A quick moonshine still. Making your own moonshine still is easy! Design features of the device

How to make a moonshine still at home? You can assemble the device using improvised means, and it is not necessary to purchase expensive equipment or materials. You can make a distiller if you have certain design skills; ingenuity and the desire to create devices with your own hands will help with this.

At the same time, a self-made device is enough to produce good quality mash. Such a product will be quite suitable for use. If everything is done correctly, then there will be no fusel in it, the taste of the drink will be pleasant, without bitterness, and the absence of smell will complement the overall impression of the evening.

What can the device be made from?

A homemade moonshine still can be assembled literally “on your knees”, without using complex drawings or making blanks. As a base, you can use a regular bucket that you have in the kitchen.

DIY moonshine still

Pour mash into a bucket, a container will float on the surface of the liquid, you can use a metal basin or any other container. Cover the top of the basin with a large container and begin to heat the mash over the fire.

The quality of such alcohol can hardly even be called satisfactory. The fact is that such moonshine will contain fusel oils, as well as other harmful substances. Drinking such a drink is dangerous to health, since it can cause severe intoxication (poisoning of the whole body, brain damage).

If such a moonshine still does not inspire confidence, then it is worth starting to manufacture a better device.

The classical system contains the following modules:

  • alembic (a container in which it will boil and gradually turn into alcohol);
  • steamer (can act as an additional module; its presence can significantly improve the quality of the product);
  • cooling system, which consists of a coil and a reservoir (necessary for alcohol vapor to turn into condensate);
  • container for receiving the finished product.

You will also need several silicone or rubber hoses and materials to seal the structure. You can use glue, sealant or even dough.

Distillation cube: structural features

A homemade moonshine still can be made from a saucepan or can; any container of acceptable volume will do, provided that it is made of stainless steel. You can also use copper - this metal conducts heat well, but its cost is quite high. But aluminum, which was popular 20 years ago, comes into contact with alcohols and aggressive substances. The oxidation process is slow, but over the years, metal ions will get into the mash, they will spoil the taste of the drink.

You can make a cube from a keg or flask, the main thing is that the container has an airtight lid. If the amount of alcohol consumed is minimal, then you can make a distillation cube from a pressure cooker, but it is unlikely that you will be able to process more than seven liters of mash at a time.

There should be a valve at the bottom of the cube; it will help remove the remaining mash from the tank. The distillation cube is connected to a steam chamber and a cooling system; this is done using silicone hoses.

The main thing you should pay attention to is the tightness of the structure. The lid should fit tightly to the container to avoid steam leakage. You can fix the lid with sealant or glue using food-grade silicone gaskets.

A fitting is screwed into the lid of the distillation cube; it is advisable to equip the container with a thermometer - this will help control the distillation process.

After the thermometers are installed in the container and the distillation cube is ready for use, it is worth starting to manufacture the cooling system.

Coil and refrigerator

You can assemble a moonshine still from improvised materials, but some parts will still have to be purchased. As a coil - the main part of the refrigerator - it is worth using a copper pipe with a diameter of 8 to 12 mm. The coil length ranges from 1300 to 1500 mm.

The pipe will have to be twisted into a spiral and then placed in the tank. You can use a piece of sewer pipe as a reservoir.

The coil is needed so that alcohol vapor moves through it, and the water that enters the tank from a water supply or a special container turns the vapor into condensate. Simply put, water cools the alcohol vapor, turning it into a ready-made alcohol, free of harmful elements.

The reservoir for the coil should be spacious. I would also like to note that copper is considered the main material for the coil, but many who like to make alcohol at home say that copper is toxic. In fact, this metal cannot lead to poisoning; it does not oxidize when in contact with alcohols and conducts heat well, unlike aluminum. If you couldn’t get a copper pipe, you can replace it with stainless steel.

Making a moonshine still with a cooling system has some nuances - the device can be connected to a water supply. If there is no running water, then you can make a device with a container that will contain water.

The coil is installed in the tank, and then secured on both sides with plugs. The structure is processed using glue or sealant, and then attached to the distillation cube using hoses.

Steam chamber (reflux condenser)

A moonshine still with a steamer is a device that allows you to eliminate fusel oils from alcohol, making the drink high-quality and pleasant to the taste.

What can a reflux condenser be made from:

  • From a glass jar with a volume of 0.5 liters and a tight stainless steel lid.
  • Made of 2 fittings and 2 nuts, as well as 2 silicone tubes.

