Make an LED night light. Ideas for making beautiful homemade LED night lights

Today, there are many original master classes on assembling beautiful lamps for the bedroom. In order to make a night light with your own hands at home, sometimes it is not necessary to have special power tools or materials on hand. Some models of homemade nightlights can be assembled from scrap materials in no more than an hour. Next we will look at the simplest and at the same time unusual ideas to make a beautiful lamp on your own.

Idea No. 1 – Starry Sky Projector

So, the very first version of the lamp is a star projector made from a can and a battery-powered flashlight. This homemade option is suitable for both a child’s room and a bedroom. To make a starry sky night light with your own hands, first prepare the following materials:

  • glass jar with a lid (it is advisable to find a jar in the shape of a cylinder, and not the usual “pot-bellied” one);
  • a sheet of thick foil;
  • battery-powered flashlight;
  • scissors;
  • awl.

The idea is this - you should cut the foil to the height of the jar, hole it over the entire area and place it inside the container. After this, you need to put the switched-on flashlight in the jar and the homemade starry night light is ready, you can turn it on at night and enjoy the atmosphere in the “space” style.

By the way, a very important point - children love to look at the constellations Ursa Major and Ursa Minor in the night sky. It would be nice to make a hole in the foil for these two constellations so that homemade projector displayed on the ceiling the most recognizable constellation for a child. You can make a space night light more like a real starry sky if you punch holes in the foil according to the star arrangement:

There is an easier way to make a starry night light for a child's room with your own hands - using a very ordinary tin can. All you need is to clean the surface of the jar from the label, paint it in a suitable color and make a hole with an awl. After this, you can either put a battery-powered flashlight inside the jar, or even just put a lit candle. The latter option will create a more romantic atmosphere in the bedroom. The finished night light should look something like this:

Idea No. 2 – LED lamp

We recommend viewing another interesting master class with photo examples on assembling a homemade night light from LEDs. In order to do beautiful lamp for the nursery you must prepare the following materials:

  • two transparent plastic tubes of different diameters;
  • LEDs of suitable brightness and color;
  • big traffic jam;
  • glass pebbles;
  • piece of wire;
  • glue;
  • pliers;
  • board for LEDs;

So, to make the instructions and descriptions clear to you, we will provide you with step-by-step instructions on how to make a night light from scrap materials.

Using this simple technology, you can make an LED night light for a child’s room with your own hands. As you can see, everything is quite simple and it won’t take more than half an hour to create.

Idea No. 3 – Lamp from a can

Well, the last of the original master classes on making a night lamp from scrap materials - using a tea can. In this case you can do beautiful night light at home, which is suitable for a children's room.

So, to get started, prepare the following materials:

  • original shaped tea jar;
  • a sheet of scrap paper the size of a jar;
  • sheet of cardboard;
  • stationery knife;
  • acrylic paint;
  • a piece of sandpaper;
  • Super glue;
  • masking tape;
  • light bulb socket;
  • ordinary incandescent lamp;
  • power cord;
  • switch.

Again, it would be more convenient to provide step by step instructions on assembling a homemade night light at home.

  1. Cut a piece of scrapbooking paper that is the right size to fit completely around the jar. If you choose scrap paper with a pattern, immediately take into account an important point - the top of the night light will be the bottom of the jar.
  2. Remove the lid from the jar, rest it on a piece of paper, trace it with a pencil and cut it out with a stationery knife.
  3. Place the cut out template on the jar in a suitable place (in the future this will be a window). Secure the paper oval with masking tape and outline with a pencil.
  4. Cut out the window according to the markings, as shown in the photo.
  5. Clean the edges with sandpaper.
  6. Once again, using the oval template, rest it against a piece of cardboard and trace. After that, draw stripes inside the oval, as shown in the photo, and cut out another homemade night light for the nursery.
  7. Glue the cardboard to the jar on the inside.
  8. Decorate the outside of the jar using your imagination. You can make a beautiful lamp by decorating it acrylic paints, paper or even thread.
  9. On the back of the night light, cut a hole for the power cord.
  10. Cut a hole in the lid of the jar for the lamp socket.
  11. Assemble a socket with a light bulb, a switch and an electrical plug in one circuit.
  12. Secure the socket in the jar and screw in the light bulb.
  13. Assemble a ready-made night light for the nursery and check its functionality. Ideally it should look something like this:

That's all the instructions for assembling a homemade lamp for a child. As you can see, you can even make such beauty at home from scrap materials, if only you have the desire and a little imagination!

