Canned seaweed salads are healthy, tasty and affordable. Sea kale salad: delicious recipes with photos Delicious sea kale salad

Sea kale salad may not seem particularly attractive, both in appearance and in taste. To begin with, it is worth noting that this marine product contains a large number of minerals and valuable elements.

And in terms of the combination of seaweed with all kinds of vegetables, as well as meat and fish, this product simply breaks records. Moreover, edible seafood can be consumed both dry and canned: it beneficial features remain with her in any form.

Sea kale can be consumed every day, as it stimulates the intestines and contains a large amount of iodine.

Dry seaweed can be ground into powder and added to dishes instead of salt.

How to make seaweed salad - 15 varieties

A very tasty salad that the whole family will enjoy with its combination of fish and seafood.


  • seaweed - 500 g
  • squid fillet
  • smoked mackerel - 100 g
  • cucumber - 1 piece
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • sunflower oil


  1. Boil the squid and cut into thin strips. Next, marinate the straws in a mixture of vinegar and salt.
  2. Cut the onion into small cubes.
  3. Grate the carrots.
  4. Cut the cucumber into thin strips.
  5. Marinate onions and carrots in vinegar and salt.
  6. Cut the mackerel into large cubes.
  7. Mix all ingredients with seaweed.
  8. Dress the salad sunflower oil and add spices to taste.

The salad is very easy to prepare, and the end result is a tasty and satisfying dish.


  • sea ​​cabbage - 400 g
  • egg - 4 pcs
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • mayonnaise
  • vegetable oil
  • salt pepper


  1. Boil sea cabbage and eggs.
  2. Cut the onion and eggs into small cubes.
  3. Mix all ingredients and add mayonnaise.
  4. Add salt, pepper and oil to taste.

The salad is rich in vitamins, so it will be very useful for adults and children.


  • seaweed - 200 g
  • pickled cucumber - 2 pcs.
  • carrots - 2 pcs.
  • apple - 1 pc.
  • egg - 2 pcs
  • mayonnaise
  • greenery


  1. Cut apples and cucumbers into small slices.
  2. Cut the eggs into large cubes.
  3. Mix all ingredients with seaweed.
  4. Add mayonnaise and decorate the finished salad with herbs.

Lightweight and healthy salad with the addition of sweet corn.


  • sea ​​cabbage - 1 jar
  • egg - 2 pcs
  • carrots - 2 pcs.
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • canned corn - 1 jar
  • bell pepper - 2 pcs
  • greenery
  • mayonnaise


  1. Squeeze the cabbage and place on a plate.
  2. Carefully cut the eggs, onions and peppers into small strips.
  3. Grate the carrots on a fine grater.
  4. Mix all ingredients together.
  5. Add sweet corn and mayonnaise.
  6. Garnish with herbs and salt to taste.

To make the salad bright and festive, use bell pepper different colors.

Salad with seaweed "Puff"

A very tasty fish salad that doesn’t take much time to prepare.


  • fish - 100 g
  • seaweed - 150 g
  • egg - 3 pcs
  • apple - 100 g
  • tomato - 150 g
  • green onions- 50 g
  • mayonnaise


  1. Grate the apples on a fine grater.
  2. Cut the eggs into small cubes.
  3. Chop the tomatoes into cubes.
  4. Layer the salad in this order: apple, seaweed, fish, eggs, tomatoes, green onions.
  5. Spread each layer evenly with mayonnaise.

An easy to prepare salad for seafood lovers.


  • sea ​​cabbage - 150 g
  • egg - 3 pcs
  • crab sticks- 100 g
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • mayonnaise


  1. Cut eggs, crab sticks and onions into small cubes.
  2. Mix all ingredients.
  3. Add mayonnaise and mix the prepared salad thoroughly.
  4. If desired, decorate with greenery.

Layered salad with herring.


