Northeast Alliance Bank. JSC "Joint-stock commercial bank "North-Eastern Alliance"

JSC JSCB North-Eastern Alliance (SVA) is a small Moscow bank in terms of assets, focused in its activities on lending legal entities, primarily providing financial intermediation services, as well as work in the market valuable papers. The bank is not part of the deposit insurance system and is not interested in developing the retail business.

The bank was created on a share basis in March 1994. Initially, the North-Eastern Alliance was focused on servicing enterprises of the military-industrial and oil and gas complexes, energy and leasing companies. In 2000, it became a joint-stock company and received a general license from the Bank of Russia. In 2001, NVA worked closely with the St. Petersburg Promstroybank, or rather, used its resources, the issue of merging banks on the basis of the latter was even considered, but this alliance never took place. In 2002, Rosenergoatom and other nuclear industry enterprises opened bank accounts. It is worth noting that the nuclear industry at that time was supervised by Deputy Prime Minister Ilya Klebanov, and until 2005, the main owner of North-Eastern Alliance was the chairman of the board of directors of the bank, Sergei Kovanda, who belongs to close circle Klebanova. In 2005, a significant share of SVA, including through participation in shareholder companies, was bought by Vladimir Zotov, Alexander Kondrashin, as well as Dmitry Chirakadze, a partner of the disgraced businessman Mikhail Zhivilo.

Currently, the main shareholders of the bank are five limited liability companies: Kaffir, Tsvetmetrezerv, Finco, SV-Development and Invest-Service (each owning 20% ​​of the shares). The final beneficiaries of the bank are Dmitry Chirakadze (18%), member of the board of directors Vyacheslav Lakhmostov (previously held various management positions in the bank) and Natalia Goncharova (12.20% each), Lyubov Orlova (8.71%) Sergei Kovanda (8. 28%), Timur Valiev (6.82%), Igor Potapov (4.64%), Ilya Khoroshikh (4.63%), Andrey Umansky and Igor Aksenov (4 each), Sergey Semenov (3.93%) , Maxim Nesterov (1.09%). Another 11.5% of shares are on the balance sheet of the bank itself. In the disclosed statements, the person with significant influence is listed as Chairman of the Board of Directors Dmitry Chirakadze, who currently also holds the post of General Director of CJSC.

Apart from the head office located in Moscow, the bank has no structural divisions. It does not issue plastic cards, as a result of which it also does not have its own ATM network.

The bank's clients are offered the following types of services: settlement and cash services, lending (including bill of exchange credit issued by JSCB SVA's own bills of exchange, factoring, SME loans), other operations with bills of exchange of JSCB SVA, bank guarantees, placement of available funds on deposits, brokerage and depository services, coins made of precious metals, collection, operations with securities, etc. The share of retail business on the balance sheet of the financial institution is minimal. Among the bank's clients in different time were noticed by JSC Techsnabexport, JSC Mashinostroitelny Zavod, JSC NPK Uralvagonzavod, JSC Rosdorleasing, FSUE Rosoboronexport, JSC Kazan Helicopter Plant, FSUE VNIIA named after. N.L. Dukhova" and others. According to IFRS reporting, the bank's main borrowers are companies providing financial services and intermediation (37% of all loans); a significant share of the portfolio (16%) also falls on borrowers from manufacturing industries.

The bank is focused on working with corporate clients and does not develop a retail business. Since 2005, the North-Eastern Alliance has no right to raise funds individuals, because he did not apply to participate in the deposit insurance system.

Since April 2017, the bank’s net assets decreased by 6.1% (0.5 billion rubles) and by April 1, 2017 amounted to 7.5 billion rubles. In the passive part of the balance sheet during the specified period, there was a decrease in the bank’s own funds (-12.4%, or 0.4 billion rubles). The bank also repaid a significant portion of its own bills of exchange in circulation (-88.2%, or 0.1 billion rubles). The financial institution primarily repaid obligations in liabilities through the sale of part of the securities portfolio, as well as through a reduction in the loan portfolio (-19.7%, or 0.8 billion rubles). At the same time, the bank increased the volume of investments in other assets (+22.8%, or 0.4 billion rubles) and in highly liquid funds (+148.3%, or 0.1 billion rubles).

