Runes, "Shadowhunters": marks that give supernatural abilities. Angelic runes, their meaning and application Application of angelic runes in magic

Angelic runes. Acquaintance.

Angelic runes are occult signs designed specifically for use in magical practices and divination. These are twenty-six pictographic images ( universal symbols) ordinary objects that we encounter every day. They are a tool for understanding the past, clairvoyance of the present and consideration of the future. They can also be used when performing magical actions to attract the energy required to perform work.

Most runes are made from small round stones, discs, round semi-precious stones, small pebbles, and even pieces of cardboard (you can make your own runes from whatever you want).

Feel free to design your own set of angelic runes to suit your belief system and lifestyle. Choose symbols that show what each rune means to you. You can add one or two images to cover areas and situations that are common in your life. For example, if your work involves healing through the magical and medicinal properties of plants, you might create symbols that point to certain typical plants - such as mint, rosemary, etc. If you love sports, you can add a rune that represents sports energy. if you have own business, then developing a rune that represents business can be very useful. There are endless ideas for creating runes.

Traditionally, if you have received and learned to use a set of runes, regardless of their type, you should make sets for two other people, teach them the system orally, and give them each a set. This will keep the stability and growth of groupthink around the tool you've developed. Therefore, carefully select the recipients of your angelic runes.

General rules

Cleanse, consecrate and charge your rune set before use. Choose a specific angel to be the guardian of the rune set. This is the angel you will summon every time you use this divination tool, so choose wisely. You can find the symbol of this angel and place it on your cup or rune pouch, or paint an occult symbol representing the guardian on the sides or bottom of the cup itself.

Cleanse runes after each use by placing them in sunlight, moonlight, or incense.

Ask questions to the runes for the short term - not for six months or a year. The runes will tell you what energies have accumulated around you right now and what is coming towards you over the course of a week or so. Sometimes the rune may fall on the corner of the table. Consider this as a signal that this question, although not currently relevant, may be affected by your current choices. Phrase your questions carefully.

You can make your angel runes one color or paint them different colors. The choice is yours.

Rune throwing

All runes are thrown at once, except for the pointer rune. This rune represents the one you are interpreting for. Since the angels do not care whether you are a man or a woman, the index rune is a universal symbol.

Place all the runes in a small bowl or bag. Shake them and think about the question. Focus, take deep breaths several times and relax. Connect with your guardian angel and the angel you have named as the guardian of your runes. Ask them for help. Ask your question and lightly drop the runes onto a flat, stable surface.

Reading runes

Ignore runes that fall face down. These are not the questions and situations that you should consider regarding this matter. Start interpreting from the pointer rune as from the center. Those runes that are closest to the pointer deserve immediate attention. Those further away indicate events or states of mind that are moving closer or further away from the plaintiff.

Runes touching each other refer to the same issue. Runes with gaps or empty ones between them are either separate issues, or have some kind of barriers between them.

With practice, you will notice that the runes form patterns around the questions. The designs are usually linear or circular.

When you learn how to handle runes, you can make a table by drawing it on cardboard or embroidering it on a white canvas. You can write out the circle with astrological symbols, phases of the moon, etc. The choice is yours. Don't forget to personalize your table. The most accurate interpretations are possible when you reveal your energies to the instrument.

Angels of prophecy

Touch my heart, my mind, my soul.

Give form to the answers you are looking for.

Bless Me with wisdom and knowledge at this hour

If you want to work with a specific angel, try calling Bat Kol, a female Angel who supports the words of truth and helps in prophecy. If you ask her politely, she will help you look into the future. Another angel of divination is considered to be Hahaya, who will help you penetrate deep secrets and hidden knowledge.

Do not do fortune telling if you are sick, very tired or angry. Your health or mood may affect your interpretation. When you reach the top of your craft, you will find that you can influence the outcome, which distorts the interpretation. For example, if I think too hard about a certain tarot card, guess what immediately happens? This is why I never associate people with cards when they walk through my door. I no longer do tarot readings for myself. I call my friend Diana for this. When you are sick, you will not be able to achieve the state of mind you desire for pure interpretation. Because your body feels bad, your interpretations may be more negative in nature.

Don't guess for someone you hate. If you can't stand someone, can you be truthful with her or him? Wouldn't you be upset if you saw such a person's bright and wonderful future and would you be horrified if things looked very unpleasant? If you strongly dislike someone, your negative feelings may move into your interpretation, distorting it. Politely refuse to tell fortunes for such a person.

