Template-example of the thesis (sample of thesis in economics). Guidelines for preparing a certificate for students of VGPGK_2017 How to apply for a certificate according to GOST sample

No matter how much a student puts off the dreary task of completing a diploma project, this moment still comes. And postponing the requirements for the 2017 thesis according to GOST does not decrease quantitatively. If you have absolutely no time to deal with numerous points of standards, we always come to the rescue: we prepare scientific work quickly and reliably - strictly in accordance with GOST!

General and specific requirements for the thesis 2017 according to GOST

GOST puts forward such a mass of various “design” requirements for scientific projects that it’s just the right time for an inexperienced person to grab his head. However, if all the points are correctly systematized and taken into account consistently, then such an intricate task can be completed. This activity will take enough time, since each element has its own design rules (this is the difficulty). So, we will figure out what the requirements for the 2017 thesis are according to GOST.

  1. Font selection. Not so long ago there were no problems with choosing a font - text was typed on typewriters. However, since general computerization, the situation has changed: many types of fonts have appeared. On other machines and in different programs, the text can turn into gobbledygook. To prevent this from happening, the font in scientific papers was “standardized”—usually Times New Roman, font size 14.
  2. Maintaining indentations. There were many “discrepancies” on this issue. Today we came to a consensus: 3 cm - left (for stitching), 1 cm - right, 2 cm - top and bottom. The line spacing can sometimes vary, but the general one for the entire text is 1.5 (in the design of footnotes and tables, single spacing is acceptable). Paragraph 1.25.
  3. Text. Text material must be aligned in width, and do not forget about automatic hyphenation.
  4. Page number. Each university may have its own requirements on this matter (it is advisable to clarify this point with the department). “Classic” is considered to be the placement of the Arabic numeral of the page number in the header, in the center. Numbers on pages begin with the “Introduction” section. Previous pages are not numbered, but are counted in the total.
  5. Symbols. They use “herringbone quotes” in text material; “foot quotes” are also acceptable as internal quotes (quotes within quotes); dash – long only. Complex formulas and symbols can be entered manually using black ink.
  6. Abbreviations. Various letter abbreviations for numbers, as well as initials for surnames, are formatted with a non-breaking space.

Chapters and their headings

The design of each structural component in a diploma project has its own nuances. The “unifying” requirements for the thesis 2017 according to GOST in relation to all parts is the need to start each part on a new page, the headings of the parts should be formatted in the same way: the main one - in the center of the line at the top of the page, in capitals, in bold.

There are 2 spaces between the main heading and subheading. Subtitle – lowercase letters, bold, without indentation from the beginning of the line. And most importantly: at the end - no dots! Hyphens and underscores are unacceptable! Before the text material from any heading - 2 intervals.

The Eastern proverb “the dog barks, but the caravan moves on” to some extent reflects the process of a student writing a diploma project. No matter how much the student is scolded for being careless and slow, he stubbornly moves towards his goal. And when the work has already been written, all that remains is to prepare a diploma in accordance with GOST 2017, a sample of which is usually searched on the Internet, successfully ending up on our virtual page.

Why are we luck? Because we tell you the most important things about the pressing issue. Plus, we offer qualified assistance in such a difficult and controversial matter as obtaining a diploma in accordance with GOST 2017 (a sample is provided below).

What is GOST?

This is a state standard that is observed everywhere and without fail. And failure to comply with GOST requirements, no matter how tedious they may seem, leads to trouble in the form of a lower grade. Definitely, GOST is GOST and must be observed. There are a great many requirements!

What important points should you pay attention to first of all when embarking on such a serious matter as issuing a diploma in accordance with GOST 2017 (we will consider the sample title in detail in a separate material, we will not dwell on this in this article)? Let's consider the main points of the design of the project.

Diploma design according to GOST 2017 - sample content

This page is located immediately before the Introduction page and is not numbered. Formatting: The font used throughout the work is also used in this part - the generally accepted and computer-readable Times New Roman. The point size, which was recently discussed, is now the standard - 14.

