotolock shut-off valve
  4. Differential valve NRD
  5. Linear receiver
  6. Rotolock shut-off valve
  7. Filter drier DML
  8. Sight glass SG
  9. Solenoid valve EVR
  10. Thermostatic valve TE
  11. Filter drier DAS/DCR
  12. Low pressure switch KR
  13. Rotolock shut-off valve
  14. Temperature sensor AKS
  15. Fluid flow switch FQS
  16. Electrical panel

Diagram of operation of a chiller with a remote air condenser and a winter start-up system (without a hydraulic module)


  1. Danfoss compressor
  2. High pressure switch KR
  3. Rotolock shut-off valve
  4. Oil separator OUB
  5. Check valve NRV
  6. Differential valve NRD
  7. Condensing pressure regulator KVR
  8. Ball valve GBC
  9. Air Cooled Condenser
  10. Ball valveGBC
  11. Check valve NRV
  12. Linear receiver
  13. Rotolock shut-off valve
  14. Filter drier DML
  15. Sight glass SG
  16. Solenoid valve EVR
  17. Coil for Danfoss solenoid valve
  18. Thermostatic valve TE
  19. Brazed plate evaporator type B (Danfoss)
  20. Filter drier DAS/DCR
  21. Low pressure switch KR
  22. Rotolock shut-off valve
  23. Temperature sensor AKS
  24. Fluid flow switch FQS
  25. Electrical panel
Scheme developed and provided by Danfoss

Scheme of operation of a chiller with a water-cooled condenser and condensation pressure control


  1. Danfoss compressor
  2. High pressure switch KP
  3. Rotolock shut-off valve
  4. Brazed plate water cooling condenser type B (Danfoss)
  5. Water control valve WVFX
  6. Filter drier DML
  7. Sight glass SG
  8. Solenoid valve EVR
  9. Coil for Danfoss solenoid valve
  10. Thermostatic valve TE
  11. Brazed plate evaporator type B (Danfoss)
  12. Filter drier DAS/DCR
  13. Low pressure switch KP
  14. Rotolock shut-off valve
  15. Temperature sensor AKS
  16. Fluid flow switch FQS
  17. Electrical panel
Scheme developed and provided by Danfoss

Diagram of a hydraulic module for a chiller with one pump


  1. Thermally insulated open container
  2. Pump
  3. Ball valve
  4. Separable connection
  5. Pressure gauge
  6. Reaching the consumer
  7. Water inlet
  8. Bypass valve
  9. Coarse filter
  10. Flow control relay
  11. Visual control of liquid level

What is a fan coil: operating principle and guide to choosing a device

A fan coil is an internal unit of an air conditioning system of the chiller-fan coil type, capable of cooling or heating the air entering it. It is used to maintain the required indoor microclimate throughout the year. This article discusses the operating principle of such devices, their varieties, as well as the main pros and cons.

A fan coil unit, also called a fan coil, consists of two main elements: a heat exchanger (radiator) and a fan. Many models also have a coarse filter - it prevents dust and dirt from entering the housing. The equipment must be located indoors and connected to a chiller (a machine that cools or heats fluid to transfer thermal energy) through a network of piping.

According to the principle of operation, a fan coil unit is very similar to the internal unit of a split system. The main difference is the coolant: instead of refrigerant, the fan coil uses ordinary water or an antifreeze solution. The liquid cools or heats the incoming air, which is brought to the desired temperature and returned to the room. The resulting condensate is discharged to the street or to the sewer using a pump.

As is the case with heating radiators, several fan coil units are often installed in one room at once - the required number depends on the power of the devices and the area of ​​the room. In addition, they can be connected to supply ventilation, which allows the devices to be used in mixed mode (mixing air received from inside with fresh air).

Temperature regulation is carried out using electronic unit system controls, temperature sensors and various valves. Complex air conditioning systems also use central air conditioners, which are responsible for cleaning and humidifying the incoming air.

