Symptoms of purulent tonsillitis in children 3 years old. Causes of purulent sore throat in children, symptoms with photos and home treatment methods

How to treat purulent sore throat? This question worries many parents of those children who have contracted this disease. Almost always, treatment for angina in children takes place on an outpatient basis (at home), after diagnosis and the doctor’s prescription of appropriate medications. Absolutely all types of sore throats cannot be cured without systemic antibiotics. Individually, the pediatrician will prescribe an effective and safe medicine.

Factors causing the disease

Sore throat occurs in a child as a result of bacterial activity. The prerequisite for its development is various reasons. This can be either airborne infection from an infected person, various diseases, or household transmission of infection through shared objects.

Important reasons include:

  • hypothermia of the body;
  • viruses;
  • unfavorable environment;
  • sudden change in climatic conditions;
  • constantly being in a damp room;
  • poisoning;
  • poor nutrition;
  • overwork on a physical and emotional level;
  • reduced immunity;
  • frequent inflammations in the mouth and nose.


Caring parents will always notice the state of their children, especially if they are sick. The symptoms of a sore throat with pus on the tonsils are pronounced and difficult to bear.

The main symptoms include:

  • pain when swallowing, which radiates to the auricle;
  • refusal of food;
  • baby doesn't sleep well;
  • headache;
  • getting worse general state body;
  • temperature rise up to 40 degrees;
  • there may be no temperature if the disease has developed into a chronic stage;
  • pale skin;
  • fever;
  • cold sweat;
  • tonsils enlarge with the formation of purulent plaque;
  • enlargement of the lymph nodes under the lower jaw.

Symptoms often appear suddenly and all at once, with only a short time interval between them.

How to cure the disease?

In order for the child’s well-being to improve quickly, it is necessary to follow all the doctor’s recommendations. You can treat purulent sore throat in children by following a number of rules:

  • drink plenty of fluids;
  • take antibiotics, antipyretics and antihistamines;
  • gargle;
  • take vitamins;
  • take eubiotics.

It is important not to carry out warming procedures if the child has a fever. Treatments include:

  • compresses;
  • warming creams and ointments in the neck area;
  • inhalation.

These activities are not recommended if you are ill.

Your child needs plenty of fluids. Since he will sweat when drinking large amounts of fluid, it will be easier for the body to regulate body temperature, and bacterial toxins will be eliminated from it faster. Thanks to the consumption of fluid, it happens that there is no need to take antipyretic drugs or their use is canceled before the due date.

How to gargle a child's throat?

One of the main methods of treating sore throat is rinsing the throat, which can be used for children of the older age category, but for preschoolers and younger children, sprays and aerosols are used.

Sprays include:

  • orasept;
  • Lugol;
  • hexoral;
  • miramistin;
  • stopapangin;
  • chlorophyllipt;
  • antiangin;
  • tantumverde;
  • cameton.

These drugs are allowed to be used to treat sore throat in children over 2 years of age.

Rinsing is considered an auxiliary method, since antibiotics are the main thing in the cure.

For older children, you can prepare decoctions of various herbs for gargling, which have a mild anti-inflammatory effect.

  1. Chamomile.
  2. Sage.
  3. Calendula.

If you gargle frequently, you can eliminate the pain and restore the tonsils earlier than expected.

Rinsing is carried out 5 times a day for no more than 2 minutes. There is no need to carry out the procedure often and for a long time, due to the opposite effect occurring with constant vibration of the tonsils, their tissues will take longer to recover.

The following solutions are used for rinsing:

  • 3% hydrogen peroxide solution;
  • 1% iodinol solution;
  • potassium permanganate;
  • 2% boric acid solution;
  • rotokan;
  • stomatophyte;
  • solution from furatsilin tablets;
  • a solution of iodine, table salt, baking soda and water.

If the child cannot rinse the throat, then lozenges can be used.

  1. Septolete.
  2. Faringosept.
  3. Grammidin.
  4. Strepsils.
  5. Strepfen.
  6. Doctor Mom.
  7. Karmolis.


It is important to know that there is no quick cure for sore throat. Even if you are treated actively for 3 days, the results will be satisfactory. The minimum duration of illness is a week, the maximum is 14 days.

If, after taking the prescribed medications for 3 days, the child feels better, the temperature has gone away, and an appetite has appeared, you should not deviate from treatment, as the microorganisms could simply hide. Therefore, in order to avoid new outbreaks of sore throat and prevent complications from developing, follow the doctor’s recommendations and take the medicine as much as prescribed in the prescription.

  1. Centrum.
  2. Multitabs.
  3. Pikovit.
  4. Alphabet.


Often, treatment of sore throat involves taking antibiotics of the amoxicillin group along with clavulanic acid.

  1. Augmentin.
  2. Amoxiclav.
  3. Ecoclave.
  4. Flemoclav.
  5. Solutab.

If the baby has an allergic reaction to penicillins, macrolides are prescribed.

  1. Sumamed.
  2. Cheromycin.
  3. Azitrox.
  4. Macropen.

It is necessary to treat purulent sore throat with antibiotics for at least a week. The doctor may also prescribe topical antibiotics. One of these is the Bioparox spray inhaler. It happens that sulfonamide antimicrobial agents are used, such as Biseptol, Bactrim. They are weak; bacteria do not often react to these drugs. If there is no result on the 3rd day, strong remedies are prescribed.

When treating with antibiotics, it is necessary to use eubiotics.

  1. Acipol.
  2. Bifidumbacterin Forte.
  3. Linux.
  4. Lactobacterin.
  5. Biobakton.
  6. Bifiliz.
  7. Acylact.
  8. Bifiform.

Medicines to reduce fever

Often, when you are sick, your body temperature rises. To bring it down, you can use the following medications:

  • ibuprofen;
  • paracetamol;
  • calpol;
  • efferalgan;
  • mefenamic acid;
  • Nurofen.

In addition to lowering the temperature, these drugs have an anti-inflammatory effect.

The use of drugs to lower the temperature is allowed if it rises above 38 degrees. If the level is lower, you should not take them, since the body independently tries to fight the pathogen.

Taking antipyretic drugs should not exceed 3 days.

If you can’t get rid of your fever with medications, you can try ways traditional medicine to solve the problem. To do this, you need to undress the child and wrap him in a diaper moistened cold water. You can grind with an alcohol solution by mixing water and alcohol in equal quantities. You need to drink fluids more often. It can be like water, teas, compotes. The following will help increase sweating and reduce temperature:

  • black currant;
  • raspberries;
  • cranberry;
  • cherry.

Traditional methods

If purulent tonsillitis in children has been diagnosed, treatment at home can be carried out using traditional methods, but only with the permission of the pediatrician. Since, even using the well-known chamomile decoction to rinse the throat, it may not fit into the treatment regimen and slow down the patient’s recovery process. The methods used to treat sore throat at home complement the prescribed treatment by the pediatrician, and sometimes relieve signs of the disease.

Treatment mainly involves the use medicinal herbs for rinsing. You need to drink teas:

  • using raspberries;
  • honey;
  • lemon;
  • mint;
  • rosehip;
  • linden;
  • thyme;
  • with cumin.