At the top of the sheet, type the name of this part in capitals, bold style, center alignment. Through two single spaces without indentation from the beginning of the line, the corresponding components of the content are typed, indicating the pages. There are multiple dots between headings and page numbers.

Headings are formatted in the same way as in the main text: the names of sections are in capitals, bold, without following paragraphs. The names of subsections are shifted to the right by one paragraph indentation (1.25), lowercase, with a normal style. An important point: between the number and the name there is a space, not a tab (!).

For example:


SECTION 1. NAME………………………………………………………………………………5

1.1 Name…………………………………………………………………………………..5

1.2 Name………………………………………………………………………………………16

1.3 Name………………………………………………………………………………………26

SECTION 2. NAME………………………………………………………………………………..32

2.1 Name………………………………………………………………………………………32

2.2 Name…………………………………………………………………………………46

2.3 Name……………………………………………………………………………………56

SECTION 3. TITLE…………………………………………………………………………………..65

3.1 Name………………………………………………………………………………………65

3.2 Name………………………………………………………………………………………74

3.3 Name…………………………………………………………………………………80


LIST OF REFERENCES…………………………………….89


The formatting of the thesis project is subject to the following general requirements (meaning all pages):

  • We don’t remind you about font and size (see above for this), but pay attention to various types of indents. So, the left border of the field should be 3 cm, the right - 1 cm, the indents at the top and bottom should be 2 cm; paragraph – 1.25;
  • headings are designed similarly to how it looks in the “Contents” section. The names of the sections are placed in the center, two spaces down - the name of the subsection from the beginning of the line (the paragraph is not respected). After two more intervals down - the main text, observing the red line;
  • the spacing between lines is regulated by GOST - 1.5;
  • alignment of the “working” text material – in width;
  • the serial number of the page is indicated in the header in the center; this is an Arabic numeral. Numbering begins with the “Introduction” section. The title and contents are not numbered, but are taken into account;
  • in the text it is customary to use “herringbone quotation marks” and an em dash;
  • initials of the surname, abbreviated letters (g., v., tk., etc.) are formatted with a non-breaking space.

There are strict requirements for graduate qualified work. The thesis must be formatted exclusively in accordance with GOST. Next, we’ll look at how to obtain a diploma in accordance with GOST.

First of all, you need to pay attention to:

  • Font color. It must be exclusively black.
  • Selection. According to GOST, chapters and sections cannot be distinguished. Subparagraphs can only be highlighted in bold, not italics.
  • Volume. Many universities require a certain number of pages. It all depends on the faculty and specialty of the student. As a rule, the minimum length of a thesis is 60 pages. Notes and attachments are not included in this amount. Basically, pages are counted from contents to bibliography. The maximum volume must be clarified at your department.
  • Page numbers. They are marked exclusively at the bottom center with Arabic numerals of 11 point size. Numbering cannot be placed on the left, right or top. It is necessary to take into account that the first page begins with the title page, but is not numbered. Also, pages with a table of contents and bibliography are not numbered.
  • Line breaks. As a rule, words are transferred themselves. However, there are exceptions. For example, after the title. You cannot move lines using the “Tab” or “space” buttons, as later the work will look sloppy.

The entire project must be written (printed) on A4 sheet. Plus, only one-sided printing is needed, since the work is then stapled.

Strict requirements are also imposed on the following parameters:

  • font. You must select "Times New Roman". The font size for text and subheadings should be 14 point, and the first level headings should be 16 point. The second level is 15 pt, and the third is 14 pt.
  • intervals. According to GOST, one and a half intervals are provided.
  • fields. Since the diploma is sealed on the left, on this side the margin indentation should be 2 cm. The indentation of the top and bottom margins is 2 cm, and the margin on the right is 1 cm.

However, there are universities that deviate from GOST standards, then such details need to be clarified with your supervisor. The text itself is best aligned in width.

How to design a title page

The title page is the main part of the diploma, thanks to which the commission’s opinion is drawn up. Therefore, you need to arrange it neatly and beautifully according to all GOST standards. The main aspects to consider are:

  • Maintain the correct margin sizes (top and bottom are 2 cm, left is 2 cm, and right is 1.5 cm.
  • print in black, font 14;
  • align text centered (except for information located on the right). This is the data of the student and the supervisor.

