Champagne with orange juice name. Champagne flows like a river: sparkling cocktails

Champagne is the most common and festive drink in the world, without which not a single significant event in a person’s life can occur. The Drinks Encyclopedia cannot ignore such an exquisite and sophisticated category of drinks as champagne-based cocktails. Therefore, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the most popular and delicious recipes for champagne cocktails, which are easy to prepare at home.

Cocktails with champagne and ice cream

Cocktail with sparkling wine and vanilla ice cream

  • 25 ml of your favorite liqueur
  • 50 g ice cream

Cooking recipe:
Place a piece of ice at the bottom of a chilled glass, place a scoop of ice cream on it and pour liqueur on top. And as a final touch, fill everything with champagne.

Cocktail with champagne and popsicles

  • 100 ml sparkling wine
  • 100 g frozen juice
  • fruits or berries (optional)

How to make a cocktail:
Fill the chilled glass halfway with ice cream and carefully pour in the champagne. The top of the cocktail can be decorated with fruit.

Cocktails with champagne and juice

Cocktail Mimosa

  • 90 ml orange juice
  • 90 ml champagne
  • orange zest

Cooking method:
Pour orange juice with pulp into a chilled glass and add sparkling wine. Cut a spiral of zest from a washed orange and garnish the glass.

Cocktail Tintoretto

  • 120 ml sweet champagne
  • 30 ml pomegranate juice
  • 10 ml sugar syrup

Pour sparkling wine into a pre-chilled champagne glass, add juice and syrup. Mix all ingredients carefully.

Cocktails with champagne and vodka

Cocktail Northern lights

  • 100 ml sparkling wine
  • 50 ml vodka
  • 50 ml lemon juice
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of sugar
  • 150 g ice

Mix lemon juice, vodka and sugar in a shaker. Pour the homogeneous mixture into a glass filled with ice and add champagne.

Cocktail Cold duck

  • 100 ml champagne
  • 50 ml vodka
  • lemon zest

Cooking recipe:
Pour champagne and vodka into a cold glass, add a piece of lemon zest for beauty.

Cocktails with champagne and fruit

Rossini cocktail

  • 120 ml sparkling wine
  • 3 strawberries
  • 3 ice cubes

How to make a cocktail:
Place ice cubes in a mixing glass, add strawberry puree and pour in champagne. Stir gently until the drink cools. Then pour the resulting mixture into a previously prepared cold glass, using a strainer.

Bellini cocktail

  • 100 ml semi-sweet champagne
  • 50 ml peach juice
  • peach slice

Cooking method:
Pour sparkling wine and juice into a champagne glass, stir lightly and garnish with a slice of peach.

Cocktails with champagne and cognac

Cocktail Peach Haze

  • 50 ml sparkling wine (brut)
  • 25 ml orange juice
  • 25 ml cognac
  • 1 peach

Beat orange juice, cognac and peach pulp well in a blender. Pour the resulting mixture into a glass and add champagne.

Cocktail Chicago

  • 100 ml champagne
  • 45 ml cognac
  • 1 dash Angostura bitters
  • 3 dashes of Cointreau liqueur
  • lemon wedge
  • 3 g sugar

Cocktail recipe:
Pre-chill the Old Fashioned glass. Use lemon juice to make a sugar edge. Pour ice into a shaker, pour cognac, bitters and liqueur, mix the drink well and use a strainer to pour the liquid into a previously prepared glass. Add 100 ml sparkling wine and garnish with a slice of lemon.

Cocktails with champagne and liqueur

Cocktail Kir Imperial

  • 100 ml dry sparkling wine
  • 10 ml raspberry liqueur
  • berries

Cooking method:
The most simple but very tasty cocktail recipe. Champagne is poured into a champagne glass and liqueur is added. The top of the drink is decorated with a skewer with fruits or berries strung on it.

Cocktail Kir Royal

  • 150 ml dry champagne
  • 20 ml blackcurrant liqueur “Crème de cassis”
  • blackberries or raspberries

How to make a cocktail:
Pour liqueur into a tall champagne glass and carefully pour in the champagne, being careful not to allow too much foaming. Mix the ingredients with a bar spoon and serve, garnished with berries.

