DIY reactive power diagram. Reverse power generator

Universal use of electricity in all areas human activity associated with the search for free electricity. Because of this, a new milestone in the development of electrical engineering was an attempt to create a free energy generator that would significantly reduce the cost or reduce to zero the cost of generating electricity. The most promising source for realizing this task is free energy.

What is free energy?

The term free energy arose during the time of large-scale introduction and operation of internal combustion engines, when the problem of obtaining electric current directly depended on the coal, wood or petroleum products used for this. Therefore, free energy is understood as a force for the production of which there is no need to burn fuel and, accordingly, consume any resources.

The first attempts to scientifically substantiate the possibility of obtaining free energy were laid by Helmholtz, Gibbs and Tesla. The first of them developed the theory of creating a system in which the generated electricity should be equal to or greater than that spent for the initial start-up, that is, obtaining a perpetual motion machine. Gibbs expressed the possibility of obtaining energy by flowing chemical reaction so long that it is enough for a full power supply. Tesla observed energy in all natural phenomena and proposed a theory about the presence of ether, a substance that permeates everything around us.

Today you can observe the implementation of these principles to obtain free energy in. Some of them have long ago entered the service of humanity and help to receive alternative energy from wind, sun, rivers, tides. These are the same solar panels, hydroelectric dams that helped harness the forces of nature that were freely available. But along with already proven and implemented free energy generators, there are concepts of fuel-free engines that try to circumvent the law of conservation of energy.

The problem of energy conservation

The main stumbling block in obtaining free electricity is the law of conservation of energy. Due to the presence of electrical resistance in the generator itself, connecting wires and other elements of the electrical network, according to the laws of physics, there is a loss of output power. Energy is consumed and to replenish it, constant external replenishment is required, or the generation system must create such an excess of electrical energy that it is enough to both power the load and maintain the operation of the generator. From a mathematical point of view, the free energy generator must have an efficiency greater than 1, which does not fit into the framework of standard physical phenomena.

Circuit and design of the Tesla generator

Nikola Tesla became the discoverer of physical phenomena and based on them created many electrical devices, for example, Tesla transformers, which are used by humanity to this day. Over the entire history of his activities, he has patented thousands of inventions, among which there is more than one free energy generator.

Rice. 1: Tesla Free Energy Generator

Look at Figure 1, this shows the principle of generating electricity using a free energy generator made from Tesla coils. This device involves obtaining energy from the ether, for which the coils included in its composition are tuned to a resonant frequency. To obtain energy from the surrounding space in this system, the following geometric relationships must be observed:

  • winding diameter;
  • wire cross-section for each winding;
  • distance between coils.

Today, various options for using Tesla coils in the design of other free energy generators are known. True, it has not yet been possible to achieve any significant results from their use. Although some inventors claim the opposite, and keep the results of their developments in the strictest confidence, demonstrating only the final effect of the generator. In addition to this model, other inventions of Nikola Tesla are known, which are generators of free energy.

Magnetic free energy generator

Interaction effect magnetic field and coils are widely used in . And in a free energy generator, this principle is used not to rotate a magnetized shaft by applying electrical impulses to the windings, but to supply a magnetic field to an electric coil.

Impetus for development this direction became the effect obtained by applying voltage to an electromagnet (a coil wound on a magnetic circuit). In this case, a nearby permanent magnet is attracted to the ends of the magnetic circuit and remains attracted even after turning off the power from the coil. A permanent magnet creates a constant flow of magnetic field in the core, which will hold the structure until it is torn off by physical force. This effect was used to create a permanent magnet free energy generator circuit.

Rice. 2. Operating principle of a magnetic generator

Look at Figure 2, to create such a free energy generator and power the load from it, it is necessary to form a system of electromagnetic interaction, which consists of:

  • trigger coil (I);
  • locking coil (IV);
  • supply coil (II);
  • support coil (III).

The circuit also includes a control transistor VT, a capacitor C, diodes VD, a limiting resistor R and a load Z H.

This free energy generator is turned on by pressing the “Start” button, after which the control pulse is supplied through VD6 and R6 to the base of transistor VT1. When a control pulse arrives, the transistor opens and closes the circuit of current flow through the starting coils I. After which the electric current will flow through the coils I and excite the magnetic circuit, which will attract a permanent magnet. Magnetic field lines will flow along the closed contour of the magnet core and permanent magnet.