  • herring fillet - 300 g
  • seaweed - 1 jar
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • vinegar
  • vegetable oil


  1. Cut the herring fillet into equal cubes as much as possible.
  2. Cut the onion into small cubes.
  3. Place the salad in layers in a jar: herring, onions, carrots, seaweed.
  4. Mix water with vinegar and pour into a jar.
  5. Add two tablespoons of vegetable oil.
  6. Let the finished salad brew for 12 hours. After this, mix it thoroughly.

The remaining seaweed can be placed in a bag and frozen. This will not affect its properties at all.

A very tasty salad with signature sauce dressing.


  • sea ​​cabbage - 1 pack
  • crab sticks - 7 pcs
  • cucumber - 2 pcs.
  • egg - 3 pcs
  • red onion - 1 piece
  • sour cream
  • spices
  • greenery


  1. Cut the eggs into thin slices.
  2. Cut the crab sticks into strips.
  3. Chop the onion into neat half rings.
  4. Cut the cucumbers into long strips.
  5. Mix sour cream with spices to obtain sauce.
  6. Mix all ingredients and add sauce.
  7. Decorate the finished salad with herbs to taste.

A light salad for good digestion, which will be equally useful for all ages.


  • seaweed - 200 g
  • prunes - 200 g
  • nuts (kernels) - 100 g
  • onion - 100 g
  • vegetable oil - 30 g.


  1. Place the seaweed in boiling water and cook for 10 minutes.
  2. Boil the prunes until the fruits become soft. Then they should be finely chopped.
  3. Cut the onion into small cubes and fry in vegetable oil.
  4. Crush the nuts thoroughly.
  5. Mix all ingredients.

Don’t be afraid of the strange smell when cooking seaweed: it’s the smell of iodine, which it contains a lot.

This salad is suitable for those who want to... a quick fix prepare a hearty and, at the same time, tasty lunch.


  • sea ​​cabbage - 1 can
  • eggs - 2 pcs
  • potatoes - 2 pcs
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • green pea
  • mayonnaise


  1. Boil the potatoes and grate them on a coarse grater.
  2. Grate the carrots on a coarse grater.
  3. Grate the eggs on a coarse grater.
  4. Cut the onion into small cubes.
  5. Build the salad in layers: potatoes, onions, seaweed, eggs, a layer of mayonnaise, carrots, seaweed, eggs, a layer of mayonnaise, potatoes, onions, seaweed, eggs and, again, a layer of mayonnaise.
  6. Decorate the finished salad with green peas.

An interesting recipe that can be prepared for festive table. Light taste of wine vegetable dish Only true gourmets can appreciate it.


  • sea ​​cabbage - 500 g
  • lettuce leaf - 300 g
  • vegetable oil - 100 g
  • chicken broth - 70 g
  • starch - 20 g
  • wine - 20 g
  • sugar - 20 g


  1. Boil the seaweed for 10 minutes.
  2. Fry the lettuce leaves in a frying pan, then add chicken broth. Simmer the salad in the broth for 7 minutes.
  3. Add seaweed, wine and sugar to the same pan.
  4. Bring the entire mixture to the boiling point.
  5. When the salad is ready, cool for 30 minutes.

Sea kale salad "Megi-cha"

A Korean dish whose name speaks for itself. A large amount of spices will surely appeal to lovers of spicy sensations.


  • dried sea cabbage - 1 pack
  • minced beef - 200 g
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • garlic - 1 piece
  • soy sauce
  • vegetable oil
  • vinegar
  • cilantro
  • pepper, coriander, salt, sugar
  • ground hot pepper


  1. Pour cold water over the cabbage and leave for forty minutes.
  2. Cut the onion into small cubes and lightly fry in a frying pan. Add minced meat and fry until done.
  3. Cut the cabbage into thin strips and add soy sauce, coriander, sugar, hot and black pepper to it.
  4. Mix all the ingredients especially thoroughly so that all the spices are evenly distributed.
  5. Add minced meat, garlic and cilantro.
  6. Mix the salad thoroughly again.

An original salad with an unusual dressing. Main secret The dish is that the sauce for it is made independently.


  • squid - 200 g
  • seaweed - 1 jar
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • garlic - 4 cloves
  • tomato sauce
  • greenery

One of the healthiest products Sea kale contains many vitamins and microelements; eating it helps lower cholesterol levels, improves the functioning of the heart muscle and intestines, and improves immunity.

