Schemes of detector receivers. Radio circuits electrical circuit diagrams

Many publications are devoted to the designs of various radio wave detectors. One of the simplest and most successful designs is described in the publication. However, this design requires the use of a separate dial indicator. If desired, you can use a multimeter instead.

Detector circuit

Initially, the author assembled this design based on a recording indicator from an old tape recorder, but the total deflection current of this indicator is measured in hundreds of microamps, so the radiation detector only worked in relatively strong fields.

Using miniature radio components, this electrical circuit was placed in the body of a plug for a radio broadcast network.

The plug contacts allow you to connect this device to the M890G multimeter. For testing, a simple VHF radio wave generator was used.

Generator circuit for testing

This generator is often described as a universal jammer for everything. This is naturally not the case, although at a distance of 1-1.5 m it is quite capable of interfering with the reception of FM radio stations. This circuit is captivating in its simplicity, and is quite suitable for educational and demonstration purposes, but nothing more. The generator is turned off.

The sound, similar to the clinking of wine glasses and glasses, coming from a box with radio tubes, was reminiscent of preparations for a celebration. Here they are, looking like Christmas tree decorations, 6Zh5P radio tubes from the 60s... Let's skip the memories. A return to the ancient conservation of radio components was prompted by viewing the comments to the post
, including a circuit based on radio tubes and the design of a receiver for this range. Thus, I decided to supplement the article with the construction tube regenerative VHF receiver (87.5 - 108 MHz).

Retro science fiction, such direct amplification receivers, at such frequencies, and even on a tube, have not been made on an industrial scale! Time to go back in time and assemble a circuit in the future.

0 – V – 1, lamp detector and amplifier for telephone or speaker.

In my youth, I assembled an amateur radio station in the 28 - 29.7 MHz range at 6Zh5P, which used a receiver with a regenerative detector. I remember the design turned out great.

The desire to fly into the past was so strong that I simply decided to make a model, and only then, in the future, to arrange everything properly, and therefore I ask you to forgive me for the carelessness in the assembly. It was very interesting to find out how all this would work at FM frequencies (87.5 - 108 MHz).

Using everything I had at hand, I put together a circuit and it worked! Almost the entire receiver consists of one radio tube, and given that there are currently more than 40 radio stations operating in the FM range, the triumph of radio reception is invaluable!

Photo1. Receiver layout.

The most difficult thing I encountered was powering the radio tube. It turned out to be several power supplies at once. The active speaker is powered from one source (12 volts), the signal level was enough for the speaker to work. A switching power supply with a constant voltage of 6 volts (twisted the twist to this rating) fed the filament. Instead of an anode, I supplied only 24 volts from two small batteries connected in series, I thought it would be enough for the detector, and indeed it was enough. In the future, there will probably be a whole topic - a small-sized switching power supply for a small lamp design. Where there will be no bulky network transformers. There was already a similar topic:

Fig.1. FM radio receiver circuit.

This is so far only a test diagram, which I drew from memory from another old radio amateur’s anthology, from which I once assembled an amateur radio station. I never found the original diagram, so you will find inaccuracies in this sketch, but this does not matter, practice has shown that the restored structure is quite functional.

Let me remind you that the detector is called regenerative because it uses positive feedback (POS), which is ensured by incomplete inclusion of the circuit to the cathode of the radio tube (to one turn in relation to the ground). Feedback is called because part of the amplified signal from the output of the amplifier (detector) is applied back to the input of the cascade. Positive connection because the phase of the return signal coincides with the phase of the input signal, which gives an increase in gain. If desired, the tap location can be selected by changing the influence of the POS or increasing the anode voltage and thereby enhancing the POS, which will affect the increase in the transmission coefficient of the detecting cascade and volume, narrowing the bandwidth and better selectivity (selectivity), and, as a negative factor, with a deeper connection will inevitably lead to distortion, hum and noise, and ultimately to self-excitation of the receiver or its transformation into a high-frequency generator.

Photo 2. Receiver layout.

I tune the station using a tuning capacitor of 5 - 30 pF, and this is extremely inconvenient, since the entire range is filled with radio stations. It’s also good that not all 40 radio stations broadcast from one point and the receiver prefers to pick up only nearby transmitters, because its sensitivity is only 300 µV. To more accurately adjust the circuit, I use a dielectric screwdriver to slightly press on the coil turn, shifting it relative to the other so as to achieve a change in inductance, which provides additional adjustment to the radio station.

