Strong conspiracies to the castle. Prayer and a conspiracy to the castle What does witchcraft mean to close to the castle

Complete collection and description: prayer and conspiracy to the castle for the spiritual life of a believer.

The castle is a very frequent attribute in magical rites of various kinds. This symbolism is rooted in antiquity and means that certain feelings and actions are securely fixed with such an additional attribute. The castle is widely used as an attribute in the rites of love magic, as well as in rituals aimed at attracting prosperity and good luck in life.

Features of rituals with a castle

There are no special rules for performing rituals with castles. The main thing that is needed is to strictly follow the recommendations of a particular rite. In addition, it is important to pronounce the plot to the castle very clearly and distinctly. You need to feel every spoken word and sincerely believe that the impact will achieve its goal.

Strong spell ritual

To conduct the ceremony, you will need to prepare the following additional attributes:

  • New small padlock;
  • A metal chain, the length of which should allow it to wrap around the trunk of a tree previously selected for the ritual;
  • Own hairs and hairs from the head of the chosen one;
  • A couple of ribbons, and the color combination should be chosen as pink-red and blue-blue;
  • A narrow strip of white sheet, approximately 1 x 15 cm in size;
  • A small scarf.

The ceremony is held on one of the nights three days before the appearance of the full moon in the sky. It is necessary to retire in a separate room and put all the prepared attributes on a scarf spread on the table. Then you need to take the hairs, twist them, fixing them on different sides with ribbons. In the process of this, you need to think only about your chosen one and how much you want to be with him.

After the improvised pigtail is created, you should say the following words:

After that, you need to tie the ribbons on different sides of the pigtail. Then, on a strip of paper, you should briefly write a desire related to the fact that you want to be with your chosen one. Next, the paper tape must be placed on the lock with the key, and the pigtail on top. All this must be tied in a scarf and put under your pillow.

For three days, attributes cannot be touched, and sleep on a pillow without turning it over. The chain must be placed under the bed and also not touched for three days.

On the first night of the full moon, you must take the chain and all the attributes that lay under the pillow. The scarf again needs to be spread on the table and the ribbons removed from the impromptu pigtail. On a pink and red ribbon, you should write the name of the woman, and on the blue and blue - the name of your chosen one.

Next, you need to read the above plot again and in the process of reading, a pigtail of hair must be tucked inside the castle. This can be done both through the holes in the brackets and through the keyhole. It is very important not to damage any hair. There you also need to push a strip of paper on which the desire is written. This can be done after it is twisted into a thin tube.

After carrying out all the actions, you need to go to the tree that you previously looked after for the ceremony. A chain is put on it and fixed with a lock. The key is turned in the lock and the plot to the lock is repeated. After that, the ceremony is considered complete and you need to leave without talking to anyone on the way home. It is important not to drink or eat anything until morning.

Conspiracy for well-being in the house

With the help of a ritual in which a castle is used, well-being can be brought into the house. This is a very effective rite, but at the same time it is necessary to believe that with its help it will be possible to attract wealth. A new padlock should be used in the ritual.

You need to open it and say the following words through the keyhole:

After pronouncing the words, you should close the lock with a key and the next day take it and throw it into the nearest body of water, as far as possible from the coast.

The rituals in which the castle is used are very strong, and it is very difficult to remove such influences. According to magicians, to remove the simplest love spells, you will need the help of professionals. That is why you need to use such magic carefully.

A conspiracy to lock so that money is not stolen, and for good luck

If you are going on vacation with the whole family, then fears about the reliability of the protection of your home are quite justified.

Thieves' plans can be destroyed by reading locking plots on the lock.

Also, a plot for a door lock must be read if you put a new lock on the door.

Locks are often used in magical rituals, especially in rituals aimed at protecting the home and attracting good luck and money.

Conspiracy-protection against theft

1. Buy a new castle, read a conspiracy-amulet on it:

“I lock the castle, I take away the minds of thieves. The key is with me, and my house is with good. Key. Lock. Language. Amen, Amen. Amen".

After that, close the lock with a key, take the key with you on the road, and put the lock in the corner opposite the icons in your house. Returning home from vacation, open the lock. The key should lie next to the lock until the next trip from home.

2. Take a new lock and close it on the growing moon with the words:

“I am the master of the castle, I am the master of myself. I don’t lock the castle, I protect myself (name) from deeds and thoughts of the enemy. The castle is forever closed - the path to trouble is forever blocked! May it be so!"

Hide the lock in the house, and throw the keys into the water.