A beautiful night light in the bedroom will create a favorable atmosphere and help children get rid of their fears. Such electrical appliances do not consume huge amounts of electricity and have a wide variety. Of course, you can buy a device in a store - but this is too simple; it is much more pleasant to make, for example, a night light from wood with your own hands.

Product safety

Before we look at how to make a night light with your own hands, you should worry about safety. You can easily find it on various Internet sites. various examples decorative ornaments and night lamps. With their help you can create various colorful visual effects.

The home DIYer can visit these sites and various forums to look for inspiration, but at the same time pay attention to the safety of power plans. There is an opinion that low supply voltage and low power of miniature light sources are safe, but this is not the case.

Yes, 3 volts for powering LEDs or the 12 V voltage required for a lamp bulb do not pose a direct threat when in contact with a person. But a short circuit may occur at the point of contact where an electric arc occurs, and current will flow through the wires, capable of heating the insulation to ignition temperature.

In this case, the power supply will operate in overload mode for a long time, and the circuit breaker will not respond.

When creating your own night lights and power supplies for them, you need to protect the wiring with a fuse.

After you have secured the electrical wiring at the output of the power supply, you need to secure the board itself by enclosing it in a housing.

LED night light

An interesting night light can be made from LEDs and a regular bottle. In addition, the process itself is quite simple and does not take much time. To create it you need tools and materials:

Let's move on to creating the lamp:

  1. The first step is to wash the bottle outside and inside.
  2. Then on the side, at the very bottom of the bottle, you need to drill a hole for the wires.
  3. Next you need to run the wire to drilled hole and remove through the neck.
  4. Strip the ends of the wire and make a knot 2-3 cm before the edge of the wire so that it does not fall out of the bottle.
  5. The next step is to cut off the plug from the garland and strip the ends.
  6. Then insulate the wires with electrical tape.
  • Place the garland obtained in this way into a bottle. The neck remains open.

That's all, your DIY LED night light is ready.

Starry sky

The next night light, which can be made literally from scrap materials, will be the “Starry Sky” night light. Its main advantage is that it does not require a network connection. It works thanks to a small flashlight that is powered by regular batteries.

Necessary materials and tools: glass jar with a lid, foil, scissors, awl, metal tray, small flashlight. Procedure:

  1. The first thing to do is draw a diagram of the starry sky on the foil. To make it look beautiful, you have to try.
  2. Then, you need to place the foil on a tray and use an awl to pierce the stars drawn on it.
  3. The next step is to cut off the excess part of the foil. The height of the foil should match the height of the jar. You need to roll the foil into a tube and insert it into the jar.
  4. Place a flashlight at the bottom of the jar and turn it on.

Now you can enjoy the starry sky without leaving your home.

Lace lamp

An elegant device can be made using lace as the main material. Such a lamp will add individuality to the interior.

To make it you will need: a cloth with lace, a jar, threads and needles, a flashlight and scissors.

Main stages:

  • It is necessary to wash the jar and remove the label from it.
  • You need to wrap the jar with lace.
  • The next step is to sew up the edges of the lace.
  • You can place the flashlight at the bottom of the jar and enjoy the process.

Wooden product

A wonderful night light can be made from a simple log. It does not require a lot of materials and financial investments. Required Tools and materials:

Step 1. You need to cut wheels from a log, and two wheels are larger than the others.

Step 2. Find the center of the wheels and drill through holes, and in two large ones - blind holes.

Step 3. Using sandpaper, we clean the wheels so that there are no splinters.

Step 4. It is necessary to coat the holes with glue.

Step 5. Then varnish the workpieces.

Step 6. Now you can install the blanks on the rail and pass the LED strip through them.

Night light with butterflies

This version of the night light is considered more feminine and would be more suitable for a girl’s room or for a romantic dinner.

Necessary materials for its manufacture:

  • Wire 50 cm.
  • 2 sheets of white paper.
  • Glass/plastic jar.
  • Candle or flashlight.
  • Butterfly stencil.