The bank's liabilities are poorly diversified by sources of attraction, more than 44% are represented by equity capital, funds of enterprises and organizations (both balances on current accounts and deposits for a period of one to three years) account for 21.3%, issued promissory notes in the aggregate form less than 1%, the remaining part of liabilities is largely represented by reserves. The client base is small, turnover on client accounts averages 3-4 billion rubles monthly with a noticeable increase on quarterly dates (up to 10 billion rubles).

The bulk of net assets falls on the loan portfolio (44.52%). Another 28.27% and 12.96% are formed by other assets and investments in securities, respectively. Issued interbank loans and highly liquid assets in total account for about 6% of the net assets of the credit institution.

Of the assets, 44.5% is formed by the loan portfolio, almost entirely represented by loans issued to corporate clients. Loans are predominantly medium- and long-term. The bank has a minimum level of overdue debt (0.8% per reporting date, stable in dynamics) with an extremely high level of loan provisioning (39.5%, decreasing in dynamics). It is worth noting the extremely low level of collateral for the loan portfolio with property as collateral - 9.2%.

Investments in other assets form 28.3% of the bank's net assets and are largely represented by claims on other operations and funds in settlements, while it is worth noting that the portfolio of other assets is reserved by more than 87%. The securities portfolio forms about 13% of net assets. The main part of the securities is formed by the trading portfolio of shares of Russian issuers. At the same time, reserves for possible losses have also been created for the portfolio (almost a quarter of its volume). The rest of the securities are bonds of Russian banks and OFZ. Monthly turnover on repo transactions is minimal. The volume of highly liquid balances makes up a minimal share of net assets - 2.6%, which, however, corresponds to a low share of balances on current accounts in liabilities and the almost complete absence of individual deposits on the balance sheet that are at risk of early withdrawal.

In the market of interbank loans and deposits, SBA acts as a net creditor; turnover on placed interbank loans has recently been in the range from 6.8 billion to 20.1 billion rubles. As of the reporting date, the entire volume of loans was placed in Russian banks for periods up to 30 days. The bank is active in foreign exchange transactions; turnover at the end of March 2017 exceeded 16.0 billion rubles.

According to RAS reporting, at the end of 2016 the bank suffered a net loss of 107.7 million rubles (for 2015, the same figure was 662.8 million rubles). At the same time, the bank finished the first quarter of 2017 with a net profit of 239.3 million rubles. The main reason for the negative financial result At the end of 2015-2016, the bank's expenses associated with the formation of reserves for possible losses and net losses from transactions with securities became high.

Board of Directors: Dmitry Chirakadze (chairman), Yuri Mamchur, Inna Dvoretskaya, Sergey Semenov, Vladimir Zotov

Governing body: Vasily Golovinsky (chairman), Galina Bobrysheva, Olga Kalaida.

Alexander Kudryavtsev, banking analyst

27.12.2019 :

By the decision of the Moscow Arbitration Court dated November 29, 2017 in case No. A40-178542/2017-66-228 JSCB "SVA" (JSC) (hereinafter referred to as the Bank) (OGRN 1027739267390, INN 7707288837, registration address: 127055, Moscow, Sushchevskaya St., 16, building 3) was declared insolvent (bankrupt) and bankruptcy proceedings were opened against him. The functions of the bankruptcy trustee are assigned to the state corporation “Deposit Insurance Agency” (hereinafter referred to as the Agency).

By the ruling of the Moscow Arbitration Court dated November 27, 2019, the period for bankruptcy proceedings against the Bank was extended by six months. A court hearing to consider the bankruptcy trustee’s report is scheduled for May 27, 2020.

Address for sending postal correspondence: 127055, Moscow, st. Lesnaya, 59, building 2.