3. Take the old lock and the key to it. Open and close it several times to get a feel for the lock and its mechanism. Read on the lock:

“Here is the castle, the treasury to it. In that treasury my wealth will lie, the key with the lock will guard it. While the castle was open there was nothing to guard, as the castle closes the treasury will be filled. My castle, I have the key - I rule the treasury. May it be so."

Put the padlock in the place where the money is kept. Carry the key with you.

Conspiracy for a new castle

The ritual for wealth, if you changed the door lock, is done early Monday morning.

Stand in front of the keyhole in which the key is inserted, and read the magic spell:

“The gray wolf went into the dark forest to look for a white hare. He did not catch up with the hare, but he found a forged casket, upholstered in steel and gilded. The lock on the casket is hefty, silver. The key to the casket is hidden in the water, securely hidden from people. Only I can find that key in the water surface, between stones and herbs. Not to a simple man, not to a gray wolf, but to me, a servant of God (name), that key is intended. I will find the key, I will unlock the casket, stones, I will take gems from it, I will collect gold, silver. I'll hide the key so that it comes true.

After reading the plot, remove the key from the keyhole and hang it as a pendant around your neck.

Wear for several days without removing.

Plot with a lock for good luck

A castle plot can help in a situation where it seems that luck has turned its back on you, and in all matters you stumble upon invisible obstacles.

It may well be that the space around you is blocked due to malicious intent or by coincidence.

For the ritual, you will need a new castle of a small size, buying which you need to give money without change or not take it.

You will also need 3 red wax candles and some honey.

The ceremony is performed alone at any time of the day.

Open the lock, put the keys to it nearby and light candles.

Light them up and say the magic words:

“The river is fast, the river is clean, show me all the dangerous shallows, secret fords, natural bridges and approaches to rocky cliffs. So that I, the Slave (s) of God (s) ( given name) was not afraid of your rapids and depths (s). So that I can get around all the dark troubles, so that my path is gentle and kind, so that all sorrows and sorrows disappear. Capture the dashing share of the river in an iron cage with a stormy current, and securely lock it with a key. For me, the Servant (s) of God (s) is a sweet honey life, and unkind villains - in the mouth of evil in the tar. And it will always be like this, and no one can change anything. Amen".

Repeat the text of the plot until the candles go out. You can't extinguish them. After that, smear the lock with honey and close it.

Take it to the river or stream, stand on the shore and repeat the spell on the castle again, then throw it into the water away.

After the castle, throw a handful of coins into the river, as a payment to the river for fulfilling your request.

From the lock you will have the keys that you leave with yourself, but in a place where no one will find them.

This is necessary so that there is always open space around you, without blocks.

How to bring prosperity to your home

1. A strong plot for a new lock for prosperity in the house is read into the keyhole of a new open lock, so close that your breath enters it.

“Cross-key-lock. Cross of many roads. Sovereigns, noble nobles, rich merchants, important princes have chests filled with gold and silver. They have rings on their hands and crosses on their chests. They spend, do not count gold and silver, do not count coins. And in the meantime, their money is growing and adding, and their treasury is constantly filled.

I, the Servant (s) of God (s) (proper name) will stand on a high stone, I will take out and unfold the holy letters, I will read the words written in them aloud. And everything I say, my Guardian Angel will hear, and will create. To be me from now on in gold and silver. I will spend coins, as I spend one, so two will be added. Amen".

The ritual is very effective, it helps to attract money quickly, and its results will be noticeable immediately.

2. The key is a money talisman. On the full moon, take the cleaned * key, the lock of which is unknown where. Read on it:

“The key is not simple, the key to the royal treasury. My key - the lock is obedient to me. If I want to come, I'll take the gold, I want it from the enemy, and I'll close the empty waste. I open, I close the poverty on the threshold do not let! May it be so!"

Put the key in a wallet or place where money is stored.

* You can clean the key from other people's influences by putting it overnight in a bag of natural fabric filled with salt, with the words: "The salt will take someone else's, the salt will cleanse it!". Sprinkle salt into running water in the morning.

Ritual for the lock and key

Lock and key in magic

In magic spells, the phrase "key lock" is often used. This means the end of some process. In parallel with this, magicians literally use a lock with a key in rituals, which they close.

This is especially often used in various love spells so that the victim does not have the opportunity to escape from the magic circle. A conspiracy for a key and a lock is a very effective magical practice.

Features of the key and lock principle

Rite of black magic

There are a number of other reasons why this principle is used:

  • The key-lock principle helps to hide from the victim the one who performed the magic ritual on him.
  • With the help of this principle, the object on which the conspiracy was carried out remains a secret.
  • Thus, all these nuances are hidden from the other magician, due to which the effectiveness of the ritual is increased.