Let's move on to production:

The resulting lamp will be an excellent addition to any interior.

Crafts made from tulle

The next way to make a night light is a tulle lamp. In this case, you will need: tulle, a round lampshade, a garland or flashlight and glue.

Manufacturing proceeds as follows:

  • First of all, the tulle is cut into circles.
  • Next, tulle is taken and folded in the form of a rose on the lampshade and fixed to it with glue. The tulle rose is glued only in the middle.
  • This way the entire ball is shaped.
  • A flashlight or garland is placed inside.

The result is a beautiful lamp.

In these simple ways you can build a night light with your own hands from scrap materials. Moreover, it only takes 5-10 minutes to make.

Sometimes a room just needs a night light. Of course, the easiest option is to buy it in a store, but often you want something unusual and original. Then they come to the rescue simple master classes, which are easy to repeat and do not take much time.

At the same time, the craft will look beautiful, give the room an atmosphere of comfort and combine with the overall interior. So, as you already understand, today we will talk about how to make a night light with your own hands.

Night light starry sky"

The first and very easy to make is “starry sky”. Got its name for the interesting appearance, which in the dark resembles the same sky. It can also be called a children's night light, although you can even use it in your own bedroom.

List of necessary things to make it:

  • A glass jar, always with a lid. It is better to take a cylindrical jar than a regular one.
  • Thick foil.
  • Small flashlight with batteries.
  • And also an awl.

First you need to cut a piece of thick foil the height of a jar. Next, make holes in it, it is desirable that they are the same and evenly distributed. Then we place a piece of foil in the jar and install the lantern. Then you can turn on the resulting craft and use it for its intended purpose.

There are also more easy way make a night light with your own hands. This time we won't need foil, but we will need an awl. We take a cylindrical tin can, having first removed the label and remaining glue from it, and make holes using an awl.

Then we paint the jar in any color you like, it is best to do this using a can of spray paint. Next, we put a battery-powered flashlight or even a candle into the finished night light, but be careful, it’s still fire.

LED night light

Now, let's talk about how to make an LED night light with your own hands. This master class will be more difficult than the previous one, but the result is worth it. Here is a list of required materials:

  • A pair of transparent plastic tubes, which should be of different diameters.
  • LEDs of the desired color, as well as brightness.
  • The cork is quite large.
  • Glass pebbles (decorative).
  • Short length wire.
  • Hot glue (you can also use instant glue).
  • Pliers.
  • And of course the board to which we will connect the LEDs.

In order not to get confused, we have made step-by-step instructions for this master class:

The first step is to bend the ends of the prepared LEDs using pliers; you can see how to do this correctly in the photo.

The next step is to connect the already prepared LEDs with a piece of wire. Don't forget about polarity. Next, we attach the two resulting ends to the finished board.

Afterwards, you need to check the operation of the LEDs and the entire structure as a whole; to do this, you need to turn on the night light, namely its executive part. If the light bulbs start to heat up, then add a resistor to the common circuit.

Now we take two transparent tubes. The smaller one needs to be placed in the middle of the larger one and carefully glued. Decorative glass stones must be filled into all voids.

The final step is to take a plug, it should be with LEDs and put it on a large tube. If the plug is larger than the diameter of the tube, make a seal. For example, it can be made from a small piece of a strap.

Now the night light is ready and you can check its operation; there should be no malfunctions.

As you can see, if everything necessary materials are at hand, making such a night light is quite simple. And it looks very beautiful and original, and most importantly, it fulfills its main function - it illuminates the room at night.

A wooden night light also looks very interesting, but it is more difficult to make.

So, today you learned how to make a night light called “starry sky” from a glass or tin jar with your own hands, as well as how to make an interesting and original LED night light. I hope you chose the idea you liked and everything worked out for you.

Photos of night lights with your own hands

Hundreds of different night lights are sold on the Internet, some of them are completely ordinary and not at all surprising, others are brighter. You can just buy it, or you can make a night light out of LEDs with your own hands.