This product is rich in iodine, which is why it is used for thyroid diseases. The most common dish made from this product is seaweed salad. There are a huge variety of recipes, some of which we will get acquainted with today.

The simplest seaweed salads:


  • One apple
  • One pickled cucumber
  • One carrot
  • One onion
  • One can of canned peas
  • Three tablespoons of vegetable oil or mayonnaise
  • Salt and pepper
  • Two hundred grams of prepared seaweed.


  1. You should start by chopping the seaweed into very small pieces. After this, it’s time for the pickled cucumber and apple, they are cut into cubes, but it’s better to grate the carrots.
  2. The onion is finely chopped, after which all the ingredients are mixed and seasoned with salt and pepper.
  3. Canned peas are added to this mass and the salad is seasoned with vegetable oil or mayonnaise.

Recipe for seaweed salad with eggs

Another seaweed salad recipe that every housewife will need is also quick and easy to prepare.


  • Three eggs
  • One onion
  • Sail tablespoons of butter or mayonnaise
  • Pepper and salt
  • Sea kale, two hundred grams is enough for one serving.


  1. We start cooking by boiling the eggs, they are peeled and finely chopped, as is the seaweed.
  2. Together with the chopped onion and other ingredients, mix everything, add pepper and salt, and finally season with oil or mayonnaise to taste.

To prepare such a salad you will need no more than fifteen minutes, as for the following no less tasty and healthy recipe.

Seaweed salad with beets and crab sticks


  • One beet
  • Packaging of crab sticks
  • Onion
  • Naturally seaweed, no more than 200 grams
  • Three spoons of mayonnaise
  • Well, salt and pepper.


  1. In this case, you should not finely chop the seaweed, the shredding should be medium, but you will have to chop the crab sticks properly, and then chop the onion.
  2. The beets must be boiled, after cooking they must be judged, and then grated using a medium grater.
  3. All ingredients are mixed, peppered and salted, seasoned with mayonnaise, and the salad is served on the table decorated with sprigs of herbs.

Another seaweed salad, which has minimal calories, requires the use of frozen cabbage.

Seaweed with pickles. Original salad


  • Three hundred grams of frozen cabbage
  • Two lightly salted or pickled cucumbers
  • Onion
  • Carrot
  • Salt and pepper
  • Well, to reduce the number of calories, mayonnaise is replaced with oil.


  1. Preparing the salad is not very fast, the cabbage is defrosted and finely chopped, it is better to cut the cucumbers into cubes and chop the onion.
  2. By this time, the carrots that were previously placed on the stove should have already opened; they are grated using a medium grater.
  3. The prepared ingredients are mixed, after which the salad is salted, peppered and seasoned with vegetable oil.

Korean seaweed salad

This salad is very popular in Korea itself, but our gourmets have also become attached to it; it is easy to prepare, tasty and naturally healthy, like all seaweed dishes. True, this recipe implies the use of kelp cabbage, which comes in several types on sale. It can be boiled and chopped into strips, which, by the way, we will use in our recipe, dried and cut into strips, or simply dried, in the form of dry leaves.

Korean seaweed salad can be prepared in several ways; in our version, acetic acid will be added to it.


  • A kilogram of kelp cabbage
  • Onion head
  • Five cloves of garlic
  • Tablespoon soy sauce
  • Half a teaspoon of ground black pepper
  • Two teaspoons ground red pepper
  • Two teaspoons acetic acid 70%
  • Four tablespoons of vegetable oil.


  1. Let's start cooking! We thoroughly wash the seaweed; if, as in our case, it is boiled and chopped; if we are talking about a semi-finished product, then the sequence will be slightly different.
  2. In this case, there are a number of preparatory steps associated with soaking overnight in water and subsequent rinsing and cooking. When the cabbage is prepared in one way or another, you can finely chop the onion and garlic and add it to the cabbage along with the spices.
  3. The whole mass is mixed and seasoned with oil, after which the salad is sent to the refrigerator for an hour, and then can be served.