Example of title page design

How to correctly format the contents (table of contents) in a diploma

For this design, since 2001, GOST 7.32 has been established, which states that the title of the content is written in capital letters. The content consists of an introduction, titles of chapters, paragraphs, conclusions, references, and appendices. It is not difficult to draw up the contents of the diploma; the main thing is to adhere to the necessary GOSTs.

According to GOST 2.105, you need to write the word “TABLE OF CONTENTS” or “CONTENTS” in capital letters. However, there is the latest version of GOST 7.32 for 2001, according to which there are no clear instructions for the design of content. Therefore, the author can choose the size of the letters at his own discretion.

An example of formatting content in a thesis

1.Theoretical foundations of accounting in retail trade...5
1.1 Concept and features in retail trade...5
1.2 What is included in the costs of a trading enterprise...8
1.3 How the goods are registered...10
2. Accounting activities at the enterprise IP Kalinina A. S...25
2.1 Economic characteristics of the organization...25
2.2 Primary documents for the movement of goods…35
2.3 Accounting for sales expenses...45
3.Assessment of the financial condition of the enterprise according to the balance sheet...56
3.1 Internal audit of sales expenses...56
3.2 Analysis of sales expenses...62
3.3 Recommendations for improving accounting...69
List of used literature...83

The authors print the titles of chapters exclusively in capital letters and underline them; sentences are not acceptable, they can only be highlighted in bold. Headings and subheadings are centered on the page and there is no period at the end of the sentence. If there are two sentences in the title, then they need to be separated by a period. Headings are a clear and concise title that explains what the text is about. This is the content, introduction, structural part (chapters and subsections), conclusion, list of sources used. Presentation of chapters and subheadings in a concise, concise form is important, since the commission often has questions about these points.

Each chapter should be started on a new page and printed in Times New Roman 16 point font. Also, chapters must use numbering, but for structural elements, headings may not be numbered.

When designing, three styles of writing chapters and subsections are used:

It is allowed to divide chapters into paragraphs, and those, in turn, into subparagraphs. Subparagraphs are identified by numbers, which consist of the chapter and paragraph numbers, which must be separated by a period. For example, 2.2.1 – practical activities of primary documents for the movement of goods. Here the first number “2” is the chapter number, and 2.1 is the paragraph.

The title of a paragraph and its subparagraphs cannot begin on a new page. For this purpose, there is a paragraph indent of 1.5 or 1.7 mm. Also, as in other headings, there is no period at the end of the sentence, but the text begins on a new line.

How to arrange drawings in a diploma

Drawings in the thesis can be graphs, diagrams, illustrated examples, etc. GOST 7.32-2001 states that illustrations must include references to the source. Also, graphic materials are located after the text and signed. Below we will look at how to arrange drawings in a diploma.

Images must be numbered in Arabic numerals. This also includes the number of the chapter, paragraph, subparagraph. For example, the picture refers to the second paragraph, then the first number is put “2”. Then it is calculated what the serial number of the illustration is. For example, 2.3, where “2” is the chapter number, and “3” is the number of the drawing.

The drawing is signed at the bottom and aligned to the center of the line. There is no need to put a period at the end of the signature. The word “Drawing” is written in full, and “FIG.” signing is unacceptable.

Sample design of drawings and diagrams

Formatting tables in the diploma

You need to compare indicators using tables, which can be located either in the text or in the appendices section. Throughout the text, references to tables must be placed, as specified in GOST 7.32-2001.

The tables are placed immediately after the text, where the link is indicated and the obligatory condition is continuous numbering of the tables. First, the section number is put, and then the table sequence number. The numbers are separated by a dot. For example, Table 3.4, where “3” is the number of the chapter or section, and “4” is the serial number of the table.

The tables in the appendix are numbered separately with Arabic numerals. The first letter indicates the name of the application (B.2). The word “Table” cannot be abbreviated. The table name itself is written at the top, aligned to the left and without indentation, as shown in the example below. There is no period at the end of the title.