You can drink warm milk, adding honey to it, butter. It is necessary to treat the tonsils with a propolis solution.

Preventive actions

The best prevention of tonsillitis is to increase immunity. You also need:

  • to eat well;
  • exercise;
  • walk outside;
  • have a good rest;
  • to harden;
  • maintain a daily routine;
  • lead healthy image life.

It is necessary to promptly treat diseases such as sinusitis so that the infection does not go further. Prevention does not take place without taking vitamins that children need.

With frequent occurrence of purulent sore throat, it is possible the best option will remove the tonsils.

The disease at any age in children is quite severe, so parents need to be patient and persevering. Following the prescribed course of treatment without independent home experiments will allow the child to recover quickly without complications.

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Purulent tonsillitis (tonsillitis) is infectious disease requiring medical treatment. It can be caused by streptococci, staphylococci, pneumococci or adenoviruses that infect the tonsils. At the first manifestations of purulent tonsillitis in a child, it is advisable to quickly seek help in order to begin timely treatment. This will help avoid serious consequences. Sore throat usually affects children under three years of age, younger school age, as well as adults 35–40 years old. Elderly people suffer from tonsillitis extremely rarely. But, do not forget that timely treatment is the guarantee of a speedy recovery.

Causes of illness in a child

Angina in its various forms affects patients of any age. The disease in its purulent form is more common in children and, in order to avoid the development of dangerous complications, requires timely and correct treatment. What is purulent sore throat? Why does it occur? What symptoms indicate the development of a pathological process? How long is the incubation period? How to treat and prevent the disease? Let's figure it out together.

Description of purulent sore throat

Sore throat in adults and children can occur in different forms. One of the most dangerous types of the disease is purulent tonsillitis. It is characterized by an extremely severe course, is dangerous for the development of serious complications and can become chronic.

It is important to remember that pus, clearly visible on the surface of the tonsils, is a symptom of the disease (it consists of waste products of pathogenic microorganisms, dead and a small amount of living bacteria), and not its cause. Therefore, the main therapeutic measures should be aimed at eliminating pathogenic microorganisms that provoked the disease, and not at removing pus.

Causes of the disease in children

Purulent tonsillitis in children occurs due to the active proliferation of pathogenic bacteria. The disease is transmitted by airborne droplets, in addition, pathogens can enter the child’s tonsils with food during meals.

Causes of purulent sore throat in children:

  • frequent inflammatory diseases in the oral and nasal cavities, as well as in the sinuses;
  • reduced immunity;
  • overwork (both emotional and physical);
  • unbalanced or poor diet;
  • excess ultraviolet radiation;
  • intoxication of the body of various etiologies;
  • the child’s stay in conditions of constant dampness;
  • living in areas with poor ecology (near industrial enterprises, highways, etc.);
  • hypothermia - local or general;
  • viral infections - adenovirus, influenza or parainfluenza viruses.

What does a sore throat look like: types and symptoms

It is almost impossible not to notice the signs of purulent tonsillitis in a child, since the disease is characterized by a very clear and specific clinical picture. Symptoms appear sharply, suddenly and develop quickly. A sharp rise in body temperature is often observed just a few hours after the first signs of the disease appear. You can see what the main external manifestations of the disease look like in the photo accompanying the article.

The most common symptoms of purulent tonsillitis:

  • enlarged lymph nodes, including submandibular ones;
  • enlarged tonsils - they are clearly visible in the mouth, become bright red, covered with a layer of purulent plaque;
  • feverish conditions;
  • cold sweat;
  • pale skin;
  • strong fever (up to 40 degrees) – the temperature does not increase in chronic forms of the disease;
  • sudden deterioration in general condition;
  • headache;
  • sleep disorders;
  • poor appetite, refusal to eat;
  • severe pain when swallowing, which can radiate to the ear.

There are several types of the disease, and it is important for the doctor to determine exactly which type of disease has developed in the child. This is required for the correct selection of treatment strategy. It should be taken into account that the least dangerous look purulent sore throat can develop into a more serious one over time, and in the absence of adequate treatment there is a risk of complications.

The main types of purulent sore throat:

  1. Phlegmonous is the most dangerous form, characterized by the “melting” of the tonsils under the influence of purulent formations, affects nearby soft tissues, sometimes the lymph nodes under the lower jaw, and requires urgent hospitalization.
  2. Lacunar is the least painful type of the disease, which is why it often develops into a chronic form; pus accumulates in the lacunae of the tonsils.
  3. Follicular - characterized by swelling of the throat, intense pain that spreads to the ear area; advanced disease can lead to the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into the blood. You can see what the external symptoms of the disease look like in the follicular form in the photo accompanying the article.

How long is the incubation period?

Depending on the individual characteristics of the little patient’s body, as well as on the current state of his immunity, the incubation period will differ for different children. In some cases, the disease develops very quickly, and the incubation period takes only 12 hours, but sometimes it can stretch up to 3 days.

Diagnostic methods

In children, purulent tonsillitis is always severe, and parents strive to quickly alleviate the child’s condition. However, before starting treatment, you need to make a correct diagnosis. To do this, you need to contact an otolaryngologist and therapist so that specialists can conduct an examination, differentiate the pathology from ARVI and ordinary sore throat, and also determine the type of disease.

The following diagnostic measures are usually required:

  • collecting anamnesis of the disease, interviewing, clarifying the patient’s complaints;
  • laboratory tests of a smear of pus from the tonsils;
  • pharyngoscopy examination;
  • general blood analysis;
  • general urine analysis.

Features of treatment

What to do if the doctor diagnoses purulent tonsillitis? Under no circumstances should you treat the disease yourself. The fact is that the pathological process in question requires mandatory antibacterial therapy. Thus, to cure the disease, it is necessary to take antibiotics.

Only a doctor can determine which drug is needed in a particular case based on the analyzes of the biological material. It is important to remember that even if the child has previously suffered from a purulent sore throat, the same medications cannot be used, since the disease may be caused by another microorganism.

Drug therapy

Parents should be prepared for the fact that even with intensive drug therapy, including antibiotics, treatment of purulent sore throat will take a lot of time. The minimum duration of the therapeutic course is one week. Depending on the severity of the disease, treatment may take more than 2 weeks.

It is important to remember that you cannot stop taking antibacterial drugs without permission, without a doctor’s recommendation, even if the child looks healthy. A few days after the start of therapy, the baby’s condition improves - the fever disappears, appetite appears, but live bacteria are still present in his body. If you stop taking the antibiotic, they will not die, but will become resistant to the drug, and the next time the drug will not be effective.

Treatment of purulent tonsillitis is not limited to taking antibiotics. The doctor will also prescribe gargles - the child will need to gargle frequently, 5-6 times during the day. Up to three years of age, it is recommended to replace rinsing with lozenges, since most children at this age do not yet know how to rinse, and there is a risk of swallowing the drug.

One of the symptoms of the disease is high fever, which requires taking antipyretics (antipyretics). When prescribing medications, the patient's age must be taken into account. For infants under 1 year of age, antipyretic drugs are administered in the form of suppositories; for preschool children aged 2, 3, 4 years, they are given in the form of a sweet syrup or suspension; children over 4-5 years of age can take tablets.

