Salad with squid, pineapple and cucumber. Squid salad with pineapples recipe with photos very tasty

An excellent recipe with a minimum of ingredients but maximum taste is a recipe for making a salad with pineapple and squid! And today we will look at how to bring it to life! First we will put the eggs on the stove to boil them.

Now we take out two squid carcasses.

They need to be cut crosswise to form rings.

Place the resulting rings on a plate, in which we will cook them until ready. I found a method for preparing squid this way from Ilya Lazerson, he calls it salad, which means that in this way you can prepare squid specifically for salads. So, bring the water to a boil.

And at this time we will prepare the first layer of our salad - pineapple.

I take four canned rings and cut them into triangles, this works very well for the ring shape. We put them on the dish in which we will serve the salad.

When the water in the kettle has boiled, pour it over the squid rings.

Keep this for a minute, turning constantly, and then repeat the procedure. After which you can lay out a layer of squid in the salad.

Now grease with mayonnaise.

By this time, the eggs had both cooked and cooled. We clean them, and then pass them through the large holes in the grater whole, along with the yolks.

Lubricate with mayonnaise again.

And now we grate the cheese on top, a little, 50 grams, to strengthen the top layer, and grease the salad with mayonnaise one last time.

Salad ready. I can recommend putting it in the refrigerator for an hour or two so that all the layers are soaked and the salad turns into a real fusion of flavors, and then serve it on the table!
Bon appetit everyone and see you on the pages of new recipes!

Cooking time: PT00H20M 20 min.

Many of us love to treat ourselves to various seafood dishes. Now the shelves of any large supermarket are filled with varieties of mussels, shrimp, squid and other seafood delicacies. These once rare inhabitants of the deep sea can be consumed either boiled or in combination with other products.

There are many recipes for salads with squid and cheese. Why not just with squid, but with cheese? Cheese will add its own uniqueness to any salad. Using this product, you can avoid consuming a lot of salt, since salads with cheese already have a salty taste. And the combination of squid or other seafood with cheese is generally considered original. Our salad will be just like that, unique and very tasty.

The following ingredients are used to prepare it:

  • Squids, raw or frozen - 1 kilogram;
  • Canned pineapples - 1 can;
  • Canned corn - 1 can;
  • Hard cheese (you can use processed cheese or sausage if desired) - 100 g;
  • Boiled eggs - 6-7 pieces;
  • Lemon - ¼ part;
  • Mayonnaise - to taste as a dressing.

This is a traditional, classic recipe for salad with squid and cheese, which does not require much effort in preparation. Don’t forget about other recipes, also no less interesting, containing the same healthy products. For example, you can add ham to a salad with squid and pineapple; you can also add simple vegetables in the form of cucumbers and tomatoes.

You can whip up a salad with mushrooms, cheese and squid. You can easily find champignons or oyster mushrooms in your nearest store. You can add shrimp to the squid salad for a richer taste and a predominance of seafood.

Benefits of squid

Are these dishes modern? Nowadays, restaurant chefs are trying to surprise gourmets and food lovers, but the use of squid in dish recipes dates back to ancient times, when plates of seafood delicacies were served at feasts in Ancient Rome and Ancient Greece. If rich people ate squid back then, does that mean this product is really valuable? The way it is.

Dietary squid meat is a treasure trove of the most useful substances and vitamins necessary for the proper growth of children's and adult organisms. We list the most valuable of them:

  • protein that is easily digestible by the body;
  • healthy fats;
  • taurine, which ranks first in removing cholesterol from the body and improves heart function;
  • vitamin E, selenium have the advantage of removing heavy metals from the body;
  • Iodine is essential for those suffering from thyroid diseases.

And this is not the whole complex of vitamins contained in tender squid meat. Copper, iron, zinc, ascorbic acid are also included in the composition of squid, which gives squid the right to be a dietary and valuable product. In addition to its value, squid is also an unusually tasty type of seafood that is recommended to be consumed in any form.

Typically, squid is used in dishes when cooked, but raw squid is also used in some recipes. It is worth knowing that dried squid contain a high amount of salt, and you need to be careful with it and not overuse it. But in any case, squid meat is worth trying if you do not have an individual intolerance to seafood.

Preparing the salad

And now about the most important thing. Let's start preparing a delicious salad with squid, cheese and other delicious ingredients.

First, let's prepare the squid for the salad. We will clean their squid carcasses and other things unsuitable for consumption. Cleaned meat must be boiled. The main thing is not to overcook it, so as not to spoil it. We lower the squid carcasses into boiling water for only 2-3 minutes, in no case more!

