Runic staves for all occasions. The latest runoscripts Becoming the removal of ancestral damage

Becoming Khaabidan - Sleeping pills

A strong but mild sleeping pill. It can be specified in two variations - more stringent (for severe insomnia) and more gentle.
Perth (exit)
Ansuz direct (control)
Ansuz inverted (turns off consciousness)
mirror Soulu (turn off the lights)
Algis + Gebo
If severe insomnia is indicated, Nautis + per. Tyur is also prescribed to destroy the body’s resistance.

Becoming MATRIX

The point is the matrix itself - our perfect body, young, beautiful, healthy

Three Dagaz + triple ALU formula - changes under the auspices of the Gods, sweeping away blocks that interfere with restoration and renewal.

Inguz+Yera - starting the recovery process based on the matrix image

Peort + Berkana - rebirth of the body

Odal + Fehu mirror + Algiz + Vunyo - restored youth and health.

Disclaimer drawn up by Velya:

This runic formula makes a breakthrough that destroys the blocks that prevent the body from recovering and connecting to the matrix of health and a happy destiny, with strength, wisdom and Divine providence. The process of restoration and restructuring of the physical body and internal organs a healthy body that feels light and comfortable, achieving what you want. This runic pattern brings joy, prosperity and ever-growing well-being and a return to the framework of the age at which they felt more comfortable, when they could fully realize themselves (or there was the possibility of realization). Next, as always, the classics (end of disclaimer).

Becoming Renhet(cleaning)

There was a need for a gentle therapeutic cleansing for one person, combined with treatment for depression and mental pain. Anahata, in fact, is blocked, the person is fixated on the past and his grievances and attachments. Removes depression and obsession, opens channels.

The script is very complex, a combination of Sibelius glyphs and Icelandic runes.

Top down:

Tyrt, Kne Sol, Sol, Bjarkan, Khat, Lhab, Aesinger, per. Tyr, Den.

The upper ligature cleanses Ajna and Anahata, clears away dirt, and heals.

Pay attention to the bottom - Essinger symbolizes everything “collected”,

we send it down, where it is burned by the lower glyphs. This is a gentle option

We burn garbage not in the chakras themselves, but separately. I am against cleansing with meat.

Becoming an Amulet of Health

Amulet for health. This seal will help you gain good health and strength to heal from various ailments. It should be worn in green silk with a blue ribbon. When consecrating, say:

“Soulo Odal Mannaz Nautiz Odal Yara! In the name of the Great Goddess, whose bosom is our life, whose heart is our love. May you gain the power that gives me strength of spirit and health of body. Let it be so!"

Becoming a Bull - strengthening the immune system

To restore and strengthen the immune system.

Working runes:

Uruz straight and mirror, Gebo, Teyvaz, Dagaz, 2Inguz Algiz

Uruz: physical strength

Gebo: let's gather it into a fist

Dagaz: changing poor immunity to excellent, strong

Teyvaz: gives the ability to fight diseases, endure illnesses steadfastly and easily

Inguz: immunity itself

Algiz: prevents recurrent disease, controls the process

Disclaimer: this runic form collects all the physical strength of a person in order to (in the shortest possible time and) once and for all make the immune system as strong, strong, stable as possible, capable of easily enduring any diseases and quickly getting rid of them. All changes in the immune system occur without harm to a person’s health, under the control of the sun and only beneficially. Apply on paper and under the pillow, on the body.

Works. Note: exacerbations of diseases are possible at the beginning of the formula, but not necessarily.

Becoming Immunity

Inguz - health, immunity

Algiz - detects the slightest change in health, the approach of illness, batsyl

Uruz - stable physical. the power that rejects all illnesses

Ior - the same Hagal destroys everything harmful that can undermine health

Teyvaz - a barrier to disease and personal resistance to infections, good health

Gebo - inner harmony of health

Salt - the forces that nourish the entire formula to be healthy

For especially delicate ones, you can add Laguzy to Algiz type as on a break of bindings.

Becoming recovery during and after illness

The kernel gives

Perto + Uruz - physical strength, lifts you to your feet

Perto+Soulo - Pure positive energy

Perto + Inguz - healing, gives strength where there is very little of it and is lacking.

Perto+Kano - health results, helps you find new, more useful and effective ways treatment.

The shell does

Evaz - spins the energy funnel and moves it, accelerating positive changes.

Algiz + Fehu - help the sun, collection of energies, drugs, food and drink necessary for healing and their filtration, protection against the return of all symptoms and illnesses, protection against exacerbations.

Hagalaz - destroys disease, that which prevents you from getting healthy, and allows you to be sick.

Dagaz is a positive change in the situation and condition of the patient.

Becoming Vision Restoration

SF runes used: 2 Dagaza - 2 Kano (straight, mirror) - 2 Perta (straight, mirror) - 2 Fehu (straight, mirror) - 2 Vunyo (straight, mirror) - Soul - Yera

Becoming Veil - female attractiveness

berkana - that female attractiveness (essence) that is inherent from birth

kano - reveals, ignites and shows this femininity

laguz - reveals passion and femininity to others (as if enveloping the object in a veil of attractiveness)

Becoming a way out of stress

Galdrastav Rodu Kross

galdrastav for treatment, prolongation and protection of life. It can fulfill wishes or help solve the most difficult situations in life. It is drawn arbitrarily, the material is not important. The moon is growing.

Becoming Thick Hair Growth

Rapunzel (for hair thickness)

At the request, I will give in the topic with hair ligature.

Formula for hair renewal and thickness.

The basis of the formula is the Hungarian rune eL - The rune of rain and water falling from the sky, giving a harvest. We water the hair with nutrients. Next Berkana - - Treat existing problems Two Uruz - Give the hair strength and thickness. We finish with the Perth analogue, the Hungarian rune R - cleansing the scalp, renewing the hair with new and shiny hair.

Becoming Clean Hair

Becoming the door to a new life

Mannaz is the rune of the self. At the moment, only purity and the desire for change are effective. The correct attitude towards one’s self is of paramount importance, since it is from this that all possible options for correct relationships with other people and with the Divine flow.