Folk remedies

The use of traditional medicine as an element of complex therapy for purulent sore throat at home is not prohibited. However, before using any home recipes to treat your child, you should definitely consult a specialist.

The most harmless and useful rinse at first glance or a “time-tested” decoction can slow down the healing process and harm the health of a small patient. In consultation with an otolaryngologist and therapist, it is permissible to use the following folk remedies:

  • honey-ginger tea;
  • lemon-honey tea;
  • rinsing with a decoction of chamomile, eucalyptus and calendula;
  • rinsing with a solution of beet juice mixed with vinegar.

Honey-ginger tea is an excellent helper in the fight against sore throat in a child.

Separately, folk “recipes” should be mentioned, which are strictly contraindicated in the treatment of purulent tonsillitis in a child, as they can lead to a worsening of the patient’s condition. First of all, ulcers should not be removed from the tonsils mechanically. This is very painful and absolutely useless, since they break out on their own after a few days. For childhood sore throat, the following drugs are prohibited:

  1. warming up and warming compresses - heat helps to intensify the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria that provoke sore throat;
  2. inhalations - steam procedures help to warm up the tonsils (this is harmful for purulent tonsillitis), while nebulizer and compressor procedures are simply useless, since medicinal mixtures do not tend to settle on the tonsils;
  3. alcohol tinctures, kerosene, citric acid are ineffective and can cause burns to the tonsils.

Possible complications

In young patients aged 2-3 years, the risk of developing complications of purulent tonsillitis is much higher than in adults.

Experts warn that if you do not start treatment for the disease within 8 days from the moment the first signs appear, the likelihood of dangerous complications that can lead to disability and even death increases sharply.

Purulent tonsillitis in children often becomes chronic. The most common complications of the disease:

  • chronic tonsillitis, whose symptoms are similar to purulent tonsillitis in the follicular form, often leads to the removal of the tonsils;
  • glomerulonephritis, which in some cases provokes chronic renal failure;
  • when bacteria enters circulatory system they can affect internal organs and lead to the development of sepsis, which is life-threatening for the patient;
  • rheumatic fever in acute form - accompanied by constant pain in the heart, leading to the development of heart failure;
  • otitis media - accompanied by severe headaches, often leading to hearing impairment and even complete deafness;
  • abscess of the throat or pharynx - in most cases, treatment of this pathology requires surgical intervention.


The immunity of a small child is constantly exposed to “attacks” from pathogenic microorganisms. Viruses are especially active during the cold season, so parents need to pay increased attention to preventive measures during this “cold” season. These preventive measures include:

  1. preventive courses of taking immunomodulatory drugs - the standard course involves taking 1 tablet per day for 10 days; a pediatrician can recommend an effective immunostimulant;
  2. avoiding hypothermia of the feet;
  3. hardening - regular gargling helps strengthen the throat, while the temperature of the liquid should gradually decrease;
  4. preventive rinsing with calendula decoction, furatsilin solution or sea salt.

Sore throat is infectious disease, which consists of inflammation of the tonsils. Pathogenic bacteria and viruses, under favorable conditions, begin to develop, causing disease. It is important to know how to quickly treat sore throat in children at home, because it is children who are susceptible to the frequent development of this disease.

Causes of the disease

The main causes of sore throat in a child:

  • the onset of the cold season;
  • weakening of local immunity (overwork, poor diet, stress);
  • past viral infections (flu, ARVI);
  • sinusitis, sinusitis, otitis media or adenoids. Sore throat develops against the background of another source of inflammation in the body;
  • local or general hypothermia;
  • contact with a sick person (airborne transmission).

Important! Improper treatment of sore throat leads to complications. So, home treatment methods are actively used by parents after going to the doctor and after prescribing the main drug treatment for the child.

In what situations is urgent hospitalization required:

  • presence of chronic diseases ( diabetes, bleeding disorders and others);
  • development of complications in the form of phlegmon of the neck, abscesses;
  • child intoxication: breathing problems, high fever, convulsions and vomiting.

Home treatment depending on the type of disease

Sore throat purulent

The course of treatment for purulent tonsillitis in a child is 10 days. It is based on antibacterial drugs (in tablets, syrup).

  1. Be sure to include Lugol's mouth rinse in the treatment complex.
  2. Don't give up on lozenges.
  3. To relieve pain, analgin is prescribed.
  4. Within 5 days you need to drink Diazolin or Suprastin.

It is better for the child to follow bed rest and diet (do not eat spicy, salty, sour, or sweet foods). Drink more warm tea (do not injure your oral cavity with hot and cold drinks).

Viral sore throat in children: symptoms and treatment

Viral sore throat is manifested by fever, general weakness, indigestion, nausea, vomiting, sore throat, swollen lymph nodes, and refusal to eat. It is necessary to treat with compresses, rinses, and sprays.

  1. Tonsils are treated with a solution of soda and Furacilin.
  2. It is recommended to rinse with sage infusion, plantain decoction, a solution of water with salt and a few drops of iodine.
  3. For a compress, you need to take a piece of cotton cloth and moisten it in cold water. Then squeeze and wrap the neck of the sick child. Leave the fabric for 2 hours.

Catarrhal sore throat

The main symptom will be increased body temperature (38-39 degrees), pain when swallowing, and a feeling of nausea. Most often, this type of illness occurs after suffering from influenza or ARVI. With proper treatment, the disease will go away within 10 days.

What to do for treatment:

  • maintain bed rest;
  • drink plenty of warm liquids;
  • gargle every hour (for small children, throat spray is suitable);
  • adequate treatment with antibiotics (strictly as prescribed by the doctor).

Fungal tonsillitis

First of all, you need to get tested. If this is not possible, then try to provide the child with bed rest, let him drink more, prepare rinsing solutions (with soda, salt and iodine, Furacilin, aloe and Kalanchoe). Ventilate the room and do wet cleaning. Watch your baby's diet; he needs soft and healthy food that does not irritate the throat, but also provides the body with vitamins and nutrients. Use antiseptics (Givalex, Miramistin), give vitamin B and C, and include drugs to boost the immune system (Proteflazid). For fever, you can use Nurofen and Paracetamol.

Herpes sore throat in children treatment at home

Can be used for treatment folk remedies, which are based on removing sweat, relieving inflammation and strengthening the immune system of a sick child.

  1. Maintain good oral hygiene. The child should brush his teeth with a soft toothbrush so as not to accidentally injure the affected areas.
  2. Provide your baby with plenty of warm drinks: tea with raspberries, rose hips, sea buckthorn, cranberries, lingonberries.
  3. It is recommended to rinse the mouth with decoctions of string, linden and currants. You can also use a solution of soda or potassium permanganate.
  4. It is worth limiting the child’s diet and excluding foods that can irritate herpetic sores.

Follicular (lacunar) tonsillitis

This form of the disease is difficult. It is accompanied by an increase in temperature up to 40 degrees, fever is possible. Yellow ulcers appear on the tonsils.

What to do to treat follicular tonsillitis:

  • take antibiotics prescribed by your doctor. So that the doctor can prescribe the most effective drug, it is recommended to take a smear for bacterial culture to determine the sensitivity of bacteria to different types antibiotics;
  • drink plenty of fluids, liquids should be warm;
  • taking antipyretic drugs.