We grate hard cheese on a coarse grater; for piquancy, you can grate processed cheese.

Cut the cooled squid meat into strips.

Hard boil 6-7 eggs, peel and cut into strips.

Drain the liquid from the cans of corn and pineapples, cut the pineapples into small pieces.

Cut the pulp of the lemon quarter into small slices.

Place all the prepared salad ingredients in a deep plate. Add the required amount of mayonnaise and mix.

You can serve this salad to guests, or you can treat yourself to a delicious and nutritious dish.

If the appetizer is served on a festive table, it can be decorated with herbs or lettuce leaves. And grains of red caviar will add a touch of originality - they are best suited for decorating this dish.

2015-11-25T06:40:03+00:00 adminsalads and snacks

Many of us love to treat ourselves to various seafood dishes. Now the shelves of any large supermarket are filled with varieties of mussels, shrimp, squid and other seafood delicacies. These once rare inhabitants of the deep sea can be consumed either boiled or in combination with other products. There are many recipes for salads with squid and cheese....

[email protected] Administrator Feast-online

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A salad recipe with pineapples, squid, cucumbers and eggs will come in handy for any celebration. After all, this dish is not only light and nutritious, but also very delicious. It contains only healthy ingredients that will help cope with excess calories after heavy holiday dinners. Squid is a natural protein, an abundance of useful minerals and trace elements. Fresh lettuce and pineapple are an inexhaustible source of vitamins that are so necessary for the body in winter.

I prefer to prepare this salad for two reasons: firstly, the appetizer is perfect for such a celebration; secondly, preparing the dish takes a minimum of time. And, as you know, on the eve of a holiday there is always not enough time to realize all the grandiose plans.

Recipe Information

Cooking method: frying squid, chopping ingredients.

Total cooking time: 20 minutes.

Number of servings: 3-4 .


  • pineapple (medium size) – 1 pc.
  • lettuce (leaves) – 1 bunch
  • fresh or frozen squid – 2-3 carcasses
  • eggs -2 pcs.
  • cucumbers – 2 pcs.
  • olive oil – 2-3 tbsp.
  • black pepper.


Note to the owner:

  • You can complement the squid and pineapple salad with pieces of hard cheese. Rub it on top or chop it finely, mixing with the rest of the ingredients.
  • You can decorate the salad with olives. Cut them into rings or place them whole.

Not a single feast is complete without salads. Ordinary products in combination with each other give a simply amazing effect - delicious salads are obtained. Now I will tell you how to prepare a salad with squid and pineapple. Several interesting options for preparing it await you below. Any of these salads will take pride of place on your table.

1) Salad with squid and pineapple puff

In this recipe we will tell you how to prepare a delicious salad with squid and pineapple. Seafood has always been a fairly popular food. However, recently, dishes with squid, shrimp, and mussels have received more attention. And it is rightfully deserved, since these products not only have amazing taste, but also contain a number of vitamins and microelements. Therefore, dishes prepared with seafood are not only very tasty, but also healthy. Eating them regularly will help lower blood cholesterol and improve the functioning of the digestive system. You can prepare a wide variety of dishes from seafood. I offer a recipe for layered salad with squid and pineapple. This salad can be prepared for a holiday table or on weekdays. The combination of seafood flavor and the sweetness of pineapple makes the taste exquisite and unique. You can serve the salad with squid and pineapple in a common salad bowl or in portions. This appetizer will look very beautiful in tartlets.

To prepare this salad we will need:

* 3-4 squid carcasses -
* can of canned pineapples (560 gr.) -
* 3 eggs - 0.5 cups rice -
* bulb -
* 100 gr. cheese - homemade or store-bought mayonnaise

Salad with squid and pineapple - recipe.

First of all, let's cook the rice. The finished rice will need to be placed in a colander, rinsed with running water and allowed to drain. Then it will be crumbly and perfect for salad.

Just like rice, we cook squid. The main thing to remember is that squid cannot be overcooked. This will make its meat tough and the carcass itself will decrease in size by 2 times. Therefore, you should first clean the squid from films. It will be easier to do this by first dousing it with hot water. The cleaned squid carcass should be immersed in boiling salted water for 30-40 seconds. To make the squid more flavorful, it is recommended to add a bay leaf and a few black peppercorns when cooking. This time is enough for it to cook and not become rubbery.

Cut the finished squid into strips. This will be the first layer of lettuce.
Peel and chop the onion.
Cut the pineapple into small pieces.
Grate the pre-boiled eggs onto a coarse grater.
Finely grate the cheese.