The Eihwaz rune is a change in the situation itself. Moreover, a radical change. “Plus” can change to “minus” (death), and vice versa. A flourishing kingdom can be destroyed in an instant. Emptiness and desolation. A passing tornado. Eihwaz is this tornado. And on the gloomy ashes, the sprouts of new life suddenly appear. This new life, generously endowed with the energy of Eihwaz, turns a terrible place into a fragrant meadow. Death and reappearance. Rune Eihwaz, the process must end, reborn in a new form. The Eihwaz rune is not a stop. Because the former no longer exists. All. Death. And now there will be something new. But it will definitely happen. Because it cannot but be. This main law. Why does the rune symbolize Yggdrasil - the World Tree. Continuity of the universe. Light and darkness. Life and death. One thing replaces another and this is the continuity of the universe. In the same way, the rune acts as a rune of protection, or rather as a rune of active defense. We radically change a threat to something into something useful for something (the enemy fights with his own weapon). The minus sign is converted to a plus sign. In the same way, an obstacle can become something that helps further progress.

Thurisaz Hammer of Thor. Will and Strength. The rune does not recognize conventions and restrictions. This is an absolute action. There are no compromises, no second thoughts, and most importantly, no further regulation. The impact is imposed, and it can no longer be stopped, changed, or directed in a different direction. Rune Thurisaz is the Law. Themis blindfolded. The law must be enforced, regardless of persons, and at any cost. Thus, the Thurisaz rune acts as a kind of Guardian of Change in a person

Nauthiz rune works on the survival instinct, on the instinct of self-preservation. Nautiz gives strength in a critical situation, in a critical situation. Moreover, the rune makes it possible not only to survive in conditions, but also to develop in these conditions. This is development through obstacles and limitations. This is what allows you to turn these obstacles and limitations into good, and use them in further development. You can destroy these conditions themselves, which is what we do by using the Thurisaz rune. The more pressure there is, the more resistance there is..

Raidho Rune of the Path. This is a Movement. Perpetual motion. Oh this must be the right movement. Therefore, it is the rune of leadership (direction), control (management) and purpose. The goal is the right path, in the physical and spiritual sense. The goal is the Path itself, because any, most important, specific goal is only an intermediate goal, an intermediate stage. Behind this goal there will always be another goal. Any specific goal will never be the end goal. You can't stop.

Algiz rune of protection. Rune of the protection of the gods.

Laguz Powerful energy flow.

Kenaz This is the Rune of Revealing, renewed clarity, meant to dispel darkness. This is the Rune of the beginning of activity, seriousness, clear intention and concentration, which, all together and individually, are necessary at the beginning of any effort.


By removing any harmful attachments from a person, we change a person’s world; we remove the old that hindered a person’s development, exchanging for a new life that is not framed by the destructive old that interferes with him. Further, any attempts to attach new destructive attachments to a person come into force with Themis, which does not matter what the reasons for the resumption of the destructive action are. The greater the pressure to reattach destructive bindings, the greater the resistance and the acceleration of changes in a person (teaches to live in a new way). As soon as an attempt to influence an object begins, algiz immediately begins to work and, with the help of laguz, captures this attempt and sets it on fire with the help of a cano

This runic formula cleans, removes, cuts off, destroys from me (or my name) all possible harmful connections to me (or my name), connections that cause harm and destruction, including artificial, blood, family, and also those created with the help of various magic , runes, single, formulas, galdstavs, work with the help of spirits, entities, beings, necrobindings, me (or name), my (his) physical, emotional, energetic, psychological, astral, personal state, and are replaced by new opportunities to find new ones connections that can give me joy, growth of me as a person in various directions of life, on the physical, emotional, energetic, psychological, astral, personal level. The will of the Gods keeps me (or the name) on this path, the cleansing of me (or the name) has already begun and cannot go back, any attempts to change this course will be punished, even the very conditions under which bindings can arise, connections that can help me ( or name) to destroy, the more attempts there are to influence me (or name), the more strength there will be to find new connections. This formula begins to work immediately after applying it, and also works as a protection when trying to influence me while this formula is working. Destroying all possible attempts at this influence.

Becoming Dolya and Nedolya

"The basis is Three Dagaz, which provide transition on the astral, mental and physical levels.

The first returns Nedol to the one who stole it with the help of 9 mirrored Nautizovs

The second returns luck to the rightful owner with the help of Soul-Fehu-Vunyo

Lagus direct the flow of exchange.

The dot in the second stav means a person who returns his luck (well, so that it doesn’t get lost)

Eyvaz+Turisaz direct and mirror between Laguz. This results in the following clause:

The 1st becoming returns the spell of Nedoli to the one who cast this spell on (name) and cuts off the return of the spell back;

The 2nd becoming returns the happy share back to (name), bringing him material benefits, luck and success in all areas of activity.

"...When you apply it, it’s like a clearing occurs in your head, i.e. thoughts become clearer, the answer to questions that you have been struggling with for a long time quickly comes, you begin to understand why sometimes you just didn’t understand, why and how and what prevented you from solving some problems.

To be specific: the woman did not understand why she had no luck with men, there was always a breakup, after a short relationship, and also with a decrease in her wallet. After becoming a partner, the answer came - a job was ordered for failure in all relationships with any men, i.e. ruin and “empty cup”. In the stave itself there are Naudy mirrors, because this is a conscious need to get rid of misfortune, the initiator of the “not enough” is not specifically indicated, i.e. The one who did it will go away, and Laguzy will be taken away and hidden from the operator."

You can specify it like this: This runic becoming all my misfortunes, problems, all my misfortunes and curses on a bad fate (share) are returned to the one who wished and made this spell, misfortunes and problems for me, cutting off (cutting off) all connections and channels of these problems , troubles, misfortunes and curses associated directly with me (name) without returning back forever;

2nd stave: With this runic stave, a happy lot (fate) returns to me (name), bringing me material benefits, good luck and success in all areas of activity with the benefit of my psychological and physical health, bringing satisfaction from my destiny. Let it be So.

Becoming a medicine man

Having become universal, it can be used for any disease.

Depicted on wood, fabric, paper, cardboard, etc.

If it’s really difficult to draw, you can print it out and trace it.

Becoming is specified according to your task, based on the description of its action.

It is activated by the elements (I have told you how to do this many times, look on the forum).

Becoming the Impulse of Life

Becoming the “Impulse of Life” nourishes energy, heals, increases immunity, activates and supports the body’s defenses so that it itself restores lost health.