When I was convinced that everything was working, I took it all apart and stuffed the “guts” into the drawers of the table, but the next day I connected everything back together again, I was so reluctant to part with nostalgia, tune in to the station with a dielectric screwdriver, twitch my head to the beat of musical compositions. This state lasted for several days, and every day I tried to make the layout more perfect or complete for further use.

An attempt to power everything from the network brought the first failure. While the anode voltage was supplied from the batteries, there was no 50 Hz background, but as soon as the mains transformer power supply was connected, the background appeared, however, the voltage instead of 24 now increased to 40 volts. In addition to high-capacity capacitors (470 μF), it was necessary to add a PIC regulator along the power circuits to the second (shielding) grid of the radio tube. Now the adjustment is done with two knobs, since the feedback level still varies over the range, and for ease of adjustment I used a board with a variable capacitor (200 pF) from previous crafts. As the feedback decreases, the background disappears. An old coil from previous crafts, of a larger diameter (mandrel diameter 1.2 cm, wire diameter 2 mm, 4 turns of wire), was also included in the kit with the capacitor, although one turn had to be short-circuited in order to accurately fall into the range.


In the city, the receiver receives radio stations well within a radius of up to 10 kilometers, both with a whip antenna and a wire 0.75 meters long.

I wanted to make a ULF on a lamp, but there were no lamp panels in the stores. Instead of a ready-made amplifier on the TDA 7496LK chip, designed for 12 volts, I had to install a homemade one on the MC 34119 chip and power it from a constant filament voltage.

An additional high-frequency amplifier (UHF) is requested to reduce the influence of the antenna, which will make the tuning more stable, improve the signal-to-noise ratio, thereby increasing sensitivity. It would be nice to do UHF on a lamp too.

It’s time to finish everything, we were talking only about the regenerative detector for the FM range.

And if you make replaceable coils on connectors for this detector, then

you will get an all-wave direct amplification receiver for both AM and FM.

A week passed, and I decided to make the receiver mobile using a simple voltage converter using a single transistor.

Mobile power supply.

Purely by chance I discovered that the old KT808A transistor fits the radiator from the LED lamp. This is how a step-up voltage converter was born, in which a transistor is combined with a pulse transformer from an old computer power supply. Thus, the battery provides a filament voltage of 6 volts, and this same voltage is converted to 90 volts for the anode supply. The loaded power supply consumes 350 mA, and a current of 450 mA passes through the filament of the 6Zh5P lamp. With an anode voltage converter, the lamp design is small-sized.

Now I decided to make the entire receiver a tube one and have already tested the operation of the ULF on a 6Zh1P lamp, it works normally at a low anode voltage, and its filament current is 2 times less than that of a 6Zh5P lamp.

28 MHz radio receiver circuit.

Installation of a 28 MHz radio station.

Addition to comments.

If you slightly change the circuit in Fig. 1, adding two or three parts, you will get a super-regenerative detector. Yes, it is characterized by “insane” sensitivity, good selectivity in the adjacent channel, which cannot be said about “excellent sound quality”. I have not yet been able to obtain a good dynamic range from a super-regenerative detector assembled according to the circuit in Fig. 4, although for the forties of the last century one could consider that this receiver has excellent quality. But we need to remember the history of radio reception, and therefore the next step is to assemble a super-super-regenerative receiver using tubes.

Rice. 5. Tube super-regenerative FM receiver (87.5 - 108 MHz).

Yes, by the way, about history.
I have collected and continue to collect a collection of circuits of pre-war (period 1930 - 1941) super-regenerative receivers in the VHF range (43 - 75 MHz).

In the article " "

I have replicated the now rarely seen super regenerator design from 1932. The same article contains a collection of circuit diagrams of super-regenerative VHF receivers for the period 1930 - 1941.

Greetings! In this review I want to talk about a miniature receiver module operating in the VHF (FM) range at a frequency from 64 to 108 MHz. I came across a picture of this module on one of the specialized Internet resources, and I became curious to study it and test it.