Don't exaggerate or lie. If you don't know the answer, just say "I don't know." From time to time I come across clients who like to torment the diviner. They ask one question that leads to the next and the next, and over time they rephrase the original question. The soothsayer is not in court, and you are not in the witness seat. There is no such thing as "refocusing". There should be no such thing as “diviner control.” If you come across a client like this, simply say “I don’t know” or “Sorry, there’s nothing else here.” Sometimes I say directly: “Sorry, but I am not God. Information is unattainable."

Try to carefully explain the method of fortune telling to a new client. Don't assume the person knows what you are doing. If you are doing a tarot card reading, take the time to explain the images on the cards so that the client knows where you are getting inspiration from. This also applies to any physical tool (runes, cartouche, medicinal cards, etc.) The more you explain to the client (or friend), the less questions they will ask and the more they will understand about the mechanics of the divination session.

Don't act like a snob. The worst thing you can do is start acting like an all-knowing fool. Never be rude or disrespectful to a client. Don't be a deceiver. Even if your clients don't catch you on the spot, other people who also make predictions will. If they talk bad about you, it may get through to your customers.

Never force yourself. Don't force anyone to listen to your prophecies. Do not offer to perform magical actions for money. If anyone is interested in angelic magic (or other forms of magic), explain how to do it. You can teach friends and family simple magic tricks that will boost their self-esteem and make their lives happier. Don't make them depend on you for magic, they must learn to do it on their own.

Learn to give yourself enough time. Using any method of fortune telling, do not force the process. When clients come to me, we relax, drink tea, gossip or talk about life and enjoy each other's company. This helps them get into the right frame of mind, as well as you, and makes it easier to build bridges between you and the information you need. If you stumble during the divination process, don't panic. Sit back, take a deep breath, and change the subject to give yourself time to untangle yourself from this mental web. If you still cannot understand the essence of the prediction, do not despair. The truth is, ninety percent of the time the client will blatantly lie to your face or deny it. If nothing works, mix the cards and say, “Maybe another time.”

If you are not in the mood for a lengthy interpretation, politely explain to the client approximately how much time you plan to spend on it. There are many ways to control the people you love who are always willing to hang around:

Schedule your next reading session immediately after the session with your current client.

Plan to complete some task or assignment and explain to your client that you must leave.

Charge an hourly rate and make it high enough so that the client does not stay too late.

Fortune telling using a pendulum

One of the oldest forms of divination uses a pendulum. A pendulum is a weight suspended on a chain or cord, the movements of which provide answers to questions that you ask out loud. Pendulums can be natural (such as a crystal or favorite gemstone) or synthetic. I prefer artificial. You will find them in any store that sells occult items.

The most important rule One thing that should not be forgotten when using a pendulum is relaxation. Tension blocks your sensitivity. Remember to use your magic ratios when working with the pendulum. For example, you could light a candle (choose a candle in a color that matches the occasion), burn some incense (check botanical associations), or choose a specific time of day or hour ruled by the appropriate angel.

Cleanse, consecrate and bless your talisman on your angelic altar. Ask the Divination Angels to help you, give you wisdom and give useful answers using a pendulum.

Place your elbow on the table and pass the pendulum chain or string between your thumb and first two fingers. Let the chain or cord hang from the back of your hand.

Get grounded and centered. Take a few deep breaths, remembering to relax the muscles around your eyes and mouth. You can read the angelic divination prayer given earlier.

Wait for the pendulum to calm down. Then say, “Show me the answer is yes.” Wait until the pendulum starts to move. It can move clockwise, counterclockwise, forward or backward. This will indicate "yes" answers to the interpretation.

Wait until the pendulum stops spinning. Say, “Show me the answer is no.” Wait until the pendulum starts to move. It can move clockwise, counterclockwise, forward or backward, but it will not be the same movements as for the answer "yes". If the movements are the same, try again. Once you have mastered this answer, remember that it means “no.”

Wait for the pendulum to stop, then say, “Show me the answer to 'I don't know.' Wait until the pendulum starts to move. This should be a different movement from the movements for “yes” and “no” answers. Once you have mastered this answer, you are ready to ask the questions you have planned for the fortune telling session.

Record your successes and failures. For practice, predict the weather or use the course pages valuable papers from your newspaper. Make sure first that you are working with something that you did not know in advance. You will notice that on some days your activities will be successful, and on other days you will not be so fruitful. This can be attributed to your state of mind, health, or current astrological correlations.