Make two marks on the lid, use a marker to trace the diameter of the fittings, and then, using an awl, make two holes in the lid.

Fittings are placed in the holes, secured with nuts, then the lid is screwed on, and the holes are treated with sealant or glue.

Using silicone hoses, the device is attached to the distillation cube and refrigerator. The reflux condenser will collect harmful oils; it acts as a kind of sump. Often the device is filled with water; after the distillation of moonshine is completed, it turns brown.

Making a moonshine still with a steamer is not as easy as it seems. Make sure that the lid fits tightly to the device. But at the same time, it must be removable - this will make it possible to remove oils accumulated in it from the steam tank.

You can make two reflux condensers for one distiller; one of them should be used as a settling tank for fusel milk, and the other should contain flavors of natural origin. Lemon peels, spices and herbs will do - they will give the drink a pleasant smell.

If the refrigerator is connected to the water supply, then you can equip the steamer with two hoses. One of them is lowered into the sink, and fusel will flow down the hose.

A few nuances

There are several tricks that will help you make a distillate production machine yourself.

  • When choosing a pipe for a coil, you should pay attention to the thickness of its walls; this figure should not exceed 1.1 mm.
  • The coil can be positioned in various ways, but it is better if the entire cooling system is located vertically. In this case, steam should enter the upper part of the coil to minimize production costs.
  • The coil can be cooled not only with water. You can equip the system with a fan or cooler from a computer. But this design for cooling is not as effective as one that uses plumbing.
  • If the cooling system is equipped with a reservoir of water, you will have to periodically drain the liquid during the distillation process, adding new liquid to the reservoir.
  • A flow-through cooling system is more complex; for this reason, distillers without experience working with a distiller prefer those systems that are equipped with a non-flow refrigerator.
  • If the cooling system is done correctly, then during distillation it comes out at room temperature, it can be cold. But warm or hot alcohol is a sign of insufficient cooling or a malfunction of the refrigerator.
  • To make even turns on the coil, you should first fill the tube with sand, soda, or pour water into it, and then freeze it. After this, you need to screw the pipe onto the workpiece. When the coil is ready, sand or soda is poured out.
  • The number of turns in the coil is not of fundamental importance, the main thing is that the distance between them does not exceed 12 mm. Devices from Germany have a coil with 5 turns; for Russia, a coil with 6–8 turns is considered the standard.

Making a moonshine still with your own hands is not so easy. To have an idea of ​​where to connect the hoses and how to mount the parts of the device to each other, it is worth looking at the drawings. A visual explanation will help you understand and understand the process of creating the device.

If you don’t have specific design skills, but have a great desire, you should first familiarize yourself with the process of creating the device, watch a video, collect information, and only then purchase the material.

During Prohibition, a moonshine still was the only thing that saved people before holding any events: birthdays, weddings, and so on.

In Soviet times, moonshine was considered a criminal offense. After all, this alcohol, unlike vodka, is environmentally friendly. The brew for it is infused with yeast, sugar, wheat or beets. And to add flavor, you can use various additives: prunes, herbs, mint, oak chips, birch buds and other components. Therefore, at home, craftsmen made a moonshine still from scrap materials.

One of the most popular and simplest options is milk can construction. Moreover, an aluminum can cannot be used, since this material reacts with all chemical elements. And the first purification moonshine contains a large number of harmful impurities: fusel oils, acetone and others. That is, with intensive use, after some time the aluminum can will turn into a colander.

How to make a moonshine still?

  • First you need the can itself. If you can find one made of stainless steel, that will be just great. Volume – at least 30 liters
  • Next, you will need a coil. The coil is needed to improve heat exchange between two media. It is practically the main part of the structure. Even in Soviet times, when the police were looking for “moonshiners,” it was he who was confiscated. For the coil, it is better to take a copper tube with a diameter of approximately 12 mm. In order to bend it at home, you can use the wooden handle of a mop or shovel. If there is nothing suitable, then simply take a piece of pipe, fill it tightly with sand or soda, compact it and wind several turns around the pipe. Carefully remove the coils and cut the pipe. Moreover, it is necessary to leave even pieces of pipe at the top and bottom
  • Then the twisted part of the coil must be placed inside the pipe (for example, you can cut it from a sewer pipe of suitable diameter), stepping back three centimeters from the twisted part on each side