In accordance with the requirements of paragraph 4 of Art. 61.1. Federal Law of October 26, 2002 No. 127-FZ “On Insolvency (Bankruptcy)” The Agency publishes information on the issuance of a judicial act based on the results of consideration of applications for invalidation of transactions.

1. On April 25, 2019, the bankruptcy trustee sent an application to the Moscow Arbitration Court to invalidate the compensation agreement No. 66-17/SO dated August 14, 2018, concluded between the Bank and Topaz LLC, to terminate the obligations of LLC “ Topaz" by loan agreement No. 66/17-k dated April 24, 2017

By the ruling of the Moscow Arbitration Court dated December 17, 2019, the bankruptcy trustee’s application was satisfied, the said agreement was declared invalid and the consequences of its invalidity were applied in the form of collection from Topaz LLC in favor of the Bank of bills with a total nominal value of 14,550 thousand rubles, as well as restoration of the right of claim under the Bank’s loan agreement to Topaz LLC.

2. On August 21, 2018, the bankruptcy trustee sent an application for invalidation to the Moscow Arbitration Court banking operations dated July 27 and 28, 2017 by debiting from the current account of Invest-Service LLC opened with the Bank, Money in the amount of RUB 3,130,364.06.

By the ruling of the Moscow Arbitration Court dated January 21, 2019, left unchanged by the ruling of the Ninth Arbitration Court of Appeal dated March 25, 2019, the bankruptcy trustee’s application was denied.

By a resolution of the Moscow District Arbitration Court dated June 13, 2019, the ruling of the Moscow Arbitration Court dated January 21, 2019 and the ruling of the Ninth Arbitration Court of Appeal dated March 25, 2019 were cancelled, and the separate dispute was sent for new consideration

By the ruling of the Moscow Arbitration Court dated December 17, 2019, the bankruptcy trustee’s application was satisfied, banking transactions dated July 27 and 28, 2017 were declared invalid and the consequences of their invalidity were applied in the form of recovery from Invest-Service LLC in favor of the Bank of funds in in the amount of RUB 3,130,364.06, as well as restoration of the Bank’s debt to Invest-Service LLC in the specified amount.

3. On August 17, 2018, the bankruptcy trustee sent an application to the Moscow Arbitration Court to invalidate the banking transactions dated August 14, 15, 16 and 17, 2017 to write off funds in the amount of RUB 78,704,234.51

By the ruling of the Moscow Arbitration Court dated February 22, 2019, the application of the bankruptcy trustee of the Bank was partially satisfied, banking transactions dated August 15, 16 and 17, 2017 were declared invalid and the consequences of their invalidity were applied in the form of recovery from REGIONGAZHOLDING JSC in favor of the Bank funds in the total amount of 72,585,988.73 rubles, as well as restoration of the Bank’s debt to JSC REGIONGAZHOLDING in the specified amount. The rest of the bankruptcy trustee's application was rejected.

By the ruling of the Moscow Arbitration Court dated December 17, 2019, the application of the bankruptcy trustee of the Bank was partially satisfied, the banking transaction dated August 14, 2017 was declared invalid and the consequences of its invalidity were applied in the form of recovery from JSC REGIONGAZHOLDING in favor of the Bank of funds in the amount of 6 118,245.78 rubles, as well as restoration of the Bank’s debt to JSC REGIONGAZHOLDING in the specified amount.

As of August 21, 2017, the license to carry out banking operations was revoked from the credit organization Joint-Stock Commercial Bank "North-Eastern Alliance" (Joint Stock Company) AKB "SVA" (JSC) (reg. No. 2768, Moscow). According to reporting data, the credit institution ranked 250th in terms of assets as of August 1, 2017. banking system Russian Federation. The Bank is not a participant in the deposit insurance system.

JSCB "SVA" (JSC) turned out to be unable to fulfill its obligations to creditors in a timely manner, and therefore, in the bank's activities, grounds arose for the implementation of measures to prevent insolvency (bankruptcy) and a real threat to the interests of its creditors.