If the table is large and does not fit on the page, then it is worth moving it. In this case, a horizontal line is not drawn at the bottom, as it is carried over to the next page. Also, the title is written only above the first part of the table, and on the second page it is written, for example, “Continuation of table 3.4.”

A large table with many rows and columns can be divided into parts, but you need to make sure that the frames do not go beyond the boundaries. If it so happens that the table goes beyond the A4 sheet format, then the sides are allowed to be divided. Just make sure that the part that was in the previous line is repeated.

According to GOST 7.23-2001, the names of rows and columns in the table begin with a capital letter, and in subheadings all letters are lowercase. You can put a period only if there is an abbreviation. Also, headings and subheadings of rows (columns) cannot be separated by oblique lines.

If the table was calculated by a student, then under it you need to indicate on what data the calculations were made.

Sample table design

Table 3.2 – Assessment of the organization’s solvency

Sample table design with subheadings

Table 3.3 – Indicators of costs for the manufacture of products that make up group A products

How to write formulas and equations in a thesis

In complex mathematical calculations, formulas or equations are always given. Therefore, students need to know how to correctly format them in their diploma. According to GOST 7.32-2001, formulas and equations are written on a separate line, and between them and the text there should be indentations both above and below.

Sometimes the equation doesn't fit on one line. In such cases, it must be moved to the next line after the mathematical sign. These could be: division, multiplication, equals, etc.

Formulas must have continuous numbering, which indicates the section number or simply the serial number of the formula within the same paragraph, which is placed exclusively in Arabic numerals in parentheses.

A consistent explanation for the symbols or coefficients should be given below the formulas. The word “where” is written at the beginning of the line. For example, given the formula:

F = m*g (3.4) (1)

where, F – force;

m – mass;

g – free fall acceleration.

According to GOST 7.32-2001, formulas are allowed to be written manually, but only with black paste.

How to provide links to sources

It is mandatory to provide references to the source, since a student who indicates the literature he has read in his thesis demonstrates his knowledge and skills in this field. Therefore, according to GOSTs 7.82-2001 “Bibliographic description of electronic resources” and 7.0.5-2008 “Bibliographic reference. General requirements and rules of compilation" there are requirements according to which it is necessary to provide a link to the source of information within the text.

It is also necessary to provide the page number, formula, image where the information was taken from. For example, where “3” means the serial number from the bibliographic list, “35” is the page from which the information was provided and “5” is the table number. As you can see, the link is in square brackets.

Formatting transfers: bulleted and numbered lists

Marked and numbered lists should be in the diploma, as thanks to them, the student’s work looks more neat and aesthetically pleasing. Listings of any kind can be in each section, and even in subparagraphs.

If the listings contain a bulleted list, then a semicolon is used, and a numbered list with a period at the end of each sentence. If the previous line contains a semicolon, the sentence below begins with a lowercase letter. Accordingly, after the period, the word in the new line begins with a capital letter.

Registration of the conclusion

The volume of the results should not exceed 3 A4 pages. Here you need to write conclusions and summaries of the work done. Scientific research should be present not only in the text itself, but also at the end. The font and its size should not be changed.

The margins and spacing in the conclusion should be the same as throughout the thesis. There is no need to insert tables, graphs and other illustrations here. You need to put thoughts from each section into 3 pages.

Application design

Applications are an additional part to the thesis. These are visual materials that show the author’s work. According to GOST 7.32-2001, references to applications must be indicated throughout the text and they must be numbered so that there is something to refer to while working on the diploma.

Applications do not have to be continued in the diploma, since according to GOST 7.32-2001 they can be issued as a separate independent document.

Applications begin on a new A4 sheet, on which “APPENDIX” is written at the top center. As you can see, the word is written exclusively in capital letters of the Russian alphabet. The name of the application itself can be indicated in Latin letters or Arabic numerals, if this is appropriate in meaning. Each application must start on a new sheet.