Cocktails with champagne and syrup

Cocktail Pink Champagne

  • 100 ml champagne
  • 30 ml cherry syrup
  • 1 cherry for decoration
  • crushed ice

Cooking recipe:
Fill the glass one third full with ice, pour in sparkling wine and syrup, mix well with a bar spoon. Garnish the drink with a cherry.

Cocktail Air mail

  • 120 ml sparkling wine
  • 30 ml dark rum
  • 20 ml lemon syrup
  • 2 teaspoons honey
  • 1 lime slice
  • ice cubes

Pour rum into a shaker with ice, add syrup and honey, shake several times and pour into a champagne glass. Top up with sparkling wine and garnish the rim of the glass with lime.

Do you know such a joyful event or special event that would be complete without champagne? You may find it difficult to answer. In addition to the classic type of sparkling wine, there are many other ways to drink it. For example, in cocktails with juice.


Cocktails with champagne and juice: types, ingredients, recipes

Celebrates! The holiday has begun, and you celebrated in such a way that all the most interesting things passed without you. Alas, this happens often. Don’t want to remember the evening from your friends’ photos on Instagram? Start with light champagne cocktails and juice. Things will get more interesting, believe me.

With orange juice or combined bitterness and sweetness

How do champagne and orange juice go together? The taste is light and has subtle notes of sweetness and bitterness that come from citrus fruits. They intensify in degrees of sparkling wine. Less alcohol, more taste preferences. Watch the recipes and see for yourself in practice.

"Mimosa Champagne"

The point of the cocktail is to have freshly squeezed orange juice. And not in a juicer, but by hand. This way you squeeze out the juice from the zest itself, which has the most delicate taste and unusual flavor. Pour the squeezed juice into a chilled glass, then champagne in equal proportions 100 g/100 g. The mix is ​​mixed with a straw.

"Haze with peach flavor"

An exquisite drink for men combined with brutal brandy and delicate peach.

  1. Orange juice is mixed in equal parts with brandy in a ratio of 25 g/25 g.
  2. The mixture is whipped in a blender with peeled peach.
  3. The mix is ​​poured into a glass and 50 grams of brut champagne is added.

"Sparkling Kiwi"

  1. Kiwi is peeled and ground in a blender.
  2. Pour into a glass with the addition of 30 grams of orange juice.
  3. Mix with a straw.
  4. 30 grams of champagne is poured.
  5. Don’t be scared or surprised, but the glass is decorated with a circle of cucumber!

With peach juice. Bohemia's favorite drink.

Cocktails became a symbol of bohemian life in the 20th century. Used it incredibly popular among actors, writers, and artists in Europe.

"In Pink"

Along the way with the Italian artist Bellini, who was the first to create canvases in the amazing pink color. 100 years later, bartender Giuseppe Cipriani tried to reproduce the pink cocktail. He succeeded when such ingredients were collected.

  1. Peel the peach, mix with 1 teaspoon of granulated sugar, and beat in a blender.
  2. The resulting mass is poured into a glass.
  3. Add 100 grams of dry Prosecco champagne.
  4. Garnished with peach slices.

"Just a peach"

Freshly squeezed peach juice with pulp or regular concentrate is poured into a 50 g glass. Champagne 100 g is added gradually. The cocktail takes on an amazing shade of orange-lilac color.

With pineapple juice for romantic dates

Pineapple juice adds an astringent flavor to champagne cocktails, which counteracts any bitterness or astringency.

"Originality itself"

It’s difficult even in a nightmare to imagine the combination of champagne and beer, but after a properly composed cocktail there are no negative consequences.

  1. Any light beer and champagne are poured in equal proportions 100 g/100 g.
  2. Add pineapple juice 25 g.
  3. Mix when all drinks are poured into one glass.
  4. Served without ice.
  5. Drink through a straw.

Cocktail from the series "Sex and the City"

  1. Add vodka, liqueur, pineapple juice in equal parts of 30 grams to the shaker.
  2. The mixture is strained through a strainer into a martini glass.
  3. Ice is added.
  4. 100 grams of champagne is poured.
  5. Add 2 slices of pineapple to the drink.
  6. The glass is decorated with a maraschino cherry.