Night light of their clothespins

We'll start with simple option and make a night light out of wood with your own hands. The great thing about this night light design is that there is almost no need for woodworking tools. We will need:

  1. Wooden clothespins for clothes;
  2. glue;

To assemble the electrical circuit:

  1. Capacitor (we will calculate);
  2. resistors R1 – 1 MOhm, R2 – we will select;
  3. wire cross-section from 0.75 sq. mm;
  4. fork;
  5. LEDs or LED strip.

First you need to disassemble the wooden clothespin; to do this, you need to bend the spring and separate the wooden halves.

From the resulting pieces of wood you need to put together any shape that you like; below you will see different options for such night lights.

All this can be easily connected using a hot glue gun or regular PVA glue.

Depending on your idea, you can make any number of “floors” from these triangles. Here is an example of the implementation of such a night light on a multicolor LED strip.

A tube of suitable diameter was placed in the middle, covered with LED strip. If you don't want to spend money on an LED strip, a power supply, RGB controller– assemble everything yourself. Use a simple and cheap LED night light circuit powered by 220V.

This circuit is called: “LED power supply circuit with a quenching (ballast) capacitor.” There is a detailed article on our website about. The cost of such an assembly is minimal, and often you can find all the necessary components by disassembling several energy-saving lamps.

Resistor R1 is parallel to the capacitor; it has a fairly high resistance and does not affect the operation of the circuit. When the night light is turned off, it discharges the capacitor, protecting you from injury electric shock. R2 is an optional element; it will help you select the LED current more accurately. I recommend starting its selection from a value of 1 kOhm, measuring the current value of the LEDs and deciding on changing it.

Here is another interesting solution for making a night light using clothespins.

Night light made of wood

You can make a more organic version of a night light out of wood with your own hands. To make it you will need a minimum set of tools:

  • Cutting tool (hacksaw, grinder with wood disc or any other device);
  • drill;
  • a thick drill bit or drill bit with a diameter of at least 20 mm.

To make such a beautiful night light, you need a log, choose the diameter according to your needs. In the rounds, drill a hole in the center with a diameter of at least 20 mm. More is possible, it depends on the light source you will use.

In the center you need to insert a supporting bar, which acts as a frame. Attach wooden washers to it using any available method. You can use the same “PVA” or “Moment Joiner”.

As you may have noticed, the supporting part is flat, this is necessary so that you can place LEDs or a strip on it. Both options will fit here, and the LED option with a quenching capacitor will be more cost-effective.

It's easier to make an LED night light from one separate ring. The diameter of the hole needs to be increased to 70-150mm. Next, use a cutting disc on a drill to make two cuts for the diode strip. Next, use a chisel to clean the recess and glue the LED strip there. Here you can use ready-made solutions for tapes with a power supply.

Night light with LEDs made of plywood

Plywood - easy to process natural material. You can use it to make any type of LED night light. In order to work with plywood you need to have a few tools and materials:

  • Jigsaw and drill;
  • glue, nails;
  • marking materials;

To make such a home zoo, you need to find any template, print it on paper and cut it out along the contour.

I found this template on the Internet by searching for “cat vector”. You will be offered a wide variety of vector images of kittens or any other animals you wish.

Once you have cut the plywood blank, the next step is to place the LED strip on the back. Try to place the light source closer to the center of the figure so that the light output is uniform. Take care to secure the night light.

To achieve the desired illumination, the night light should not be adjacent to the wall. To do this, glue/screw a wooden block to the back of our night light and hang it on any fastener, like these.

By the way, in the same way you can make a metric from plywood for your wife or child. Lately they have been in demand among DIYers.

Here are more sophisticated ideas for layered plywood lampshades for lamps and night lights. Their production is similar, but with the proper dimensions they can use an LED lamp.

Do not use incandescent lamps in wood, plywood or paper lamps. Due to the high heating temperature of the lamps, this can be a fire hazard.

Using an old power supply for a night light

Nowadays, so many mobile phones pass through the hands of each family member that you can easily find a couple of different chargers. You can make an LED night light out of them with your own hands. This circuit will be much better than a capacitor circuit:

  • Ready-made housing with plug for connection to the network;
  • galvanic isolation from the network - there will be no high-voltage potential at the capacitor terminals;
  • stabilized values ​​of output voltage and current.