If there is only one application in the document, then it is designated by the letter “A”. For example, "APPENDIX A". Additional pages are numbered using regular Arabic numerals. Applications must be written in the same way as the text, that is, they may have paragraphs and subparagraphs.

Registration of the list of references: structure of the bibliography

Teachers pay special attention to the sources used and their formatting, because for incorrect spelling, the commission may reduce the grade at its discretion. To prevent this from happening, you need to be very careful when designing your bibliography.

According to GOST 7.80-2000, general requirements for the title and full description of sources are studied. GOST 7.82-2001 tells how to describe a bibliography of electronic resources, and GOST 7.05-2008 describes general rules and requirements for bibliographic references.

Sequence of sources in the bibliography

As a rule, the sources of the literature used are written in alphabetical order and if the sources consist of normative acts, then they are indicated before the bibliography.

So, the bibliography consists of:

  1. Regulatory acts.
  2. Constitutions of the Russian Federation.
  3. Scientific and educational literature.
  4. Reference literature.
  5. Foreign literature.
  6. Electronic media. These are disks, floppy disks, flash drives, etc.

After the acts, literature is written in alphabetical order, and then printed periodicals. Electronic resources are indicated at the very end of the bibliography.

Author's name or source name: what to include at the beginning of the description

Before describing any quote, you must indicate the name of the author, and if there are several of them, then it is enough to write only one. If there are more than four authors, then the title is written first, and then, after an oblique line, the authors are listed, starting with the last name.

Formatting the names of sources

The main title may be alternative. This name can be combined with the conjunction “or”. For example, Botany or the science of flowers.

The material is indicated in square brackets and written after the main title with a capital letter. For example, Accounting and Auditing [Text]. The source area is separated by a dot and a dash. If you need to give information regarding the title, then you need to put a colon before the description.

First, the title proper of the source is written, and then the general designation of the material is indicated in square brackets. A parallel title is written after the equal sign “=”, and information that relates to the title after “:” (colon). The first information about responsibility is indicated after one oblique line “/”. Further information is written after the semicolon “;”.

Source publication area

Information about the source of information must be written in the same wording and sequence as described in the literature used. Also, we must not forget about the publication area, where the first information is written through one oblique line “/”, and parallel information is indicated after the equal sign “=”. All subsequent information is written after the semicolon “;”.

The serial number is written in Arabic numerals or words. For example, .-7th ed.., .- Ed. 5th, .- 3rd ed. The region or city of publication includes only information that pertains to a specific issue. They are written down exclusively after the basic information relating to this source. For example, .- Ed. 3rd/reworked From 2nd ed. E. V. Lysenko.

How to format output data

First, write the place of publication or distribution, and if there are several of them, then you need to write separated by a semicolon “;”. The name of the source publisher or distributor appears after the colon ":".

Any information about the functions of the publisher (distributor) must be enclosed in square brackets “”, the date of publication can be indicated after a comma, and the place of production of this literature must be closed in parentheses “()”. The manufacturer's name must be indicated after the colon.

How to design an area of ​​physical characteristics

According to GOST 7.1-2003, you need to provide a specific designation of the material and its volume. This is followed by a colon and other information about the physical characteristic. Next is a semicolon “;” and the dimensions (volume) of the material are written. A plus “+” is placed before information about the accompanying material.

Design of the series area

The main title of the series is written in parentheses, and the parallel title is indicated after the equality “=”. Information that relates to the title is written after the colon “:” and the first information is written after the oblique line, and the subsequent information after the semicolon “;”.

How to design multi-volume publications

A volume is a separate physical unit and can be designated as an issue, collection, or part. If the literature consists of several volumes, then the general title is described.

In the case when the volume does not have a common title, all parts are called differently and are constantly changing, then the title proper is a constant part. In these weekends, you must indicate the first volume and the last, and they must be separated by a dash.

Design of periodicals

First, the main title is written, and then, in square brackets, the general designation of the material. The parallel title is indicated after the equal sign, and the information provided regarding the title must be written after the colon.