An emf is induced from the flowing magnetic flux in coils II, III, IV. The electrical potential from the IV coil is supplied to the base of the transistor VT1, creating a control signal. The EMF in coil III is designed to maintain the magnetic flux in the magnetic circuits. The EMF in coil II provides power to the load.

The stumbling block in the practical implementation of such a free energy generator is the creation of an alternating magnetic flux. To do this, it is recommended to install two circuits with permanent magnets in the circuit, in which the power lines are in the opposite direction.

In addition to the above free energy generator using magnets, today there are a number of similar devices designed by Searle, Adams and other developers, the generation of which is based on the use of a constant magnetic field.

Followers of Nikola Tesla and their generators

The seeds sown by Tesla incredible inventions generated in the minds of applicants an unquenchable thirst to turn into reality fantastic ideas for creating a perpetual motion machine and send mechanical generators to the dusty shelf of history. The most famous inventors used the principles laid down by Nikola Tesla in their devices. Let's look at the most popular of them.

Lester Hendershot

Hendershot developed a theory about the possibility of using the Earth's magnetic field to generate electricity. Lester presented the first models back in the 1930s, but they were never in demand by his contemporaries. Structurally, the Hendershot generator consists of two counter-wound coils, two transformers, capacitors and a movable solenoid.

Rice. 3: general form Hendershot generator

The operation of such a free energy generator is only possible if it is strictly oriented from north to south, so a compass must be used to set up the operation. The coils are wound on wooden bases with multidirectional winding to reduce the effect of mutual induction (when EMF is induced in them, EMF will not be induced in the opposite direction). In addition, the coils must be tuned by a resonant circuit.

John Bedini

Bedini introduced his free energy generator in 1984; a feature of the patented device was an energizer - a device with a constant rotating torque that does not lose speed. This effect was achieved by installing several permanent magnets on the disk, which, when interacting with an electromagnetic coil, create impulses in it and are repelled from the ferromagnetic base. Due to this, the free energy generator received a self-powering effect.

Bedini's later generators became known through a school experiment. The model turned out to be much simpler and did not represent anything grandiose, but it was able to perform the functions of a generator of free electricity for about 9 days without outside help.

Rice. 4: schematic diagram of the Bedini generator

Look at Figure 4, here is a schematic diagram of the free energy generator of the same school project. It uses the following elements:

  • a rotating disk with several permanent magnets (energizer);
  • coil with a ferromagnetic base and two windings;
  • battery (in this example it was replaced with a 9V battery);
  • control unit consisting of a transistor (T), resistor (P) and diode (D);
  • Current collection is organized from an additional coil that powers the LED, but power can also be supplied from the battery circuit.

With the start of rotation, the permanent magnets create magnetic excitation in the coil core, which induces an emf in the windings of the output coils. Due to the direction of the turns in the starting winding, current begins to flow, as shown in the figure below, through the starting winding, resistor and diode.

Rice. 5: start of operation of the Bedini generator

When the magnet is located directly above the solenoid, the core is saturated and the stored energy becomes sufficient to open the transistor T. When the transistor opens, current begins to flow in the working winding, which recharges the battery.

Figure 6: Starting the charging winding

At this stage, the energy becomes sufficient to magnetize the ferromagnetic core from the working winding, and it receives a pole of the same name with a magnet located above it. Thanks to the magnetic pole in the core, the magnet on the rotating wheel is repelled from this pole and accelerates the further movement of the energizer. As the movement accelerates, pulses appear in the windings more often, and the LED switches from flashing mode to constant glow mode.

Alas, such a free energy generator is not a perpetual motion machine; in practice, it allowed the system to work tens of times longer than it could function on a single battery, but eventually it still stops.

Tariel Kapanadze

Kapanadze developed a model of his free energy generator in the 80s and 90s of the last century. The mechanical device was based on the operation of an improved Tesla coil; as the author himself stated, the compact generator could power consumers with a power of 5 kW. In the 2000s, they tried to build a 100 kW industrial-scale Kapanadze generator in Turkey; according to its technical characteristics, it required only 2 kW to start and operate.