This practice is usually used in black magic, since with white conspiracies it makes no sense to hide anything from anyone.

The "key-lock" principle works in the same way as tying knots in magical practice. Literally in magical rites, items such as a key and a lock have also been used for a long time. Small locks with keys, on which the plot was applied, were also used as a talisman. Thus, people set themselves up not to think about the bad, closing their thoughts only on the good.

Castle conspiracy

The spell on the castle works

Here is a love plot with a rite that uses a lock and a key.

To perform this ritual, you will need:

  1. Little lock.
  2. A metal chain, its length should be such that it can cover the trunk of a tree.
  3. Hair, the person you want to cast a love spell on.
  4. Ribbons in two different colors.
  5. A strip of pancake paper 10-15 cm.

Prepare all these elements in advance. Wait for the full moon day. Retire in a room. Lay a handkerchief or tablecloth on the floor. Put all the elements for the plot on the scarf.

Take your hair with ribbons in your hands and weave a pigtail out of them, while saying these words:

“Earth with Sky, Water with Grass, Leaves with Tree, so you and I, the servant of God (name of the man) with the servant of God (his name) will be together forever. As a whole, as if fate had bound us together at birth.

Love spell on the key yourself. home love spell

How to make a talisman of good luck with your own hands? Ritual at

This ritual will open up new opportunities for you in your work.

Set the braided braid aside for now. Take a piece of paper and write on it a clearly articulated desire regarding love. Then put a “love pigtail” on top of the paper, and after that they read the plot again.

All these elements need to be put under your bed, along with a chain and a small padlock. Do nothing else for three days.

After three days, be alone again and get all the ingredients for the love spell. At this stage, the plot is read again and at the same time they try to carefully tuck the tip of the pigtail into the hole in the lock. After that, they read the text again and fill the hole in the lock with a desire written on a piece of paper. Do this all carefully so that the lock does not close while you perform these manipulations.

After that, you need to go outside and find a tree. The wood had to be chosen when you chose the length of the metal chain. Hang a metal chain on the tree and fasten it with a lock. When they do this, they also read the plot.

After that, return home without looking back. Do not talk to passers-by, do not eat or drink this evening, go to bed immediately.

You can throw away the key to the lock, or you can keep it with you. The conspiracy comes into force when you have already woven a pigtail out of hair and ribbons. In the following days, you may have interesting dreams:

  • If in the next three days you dreamed of your beloved, then very soon you will be together with him.
  • If your loved one comes to you every night, then he is already in love with you.
  • If your chosen one comes to you, but you are not yet together in a dream, then do not despair, wait until the conspiracy takes effect.

This love spell can be used by a wife to warm up her husband's feelings for herself. You can use it for the happiness of the newlyweds. A love spell is used if you are promised separation from a loved one.

Conspiracy for successful transactions

Plot with a lock for good luck

Spells with this principle are often used before transactions to make them more successful. This is a free and easy way to attract customers if you have a house up for sale, for example.

To conduct the ceremony, purchase a small lock with a key and place it on something inside the house. It can be a table leg, a door handle or something else.

“I put up the best for sale, close the worst in the house, the buyer comes, sees everything he wants, everything that he needs catches his eye, and what is worthless does not catch his eye.”

So, you will help the future buyer to see all the best that is in your house, thanks to which you will be able to ask for good money for the house and it will sell faster.

The addiction conspiracy

With the help of a conspiracy, you can help a person

The principle of a key and a lock is good to use in conspiracies that help rid a person of addictions. For example, you can read a conspiracy from drunkenness.

To do this, a white clean towel is placed on the head of a person suffering from such an addiction, and over his head all the time you need to click a small lock and at the same time read such a conspiracy:

“Just as this lock is easily closed and unlocked, we will just as easily unlock the servant of God (Name of the suffering) from bad wine. It will no longer have any power over him. Let's break the vicious circle. For ourselves, for the family, we will return it, we will bring it to mind. Key. Lock".

The towel after this ritual must be burned. And the castle for a person will become a talisman from addiction.

You can protect yourself

In some situations, you need to protect yourself from ill-wishers, from enemies. This is especially important to do when everything in your life is very good. At such a moment, unkind people love to spoil.

It is very easy to carry out a protective plot on the castle. Walk with him around the house and read this plot:

“From an evil eye, from an eternal evil eye, I have my whole family, I close myself. My enemies hear only how this lock clicks, but they do not hear about my victories, they are not interested in it. Their eyes closed on me, their tongues fell silent on me. I close everything good in the house from prying eyes. Key. Lock".