The business model of JSCB SVA (JSC) was focused on serving the interests of its owners and was of a pronounced captive nature. High-risk lending to borrowers directly or indirectly related to the final beneficiaries of the credit institution and not carrying out real activities led to the formation of a significant amount of “non-performing” assets on the balance sheet of the credit institution. At the same time, the bank systematically underestimated the amount of accepted credit risk and evaded compliance with the requirements of the supervisory authority to form reserves for possible losses adequate to the accepted risks, through a “technical” transformation of assets.

The Bank of Russia has repeatedly applied supervisory response measures against JSCB SVA (JSC), mainly related to the additional formation of reserves for possible losses on various assets.

The lack of intentions among the bank's owners to implement real measures to stabilize its financial position indicates the futility of the credit institution's further activities. In the current circumstances, the Bank of Russia decided to withdraw JSCB SVA (JSC) from the banking services market.

The decision of the Bank of Russia was made in connection with the credit organization’s failure to comply with federal laws regulating banking activities, as well as regulations of the Bank of Russia, taking into account the repeated application within one year of the measures provided for by the Federal Law “On the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia)”, taking into account attention to the presence of a real threat to the interests of creditors.

In accordance with the order of the Bank of Russia dated August 21, 2017 No. OD-2377, a temporary administration was appointed to JSCB SVA (JSC) for a period until the appointment of a bankruptcy trustee in accordance with the Federal Law “On Insolvency (Bankruptcy)” or appointment in accordance with Article 23.1 of the Federal Law “On Banks and Banking Activities” of the liquidator. The powers of the executive bodies of the credit organization have been suspended in accordance with federal laws.

Joint Stock Commercial Bank "North-Eastern Alliance" (Joint Stock Company)

On the revocation of the credit organization "North-Eastern Alliance" license to carry out banking operations and the appointment of a temporary administration

By Order of the Bank of Russia No. OD-2376 dated August 21, 2017, the license to carry out banking operations was revoked from August 21, 2017 from the credit organization Joint Stock Commercial Bank North-Eastern Alliance (Joint Stock Company) AKB SVA (JSC) (reg. No. 2768, Moscow city). According to reporting data, in terms of assets, as of August 1, 2017, the credit institution occupied 250th place in the banking system of the Russian Federation. The Bank is not a participant in the deposit insurance system.

JSCB "SVA" (JSC) turned out to be unable to fulfill its obligations to creditors in a timely manner, and therefore, in the bank's activities, grounds arose for the implementation of measures to prevent insolvency (bankruptcy) and a real threat to the interests of its creditors.

The business model of JSCB SVA (JSC) was focused on serving the interests of its owners and was of a pronounced captive nature. High-risk lending to borrowers directly or indirectly related to the final beneficiaries of the credit institution and not carrying out real activities led to the formation of a significant amount of “non-performing” assets on the balance sheet of the credit institution. At the same time, the bank systematically underestimated the amount of accepted credit risk and evaded compliance with the requirements of the supervisory authority to form reserves for possible losses adequate to the accepted risks, through a “technical” transformation of assets.

The Bank of Russia has repeatedly applied supervisory response measures against JSCB SVA (JSC), mainly related to the additional formation of reserves for possible losses on various assets.

The lack of intentions among the bank's owners to implement real measures to stabilize its financial position indicates the futility of the credit institution's further activities. In the current circumstances, the Bank of Russia decided to withdraw JSCB SVA (JSC) from the banking services market.

The decision of the Bank of Russia was made in connection with the credit organization’s failure to comply with federal laws regulating banking activities, as well as regulations of the Bank of Russia, taking into account the repeated application within one year of the measures provided for by the Federal Law “On the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia)”, taking into account attention to the presence of a real threat to the interests of creditors.

In accordance with the order of the Bank of Russia dated August 21, 2017 No. OD-2377, a temporary administration was appointed to JSCB SVA (JSC) for a period until the appointment of a bankruptcy trustee in accordance with the Federal Law “On Insolvency (Bankruptcy)” or appointment in accordance with Article 23.1 of the Federal Law “On Banks and Banking Activities” of the liquidator. The powers of the executive bodies of the credit organization have been suspended in accordance with federal laws.