Cherry taste with a sour-tart nuance is not for everyone. Therefore, they are tried for dilution, for fun or to diversify the evening.

"Cherry in the champagne"

A cherry is placed at the bottom of the glass, 50 grams of cherry juice and 100 grams of champagne are poured in. Refrigerate briefly and serve without ice.

"Drunk Cherry"

The cocktail is prepared and served in a margarita glass. To begin with, 1/3 of the dish is filled with ice, 20 grams of cherry juice and cherry liqueur are added. Mix, add 2 grapes, 2 cherries. Fill the glass with champagne (100 g).

With vodka and juice or Hold on everyone

On the one hand, you should not mix low-alcohol and strong drinks. This is how wine connoisseurs and experts taught us. Or do it with a higher degree, so as not to suffer from a terrible hangover. On the other hand, there is a popular truth: champagne without vodka is money down the drain. Let's combine.

"Glow on New Year's Eve"

  1. Vodka is mixed in a shaker with lemon juice in different proportions 50 g/50 g with the addition of a teaspoon of sugar.
  2. The mixture is poured into a glass with ice.
  3. 100 grams of champagne is added.

"Deadly Power"

  1. Vodka and pineapple juice are mixed 40 g/40 g.
  2. Add champagne 80 g.
  3. Served with ice.

"Not absinthe, but green"

You can try a combination of absinthe and champagne, the drink from which reflects the rare green color. But in our version it turns out to be the same shade, but with different ingredients.

  1. In a shaker, simultaneously shake 20 grams of lemon juice, vodka, and Chartreuse liqueur.
  2. The mix is ​​poured into a glass with ice.
  3. 100 grams of champagne are poured.

For dessert. Champagne and ice cream

The middle is half. On the one hand there is a sweet dessert, on the other there is a low-alcohol drink. To a regular 50 gram white ice cream without fillers, add 100 grams of dry champagne or brut. Pieces of strawberries or other fruits of your choice are mixed in. Decorate the glass with peppermint leaves. They drink through a straw, leave the remaining fruit and ice cream or eat it with a spoon.

Champagne etiquette

We cannot ignore moral teachings. There are rules for drinking alcohol not only to demonstrate good manners, but to experience all the nuances of the drink. For example, a glass of champagne or a cocktail from it is taken by the stem. If you take it with your palm, the warmth of your hands warms the drink, which makes it lose in taste. After the sparkling wine has been poured, do not drink it immediately.

Look how beautifully it plays in the sun. You can feel the true aroma after it produces a lot of sparkles. They don’t drink the glass in one gulp, but savor it one by one, as if conducting a tasting. Follow the drinking etiquette and then you will know the true taste of champagne.

I want to celebrate the New Year in a hearty and friendly manner. So that guests experience visual, aromatic and taste delight from each dish. It's time to prepare a new alcoholic drink according to the recipe by mixing the existing ingredients. This will definitely give the holiday a special charm. For example, a secret recipe for making a cocktail with champagne and wine, the charm of which is revealed with the last strike of the chimes.

How to make a cocktail of wine and champagne at home

So that it turns out better than in a restaurant...

Cocktails for the New Year are the main strategic weapon on the menu: they gather dozens of people around them and drive them into unconsciousness. How do they do this? It's all about the sugar. Glucose knocks down even the most persistent.

The most delicious alcoholic cocktails are made from dry wine and champagne. As for additional ingredients, there must be at least four of them. And more ice. Professional bartenders make it from alcohol. In our case, natural wine.

One of the main components of the success of a cocktail, even the simplest one prepared at home, is its color and aroma. A cocktail whose color and smell no one liked is unlikely to be to everyone’s taste.

In our New Year's selection, all the cocktails look extremely appetizing!

Simple recipes for New Year's cocktails for everyone who has reached the “alcoholic age”

What to make it from?

  • Natural sparkling white dry wine. The Italian “Asti Mondoro” or “Asti Martini” will do.
  • Peach puree. The best option is a jar of baby food. Its delicate consistency and natural, sweet taste are ideal for preparing the favorite cocktail of creative bohemia.
  • Champagne glass.

How to cook?

Place 50 ml of cold peach puree into a clean glass and pour 100 ml of chilled sparkling wine or champagne on top. Stir with a spoon and, if desired, garnish the cocktail with a slice of canned peach.