Important! If this form of the disease develops in a child under three years of age, from home treatment need to refuse. Such a sore throat should be treated in a hospital setting under the close supervision of specialists.

Important! For purulent sore throat, any compresses, hot or steam inhalations are prohibited.

Treatment with medications

Many parents ask which antibiotic is best to take. It is worth considering that antibiotics are prescribed after the result of the smear taken. Drugs are divided into three groups:

  • penicillins - Augmentin, Amoxislav, Flemoxin;
  • macrolides - Azithromycin and Sumamed;
  • cephalosplrins - Ceftriaxone and Cephalexin.

The course of treatment is from 5 to 10 days. If the antibiotic suits the child, it should feel better on the 3rd day of use. If not, notify your doctor. Do not interrupt the course of treatment. Antibiotics must be taken exclusively with water, in large volumes. Should be taken one hour before meals or 2 hours after meals.


Sumamed is a common antibiotic prescribed to children for sore throat. Children are most often prescribed it in syrup form. The dosage is calculated depending on the weight of the child. It can be used by children from 6 months of age and is well tolerated. But it is not prescribed right away, but in case other drugs have not helped, so that the body does not get used to it and does not affect the immune system.

Treatment with miramistin

Miramistin helps to destroy bacteria, has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and healing effects. It can be used for fungal and purulent sore throat. For children who cannot control their breathing, you should not use Miramistin in the form of a spray. The drug can be used to rinse the mouth and treat the tonsils with a moistened gauze swab.

  • children aged 5–6 years (once every 4 days);
  • children 6–12 years old (4 times a day until complete recovery);
  • over 12 years old (6 times a day).

Treatment with acyclovir

Acyclovir is the right choice for herpetic sore throat. It has virtually no contraindications and is excreted from the body along with urine. The main thing is to drink more liquid when taking it. This is an antiviral drug that is used in combination with other drugs that provide other therapeutic effects on the body. Acyclovir can be used after consulting a doctor. The dosage varies depending on the body weight and age of the child.

If you do not want to give your child strong drugs, you can treat a sore throat without antibiotics and use other medications and medicines, as well as use folk remedies. Treatment without antibiotics includes:

  • mouth rinse;
  • compliance with bed rest;
  • taking vitamins;
  • physiotherapy.

From traditional medicine recipes, use this: grate 1 kg of beets on a coarse grater, squeeze the juice out of the resulting mass, add 1 tbsp. l. vinegar in 250 ml of juice. Let the juice sit for 4 hours. Gargle with the resulting liquid 3-4 times a day.

Be sure to rinse your mouth

If the doctor has determined that it is possible to quickly treat a child’s sore throat at home, then regular mouth rinsing is required. You need to understand that this is an additional, and not the main method of treatment. Only antibacterial drugs can quickly and effectively eliminate the disease.

How to rinse your mouth (or lubricate tonsils in small children):

  • solution of soda and salt. To the mug warm water dissolve a small spoon of soda and salt;
  • ready-made pharmaceutical products (can be used after three years): “Lugol”, “Ingallipt”, “Hexoral” and other drugs;
  • 0.01% Miramistin solution;
  • dilute two large spoons of hydrogen peroxide in a mug of warm water;
  • weak solution of potassium permanganate;
  • iodine solution (a few drops of pharmaceutical iodine are diluted in a mug);
  • dissolve two Furacelin tablets in a glass of warm water;
  • decoctions of sage and chamomile, calendula (you can use infusions based on these herbs);
  • Antiseptics should not be used to lubricate the tonsils: they can damage the protective layer of the mucous membrane. The rest of the products in this category are suitable;
  • absorbable tablets, you can use: “Faryngosept”, “Strepsils”, “Grammidin” and others.

In some cases, for angina, Chlorophyllipt is prescribed to be taken orally, but such procedures are contraindicated for children under 12 years of age. It is also undesirable to use a spray. But gargling can be done using an alcohol or oil solution of Chlorophyllipt. Before this, it is recommended to teach your child to gargle with water. You can also lubricate the tonsils with an alcohol or oil solution - this is the safest option for a child. The dosage and number of procedures should be prescribed by a doctor.

What to consider when choosing children's products (up to three years)

Some sprays are simply not suitable for children under three years of age; this is always written in the instructions. So, before buying a medicine, you should definitely look at the instructions. It is best for infants to use sprays not for their intended purpose, but to treat the pacifier and let them suck.

You can teach a two-year-old child to gargle. Small children cannot hold tablets in their mouths for long. So, when choosing a specific topical treatment, you just need to take into account the needs and level of development of the baby.

Use of antipyretics

In the matter of how to quickly treat sore throat in children at home, you cannot do without antipyretic medications. They will help bring down the temperature for a few days, but this is enough for the antibiotics to begin the main treatment.

Important! Medicines for fever should not be taken for more than three days in a row. It is best to use Paracetamol, Panadol, and Ibuprofen for treating children.

When to bring down the temperature with a sore throat is necessary:

  • if the temperature is more than 38 degrees. There is no need to lower the temperature before this: in this state, the body produces antibodies that fight the disease on its own;
  • if the temperature is accompanied by vomiting, and for infants in such a situation it is best to use rectal suppositories;
  • If children are over a year old and can tolerate heat normally, the temperature should be lowered when it reaches 38.

Traditional methods for reducing fever

It is necessary to prepare a clean towel, soak it in water and dry the child. If the baby is over a year old, then you can wipe it with vodka. You need to give a lot to drink; decoctions of black currants, cranberries and raspberries will help. Drinking will increase sweating, which will help lower body temperature.


Important! Treating tonsils with kerosene is very difficult process, which can lead to serious consequences. And when rinsing with the prepared kerosene solution, the child may accidentally swallow some liquid.


You also need to give your child more foods that contain vitamins. Since it is difficult to swallow with a sore throat, it is recommended to make purees based on fresh fruits and vegetables, cook compotes, fruit drinks, and squeeze fresh juices.


Briefly about important stages treatment and behavior:

  1. Isolate the child from other family members. Create silence, reduce the amount of light.
  2. Provide separate dishes and personal hygiene products. After each meal, wash the dishes and pour boiling water over them.
  3. Ventilate the room and do wet cleaning every day.
  4. Wash your child's toys in hot water and soap.
  5. Change bed and underwear every day. Especially if the child sweats a lot. Avoid diapers during fever.
  6. Drink a lot to lower your temperature and remove toxins from your body. Give warm milk with butter and honey, jelly, warm fruit drinks and sour juices.
  7. Give pureed liquid food.

Sore throat and cough in children

An effective way to treat a cough with a sore throat is a prescription for alcohol and honey. It is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the body, since honey is an allergic product, and alcohol is not suitable for everyone.

  1. To prepare, take 1 tbsp. l. honey and tbsp. l. alcohol and mix.
  2. Give your child 1 teaspoon during coughing attacks.

This mixture promotes expectoration, liquefies and soothes.

It is worth remembering that many ways to treat sore throat in children at home can only be actively practiced from the age of three. For younger children, hospital treatment is recommended.