Underwater rocks

Case study: the manufacturer indicates on the charger body an output voltage of 5V and a current of 1A (may differ). When I made a night light for myself, I calculated the resistors for the LEDs for this voltage. The night light practically stopped shining after 2 nights. The LEDs dimmed, and the lampshade of the night light was always warm...

In addition, I initially, by mistake, soldered in resistors with a value slightly less than the required 100 Ohm. I became interested in why the LEDs were degrading and I measured the voltage. The charger gave out as much as 7 and a penny volts. Naturally, the LEDs were fed with twice the rated current.

Moral: do not believe what is written, but check the voltage and current of the LEDs with a multimeter.

Look at the diagram of an LED night light from a mobile charger.

To correctly assemble the circuit, select resistors that match the voltage of your charger and LEDs, read more. But be careful and do not repeat the mistakes of others, an incorrectly set current will kill the LED.

As a result, you can get a similar LED night light. If desired, you can hide the diodes with a diffuser from a broken LED lamp.

More details on how to make a night light from LEDs and a smartphone charger are described in the video.

Many phones come with chargers with USB connector. You can buy ready-made LED modules in USB flash drive format and get a simple LED night light. True, you will not get pleasure from designing, developing and assembling a custom night light.

A night light is the simplest and most harmless device that you can make with your own hands. On the other hand, its simplicity and lack of requirements for brightness make it possible to turn a simple and ordinary thing into a real work of art.

At the same time, you can implement many ideas, such as iridescent colors on an RGB strip, or turning on a night light when there is a clap or depending on the light level. Look at the diagram acoustic switch LEDs.

The circuit is quite interesting to build. As a microphone, a microphone from a mobile phone or computer headset is suitable; common Soviet transistors - KT315G reverse conduction, and KT3107B - direct conduction, can be replaced with any analogues.

Resistor R3 sets the operating point of the transistor and, accordingly, the sensitivity of the circuit. Transistor VT2 is the second stage of the amplifier, and capacitor C2 is electrolytic, pay attention to this.

A night light is a device that is used not only for illumination at night, but also as a decorative element. It helps create an atmosphere of coziness and comfort in the room. You can find a variety of night lights in lighting stores, but you can also make them yourself. An LED night light can be made from various available materials - music discs, paper, glass, fabric. The most important thing is to select and create an electronic circuit.

Advantages of an LED night light

Decorative LED lamp Moon

It's quite easy to make a night light from LEDs. The scheme does not cause difficulties even for inexperienced people. To the benefits LED source light can be attributed to:

  • low power consumption;
  • long service life;
  • availability;
  • variety of application schemes;
  • quality of light;
  • good lighting;
  • no heating;
  • safety.

A homemade night light made from LEDs can be used for illumination, allowing you to navigate in the dark. The device can be installed in any convenient place.

Types of lamps

Autonomous LED luminaires

All LED night lights can be divided into two groups according to the method of power supply. These include:

  • Autonomous. Powered by battery or battery.
  • Stationary. Plugs into an outlet.

Autonomous products can be moved and placed anywhere comfortable spot. The disadvantages include the expense of batteries, which need to be changed periodically. A model that receives electricity from an outlet can only be installed near a power point. There is no need to buy consumables for such a lamp.

Night lights with motion sensor

Wood lamp

Devices can be equipped with various sensors that make them easier to use. They do not need to be turned on; they activate independently. It is not recommended to place such night lights in the room, as they can detect any arbitrary movement and turn on. They are usually installed in closets, garages, and hallways. The sensitivity of the sensor can be adjusted to avoid false alarms on pets. The range of action is 3-5 meters.

Night light made of wood

This type of night light is completely safe. The wood is processed in such a way that there is no release of harmful substances when heated. Wooden LED night lights are even installed in children's rooms, as they are durable, environmentally friendly and difficult to break.

Built-in models can be placed in interior items or furniture. Used for decoration. The disadvantages include the fact that over time, the backlight in one place can become boring, and it is difficult to remove the built-in light source.

Necessary materials

LED matrix

To create a night light, you need to purchase LEDs or a matrix of diodes. The quantity is selected depending on personal preference. It is better to buy bright multi-colored LEDs. The current strength of each component should not exceed 20 mA.