What components are needed?

  • Large wine glass (600 ml).
  • Martini Bianco (white vermouth).
  • Martini Prosecco DOC (dry sparkling wine).
  • Fresh mint leaves.
  • Lime.
  • Lump ice.

How to cook?

To make a homemade cocktail for the New Year look like an “experienced” bartender, you will need a measuring glass and high-quality alcohol.

To prepare Martini Royale, fill the glass 2/3 full with ice and top it with freshly squeezed lime juice. Half a citrus is enough.

Pour Martini Bianco (75 ml) and Martini Prosecco (75 ml) using measuring cups. Stir the cocktail with a spoon and garnish with “awakened” mint leaves so that they do not drown in the glass. Place a round slice of lime and serve on the New Year's table without a straw.

What ingredients should I take?

  • Dry sparkling wine (real champagne for a home cocktail is too expensive).
  • 20 ml cognac (per glass).
  • Sugar in cubes.
  • 2 drops Angostura bitters.
  • Orange.
  • Cherry.

Cooking process

Do you want to experience a slight intoxication and pleasure from one glass of champagne drunk on New Year's Day? Then add a couple of drops of spicy Angostura Bitter of high strength (44.7%), with a high concentration of bitterness.

Aromatic bitterness is dripped onto a piece of sugar in an empty glass. Wait until the sugar completely absorbs the liqueur, crush it and pour in 10 ml of good cognac. After sugar and bitter are completely dissolved in cognac, chilled sparkling wine is added to the cocktail. After which there is no need to shake or mix anything.

Before serving, a delicious holiday cocktail is decorated with a cocktail cherry and a slice of orange.

What should you take?

  • Natural strawberry liqueur “XUXU” with a dense creamy texture.
  • Crushed ice.
  • Soda (not to be confused with regular sparkling water).
  • Red dry or semi-dry wine.

How to prepare wine-strawberry drive?

Add all ingredients: 15 ml liqueur, 100 ml wine and 100 ml soda into a blender or shaker. Mix thoroughly and pour into a tall glass along with 100 grams of crushed ice.

You can “dress up” an alcoholic cocktail for the New Year using orange juice (or sweet water) and powdered sugar. To do this, the edges of the glass are moistened with juice and dipped in powder. Place in the refrigerator until completely frozen and only then pour the drink into it.

Simple recipes will help you quickly prepare a New Year's cocktail at home. Rest assured, you will definitely earn the favor of the guests and Santa Claus. With coming! And don't forget to make a wish...

No holiday is complete without a sparkling drink. Ladies especially love it: champagne gives the same playful mood as the drink itself. Men also do not refuse a glass or two. And if it’s cocktails with champagne, you definitely won’t be left indifferent. In mixes, the taste of the sparkling drink is revealed from a different side. It’s definitely worth a try, especially since the process itself is not difficult.

As you know, champagne is usually called only a product produced in the French province. At the same time, for cocktails you can use drinks whose homeland is other countries. The main thing is that the sparkling wine is of good quality. Otherwise, you need to be prepared that the taste of a cocktail made with champagne will turn out a little different than expected. However, all ingredients used in preparation must be of high quality: this will avoid headaches in the morning.

  • glasses for champagne cocktails should be taken in volume: approximately 30% more than the volume of all components;
  • all ingredients must be well cooled, the serving utensils must also be cold;
  • the finished cocktail is stirred very carefully, with a spoon or straw;
  • It is necessary to pour champagne slowly, without shaking the bottle, so that foam does not appear.

Cocktail recipes

Champagne is combined with other drinks (alcoholic and non-alcoholic), fruits, chocolate and even coffee. There are many options, so the only difficulty will be in choosing: which mix to give preference to.

To prepare champagne cocktails at home, all you need is a shaker, in some cases a blender and appropriate utensils. Then all that remains is to see what products from the recipe are available and start creating.

The drink is named after the famous Italian artist, whose brush was unmatched in conveying pink shades. The author of the cocktail, which requires dry champagne (ideally Prosecco), was Cipriani Giuseppe, a bartender from Venice. The combination was to the taste of bohemians.