Depending on the nature of the inflammation of the tonsils, tonsillitis can be of several types. Pus does not appear in catarrhal, herpetic and fibrinous forms of the disease. A distinctive sign of purulent tonsillitis is severe intoxication of the body. When the first symptoms of the disease appear, you need to seek medical help and begin treatment.

Symptoms and diagnosis

The disease in children begins with chills and fever, the temperature rises sharply, which is almost impossible to bring down with conventional antipyretics.

The following symptoms of the disease can be identified:

  • general weakness;
  • severe intoxication;
  • body temperature above 38 degrees;
  • pale skin;
  • severe sore throat;
  • “ache” in the bones;
  • enlargement and tenderness of the cervical lymph nodes;
  • problems with swallowing and chewing, children under one year of age refuse the breast or bottle.

As a rule, the combination of these symptoms means that the child has a purulent sore throat. Upon examination, it is clear that the tonsils are enlarged in volume, and on their surface, in continuous or separate “islands,” there is plaque in the form of pus.

It is necessary to consult a pediatrician, since it is not recommended to independently diagnose and treat the disease. Intoxication of the body without specific therapy will continue to increase, which is fraught with complications such as hyperpyretic temperature, inflammation of the heart muscle, swelling of the neck with subsequent suffocation. Possible death.

When examining a small patient, the doctor will detect soreness of the lymph nodes, the presence of pus in the inflamed tonsils and symptoms of intoxication.

To confirm the diagnosis, a number of laboratory tests are usually prescribed:

  • a throat swab to determine the causative agent of the disease;
  • blood analysis;
  • Analysis of urine.

In a general blood test for purulent tonsillitis, an increase in ESR and neutrophilic leukocytosis is noted, indicating the presence of infection in the body.

Treatment of sore throat

Purulent sore throat in children is usually treated comprehensively with the simultaneous prescription of antipyretics, antibiotics, probiotics, antihistamines and gargles. Also, during treatment, it is important to maintain bed rest, avoid dehydration and drink vitamin complexes.

When treating purulent tonsillitis, the following drugs are prescribed:

  • sprays: Hexoral, Lugol, Ingallipt. Allowed for children from one year old;
  • disinfectants: Furacilin solution (2 tablets per glass of water), 0.01% Miramistin solution, Iodinol solution (a tablespoon per glass of water). Indicated for children over 5 years of age;
  • lollipops and absorbable strips: Strepsils, Antiangin, Grammidin;
  • antipyretic drugs: Panadol, Nurofen, Efferalgan, Tsefekon. Antipyretics for purulent tonsillitis only help in combination with antibacterial therapy on the second day of treatment;
  • penicillin antibiotics. They cope most effectively with streptococcal infections and are well tolerated by children of any age. Usually the doctor prescribes Amoxiclav or Augmentin. If a child is allergic to penicillin, then it is better to treat a sore throat with drugs such as Sumamed, Macropen or Azitrox. In rare cases, only the local antibiotic Bioparox is prescribed;
  • probiotics: Bifidumbacterin, Linex, Bifiform or Acipol;
  • antihistamines: Suprastin, Zodak;
  • vitamin complexes: Alphabet, Pikovit, Multitabs.

Treatment of sore throat with folk remedies

To quickly cure a child and alleviate his condition, folk remedies can be used simultaneously with complex drug treatment.

  • Add a few drops of propolis tincture to a glass of warm water. For purulent sore throat, rinsing should be frequent - at least two procedures within an hour, then the symptoms of a sore throat can be cured faster;
  • Grind the raw beets on a grater and squeeze the juice out of them. Add a teaspoon of table vinegar to it and use the resulting rinse. To treat sore throat in children over one year of age, up to 6 rinses per day are necessary;
  • take equal proportions of calendula flowers, chamomile flowers and eucalyptus leaves. Pour a tablespoon of the vegetable mixture into 300 ml of boiling water and boil over low heat for 2 minutes. Let the broth brew for an hour. Use the rinse throughout the day.


There are no specific measures to prevent purulent tonsillitis. But to prevent colds, parents should pay more attention to the health of their children.

This applies to the quality of nutrition, proper rest and lifestyle. Timely detection and treatment of foci of infection in the body (for example, carious teeth, otitis) and general strengthening measures also play an important role.

Useful video about sore throat

Purulent tonsillitis in children is a fairly common disease.

In medical terminology, this is purulent tonsillitis in an acute form, which was provoked by complications in other forms of angina.

The disease is characterized by appearance on the tonsils white plaque or films.

Symptoms of purulent sore throat in a child

Signs of purulent tonsillitis have special manifestations. Therefore, it is not difficult to notice a child’s illness.

There are symptoms and features of the course of the disease, thanks to which it is easy to diagnose the disease.

The most characteristic are:

IMPORTANT: The disease manifests itself abruptly with the appearance of high fever and sore throat. Therefore, it is important to consult a doctor in time to avoid complications such as otitis media and other ENT diseases.


To prevent the disease, parents need to know what causes sore throat. Its appearance is caused by bacteria that enter the mucous membrane of the throat.

The reasons may also be related to the following factors:

Infection occurs by airborne droplets. The peak of the disease occurs at ages 5 years and older. The disease causes serious complications in children under 1 year of age.


Before treating a purulent sore throat, it is necessary to conduct a diagnosis so that the doctor can select an effective treatment.

A pediatrician or otolaryngologist prescribes the following methods for children:

  • Pharyngoscopy;
  • A smear is taken from the tonsils for culture;
  • General blood and urine analysis.

How to treat purulent sore throat

If there is a purulent sore throat in children, treatment must be carried out with the prescription of antibiotics. After taking a smear and doing a culture, the doctor selects medications and decides how long to treat the baby. In general, it is recommended to take antibiotics for 7-10 days.

In order for the purulent throat to go away and the temperature to drop, taking antipyretic drugs is indicated. It is important to gargle.

The most effective means
Antibiotics Amoxiclav
If you are allergic to antibiotics Azitrox
Antimicrobial agents Biseptol
Antipyretics Nurofen
Sprays Hexoral

By following all the recommendations, parents will know what to do if they have a sore throat and how to quickly cure it.

IMPORTANT: For a one-year-old child, sprays are safer.

Parents should know that children with purulent sore throat are strictly prohibited from making compresses or performing any other warming procedures. This can provoke complications, the appearance of new foci of inflammation, and an increase in temperature.

In addition to treatment, you can remove purulent discharge from the tonsils yourself. To do this, use a cotton swab dipped in a solution of iodine, brilliant green or Lugol's to treat the tonsils. After just a few procedures, the baby’s condition will improve significantly and the temperature will decrease.


Sore throat is dangerous due to complications. Therefore, they often combine the use medicines with folk remedies. This treatment is especially suitable for children over one year of age, since not all children are treated with antibiotics due to side effects.

Treatment can be carried out at home for children, but only after consultation with a doctor.


For this purpose, decoctions of medicinal herbs are used. They treat sore throat well at the initial stage.

To prepare a decoction, you need to pour a glass of boiling water over a spoonful of the plant, let it brew, and then rinse.

The most effective are the following medicinal plants:


To prevent the development of the disease, prevention plays an important role.