“OVERCOMING PAIN” - for healing from serious illnesses. Ideal for those who have undergone a complex operation or have been seriously ill for a long time. Magic properties Its characteristics are such that it promotes the return of vital energy to the body, helps to quickly restore strength, bring the entire body into working condition, and pushes a person to eliminate the deep internal cause of the disease. He connects to the energy of the Higher Powers, giving help where it would seem that healing is already impossible. The effect of the talisman is enhanced when turning to the Creator for help. The energies attracted by the talisman from space are aimed at rapid regeneration (restoration) of cells, balancing of the chakras, which ensures recovery and restoration of performance. Relieves the pain experienced by a person, strengthens the spirit and self-control.

“EXTENSION OF YOUTH LIFE” - to acquire health, youth and longevity. Helps restore and maintain physical health, protects against negative programs and emotions. Opens the soul to streams of love, goodness and perfection. Increases immunity and adaptive abilities of the body. The talisman is used for freshness, beauty, youth, health and energy. Awakens internal energy, promotes high performance of body and mind, self-improvement and active life. Gives endurance, longevity, strength and energy balance, what a person needs for a healthy and long life.

“AWAKENING THE STEPS OF TIME” - improves brain function, restores the energy exchange of man and nature.

“RESURRECTION OF VITAL FORCES” - restores strength and positive energies in a person, sets him up for an active life and health. Relieves psychological tension, stress, depression.

“NATURAL ACQUISITION OF LIGHT” - harmonizes and cleanses chakras, energy bodies, constantly replenishes energy.

"TEMPORAL FORM" - aimed at healing nervous system, relieving headaches, strengthening the back muscles and the entire spine.

“BREAK FROM DARK FORCES” - clears energy blockages, restores energy circulation.

“DISPERATING SMOKE” - gives physical strength and health.

“GRATITUDE TO DESTINY” - the opening of vital and spiritual forces for healing.

“ALIGNMENT” - aimed at healing the respiratory system.

“ORGANIZATION OF LIFE” - aimed at stabilizing energy circulation and healing the genitourinary system.

“FLIGHT OF THE SOUL” - promotes healing of the thyroid gland.

"BALANCE" - healing of the gastrointestinal tract.

"Barite. Rising to the heights" - helps to improve the health of the skeletal system and joints.

“Paihun. Star March" - helps normalize blood pressure.

“Moun. Lekodrevo” - promotes the attraction of healing vibrations; restoration of the aura; restoration of the nervous system; eliminating aggressiveness and resentment.

“Vasil. The arrival of hope" - helps to improve the health of the genitourinary system.

“Melda. Harmonious future” - has a positive effect on the respiratory system; treats colds.

“The edges. Daylight" - promotes the mood for healing; increase in vitality; strengthening etheric tissue; heals diseases of the cardiovascular system.

“Buy-sa. Deciding fate" - helps restore vision.

“Regal. Transition" - to relieve pain.

“Brick. Victorious" - helps cleanse and heal the joints and lymphatic system.

“Nerke. Sail of Hope" - to relieve headaches.

“Beleta. Earth element" - helps improve health, strengthen immunity, thin the blood, destroy pathogenic flora in the body, remove diseased cells and replace them with healthy ones.

“Sereko. Prosperity of fate" - helps to increase life expectancy.

“Klyao. New life"- calms the psyche, normalizes sleep.

“Maiso. Lyre of Life" - treatment mental illness and nervous disorders.

“Ewe. Climbing” - helps relieve headaches; normalization of pressure; blood thinning.

“Zest. Improving the world" - treatment of mastopathy, treatment of genitourinary diseases.

“Klug. Fidelity of the mind" - helps improve blood circulation and cleanse blood vessels.

“Kym. Surf of Primordiality" - helps cleanse and restore the liver, gall bladder, pancreas, stomach and spleen.

“Nymph. Breaking the Veil” - has a positive effect on the thyroid gland.

"Face. Song of the Sea" - healing of the gastrointestinal tract and pancreas; normalization of metabolic processes.

“Nuzb. Unmanifestation of the world” - helps relieve headaches; normalization of blood pressure.

“Lua. Song of the Soul" - promotes the healing of soul and body; alignment of the entire body system; restoration of the endocrine system; improvement of hematopoiesis; strengthening immunity.

“Zura. Crossroads of the Moon" - helps restore the cardiovascular system.

“German. Expression of love" - ​​healing of the cardiovascular system and throat diseases.

Becoming Healing of the Spine

Well relieves back pain in the lower back or neck, currently being tested for the treatment of intervertebral hernia." Runes of the central ligature Eyvaz + Yera,

Sovilu + Dagaz + Evaz + Raido (three times) Direct impact on three of its departments. (you can use one repetition) Lateral script - a targeting row of runes.

Petro, Ear, Hagalaz, Isa, Sovilu, Evaz, Laguz, Inguz.

Becoming from back pain

Euva + Berkana – formula for solving back problems

Kano+Peot+Ingvaz - “Healing Runes” - copes well with

back pain. Uruz – mobilization of internal forces. Algiz - help in healing and protection of health.

Becoming Kras

Working runes: soulo, kenaz, berkana, dagaz, vunyo.

Becoming easy to breathe - from bronchitis

This ligature stops the development of bronchitis and expels mucus, and even helps a little in recovery.

Working runes: Isa, Berkano, Raido, Nautiz, Soulo, Thurisaz.

Disclaimer: This ligature (Isa) stops (Berkano) the reproduction and development of foreign and harmful bacteria in the bronchi and lungs, the nostrils of my body, Then forcibly (Nautiz) expels (Raido) all foreign and harmful mucus, macrota from the bronchi and lungs out . (Thurisaz) All resistance is completely cut off, and bronchitis and its symptoms return; the exit of the macrota to the outside is completely cleared. Soulo gives energy for recovery after recovery.

Experience: In the morning I discovered bronchitis in a mild form, in the afternoon I drew it on a medium (paper). I cleared my throat well, as if after mucolic drugs, which, by the way, I did not take. After two hours, the bronchi cleared and breathing became easy. I held it in for a little longer just to be sure.

As a result, the symptoms of bronchitis first greatly improved and then disappeared completely.

I think this will be especially true in winter, when everyone is coughing. I can’t say anything about other lung diseases and age restrictions; fortunately, I was the only tester (because no one else got sick).

Becoming Gynecology Treatment

Becoming Treatment of bones and joints

Becoming a treatment with the energy of the 4 elements

Some of the eastern teachings (I think qi gong) say that human health depends on the balance in the body of fire, water, earth and air. So I decided to build a position on this principle.

tvi-orva?r bogi - joining the energy of life of each of the elements

rei? + ass - ideal balance of processes occurring in the body

plastur - restoration of organs, tissues, including muscle, bone tissue etc.