One oblique line is placed and the first information is indicated, and the subsequent ones separated by a semicolon. Then information about the publication area is written with an equal sign and the following information is indicated. Additional information about the publication is written separated by commas.

After the output data area, a semicolon is placed and then the next place of publication is written, and after the colon the name of the publisher is written, information about it is enclosed in square brackets.

How to format electronic sources (links)

Back in 2001, GOST 7.82 was developed, which specifies the requirements for the design of electronic resources. These are disks, the Internet, floppy disks and other electronic media. The general title of the material is written at the beginning, then the parallel title is written through an equal sign. Next, a colon is added and information regarding the source is indicated.

After the dash sign the place where the source was published is written, and after the colon the name of the publisher (distributor) is indicated in parentheses. Next is a dot, a dash and the main title of the series, and then an equally parallel title. Then, after the colon, information that relates to a specific source is indicated and an oblique line is placed, after which information about responsibility is written.

Example of bibliographic list design

The article describes how a diploma should be issued in accordance with the relevant GOSTs. They will help you understand all the intricacies. Moreover, considering that this is the student’s last project and it must not only be protected, but also properly formatted.

How to properly issue a diploma according to GOST updated: September 2, 2019 by: Scientific Articles.Ru

In search of an answer to the burning question, what should be the volume of the thesis according to GOST 2017 - pages, in particular, in quantitative terms, have you wandered onto our virtual page? What a score! We not only tell you everything we know about this, but also offer qualified assistance on any issues related to graduation projects - promptly, reliably, strictly in accordance with GOST!

Scope of the thesis according to GOST 2017: more pages - is the topic comprehensively covered?

GOST requirements must be observed - this is an unquestioning rule, otherwise a good grade will not be seen. But there are different sciences, different faculties, and finally, different topics, which can also make their own adjustments to the volume of the thesis according to GOST 2017 - pages in quantitative terms in these cases may be either more or less than those regulated by the GOST standard.

Ideally, the exact volumes should be clarified with the department. But if for some reason you can’t do this, stick to the “classics of the genre,” which we’ll talk about below.

“Classics of the genre”, or how many pages there should be in a graduation project

The number of pages in the thesis project depends on the following points:

  • type of final qualifying work. Thus, bachelors are required to have a diploma project of 65-70 pages (this includes the list of references and applications). Future specialists should submit similar works of 70-90 pages. And the most voluminous and labor-intensive is the work of the future master: 80-100 pages. Many universities do not include a list of references and appendices in the specified “page” standards, so if you add these pages, the volume will increase on average by another 5-7 pages;
  • the complexity of the topic under consideration: the deeper you dig, the more voluminous the work will be;
  • scientific discipline. For example, future bankers and auditors, when revealing the topics of their diploma projects, are unlikely to invest even 100 pages (without taking into account the list of references and appendices) - in addition to words, they also “work” with numbers that increase the number of diploma pages. But philosophers or historians can easily invest in 65 pages: the topic will be fully covered, and the volume will be respected!
  • from the requirements of the department: sometimes departments establish their own “volumetric framework”, recording them in manuals. The numbers may differ from the “classic” ones up or down.

Important: if the volume does not meet the standards, the work is returned for revision. So try to invest in the norms!

Partition volumes

What does the total volume of the thesis according to GOST 2017 consist of - in pages? From the volumes of the sections included in the work. The distribution of the number of pages by section is as follows:
  • introduction (2-3 pages);
  • the main part along with theoretical and practical chapters (50-70 pages). The number of pages of the chapters should be approximately the same. Do not allow one chapter to be bloated and another to barely reach half the level of the previous one;
  • conclusion (2-3 pages).

In addition, the total scope of work includes: title page, contents, bibliography. The only thing that remains outside the overall scope of the thesis project is the applications.

About the list of used literature, which is included in the total volume

Quantitatively increases the number of pages of the thesis project and the list of references. It must contain the following number of items:

  • for “bachelors” - from 30 or more titles: 60% of them are articles in scientific journals;
  • for “specialists” - from 40 titles: at the same time, from 70% of the materials are from the latest academic publications;
  • for “masters” - from 50 titles, among them at least 80% of articles from academic journals, including foreign ones, must be used.