Some people prefer to use a pendulum card for fortune telling. You can cut it out of cardboard or make it out of wood or metal. The choice is yours. If you have creativity, use it when creating these cards. Here are some examples of cards you can use:

Main map

This is a quick way to find out where you need to focus your energy or what your friend or client cares about most.

Archangels Card

You can add other points in each quarter of the circle. This map is designed to give you an idea. For example, Gabriel often predicts births, and Uriel deals with property and the acquisition of physical objects. You can reflect this in your cards.

Our planning

This card helps show the possible outcome of a situation. For example, if Susie wants to start a good relationship with someone, then she knows the places where she can do this, but not everywhere it is safe.

The first thing she must do is ask her Guardian Angel to help her. She should then draw a map similar to the one below and try using the pendulum in her hand to make the best choice where to do it and where not to.

Guardian angel

This rune represents the suitor's guardian angel, and what he or she is affecting right now, whether he or she is blocked, and if so, by what. If the rune is reversed, it means that the plaintiff does not take the keeper seriously or simply does not pay attention to him.

Sacred Spiral

When this rune lies nearby, it indicates learning in the future, prayers to the deity and connections with the Universe. Don't forget to perform a ritual, rite, or read a prayer so that it will help you solve a problem or take a fresh look at your life. Perhaps the difficulty lies in how you perceive religion and use it in your life. If this rune is turned face down, it essentially means that you are too busy with earthly things and are not using your spiritual gift, or it could simply mean that religious matters are not important at this moment.

Uriel is magic. If there is bad or good mojo involved, this rune will tell you so, especially if it is reversed. If the rune of negativity is nearby, it means that magical actions have been performed, but this will not necessarily harm you, although it will not bring anything good. It is likely that the best intentions can bring you the worst possible results. If it is reversed, you can definitely say that you have become the target of someone's negative thoughts. This may stem from jealousy or simply from incorrect information.


Metatron - wisdom. This is the ability to make the right decisions (in the right position) or the wrong ones (in the upside down position). Check the surrounding runes to see if wisdom is inherent to you or if you need to seek it from a friend or family member. A reversed rune can mean a hasty decision, which can lead to problems or rash action.


The situation may improve if you think about it or start planning an appropriate action. Reversed, this rune shows that you have not sufficiently considered the situation from a positive point of view and you need to change your attitude in a positive direction.

This rune represents your higher self and the best you can achieve in a given situation. It has no specific meaning when reversed. This rune of spiritual benefits and energy of the goddess.

Wings are messages. In the right position, this rune means good messages; when reversed, it can mean that you will not receive the message you are waiting for, or messages at all.


Negativity is negativity projected onto a situation, such as gossip, bad intentions, dirty deeds, or jealousy on the part of the complainant or someone else. Check the surrounding runes. An inverted rune indicates the possibility of escaping the situation. Check the surrounding runes again for how the plaintiff can get rid of the problem.

Gabriel - began. This rune represents the beginning of any situation. If it is near the family rune, it means a possible birth or marriage. If it is reversed, the hope of starting over is blocked and may not manifest itself.

Azrael - endings. This rune represents the end of a matter. If it is reversed, the situation may end badly unless you try to do something about it, or perhaps the ending is not currently in sight. Check the surrounding runes again for clarity.

Money - this rune is very simple. Check the surrounding runes to find out the source and amount of money. If it is near a family rune or inheritance, then it could be a gift from a family member or the result of the death of a relative. If it is near the rune of negativity, look around - someone is trying to use you.

Vesta - inspiration and protection. Look for something new that should help you. This could be a new hobby, job, partnership, etc. (check surrounding runes). A reversed rune indicates a lack of inspiration on the part of the plaintiff.


Conflict is a brewing fight, an open scandal, or perhaps a physical confrontation. Near the family rune means family disputes. Near the rune of negativity there is an open dispute. Near the rune of bad habits means possible criminal activity or abandonment of a bad habit and abuse of something. The further away this rune is, the more likely it is that the plaintiff will be able to control the damage now or completely nullify the conflict. If the rune is reversed, the conflict has already occurred and steps are being taken to resolve it.

Anail is family. Another simple and direct sign meaning something connected by blood or spirit. This could be your close relatives or distant relatives. If it lays down correctly, then everything goes well (although check the surrounding runes). An inverted rune signifies possible dysfunction or temporary imbalance.