This may include the following activities:

  • Good nutrition;
  • Active lifestyle;
  • Hardening the body;
  • Regular consumption of fruits and vegetables;
  • A course of taking vitamin preparations;
  • Increased immunity;
  • Maintaining sleep and rest patterns;
  • Timely treatment of any diseases.

Purulent tonsillitis is characterized by a severe course with various complications. You should not resort to self-medication. Taking any medications should be under the supervision of a doctor.

Many people have been familiar with one of the most unpleasant respiratory diseases - purulent sore throat - since childhood. Its first symptoms can easily be confused with poisoning, since sometimes the disease begins with vomiting and high fever. Hospitalization for sore throat is not necessary, but sometimes the pediatrician insists on inpatient treatment. Often parents refuse this recommendation, because with such an illness they are admitted to the infectious diseases department, and there they can become infected with something else. The baby is unwell, and he undoubtedly needs parental care, so treating purulent sore throat in children at home is a more common practice.

A little about sore throat

The phrase “purulent tonsillitis” should be understood as inflammation of the tonsils caused by a bacterial infection. This disease is characterized by the presence of white purulent stains or plugs on the entire surface of the tonsils. The lymphoid tissue swells, and the child experiences laryngeal hyperemia. Main symptoms of sore throat:

Purulent inflammation of the palatine tonsils usually occurs against the background of the proliferation of bacteria - streptococci and staphylococci. Less common are sore throats caused by viruses and fungi.

How to treat purulent sore throat at home

To cure acute tonsillitis in a short time, you will have to resort to antibiotic therapy. If you limit yourself only to local medication and rinsing, the disease will subside only after a couple of weeks. Such long-term treatment threatens the development of serious complications.

The heart, joints and urinary system, mainly the kidneys, suffer the most from the consequences of sore throat. The problem is that the immune system, when fighting a sore throat, has a detrimental effect on these organs, as it recognizes them as the causative agents of sore throat.

Treatment of purulent tonsillitis should be comprehensive. One of the basic rules that must be followed is bed rest. This is a prerequisite for a quick recovery. Basic therapeutic measures:

  • antibiotic therapy. To quickly treat a sore throat, you need to choose an antibiotic. It will help get rid of purulent plugs and pain in the tonsils in about 5-7 days;
  • antiseptic effect. Rinses, lozenges, sprays are intended for disinfection and pain relief. They contribute to faster cleansing of the tonsils from purulent exudate;
  • plenty of warm drinks. During a sore throat, you need to drink as many warm drinks as possible. This will help relieve pain, clear blockages from the tonsils, relieve inflammation and quickly remove the infection through the urinary system;
  • antipyretics. No matter what anyone says, prolonged fever is not only not useful, but also dangerous for the child’s body. For a sore throat, a high temperature should be brought down with Nurofen, children's Paracetamol or Ibuprofen, Analdim rectal suppositories (analgin with diphenhydramine);

Thanks to this therapeutic approach, effective and rapid treatment of purulent sore throat in children at home is ensured. If you follow all the instructions and take antibiotics every day at the same time, the disease will begin to recede within 4-5 days. First, the temperature will subside and the pain when swallowing will subside, and the pain will completely disappear when the tonsils are finally cleared of traffic jams.


In order to do right choice in the direction of any antibacterial agent, it is advisable to take a swab from the child’s throat. This will help determine the type of pathogen and select an active antibiotic. Sore throat can be caused not only by bacteria, but also by fungi and viruses, and in these cases, antibiotic therapy is not always appropriate.

For acute tonsillitis in young children, the following groups of antibiotics are most often prescribed: penicillins, cephalosporins, macrolides. Short description these groups:


Antiseptic solutions help you get better as quickly as possible, so regular and frequent gargling is very important. It is not at all necessary to buy ready-made solutions, because the best disinfectant is a regular saline solution. At home, rinsing is done as follows:

  • in a glass of warm (not hot!) water you need to dissolve half a tsp. soda and the same amount of salt. It wouldn't hurt to add a couple of drops of iodine;
  • You need to gargle with this solution every hour, especially in the first days of illness;
  • If the purulent plugs are not washed out and there is no longer a high temperature, you can try to remove them mechanically. To do this, you need to wrap your index and middle fingers with a bandage, dip it in an antiseptic solution and wipe your tonsils with it. This method is especially relevant for cleaning the tonsils of young children who do not yet know how to gargle.

Instead of soda and salt, you can dissolve a furatsilin tablet in water or use ready-made pharmaceutical solutions, for example, Chlorophyllipt or Givalex. Frequent, thorough and deep rinsing is necessary so that the antiseptic reaches the surface of the tonsils as much as possible.

Lozenges and sprays

There are a huge number of lozenges for coughs and sore throats. They all have different compositions - herbal, antiseptic, antibacterial. To treat sore throat, two types of lozenges are used - with an antibiotic and with an antiseptic. Regarding tablets based essential oils plants, they are not able to cope with a cutting pain in the throat, although they have a rich medicinal and natural composition.

For the treatment of acute tonsillitis, lozenges Septefril, Decatylene, Trachisan, Travisil, Strepsils, etc. are suitable. Almost all of them are approved for use in children over 6 years of age. As for the kids before three years, they are most often recommended to use sprays, for example, Orasept or Hexasprey.

Why is it so important to quickly cure a sore throat?

The condition of the palatine tonsils is of great importance for the health of the child’s body, because lymphoid tissues are part of the immune system. If a sore throat is treated for a long time, there is a risk that the tonsils will not return to their original appearance and will remain enlarged. Loose tonsils reduce local immunity and become fertile ground for the growth of bacteria. This leads to the development of a disease such as chronic tonsillitis, and this disease quite often passes into the acute stage.

The goals of rapid treatment of sore throat:

  • pain when swallowing goes away;
  • purulent stones disappear;
  • body temperature drops to normal levels;
  • the tonsils become smaller, their redness and inflammation are no longer observed;
  • relapses of purulent inflammation of the tonsils are prevented;
  • the risk of developing complications in the heart, joints, and kidneys is reduced.

If a child suffers from tonsillitis 3-4 times a year, he is prescribed a tonsillectomy - surgical removal of the tonsils. However, as you know, there is not a single superfluous organ in the human body. The adult’s task is to keep the baby’s tonsils healthy, because lymphoid tissue is a barrier to respiratory infections.

Purulent tonsillitis is a serious disease that is accompanied by high fever, cutting pain in the throat and the appearance of purulent exudate on the tonsils. A competent therapeutic approach allows you to quickly cure a child of acute tonsillitis at home. If you let the disease take its course and refuse to take antibiotics, this can have a detrimental effect on the functioning of the baby’s vital organs.

The word “angina” itself comes from the ancient Greek “ango”, which means “to choke”, “to squeeze”. Until recently, this term meant any disease that caused acute inflammation of the throat, difficulty breathing and swallowing.

Modern medicine has advanced quite far from its predecessor. It became clear to science what causes the disease. This is an infection characterized by the presence of two types of microorganisms - streptococci and staphylococci, affecting the palatine tonsils, as well as adjacent tissues of the pharynx, and the pharyngeal mucosa.