Ur + Ar - destroys what does not want to be cleaned out

sol - enhances the cleansing flow.

Becoming healthier and improving appearance

Effect: general health and improvement of appearance. Small mistakes are corrected (from the observed - acne goes away, teeth gradually whiten, hair health is restored, vision improves, if not too big a minus). With lower loads, physical exercise has a significantly greater effect; the fat seems to disappear on its own. The internal state of the body is stabilized (digestion, blood pressure, sleep, etc.) BUT! General therapeutic agent. Not tested for serious illnesses or outright deformities. It lasts as long as you wear it, so it's ideal to paint with skin-friendly paint somewhere under your clothes and renew as long as necessary. The effect is gradual, but generally quite fast. Working runes in ligature: Uruz, Laguz, Inguz.

Becoming a Fire Ax changes fate

“Fiery axe”, which changes and rebuilds the present, and at the same time the past, and therefore... That’s right, the future is also reshaped. You can try to remove past mistakes and change a not very good predicted fate... Breakthrough, liberation from birth pains.

Working runes: Tursiaz, Kveort, Noyt, Evaz, Laguz, Teyvaz.

Eyvaz, Vunyo in the background

Tursiaz - destroys the established order, situations, as well as everything unnecessary/needed by the operator and restores order, thereby creating a new structure. In general, Tours destroys and creates as it should be, thus out of “chaos” a new world and order is obtained;)

Noit (nautiz) is a forced component for change, in some cases even karmic, like the imposition of obligations. In general, it ensures a mandatory change, as they say at the level of “fate”.

Kveort - burns and destroys what cannot be used to build a new order, as they say, we will turn the unnecessary into “ashes that will nourish the soil for new shoots”;)

Evaz (two pieces) - an “engine” to create movement and move the “axe” in spaces, flows, time, worlds, etc. However, that same strength and power of the “horse”))

Laguzy (two pieces) - time flows, spatial flows, ancestral flows, etc., in general, the same flow of life, channels, if you like.

Teyvaz is a hammer that pierces armor, strongly, powerfully (twisted under the streams). A tip - remember, I talked about the power of thought))

Eyvaz is a deadly weapon in the hands of the operator, which accurately hits the target with lightning speed. Please keep in mind that Eyvaz works with the subconscious, unmanifested worlds and the dead, with whom Eyvaz is on short terms;) I hope this hint is clear.

Vunyo - provides a joyful state when establishing a new order, a result that will please the operator.

Mechanism: “Fire Ax”, which destroys the established order, establishing a new one. If some destroyed parts interfere with the new order, then they are burned into dust, which is used in business)) It operates in the present, past and future, etc. spaces (I have already given a hint).

Apply in the following order: Tursiaz, Kveort, Noyt, Evaz, Laguz, Teyvaz. I don’t give reservations, sorry, everything is in the descriptive part for it;) Activation is “taste and color”, but visualization with fire is a mandatory attribute).

Becoming from skin diseases

The first stav uses: sol + stunginn kaun, plastur, tyrt, ma?r and ass. This position reveals the origins of the skin disease and strikes the first blow. This may cause aggravation, but not for long. It just helps bring the disease to the surface.

In the second: tvi-orva?r bogi, bjarkan, plastur, lograss, ar and ass. This formula very well relieves external signs of the disease. In addition, I suspect that it can remove minor problems, such as a small burn, irritation, a small rash, etc.

Wear the stavs together for 9 days, then remove the first stav, and apply the second to face cream or amulet, put it in a jar of water and wash with it. Stav was tested on his carcass.



Disclaimer: Let this runic pattern completely block the bleeding and numb the cut, work from the second of activation until the affected area heals.

Becoming out of laziness 1

MAIN RUNES - LAGUZES - this is a flow that gives us energy and strength so that we begin to move and not indulge in laziness.

URUZ - gives us an impetus to change ourselves (a person) from his harmful attachments and laziness (laziness is an energetic attachment to a bad habit that bothers us)

DAGAZ - destroys a person’s very laziness, and his personal negativity (for example, the bad habit of sitting in front of the TV and not doing anything)

YERA - burns the destroyed

EYVAZ - already changes a person, changes our minus to a plus. Laziness to hard work.

VUNYO - gives joy from the fact that we have changed..

Becoming out of laziness 2

Twist blessed laziness into a ram's horn

And see the world through the eyepiece of the sight:

Over there, where the cross is, the target is hidden,

Which means, to the goal, to the goal, to the goal,

Breaking the fragile ice of human grievances,

Drawing strength from constant stress,

Forgetting about the little things: there’s no time, there’s no time for them...

Stubbornness is also the engine of progress.

In general, I didn’t perform any ritual.. I just drew it on my left wrist and said that all the things planned should be redone.. I listed what exactly. Activated by breathing. I already wrote about the effect of this ligature last year and I repeat - it’s a very good thing! I can say more - only thanks to her, something global like general cleaning or preparation for receiving guests is done at home... I put it on my left wrist with a black marker... I specify it with the help of the proposed visa + I list all the things that need to be done.. ... and that's it! in the bag! Cool stuff!

To overcome laziness and dead center move

This position is suitable just for those for whom things are not moving from a standstill and are piling up in a heap with the words “for later.”

Becoming very simple, it includes only four runes, according to the principle, the fewer runes, the faster the becoming starts.


Doubled Teyvaz is a kind of engine that makes a person want to move, which is generated and powered by the Sigil, which kind of turns on a person’s life engine and the person feels a surge of energy and a desire to do things, the Sigil is drawn up to Kenaz, the result is a double Sigil and Kenaz. Kenaz is responsible for a person’s ability to do, from the English word “CAN” - I CAN. It’s as if a person receives the necessary charge of energy when a person feels a surge of energy and says to himself with his inner voice “yes, I CAN do this” or “yes, I DO IT BECAUSE I CAN.” Vunier - serves as a fixer of action, so that a person’s efforts are not wasted, so that there are no empty tossing when a person feels that he grabbed a couple of cans of energy drinks and gallops like a young doe... but where he gallops, why he gallops - neither he nor those around him understand . Therefore, Vunier especially here bears the functions of a fixer, bringing things to their logical conclusion and receiving benefits from the movement.