Raphael - harmony. Joy, excitement, pleasant events, happiness, love, self-esteem. Mixing of harmonic energies. Receiving gifts. A reversed rune represents unhappiness, blockage or destruction of pleasant events, or lack of self-esteem.

The star is hope for the future, a green light, a predestination that everything will turn out well for the plaintiff. This rune has no reverse meaning. Check the surrounding runes for further clarification.


Partiality means what it represents. Addiction to drugs, alcohol, sex or obsession (even with power), extreme individualism. A reversed rune indicates that the addiction is a thing of the past or that the individual is making great efforts to overcome the problem.

Chiron - karma. The situation presented is karmic in nature - it is a situation that you may have been working on for several life cycles, or it has just arisen. An inverted rune indicates a process of denial in a given situation and a refusal to work constructively.

A man, or masculine energy that influences the plaintiff in some way. The bones surrounding this rune indicate his intentions. The correct position indicates its positive influence or that deep down he good man(the runes around him can indicate whether he makes good or bad decisions). An inverted rune shows that he is a boor and impudent person and his influence on the plaintiff will be bad.

A woman, or feminine energy that influences the plaintiff in some way. The bones surrounding this rune indicate its intentions. The correct placement indicates that she is a positive influence or that she is a good person at heart (the runes around her can indicate whether she makes good or bad decisions). An inverted rune shows that this is an evil, insidious reptile and its influence on the plaintiff will be bad.

Juno symbolizes partnership, the union of two people in love or business (check the surrounding runes). An inverted rune means that not everything is in order with the partnership or that true feelings are hidden. For more information, check the nearby runes again.

The job that is most important to the plaintiff at the moment. This could be full time, part time, social work and even work from inspiration. The key here is the one that is most important. A reversed rune means that the plaintiff is not doing the work he really wants to do or his current job.

Full moon

The full moon is the rune of time distribution. The runes around it show what will happen by the next full moon.

New moon

The new moon is another rune of time distribution. The other runes around it show what will happen at the next new moon.


This rune makes it clear that the outcome is still unknown or there is an unknown influence involved in the situation.


Index - the last rune symbolizes the plaintiff. The correct position means that the plaintiff's eyes are open and he is ready to learn the facts and hear spiritual messages. A reversed rune means that the plaintiff is in a state of denial, is not looking at all the facts rationally, or is so caught up in other endeavors that he is not paying attention to the business.

Covered in a veil of mystery, mystical culture gives incredible opportunities, and one of the tools for achieving them are angelic runes. They depict everyday objects of life, but help to find answers to questions of family or personal problems, how and why this or that event happened. If you know how to use them correctly, such symbols will bring a powerful influence on circumstances. Contained in the 26 runes of angels, magic is used in clairvoyance, predicting the future, and reading the past. Ancient runes and their incarnations are used in literature, namely in the series of books “The Mortal Instruments” by writer Cassandra Clare.

Type and properties

Ancient angel runes are symbols with different meanings depicted on small round pieces of bone or smooth semi-precious stones. But the material on which the rune is drawn does not play a serious role; it is also possible to make the base from improvised means, such as pebbles, cardboard and paper. The main thing is the signs, which contain the necessary energy charge for magical procedures. Everyone chooses their own set of runes depending on their desires and needs. They are able to predict events, give answers to questions of interest to the fortuneteller and purify his energy.

Runic properties will not appear if the runes are not charged. In order to be charged, magic stones need contact with the person using them.

A symbol applied to the body gives a person some kind of ability.

The characters in The Mortal Instruments, shadowhunters, use runes to resist demons, which they do constantly out of duty. Angelic runes look like ornate tattoos and are applied to the body or weapon with a special magical artifact called a stylus. Each symbol brings to the wearer an ability that helps in battle - speed, agility, silence, etc. The hunter’s strong faith and harmony with himself fills the rune with strength and increases the warrior’s combat potential.

Meaning and Application

Ancient runes take on meaning depending on their use, perception and position in space. Based on their message, they are divided into groups presented in the table:

GroupRuneWhat does it mean
AngelsMetatronWisdom and magic, people's intentions
GabrielBeginning, change and success, but when inverted the rune takes on the opposite meaning
AnailFamily ties, spiritual connection
AzraelThe end, a warning to stop something
VestaProtection and inspiration
PallasMeditation, action analysis
The keeperThe connection between the fortuneteller and the guardian angel
IntermediariesReligionHarmony with the universe, spiritual component
WingsNews, message, news
StarGuidebook, directions
JobDoing what you love
WomanThe influence of a woman on the life of a fortuneteller
ManImpact of a man
AddictionObsession, relapse in relation to old addictions
DummyUnknown, uncertainty
PointerThe fortuneteller himself

The meaning of runes in The Mortal Instruments

In order for the hunter to be healed, this symbol is applied to his body.