Types of chiller-fan coil systems

There are two main types of chiller-fan coil systems:
  • Single zone system. It is used primarily for servicing large premises with uniform heat distribution, since all single-circuit fan coil units connected to it are heated and cooled simultaneously.
  • Multi-zone system. Uses fan coil units with double-circuit heat exchangers, which allows you to separate the supply of cold and hot water. Devices in such a system can simultaneously provide different air temperatures in different rooms.

Types of fan coil units

All fan coils operate on the same principle - the devices differ only in the installation method. There are four main types of fan coil units:
  • Cassette;
  • Floor-standing;
  • Wall-mounted;
  • Duct.
Each of the listed types is discussed in detail below.

This type of device is often used in air conditioning systems for offices or commercial premises with high suspended ceilings, since they can be built into them. Cassette fan coil units are available in the following varieties:
  • Single-flow (air is discharged from the device in one direction);
  • Double-flow (two air flows come out of the device in different directions);
  • Four-flow (models of this type produce four streams of air, which makes them best choice for air conditioning large areas).

The simplest type of fan coil to install is one with an external casing that is attached to the floor. The most effective location for a floor unit is in front of the windows, since the air flows coming out of it are directed towards the ceiling, creating an effective thermal curtain. Such fan coil units can be supplied either with built-in controls or with remote controls.

Like floor-mounted units, wall-mounted fan coil units are protected by decorative casings. They are quickly mounted on the wall in any suitable place in the room. Most often they are installed above the door. Almost all wall-mounted units are equipped with convenient remote controls.

Unlike wall-mounted or floor-mounted units, duct fan coil units do not have a housing - they are installed directly into ventilation shafts. Devices of this type are used primarily for cooling or heating air in spacious rooms that require high-performance air conditioning systems (shopping malls, cinemas, entertainment centers, production workshops, etc.).

How to choose a fan coil

When choosing a fan coil unit, the following device parameters should be taken into account:
  • Type (cassette, floor, wall or duct);
  • Power (the minimum value in watts can be obtained by multiplying the area of ​​the air-conditioned room by 100);
  • Energy efficiency (relevant only for large air conditioning systems, since fan coil units consume quite little electricity);
  • Noise level (it is recommended to use devices with quiet fans whose noise level does not exceed 60 decibels).

Advantages and disadvantages of fan coil units

Chiller-fan coil systems are popular due to a number of advantages compared to traditional split systems. Among the advantages are:
  • Scalability. The distance between units in split systems does not exceed 15 meters due to the refrigerant used in them. At the same time, the distance between the chiller and the fan coil can exceed hundreds of meters, which makes it easy to expand the system if necessary.
  • Versatility. Unlike air conditioners in standard split systems, fan coil units can operate without stopping all year round.
  • Safety. Fan coil coolants are much safer compared to gas refrigerant used in split systems.
Unfortunately, fan coil units also have disadvantages. These include:
  • Large system sizes. Due to the impressive dimensions of the chiller-fan coil system, its installation is only advisable in spacious buildings.
  • Poor filtration quality. The air purification filters built into fan coil units cope with their task much worse than their analogues in split systems.
  • High installation complexity. Due to the large size and weight of chiller-fan coil systems, their installation takes a lot of effort and time.

Drycoolers: operating features and types of devices

A dry cooler, or is a fan device used to cool the coolant by blowing it with street air. It is used both in small air conditioning systems - chiller fan coil, and in large industrial enterprises. On this page you can find basic information about dry coolers, as well as a list of the most famous manufacturers of these devices.