Becoming acne

2Perth - opening of pores

Esinger - dirt and infection in pores, unevenness, spots

Soulu - Skin steaming, disinfection

Plastur - Healing and smoothing of the skin

Lagus - removing dirt

Becoming a Vacation of the Past and Clearing Karma

Sometimes it happens that negative experiences of the past prevent us from moving on. Are you tormented by negative memories? Are you worried about past events? Draw this sign and meditate on it from time to time. This runic combination will cleanse your life path, will help cope with complexes and fears.

Draw on paper or cardboard and burn on the 13th day! Consists of the runes Dagaz-Soulu-Mannaz-Soulu-Ansuz

Becoming Attractive

It can be in the form of a brooch. Apply to yellow metal (preferably gold), foil will do :))

The owner will be the center of attention and captivate those around him with the brilliance and beauty of the external and internal kind of wraith. In a casual conversation, the charisma of the owner of this stav will be felt. Soul, Vunyo, Laguz, Inguz Contact Freya, low-alcohol drinks fruit, gold, silver

Becoming a breakthrough in all areas

Another option for breaking a looped situation, but this option is more about a breakthrough to good health and protection from magical influence, as well as recovery after energy strikes of medium and high power.

The runes in the script are Fehu, Uruz, Teyvaz, Dagaz, Inguz, Vunyo, Yera, Algiz.

Getting away from depression

Sometimes we fall into this state, and it seems to us that everything, the world has collapsed and become black and white. In this state, we do not notice that we are gradually changing for the worse. We simply become our shadow... We lose understanding and connection with our loved ones, and do not understand that we are causing them more pain than we experience ourselves. This connection was created for such situations. It helps us get out of this state and see that the world plays with colors and we have something to live for.

Algiz - To enhance luck and vital energy. Prevents you from losing your mind and falling into masochism itself.

Vunye - Induce joy, a surge of energy, a feeling of elation and good mood. A state of joy accompanies new energy - energy that was previously blocked. Induces a feeling of self-confidence. Clears random and superficial feelings and experiences. Eliminates alienation in relationships with loved ones. Increases self-esteem. Creates a feeling of psychological comfort. Helps create a positive attitude and positive thinking.

Laguz - Stabilizes an emotionally unfavorable situation. Promotes the establishment of new friendships and restoration of old ones. Eliminates complexes and fears. Returns lost peace of mind

Dagaz - Gives vitality, this is the rune of life. Helps change your own views and behavior patterns. Helps achieve psychological stability and inner harmony.

Gebo - Helps to find balance between the spiritual and physical principles in a person.

Unwinds quickly. Unless it’s an advanced case, with this option, it takes time to bring a person out of such a state of depression.

Becoming Fjord - a way out of depression

This stav uses the runes of the Icelandic rune series:

First branch:

Tyrt - Recovery from depression, strong emotional outbursts, swearing or debate. If you had a severe mental illness, then this is what will cure you.

Rei? - the discovery of us after this illness. After this recovery from the disease, we will find strength in ourselves and move on.

Second thread:

Sol - these are the forces that go into getting out of that illness or depression.

Bjarkann - the process of recovery from the disease will go more smoothly, and not so quickly. There will be no stress or excesses :)

Cleaning the Man-Earth channel

Becoming to clear the Man-Earth channel.

tvi-orva?r bogi + Eyvaz - Man-Earth channel

Turisaz - inside. channel clearing.

Kveort - burning of negativity

Hagalaz - destruction of negativity

Disclaimer: this r.s. clears my grounding channel with the Center of the Earth from negative and useless energy and evil spirits, opens it, burns and destroys negative and useless energy and evil spirits that impede my free access positive energy Earth and grounding. Work without harm... from the second of activation until completely clean.

Cleaning the Man-Sky channel

tvi-orva?r bogi + Algiz - Man-Sky channel

Nautits is negative, forcibly cleanses.

Turisaz - cleaning the canal inside.

Kveort - burning of negativity

Hagalaz - destruction of negativity

Salt - ensuring the safety and success of exposure together with Algiz

Disclaimer: this r.s. clears my Sky channel of negative and useless energy and evil spirits, opens it, burns and destroys negative and useless energy and evil spirits that impede my free access to the positive energy of Heaven and connection with God. Work without harm... from the second of activation until completely clean.


1) photo of the lower part (Salt) on the top of the head, upper above the head

2) on paper and under the pillow at night

3) on paper and under a hat

Warning: before work, a diagnosis is required to answer the question of whether it is possible to use the stave at all, and the exact duration of the stave's operation by the hour. This one is easy to overdo, because... the specificity of the energy and structure of the Man-Sky channel is very specific and fragile.

Becoming Clearing generic info. channel

Accepting information from the channel: point - Dagaz-Eyvaz-Laguz-Otal (colon) Perto-Raido_Ansuz-Berkano-Otal- point. Where: point - I am; Dagaz - we break through information blocks and clamps that prevent the flow of information; Eyvaz - leads the highest purpose; Laguz - and comes in a stream; Otal - to the memory of the genus and awareness of information. Second: Perth - reception of information; Raido - path; Ansuz - conscious wisdom; Verkana - harmony; Otal - ancestral genetic memory.

Two formulas carry information - I do it and I have the right. The first one breaks through the blocks that interfere with accepting information and working with ancestral memory, and the second one helps to do this as gently and harmoniously as possible. You can write in a line, you can write in ligature

Activation of all DNA strands

Becoming the removal of ancestral damage

Removing intrauterine damage

Becoming to remove fear

Working runes: Perth, Naut, Kveort, Kenaz, Soulo.

Perth - the subconscious where fear hides

Naut - fear itself

Kveort - burns fear

Kenaz - heals a wound

Soulo - gives light to a new life without fear.

Stav was born in a very interesting way. On Monday, July 11, I was sitting at work, my thoughts were spinning around those who died on the "Bulgaria" and suddenly I realized that my hands want to draw something, something is asking for the world, I draw, I look at the resulting picture and I don’t understand why it is needed, although I know for sure that it will work. He drained a lot of energy from me with his birth. I put it aside, after a couple of hours I look and see that this is fear, this is the subconscious, etc. And then I understand that with such an outburst of emotions, with such grief as happened to the people on the ship, many of them will never set foot on the deck of another ship again, and here I finally understand why and why he was born. Today, having already been tested, it has proven itself very well in practice. Works great with children. No overload. Tested on fears after accidents, dog bites, fear of the dark.