I have a special awe for radios; I have loved collecting them since school. There were diagrams from the magazine “Radio”, and there were just construction kits. Every time I wanted to build a better and smaller receiver. The last thing I assembled was a design on the K174XA34 microcircuit. Then it seemed very “cool”, when in the mid-90s I first saw a working circuit in a radio store, I was impressed)) However, progress is moving forward, and today you can buy the hero of our review for “three kopecks”. Let's take a closer look at it.

View from above.

View from below.

For scale next to the coin.

The module itself is built on the AR1310 chip. I couldn’t find an exact datasheet for it, apparently it was made in China and its exact functional structure is not known. On the Internet you can only find wiring diagrams. A Google search reveals: "This is a highly integrated, single-chip, stereo FM radio receiver. The AR1310 supports the FM frequency range of 64-108 MHz, the chip includes all FM radio functions: low noise amplifier, mixer, oscillator and low-dropout stabilizer. Requires a minimum of external components. Has good audio signal quality and excellent reception quality. AR1310 does not require control microcontrollers and no additional software except 5 buttons. Operating voltage 2.2 V to 3.6 V. consumption 15 mA, in sleep mode 16 uA ".

Description and technical characteristics of AR1310
- Reception of FM frequencies range 64 -108 MHz
- Low power consumption 15 mA, in sleep mode 16 uA
- Supports four tuning ranges
- Using an inexpensive 32.768KHz quartz resonator.
- Built-in two-way auto search function
- Support electronic volume control
- Supports stereo or mono mode (when contacts 4 and 5 are closed, stereo mode is disabled)
- Built-in 32 Ohm Class AB headphone amplifier
- Does not require control microcontrollers
- Operating voltage 2.2V to 3.6V
- In SOP16 housing

Pinout and overall dimensions of the module.

AR1310 microcircuit pinout.

Connection diagram taken from the Internet.

So I made a diagram for connecting the module.

As you can see, the principle couldn’t be simpler. You will need: 5 tact buttons, a headphone jack and two 100K resistors. Capacitor C1 can be set to 100 nF, or 10 μF, or not at all. Capacitances C2 and C3 from 10 to 470 µF. As an antenna - a piece of wire (I took a MGTF 10 cm long, since the transmitting tower is in my neighboring yard). Ideally, you can calculate the length of the wire, for example at 100 MHz, by taking a quarter wave or one eighth. For one eighth it will be 37 cm.
I would like to make a remark regarding the diagram. AR1310 can operate in different bands (apparently for faster station search). This is selected by a combination of pins 14 and 15 of the microcircuit, connecting them to ground or power. In our case, both legs sit on VCC.

Let's start assembling. The first thing I encountered was the non-standard pin-to-pin pitch of the module. It is 2 mm, and it will not be possible to fit it into a standard breadboard. But it doesn’t matter, I took pieces of wire and just soldered them in the form of legs.

Looks good)) Instead of a breadboard, I decided to use a piece of PCB, assembling a regular “fly board”. In the end, this is the board we got. The dimensions can be significantly reduced by using the same LUT and smaller components. But I didn’t find any other parts, especially since this is a test bench for running.

After applying power, press the power button. The radio receiver worked immediately, without any debugging. I liked the fact that the search for stations works almost instantly (especially if there are many of them in the range). The transition from one station to another takes about 1 s. The volume level is very high, it is unpleasant to listen to at maximum. After turning off the button (sleep mode), it remembers the last station (if you do not completely turn off the power).
Sound quality testing (by ear) was carried out using Creative (32 Ohm) drop-type headphones and Philips vacuum-type headphones (17.5 Ohm). I liked the sound quality in both. There is no squeakiness, a sufficient amount of low frequencies. I'm not much of an audiophile, but I was pleasantly pleased with the sound of the amplifier of this microcircuit. I couldn’t turn up the maximum volume in the Philips, the sound pressure level was painful.
I also measured the current consumption in sleep mode 16 μA and in working mode 16.9 mA (without connecting headphones).

When connecting a load of 32 Ohms, the current was 65.2 mA, and with a load of 17.5 Ohms - 97.3 mA.

In conclusion, I will say that this radio receiver module is quite suitable for domestic use. Even a schoolchild can assemble a ready-made radio. Among the “cons” (more likely not even cons, but features) I would like to note the non-standard pin spacing of the board and the lack of a display to display information.