Operating principle of the dry cooler

The design of the dry cooler includes three main components:
  • Plate heat exchanger. Can be V-shaped, horizontal or vertical. Most often made from aluminum or copper. Efficient heat transfer is ensured by the high number of fins and, as a result, the large surface area of ​​the heat exchanger.
  • One or more fans. Most dry coolers are equipped with axial cooling impellers with a radius of 200 to 350 mm. In large devices with V-shaped heat exchangers, fans with a diameter of up to 1000 mm are allowed. In addition, high-performance industrial cooling systems can use centrifugal fans.
  • Protective and regulating automatic equipment responsible for maintaining the required coolant temperature and changing the fan speed.
  • The heated coolant (ordinary water or anti-freezing solution) is supplied to the dry cooler inlet, where its temperature is reduced to the temperature of the street air. The cooling level can be adjusted by changing the fan speed. The liquid is supplied using a circulation pump. After this, the cold coolant is supplied back to the cooled equipment, and then the cycle is repeated.

Advantages and disadvantages of dry cooling towers

Dry coolers have a number of advantages. These include:
  • High energy efficiency;
  • Environmental safety (the energy carrier circulates in a closed circuit, and, as a result, does not evaporate, keeping the air humidity level at the same level);
  • Ease of installation, operation and maintenance;
  • Low cost of equipment;
  • Easy to scale (in existing system cooling, new blocks can be easily added);
  • When working with dry coolers, you can use any non-freezing solutions.
At the same time, dry coolers have several significant disadvantages:
  • The performance of the devices depends on the outside air temperature (problems are possible during periods of peak temperatures in winter and summer);
  • Dry coolers use more electricity than standard evaporative cooling towers.

Scope of application of dry coolers

Due to their good energy efficiency and low cost, dry coolers are popular in a number of applications. They can work either independently or as auxiliary equipment together with refrigeration units. In particular, dry cooling towers are used:
  • In industries requiring large volumes of coolant;
  • In industry, for cooling coolants in refrigeration and injection molding equipment, as well as heat removal from extruder engines, machine tools and generators;
  • In construction to reduce the temperature of refrigeration units and electric generators;
  • For free cooling of air in public and industrial buildings (free cooling).
  • A wide range of models and configurations of dry coolers allows you to choose a unit with suitable characteristics for any operating conditions, so their popularity is only increasing every year.

Based on the principle of operation and the production of cold, chillers can be divided into two types: vapor compression and absorption. The scope of application of both types of refrigeration machines is similar. Both types are primarily used for the production of coolant (coolant) for air conditioning, industrial refrigeration, ventilation or technology needs. In addition, chillers can also be used to heat coolant for heating and ventilation needs. Moreover, steam-compression units are used for heating much less frequently than absorption units due to their low efficiency at negative ambient temperatures. This article will discuss vapor compression type chillers.

Principle of operation.

The main elements of a vapor compression chiller are a compressor, an evaporator, a condenser, and a throttling device. The removal of thermal energy in a vapor-compression refrigeration machine occurs due to a change in the state of aggregation of the substance (refrigerant). As a rule, the refrigerant is freons - fluorine- and chlorine-containing derivatives of saturated hydrocarbons (mainly methane and ethane). The refrigeration machine operates on the following principle: the compressor pumps gaseous refrigerant into the condenser (see diagram in Fig. 1), where, as a result of high pressure and heat removal, gaseous freon condenses. Further, when the liquid refrigerant passes through the throttling device, its pressure drops, and part of the liquid is converted into vapor. This process is accompanied by a decrease in its temperature. Then the vapor-liquid mixture enters the evaporator, where it boils and finally turns into steam. The evaporator is an intermediate refrigerant/water heat exchanger in which heat is transferred from the refrigerant to the cooled liquid. Then the liquid of the required temperature is supplied through a hydraulic circuit to consumers - fan coil units, ventilation units, etc.

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Classification of chillers.

Vapor compression chillers can be classified:

  1. by type of condenser cooling;
  • with air-cooled condenser;
  • with water cooled condenser;
  • by execution:
    • for installation outside buildings;
    • for installation inside buildings;
  • for other design features, for example:
    • with a free cooling system (free cooling);
    • with a centrifugal condenser cooling fan;
    • by compressor type, etc.

    According to the method of cooling the condenser:

    • air cooled chillers;
    • water-cooled chillers (water-cooled).