This article contains an example of the structure of a final qualifying work (thesis/project or bachelor's/master's thesis) - from introduction to appendices.

Here you can download the template of the final qualifying work:

By completing the sections of this example template step by step, you will get the job you need. Then you only need to formalize it according to the methodological instructions of your university.

You can contact us with questions here: Alexander Krylov

So. Structure


You take this sheet from methodological guidelines for the implementation of research and development work, which the university provides you

Also need to see guidelines for preparing text documents, it states:

— Margin sizes (usually the same on all sides - for example, 2 cm, and the right margin is almost always 1 cm)

— Font size 14, spacing 1.5, font itself – Times New Roman

— Insert page numbers. They are usually placed at the bottom center, there is no number on the title page

Before and after each heading, press Enter so that there is one blank line between the heading and the text before and after it.


Chapter 1. Theoretical review on the topic of WRC……………………………………………..

1.1. Review of the essence of the chosen topic of the WRC …………………………………………

1.3. Industry specific features of the WRC topic …………………………………………

Chapter 2. Analysis of the state and activity of the object (enterprise) from the point of view of the topic of the research and development work in accordance with the methods from clause 1.2……………………………………………………………………

2.1. Brief description and main indicators of the condition and activity of the facility ……………………………………………………………………………………

2.2. Comprehensive economic or financial analysis of the facility’s activities…………………………………………………………………………………………

2.3. Analysis on the topic of the WRC ……………………………………………………………

Chapter 3. Design of measures to improve the operation of the facility in the direction chosen in the WRC ……………………………………………………………

3.1. Conditions and prerequisites for the development of activities ………………………….

3.2. Name of event 1 …………………………………………………

3.3. Name of event 2………………………………………………………………

3.4. Name of event 3…………………………………………….

3.5. Assessing the effectiveness of the set of proposed measures……………

Conclusion ……………………………………………………………………………………

List of used literature………………………………………………………



Relevance. Why did you choose this topic? A couple of paragraphs, total size - approximately 70% of the first page of the introduction

The purpose of the final qualifying work(more details about the goals here:)

Tasks of the WRC:

  1. First task
  2. Second task
  3. Usually there are 5-7 of them

Object of study in the WRC – the organizational and legal form and the name of the object of work. For example, LLC “Senior Lecturer Alexander Krylov”

Subject of study– what comes after the first word “improvement” or “improvement” from the topic of the WRC. If there is no such word in the title of the topic, then the subject of research is usually the first phrase

For example, the topic “Improving the financial condition of an enterprise (using the example of Diplom 35 LLC)”

Then the subject of research in the WRC is the financial condition of the enterprise

Research methods- the methods you used in your work. Personally, since I am a former senior lecturer in financial management, I write here all the time financial ratio method. It is reasonable to fill out this item after writing the entire work.

By the way. The financial ratios themselves, as well as financial analysis in general, can be calculated for free using this link: http://anfin.ru/finansovyj-analiz-esli-net-dannyh/.

Practical significance of WRC– is not present in all works. Here we write what a theoretical review of work can be used for, how you can use the results of the analysis, and how realistic it is to use VKR activities at the enterprise

Work structure– this section is also not always available. But if there is, then we write here: the final qualifying work consists of an introduction, the main part, a conclusion, a list of used sources and literature, and applications. The main part contains a theoretical review that reveals the topic of the final qualifying work, an analytical section that allows you to assess the current state of the research object, a design part containing a list of measures to improve the subject of research with calculations confirming their economic feasibility

The introduction is 3-5 pages long, no more is required.


1.1. Review of the essence of the selected WRC topic

1.2. Methods and approaches to measuring indicators characterizing the topic of WRC

1.3. Industry specific features of the WRC topic

You can read an article on how to prepare the first part of your final qualifying work here:. Where to get the theory - here:


2.1. Brief description and main indicators of the condition and activity of the facility

2.2. Comprehensive economic or financial analysis of the facility’s activities

In this section, based on the initial data, a general analysis of the enterprise is carried out.