Becoming S.P.I.M

Runic becoming: stereotype of behavior or thinking "SPIM"

The first and last points are “I am”, for whom we destroy the stereotype and for whom an understanding of the situation comes;

Nautiz is a stereotype himself;

Kveort - burns and gives energy to the stave;

Laguzy, etc. and transl. - bring out the obsolete old in streams and bring to life a new state;

Eyvaz+Turisazy and mirror-gates, in which Tursas cut off and do not allow outdated stereotypes to return;

Otal-soul, object;

Ansuz + Raido - the path to a new understanding of the situation;

Berkana - with harmony in the soul;

Vunyo-bringing joy.

This runic pattern burns and destroys that stereotype of behavior or thinking (SPiM), developed or inspired by this or that situation or addiction, which at the moment prevents one from achieving the desired positive result in a particular situation. Becoming allows you, having gotten rid of SPiM, to come to what is right and necessary at the moment resolution of the situation, to a new level of thinking, with wisdom, harmony with oneself and with the world around us, the joy of getting rid of the imposed or acquired form of SPiM.

Becoming the return of the reference soul

Becoming Solomon - clearing the spirits

Becoming To expel some unruly entities of spirits and undead.

If necessary, it will become a good barrier to entry into a house or premises. If a person with a roommate or a possessed person wants to enter the house, then some of them may not feel very comfortable. Runes: Sovilu, Laguz, Otal, Naud, Mannaz. All crosshairs on the runes duplicate the Naud rune

Becoming a stepping stone to youth

Dagaz - ignuz - go to another state. Inguz - in general - are steps, so here is the Winz step, i.e. back to the past. Next come the dots - the number of years (in this case 5 pieces), the transition step by step five years ago. ground floor:

Berkana - the flowering of female beauty

Sovilo - energy of beauty and health (specify everything you need)

Isa - freezing processes (aging, fatness, think of something yourself)

Inguz - getting to the level you need and consolidating there.

The secondary rune is yera - obtaining the desired result.

Becoming a pill for headaches

Betting on quick healing from headaches, to normalize blood pressure, to improve your mood and overall tone of the body - the result depends on what you specify.

Working runes:

Uruz - which gives strength and heals,

Kano - gives fortitude, the strength to cope with illness, weak body tone or bad mood.

Perto - gives strength and includes additional resources for healing.

The secondary Raido works to achieve results as quickly as possible, moving us towards the intended goal (or the goal towards us).

Tav tested it on myself. I came suddenly when my blood pressure rose, my head ached, and my vision became dark. Being on the road, I could not take medicine (intercity highway, no pharmacy in sight, no medicine with me). I remembered Urus - as a life force, and the rest somehow came on their own and formed into a formation. After application, the condition returned to normal within about 20 minutes. Relieves headaches in about 5 minutes. It removes the consequences of allergies (for me it’s a runny nose) in about 20-30 minutes. It has been tested more than once and not only by me. Becoming 100% working!

By removing karmic debt

Basis: Gebo and Hagal - karma

Now all the runes are in ligature:

Gebo + Hagal + Turs + Naut + Isa + Dagaz + Ansuz, Vunyo

Gebo + Hagal - we destroy and correct karma, like a doctor surgeon))))

Naut + Isa - we force and keep the individual in cleaning

Tours is a kind of break in bindings

Dagaz - will give quick changes for the better only when a person (depending on which gender) sees the light and realizes (Ansuz) that this light will only come when this individual gets rid of the unnecessary burden that does not allow her to move forward and which is imposed on her. In a word, it gives clarity of mind. Vunyo - will give you the full thrill of cleaning in all its glory.


The power of runes is so universal that it can be used in absolutely any area of ​​life: work, relationships with others, personal life. As a rule, practitioners of rune magic always have several rune staves in stock for all occasions, so that at any time they can. If you also want to “replenish your formula bank,” you will find everything you need for this in this article.

Why is it important to use only proven bets?

Many beginners often ask the question: why do you need to take only a system that has been tested and compiled by someone, and not come up with your own? The fact is that those who cannot yet call themselves a professional in working with runes can make a serious mistake by not taking into account, for example, the combination of two symbols with each other, which will lead to unpleasant consequences. And it’s good if it’s just a formula that didn’t work in principle, and not one that didn’t work at all as expected.

Universal rune bets for good luck in all matters

Let's figure out what our luck generally consists of. Most likely, this is a combination of self-realization, fulfillment of desires and material well-being, isn’t it? Those. To call your life successful, a person needs to feel happy in his family, work, and home. This is exactly what they allow you to realize.

Runogram “For good luck”

This runic set for all occasions includes Kenaz, Fehu, Vunyo. Each rune is responsible for one specific area.

  • Kenaz - allows a person to self-realize
  • Fehu - attracts material well-being into his life
  • Vunyo - promotes the fulfillment of desires and gives joy from their fulfillment

Just four runes connected together can attract a powerful flow of luck in everything into your life. Yes, yes, the formula acts on absolutely all areas of life, and thanks to its action, a person begins to feel truly happy. Composition of the formula: two Ansuz located at the edges, and between them Uruz and Yera.

A person can become happy only when he is healthy - this is a fact that does not require proof. When we have health problems, even the fulfillment of our cherished dreams does not bring us unlimited joy. This working runic position for all occasions gives a person the most important thing - health, and at the same time attracts prosperity and good luck in everything into his life. It’s easy to draw: it’s Dagaz and Inguz standing next to each other.

Bets for all occasions to attract material wealth

Often we don’t have enough money to fulfill our dreams. Some people dream of visiting distant countries, others dream of building own house, someone wants to buy a car, and someone wants to improve their health to achieve beauty and well-being. But all this, of course, requires money. We offer you three simple but effective formulas that will allow you to achieve financial well-being.

Triple Fehu

Fehu is rightfully considered the most “money” rune. And if you put three of its images on your own photo at once or use this ligature as an amulet, financial flows will naturally flow to you. Simple, powerful and high quality!

Runic becoming "Banker"

This formula is more complicated. It includes a large number of runes, but it has already proven its work more than once. This is what the symbols included in the ligature mean:

  • Perth is a symbol of your wallet, into which wealth will come
  • Fehu - money itself
  • Uruz - concentrates the power of the runes and enhances the work of the stave in the right direction
  • Nautiz - acts as a guarantee of receiving money
  • Two Kenaz - open up new opportunities, new paths along which wealth will come into your life
  • Inguz - protects a person from unnecessary material waste
  • Yera is a sign of the harvest, the fruits received for the labor done by man

Formula for attracting wealth “Golden Dragon”

This quick rune for all occasions brings results very quickly: it begins its work a couple of days after activation, and in especially difficult cases - no longer than two weeks.