    Outdoor chillers include monoblock chillers with air-cooled condenser, which are usually installed on the roof of buildings or on special sites near the buildings they serve. Chillers with a remote evaporator can also be classified as outdoor chillers.

    Indoor chillers include:

    • chillers with a remote condenser (condenserless);
    • water-cooled chillers (water-to-water chillers);
    • air-cooled chillers with a centrifugal fan.

    Indoor chillers are located in special rooms - machine rooms. Due to ease of installation, ease of operation and price, monoblock chillers with air-cooled condenser are most widely used.

    Monoblock chillers with air cooled condenser

    Monoblock chillers are widely used in central air conditioning systems with air supply units and in chiller-fan coil systems. Monoblocks have two modifications:

    • with axial fans;
    • with centrifugal fans (for installation inside buildings).

    Chillers with axial fans(Fig. 2) are units mounted on a frame in a single housing and installed on the roof of buildings or nearby on a prepared site. Heat is released into the environment.

    Rice. 2

    Water or aqueous glycol solutions are used as a coolant to operate the refrigeration machine during the cold season. If the project requirements do not allow the use of glycols, then an intermediate heat exchanger is built into the system (Fig. 3). With this scheme, the temperature parameters of the glycol solution in the chiller should be 2ºC lower than the design temperature in the consumer circuit. For example, in order to ensure the temperature parameters of water in the intermediate heat exchanger output/input: 7/12ºC, it is necessary to obtain a glycol solution at the outlet of the chiller with a temperature of 5ºC.

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    In addition, when using an intermediate heat exchanger, it is possible to operate the refrigeration machine at negative ambient temperatures. The main advantages of monoblock air-cooled chillers are ease of installation, ease of maintenance, complete readiness of the units for operation (filled with refrigerant and oil), relatively low price. Additional advantages of monoblocks include wide placement possibilities due to the unlimited length of coolant routes and the height difference between the chiller and consumers. Modular design chillers also have undeniable advantages:

    • minimum delivery time due to availability in warehouse;
    • cost savings - the system is put into operation in parts as needed;
    • variability - by combining modules of different capacities we obtain a refrigeration machine of the required power (diagram Fig. 4);
    • energy saving - the system operates at the power level that is currently needed by consumers by turning on/off individual modules.

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    Chillers with centrifugal fans(Fig. 5) are intended for installation in premises: basements, attics, special service premises. The main difference from chillers with axial fans is the presence of a high-pressure centrifugal fan/s. Through a network of air ducts, the fan forces air, which cools the condenser and is then removed outside, and the heat is discharged into the environment.

    Advantages of chillers with centrifugal fans:

    • long service life due to location in a heated room.

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    Air is taken from the room; blowing can be organized through air ducts in one of three directions (Fig. 6)

    Hydromodule. The circulation of coolant (water, glycol solution) between the chiller and consumers (fan coils) is ensured by a hydraulic module (pumping station) (Fig. 7, a). The hydraulic module includes a circulation pump, an expansion tank, shut-off valves, an accumulator tank (buffer tank), control and protection system.

    The storage tank (Fig. 4, b) is necessary to increase the coolant capacity in the system. The buffer tank allows you to reduce the number of starts of compressors and pumping equipment, thereby increasing the service life of refrigeration machines. The buffer tank may not be included in the hydraulic module and may be supplied separately.

    Chillers with a remote condenser (condenserless) (Fig. 8)

    A chiller with a remote condenser is a unit in which all the main elements: compressor, evaporator, throttling device are installed on one frame in a single housing. At the same time, the chiller itself is intended for indoor installation, and the air-cooled condenser is intended for outdoor use and is installed outside.

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    The main advantages of chillers with a remote condenser:

    • possibility of year-round operation using water;
    • ease of service at any time of the year;
    • high efficiency due to the absence of a glycol circuit and intermediate heat exchangers;
    • long service life due to location in a heated room;
    • the possibility of using a capacitor in a low-noise or explosion-proof design.