I measured the current consumption (at a voltage of 3.3 V), as we see, the result is obvious. With a load of 32 Ohms - 17.6 mA, with 17.5 Ohms - 18.6 mA. This is a completely different matter!!! The current varied slightly depending on the volume level (within 2 - 3 mA). I corrected the diagram in the review.

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The concept of a detector receiver is strongly associated with huge antennas and radio broadcasting on long and medium waves. In the published article, the author provides experimentally tested circuits of VHF detector receivers designed for listening to transmissions of VHF FM stations.

The opportunity itself detector reception on VHF was discovered completely by accident One day, while walking in Terletsky Park (Moscow, Novogireevo), I decided to listen to the broadcast - luckily I took with me a simple loopless detector receiver (it was described in R2001, No. 1, pp. 52, 53, Fig. 3) .

The receiver had a telescopic antenna about 1.4 m long. I wonder if reception is possible with such a short antenna? It was possible to hear, rather faintly, the simultaneous operation of two stations. But what was surprising was that the reception volume periodically increased and dropped to almost zero every 5-7 m, and differently for each station!

It is known that in the Far East, and even in the Northeast, where the wavelength reaches hundreds of meters, this is impossible. I had to stop at the point of maximum reception volume of one of the stations and listen carefully. It turned out to be “Radio Nostalgie”, 100.5 FM, broadcasting from nearby Balashikha.

There was no direct visibility of the radio center antennas. How could a FM transmission be received by an amplitude detector? Subsequent calculations and experiments show that this is quite possible and completely independent of the receiver itself.

The simplest portable detector VHF receiver is made in exactly the same way as a field indicator, only instead of a measuring device you need to turn on high-impedance headphones. It makes sense to provide for adjusting the connection between the detector and the circuit in order to select it according to maximum volume and quality of reception

The simplest detector VHF receiver

The circuit diagram of a receiver that meets these requirements is shown in Fig. 1 It is very close to the one used to make the receiver mentioned above and which made it possible to discover the very possibility of detector reception. Only the VHF band circuit has been added.

Rice. 1. Schematic diagram of the simplest VHF detector receiver.

The device contains a telescopic whip antenna WA1, directly connected to the L1 C1 circuit, tuned to the signal frequency. The antenna here is also an element of the circuit, therefore, in order to extract maximum signal power, it is necessary to regulate both its length and the circuit tuning frequency. In some cases, especially when the antenna length is close to a quarter of the wavelength, it is advisable to connect it to the tap of the loop coil, and select the position of the tap according to the maximum volume.

Communication with the detector is regulated by trimming capacitor C2. The detector itself is made on two high-frequency germanium diodes VD1 and VD2. The circuit is completely identical to the rectifier circuit with voltage doubling, however, the detected voltage would double only with a sufficiently large capacitance of the coupling capacitor C2, but the load on the circuit would be excessive, and its quality factor would be low. As a result, the signal voltage in the circuit and the sound volume would decrease

In our case, the capacitance of the coupling capacitor C2 is small and the voltage doubling does not occur. For optimal matching of the detector with the circuit, the capacitance of the coupling capacitor must be equal to the geometric mean between the input impedance of the detector and the resonant resistance of the circuit. Under this condition, the maximum power of the high-frequency signal, corresponding to the maximum volume, is delivered to the detector.

Capacitor C3 is a blocking capacitor; it closes the high-frequency components of the current at the output of the detector. The load of the latter is provided by telephones with a DC resistance of at least 4 kOhm. The entire receiver is assembled in a small metal or plastic case. A telescopic antenna with a length of at least 1 m is fixed at the top of the case, and at the bottom there is a connector or sockets for connecting telephones. Note that the telephone cord serves as the second half of the receiving dipole, or counterweight

Coil L1 is frameless, it contains 5 turns of PEL or PEV wire with a diameter of 0.6-1 mm, wound on a mandrel with a diameter of 7...8 mm. You can select the required inductance by stretching or compressing the turns when tuning.

Variable capacitor (VCA) C1 is best used with an air dielectric, for example, type 1KPVM with two or three movable and one or two fixed plates. Its maximum capacitance is small and can be 7-15 pF. If there are more plates (and therefore a larger capacitance), it is advisable to either remove some of the plates or connect a permanent or tuning capacitor in series with the KPI, thus reducing the maximum capacitance. Small-sized “smooth-tuning” capacitors from transistor receivers with the HF range are also suitable as C1.