North-Eastern Alliance is a small Moscow bank founded on shares in 1995 to serve enterprises of the defense industry and the oil and gas complex. Currently, it serves companies operating in the field of financial intermediation and does not attract depositor funds. The main shareholders are five LLCs.

The Bank actively cooperates with corporate clients, providing them with guarantees for various purposes:

  1. Firms and individual entrepreneurs working under government orders for the purpose of participating in competitions and concluding contracts under No. 44-FZ, 223-FZ, 185-FZ. The minimum remuneration for issuing a guarantee is RUB 2,300.
  2. Foreign trade participants receive guarantees for the Federal Customs Service, with which they ensure their obligations on customs payments. The bank is included in the list of credit institutions authorized to issue such guarantees. The bank issues guarantees in favor of customs control services:
  • importers of tobacco products and alcohol to ensure their obligations to import these goods and the intended use of excise stamps;
  • owners of temporary storage warehouses and customs are provided with their obligations to pay customs duties;
  • customs brokers are ensured of their obligations to pay customs duties;
  • to all participants in foreign trade activities regarding payment obligations upon deferment of fulfillment of obligations.
  1. Guarantees for the Federal Tax Service are provided:
  • tax authorities on behalf of the principal-taxpayer, using the declarative procedure for VAT refund and guaranteeing the return of tax overpaid by the budget;
  • manufacturers of excisable products (alcohol-containing or alcoholic) who sell them as security for payment of excise duty and exemption from advance payment.
  1. Commercial guarantees for obligations arising from agreements (contracts) for goods, services, works:
  • buyers before sellers for payment;
  • sellers to buyers on supply obligations;
  • sellers to buyers to return the advance in the unused part or in full if the seller has not fulfilled his obligations.
  1. Guarantees in favor of the Federal Federal Law, which regulates the alcohol market, are issued to ensure the obligation to use special federal brands for their intended purpose in accordance with the law.

Online guarantees under laws No. 44-FZ, No. 185-FZ and No. 223-FZ

JSCB "SVA" offers a convenient way for clients to online issue guarantees under concluded agreements with local and government agencies (SVA "Optima") and commercial firms ("SVA Business", other obligations).

SVA "Optima"

The period is no more than 750 days, the amount is within 15 million rubles, the application is considered by bank specialists no more than 3 hours, the reward starts from 2300 rubles. Under the terms of the guarantee agreement, reducing the contract value to an amount less than 25% of the maximum declared is not allowed. Documents are signed with digital signature. List of required documents presented here.

How to apply for a guarantee

  1. Send documents with digital signature and an application with consent to join the electronic document management regulations to the bank by e-mail.
  2. Having received the bank's consent to issue a guarantee, pay the commission.
  3. Send the agreement signed with an enhanced digital signature to the guarantor and receive the guarantee itself.

The client can also send a request to the bank using the feedback form. Having received it, the loan specialist will contact the client and help prepare all the required documents, send a scan and the original of the guarantee.

SVA Business

As part of this program, the bank issues all types of guarantees, including commercial ones, for an unlimited period. The guarantee amount may be more than 15 million rubles. The minimum remuneration is 2300 rubles. It is allowed to receive an advance on the contract and reduce its price as a result of bidding from the maximum value by any share. The application is considered within the timeframe agreed upon by the bank and the principal. Documents for this program should be provided according to this list.

How to get

  1. Send a list of completed similar contracts to the bank by email, balance sheet(forms No. 1 and 2) for the last reporting year and quarter.
  2. Having received the bank's approval to provide a guarantee, send scans of the required documents signed with an electronic signature to this address. It is also required to join the electronic document management regulations.
  3. Obtain a guarantee agreement from the bank and pay the reward.
  4. Send the guarantee agreement signed with digital signature to the bank, then receive the original and scanned copy of the guarantee.

You can send a request for a specific guarantee through the feedback form. Having received it, the loan and guarantee specialist will contact the client and help with all the paperwork.