Angelic runes of shadowhunters do not change their meaning, regardless of external influence and position. In the everyday life of the angel-born there are symbols whose role is not known by name, but the majority act as they are called. Some symbols remain on the warrior’s skin forever, while others, having completed their task, disappear. Specific magical signs include the following:

  • Enkeli (Rune of Angelic Power). A symbol without which it is impossible to defeat the demon. It means that its bearer is a descendant of angels and angelic blood flows in his veins. Highest rune.
  • Iratze. Healing is applied when the hunter is injured and disappears after the effect has been rendered.
  • Glossolalia. Multilingualism allows a native speaker to understand and speak another language without studying.
  • Parabatai. An unbreakable spiritual connection between two hunters. Inflicted on close friends who swear eternal loyalty to each other.

Angelic runes are twenty-six occult symbols intended for fortune telling, divination and other magical practices. As in the case with, with the help of these runes they learn their future, seek protection and explanations of actions, their own or others’, attract luck and energy to accomplish important things. So what are angelic runes?

In the article:

Angelic runes and their meaning

Angelic runes are universal pictograms, a set of signs that everyone chooses for themselves individually. So, a person whose activity is related to medicine can choose a rune in his reading that signifies his work, a person engaged in business - with. Some angelic runes speak about a person’s feelings, others about his career, and others about his family. Each rune carries its own special meaning, which can be interpreted completely differently in different scenarios. Let's look at them in more detail.

The rune of the guardian angel symbolizes the relationship between a person and him, the strength of your protector and your faith in him. Depending on the position of the rune, the symbol can be either positive or negative. For example, when turned upside down, it says that a person does not believe in his angel.

Religion, also known as the sacred spiral, denotes everything spiritual that is not related to bodily needs. It is harmony with the universe, the presence of God in life, or a symbol of future learning. In a negative state, it makes sense both the denial of faith and excessive passion for earthly affairs, and the absence of important religious issues at this stage.

Metatron is a rune named after the angel from the Jewish Haggadah, called nothing less than the “Great and Mighty Angel,” and he himself is a messenger and guardian, an expression of God’s will in our world. The rune means wisdom, magic, indicates the good and bad intentions of you and the people around you who play a role in a person’s life.

Shekinah, along with Metatron, is a mediator between the worlds. Having a symbol in the form of a halo, it carries a purely positive charge of energy. The angelic power of this rune is also described as the presence of the divine. Even when turned upside down, there is no negativity in it.

The beginning, the news of the emergence of something new in life. For family people, the imminent birth of a child is possible, for those for whom business is important - for changes in business, the successful conclusion of an agreement or a new partner. Being inverted speaks of stagnation, a closed path to the new, and a strong attachment to the old.

Azrael - the end of something, a big deal or a long relationship. Of all the runes, this one is the most dependent on the outcome of the others and is interpreted differently depending on how the others are interpreted. It can warn of a likely bad outcome if a person does not do something to correct the situation.

Anail - family, kinship by blood or spirit. These can be both blood relatives and friends, people who care about you. When placed incorrectly, it indicates an imbalance in the family or relationship. They rarely indicate a specific situation, allowing the fortuneteller to decide for himself what exactly the alignment shows.

Uriel is magic directed at you or someone close to you. It can be both positive and negative. Usually it is she who answers the question of how to protect a house with the help of angelic runes; it is used for spells and conspiracies.

It is harmony, love and joy, self-esteem and positivity, pleasant events. Gifts from people and fate. Reversed - destruction, hatred, anti-Eros, low self-esteem. Unhappy events in life.

Chiron means "karma". A series of events, some big incident, negative energy that has been worked off for several rebirths, or it just happened and that’s why it’s especially strong. Angelic runes are believed to be instruments of death, but Chiron is perhaps most strongly associated with death. Moreover, its meaning is not as negative as is commonly believed.

Pallas or Papas is meditation. Improving the situation by thinking about your actions, reasonable planning, and a rational approach. The only one that has the opposite meaning, being reversed. In this case, it is proposed to consider the situation again, to see previously unnoticed positive aspects.