Capacitor C2 is a ceramic tuning capacitor, type KPK-1 or KPK-M with a capacity of 2...7 pF. It is permissible to use other tuning capacitors, as well as install a KPI similar to C1, placing its handle on the receiver panel. This will allow you to regulate communication “on the go”, optimizing reception

Diodes VD1 and VD2, in addition to those indicated in the diagram, can be of the types GD507B, D18, D20. The blocking capacitor C3 is ceramic, its capacitance is not critical and can range from 100 to 4700 pF.

Setting up the receiver is not difficult and comes down to tuning the circuit with capacitor C1 to the station frequency and adjusting the connection with capacitor C2 until maximum volume is obtained. The configuration of the circuit will inevitably change, so all operations must be carried out several times in succession, while simultaneously choosing the best place for reception.

By the way, it does not necessarily have to coincide (and most likely will not) with the place where the field strength is maximum. We should talk about this in more detail and finally explain why this receiver can receive FM signals at all.

Interference and conversion of FM to AM

If the L1C1 circuit of our receiver is adjusted so that the carrier of the FM signal falls on the slope of the resonance curve, then the FM will be converted to AM. Let's see what the quality factor of the circuit should be for this. Assuming the circuit bandwidth is equal to twice the frequency deviation, we obtain Q = fo/2*f = 700 for both the upper and lower VHF bands.

The actual quality factor of the circuit in the detector receiver will probably be lower due to the low intrinsic quality factor (about 150...200) and the shunting of the circuit by both the antenna and the input impedance of the detector. However, weak FM to AM conversion is possible, and thus the receiver will barely function if its circuit is slightly detuned up or down in frequency.

However, there is a much more powerful factor contributing to the conversion of FM to AM - interference. Very rarely is the receiver in the line of sight of the radio station's antenna; more often it is obscured by buildings, hills, trees and other reflective objects. Several rays scattered by these objects arrive at the receiver antenna.

Even in the line of sight zone, in addition to the direct beam, several reflected ones arrive at the antenna. The total signal depends on both the amplitudes and the phases of the adding components.

The two signals are added if they are in phase, that is, the difference in their paths is a multiple of a whole number of wavelengths, and subtracted if they are out of phase, when the difference in their paths is the same number of wavelengths plus half a wavelength. But the wavelength, like the frequency, changes during FM! Both the path difference of the rays and their relative phase shift will change. If the path difference is large, then even a small change in frequency leads to significant phase shifts. Elementary geometric calculation leads to the relationship:

where, delta t is the beam path difference required to shift the phase by ± Pi/2, i.e., to obtain the full AM total signal; tdeltaf - frequency deviation. By total AM we mean here the change in the amplitude of the total signal from the sum of the amplitudes of the two signals to their difference. The formula can be further simplified if we consider that the product of frequency and wavelength fo*(lambda) is equal to the speed of light c; delta t = c/4*delta f.

Then, during one period of a modulating sound oscillation, the total amplitude of the interfering signal will pass through maxima and minima several times, and the distortions during the conversion of FM to AM will be extremely strong, up to the complete unintelligibility of the sound signal when received by an AM detector.

It is always better to use a directional antenna as it increases the direct signal and reduces reflected signals coming from other directions.

Only in our case of the simplest detector receiver did interference play a useful role and make it possible to listen to the transmission, but the transmission can be heard weakly or with large distortions not everywhere, but only in certain places. This explains the periodic changes in the reception volume in Terletsky Park.

Detector with frequency detector

A radical way to improve reception is to use a frequency detector instead of an amplitude detector. In Fig. 2 shown circuit diagram of a portable VHF detector receiver with a simple frequency detector made on one high-frequency germanium transistor UT1.

The use of a germanium transistor is due to the fact that its junctions open at a threshold voltage of about 0.15 V, which makes it possible to detect rather weak signals. The junctions of silicon transistors open at a voltage of about 0.5 V, and the sensitivity of the receiver with a silicon transistor is much lower.

Rice. 2. VHF detector receiver with frequency detector.