Simple dry seaweed salad

We have figured out the natural and fresh product, but what about canned, that is, dry cabbage? After all, you can also make a wonderful salad from it if you know the right recipe. Luckily for us, there is one and according to it we will need the following ingredients:


  • Dry seaweed 150 grams
  • Three cloves of garlic
  • Onion
  • Half a teaspoon of sesame seeds
  • Tablespoon of oil
  • Well, where would we be without salt and pepper?


  1. When all the ingredients are stocked, you can safely start cooking! First, soak the cabbage in water at room temperature, it should sit until it becomes soft, after which it should be finely chopped.
  2. Onions are fried in oil and added to the salad, garlic is squeezed in and salt and pepper are added. Soy sauce is added to this mass and everything is mixed, before being on the table, the salad is sprinkled with sesame seeds.

Sea kale salad is an extremely healthy and original dish that will decorate a festive feast and add bright colors to drab everyday life. The salad will be loved by all family members. It can be consumed by people who adhere to a diet and proper nutrition.

Seaweed salad with egg is very filling and healthy. It can be served at the children's table.


  • chicken egg – 6 pieces;
  • canned seaweed – 470 g;
  • onion – 1 piece;
  • mayonnaise on quail eggs– 110 g;
  • cow's butter – 13 g;
  • salt to taste.


  1. Place chicken eggs in a deep saucepan, add cool water and cook for 7 - 9 minutes. Remove from boiling water, place in ice water and wait for eggs to cool. Peel, grate and mash.
  2. Peel the onion and chop into small slices. Pour into a hot frying pan greased with oil and fry for 2 - 3 minutes.
  3. Remove the canned seaweed from the jars, stir, and drain off excess water.
  4. Place cabbage, onion and grated eggs into a deep container. Pour quail egg mayonnaise on top. Mix all ingredients thoroughly with each other. Add salt if desired.

You can replace mayonnaise with sour cream sauce or fresh cream. It is recommended to serve the dish garnished with cranberries or a sprig of cilantro.

Korean cooking recipe

The dish turns out to be spicy and spicy, ideal for a men's feast or bachelor party. Can be served with boiled potatoes or rice.


  • dried seaweed – 110 g;
  • onion – 1 piece;
  • pork meat – 190 g;
  • olive oil – 45 g;
  • soy sauce – 65 g;
  • garlic – 4 cloves;
  • salt and pepper to taste.


  1. Rinse the seaweed under running water. Place in a plate, cover with cool water and place in a dark place for 5 – 7 hours.
  2. When the cabbage is saturated with water and swells, rinse it warm water and place in a colander. Wait for excess liquid to drain.
  3. Remove the peel from the onion and chop it into thin half rings.
  4. Rinse pork meat under running warm water and dry paper napkin. Cut the pork into 2.5 cm squares.
  5. Drizzle oil into a hot frying pan and add pork and onions. Fry, stirring gently, 9 – 12 minutes.
  6. Remove the husks from the garlic and chop into a paste.
  7. Add cabbage, garlic, soy sauce, salt and spices to the meat and onions in a frying pan. Close the lid tightly and simmer for 4 - 6 minutes over high heat.
  8. Reduce heat to low and simmer for another 22-24 minutes, stirring regularly.

Korean salad is served hot. To add some spice to the dish, you can add chopped pepper.

Salad with seaweed and mushrooms

Salad saturates the body with iodine and beneficial microelements. The dish is served with Jerusalem artichoke puree or cauliflower inflorescences.


  • dried seaweed – 110 g;
  • fresh chanterelle mushrooms – 190 g;
  • onion – 1 piece;
  • sour cream – 140 g;
  • salt to taste.


  1. Rinse the seaweed, add warm water and leave to swell for 5 – 7 hours.
  2. When the cabbage is saturated with moisture, rinse it again, put it in a saucepan, add cool water and cook for 8 - 11 minutes.
  3. Peel the onion and finely chop into long slices.
  4. Soak chanterelle mushrooms in warm water for 4 – 6 minutes, cut into thin oblong pieces.
  5. Place the onions and mushrooms on a greased hot frying pan. Fry for 11 – 13 minutes, stirring constantly.
  6. Cool all ingredients in a cool, dark place.
  7. Chop the cabbage, stir with mushrooms, onions and sour cream. Add salt.