  • After this, to the same pipe (which will play the role of a refrigerator), we attach adapters from the outside to drive and drain cold and heated water, respectively. It is advisable to imagine in advance where the water at home will be connected and make an adapter in this direction. You can use a test for sealing. When dry, it will tightly close the slightest holes and prevent precious liquid from seeping out.
  • The next step is to close the top and bottom holes of the sewer pipe section with plugs. They can be cut from tin, copper or other material. In the center of them, make holes in advance for the ends of the coil. Seal all joints tightly using the same dough.
  • If instead of a plastic pipe you use a metal one (refrigerator), then the end caps can be welded to it, and a mixture of epoxy resin and silver can be poured on top. Epoxy, by itself, is quite fragile, so it must be mixed with another component to obtain “forever” protection.
  • You can connect the refrigerator to a steamer. This is optional, but desirable to improve the quality of moonshine. Since when entering it, fusel oils cool down and, having lost their boiling point, remain in the steamer in the form of sediment

Making a steamer

  • To assemble it at home, you will need a glass jar with a tightly screwed lid.
  • You need to cut two holes in it: one of which will include the end of the pipe from the can, and the other will go into the refrigerator
  • To do this, draw circles on the cover according to the diameter of the adapters (fittings), carefully cut them out, install the adapters and screw the nuts tightly

  • For reliability, the joints can be treated with varnish or the same raw dough
  • The last step is to close the lid of the jar and also seal the joint.
  • Then, we tightly seal the lid on the can and cut a tube into it to connect it to the steamer, which, in turn, needs to be connected to the refrigerator

The refrigerator should not be installed horizontally or vertically. The optimal tilt angle is no more than 40 degrees.

Putting all the details together

Next step. It is necessary to connect two hoses to the improvised refrigerator to drive and drain water. You can connect the cold water pipe directly to the tap, or you can cut into the system by installing a tee on the pipe. The heated water drainage hose at home can simply be lowered into the sink.

Before using the device for the first time, you should check the entire system and boil clean water for several hours. In order to make a moonshine still of this design at home, neither a diagram nor drawings will be needed.

You can make an electric moonshine still at home. In this case, you will already need drawings and a diagram and a preliminary calculation of the energy consumption and power of the heaters that are installed in the distillation tank.

In addition to full-fledged designs, there are options for mini-devices. For example, from an ordinary cola or cocktail can and an ordinary three-liter can. In addition, there are gift options for mini-designs of this type. Having given such a mini-device as a gift, you can then proudly say that you have given a mini-plant for the production of alcohol as a gift.

Moonshine still from improvised means

And the simplest apparatus for making moonshine at home is an ordinary saucepan with water at the bottom.

  • A stand for the container is installed at the bottom, and such a structure is closed with a basin of suitable diameter. The edges are sealed with dough or clay for tightness.
  • The pan with the mash is placed on the fire, the mash gradually evaporates, cools from the basin-lid and drips into the container
  • The main thing here is to correctly calculate the volume of the product. From approximately 4 liters of mash, a liter of finished product is obtained

Therefore, if you are not satisfied with the quality of purchased alcohol, then you can take decisive action and surprise your friends with home-made moonshine.

Despite the huge selection of moonshine stills, many still make it with their own hands. This is done for the purpose improving the quality of the distiller And saving money, since some parts may already be in the household. We will show you several paths you can take to make a full-fledged moonshine distillation apparatus. We will consider the most fast, most cheap and the most qualitative option.

It is not always profitable to manufacture all parts of the device yourself. You can buy some things, but somewhere else it’s better to save money. We will tell you the most profitable options, and you will already choose the one that is most suitable for you.

I suggest immediately making a moonshine still with so that your drink turns out cleaner and of better quality. By the way, it is the steamer that is the part that is much more profitable to make on your own rather than buy in a store.

What does a classic and high-quality distiller for moonshine consist of:

  • Distillation cube (tank). This is a container from 5 to 100 liters in which the mash is heated. It is best to make it from stainless steel or copper. Enameled steel will also work, but is less preferred. Food grade aluminum only as a last resort.
  • Steam line. These are tubes through which alcohol vapor moves. They can be made of stainless steel or silicone. The main thing is that they are as airtight as possible and do not absorb odors.
  • Sukhoparnik. A device for purifying moonshine from harmful impurities. It is highly recommended in moonshine stills, as it definitely has an effect. Most often it is made of stainless steel, but we will use a regular small glass jar. .
  • Fridge. The most complex part in the design of the distiller, which helps cool the alcohol vapor and condense it into moonshine. There are several ways to make it yourself, although it is also available for sale.