As in the previous design, the antenna is connected to the input circuit L1C1, which is tuned to the signal frequency using KPI C1. The signal from the input circuit is supplied to the base of the transistor. Another one is inductively connected to the input circuit - L2C2, which is also tuned to the signal frequency.

The oscillations in it, due to inductive coupling, are shifted in phase by 90° relative to the oscillations in the input circuit. From the output of coil L2, the signal is supplied to the emitter of the transistor. The collector circuit of the transistor includes a blocking capacitor C3 and high-resistance telephones BF1.

The transistor opens when positive half-waves of the signal act on its base and emitter, and the instantaneous voltage at the emitter is greater. At the same time, a detected and smoothed current passes through the phones in its collector circuit. But the positive half-waves overlap only partially when the oscillation phases in the circuits are shifted by 90°, so the detected current does not reach the maximum value determined by the signal level.

During FM, depending on the frequency deviation, the phase shift also changes, in accordance with the phase-frequency characteristic (Ф4Х) of the L2С2 circuit. When the frequency deviates to one side, the phase shift decreases and the half-waves of the signals at the base and emitter overlap more, resulting in an increase in the detected current.

When the frequency deviates in the other direction, the overlap of half-waves decreases and the current drops. This is how frequency detection of a signal occurs.

The transmission coefficient of the detector directly depends on the quality factor of the L2C2 circuit; it should be as high as possible (in the limit, as we calculated, up to 700), which is why the connection with the emitter circuit of the transistor was chosen to be weak. Of course, such a simple detector does not suppress the AM signal received; moreover, its detected current is proportional to the signal level at the input, which is an obvious drawback. The only justification is the exceptional simplicity of the detector.

Just like the previous one, the receiver is assembled in a small case, from which a telescopic antenna extends upward, and telephone sockets are located at the bottom. The handles of both control units are located on the front panel. These capacitors should not be combined into one block, since by setting them separately, it is possible to obtain both higher volume and better reception quality.

The receiver coils are frameless; they are wound with 0.7 PEL wire on a mandrel with a diameter of 8 mm. L1 contains 5 turns, and L2 - 7 turns with tapping from the 2nd turn, counting from the grounded terminal. If possible, it is advisable to wind coil L2 with silver-plated wire to increase its quality factor; the diameter of the wire is not critical.

The inductance of the coils is selected by compressing and stretching the turns so that clearly audible VHF stations are in the middle of the tuning range of the corresponding KPI. The distance between the coils within 15...20 mm (the axes of the coils are parallel) is selected by bending their leads soldered to the KPI.

With the described receiver, you can conduct a lot of interesting experiments, exploring the possibility of detector reception on VHF, the peculiarities of the passage of waves in urban areas, etc. Experiments on further improvement of the receiver are not excluded.

However, the sound quality when received on high-impedance headphones with tin membranes leaves much to be desired. In connection with the above, a more advanced receiver was developed that provides better sound quality and allows the use of various outdoor antennas connected to the receiver by a feed line.

Field Powered Receiver

While experimenting with a simple detector receiver, I repeatedly had to make sure that the power of the detected signal was quite high (tens and hundreds of microwatts) and could ensure fairly loud operation of phones.

But the reception is poor due to the lack of a frequency detector (FD). The second receiver (Fig. 2) solves this problem to some extent, but the signal power in it is also used inefficiently due to the quadrature supply of the transistor with high-frequency signals. Therefore, it was decided to use two detectors in the receiver: amplitude - to power the transistor; frequency - for better signal detection

The diagram of the developed receiver is shown in Fig. 3. The external antenna (loop dipole) is connected to the receiver with a two-wire line made of VHF ribbon cable with a characteristic impedance of 240-300 Ohms. Coordination of the cable with the antenna is obtained automatically, and coordination with the input circuit L1C1 is achieved by selecting the location where the tap is connected to the coil.

Generally speaking, an asymmetrical connection of the feeder to the input circuit reduces the noise immunity of the antenna-feeder system, but given the low sensitivity of the receiver, this is not of particular importance here.

There are well-known methods for symmetrically connecting a feeder using a coupling coil or a balun transformer. In the author’s conditions, the loop dipole was made of ordinary insulated installation wire and placed on the balcony, in a place with maximum field strength. The length of the feeder did not exceed 5 m. With such short lengths, losses in the feeder are negligible, so telephone wire can be successfully used.