The salad is ideal for a holiday feast. Served with black grain bread or garlic croutons.

Seaweed salad with squid and vegetables

The salad amazes with its uniqueness and taste. Seafood lovers will love it.


  • canned seaweed – 190 g;
  • fresh cucumber- 1 piece;
  • fresh bell pepper – 1 piece;
  • canned olives – 60 g;
  • canned squid in oil – 135 g;
  • lime – 1 piece;
  • vegetable oil – 50 g;
  • salt and pepper to taste.


  1. Remove cabbage from jar and drain excess liquid, place in a bowl.
  2. Rinse the cucumber under running warm water, cut off the stem, and chop into large cubes.
  3. Wash the pepper, remove the seeds, cut into thin half rings.
  4. Chop the olives into small squares or slices.
  5. Place cucumber, pepper, and olives in a bowl with cabbage. Mix all ingredients carefully.
  6. Squeeze the juice out of the lime. Mix it with olive oil.
  7. Season the salad with lemon-olive mixture. Add salt and pepper.

The dish turns out bright and juicy. It will fit perfectly into the summer menu, adding even more color to hot sunny days. The salad can be complemented with egg sauce and hot croutons.

Sea salad with crab sticks - step-by-step recipe

A dish for lovers of original and healthy cuisine. The salad goes well with stewed eggplants, Korean carrots and fried beef sausages.


  • onion – 1 piece;
  • crab sticks – 120 g;
  • canned seaweed – 220 g;
  • olive mayonnaise – 120 g;
  • egg - 3 pieces;
  • cilantro – 16 g;
  • cow's butter – 17 g;
  • salt to taste.


  1. Remove the film from the crab sticks and chop into small squares.
  2. Peel the onion, chop it into half rings, and place it in a greased frying pan. Fry for 4 – 6 minutes, stirring thoroughly.
  3. Remove the shells from the eggs and chop finely.
  4. Rinse the green cilantro under running warm water and chop finely.
  5. Remove the canned seaweed from the jar, drain off the excess liquid and mash.
  6. Place cabbage, onions, crab sticks, cilantro and mayonnaise in a deep salad bowl. Gently stir all ingredients and add salt.

The salad will be tastier if you add canned saury or mackerel.

Seaweed salad with egg - general principles preparations

Sea kale is one of the most useful gifts that came to us from the depths of the sea. Until today, some people were sure that seaweed is a large head of cabbage that grows on the seabed. But, we have to disappoint, this is not a head of cabbage, but seaweed that grows only in clean and unpolluted seas. Laminaria that grow in the Sea of ​​Japan and the Barents Sea are considered especially useful. One might ask: “Who came up with the idea of ​​using such a hard-to-find product in cooking? Are there not enough types of cabbage on earth that people decided to turn to the sea?” It turns out that the Chinese were the first to taste kelp. Moreover, for many centuries the Chinese have been discovering new properties and tastes of kelp not only in the field of cooking, but also in medicine: this algae contains almost the entire list of metals contained in the periodic table.

Seaweed salad with egg - preparing food and dishes

It is necessary to prepare seaweed salads with eggs. all year round, and not just in the winter season, when there is a lack of vitamins. The availability of this ingredient allows anyone to prepare this easy, multivitamin dish. Today in cooking there is a lot healthy recipes based on kelp, which allows every gourmet to choose a dish that suits them based on the set of ingredients and bouquet of flavors. The described seaweed salad with egg will add additional variety to everyday feasts, but by including more exotic ingredients in its composition, such as shrimp or fresh vegetables, the dish can become a worthy part of a dinner party.

Recipes for seaweed salad with egg

Recipe 1: Seaweed salad with egg

Healthy, spicy and fast - these are the adjectives that can describe this salad. In just a few minutes you can prepare a delicious side dish for a meat dish. For this salad, it is recommended to use pickled cabbage without spices and seasonings.