Rice. 7: schematic diagram of the Kapanadze generator

The figure above shows a schematic diagram of a free energy generator, but the main parameters of the circuit remain a trade secret.

Practical circuits of free energy generators

Despite the large number of existing schemes for free energy generators, very few of them can boast of real results that could be tested and repeated at home.

Rice. 8: Tesla generator working diagram

Figure 8 above shows a free energy generator circuit that you can replicate at home. This principle was outlined by Nikola Tesla; it uses a metal plate isolated from the ground and located on some hill. The plate is a receiver of electromagnetic oscillations in the atmosphere, this includes a fairly wide range of radiation (solar, radiomagnetic waves, static electricity from the movement of air masses, etc.)

The receiver is connected to one of the plates of the capacitor, and the second plate is grounded, which creates the required potential difference. The only stumbling block to its industrial implementation is the need to isolate a large plate on a hill to power even a private home.

Modern look and new developments

Despite widespread interest in creating a free energy generator, they are still unable to displace the classical method of generating electricity from the market. Developers of the past, who put forward bold theories about significantly reducing the cost of electricity, lacked the technical perfection of the equipment or the parameters of the elements could not provide the desired effect. And thanks to scientific and technological progress, humanity is receiving more and more inventions that make the embodiment of a free energy generator already tangible. It should be noted that today free energy generators powered by the sun and wind have already been obtained and are actively being used.

But, at the same time, on the Internet you can find offers to purchase such devices, although most of them are dummies created with the aim of deceiving an ignorant person. And a small percentage of actually operating free energy generators, whether on resonant transformers, coils or permanent magnets, can only cope with powering low-power consumers, providing electricity, for example, a private house or lighting in the yard they can't. Free energy generators are a promising direction, but their practical implementation has not yet been implemented.

In the modern global world, saving energy resources takes first place in its relevance. Energy saving, in some countries, is actively supported by the state not only for large consumers, but also for ordinary people. Which in turn makes the reactive power compensator relevant for home use.

Reactive power compensation:

Many consumers, having read on the Internet about reactive power compensation by large plants and factories, are also thinking about reactive power compensation at home. Moreover, now there is a large selection of compensating devices that can be used in everyday life. You can read about whether it is really possible to save some money on this at home in this article. And we will consider the possibility of making such a compensator with our own hands.

I’ll answer right away – yes, it’s possible. Moreover, this is not only a cheap, but also a fairly simple device, however, to understand the principle of its operation you need to know what reactive power is.

From the school physics course and the basics of electrical engineering, many of you already know general information about reactive power, so you should go straight to the practical part, but it is impossible to do this without skipping mathematics, which everyone dislikes.

So, to start selecting compensator elements, it is necessary to calculate the reactive power of the load:

Since we can measure components such as voltage and current, we can only measure the phase shift using an oscilloscope, and not everyone has one, so we’ll have to go a different route:

Since we are using the most primitive device of the capacitors themselves, we need to calculate their capacitance:

Where f is the network frequency, and X C is the reactance of the capacitor, it is equal to:

Capacitors are selected according to current, voltage, capacity, power, respectively, based on your needs. It is desirable that the number of capacitors be greater than one, so that it is possible to experimentally select the most suitable capacitance for the desired consumer.

For safety reasons, the compensating device must be connected via a fuse or circuit breaker (in case of too high charging current or short circuit).

Therefore, we calculate the current of the fuse (fuse link):

Where i in is the current of the fuse (fuse), A; n – number of capacitors in the device, pieces; Q k – rated power of a single-phase capacitor, kvar; U l – linear voltage, kV (in our case, phase without).

If we use an automatic machine:

After disconnecting the compensator from the network, there will be voltage at its terminals, so to quickly discharge the capacitors, you can use a resistor (preferably an incandescent light bulb or neon) by connecting it in parallel with the device. The block diagram and circuit diagram are given below:

Block diagram of switching on the reactive power compensator
I'll demonstrate it more clearly

The consumer is connected to hole number one, and the compensator is connected to hole number two.

Schematic diagram of the reactive power compensator
Switching on via automatic fuse

The compensating device is always switched on parallel to the load. This trick reduces the resulting circuit current, which reduces cable heating; accordingly, a large number of consumers can be connected to one outlet or their power can be increased.