The input circuit L1C1 is tuned to the signal frequency, and the high-frequency voltage released on it is rectified by an amplitude detector made on a high-frequency diode VD1. Since during FM the amplitude of oscillations is unchanged, there are practically no requirements for smoothing the rectified DC voltage.

Rice. 3. Circuit diagram of a VHF receiver powered by field energy.

The quadrature black hole receiver is assembled on transistor VT1 and phase-shifting circuit L2C2. The high-frequency signal is supplied to the base of the transistor from the tap of the input circuit coil through coupling capacitor C3, and to the emitter from the tap of the phase-shifting circuit coil. The detector operates in exactly the same way as in the previous design.

To increase the black hole transmission coefficient and more fully utilize the amplifying properties of the transistor, a bias is applied to its base through resistor R1, which is why it was necessary to install a separating capacitor C3. Pay attention to its significant capacitance - it was chosen to short-circuit low-frequency currents to the emitter, i.e., to “ground” the base at audio frequencies. This increases the gain of the transistor and increases the receiving volume.

The collector circuit of the transistor includes the primary winding of the output transformer T1, which serves to match the high output resistance of the transistor with the low resistance of the telephones. You can use high-quality stereo phones TDS-1 or TDS-6 with the receiver. Both phones (left and right channels) are connected in parallel.

Capacitor C5 is a blocking capacitor; it serves to close high-frequency currents penetrating the collector circuit. The SB1 button is used to close the collector circuit when setting up the input circuit and searching for a signal. The sound in the phones disappears, but the sensitivity of the indicator increases significantly.

The design of the receiver can be very different, but you need a front panel with KPIs C1 and C2 installed on it (they are equipped with separate tuning knobs) and the SB1 button. To prevent hand movements from affecting the adjustment of the contours, it is advisable to make the panel metal or foil material.

It can also serve as a common wire for the receiver. The KPI rotors must have good electrical contact with the panel. The antenna and telephone connectors X1 and X2 can be installed either on the same front panel or on the side or rear walls of the receiver housing. Its dimensions depend entirely on the parts available. Let's say a few words about them.

Capacitors C1 and C2 are KPV type with a maximum capacity of 15.25 pF. Capacitors SZ-C5 are small-sized ceramic ones.

Coils L1 and L2 are frameless, wound on mandrels with a diameter of 8 mm and contain 5 and 7 turns, respectively. Winding length 10... 15 mm (adjustable during setup).

PEL wire 0.6...0.8 mm, but it is better to use silver-plated one, especially for coil L2. Taps are made from 1 turn to the electrodes of the transistor and from 1.5 turns to the antenna.

The coils can be positioned either coaxially or parallel to each other. The distance between the coils (10...20 mm) is selected during installation. The receiver will work even in the absence of inductive coupling between the coils - capacitive coupling through the interelectrode capacitance of the transistor is quite sufficient. Transformer T1 was taken ready-made from a broadcast loudspeaker.

Any germanium transistor with a cutoff frequency of at least 400 MHz is suitable as VT1. When using a pnp transistor, for example, GT313A, the polarity of the dial indicator and diode should be reversed. The diode can be any germanium, high-frequency.

Any indicator with a total deviation current of 50-150 µA is suitable for the receiver, for example, a dial indicator of the recording level from a tape recorder.

Setting up a receiver comes down to tuning the circuits to the frequencies of clearly audible radio stations, selecting the position of the coil taps for maximum volume and reception quality, as well as the connection between the coils. It is also useful to select resistor R1, also based on maximum volume.

With the described antenna on the balcony, the receiver provided high-quality reception of two stations with the most powerful signal at a distance to the radio center of at least 4 km and in the absence of direct visibility (blocked by houses). The collector current of the transistor was 30...50 μA.

Of course, possible designs of VHF detector receivers are not limited to those described. On the contrary, they should be considered only as the first experiments in this interesting direction. If you use an effective antenna placed on the roof and aimed at the radio station of interest, you can obtain sufficient signal power even at a considerable distance from the radio station.

This opens up very attractive prospects for high-quality reception on headphones, and in some cases it may be possible to obtain loudspeaker reception. Improvement of the receivers themselves is possible by using more efficient detection circuits and high-quality volumetric, in particular, spiral resonators as oscillatory circuits.