Here it is worth delving a little into the structure of the human body, or rather, into the purpose of those very tonsils. They consist of lymphatic tissue, which is involved in the development of immunity. Considering the location of the tonsils, which are actually on the border internal organs And environment, they are most often exposed to negative external influences.

All this causes very frequent inflammation of the tonsils. The inflammatory process can develop for various reasons: temperature fluctuations, not always healthy food, cold foods and environmental factors. But the main factor, of course, is the impact of microorganisms.

The presence of foci of inflammation on the tonsils is called tonsillitis, which, in fact, is just a symptom of a number of diseases. After all, the palatine tonsils can become inflamed when they are damaged by dozens of microorganisms. However, a sore throat is only an inflammation resulting from a specific infection, that is, an inflammation of the tonsil membrane that occurs from a staphylococcal or streptococcal infection.

Diagnosis of sore throat

One of the main factors in diagnosing the disease is the presence of an infectious component. That is, the main cause of sore throat in children is contact with pathogens. Visual and sensory symptoms of a sore throat may be fully consistent with the diagnostic protocol, but the same symptoms as a sore throat can be found with a number of other infectious and inflammatory diseases, including infectious mononucleosis and diphtheria. Therefore, such a diagnosis of tonsillitis in a child is made by a qualified doctor only after laboratory tests: a blood test and a smear from the surface of the tonsils. When these procedures are performed correctly and in a timely manner, their sensitivity is about 90%, which is a very good result.

Thus, the inability to diagnose a sore throat at home leads us to the following conclusions. The disease is characterized by acute inflammation of the tonsils, but similar phenomena can be observed in other diseases. Therefore, only a doctor should diagnose and treat a child’s sore throat, and a correct diagnosis is the key to proper treatment of sick children and their speedy recovery.

The reason for contacting a child with a specialist should be the following visual symptoms:

  • acute onset of the disease with a sharp increase in temperature up to +39-40 °C;
  • apathy of the child, expressed by lack of appetite and mood, general weakness, headache and chills;
  • symptoms associated with the cervical and submandibular lymph nodes - their soreness and enlargement;
  • visually observed changes in the tonsils: the presence of foci of infection, redness, increase in size, the appearance of purulent formations and plaque, problems with swallowing.

If at least one of these symptoms of sore throat is observed, not to mention the case when there are more than two of them, then this is a reason to immediately consult a doctor for further laboratory diagnosis.

Types of sore throats

In fact, there are a huge number of classifications of the disease and its varieties:

Banal sore throats
  • Catarrhal sore throat;
  • lacunar tonsillitis;
  • fibrinous tonsillitis;
  • follicular tonsillitis;
  • mixed sore throat;
  • quinsy.
  • viral sore throat;
  • fungal sore throat;
  • ulcerative sore throat;
  • necrotizing tonsillitis.
Sore throats that develop with infectious diseases
  • measles;
  • diphtheria;
  • scarlet fever;
  • syphilitic;
  • with HIV infection.
Sore throats with blood diseases
  • agranulocytic;
  • monocytic;
  • leukocyte.
Sore throats, classified by location
  • sore throat;
  • tonsillitis of the pharyngeal, lingual or tubar tonsils;
  • tonsillitis of the lateral ridges of the pharynx.

Despite this apparent variety of sore throats, children most often suffer from banal varieties of the disease. We will talk about them below.

Purulent sore throat in children

In addition to the above classification, purulent sore throats are classified as a separate group. These include lacunar, follicular, phlegmonous and other varieties. The symptoms that unite them are the presence of ulcers on the tonsils. Typically, pus is observed in the form of plaque, but with the follicular type of the disease, damage to the follicular tissue of the tonsils is observed and the pus is located in the form of separate pinpoint foci.

The course of purulent sore throat in children is in most cases severe. With this form of angina, the main symptoms are an increase in body temperature to +40°C, a significant increase in the size of the lymph nodes, and pain on palpation. Symptoms such as diarrhea and vomiting may occur. In addition, with purulent tonsillitis, foci of pus are clearly visible on the surface of the tonsils. Laboratory tests for purulent sore throat will show an increase in the level of leukocytes, a shift to the left in the leukocyte formula and, quite often, an increase in the ESR.

Treatment of sore throat in children

How is angina treated? Treatment of the disease is complex, involving the use of both etiotropic and symptomatic drugs.

In most cases, sore throat requires treatment mainly with antibiotics. The doctor must indicate how to treat a sore throat, and the treatment process must take place exclusively under his supervision. This statement should not be taken as an exclusive recommendation for placing a child in a hospital. If a child has a sore throat, treatment can be carried out at home. But self-medication for sore throat in children is unacceptable.

The fact is that it is not so easy to make a correct diagnosis and establish that a child has a sore throat. And treatment of any disease implies knowledge of its true cause. There is a possibility of missing other diseases with similar symptoms, and secondly, errors in treatment can lead to very serious complications in children.

All that parents can do on their own for a sick child is to provide him with the proper maintenance regime - the absence of any stress, food that is soft for the throat and does not injure the inflamed tonsils (and the patient should eat only if desired), and plenty of warm drinks. Thus, a child’s sore throat can be cured faster if the rules of proper patient care are followed.

Antibiotics for sore throat

Now specifically about drug treatment. As we have already said, antibiotics for sore throat for children are first-line drugs. It is impossible to quickly cure a sore throat without antibiotics; in addition, therapy without the use of antibacterial drugs increases the likelihood of complications.

There are antibiotics that have been proven over the years and are relatively cheap. For angina in children, penicillin, erythromycin and ampicillin are used, the effectiveness of which has been proven by thousands of patients. Also, angina can be treated with drugs with other commercial names, but created on the basis of the same active substance.

When diagnosed with tonsillitis, treatment is carried out with the following antibiotics:

Of course, it is important to consider the absence of contraindications. In cases of individual intolerance to antibiotics based on penicillin, patients are prescribed drugs from the macrolide group or in one form or another. The most popular among them:

A drug Price Description
Sumamed from 356 rub. An azalide antibiotic, belonging to a new subgroup of macrolide antibiotics, often used to treat sore throat. Its high concentration also has a bactericidal effect. Available in the form of tablets, capsules and powder for syrup. There are no age-related contraindications for use.
Azitrox from 200 rub. An antibiotic with a broad spectrum of antimicrobial activity, belonging to the azalide subgroup. Available in capsule form. As a remedy for the treatment of sore throat, it can be prescribed to a child from the age of 12.
Hemomycin from 136 rub. A drug with a pronounced bacteriostatic effect.

A high concentration of antibiotic has a bactericidal effect. Available in tablets, capsules, and powder intended for the preparation of infusion solutions and suspensions. The suspension can be given to a child weighing over 10 kilograms.

And only in very rare cases, when the doctor believes that treatment of severe sore throat with previous groups of antibiotics is ineffective, cephalosporins are prescribed:

Antibiotics for sore throat in children under six months are prescribed in the form of injections, which avoids disruption of the intestinal microflora. In most cases, suspensions are prescribed for children aged 1-5 years. From the age of six, antibiotics are prescribed in tablets. Although there are no absolutely clear recommendations here, the doctor is guided by the individual characteristics of the patient.