  • sparkling wine – 100 ml;
  • granulated sugar – 1 tsp;
  • larger peach – 1 pc.

The fruit along with sugar is crushed in a blender to a puree consistency. Place 50 ml of the resulting mass in a wine glass and add alcohol there. Use sweet berries, such as strawberries, as decoration.

Cocktail with champagne and vodka

The drink is known as "Northern Lights". It belongs to the category of long drinks, is quite strong and is perfect for the New Year's feast. The cocktail, in which the main components are vodka and champagne, is also prepared from:

  • lemon juice;
  • Sahara;
  • ice in cubes.


  1. Mix vodka (50 ml), juice (50 ml) and sugar (1 tablespoon) in a shaker, vigorously shaking for about 60 seconds.
  2. Pour into a glass filled with ice (150 g).
  3. Then add the last component to the contents – champagne (150 ml) and mix gently with a spoon.
  4. It is recommended to drink through a straw.

Young people will like a lighter version that uses these two types of alcohol. It's called "Turquoise".


  • vodka – 15 ml;
  • lemon juice – 25 ml;
  • herbal French liqueur “Chartreuse” - 20 ml;
  • lemon juice – 25 ml;
  • champagne – 100 ml;
  • ice cubes – 6-7 pcs.

All drinks, excluding sparkling wine, are mixed in a shaker and poured into a glass with ice. Complemented with champagne.

With liqueur

The most popular combination is liqueur plus champagne plus juice. Only the tastes change, each time the result is a new drink. Here are just a few of them.

To prepare the Mimosa cocktail, you will need:

  • orange liqueur “Curacao” - 15 ml;
  • champagne – 125 ml;
  • orange juice – 45 ml.

All components are placed in a glass, the edge of which can be decorated with a slice of orange. Alternatively, garnish with orange zest. Serve in a cold glass, but without adding ice.

Black and white

An interesting combination is the Black and White cocktail. Necessary:

  • champagne – 120 ml;
  • coffee liqueur – 30 ml;
  • coffee beans – 3 g.

Immediately pour the liqueur, then the sparkling wine, garnish with grains. The drink is ready.

With Aperol

A sophisticated and light cocktail is obtained by mixing champagne and Aperol. By the way, the liqueur, despite its strength of only 11%, is rarely drunk in its pure form. To prepare the drink you will need:

  • champagne – 100 ml;
  • Aperol – 60 ml;
  • sparkling water - 40 ml;
  • orange - 1 slice.


  1. Pour champagne into a glass (ice is added according to desire and taste).
  2. After the foam has dropped, add liqueur. Mix.
  3. Add water and mix again with a spoon.
  4. Throw a slice of orange into the cocktail.
  5. Serve with a cocktail straw.

Note! For preparation, it is best to use brut or semi-dry champagne.

Kir Royal

The “Kir Royal” puff cocktail is very interesting in taste and color:

  • 20 ml currant liqueur;
  • 100 ml champagne.

Liqueur is poured into the bottom of the glass, and then the sparkling drink is carefully layered.

With cognac

In “Peach Haze”, fruits and juice highlight the taste of sparkling wine and reduce the strength of the second alcoholic drink.

Products you will need:

  • champagne – 50 ml;
  • cognac (or brandy) – 25 ml;
  • orange juice – 25 ml;
  • medium size peach – 1 pc.

Mix fruit, juice and strong alcohol in a blender. Add champagne.

With cognac and orange liqueur

Another cocktail option, with orange liqueur. Take:

  • 20 ml cognac;
  • 1 piece of refined sugar;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of orange bitters;
  • dry champagne - to taste.


  1. Pour liqueur into a glass and place a sugar cube in it.
  2. Allow time to soak well, then carefully transfer to a champagne glass.
  3. Add cognac.
  4. Fill the rest of the volume with champagne to your taste.

With absinthe

The killer combination is called “Midday Death”, which is quite justified, because it contains only alcohol and no softening ingredients:

  • 150 ml champagne;
  • 30 ml absinthe.

Mix alcoholic drinks in a glass. Ready to eat.