The runes included in it and their work:

  • Teyvaz - destroys all obstacles that interfere with the flow of finances into your life
  • Algiz - protects all your cash receipts
  • Evaz - directs a person to “money” places
  • Dagaz - helps to open new sources of income
  • Mannaz - denotes the person himself for whom he works
  • Four Inguz - symbolize the arrival of wealth
  • Two Laguz - make cash flow constant

Universal runic formulas for cleansing negativity

These rune staves for all occasions to cleanse a person from any negative impacts can be used as a powerful defense against enemies and troubles.

Becoming a “Protective Barrier”

This formula allows you to create a very strong “impenetrable” shield that will protect a person from extraneous negative influences, for example, the envy of others, the evil eye, damage and deliberate witchcraft with the aim of creating trouble. It includes two Turisaz and Teyvaz, located between them.

Sometimes a person needs a complete “reboot” in order to start living, as they say, “from scratch.” When you need to cleanse yourself of interfering emotions, go through a difficult period, get rid of extraneous influences and start a new path, use the combination Dagaz - Berkana - Soulu. Dagaz will strengthen your physical and spiritual health, Berkana will give vitality for further growth, and will also act as a reliable support and support, and Soulu will allow your dreams and desires to come true.

Runic cleansing "Sun"

This is a rather complex, but very effective rune for all occasions, allowing a person to completely cleanse himself and the surrounding space of negativity.

Its composition includes not only the runes of the Elder Futhark, but also symbols of the Northumbian system:

  • Eight Kveort burns all negativity, both internal and induced by someone from the outside
  • Eight Ears turn burned negativity into ashes
  • Nine Soulu illuminate a person’s life with sunlight, give him energy, vitality, and a positive attitude
  • Eight Algiz put up powerful defense
  • Sixteen Kenaz give a person harmony, “disperse the clouds” in his soul
  • Eight runes of Berkan allow cleansing to occur naturally, without harm to health and well-being.
  • A combination of Northumbian Ir and eight Perth cleanses a person on a spiritual level from various kinds of magical influences
  • The magical rune Ear allows a person to be reborn after cleansing, like a Phoenix bird
  • The spiral depicted in the center of the stave, like a funnel, sucks in all the “garbage” and destroys it without a trace

Runic bets for home defense

It consists of the following signs: at the edges there are two Isas, then next to them two Kenazs, and in the very center - Hagalaz. They can be depicted either simply with runes following each other, or with script in which the symbols are intertwined. This is a powerful protective amulet against various troubles, protecting you and your home.

  • Algiz symbolizes powerful protection
  • Uruz creates favorable energy in the home
  • brings everything that every family member needs for happiness
  • Dagaz promotes prosperity and helps solve difficult problems, for example, illnesses of family members, accumulated debts, etc.
  • Laguz guards the family budget and also neutralizes all possible family conflicts
  • Nautiz provides powerful support, helps those living in the house to go through difficult periods without serious losses, and also helps each family member understand their karmic debts and guides them on the right path to work off their karma

The fastest rune staves for all occasions

When you need to change something in the shortest possible time, quick rune settings for all occasions will come to the rescue. They begin to work immediately after activation, and the result of their action can be observed after a couple of days - a maximum of a week.

Becoming "Change"

This formula can be useful in absolutely any situation where you need the desired changes to happen as quickly as possible.

  • Two runes Dagaz, four and two Eyvaz are responsible for the transformation process itself
  • Four Nautiz make the situation change in the right direction
  • Four act as powerful operator protection
  • Four Teyvaz indicate rapid movement towards the goal
  • Four allows a person to control circumstances
  • Four Laguz direct the flow of change
  • A combination of four Evaz, four Raido, four Algiz and four Yera runes makes the process as fast and harmless as possible for the operator
  • The situation is summed up by four non-alphabetic symbols Salt, charging becoming, and four, providing a feeling of happiness from the result obtained

A simple formula from the Vunyo - - Vunyo link can be drawn directly on yourself before going to the store or going for a walk. It attracts instant freebies. According to people who have used this bet, it allows you to find a little money, buy a product at a big discount, pull out a lucky lottery ticket, or simply receive an unexpected gift.

This quick rune for all occasions can be used if you have any source of income. Literally a few hours after its activation, you will suddenly receive a bonus or an advance payment, or some new urgent project, for which you can quickly receive a reward. It consists of a rhombus from Inguz, on the edges of which four Fehu are drawn, and inside the rhombus - three Soulu.

We hope that you have taken note of some of the formulas above to use. Good luck to you in all your undertakings!


Tell me please.

Good afternoon, I’m just starting to study runes and I don’t know much, but I need a combination to restore tissues and ligaments after a broken ankle.

For some reason, the formula that came to my mind first was Kenaz-Uruz-Perthro?

Tell me please.

Odin's second spell is universal.

I know the second one, -
it is healing
brings benefits.

Kenaz - Perth - Inguz

For men, Kenaz-Uruz-Ingwaz is better. Tested many times.

Quote([email protected], 18:31)

For men, Kenaz-Uruz-Ingwaz is better. Tested many times.

For men, Kenaz-Uruz-Ingwaz is better. Tested many times.

No, this is for a woman.

Quote(Crow @ 9.1.2009, 18:53)

Thanks for the advice. but I would also like to know your opinion about the formula that came to me.
What is wrong with it and why.
Still, the best training is when you try and they tell you what is right and what is wrong.
No, this is for a woman.

So you've come across such women. Mine was getting worse. Ah, Kenaz-Perthro-Ingwaz did not give any negative effect to my women. Anything is possible. Oleg explained this by saying that Uruz increases blood pressure, a rush of blood to the head, and increased energy. Apparently, my patients were weaker than yours.

Quote([email protected], 20:19)

So you've come across such women. Mine was getting worse. Ah, Kenaz-Perthro-Ingwaz did not give any negative effect to my women. Anything is possible. Oleg explained this by saying that Uruz increases blood pressure, a rush of blood to the head, and increased energy. Apparently, my patients were weaker than yours.

I was wondering if this formula would work or not. Because I know very little and want to learn. and asked to explain, if not, then why. to practically understand.
and the formula is not Kenaz-Uruz-Ingwaz, but Kenaz-Uruz-Perthro.