Few people will probably remember how they used to rewind the electricity meter readings. They did this with a transformer, which needed to be grounded. The ground electrode was usually a battery or other utility. It was very life-threatening. Now there is no outside interference in electrical wiring and grounding conductors. Plug in the reverse power generator into a regular outlet and wait for the result. An ordinary electric meter with a disk spins the numbers in the opposite direction, a modern electronic meter simply stops.

Power calculation based on electric meter readings

Energy metering devices do not always accurately measure the power used by electronic components. In order to check the operation of the electric meter you need to:

  • be able to inspect the device. The electricity meter can be located in the apartment or on the landing;
  • The accuracy class of the device is indicated on the front panel - this is the permissible error in %. For example, if accuracy class is 3, then the device will calculate the indicator for 100 W/h used - from 97 to 103 W/h. This will be the calculated electricity rate for this meter;
  • To check operation, plug in only one incandescent lamp for one hour and watch the readings on the electric meter.

If your electricity metering device does not meet the test requirements, you should submit an application for its replacement to Energonadzor.

How to calculate the power of an electric current

The electric meter calculates the non-consumed electronic components power, and the work done electric shock, or more correctly, the energy consumed. You can calculate the power of an electric meter using two methods:

  • count the number of revolutions per unit of time and compare this indicator with the number indicated on the counter. For example, if the indicator is 300, this means that the device’s disk makes 300 revolutions in one hour. This means that in 10 minutes it must make 50 revolutions;
  • and vice versa: we set the number of revolutions and see how long it takes the counter to do this work.

Electricity consumption

In order to control energy consumption, you need to know the exact figure consumed by your electrical appliances. The number indicating the power used is usually indicated in the technical specifications of the electrical device. Knowing this number and possible ways By checking this indicator, you can control energy consumption. Or purchase a reverse power generator for an electric meter and forget about calculations. However, it should be noted that the industry is already producing “smart” electricity meters that can detect fraud. Then serious problems with Energonadzor can no longer be avoided!


1 Reactive power inverter The device is designed to power household consumers with alternating current. Rated voltage 220 V, power consumption 1-5 kW. The device can be used with any meters, including electronic and electronic-mechanical ones, even those with a shunt or air transformer as a current sensor. A device assembled according to the proposed scheme is simply inserted into a socket and the load is powered from it. All electrical wiring remains intact. No grounding required. The meter takes into account approximately a quarter of the electricity consumed. Theoretical basis When powering an active load, the voltage and current phases coincide. The power function, which is the product of instantaneous voltage and current values, has the form of a sinusoid located only in the region of positive values. The electric energy meter calculates the integral of the power function and registers it on its indicator. If you connect a capacitance to the electrical network instead of a load, the current in phase will lead the voltage by 90 degrees. This will cause the power function to be positioned symmetrically with respect to positive and negative values. Consequently, the integral of it will have a zero value, and the counter will not count anything. The principle of operation of the inverter is that the capacitor is charged from the network during the first half-cycle mains voltage , and during the second, they are discharged through the consumer’s load. While the load is powered by the first capacitor, the second one is also charged from the network without connecting the load. After this, the cycle repeats. Thus, the load receives power in the form of sawtooth pulses, and the current consumed from the network is almost sinusoidal, only its approximating function is ahead of the voltage in phase. Consequently, the meter does not take into account all the electricity consumed. It is impossible to achieve a phase shift of up to 90 degrees, since in fact the charge of each capacitor is completed in a quarter of the period of the mains voltage, but the approximating function of the current through the meter, with correctly selected capacitance and load parameters, can lead the voltage by up to 70 degrees, which allows the meter to take into account only a quarter of the actually consumed electricity. To power a load that is sensitive to the voltage waveform, a filter can be installed at the output of the device. In this case, the load will be powered by an almost regular sine wave. Schematic diagram of the device The schematic diagram is shown in Fig. 1. The main elements are the inverter thyristor bridge VD7 VD10 with capacitors C1, C2. Thyristors VD7 and VD8, opening alternately, allow capacitors C1 and C2 to be charged from the network during the corresponding half-cycles of the mains voltage. Thyristors VD9 and VD10 are designed to discharge capacitors through a load. Thyristor control pulses are formed on the secondary windings of transformers T2 and T3 when transistor switches VT1 and VT2 are opened. The control signal for transistor VT1, corresponding to the positive half-wave of the mains voltage, is isolated by the parametric stabilizer VD1, R1 and is supplied to the base of the transistor through galvanic isolation on the optocoupler OS1. The transistor is open during the entire positive half-wave. At the moment of its opening, the transient current process in the primary winding of transformer T2 leads to the appearance of pulses in the secondary windings. These pulses open thyristors VD7 and VD10. Thyristors remain open until the currents through them reach zero values. This leads to the charge of capacitor C1 and the discharge of C2. When a negative half-wave of the mains voltage appears, transistor VT1 closes, and VT2 opens with a signal released by elements VD2, R5 and OS2. The operation of the cascade on transistor VT2 in the negative half-cycle is similar, and leads to the opening of VD8, VD9, which leads to the charge of capacitor C2 and the discharge of C1. The power supply for transistor switches and pulse shapers is built according to the simplest scheme and consists of transformer T1, rectifier bridge Br1 and filter C3.