Fastest option #1

Photo of a finished moonshine still from a pan

The distillation cube is a regular one, made of stainless steel or enameled steel. The steamer and refrigerator are purchased separately and are simply inserted into a pre-drilled threaded hole.

You can make such a unit in 10 minutes, and the total cost will be about 2,500 rubles.

Ready-made apparatus from a saucepan.

Turning a pot into a moonshine still

Simply cutting a hole in the lid and inserting a steam line there will not work; you need to make the pan airtight and dense. Only after this can you connect the refrigerator and steamer.

We perform the following actions:

A coil with a steam steamer costs around 2.5 thousand rubles.

  1. We buy a meter of silicone hose, cut it lengthwise and stretch it over the top diameter of the pan. This will be a homemade gasket that will keep the container tightly sealed.
  2. We drill a hole in the lid for a steam line with a steamer and a refrigerator. You will most likely need a 12mm drill bit.
  3. We insert the adapter into the pan, secure it inside with a nut and gasket, and attach our steam line to the outside.
  4. To press the lid as tightly as possible, use paper clips: clamp the lid and pan 6–8 times along the entire diameter.
  5. The distiller is ready for distillation.

Try not to accelerate the mash to maximum temperatures so that it does not begin to leak through the silicone gasket. Heat gradually.

Video instructions for making

Better to see once than hear a hundred times. Sixteen minutes author of Youtube channel Spy Gates tells and shows what actions and what tools need to be performed in order to make the device with your own hands.

This is a fairly budget-friendly and good option for all novice moonshiners for whom speed is important.

Cheapest option #2

Photo of the finished machine from a milk flask (can)

Finding it is not a problem now. Quite a lot of them remain from Soviet times, and even on Avito or Yule You can easily find a suitable option.

A flask makes a really good distillation cube of decent size, which is suitable for distilling a large volume of mash. It is not so difficult to process it into a moonshine still, because the principle remains the same as with a saucepan.

A possible option for implementing a moonshine still from a flask.

How to convert a can into a moonshine still

  1. Using a 20 mm feather drill, we make a hole in the can lid.
  2. We insert a brass fitting into it, which is tightly clamped from the inside with a nut and gasket.
  3. If you plan to monitor the temperature, you can make another hole under.
  4. We put a stainless steel gas hose on the fitting, which we connect to the steam tank.
  5. , read the detailed instructions at the link provided or further watch a separate video.
  6. From the steamer we move the hose to the refrigerator, which can be made flow-through or regular. The first option is more effective and complex, but for the second you just need a large container of water (bucket).
  7. Let's tighten all the nuts and start making moonshine!

For moonshine it is best to use. But brass is not the worst option either, so nuts made from this material are not a problem.

Making a distiller from a can on video

One of the most detailed videos from Youtube channel OverCraft collected almost 250 thousand views. The author shows all his actions on video and makes pop-up tips that describe the diameters and names of the necessary equipment.

The video is short, but it is enough to understand the general principles of processing a can into a moonshine still.

Making a steamer with your own hands

As a bonus, we are posting a video from Antonich and Alexey Podolyak, where the author makes a steamer from an ordinary can. You can even make one using this principle (filtration is through water), if it seems to you a more useful and effective device for purifying alcohol vapor.

We believe that any classic distiller should have 1 steamer or 1 bubbler. Combining them or making several at once does not make practical sense. Just wash unnecessary equipment and increase alcohol losses.

Highest quality option #3

Photo of the finished beer keg machine

The coolest device is made from. They require serious improvement and processing, but the result is at the level of high-quality and expensive distillers.

The most popular is the 30 liter container, equipped with. This installation allows you to distill mash in any room and place where there is an electrical outlet (even on the street).

Beer keg converted into a moonshine still. In analysis.

The process of converting a beer keg into a moonshine still

The work is complex and requires skills in using a welding machine, grinder and screwdriver. The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. The hole on top for the steam line of the moonshine still is widened. A regular gas hose will not work here; you need a wide stainless steel pipe with maximum tightness.
  2. A 2-inch hole is drilled at the bottom for a clamp that needs to be soldered. In the future, a heating element will be inserted into it, which heats the mash.
  3. For convenience, a tap is cut into the keg to drain the stillage, the bottom is equipped with legs for stability, and handles are cut out on top.
  4. You can add a thermometer to the design, which is inserted in the same way as a pan and a can.
  5. Let's start the race!