Vesta, the same name as the Roman goddess of sacrificial fire, her angelic rune is protection and inspiration. New job, new hobbies, the emergence of other interests that differ from what they have now. Negative meaning - lack of strength, search on the part of a person.

Juno, a successful partnership, a union of two people in love or business. Can talk about hiding real feelings, lies, impending betrayal. The value can vary greatly depending on the layout.

Wings are a message, news, usually good. Waiting for a message. The opposite meaning is the absence of news, the message not reaching.

Conflict - confrontation, quarrel, brewing scandal. Depending on its position, it means family disputes or even physical conflict, an event based on the opposition of two opinions. May indicate that an event has already happened and steps need to be taken to resolve the conflict.

Negativity - jealousy, hatred, bad intentions, gossip, envy directed at a person. Presence evil man in life. An inverted rune shows the possibility of getting rid of troubles.

Addiction means passion, craving for something, most often harmful. Alcohol, drugs, sex. It can also be an extreme obsession, mania. It may also remind you of an obstacle that has already been overcome in the past.

A star - indicating the path, giving a green light, a signal that there are no obstacles on the way. It has no reverse meaning, the sign is purely positive. More accurate interpretations depend on the position of the surrounding runes.

Money - this angelic rune has direct meaning. It shows the source and amount of money depending on the situation. When you are near the rune of negativity, someone is trying to use you. Paired with the rune of addiction - a craving for accumulation, acquisitiveness, stinginess.

Man - Animus, masculinity, a man's influence on life. The runes around indicate the man’s intentions, his positivity or negativity in fate, and the likely development of events. An inverted rune demonstrates that he is a negative person with a bad character.

Woman - Anima, the feminine principle, the influence of a woman on the life of a fortuneteller. Most often, women are close. The rune reveals her intentions, what decisions, good or bad, she uses.

Full Moon is a time indicator rune showing what will happen by the next full moon. The full moon is an important astrological event that affects people's health and thoughts. Angelic runes are oriented towards the lunar cycle.

New Moon is an indicator rune that tells what will happen on the next new moon. The star rune, together with it, has the meaning of warning about a certain instability of the chosen path. Together with the rune of wings - alarming news.

Work is a type of activity, a favorite pastime at the moment. The most important thing. The opposite meaning is the absence of a favorite activity.

Dummy - the outcome is unknown or the event is influenced by some irresistible force that does not clearly show the likely outcome of events. Either the decisions and initiatives taken are empty, and it is better not to expect the end of the matter in the near future. The rune is neutral and is interpreted according to the signs surrounding it.

Pointer - denotes a fortuneteller. In the right position means that the seeker is open to knowledge and ready to accept answers. In the wrong - that the person is blinkered and is in captivity of false ideas. He misinterprets the meanings of the alignments and should free himself before finding out his future.

Mortal Instruments - Runes of Angels in Popular Culture

The angelic rune has significance not only in magical practices, but has found a place in modern popular culture. Yes, American writer Cassandra Clare in 2007 she wrote the first book in her “The Mortal Instruments” series, in which she actively used the symbolism of angelic runes. For example, the rune of fearlessness is a symbol created by the main character, making its bearer the bravest of people.

In the books, the main weapons of demon hunters are sacred runes created by the angel Raziel. The author came up with more than a dozen symbols that denoted certain abilities. Each of these signs contains angelic power, and only it is capable of harming the demons attacking the world and people.

In total, the author wrote six books, on which the film and TV series “Shadowhunters” were made. This franchise is very successful, so the series was renewed for a second season. The mythology of the books is entirely built on the use of angelic runes, both real and invented by Cassandra Clare, which runs like a red thread through the plot.

Manufacturing materials and use of angel runes

Runes can be made from a wide variety of materials, ranging from wood, simple and semi-precious stones, and even ordinary shoe cardboard. You can buy them, or you can make them yourself. The material is not as important as the fortuneteller’s intentions, experience and desire.

The rune of angelic power is an occult sign used in magical practice and fortune telling (fortune telling), as a means of interpreting the future, past and present. There are only 26 universal symbols (pictographic images), objects familiar to a person that he encounters every day. Runes can be useful for rituals or for attracting energy.

How to make runes

Such magical items can be bought in a store or made yourself at home. They are usually made from semi-precious or ordinary stones, pebbles, cardboard, and round seeds. The choice of material for runes should be based on personal preferences, based on the sensations from its contact with the skin. When creating runes at home, it is allowed to add to the standard set of symbols some of your own meanings that characterize your lifestyle (this could be a hobby or professional activity etc). Magic objects can be the same color or multi-colored; when choosing a color, you should listen to your intuition.