You will also need to buy resistors. To create a circuit with a series connection, you need 1 current-limiting resistor. If the circuit is in series, all diodes must be of the same value. During electrical installation parallel connection Each LED has its own resistor.

You will also need a semiconductor diode and a plug to connect to the network. An old disk, bottle and other objects from different materials. You can assemble the case yourself.

The tools required are a plastic plate, screwdrivers, a knife, heat-shrinkable tubing, a soldering iron, and pliers.

The simplest scheme

Night light diagram

When creating an LED night light with your own hands, you will need a powerful 1 W white LED. The circuit is transformerless, stable and does not overheat. To ensure normal operation, you need to select a 250-630 capacitor with a capacity of 1 µF. The LED is soldered through a current-limiting resistor. A diode bridge is assembled from 4 rectifier diodes. The recommended current for each component is 1 A, the reverse voltage is at least 1000 V. An example of such diodes is 1N4007.

The entire circuit is attached to the housing using hot-melt adhesive.

Assembly algorithm

LED night light – fan

First of all, you need to solder a circuit of LEDs, resistors and other components. After soldering, the contact points must be insulated using heat shrink.

Next, the body of the future lamp is assembled. There should be a diagram inside. The body can be made from any available materials. For example, transparent plastic elements from CD boxes are suitable. They are glued together with strong glue, and a disk is placed on the bottom so that the light is reflected from it. The entire structure must be degreased with alcohol. If desired, you can glue the legs to the assembled lamp.

A lamp on a fan is perfect for the bedroom. You need to buy a large fan and attach a soldered circuit to it.

Near the bed you can place an LED night light, made with your own hands in the form of a rug. To make it, you don’t even need to solder - just buy a matrix of LEDs and weave it into the carpet.

Night light starry sky"

Night light starry sky"

This night light imitates the night sky with constellations. To make it you will need a glass jar with a lid, foil, an awl, scissors, led flashlight and a tray.

On the foil you need to draw a sky with stars in any order that the master wants. Place the sheet on a flat surface and use an awl to make holes for the stars. The foil is cut to fit the height of the jar. The paper is rolled into a tube and placed in a jar. A flashlight is placed at the bottom of the can. When you turn it on, you can see the glow from the night light on the walls and ceiling.

In the same way, you can make a night light with your own hands from LEDs and tin can. It needs to be painted, all stickers removed and holes made. A candle, lantern or garland is placed inside.

Night light in the shape of the moon

You will need an LED strip and 2 transistors. They will regulate the device and turn the board on/off.

To make a plywood night light with moon-shaped LEDs, you will need a sheet of plywood that is cut into a circle. You need to glue a printed image of the Moon on top. Then you need to drill 2 holes for fastening and pulling wires. The base of the lamp is glued to the plywood. After drying, the LED strip is glued around the perimeter.

1 2 3
4 5 6

Night light from an electric plug or fumigator

Night light from LED strip and power supply

You will need LEDs, 2 resistors, 2 capacitors, a zener diode, and a heat shrink tube.

The grounding pins are removed from the plug. You also need to remove the clamp and grind off the rim on the LED using a file.

A night light is made from fumigator in a similar way. It needs to be disassembled and removed a heating element and put an LED in the free space. The voltage passes through the capacitor. A rectifier bridge is installed at the output, which smoothes out ripples and equalizes the voltage.

You can put a lampshade on the fork, which you can make yourself or purchase in a store.

How to choose a purchased night light

Night lamp for children's room

If it is not possible to make a lamp for your home yourself, you can buy it in a store. The range of products offered is wide, but you need to be able to understand the characteristics.

You should not take too cheap models. They are made from low-quality materials and may be unsafe. Also, you should not take too bright devices with neon colors. They are usually made from harmful materials.

For a children's room, a lamp in the form of a toy, sun, star, fairy-tale character or other original shape is suitable. It is better to take a device made of high-quality plastic and wood. A durable night light made of plexiglass and LEDs is also suitable.

You need to decide in advance where the lamp will be placed. It should fit into the interior and complement it. It is desirable that its design be similar to the style of the rest of the lighting fixtures in the room.

In terms of color, it is better to take a white night light. It will not tire your eyes, and it will fit well into any interior. It can be installed both in the nursery and in the bathroom.