The whole operation takes several days of work, since in addition to converting the keg into a distillation cube, you also need a steamer and a refrigerator.

Video instructions for converting a keg into a moonshine still

Prepared a wonderful series of videos Andrey Golubenko. Slowly, at home, involving small children in the work, the author slowly improves the design and ultimately makes a fantastic distiller that does an excellent job of distilling mash of any kind.

The process is divided into several parts, in each of which the author makes one of the parts of the apparatus design. We highly recommend viewing to all moonshiners for experience.

How to install a heating element into a distillation cube

A rather delicate task that can be solved in two ways: by welding or without her.

In the first case, simply drill a hole and weld a clamp into which we will later screw the heating element. The whole process is clearly shown in the video from the guys Steel Jet. The process takes a long time, but it is thorough.

In the second case, you need to purchase an o-ring and special ring from the online store moonshine-and-vodka.rf. This is a rather innovative method that no one has used before.

The guys carried out a lot of testing and released a unique product onto the market that solves a serious problem for moonshiners: the jaws periodically broke due to welding. Using a ring allows you to simply screw the heating element into the hole without unnecessary welding.

Other options for making a moonshine still with your own hands

Pressure cooker

The Soviet saucepan has perfect tightness, but an extremely small volume. Having filled 75% of this container, we will end up with a maximum of 1 liter of 40-degree moonshine, and in any case we will have to distill it twice to remove harmful impurities.

External view of the finished distiller from a pressure cooker.

You shouldn’t take this option seriously, but for a change you can try distilling an alcohol-containing liquid into it and see the result. Just try to clean the product as much as possible from fusel oil.

As an alternative to stainless steel tubes, you can use food-grade silicone. It is securely tightened with clamps and does not let anything through.


One of the most absurd ideas that could come into the mind of a moonshiner. It has excellent tightness and already has a valve for steam release. All that remains is to insert the steam hose there and you can distill the mash into moonshine.

A working moonshine still from a multicooker with 4 bubblers.

The video shows the distillation of wine and the remaining beer from the refrigerator. Several bubblers gurgle quite coolly, although such a number is not necessary, they look impressive.

As one of the users on Youtube rightly noted in the comments, the result was not ordinary moonshine, but a real hour! 🙂


Finally the most crazy idea, this is distilling moonshine straight from a metal bucket. Tighten the seal using regular stops, drill a hole for the tubes and move on. Perhaps this is the cheapest moonshine still, which even surpasses a milk flask. 🙂

Distilling moonshine in a bucket.

It is best to use an enamel container, which will not react in any way with mash at high temperatures. Ordinary metal is not suitable for this, so take classic 12-liter buckets with enamel.

A bucket for 800 rubles will cost you much less than a stainless steel still for 5–6 thousand.

Brief conclusions

As you already understand, making a moonshine still is not so difficult. The distillation process is not that complicated, and modern distillers with high prices have only made it easier. And cleaner. Homemade distillers cannot boast of high-quality purification of alcohol vapor, although a homemade steamer solves this problem.

You're careful enough watch training videos And Don't make a mistake with the hole diameter, which you will need to drill or weld. You can leave any questions you have in the comments under the video. Some of the authors share their experiences with users almost daily.

Good luck with your work and high-quality moonshine after distillation!

History of the development of vodka

Psychology and alcoholism

However, alcoholism has its own clear physical manifestations; when alcohol enters the bloodstream, endorphin (the hormone of happiness) is released. The person naturally feels good and has a slight feeling of euphoria. After several such “manifestations” of happiness, the body gets used to good things and the production of endorphin is blocked (blocked, but does not disappear completely), the person begins to require this hormone from the outside. Isn't it very similar to drug addiction?

The physiological component alone is not enough to consider alcoholism. Many people drink alcohol on holidays to relax or “for appetite”, but do not start abusing it. Consequently, an alcoholic is no different from any other person in appearance; an alcoholic does not have a certain social status or any other difference at the initial stage.

To understand the causes of alcoholism, it is worth looking at each specific case. One way or another, the use of alcoholism is aimed at obtaining, albeit strange, happiness. And a person can have happiness in anything. When treating alcoholism, at the very beginning, determine what pleasure alcohol gives a person, because the main goal of an alcohol abuser is not to get drunk and become intoxicated, but to have fun.