Required ingredients:

  • 2 tbsp. l. - growth oil;
  • 300 g - seaweed;
  • 1 PC. - onion;
  • 1 bundle - green onions;
  • 3 pcs. - eggs.

Cooking method:

If you have ready-made boiled eggs, then for the entire cooking process quick salad It will take no more than a minute to make seaweed with an egg. So, take half the onion and cut it into thin half rings. We release the seaweed from the packaging and send it directly to the salad bowl, combine and mix with the onions, which will allow the onions to marinate a little too. Next, peel the eggs and cut them into squares or half rings. The green onion is chopped. We combine all the components and season with vegetable oil, you can also take olive oil.

Recipe 2: Seaweed salad with egg and crab sticks

The secret of this recipe is that canned corn along with crab sticks slightly hides and softens the taste of cabbage, which many people do not like in its pure form.

Required ingredients:

  • 300 g - kelp:
  • 1 b. - corn;
  • 1 PC. - onion;
  • 2 tbsp. l. - mayonnaise;
  • 3 pcs. - egg;
  • 200 g - crab sticks.

Cooking method:

First, finely chop the onion and mix with pickled cabbage. If the seaweed is too long, you can cut it in several places.

Crab sticks are cut first crosswise and then into half rings, boiled eggs into cubes. All that remains is to strain the juice from the corn and combine all the ingredients. Season the salad with low-fat mayonnaise

Recipe 3: Seaweed salad with egg and squid

If you suffer from a lack of iodine in your body, hurry to include kelp dishes in your diet. The combination of these two representatives of the deep sea - kelp and squid, allows you to prepare an amazing salad!

Required ingredients:

  • 200 g - squid;
  • 1 bundle - parsley;
  • 2 pcs. - carrot;
  • 1 bundle - dill;
  • 2 tbsp. l. - olive oil;
  • 1 PC. - onion;
  • 300 g - cabbage;
  • 1 tbsp. l. - soy sauce;
  • 2 pcs. - egg;
  • 1 tbsp. l. - rice vinegar.

Cooking method:

Let's start this salad by preparing squid. We peel the seafood, rinse it, and boil the meat in lightly salted water. Then the meat is cut into strips. We boil the eggs, and we need the carrots raw. Grate the vegetable and cut the eggs into cubes. The onion is chopped, the pickled cabbage is slightly chopped. All that remains is to connect everything. Mix rice vinegar with oil and soy sauce.

Recipe 4: Seaweed salad with egg and Korean carrots

Guests are practically standing on the doorstep, and you don’t know what to treat them with. Salad of seaweed and Korean carrots is prepared instantly, so you can take this dish into service. By the way, kelp and carrots are the most commonly combined ingredients for salads.

Required ingredients:

  • 250 g - Korean carrots;
  • 2 pcs. - canned cucumbers;
  • 2 pcs. - egg;
  • 250 g - kelp;
  • 1 PC. onion;
  • 3 tbsp. l. - growth oil;
  • 1 pinch each - red and ground pepper.

Cooking method:

Mix cabbage with carrots and add finely chopped onion. Then cut the cucumbers into cubes and mix everything. Let's make the dressing by mixing the oil and peppers. Note that in this case you can take not just seaweed, also prepared in Korean. Believe me, the taste of the salad will be significantly enriched.

Recipe 5: Seaweed salad with egg and beans

Let's offer another version of the salad, in which beans are used in addition to the egg. Prepared garlic sauce can add piquancy and spiciness to the salad, and the dish itself will turn out to be very nutritious.

Required ingredients:

  • 250 g - cabbage;
  • 1 b. - canned beans;
  • 3 pcs. - eggs;
  • 1 PC. - pickled cucumber;
  • 3 tbsp. l. - mayonnaise;
  • 3 teeth - garlic.

Cooking method:

Even though the recipe calls for canned beans, they can be replaced with any other varieties and types of beans. Drain the liquid from the beans and mix with the cabbage. We send them eggs, cut into half rings and cucumbers, chopped into cubes. You can squeeze a clove of garlic into mayonnaise.