In order to maintain the growth and stability of groupthink around the created runes, in addition to your own set, you should make two more and give them to certain people (they take the choice of such people seriously). When donating, the recipient must be taught the basics of working with occult objects.

Before you start working with runes

Before using such a set, rituals are performed:

  • cleansing - objects are left under moonlight or sunlight for a day;
  • consecration - they sprinkle magical things with spring water;
  • charging - all items need to be held in your hands for a couple of minutes so that they are saturated with energy (at this time there should be a clear picture of this process in your head).

To carry out the ritual, some surface (floor, table, etc.) is cleared, and a pointer (a sign suitable for any person) is placed on it.

After this, all things are placed in a bowl or bag and shaken thoroughly. During this entire action, the person mentally thinks about his question, asks it and asks for help. Then they shake out all the objects and begin to study how they fell out. All items that fall face down are not taken into account, since they do not carry any information, while the rest are examined in the direction from the pointer and those that are closest to it deserve attention first. To understand what secret the dropped objects carry, you need to know the meaning of each.

Angelic runes and their meanings

So, several of the most important angelic runes and their meaning:

  • religion - chances of coping with any problem (with the help of magic); if the object is upside down, this indicates that the person is not using spiritual potential;

  • guardian angel - shows the influence of the guardian angel (when the symbol is inverted, it means that the person does not believe in its existence);

  • Uriel - talks about magic in life (if the sign is upside down, then someone is sending negativity to the person);

  • papas - meditation, indicates that you need to understand the situation and carefully study the issue;

  • metatron - wisdom, if the rune lies facing a person, then this speaks of making the right decision, and if towards the table, then of a wrong one;

  • shekhina - the rune of the goddess and spiritual deeds, represents the higher self and everything that can be achieved in a certain situation;

Angelic runes

Runes, simply put, are occult signs. Some of them are very old and we will not touch on them (if you are interested in traditional runes, there are many books on this topic). The runes presented here are intended specifically for use in angelic divination and magical practices.

Angelic runes are twenty-six pictographic images (universal symbols) of ordinary objects that we encounter every day. They are your tool for understanding the past, seeing the present clairvoyantly, and considering the future. They can also be used on your altar when performing magical acts to attract the energy you need to do the work.
Most runes are made from small round stones, discs, round gems, small pebbles, and even pieces of cardboard (you can make your own runes from whatever you want). There are many rune sets currently available on the market. Some of them are very old (as mentioned earlier), while others appeared about fifty years ago.
General rules.

Cleanse, consecrate and charge your rune set before use. Choose a specific angel to be the guardian of the rune set. This is the angel you will summon every time you use this divination tool, so choose wisely. You can find the symbol of this angel and place it on your cup or rune pouch, or paint an occult symbol representing the guardian on the sides or bottom of the cup itself.
Cleanse the runes after each working session by placing them in sunlight, moonlight or incense.
Interpret the runes for the short term - not for six months or a year. They will tell you what energies are around you right now and what is coming your way over the next week or so. Sometimes a rune may fall out of pattern on the corner of the table. Consider this as a signal that this issue, although not currently on the agenda, may be affected by your current choices. Phrase your questions carefully, as some can be better answered using more complex tools such as tarot cards.
You can make your angel runes one color or paint them different colors. The choice is yours.
All angelic runes are thrown, except for the harbinger (pointer) rune. This rune represents the suitor (the person for whom you are interpreting). Since the angels do not care whether you are a man or a woman, the index rune is a universal symbol.

Rune throwing

Place all the runes in a small bowl or bag. Shake them and think about the question. Ground yourself and center yourself, take a few deep breaths, and relax. Connect with your guardian angel and the angel you have named as the guardian of your runes. Ask them for help. Ask your question and lightly drop the runes onto a flat, stable surface.

Interpretation of angelic runes

Ignore runes that fall face down. These are not the questions and situations that you should consider regarding this matter. Start interpreting from the pointer rune as from the center. Those runes that are closest to the pointer deserve immediate attention. Those further away indicate events or states of mind that are moving closer or further away from the plaintiff.
Runes touching each other refer to the same issue. Runes with gaps or empty ones between them are either separate issues or have some kind of barriers between them.
With practice, you will notice that the runes form patterns around the questions. The designs are usually linear or circular.
Once you have gained experience with your angelic runes, you can draw a chart similar to the ones I suggested for pendulum divination, or you can try using the one below, drawing it on cardboard or embroidering it on a white canvas. You can write out the circle with astrological symbols, phases of the moon, etc. The choice is yours
you. Don't forget to personalize your table. The most accurate interpretations are possible when you reveal your energies to the instrument.