Antibiotics for sore throat should be used for 7-10 days. An exception is Sumamed, which has a prolonged duration of action and is prescribed for five days in recommended doses.

Antibiotics should not be stopped even if the patient's condition improves. The action of the drugs is aimed at destroying the causative agents of sore throat, and this process cannot last less than a week. Premature cessation of antibiotic use without serious reasons threatens the child with a whole series of serious complications, the topic of which we will touch on below.

Antibiotics can often cause various allergic reactions, which is why doctors additionally prescribe antihistamines, the most popular of which is Suprastin (from 140 rubles). In addition, in order to avoid disruption of the intestinal microflora, antifungal agents are prescribed: Fluconazole (from 25 rubles), Nystatin (from 43 rubles).


Antibiotics are not the only ones medicines, used in the treatment of sore throat in children. A whole range of topical drugs is also used. The first group among them is antipyretic drugs. They must be given to the child in most cases, since inflamed tonsils “drive” the temperature far beyond +38 °C. Doctors set the limit at which antipyretics should be used at +38 °C. But it is noted that this figure can fluctuate by half a degree in both directions, depending on the individual characteristics of the body. For example, if a patient has experienced convulsions from elevated temperature at least once, then it should be brought down already at +37.5 °C. And if the child tolerates the fever relatively calmly, he can be allowed to independently produce antibodies to fight the disease up to a temperature of +38.5 °C. In such cases, quite often the fever does not rise higher, since the protective functions of the immune system are strong enough to resist.

Infants and two-year-old children are mainly prescribed rectal suppositories(Paracetamol, from 28 rubles). It is recommended to give antipyretic syrups to a child aged 3-5 years (Nurofen, from 123 rubles). Starting from 6 years old, children can take Ibuprofen tablets (from 42 rubles). Teenagers from 12 years of age can take combination drugs with paracetamol and ibuprofen, for example, Ibuklin (from 116 rubles).


It is well known that sore throat must also be treated with gargles. Frequent rinsing is necessary to relieve pain in the throat, as well as for an antiseptic and antimicrobial effect on inflamed tonsils. Most of the sprays and rinsing solutions available on the market do an excellent job of these tasks, but do not affect either the duration of a sore throat or the fight against its pathogens.

The following sprays are most commonly used for gargling for children over three years of age:

A drug Price Description
Lugol from 131 rub. A topical antiseptic that contains molecular iodine for significant bacterial action. With a long course of use, it inhibits the flora of staphylococcal infections in 80 percent of cases. Appointed from the age of 12.
Hexoral from 297 rub. An antiseptic antimicrobial drug that also has analgesic, enveloping and deodorizing effects. Active substance- hexethidine. Application is possible for children from three years of age.
Inhalipt from 87 rub. Spray with antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects. Prescribed to children from the age of three.

The use of sprays is not recommended for children under three years of age, as they cannot hold their breath during injection, which can cause spasms of the respiratory tract. Pediatricians recommend that the youngest patients moisten a pacifier with a spray or inject the solution onto the inside of the cheek. With saliva it will still end up on the inflamed tonsils.

Folk remedies

Angina can also be treated with folk remedies. These include soda and salt solutions (a teaspoon of salt or soda is dissolved in 0.5 liters of warm water and the throat is gargled with this solution up to six times a day), chamomile and sage decoctions, which are also used to relieve pain, as well as vodka compresses or raw grated potatoes, which have an antipyretic effect. Natural teas made from cherries, raspberries and black currants have the same effect, which the patient needs to consume in as large quantities as possible. In this case, you need to be attentive to the temperature of the drink, since too hot or too cold tea will only increase the pain.

Nuances of treatment of purulent sore throat

If there is a purulent form of sore throat, and not a simple (catarrhal) sore throat, treatment necessarily also includes gargling with antiseptic solutions:

Such rinsing for purulent sore throat will allow you to remove purulent deposits from the oral mucosa, preventing their further spread.

Also, purulent sore throats are very often accompanied by severe pain, which has to be relieved with painkillers. In such cases, doctors most often recommend lozenges. Among them, the most effective and popular are:

Otherwise, purulent tonsillitis is treated similarly to its non-purulent forms.

Summarizing the methodology for treating this infection, you need to remember that antibiotics destroy the causative agents of the infection, and you can’t do without them if you have a sore throat.

The action of all other remedies is aimed solely at relieving symptoms and easing the course of the disease.


Sore throat in children (as well as in adults, however) is not a testing ground for self-medication and it is necessary to see a doctor. Untimely or not meeting requirements health care threatens very serious further problems. Common complications caused by the disease include:

  • complications related to the heart muscle;
  • complications with joints;
  • kidney complications.

Complications related to the heart muscle

First of all, the disease can cause the development of rheumatism of the heart. This happens due to the fact that the antibodies in the body that have overcome the infectious agents continue to demonstrate activity, having a negative effect on the connective tissue. Chronic tonsillitis develops into rheumatism most often, but cases of rheumatism of the heart have also been confirmed after a single sore throat.

In addition to rheumatism, the disease can cause myocarditis - inflammation of the heart muscle.

Complications with joints

Incorrect treatment of children with sore throat can also lead to rheumatism of the joints. It is accompanied by wandering joint pain, swelling and general fatigue. Treatment of joint rheumatism often leads to full restoration, although in some cases people with this disease are prone to pain in the joints when the weather changes.

It should also be noted in the context of these complications that with angina it is necessary to strictly observe bed rest. It will relieve the stress from the legs, the joints of which suffer the most during the development of rheumatism. Intense physical activity should also be avoided for the first time after illness.

Complications affecting the kidneys

After one to four weeks after the illness, the infection can “come back to haunt” serious problems with the kidneys. This is, in particular, bacterial inflammation of the kidneys (pyelonephritis) and inflammation of the renal glomeruli (glamerulonephritis). In the worst case scenario, the disease can even cause kidney failure, but such complications are extremely rare and are often the result of the fact that the disease was suffered “on the feet” and was not treated properly.

Such an impressive list of complications forces one to adhere to the list as strictly as possible. medical recommendations aimed at quality treatment:

  • absolute compliance with all doctor’s recommendations without any self-indulgence;
  • mandatory completion of the full course of antibiotics;
  • compliance with bed rest throughout the illness;
  • drinking plenty of fluids will help remove toxins from the body;
  • lack of serious physical activity immediately after illness;
  • Constant work on strengthening the immune system: a healthy lifestyle, physical activity, immunostimulating drugs.

If therapy is carried out not in a hospital, but at home, then it is also necessary to know the list of symptoms of complications in the course of the disease, when the patient needs immediate hospitalization:

  • with a sore throat, the baby experiences such severe pain in the throat that he completely refuses to eat and drink;
  • speech becomes difficult to understand (often due to high temperature);
  • there are difficulties in breathing and swallowing, as well as severe and involuntary salivation;
  • the occurrence of visually noticeable swelling of the mucous membrane in the jaw area, due to which the child has problems opening the mouth;
  • the child has not urinated in the past twelve hours.

Observation of any of these characteristic features- a reason to immediately call ambulance so that, under the supervision of a doctor, you do not miss any serious complication in the course of the disease.