Sergei Zmeev. Buy How to make capital from a minimum amount


Sergey Zmeev is the author of the “Master of Destiny” project, business psychology expert, entrepreneur, investor, founder of the “Center for Scientific and Practical Psychology and Business Development” company, president of the “Inner Circle” business club, Success Practitioner No. 1 in Russia.

The “Master of Fate” project was created as a challenge to pessimism and hopelessness. For those who are ready to act, it will help balance three areas of life - Money, Health, Love.

How to become the Master of your own Destiny?

How to become a person who lives the way he wants?

How to find inner harmony and link it with social success?

The goal of the “Master of Destiny” project is to help a person combine the spiritual and material, be financially secure and remain in harmony with himself and the World.

The first book of the project is dedicated to the main problem of many people - lack of determination.

One of the greats said: the only thing we lack is determination, because if we possessed it, we would get everything we wanted! We are deprived of it because the majority simply do not know how to work with decisions: weigh them, make them and implement them. By learning to accept them, you can discover your purpose, see your mission and find meaning...

How to make capital from a minimum amount

Sergey Zmeev
Real dollar millionaire
entrepreneur and investor with more than 25 years of experience, author, psychologist.

Online training Money and life. The path to financial immortality.
A comment came with a question and request:
“Good day Sergey!
My question is this: I spent a lot of time getting acquainted with Forex, and at the moment I have a good amount of knowledge in this area. I trade, but only on demo... Stable profit of 10-15%. Of course, there are shortcomings that I am gradually correcting, but I also want to say that I am self-taught and no one gave me knowledge, I did not study this anywhere, I myself had a wild interest and desire to learn everything (I mean trading).
Why don't I trade with real money? It's simple: I live in a small town, where the government believes that 12-15 thousand rubles. for slave labor for an uncle is normal, it is logical to think that the opportunity to make any investments with such a salary is zero, and I consider it unreasonable to take out a loan or borrow. Ask, what do I want from you?
I watch your videos, and you, Sergey, are really one of the few people who are good at this. Would you give me some advice on how and where to start? I have no experience in attracting investors, I have no idea how this is all done, but I can’t sit idly by, because... time passes, and I feel very sorry for it... And having the knowledge that I have at the moment, I think it needs to be implemented.
Sergey, please do not ignore this message, tell me what and how I should do with this knowledge? Who should I contact?"
I don’t want to get involved in politics or geopolitics. It’s a thankless task and, for me, absolutely useless, as always it will turn from the question of who is to blame and what to do... But the fact that the social security of the bulk of the population is very low is a fact.
About the letter. I don't trade Forex. This is not good, and not bad. I just don't trade. Maybe I’m not trading yet. Regular exchanges are also sufficient. American and Russian. And a completely understandable broker.
The answer is extremely simple. Firstly, no investor is needed. For what? If you know how to trade profitably, switch to a real account and go ahead!
To start, you need a minimum of money. 30 thousand rubles. to your brokerage account and that’s it. If desired, most of them can then be withdrawn back before trading begins. And then - the magic of compound interest. Even with two thousand rubles you can make several million in a year.
But here the question arises that neither the government nor any other uncle will help or hinder in this. Do whatever you want!
Is it difficult? Incredible! Really? Yes.
What about investor money? Personally, it has always been difficult for me both with partners in business and in investments. The best investments I've made have been made myself. He personally took responsibility, made decisions personally. I didn’t share the result with anyone.
Investors will carry you in their arms at the slightest profit, but even at the slightest loss they will throw you into a cliff of accusations and claims.
The best example is Warren Buffett (Once again, I recommend reading Alice Schroeder’s book “Warren Buffett. The Best Investor in the World”).
In his life there were periods of three to five years of drawdown, when his company lost up to half its value, and investors turned into vindictive accusers and did not mince words... And in the end, when the correctness of the decisions he made was nevertheless confirmed, only They said: “Well, yes, he was right.”
I’m not Buffett, and to withstand investor pressure for several years, on top of the already serious stress from the market or business, and then just hear something like - “Wow, you were right!” - I definitely don’t want to.
And this is not a problem for investors. This is a purely human problem.
People are very lenient towards their own weaknesses and extremely intolerant of others.
So with investors, especially if you don’t know what to do, hold off for now.
In general, I want to talk about this and much more on February 1 at 19:00 Moscow time at the training: “Money and Life.” And show how you can make capital from a minimum amount.
And remember: when it comes to money, psychology and attitude are extremely important components of success.
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Reviews with rating: 8

I’ve unlearned, now I’m a pro, like, so, for beginners - 1% techniques, the rest is psychology. Is psychology necessary? Make a couple of other real deals and answer for yourself. Do I recommend taking a course with SY? If you are ready to make a thousand transactions at 1k within 6 months yourself and without the wizard’s tips once a month, then it’s better to do it yourself. Has the master changed anything globally in 6 months in my trading - no.