    Refrigerators, or chillers, are classified by how heat is removed from the condenser. In most models, this process occurs using outside air. But in some conditions it is more practical to do this with water.

    A water-cooled chiller differs from an air-cooled device. Its design uses a shell-and-tube condenser, which is cooled by cold water supplied to it.

    When purchasing equipment, it is important to pay attention to a number of important aspects:

      Cooling power. This value depends on many indicators and is calculated depending on the operating conditions: type of coolant (pure water or a mixture with glycol is used), coolant temperature at the inlet/outlet of the chiller (if a high indicator is provided, it means more power), condensation temperature. The power of the device depends on the conditions in which it operates. When purchasing, you must immediately provide information about the conditions for using the chiller. The optimal temperature at the coolant inlet/outlet is 12/7C. The outside temperature should be +35C.

      Thermostatic valve (TRV). One of the important elements of the refrigeration circuit is the thermostatic valve. To obtain reliable and durable operation, it is worth purchasing a chiller with an electronic expansion valve. Mechanical is cheaper, but may require greater costs in the future.

      Case material. Experts advise paying special attention to this. The most practical option is a galvanized body. Often the material needs to be discussed separately at the time of purchase.

      Compressor. Chillers use different types of compressors. The most popular are spiral, screw, centrifugal. Scroll and screw compressors are considered a reliable and practical option. They are durable and do not require high costs for additional maintenance. Centrifugal compressors are used in chillers with very large cooling capacities.

      Heat exchanger type. The buyer is often faced with the choice of pipe materials used in a shell-and-tube heat exchanger. Pipes made of titanium, cupronickel or stainless steel are used when using aggressive cooling media (for example, sea water), as well as in the food industry.

      Guarantee. Do not neglect such an important detail as the warranty for equipment repairs. All other things being equal, you should give preference to the option with a longer warranty period.

      Additional purchase details. It is worth asking the seller what type of freon is used in the chiller. If necessary, additional parts such as mesh filters to protect the condenser and water filters are also purchased. A remote installation display can be purchased to make it easier to monitor the chiller remotely.

    Operating principle of water-cooled chillers

    The water chiller includes a condenser, compressor, evaporator and thermal expansion valve. Liquid freon is supplied to the evaporator, where it boils, after which it evaporates and at the same time takes heat from the coolant. From the evaporator, the refrigerant in a gaseous state enters the compressor, where it is compressed and heated. Then it enters the condenser, where it condenses, i.e. it becomes liquid, and the heat generated is removed with the help of water. After this, liquid freon passes through the thermal expansion valve and again ends up in the evaporator, the process is repeated.

    Benefits of use

    • Compactness. Air cooled chillers take up a lot of space due to the required condenser blowing area. The heat exchanger in a water chiller is smaller, and therefore its design is more compact.
    • Advantages of the location. The water condenser chiller does not require outdoor installation to operate. The device is often installed indoors. By placing it in a basement or technical room, you can save a lot of space.

    Scope of application

    You can install a chiller with a water condenser almost anywhere. IN office space the use of such equipment will help save space and not spoil the facade of the building, since it can be installed directly inside the room.

    It is also convenient to use water cooling in production. If it is possible to install the chiller near a water source, this will help save money on laying and replacing pipes.

    Buy a water-cooled chiller from Yantai Moon Group ("Moon Group") in Moscow

    A water chiller is a profitable and practical way to create the correct microclimate in any room. Our company is the official representative of the Moon Tech group of companies in the region, which manufactures heat control equipment.

    Our website offers a large selection of water-cooled chillers.

    The company's extensive experience and rich customer base have allowed the company to establish itself as a conscientious manufacturer selling quality products. The prices for our equipment compare favorably with most, thanks to direct deliveries from the manufacturer.

    To find out the exact cost of equipment, get advice or place an order, just leave a request using the feedback form or by calling the phone number listed on the website.