Let's look at a few typical reasons. Internal experiences, for any reason, can become the cause. When a person takes alcohol, he begins to forget about his experiences and escape from reality. Dissatisfaction with one's social status, the way things are going at work, or the general course of affairs is an equally common reason. Alcohol gives the necessary feeling of pleasure, removes a person from reality and the person gets the peace he needs.

Pain, physical or mental, is a common cause of alcoholism and drug addiction. Although alcohol (in particular medical alcohol) is used in medicine, it is worth considering that it is only a disinfectant and it is clearly not for internal use. The feeling of joy caused by endorphins dulls physical pain and makes you forget about mental pain. In cases of people with any kind of injury, mental pain is inseparable from physical pain.

Sometimes a person starts drinking out of routine, he needs changes, he needs new feelings, and not the “joy of alcohol.”

It is sometimes very difficult to determine at first glance what the cause of alcoholism is, but you need to listen to this person and try to understand his thought and reason. Determining the cause means giving a start to treatment. Remember that not only the patient himself must be strong, but also the one who is ready to help him. Often alcoholism worsens and leads to sad consequences that society, family, friends turn away from the alcoholic and do not want to help him.

Types of strong alcohol

Treatment of alcoholism

You need to give a person what he wants, wants to change the course of affairs - help him, encourage him, offer him a new field of activity, and if necessary, help him start “life from scratch.” If it’s a matter of feelings, try to establish contact with this person, find out about his problem, cheer him up and solve it. If the problem is pain, it is worth remembering that alcohol is not a medicine, and it will not heal illnesses or injuries, it will only make it worse. It is possible to “drown out” physical pain with medications, but alcohol is not that medicine. If medications don't help much, you can always look for other specialists and other treatments, but don't choose alcohol as the best medicine.

Let the person understand that he is not alone, that he is not a sick person who has renounced everyone. Give him the feeling that he is truly needed, you, your family, your friends, your loved ones need him. Find an alcoholic a new activity, no matter what, as long as it doesn’t cause him harm and, most importantly, he likes it. Let the person understand that alcohol is not his friend, but a “demon” who, under the guise of a virtuous person, kills him.

Having tried many varieties of vodka at a price of 100-600 rubles per bottle, I realized that high-quality moonshine is much better. After all, unfortunately, it is simply impossible to drink current vodka, and it is quite difficult for an ordinary person to buy real Russian vodka. For all these reasons, I decided to make a homemade device for the production of moonshine.

Nowadays, real grain alcohol is rarely used to produce vodka. Vodka producers can even obtain alcohol from natural gas. The most disgusting store-bought alcohol tinctures - “With Honey” and “Lingonberry” - contain artificial additives that overcome the terrible smell of bad alcohol, but do not relieve a severe hangover the next morning.

To produce good moonshine at home, you need to get some utensils for mash. There is a simple rule: the larger its volume, the better. In my first experiments, I used ten-liter bottles for mash. Now I have 18-liter bottles in my arsenal, as well as milk cans.

Next, you need to have a pressure cooker and a thermometer. We drill a hole in the lid of the pressure cooker where we need to insert a thermometer. A piece of silicone tube can serve as a seal. You can cover the top with dough. A flask of this kind is also needed.

You also need to have a reflux condenser. We'll talk about its purpose a little later.

Ariometers (alcohol meters) serve well as a coil, which also performs the function of a refrigerator.

So, let's start assembling. Place the pressure cooker on a sprayer (gas stove). And then - according to the sequence shown in the pictures. When installing silicone tubes, you can use dough as a sealant. Cold water is supplied to the refrigerator from below!

After the assembly is complete, it’s time to pour the mash. Along with it, you need to add 2 tablespoons of activated carbon BAU-A and just a little potassium permanganate.

One pressure cooker can produce moonshine within half an hour. Condensation starts at 88 degrees on the thermometer and lasts until 97 degrees. We mercilessly remove the first 20-30 grams to avoid spoilage of the entire product. Don't be greedy on them!

During cooking, various nasty things accumulate in the flask.

But after the dephlegmator and condensation of the moonshine in the refrigerator, you can evaluate the purity of the color of the finished product!

Ready-made moonshine can be drunk, but it is better to clean it. To do this, take two egg whites and pour them into a 1 liter jar of moonshine. Then strain through cheesecloth. Now you need to make a filter from white bread, oats, BAU-A activated carbon, cotton wool, bread, gauze. It is recommended to filter the almost finished product three times through it.

The resulting moonshine can be diluted with spring or regular drinking store water. The optimal alcohol content in the drink is 50 degrees.