On the last words, the lock must be closed. Thus, you will divert the attention of your neighbors from yourself. Keep the closed lock in a secret place at home. Don't tell anyone about this. The consequences of the ritual will please. You will notice that those around you, in principle, have become less interested in your life.

Here is another strong conspiracy from ill-wishers, which uses the principle of a lock and key in verbal form.

Stand by the window and read your plot:

“Nothing can be seen or heard through my window, a new day is coming, and my neighbors do not hear the news. Like a closed castle, my home is for unkind people. Just as I don’t hear or see anything from the enemy, so he won’t profit from my news. Key. Lock".

After that, you need to close the window and do not open it for a day.

A conspiracy to lock and house will protect and help in love

The castle is a frequently used attribute in magical rituals. It can be used both in love magic and in rituals aimed at protecting the home, the well-being of the family and attracting good luck.

Popular guardian rituals

Unlike love rituals, guard rites that use a castle plot are not difficult, so they are easy to carry out on your own. Moreover, the main condition for their success is sincere faith. A castle plot can help in a situation where it seems that luck has completely turned away from you.

All your undertakings end in failure, and it seems that you stumble upon invisible obstacles. This means that the space around you is blocked by a random coincidence or by the malicious intent of a particular person.

Rite with a new castle

For the ritual, you should purchase a new small lock. It is important to pay for this item under the calculation or not to take the change. In addition to the castle, you need to purchase three red wax candles and prepare some honey. The ritual is carried out in a separate room alone at any time. It is necessary to put a lock on the table, having previously opened it, and put the keys next to it and install candles.

Then the candles need to be lit and the following magic words should be spoken clearly and distinctly:

The text of the plot should be repeated until the candles go out. You can't extinguish them. After the candles go out, smear the lock with honey and close it. Immediately you need to get out and go to the nearest stream or river. There you need to find a place so that no one is around, stand on the shore and repeat the plot to the castle again.

Then you should throw the charmed castle into the water away. In addition, be sure to throw a handful of coins after the attribute, as a payment to the river, so that it fulfills your request. A set of keys should be left with you, but hidden in such a way that no one will ever find them. It will become a guarantee that the space around you will remain forever open.

Call for well-being to the house

A plot to a lock, calling for well-being in the house, is read through the keyhole of a new open lock.

The magic words sound like this:

After this ceremony, the lock must be hidden, and the keys to it should be thrown into the pond. This ritual is so strong that the results will be noticeable almost immediately.

Everyone knows the cute wedding tradition of hanging padlocks on the bridge. But not everyone is aware that an ordinary padlock with a key can help with making a love spell. Reading a love spell on a lock is considered one of the harmless and quite strong in magic. And how to conduct it yourself, what to take into account, I will tell below.

In my practice, there were cases when unrequitedly in love girls tried to imitate this and alone hung a castle with names on the bridge. And after that, they already came to me and complained that the ritual did not help them find happiness with their lover, and sometimes even worked in the exact opposite way. Ask, what was the reason for such a result? Everything is extremely simple: the rite was performed with errors, and therefore nothing happened.

The errors are the following:

  • The ritual was performed in a public place. True magic does not tolerate prying eyes and ears, therefore, any magical effect must be carried out alone and in a deserted area, and also not to spread to anyone about it;
  • the castle was hung in the place that was already occupied by the same attribute of another couple. Naturally, someone else's energy interfered in the love spell process;
  • on the surface of the castle, naive “childish” symbols and inscriptions in the form of arithmetic signs or a shot through the heart were made. Agree, all this looks frivolous, and the magic does not tolerate frivolity;
  • the ritual was performed without a magical spell on the castle.

A love spell on a lock, like any rite of this nature, must be performed under specific conditions. It needs to be done during the growing month(so that the power of magical influence grows with the moon), do not tell anyone about the work done, take it seriously, believe in yourself and in a successful result.

A few more important factors to keep in mind:

  • the lock for the love spell must be new, not previously used anywhere. Give preference to the standard form attribute. It is desirable that the castle was not painted;
  • if the ritual involves inscription, then they should be made with a piece of coal from a Russian stove. If this is not possible, light a fire in the wasteland and wait for the coals to appear. Markers, nail polish and other writing utensils should not be used (the effect of this weakens). If you want a more powerful effect - write with menstrual blood, but be very careful - this will already be a method of black magic, in which the risk of negative consequences is very high;
  • carefully follow the instructions of the ritual, do not skip or ignore anything.