I am currently studying the Neuroinsider 8.0 course, I am very pleased, I also joined the Master of Destiny 2019 course (neuroinsider participants were given a very decent discount on it). Sergey Yurievich teaches both the psychology of trading and the elements of technical analysis (the most basic and necessary). During the learning process, participants develop their own trading strategy. Much attention is paid to risk management (strict rules that must be followed during the learning process so as not to lose the deposit).


I agree with Ivan's comments. I also got into the Neuroinsider 7.0 course. That's exactly what I got myself into. here for every negative review they give such a detailed comment. Apparently this is how people work. Yes, the fact is that the students have practically no positive results. there are units of 300 people (from the beginning of the course). In fact, they only teach psychology and do not teach trading!!! that is, they tell you that you can become an Olympic champion by training hard, but they don’t train you... here’s a stadium for you - go and train yourself. After all, the main thing is psychology! believe in yourself! Only the strong in spirit can become a champion! in other words, if you need psychological pumping, then this course is for you. and if you foolishly hope that they will show you how to trade, then, as like-minded people below say, you can easily read this in any book. only books don't cost 60 thousand


But to me, either Ivan or Olga are talking outright nonsense. Both of you still did not understand that in the stock market there are no instructions or trading rules that would work and that would be described in a magic book or in the knowledge that a master would pass on. Everyone develops their own successful strategy using trading skills. Psychology and discipline are needed so that your head is not blown away by the euphoria of loss or profit and so that you do not do anything stupid. This is what SY teaches. The rest is technical issues of trade that are everywhere. And I personally don’t have any job to write reviews here as an excuse. I myself am a current student of NI7. You just didn’t learn anything and didn’t understand anything that they were trying to teach you. Wait for instructions further in life. Only this responsibility for your life will no longer be yours.


Completed Neuro Insider 7.0 training. Added to a group on Skype - the group is useless. Once a week, Sergei broadcast online for an hour - nothing but water and almost all the time the same thing - listen to yourself, feel the market, buy cheaper, sell more expensive. Nothing else. I listened to this for a month and was very dissatisfied. Purely out of curiosity, I paid for the second month, thinking, well, maybe the first month is a build-up, and from the second month the meat will begin. But no - it’s the same thing, almost the same as in the first month, only in different words. Overall I was very disappointed. Too much psychological processing and almost nothing to the point. The weekly hour-long broadcast almost always consisted of conversations about life or trading. By the way, they carefully thought out everything down to the smallest detail. For any little thing, VIP package - pay extra. It feels like he has been in business since the 90s. I was even more confused by the fact that at the end of the course you almost have to buy the robot Mani-144 for 44 thousand rubles, otherwise the result will be much worse, and there is no discount for course participants - it’s clear that the emphasis is on them, like I spent 6 months, but there is no result, what to do - turn to the robot. I was even more amazed that there were a lot of people on the courses who had already taken the same course before, with zero results and people buying the same course a second time! In general, I am not saying that this is a scam, but think carefully first, if you are going to spend your last money, most likely it will be a bad investment. If you have free money that you don’t mind losing, pay for the first month, whether you understand it or not. Just don’t take everything they tell you at face value, use your head. It feels like there is some kind of zombie going on in the courses, more like a sect. All the best.


Ivan, hello. Interesting review. Let's go in order:

1) Trading is 98% psychology. It’s even pointless to argue here. A person who has a different opinion on this matter simply does not make money in the market. Therefore, the main emphasis is placed on internal development. The technical component is learned by:
a) Market observations.
b) Maintaining a trading journal and statistics.
c) Directly through the accumulation of practical trading experience.
Actually, nothing new or unique from the above. Basics of technology analysis can be gleaned from books.
BUT! No technique or market vision can withstand a lack of trading condition and discipline. The “NI” course gives a person the necessary tools to form this state, but how quickly the result comes depends only on you. You can drown the chart in a dozen trading indicators and still not enter into a deal.
It’s not clear what exactly you expected from the course.

2) About little things / extra payments / VIP. packages and the mandatory purchase of MANI 144 at the end of the course is not true. Completely trained and have never encountered anything like this. The trading algorithm is necessary to remove the mechanical load from the trader and is not a panacea. If you don’t know how to trade, then no robot will help you. This axiom runs like a red thread throughout the course. In addition, there are a sufficient number of free trading robots with basic functionality on the Internet. Download and use for your health.

3) Trading is an individual story and personal responsibility. And this is really hard to accept. Especially nowadays. A person is not used to asking questions from himself. Hence such reviews. There is a system that carries certain knowledge. And there you are with your personal resource (the amount of free capital, the ability to learn, the ability to make decisions, accumulated experience, etc.). What comes out of this in the end is entirely up to you. Assessing the informativeness of a course based on someone’s achievements and failures is absolutely pointless. To take comfort in the fact that they didn’t do something for you or teach you - well, that’s normal. I accept. There are many participants in the course who reached the end and took advantage of the knowledge provided, which allowed them to build a clear and verified trading system and start making consistent money.