Now we collect all the ingredients in the following order: 1. Squid 2. Onion 3. Coat with mayonnaise 4. Rice 5. Pineapple 6. Another layer of mayonnaise 7. Egg 8. Cheese Let our dish soak for 30-40 minutes, and then serve the finished salad with squid and pineapple on the table.

2) Recipe for salad with squid and pineapple


Squid - 1 kg;

eggs - 7 pcs.;
canned corn - 1 can;
lemon - half;
mayonnaise - 250 g.


Place the squid in boiling water and cook for 3 minutes after boiling. Boil the eggs hard, peel and cut into strips. We also chop the squid. Add corn and diced pineapples. Three lemon zest. Combine all ingredients, add mayonnaise and mix.

3) Salad with squid, cheese and pineapple


Canned squid - 200 g;
hard cheese - 50 g;
pineapple - 3 rings;
pickled olives - 1\2 jars;
parsley, mayonnaise - to taste.


Drain the liquid from the canned squid, cut the pineapples into cubes, and cut the olives in half. Chop the parsley. Three cheeses on a fine grater. Combine all ingredients, add mayonnaise to taste and mix. Salad ready!

4) Salad with squid, apples and pineapples


Canned pineapples - 1 can;
canned corn - 0.5 cans;
canned squid - 1 can;
sweet and sour apples - 2 pcs.;
hard cheese - 150 g;
eggs - 5 pcs.;
ham - 100 g;


Boil the eggs hard, then fill with cold water, peel and cut into strips. Separately drain the liquid from the squid, corn and pineapples. Peel the apples and cut them into cubes or strips. Grind the ham and cheese in the same way. Combine all the ingredients in a deep bowl, add mayonnaise and mix.

5) Salad with squid, cucumbers and pineapples


Squid - 500 g;
canned pineapples - 380 g;
fresh cucumbers - 300 g;
lemon - 1 pc.;
eggs - 5 pcs.;


We clean the squid. To make this easier, pour boiling water over them, and then peel off the top film with a knife. We extract the dorsal chord. And only now boil them for 3 minutes in salted water. Boil hard-boiled eggs. Cut cucumbers, squid, eggs and pineapples into cubes. Combine all ingredients, add mayonnaise and mix. Sprinkle grated lemon zest on top and pour lemon juice over it.

6) Recipe for salad with squid, chicken and pineapple


Squid - 300 g;
bacon - 50 g;
chicken breast - 100 g;
fresh cucumbers - 100 g;
green apple - 30 g;
olive oil - 30 g;
mayonnaise - 100 g;
lemon juice - 2 tbsp. spoons;
salt, pepper - to taste.


Wash the chicken breast, dry it, cut it into large pieces, add salt and fry in olive oil until cooked. And then we cut it into strips. We clean the squid, boil for about 3 minutes in salted water, then cool and cut into rings, sprinkle them with lemon juice. Place the bacon in a heated frying pan and dry for about 3 minutes, then cool and cut into thin strips. Cut the apple, cucumbers and canned pineapples into strips, combine with squid, chicken and bacon, add mayonnaise, salt, pepper and mix.

Festive salad with squid and pineapple!

The New Year is just around the corner and it’s time to create a menu for the New Year’s table. I suggest you prepare an unusual salad with pineapples and squid for your holiday table! You will get a sea salad with a tropical taste.

The combination is quite harmonious with some sourness. If you have a lot of guests coming, then you will be able to feed everyone with this salad, because it is prepared easily and quickly in quite large quantities. So, let's start cooking.

Squid salad with pineapple recipe:

  1. Boil water in a saucepan and salt it well.
  2. Wash the squid in cold water and place it in boiling water.
  3. Cook for no more than 5 minutes. Then cut them into strips.
  4. Boil chicken eggs and cut into strips.
  5. Grate the lemon zest on a fine grater. Squeeze the juice out of 1/4 lemon. And finely chop the rest of the pulp.
  6. Now combine chopped squid, eggs, lemon zest and pulp, and lemon juice in a bowl.
  7. Add canned corn and canned pineapple, cut into pieces.
  8. Mix all ingredients and coat the salad with mayonnaise.
  9. Place the salad in a vase and garnish with herbs.

Ingredients for making pineapple and squid salad:

  • 1 kg squid
  • canned pineapple - 1 can
  • 7 pcs. eggs
  • canned corn - 1 can
  • lemon - 1 pc.
  • mayonnaise - 200-250g.