Seaweed salad with egg - secrets and useful tips from the best chefs

The above salads with kelp are just a drop in the ocean of all the salads and dishes that can be prepared from seaweed. As mentioned above, cabbage can be bought ready-made in any supermarket - with the necessary taste, spices and dressings. However, you can prepare seaweed yourself, which will later be used in preparing salads. So, take dry seaweed and boil it for a couple of minutes in salted water. Then remove the cabbage, season with dry herbs and spices, you can add a little garlic. The advantage is that you can add the necessary flavor to the seaweed yourself. Cook tasty and healthy! It's easy with kelp!

1 can of canned seaweed, 1/2 can of canned sweet corn, 2 boiled eggs, 1 fresh tomato, 1 small fresh cucumber, 1 medium onion, 1/2 lemon, garlic to taste, mayonnaise

Fry finely chopped onion until translucent. Chop the tomato, cucumber and eggs.

Mix all. Squeeze lemon juice. Add garlic to taste (optional). Stir and season with mayonnaise.

Vinigret with seaweed!

The usual vinaigrette is boiled beets, carrots, potatoes, onions. And then there are changes. Instead of sauerkraut, we use pickled sea cabbage. Instead of sour cucumber - herring fillet (for example "Mathias" from "Santa Bremor". Oil, salt to taste.

fry seaweed, onions, carrots, mushrooms, you can add anything (Brussels sprouts, cauliflower.....) just fry everything separately and then mix, you can add a boiled egg. It’s tasty, can be stored for a long time, and is very satisfying. I don’t even know what to call it, either a salad, or an appetizer, or a side dish. It’s good both hot and cold.

Pickled seaweed (chopped if long) - 300 gr., onion- 1 head (chopped, scalded), crab sticks - 50 g, mussels - 150 g, vegetable oil, salt, soy sauce, a little lemon. You can use a little mayonnaise instead of vegetable oil.

beet caviar. Seaweed is a ready-made salad of seaweed with onions and carrots in 700-gram bags. I chop onions pickle, boiled beets and this cabbage. I add vegetable oil and seasoning from a mixture of peppers (a little bit) and puree with a blender. All this on black bread.

1 jar of seaweed salad, 1 jar of green peas, 4 boiled eggs, dill, mayonnaise.

For example, I mix seaweed from transparent jars with grated egg, cheese and mayonnaise. It's so delicious and simple!!! You won't regret it if you try it.

The simplest salad: canned seaweed from a jar; boiled rice, finely chopped onion; season with vegetable oil. Additionally, you can add a finely chopped boiled egg. The taste and smell of moss cabbage is removed when mixed with freshly boiled rice.

I make this salad from loose seaweed (Sakhalin salad, as it is called). I also add crab sticks or boiled squid to this salad, but I don’t put garlic, onions and lemon juice, since loose cabbage already contains onions and vinegar.

Since childhood, I have loved this seaweed salad (even those who can’t stomach it are addicted to it). A jar of ordinary seaweed, which was available even during Soviet times (you can have a salad, but it’s worse), boiled carrots, onions, boiled eggs, mayonnaise - everything by eye, as you like. Everything is cut into cubes, mixed with cabbage - the result is delicious. You can add boiled squid, or you can make the same salad with squid instead of cabbage.

I lived on Sakhalin for a long time and there are a lot of options for preparing seaweed salad, but here is the coolest one in my opinion: seaweed, sautéed onions, the more the better, red hot pepper, soy sauce, ajino-mota, Korean seasoning, vinegar ,garlic,salt to can add finely chopped squid or octopus

Seaweed also goes well with mushrooms, both dry (wash, boil, chop) and fresh (eg champignons - boil or fry). Add boiled eggs, lightly fried onions and mayonnaise to everything.

try this salad:


pickled onions (or just fresh)

herring fillet pieces

a little oil and vinegar

awesomely delicious

I mix any ingredients with seaweed (mostly Far Eastern salad or the kind sold in Korean salads). which are on hand - potatoes, eggs, apple. cucumber, corn, etc., etc. Try also, for example, instead of boiled beets, grate fresh beets on a coarse grater. I think it’s both tasty and very healthy.