4) It’s definitely not worth carrying the last of the money. And in general, if they are not there, there is no point in meddling in the market. Working and depositing in a bank will be the right decision. The market is just like a business, the development of which requires time and really a lot of effort. But it's worth it. And yes, I agree completely and completely about adequacy and the formation of a personal view of things. The "NI" course is designed specifically for such people.

Good luck and all the best.


All liked it! Experts in their field! I recommend.
Valentin Mikhailin, Kaluga.


I took the course in the recording, it was a long time ago.
The course was called "Master of Destiny".
They added me to the XC group, in which no one communicates, a useless group on Skype.
In general, I didn’t like the course, a lot of water, a lot of hours, this very water.
Wouldn't recommend it!
Waste of money and time, only negative impressions left!
After this course, you will not become the master of fate, that's for sure!

If you don't know who he is yetSergey Zmeev, then we give our recommendation:

Top manager, businessman, investor, practical psychologist, NLP master, coach, business trainer.

General Director of the company <<Центр научно-практической психологии и развития бизнеса>> ,

In business since 1991. Technical, economic and psychological education. NLP Master. Three children and 18 years of marriage.

Awarded the medal. USSR pilot-cosmonaut Yu. A. Gagarin for services to astronautics.

I went through a difficult path of success from a simple loader to dollar millionaire. Now he shares his wealth of business experience.

And all this especially for you, with subtle humor and very confidential!

That's what he says Sergey Zmeev About Me:

Born June 24, 1973 in Drohobych, Lviv region. I started my first attempts to earn or make money, whichever you prefer, at the age of 10. At the age of 14 I started

Judo, a little laterkarate. Practicing martial arts introduced me to the world of meditation and altered states of consciousness. Practiced yoga.

So, I am familiar with that “other” world firsthand. But money and business have always fascinated me and still do.

In 1992, having arrived in Moscow, he went through his path as a provincial - from a loader to a general manager. directors and owners of companies. Technical, economic

AND psychological education allowed me to provide a serious theoretical basis for the practical skills that I use daily both in business and in

Everyday life.Unlike classical psychologists, I understand and know from the inside the problems that seemingly successful people in social life face.

Plan people.

Over many years of friendship with cosmonaut Yuri Vladimirovich Usachev, I became acquainted with the world of Russian cosmonautics from the inside. Began to communicate with

Many astronauts. The pilot-cosmonaut, Hero of Russia Fyodor Yurchikhin and I became close friends and family friends.

The methods I work with lie both in the field of traditional psychology and beyond. Practical work as a consultant showed that everything

The questions come down to the fact that people want to understand two situations - their relationship with money and their emotional state. Through emotions we

We express our attitude towards other people, the World around us and ourselves. Money tests our Faith.

My target audience is people of action who really want to change something in their lives. My goal is to help a person combine both spiritual and

Material, to be financially secure and remain in harmony with yourself and the World.



“I got the meaning of life!

A great thing happened for me - I crawled out of the hole of depression into which I had been slowly sinking for the last 3-4 years. Now I am energetic and full of life again.

This is how I felt when I was 21, returning from the army. Just like then, now the whole world is open to me, hundreds of opportunities.

Fears have disappeared. Family relationships have been settled. A coherent system for organizing me as a person, my place and role in society.

I got the meaning of life! And this is the main result of the training.

How did Zmeev manage to do this to me? I don't understand. Okay. The Taste of Life has appeared, the Joy of Being has appeared - and it’s so great!”

Gusakov Pavel Dmitrievich. Entrepreneur.

“A lot of words and a lot of impressions, but the best currency is the result!


“To be honest, I didn’t expect it!

Very simple, understandable and very effective techniques are given.

There have been positive changes in my personal life.

Very often the words “I LOVE YOU!” began to be heard in our house.

The fear for the future has disappeared. This is worth a lot!

Sergey, a coach from God, he cheers for each participant with all his soul, and guides him to the final result. ”


“Nothing happened only to those who did nothing.

I want to say that from the very beginning I did not understand what I would encounter. I met myself in a dark forest...It was a great blessing and gift to receive this information. I can't help but share it with others, helping to bring order to my mind.

The awareness of existence has become special. Awareness of responsibility was laid bare. I understood a lot separately. Now I have a certain simple and clear

Structure and order in the mind.What happened?Be honest with yourself, be persistent. Having worked through my beliefs, I became more confident and courageous. Maturity is coming!I started learning to swim. Before that I thought I could do it.The worldview has become more colorful.Self-love takes on clearer outlines. The people around me become more interesting.The Word of God was refracted into a different perspective and shone with its beauty. It became more alive.”