Martini with champagne

A refreshing cocktail is prepared from:

  • 75 ml white martini (vermouth);
  • 75 ml champagne;
  • quarters of lemon;
  • a couple of mint leaves;


  1. Two types of alcohol are simultaneously poured into a glass with ice (about 6-7 cubes).
  2. Lemon survives in the contents.
  3. Mix.
  4. Garnish with mint leaves and lemon slices.
  5. Martini Royale is ready.

Beer with champagne

The cocktail is called “Golden Velvet”. What makes it different is the presentation.

Take a beer glass or mug and mix:

  • 100 ml each of light beer and champagne;
  • 25 ml pineapple juice.

No ice is added. Drink through a straw.

With ice cream

For a large group you can prepare a delicious cocktail with a cold treat.

You will need:

  • champagne – 0.3 l;
  • ice cream – 0.6 kg;
  • liqueur (any taste), rum or cognac – 150 ml;
  • ice - 12 cubes.


  1. Place a ball of ice cream and ice at the bottom of each glass - pour liqueur, rum or cognac over everything.
  2. The contents are complemented by a sparkling drink.
  3. Decoration is at your discretion.

A cocktail with champagne-based ice cream will definitely appeal to lovely ladies.

With fruit

There can be many options, because a fizzy drink with gifts from the gardens is a classic combination.

Champagne Ice

One of these recipes is the Champagne Ice cocktail, with strawberries and champagne. This mix is ​​served as a dessert.


  • champagne (preference brut or dry) – 50 ml;
  • berries – 50 g;
  • ice cream – 100 g,
  • mint leaves – 2-3 pcs.


  1. Mix the cold treat with coarsely chopped strawberries and chopped mint in a glass.
  2. Add sparkling wine.
  3. The cocktail is drunk through a straw.
  4. The remaining berries can be eaten with a spoon – it’s a dessert after all.

Fizzy Kiwi

The “Effervescent Kiwi” drink has an unusual green hue due to the presence of this very fruit in the recipe. You will also need (30 ml each):

  • champagne;
  • fresh orange juice.


  1. Make a puree from one kiwi and juice in a blender.
  2. Place the resulting mixture in a glass and add champagne.
  3. A slice of kiwi or orange zest will make a beautiful decoration.


Without ice cream, but with strawberries - this is about the Rossini cocktail. You need to take:

  • 150 ml champagne;
  • 3 berries (larger);
  • 2 ice cubes.


  1. Strawberry puree is prepared.
  2. If the berries are not entirely sweet, you can add 0.5 tbsp. granulated sugar.
  3. Mix with fizzy drink.
  4. Strain the mixture through a strainer directly into a glass.

With juice

You can use a wide variety of flavors in making cocktails.

Champagne Napoleon

With orange juice, for example, you get “Champagne Napoleon.” Take:

  • champagne – 100 ml;
  • orange fresh – 30 ml;
  • tangerine liqueur “Napoleon” – 20 ml.

The preparation process is very simple: champagne is poured into a mixture of soft drink and bitters.

Lemon Waltz

You can try the Lemon Waltz, which uses:

  • 100 ml champagne;
  • 20 ml lemon juice;
  • 1 cube of refined sugar.

Sugar is placed in the glass, juice is poured, then champagne. No ice is added. Garnish with a slice of lemon if desired.

With syrup

As with juices, there are many variations of syrup cocktails. In addition, you can experiment and perhaps come up with your own recipe. Or you can still go the proven route and prepare one of the following drinks.

French kiss

The cocktail includes:

  • champagne – 80 ml;
  • raspberry syrup – 30 ml;
  • lemon juice – 10 ml;
  • lemon slice - for decoration.

All ingredients are mixed directly in the glass. We attach a fruit slice to the edge of the wine glass.

With sugar syrup and pomegranate juice

The cocktail has a curious pomegranate flavor in honor of the famous artist Jacopo Robusti, who worked during the Renaissance under the name Tintoretto. This is one of the few options using pink champagne.

  • sparkling wine – 120 ml;
  • pomegranate juice – 30 ml;
  • sugar syrup – 10 ml.

Pour champagne into a glass and add the rest of the ingredients. Mix with a spoon.

With grenadine

Using this component, “French 76” is obtained. Necessary:

  • champagne – 120 ml;
  • vodka – 25 ml;
  • grenadine – 3 ml;
  • sugar syrup - 3 ml.