And I do this option:

Sea kale

2 boiled potatoes, finely chopped

3-4 pickled cucumbers, finely chopped

2 boiled eggs

Season everything with mayonnaise

I tried mixing boiled beets (grated) with seaweed (from a jar), garlic and mayonnaise...

VKU-U-U-U-USNO-O-O-O-O and quickly

I really like the Neptune salad:

Seaweed (1 jar)

Crab sticks (2 packs)

Finely chopped onion (small onion)

Boiled eggs (3 pcs.)


I make the salad a little differently.

I boil the dry seaweed for about 12 minutes. Then rinse it with cold water. I cut it.

I boil 200 grams of bean sprouts for no more than two minutes. Then I also quickly rinse them with cold water for quick cooling. Then I cut the radishes, celery stalks, and onions into half rings. I add salt, 1-2 tablespoons of vegetable oil, one and a half tablespoons of lemon juice, no more. I mix everything and let it sit in the refrigerator for 2 hours. If you eat it right away, it won’t be as tasty. Then transfer to plates and eat. You can add mayonnaise. But this is not for everyone. I love. Try it, you don’t notice the smell of cabbage at all.

It’s also very tasty and simple if you take green peas (1/2 can), sea cabbage 100-150 grams and one boiled egg and 3 tbsp mayonnaise. l. I hated seaweed, but when they gave me this recipe I fell in love with it.

Frozen seaweed needs to be thawed in cold water, rinse thoroughly (otherwise you get sand :)), cook in salted water for 20-30 minutes until desired softness, season with olive/sunflower oil, 1-2 tbsp. spoons of balsamic vinegar, garlic, spices to taste. Eat cold :)

My husband loves seaweed with the smell of algae. We sell dry and freshly salted. I wash both thoroughly and boil for 30 minutes. In a small cauldron, fry one onion, cut into half rings, in a small amount of oil. I add 200g. minced meat and 3 cloves of finely chopped garlic. I drain the cabbage and mix it with the gravy. Delicious both hot and cold.

I really liked the “Ichthyander” salad: seaweed, onion half rings, squid strips, eggs, fresh cucumber, mayonnaise.

my version

With all kinds of sea life: crab meat/crab sticks, shrimp, squid and anything else that comes to hand.


Chopped eggs

Salt to taste

Season with mayonnaise

And we make a salad with seaweed with the following ingredients: crab sticks, boiled egg, mayonnaise. Sometimes we add cod liver. It is necessary that the salad is soaked, then there will be no trace left of the specific taste of cabbage. Previously, I couldn’t even bear to hear the phrase “seaweed.” Now this is one of my favorite salads.

I love the simplest salad with seaweed: a jar of seaweed - canned food or preserves + finely chopped boiled eggs (to taste) + mayonnaise

“Far Eastern” salad in 2 versions. And I really liked him. I recommend. Delicious.

1. A can of pink salmon or chum salmon, a can of seaweed, onions, 5 holes. eggs Mix everything and add mayonnaise. Season with salt to taste.

2. The same thing, only instead of canned cabbage, boiled and fried with onions. It tastes even better this way.

And it’s also not bad (it takes away the taste of seaweed, who doesn’t like it) Korean seaweed: a set of ready-made spices and salt with crushed garlic in washed defrosted cabbage.

I marinate frozen seaweed: rinse it well in warm water, then boil it, but not until soft. Then I put it in a glass jar and fill it with marinade (salt, sugar, cloves, pepper, vinegar). After 10 hours you can use it.

Sea kale 400 gr.

Boiled rice ½ tbsp.

Egg 3 pcs.

Onion 1 pc.

Mayonnaise 200 gr.

Boil the eggs hard, cool, cut into small cubes.

Chop the onion.

Cut the seaweed into long strips.

Mix eggs, onion, rice and seaweed, season with mayonnaise.