Guardian angel:

This rune represents the suitor's guardian angel, and what he or she is affecting right now, whether he or she is blocked, and if so, by what.
If the guardian angel rune is reversed, it means that the plaintiff does not take the guardian angel seriously or simply does not pay attention to him.


This is the sacred spiral. When this rune lies nearby, it indicates learning in the future, prayers to the deity and your connections with the Universe. Don't forget to perform a ritual, rite, or read a prayer so that it will help you solve a problem or take a fresh look at your life. Perhaps the difficulty lies in how you perceive religion and use it in your life.
If this rune is turned face down, it essentially means that you are too busy with earthly things and are not using your spiritual gift, or it could simply mean that religious matters are not important at this moment.

Uriel - magic.

If there is bad or good mojo involved, this rune will tell you so, especially if it is reversed. If it is near the rune of negativity, it means that magical actions have been performed, but this will not necessarily harm you, but will not bring anything good either. This means that the best intentions can "bring you the worst possible results."
If this rune is reversed, it definitely means that you have become the target of someone's negative thoughts. This may stem from jealousy or simply from incorrect information.

Metatron -wisdom.

This is the ability to make the right decisions (in the right position) or the wrong ones (in the upside down position). Check the surrounding runes to see if wisdom is inherent to you or if you need to seek it from a friend or family member. A reversed rune can mean a hasty decision, which can lead to problems or rash action.

Pallas - meditation.

The situation may improve if you think about it or start planning an appropriate action.
Reversed, this rune shows that you have not sufficiently considered the situation from a positive point of view and you need to change your attitude in a positive direction.

Shekinah - halo.

This rune represents your higher self and the best you can achieve in a given situation. It has no specific meaning when reversed. This rune of spiritual benefits and energy of the Goddess.

Wings - messages.

In the right position means good messages,
reversed may mean that you will not receive the message you are waiting for, or any messages at all.

Negativity - this is negativity

Projected towards a situation such as gossip, bad intentions, dirty dealings or jealousy on the part of the plaintiff or someone else. Check the surrounding runes.
An inverted rune indicates the possibility of escaping the situation. Check the surrounding runes again for how the plaintiff can get rid of the problem.

Gabriel - Start.

This rune represents the beginning of any situation. If it is near the family rune, it means a possible birth or marriage.
If it is reversed, the hope of starting over is blocked and may not manifest itself.

Azrael - endings.

This rune represents the end of a matter.
If it is reversed, the situation may end badly unless you try to do something about it, or perhaps the ending is not currently in sight. Check the surrounding runes again for clarity.

Money - this rune is very simple.

Check the surrounding runes to find out the source and amount of money. If it is near a family rune or inheritance, then it could be a gift from a family member or the result of the death of a relative.
If it is located near the rune of negativity, look around - someone is trying to use you.

Vesta - inspiration and protection.

Look for something new that should help you. This could be a new hobby new job, new partnership, etc. (check surrounding runes).
A reversed rune indicates a lack of inspiration on the part of the plaintiff.


this rune means what it represents. This is a brewing fight, an open scandal, or perhaps a physical confrontation. Near the family rune means family disputes. Near the rune of negativity is an open dispute. Near the rune of bad habits means possible criminal activity or abandonment of a bad habit and abuse of something; The further away this rune is, the more likely it is that the plaintiff will be able to control the damage now or completely nullify the conflict.
If the rune is reversed, the conflict has already occurred and steps are being taken to resolve it.

Anail - family.

Another simple and direct sign meaning something connected by blood or spirit. This could be your close relatives or distant relatives. If it lays down correctly, then everything goes well (although check the surrounding runes).
An inverted rune signifies possible dysfunction or temporary imbalance. . .

Rafail - harmony.

Joy, excitement, pleasant events, happiness, love, self-esteem. Mixing of harmonic energies. Receiving gifts. A reversed rune represents unhappiness, blockage or destruction of pleasant events, or lack of self-esteem.


hope for the future, a green light, a predestination that everything will turn out well for the plaintiff. This rune has no reverse meaning. Check the surrounding runes for further clarification.