A love spell will give the desired result only if performed correctly. Otherwise, “side effects” may appear.

Love spell on the castle: consequences

A love spell on a castle is considered a fairly safe method of love magic. However, this fact does not negate the likelihood of negative consequences. I can please you that they will not be pronounced and will not cause significant harm.

The worst thing that can happen is that the ritual simply won't work. This is due to errors in the commission or the presence of another rite on a person. In the case of a positive outcome, a love spell on the castle can affect the behavior of the victim. This happens because the ritual interferes with the human bioenergetic field. Such an intervention will not lead to tragic consequences, however, the bewitched will need some period to restore his strength. Therefore, in the first time after a love spell, I recommend that you communicate with the object of the rite as tactfully and affectionately as possible.

Love spell on the castle yourself

A simple lock spell

Buy a small new castle without haggling. At home, read a conspiracy on him 7 times:

“Sunflower - to the sun, and you, God's servant (name of the chosen one) - to me, God's servant (your name). Petal - to the beam, beam - to the petal. The seed will germinate in the womb, rise, blossom and ripen. Hand to hand, head to head, heart to heart, juices to juices. Do not part, do not part, in the heart - the sun and light. Black clouds, away! I sentenced, God's servant (my name) forever, locked this lock, turned the key 7 times. The key is in my secret, there are 7 stones under a bushel. May it be so!"

Close the lock with a key. Let the castle flow along the flowing water (river, stream - necessarily a natural reservoir). Hide the key in a secret place, inaccessible to prying eyes.

Love spell with lock and photos

Perform the ceremony for the growing month, on Friday. Time: 5-6 o'clock in the morning or at noon, at 12-13 o'clock (hours of Venus).

For the ritual, prepare a new the padlock medium size and 2 photos(his own and the bewitched person). Fold the photographs with their faces and put them on the shackle of the lock, piercing approximately where the hearts are (this is how you symbolically fasten two hearts). Close the lock and speak to it 3 times:

“2 hearts, 2 lives unite forever. Love is strong between us, we have one destiny! As difficult as it is to raise the key to this castle from the bottom of the river, it is just as difficult to break our love union. Key, lock, tongue. Amen!"

Throw away the key to the lock on the same day in a deep natural reservoir. Bury the castle with the photo next to the house of the chosen one or on his way: the bewitched must sometimes step over it. To preserve the power of the rite, do not talk to anyone on this day, do not lend anything for 7 days, and do not lend yourself.

It is not advisable to deliberately meet with your loved one for about 2 weeks - do this only when he himself takes the initiative. After 2 weeks, be sure to arrange a personal meeting with the chosen one so that the love spell begins to operate in full.

In magical business castle spells are used very often. Even in ancient times, it was said that the keyhole should reliably protect the home corner.

And so that no evil entity has the opportunity to penetrate inside, it should be endowed with magical properties.

as a protective tool. Its positive impact on the love aspect, and on the social, and on the monetary one is noted.

Thanks to this everyday utensil, they attract life luck and correct previously committed mistakes.

All rituals and conspiracies associated with castles do not require much effort. Only attentiveness, maximum concentration on the desired goal and confidence in the final result are required from the performer.

Conspiracy for a new castle

Sometimes we are obliged to change the lock - either it has become unusable, or it has been accidentally damaged. In any case, each new thing must go through a certain magical procedure in order to fully fulfill its purpose.

Consequences of conspiracies on the castle

According to experts, all spells associated with keyholes do not pose any danger either to the performer or to whom it is directed. In any case, there will definitely not be much harm from them.

It is only possible that due to mistakes made during the rite, the magical power will not be activated. And the effect will be zero.

It rarely happens that the ritual takes some of the internal energy from the object of the conspiracy. This is manifested by lethargy and apathy, but this state lasts only a couple of days. For health in general, this does not pose any threat.

Protective ritual with a lock (video)

Alena Golovina— white witch, master of Cosmoenergetics,site author

Interesting on the topic:


A magical love spell on a castle is a reliable ritual. It can be used with other dryers for greater effectiveness. It is not necessary to perform such rites with the help of magicians. You can also do it yourself at home. This will save money and help maintain privacy.

Before carrying out any manipulations, it is worth considering several times whether they are definitely necessary. Magic, even such a simple one, can influence fate. How favorable this effect will be, it is impossible to predict before ritual actions. And the consequences will have to be dealt with with complex methods.

The magic of the lock and keys

To dry the chosen one, a key and a lock are used in a bunch. Such a union indicates the completion of the process. The object of love will not be able to get out of the created ring. These items work in the same way as tightly tied knots.