So, this is how I go, through trial and error. I take formulas from books or consult with Shaposhnikov, make amulets and give them to patients. I'm watching. Weak effect, I do another one until there is an improvement. For some patients it is necessary to make up to 5-6 amulets. It was with asthma attacks until they could not be stopped. I don’t know how many years it takes to study the effect of each rune on each person individually. Life is not enough. Therefore, I take the opinion of an authority as a basis, and then try to correct what. Pure practice.

Quote(Crow @ 9.1.2009, 21:50)

I was wondering if this formula would work or not. Because I know very little and want to learn. and asked to explain, if not, then why. to practically understand.
and the formula is not Kenaz-Uruz-Ingwaz, but Kenaz-Uruz-Perthro.

From myself I can say...

Quote([email protected], 22:03)

So, this is how I go, through trial and error. I take formulas from books or consult with Shaposhnikov, make amulets and give them to patients. I'm watching. Weak effect, I do another one until there is an improvement. For some patients it is necessary to make up to 5-6 amulets. It was with asthma attacks until they could not be stopped. I don’t know how many years it takes to study the effect of each rune on each person individually. Life is not enough. Therefore, I take the opinion of an authority as a basis, and then try to correct what. Pure practice.

So I created a thread for advice. Of course I’ll practice, but I’ll just screw up something so that if something’s wrong, it’ll be shown right away.
After all, people here are much smarter than me in this matter.

Crow, I would advise you to look for the answer to this question yourself, because it is easy to accept the opinion of an experienced runologist. But it’s better to try to solve the problem yourself, using logic and intuition, while gaining invaluable experience in solving the problem. Because you are just starting, and it is better to immediately develop your own independence and your own view of the runes. And it’s a wonderful exercise for the mind.
From myself I can say...
There are principles of construction runic formulas. For a three-rune formula:
Direction of action - base, source, basis - The final direction of action.
Try to study the characteristics of the runes by substituting the runes in the appropriate points, and compare what happens.
Well, if it doesn’t work out, or you don’t understand, we’ll help you

It's funny, but in this way I helped one guy. Everything was fine with his wife several times. And with mistresses - not at all. So, I concocted the formula. Now with my wife - once and with my mistresses. So, he called me with a complaint, his wife was allegedly dissatisfied. I started to suspect.

Quote(north0904 @ 9.1.2009, 22:16)

Crow, I would advise you to look for the answer to this question yourself, because it is easy to accept the opinion of an experienced runologist. But it’s better to try to solve the problem yourself, using logic and intuition, while gaining invaluable experience in solving the problem. Because you are just starting, and it is better to immediately develop your own independence and your own view of the runes. And it’s a wonderful exercise for the mind.
From myself I can say...
There are principles for constructing runic formulas. For a three-rune formula:
Direction of action - base, source, basis - The final direction of action.
Try to study the characteristics of the runes by substituting the runes in the appropriate points, and compare what happens.
Well, if it doesn’t work out, or you don’t understand, we’ll help you

Correct me if something is wrong.

Quote(Crow @ 9.1.2009, 23:01)

According to my understanding, the Kenaz-Uruz-Perthro formula should work like this:

We need healing, the Source of the Uruz rune (Strength), the final effective restoration of the joint and all ligaments.

Correct me if something is wrong.

Perthro is effective in treating the respiratory system. Tested dozens of times.
I use Kenaz-Uruz-Ingwaz for all types of osteochondrosis in men. 100% result. A vertebra is the same joint. Decide for yourself what else I can say.

Quote([email protected], 23:35)

I use Kenaz-Uruz-Ingwaz for all types of osteochondrosis in men. 100% result.

is Kenaz-Perthro-Ingwaz equivalent for women?
Thanks for the advice.
I think I'll take the advice and try my formula. It’s all about intuition, and I can say it came to me on its own.

I would really like to hear Oleg’s opinion

Oleg Shaposhnikov

Quote(Crow @ 9.1.2009, 15:17)

Good afternoon, I’m just starting to study runes and I don’t know much, but I need a combination to restore tissues and ligaments after a broken ankle.

For some reason, the formula that came to my mind first was Kenaz-Uruz-Perthro?

Tell me please.

Already mentioned:

Already mentioned:
But the Perthro rune is clearly needed here.
Again - Kenaz-Perthro-Ingwaz. This universal option.

Your option: Kenaz-Uruz-Perthro. What we have:
1. There is a contradiction: Uruz-Perthro. As a result, 50% of the impact will be absorbed.
2. On the other hand, optimal impact can be obtained. Ankle. What is needed here is Uruz energy and the direction of action of this energy. But you also need Perthro.
Summary: There may be a correct option here. Need to try it.

I don’t know, but if we finish the formula with Perthro, we will leave the ankle to heal forever. Something tells me this.

11.1.2009, 13:29

Quote(Oleg Shaposhnikov @ 11.1.2009, 9:24)

Why is Perth needed in the treatment of FRACTURE? To accidentally break again soon? )))))))

13.1.2009, 15:31

Quote(Oleg Shaposhnikov @ 13.1.2009, 14:21)

Let them try it and then it will be completely clear.

13.1.2009, 15:40

You still haven’t answered - why is Perth needed in the treatment of a FRACTURE?

First of all, when treating a fracture, you need a plaster cast.

Oleg Shaposhnikov

Quote(Hertik @ 13.1.2009, 15:31)

You still haven’t answered - why is Perth needed in the treatment of a FRACTURE?

Bone fusion, ligament restoration.

What does Perth have to do with it?

Oleg Shaposhnikov

15.1.2009, 11:55

Quote(HaukwithR @ 15.1.2009, 9:42)

What does Perth have to do with it?

15.1.2009, 14:43

Quote(Oleg Shaposhnikov @ 15.1.2009, 11:55)

We need tissue regeneration, restoration of a certain structure.

15.1.2009, 21:47

Quote(Hertik @ 15.1.2009, 14:43)

It is EXTREMELY doubtful that Perth will be suitable for regeneration. Inguz copes with this very well, while Pert, on the contrary, tends to bring everything out rather than restore the internal structure

Perth helps to understand the individual matrix (device, structure at all levels and plans) of both yourself and the Universe. Moreover, Perth is a force always striving to maintain this matrix in proper condition. Hence the analogy: restoration of the original structure, that is, bringing an unhealthy organ to its original healthy state.