V. Polyakov, Moscow. R2001, 7.

After making a bug, the question arises of what to listen to it with. Naturally a radio receiver. Just what? Good receivers cost good money, and the average user often only has access to cheap Chinese models, the sensitivity of which is very poor, and the range of signal reception from the bug depends on the sensitivity of the receiver as well as on the power of the bug. We will talk about correcting this shortcoming.

The most common of these receivers is the “scanner”, where the settings are made using two buttons - “reset” and “scan”. Its basis is the TDA7088 mikruha (). There are many design options, but the design is the same everywhere, down to the part numbers. The antenna in the receiver is the headphone wire, which is connected to the output of the AF amplifier through an isolating circuit, which makes it possible to separate the RF signal induced in the wire by the field of the radio station. This is achieved by connecting two 10 µH chokes in series with the headphones, which are clearly not enough for good operation of the receiver. The first modification is to increase the inductance of these chokes. To do this, you need to take a small ferrite ring, wind 40-60 turns of PEV-0.1 wire on it and replace it with the inductor going to the positive power supply. After this, the sensitivity should increase to 7-8 µV/m, i.e. to the chip's own sensitivity. Although this is already good compared to the 15 µV/m that the receiver gave before, it is still not enough. To further increase sensitivity you can’t get by with passive elements, you need to assemble an amplifier. Based on the concept of sensitivity, an amplifier can be either HF or AF. I think there will be no problems with the second one - you can, for example, connect active speakers from your computer to the receiver. The first one will have more problems. First you need to tear off the input circuit from the receiver - coil L2, capacitors C10, C11, C7 and resistor R2. All this is shown in the figure:

Now we need to assemble the amplifier. There are many options for circuits, the best results are obtained with an amplifier based on field-effect transistors, but here is the simplest option:

The transistor can be replaced with KT316, KT325. The amplifier current consumption is about 3 mA. It should be taken into account that the antenna in the diagram is only implied; in fact, it is a tap from the choke (see above), into the gap of which the UHF is switched on. Don't forget to cut this track on the board, otherwise nothing will work! In conclusion, I would like to say that this is not the end of all the bullying of the receiver. We will also change the range, attach micro-earphones, and even turn the receiver into a radio intercom!

Here's part 2. So let's get started. We take a receiver we already know, spin it up... If the receiver is not the same, it doesn’t matter. Having unscrewed your receiver, you should see something like the following: a lot of parts, including two buttons and a volume control, a microcircuit and two coils. Sometimes there is only one coil. That's what we need. It is not difficult to distinguish it - usually the coils are unbent and the coil itself is filled with paraffin.

Oh yes... I forgot to tell you about the purpose of the whole idea... Here I should make a small lyrical (or not so much) digression. So far on this site we have been talking about devices using the standard FM band (standard FM band is 88-108 MHz). Of course it’s cool, for example, to install a bug on your neighbor and broadcast his telephone conversations to the whole house. But if you don’t need anyone to be able to catch a signal from a beetle on their receiver, then you won’t be able to get by with this standard.

So you see the coil... This is good, it means your brain is not completely swollen yet. So you take this coil, unwind 1-2 turns from it and solder it in place. Then, by compressing/stretching the turns, you ensure that the first station scanned is the last one in the range. This will be a kind of marker. I do not recommend completely removing radio stations from the range, because... sometimes you don’t understand whether the receiver is working or not... That’s it. The receiver is ready... Now you need to patch the bug in the same way and that’s it! You don’t have to worry that someone (except you) will hear your neighbor’s conversations... Although we shouldn’t forget about the FSB, FAPSI and other services - they can hear and see whatever they want

List of radioelements

Designation Type Denomination Quantity NoteShopMy notepad
Scheme 1.
C7 Capacitor220 pF1 To notepad
C10 Capacitor25 pF1 To notepad
C11 Capacitor82 pF1 To notepad
R2 Resistor

1 kOhm

1 To notepad
L2 Inductor 1 To notepad
Antenna 1 To notepad
Scheme 2.
Bipolar transistor


1 To notepad
C7 Capacitor220 pF1 To notepad
Capacitor0.01 µF1 To notepad
Capacitor82 pF1 To notepad