The lock with a key closes the protective streams, and it becomes easy for a person to subdue his own will. On the forums there are reviews of those who have tried such spells. They managed to bind lovers to themselves.

The difference between a love spell on a woman and a rite on a man

Spells for men and women are different. To bewitch a man, you will need a lot of effort, energy, because such people are difficult to manipulate. They have a lot of impulsiveness, which is not so easy to control. But it happens that properly performed rituals help create strong, vibrant relationships in a short time.

Areas of action in women are less pronounced. Girls are protected by their sexual energy, which plays the role of a distraction. It is difficult for them to focus on any one goal, so it is easier to work with them. But this is not a guarantee that in 100% of cases there will be a positive result.

All situations are individual. Each person has characteristics that make him or her so attractive (attractive) in your eyes. This factor cannot be discounted.

Preparing for a love spell

A love spell with a lock is best performed at night. The moon phase matters. It is worth choosing a day when the moon is growing. But it all depends on the ritual itself. Some recommend performing early at dawn or during the daytime. Sometimes processes are carried out at midnight. This is typical for black magic prisushki.

Preparation has great importance. All paraphernalia for magical work should be collected in advance. You should also decide on the desired result. Before starting the ceremony, you need to think through to the smallest detail and keep in mind the future happy image. This will add mystical energy.

You must choose where you will conduct the ceremony. A love spell to return a wife or spouse should be kept secret, performed where no one will see. It is good if there are no other family members at home at this time. In other rooms or on the street (if ritual conditions do not require it), this is not worth doing. They can see you, and everything will not go according to plan.

To carry out magical work, you need to find a lock that has never been used. It is better not to take the old one, but buy it in the store. It is good if it has a simple shape, a metallic standard shade. Excess paint will only get in the way. Although for some ritual events it is necessary to take items painted in scarlet. Other attributes include threads, candles, photographs with a chosen one. Depending on the chosen ritual, other items or substances may be needed, such as menstrual blood.

The conspiracy should be learned immediately so that during the ritual to pronounce it and not go astray. There is a special spell for each magical event, and it is important to pronounce it calmly and confidently, and not constantly peeping at the sheet. This may interfere with the magical effect.

Carrying out options

If a person cannot return his spouse, he sometimes resorts to desperate methods, looking at various options first. In many, a lock is used, the magical property of which is to return the wife, dry the lover, switch the concentration of the object of passion. There are many options, but the result is expected: inflame passions, arouse warm and tender feelings, love.

For the return of the ex-wife

A love spell on a wife works well regardless of the circumstances under which she decided to leave the family. The binding helps to return the ex-spouse. For the ritual, you need to take 3 candles from the temple, 1 lock and 1 key.

At 12 at night, candles are lit, a lock is placed in the left hand, and a key in the right hand. They say a simple spell in 1 sentence:

“As the key and the lock are inseparable, so we will be together with you.”

The castle is closed and hidden in a secret place in the apartment. Throw the key into the river at dawn. You can, as an option, bury it. The rite is strong: it will allow you to quickly return your ex-wife or begin to establish relationships with her.

With castle and photographs

Magical work is performed on the young moon. The day of the week is Friday, too. Time - morning, until 6 o'clock, or afternoon - at lunchtime.

To bewitch a wife or spouse, you need to take a lock - a simple padlock, small in size, a photograph of the object, your card. Pictures should be stacked facing each other. It is important that the hearts of your images on the photographs are in contact. If you use a shared photo, for example, from a wedding or a date, you can bend it to be face to face with your significant other.

Photos folded with their front sides should be placed on the table, on top - a lock, locked with a key. A spell is read, and the key is thrown into a body of water, such as a river.

“Let these two hearts be inseparable, and their love be strong and durable like the shackles of this castle. Heavenly powers, let the servant of God (Name) do not have a soul in me, but do not notice and do not want other women.

The castle with pictures should be buried near the road along which the object of passion often passes. Well, if this is the road leading to his apartment. All actions must be completed within 1 day. Until the lining is ready, you can not talk to anyone.

With padlock (non-removable love spell)

Now there will be a love spell on a lock that cannot be removed. Before performing this rite, you need to think about whether you really need to do it. Because after the end of the ritual action, it is impossible to cancel it. Fate will change.

For a ritual with a love dryer, you need to use:

  • 3 wax candles, be sure to choose red ones;
  • small padlock;
  • indelible scarlet paint;
  • brush.

The lock should be one that opens not with the help of an encoding, but with a key.