    One of the criteria for classifying chillers (refrigeration machines) is related to the method of heat removal from the condenser. The most common case is when heat is removed by outside air. However, sometimes it is more convenient to do this with water.

    The main difference between a water-cooled chiller ( general form chiller is shown in Figure 1) from an air-cooled chiller - a condenser, which is not a tube-fin, but, as a rule, a shell-tube, plate or plate-fin heat exchanger.

    Figure 1: Hitachi Water Cooled Chiller

    In particular, Hitachi's new Samurai series chillers are equipped with plate-type heat exchangers (see Figure 2), which have a number of advantages over shell-and-tube heat exchangers. First, their internal volume is smaller and therefore requires less refrigerant. Also, plate heat exchangers are characterized by better heat transfer efficiency.

    Figure 2. Plate (foreground) and shell-and-tube (background) condensers for water-cooled chillers

    Advantages of water cooled chillers

    Water condenser chillers (also called water chillers) have some advantages over air condenser chillers. Let's take a closer look at them.

    Compactness of water-cooled chillers

    As is known, the main reason for such large overall dimensions of air-cooled chillers is the condenser: to ensure a given heat removal using air, a huge blowing area is required. As a result, more than half of the chiller volume is occupied by the condenser.

    Water, compared to air, has more favorable thermodynamic characteristics: its density and heat capacity are higher. This allows you to significantly reduce the working area of ​​the heat exchanger, and, consequently, the dimensions of the chiller.

    Possibility of internal placement

    Water-cooled chillers do not necessarily require outdoor placement, as they do not require outside air. They can also be located indoors.

    This is a very important factor, since sometimes there is simply no large outdoor area to accommodate an air-cooled chiller. And this is where water-cooled chillers come to the rescue. Small dimensions and no need for outside air allow them to be installed inside buildings (technical rooms, pumping stations or basements).

    An unobvious advantage of the internal placement of chillers is the ability to use clean water as a coolant. This significantly simplifies the operation of the entire system as a whole, increases its efficiency, reduces the corrosive effect on pipelines and fittings, increases the environmental friendliness of the system and has a number of other advantages.

    Disadvantages of water-cooled chillers

    However, water-cooled chillers also have some disadvantages.

    Water requirement

    Water-cooled chillers use water to cool the condenser. This can be a circulating or flowing stream of water, possibly even industrial water, but always purified. Therefore, to avoid clogging of the condenser, a filter must be placed in front of it.

    If recirculated water is used (and this is the most common case), this water after the condenser must be cooled in order to be able to recirculate it to the chiller condenser.

    Additional elements for water cooling

    Cooling towers or dry coolers are usually used to cool water.

    In the first case, water is sprayed into an air stream, which is cooled by the evaporation of this water and also cools the remaining water (see Fig. 3). This method allows you to reduce the water temperature, however, it requires constant replenishment of the water circuit.

    Figure 3. Water cooling tower

    In the second case, heat exchangers are installed outside to cool water with outside air - so-called dry coolers (see Fig. 4). In this case, the water circuit is closed and practically does not require replenishment. However, the water temperature remains slightly higher.

    Figure 4. Drycooler

    In any case, if a circuit with circulating water is used, additional equipment is needed to cool it.

    Diagram of a refrigeration system with water-cooled chillers

    Scheme of a refrigeration system with water-cooled chillers several more complicated than the circuit refrigeration systems with air-cooled chillers due to the presence of an additional water circuit - the condenser cooling circuit. In Figure 5, this contour is indicated by two flows “Water from the cooling tower” and “water to the cooling tower”.

    Like any other water circuit, this circuit also includes various fittings: taps, filters, control units, etc.

    Figure 5. Water-cooled chiller diagram.
    Position “2” is a water-cooled condenser, for which flows of cooling (“water from the cooling tower”) and heated (“water to the cooling tower”) water are provided.

    Ultimately, the choice of cooling method for the chiller condenser depends on the specific object and is selected for a given project.