2 Fig.1. Reactive power inverter. Electrical circuit diagram

3 Parts and design Thyristors VD7-VD10 must be designed for an open pulse current of at least 30 A and a constant reverse voltage of at least 310 V. In addition to those indicated in the diagram, the use of thyristors KU202K-KU202M is allowed. Each thyristor must be installed on a radiator with an area not less than that indicated in the table below. Transistors VT1, VT2 must be designed for a pulse collector current of at least 1 A and a collector-emitter voltage of at least 40 V. It is possible to use transistors KT815, KT817, KT819, KT826, KT827 with any letter indices. As optocouplers OS1, OS2, you can use optocouplers AOT110 with any letter indices or other transistor optocouplers designed for a rated output current of at least 10 mA and a voltage of at least 30 V. Diodes VD-VD6 type KD105, KD102, KD106. Br1 - any low-voltage rectifier diodes or diode assembly for a current of at least 200 mA. Resistors: R1, R5 type MLT-2, other resistors type MLT Storage capacitors C1 and C2 must be designed for a voltage of at least 400V. They can be electrolytic, for example K50-7. Their capacity is selected depending on the power of the load connected to the output of the device and must be no less than that indicated in the table. Load power, kW Thyristor radiator area, sq. cm. Capacitance C1, C2, µF It is permissible to use batteries of several capacitors connected in parallel. At low loads, it is not recommended to increase the capacitance of capacitors, as losses in the circuit increase and the efficiency of the device decreases. Capacitor C3 is any electrolytic with a capacity of µF. Transformer T1 of any power about W. The voltage of the secondary winding must be 12 V. Transformers T2 and T2 are wound on a ring ferrite core with an outer diameter of at least 10 mm. All windings are identical and contain turns of wire with a diameter of mm. The device as a whole is assembled in some kind of housing. It is very convenient (especially for purposes of secrecy) to use for this purpose a housing from a household voltage stabilizer, which in the recent past was widely used to power tube TVs. Setup Be careful when setting up the circuit! Remember that not all the low-voltage part of the circuit is galvanically isolated from the electrical network! Application fuses Necessarily! Storage capacitors operate under heavy duty conditions, so they must be placed in a durable metal case. The low-voltage power supply is checked separately from other modules. It must provide a current of at least 0.2 A with an output voltage of 16 V. It is recommended to configure the thyristor control circuit with the load off and storage capacitors C1, C2 disconnected. Using an oscilloscope, check the presence of rectangular pulses on the zener diodes VD1, VD2. The amplitude of these pulses should be about 5 V, frequency 50 Hz, duty cycle 1/1. If the duty cycle is significantly different, then select the resistances of resistors R1, R5. After this, connect the oscilloscope one by one to the base-emitter junctions of transistors VT1, VT2. If the optocoupler units operate normally, then there will be square pulses amplitude of about 1V and frequency of 50 Hz. In the absence of these pulses, select resistors R2, R6.