Ritual action should be performed on the growing moon. The time is late evening. It is necessary to close yourself from strangers, light candles and say magic words.

“I firmly unite the souls of the servant of God (Name) and the servant of God (Name).”

After that, the castle is opened, the names are written with paint: one's own and the object of sighing. They close the lock, and then they speak it.

"There is nothing stronger than our love."

The ritual work cannot be completed until the candles burn out. You also need to wait for the paint to dry. The magic amulet is placed under the pillow for 3 days. Every time before a night's rest, you need to remember the chosen one, pronounce the name with tenderness.

When everything is ready, the castle must be wrapped in paper, candle stubs - too, all this is buried under a tree that bears fruit. The key must be placed in a cache that no one will know about.

Spell at a wedding

When to wedding ceremony people are forced family life unlikely to go smoothly. It will be necessary to get used to each other, to get used to each other. When young people are persuaded into marriage without consent, parents can perform a magical ritual. To do this, order a lock, but without a key. It is hidden under a rug placed at the door that leads to an apartment or house.

When young people return to their homes after the wedding ceremony, at the entrance to the house they step over not only the floor mat, but also the castle. Then the parents of the young get it out from under the rug, slam it shut and start talking.

"Those who have crossed the threshold in love cannot be separate."

After the procedure is completed, the object with a slander is hidden from strangers.

For key and lock

For this procedure, a person needs a lock. The process of buying it is important: at the fair, for cash, while you don’t need to receive change for the castle and you can’t bargain with the seller. When you bring the purchase to the apartment, you need to read the magic words for the conspiracy 7 times.

"Castle-lock! Help! Attach (Name) to me and make his love so strong that no one can separate us.

Before the ritual action, a tree is found that grows double. For example, 2 birches. A lock is put on a strong and densely leafy branch. While you can not close it - say the words of the spell.

“As this tree grows and grows stronger, so does your (Name), love for me grow.”

After that, the lock must be closed, the key must be thrown into the lake or river and the conspiracy must be carried out again.

Love spell of a man on the keys

The love spell of the husband on the lock is strengthened by magical rituals for which keys are used. The same actions can be carried out by those men who want to dry women. Here the words of the conspiracy differ.

Take 3 threads of wool. They must be the same length. A braid is woven from threads, they speak it. Then they connect the pictures: themselves and the object of sighing. Photos are transferred to a box that can be locked with a key. At sunset, they come to the pond, draw a circle. You need to face in the western direction, make 3 bows, 3 times pronounce the magic words.

“I bind you to me, (Name), for eternal and passionate love, amen.”

The key is thrown into the water, and the box is hidden where no one can get it. The ritual is repeated when they realize that the power of love is fading.

With personal items

Alternatively, you can use the personal belongings of the object of respiration. This method is good because personal items carry the energy of the person who needs to bewitched. For example, you can use the keys to the apartment for this purpose.

During a love spell, you need the moon to be growing. Alternatively, a full moon. It is necessary to speak the bundle of the beloved so that the breath touches the keys.

"How strong the locks are, closed by these keys, so strong will be your love for me, (Name)."

Love words must be spoken not 1 time, but 9. After that, it is important to visualize the feelings of a lover, to imagine how harmonious the relationship will be. When everything is ready, the man's keys must be put in place.

The disadvantage of this option is that you need to have access to the keys. There are ways for those who are at a distance. For example, it is necessary to return the spouse to the family. If the husband went to his mistress, rarely anyone can come to terms with such a circumstance. Try spells. For the process you will need:

  • empty table;
  • dark fabric, black is better;
  • red candles.

The time of the ceremony is midnight. The table must be covered with a prepared cloth, put lit candles on it. You need to turn your face to the west, with your left hand on the lock, take the key in your right hand. Read the spell, and then click the lock and save it in a secret place. The key at dawn must be thrown into a body of water: sea, lake, river.

There are options that involve the use of menstrual blood. This is dark magic, and before resorting to its help, you need to think carefully. The consequences of such spells can not only change your fate, but also affect the lives of future generations.

When will it work and for how long?

A week after the ritual, you can’t borrow money, give something out of your apartment, take things out of the house. For 2 weeks, you can not meet with the person you have bewitched. You can only make contact with him if he takes the initiative himself. And after the expiration of the term, you need to find an opportunity to see the object of sighing. It is advisable to set up a chance meeting.

Although it is easy to perform magical rites, locking love spells are powerful and give results. The binding will work as long as the storage conditions for all attributes are met. Trouble will happen if someone finds the lock, tries to open it. Then the beloved will be gone forever.