Regardless of the topic, you can conduct the following types of analysis:

2.3. Analysis on the topic of WRC

This section provides specific analysis for the topic of the work. You have to either come up with it yourself, or look for a ready-made one and remake it to suit your topic of work


3.1. Conditions and prerequisites for the development of events

In this section we write conclusions on the analysis from the second chapter, since they are the conditions and prerequisites for the development of activities. This particular section may be located at the end of the second part - there it will be called “Conclusions”. Or it can be at the end of the second part, and at the beginning of the third. It depends on what your manager recommends.

You can read about the events for the third part here: . There are many events, you can come up with them yourself. In addition, they can be recommended by your supervisor or a representative of the subject of work, that is, for example, the head of a department of the enterprise, who can subsequently write a review of your work ()

3.2. Name of event 1

Here you describe how to implement the first event, what resources are required for it, what the deadlines for implementation are, justify the costs and planned income, describe the possible effect

3.3. Name of event 2

Here you proceed similarly for the second event

3.4. Name of event 3

Well, here you are describing the third event

3.5. Assessing the effectiveness of a set of proposed measures

Here you describe at least the following indicators - for all events at once:

— One-time costs

— Fixed costs

— Variable costs

— Income

Based on these indicators, you calculate economic efficiency indicators. At a minimum this:

— Profitability of a set of measures

— Change in the efficiency of the W&R facility as a result of the implementation of measures

- Payback period

At the end of this section, draw conclusions about the extent to which the activities you proposed allowed you to achieve the goal of your final qualifying work.


In conclusion you:

— Draw conclusions on achieving the goal

— Draw conclusions on all chapters, confirming them with analysis and project figures

— Describe options for using the results of research and development experiments

— Describe options for further research for which your thesis can become the basis


This is insanity, of course, but often works are sent for rework if the list of more than 30 sources contains more than 5 sources released 5 years ago. It’s somehow naive to think that the opinion of a dozen modern analysts who wrote their articles a year ago can even come close to the weight of the opinion of Henry Ford, who was the first to use the assembly line, Jack Trout, who came up with the concept of product positioning, or Jack Welch, the legendary CEO of General Electric.

During Jack Welch's two decades in office, from 1981 to 2001, the corporation's total value increased 30-fold, from $14 billion to nearly $400 billion. General Electric has become the second most profitable company in the world. After leaving GE in 2001, Welch wrote his autobiography, JACK: Straight From The Gut, which became a bestseller.

And if you use such a book and indicate the date of its publication, your job may be terminated. Therefore, adjust the release dates of information sources.



In most economic works, Appendix A will be the balance sheet of the object of study for three years.



The following applications will be located:

— Large illustrations (more than half a page in size)

— Large tables (more than 70% of the page in size)

All applications must be mentioned in the text of the WRC.

All applications in the text of the work must have links.

The number of applications and their size are usually not limited.

Materials for final qualification (diploma, bachelor's, master's), coursework and practice reports in economics, financial management and analysis:

  • The second chapter of the thesis on economics is usually called as part of the title of the thesis, but with the addition of the words “analysis, assessment, diagnosis,” etc. to the beginning of the title. For example,…
  • Good afternoon, dear reader. In this article I will talk about how to write the introduction of a thesis. The introduction is written after drawing up the plan for the thesis. After writing the introduction...
  • The third chapter of a thesis (bachelor's or specialist's) usually consists of three subsections. Its title is often similar to the title of the thesis topic and begins with words like...
  • There are several options for where to get the balance sheet and financial statements for your thesis. Well, for any other economic work too. If you…
  • In order to evaluate the results of implementing activities in the third chapter of the thesis, it often makes sense to come up with a forecast balance sheet and a financial performance report. What is this for…Good day to you. In this article we will consider what to write in the conclusion of an economic work - a diploma, dissertation or regular coursework. The total volume of the conclusion is about...
  • Here you can read customer reviews about working with me, and also see the cost of economic theses. Reviews first. Names, as you understand, cannot be given...