4 Finally, the oscilloscope is connected in turn to the control electrodes of thyristors VD7-VD10 and the signals are measured relative to the corresponding cathodes. Short pulses with an amplitude of about 1 V and a frequency of 50 Hz should be observed. If there are no pulses or their amplitude is below 0.7 V, increase the resistances R17, R18. At this point, setting up the device’s control circuit can be considered complete. When a load is connected, the device output will have a voltage equal to zero. After connecting the storage capacitors, the voltage across the load will appear and will have the form of sawtooth pulses shown in Fig. 2. The amplitude of these pulses is about 310 V, frequency 50 Hz. Fig.2 If the load allows an arbitrary shape of the supply voltage ( heating elements, boilers, stoves, lighting with incandescent lamps, etc.), then you can finish there. If the load requires sinusoidal voltage, the filter should be turned on before the load. As a rule, a simple L-shaped LC filter is sufficient (Fig. 3). With an inductance L of about 20 mg and a capacitance of capacitor C of 100 μF (only non-polar!), at a load of 2 kW a sinusoid with minor distortion is obtained (Fig. 4). Such distortions are allowed by almost all consumers, even precision electronic equipment. Fig.3. Filter. Rice. 4

5 After testing the device under load, it is useful to make sure that the current consumption from the network is ahead of the voltage in phase. To do this, you will need a dual-beam oscilloscope. A small powerful resistance should be connected in series with the device (for example, a piece of a spiral from an electric stove), and one channel of an oscilloscope should be connected in parallel to it to measure current. The second channel of the oscilloscope is connected parallel to the input of the device to measure voltage. The current and voltage oscillograms should be out of phase with each other by an amount as close to 90 degrees as possible (Fig. 5). A small phase shift indicates a loss of capacity of storage capacitors C1 and C2. Complete absence indicates breakdown of power thyristors or incorrect operation of the control circuit. Fig.5. If difficulties arise when setting up the device, do not rush to conclude that the circuit is incorrect. The scheme has been verified. Formulate the essence of the problem and contact the developers at We will definitely figure it out and help you. These materials are unique and are the property of the authors of the project. Their distribution without the consent of the authors is unacceptable and will be persecuted!

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STABILIZED POWER SUPPLIES IPS-1000-220/110V-10A-2U IPS-1500-220/110V-15A-2U IPS-2000-220/110V-20A-2U IPS-1000-220/220V-5A-2U IPS-1500 -220/220V-7A-2U IPS-2000-220/220V-10A-2U DC(AC) / DC-1000-220/110V-10A-2U

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Electronic device under the code name Greverse power generator Simply plugs into any outlet; no intervention in electrical wiring or grounding is needed. Consumers eat as usual and are not disturbed by the device. But the induction counter (with a disk) counts in the opposite direction, and the electronic and electronic-mechanical counters stop, which is also not bad. The device causes power to circulate in two directions through the meter. In the forward direction, due to high-frequency modulation of the current, partial metering is carried out, and in the reverse direction, complete metering is carried out. Therefore, the meter perceives the operation of the device as a source of energy that supplies the entire electrical network. The counter counts in the opposite direction at a speed equal to the difference between full and partial metering. If the power of the consumers turns out to be greater than the reverse power of the device, then the meter will subtract the latter from the power of the consumers. Assembling and setting up the device is easy. Characteristics. No intervention in the electrical wiring is required. All electrical wiring remains intact. No grounding required. The device is effective both for single-phase meters at a voltage of 220V and for three-phase meters at 380V. The consumers are not connected to the generator. Device protective shutdown(RCD) does not interfere with the operation of the device.

One of the options schematic diagram The reverse power generator is presented below for your reference. The principle in expanded form and description are in the useful section.

In simple words, the principle of operation of a reverse power generator can be described as follows:

  • We charge some large capacity to double the mains voltage. We charge it with short pulses. The electric meter does not respond to them, that is, the capacitor was charged from the network without accounting.
  • Now the capacitor needs to be discharged, but when, for example, a positive half-wave. The current will flow from the capacitor (it has double the voltage). The discharge pulse turns out to be longer, to which the meter already reacts and will turn in the opposite direction, because the current flows back into the network.
  • We do the same for the negative half-wave. As a result, we have the notorious reverse power generator.

Note: The latest working version of the reverse power generator circuit with detailed description for assembly and configuration