Consequences of a love spell with a lock

If the binding is white, you should not expect big problems. From the negative - there is a risk that no effect will follow. And you will feel powerless, because the ritual takes a lot of energy. Full recovery It won't take long: 2 days. And the beloved may experience a feeling of weakness, because the forces will somehow work in his biofield, even if they do not lead to the proper result.

There is a black love spell that requires menstrual blood. It is designed to enhance the action, but the risk of negative consequences is very high:

  • occurrence of diseases;
  • the appearance of difficulties in personal relationships - not only with the chosen one, but also with other people;
  • financial failures;
  • problems with the birth of a child.

The nerves of the person performing the ritual action can be shaken, up to depressive states and breakdowns.

How to determine such a love spell

To understand that a magical rite has been performed on a person, a number of signs help. The object becomes too aggressive. He may become addicted to alcohol and drugs.

The victim can do strange things and not understand that they will only bring harm.

The bewitched begin to become conflicted and become irritated over every trifle. At the same time, the object of witchcraft loses interest in previously valuable hobbies. Health can be ruined. A person will fall into depression, get a mental disorder.

There is a strange attitude: the victim hates the spellcaster with all his being and at the same time is not able to leave him. In such a case, only an experienced sorcerer will help. Therefore, with such signs, you should contact him as soon as possible.

How to remove a spell on a lock

Since in many witchcraft rituals of this type the key must be thrown away, removing the effect on the object is not so easy. If it was not possible to awaken natural feelings, it is better to try to remove the energy of witchcraft. You need to come to the place where you threw out the key and pronounce conspiracy words that contain a sincere wish to get rid of magic with a love binding.

It happens that after performing a ritual, nothing happens. It seems that all the conditions are met, and the conspiracies are read correctly, and in response ... silence.

It is clear that a beginner could have confused something, and the conspiracy simply did not work, but if this happens to a person who already has some practice, then it makes you think. Maybe someone just does not want you to succeed and put a magic lock on your witchcraft work.

After all, magic, especially ritual magic, is work, by doing which you hope to get a result. Moreover, you are sure that the result will definitely be. And here is such a curiosity. They did it once, second, third ... and nothing.
Your witchcraft work is locked. What to do?

The lock must be removed. This is not so difficult to do.

For this you need

In the phase of the waning moon, buy a new closed padlock. It should be noted that the attributes for all magical rituals the first ones that you like are bought, and without haggling. The castle must be closed.

The lock must be placed on a clean sheet of paper. Naturally, you first need to prepare the room by cleaning it. Wash floors, light candles.

Standing in front of the castle, you need to pronounce the following conspiracy:

“As I open this castle, so I remove the castle from the work of the witch, the cursed one!


After that, the lock opens. He and the keys are thrown into different places.

It may also happen that you cannot open the lock. He will be wedged. This means that you are affected by a person stronger than you. In this case, it remains only to look for a strong magician and ask him to perform the opening ritual.

If a person comes to you and asks to open the road for him, then the lock is placed not on a sheet of paper, but on a photograph of this person. You can spend it with a living person, seating him on a chair and opening the lock over his head.

For the opening of the road

There is another effective ritual for opening the castle. It can also be carried out if some new business is starting, and you want the road to be open, without obstacles. It can be done on yourself, or on the person who turned to you for help. It is best to perform the ritual on a full moon.

Buy a closed lock. Prepare the room. Open the lock over your head or over a photo of a person who needs help.

The spell is read:

King Solomon has the key.

The Apostle Peter has the key.

The Lord Jesus Christ has the key.

With the third key, I (my name) open the locks.

(If the ritual is performed for someone, then it is said: “I open the locks for the Servant of God (name)”).

I destroy all barriers.

Truly so!

After that, the keys and the lock must be thrown into the river in different places. You have to make sure it doesn't snap. It is very important!

Water must be thanked by throwing a coin or a loaf of bread into the river.

With the lock, you can perform a ritual even when you want to block someone's way. For example, if you feel that a magical effect is being made on you.
Ritual to close the road

It is best to read this conspiracy on a full moon, then it increases its strength. You need to buy an open padlock without haggling. Prepare the room, and over the photo of the person you want to block the road, close the lock with the following words:


I close the case of the Servant of God (name)!

The castle should be buried in a damp place, saying:

“As you, the castle, lie closed in the ground, as you rust, so the work of the Servant of God (name) rusts, does not advance.

Do not promote, do not open!

“Until the key is found and the lock is opened, until then the case of the Servant of God (name) will be closed!

And this is the truth.

Perform the rituals with strong faith in the success of your magical work, and you will definitely succeed.