  1. In a shaker, all ingredients except alcohol are mixed and shaken well with the addition of ice.
  2. Champagne is already added to the glass.
  3. The mixture from the shaker must be strained before doing this.

Cocktail with limoncello and champagne

This drink is of their category “everyone likes it”, although at first glance it is more suitable for ladies. Ingredients for Sparkling Limocello:

  • lemon liqueur – 30 ml;
  • champagne – 30 ml;
  • orange liqueur – 20 ml.


  1. Shake two bitters in a shaker with ice.
  2. Strain into a glass through a sieve.
  3. Top up with sparkling wine.
  4. Lemon zest is used for decoration in the form of a curl.
  5. Serve immediately after cooking.

With cola

You can simply mix champagne with soda, or you can make “Splashes”. You will need:

  • cola – 120 ml;
  • champagne – 70 ml;
  • light rum – 15 ml;
  • gin – 15 ml.

Pour gin, rum into a tall glass, add champagne and cola. Stir a little with a bar spoon. Ready.

Some people like strawberries, and others like oranges. Some people prefer light and refreshing drinks, while others prefer stronger ones. Among the variety of champagne cocktail recipes, there are some that you will like.

Do you want to appease your loved one on the holiday? Give her something tasty to drink! And not just a classic glass of champagne, but an original cocktail based on it. Just try not to overdo it. The result of the cocktail should be a playful mood and light bubbles in the head, and not... well, you know what I mean!

1. Cocktail Andalusia

120 ml. champagne, 45 ml. cherry syrup and cocktail cherry. First, a cherry is placed in the glass, syrup is poured on top, and then champagne. The cocktail is served cold in a champagne glass, without adding ice.

2. Cocktail Blue Bird

Cocktail recipe:

140 ml. champagne, 45 ml. Blue Curacao liqueur. Mix champagne with liqueur and garnish the glass with a slice of lemon or a cocktail cherry. The cocktail is served cold in a champagne glass, without adding ice.

3. Cocktail Green bubbles

Cocktail recipe:

150 ml. champagne, 30 ml Midori melon liqueur, 30 ml. Poiret William liqueur. Pour liqueurs into the glass (one at a time), then add champagne and stir. The cocktail is served cold in a champagne glass, without adding ice.

4. Golden Velvet cocktail

Cocktail recipe:

250 ml. light beer, 22 ml. champagne and pineapple juice. Pour half a glass of light beer, add pineapple juice and champagne. The cocktail is served cold in a beer glass, without adding ice.

5. Cocktail Kir Royal

Cocktail recipe:

5 parts champagne and 1 part currant liqueur. The cocktail is stacked in layers. First, currant liqueur is poured, and champagne is layered on top. The cocktail is served cold in a champagne glass, without adding ice.

6. Lemon cocktail

Cocktail recipe:

100 ml. champagne, 20 ml. lemon juice, a piece of sugar. Place a piece of sugar in a glass, pour lemon juice on top, and add champagne. You can use a lemon wedge as a decoration. The cocktail is served cold in a champagne glass, without adding ice.

7. Mimosa cocktail

Cocktail recipe:

125 ml. champagne, 15 ml. Curacao orange liqueur, 45 ml. orange juice. Pour orange liqueur and orange juice, add champagne. You can decorate the glass with orange zest or an orange slice. The cocktail is served cold in a champagne glass, without adding ice.

8. Cocktail Peach Bellini

Cocktail recipe:

The cocktail is designed for a large company. 1 bottle of champagne (750 ml.), 200 ml. peach juice, 1 peach. Pour the juice into 8 glasses. Add champagne on top and decorate the glasses with peach slices. The cocktail is served cold in a champagne glass, without adding ice.

9. Cocktail French 75

Cocktail recipe:

130 ml. champagne, 50 ml. gin, lemon juice, sugar. Mix gin, lemon juice and sugar in a shaker. Pour the resulting mixture with champagne. The cocktail is served cold in a champagne glass, without adding ice.

10. Cocktail Charlie

Cocktail recipe:

130 ml. champagne, 45 ml. apricot brandy. Pour brandy into a glass and add champagne on top. The cocktail is served cold in a champagne glass, without adding ice.