Runic damage. The direct and inverted meaning of the rune mannaz The meaning of the inverted rune Mannaz

Elk. Cane. Invocation of the gods.


Connection with the Higher Consciousness. An expanding sense of oneness. The acquisition of supreme patronage and absolute protection. Acquisition of agreement with the will of Heaven.

Algiz symbolizes a person with hands raised to the sky. The rune corresponds to the sign of Pisces and the ruler of Pisces, Neptune.

This rune is very deceiving. The reed obeys the breath of the Wind. This is the same wind of the Higher World, this is the same flow of supermundane power, which is sometimes associated with the concept of the highest will. And the person who receives this rune should become like such a reed.

The elk is harmless, but dangerous in anger.

In general, Algiz is a good rune, favorable, but if a person misunderstands it, very heavy runes come after it, in particular Perth.

Neptune is the lord of illusions, the master of maya. Therefore, the attitude towards Algiz should be very subtle and attentive.

Algiz is not connected with external acquisitions, profit, luck of the material and social order. Like all runes, she speaks of spiritual acquisitions. It transmits the message from the Higher World, addressed to the human Spirit, and not to its shell.

Several mottos of Algiz

Invoking the gods requires absolute responsibility.

The increase in the energy of good luck is not safe.

Caution is the fruit of a conversation with the truth.

You need to walk around the world carefully and sensitively, as if through a minefield. A person must be worthy of the patronage that the Higher World gives him when the Algiz rune falls out. Therefore, self-will and chaotic behavior are unacceptable.

The permission to succeed comes after giving up on yourself.

Protection in battle is the fruit of prayerfulness, which asks for victory not for itself.

Channeling the energy of Heaven requires complete humility. The worlds communicate through the selfless.

Intuition is not an achievement, but a gift.

Genuine security is a reflex of invoked power.

Understanding what is happening protects against the penetration of malicious. Some runists associate the combination of the symbol of an elk and a reed with the concept of watch, with the concept of vigilance. The reed is very sensitive to the slightest breath of the wind, and the elk is a very sensitive animal. You can lie in wait for him by hiding, but you cannot overtake him. He runs very well. You can only wait for the moose or drive it to the hunter. This is a very sensitive animal.

The one who truly prays is truly protected.

Mobility makes a person invulnerable.

Premonition of danger is more important than the presence of the Force.

Under Algiz there are turns in events. Life turns slightly to the side. And you need to be ready for this turn. It's not a steep change in direction. We are talking about the Neptunian nuance, the failure to take into account which will further complicate both karma and progress. Therefore, when realizing Algiz and using her instructions, it is very important to leave for yourself a free space for possible changes in the movement, to consider how this business can be done differently, with the least expenditure of effort.

Algiz makes psychological demands. A person needs to show flexibility, mobility, sensitivity to circumstances that have changed subtly, but really. A person must carefully adapt to changes. Something invisible has invaded our affairs. There has been a subtle shift affecting the situation about which you asked the question.

Neptune symbolizes nuances, subtle, subtle changes in emphasis. They lead either to great luck, or Neptune gently shifts the assemblage point, and the person completely loses orientation. Anticipating this turn of events, Algiz says the solution cannot be simple. In this case, a particularly subtle understanding and rejection of haste is required. It is necessary to take a closer look at the situation, to reflect on it, but without tension, but simply to try to look a little differently at what we are doing.

Runa Algiz requires special sensitivity to events, the ability to analyze details, listen to the voice of intuition. The voice of intuition is most often not felt by us, because we consider it the result of the work of the brain. Intuition is understood by us as a personal achievement, contrivance or psychological trick. In fact, intuition is always a gift. It is always what is asked for and what comes in response. Intuition is the state of a person as a whole. Intuition is a state of complete relaxation, openness, openness. It is associated with absolute trust in oneself. For a person modern culture such a relationship is practically impossible. If he is sure that he himself must reach the intuitive state, he achieves it very rarely.


An inverted Algiz is an underestimated direct Algiz. We didn't understand it and didn't use it.

Vulnerability results from a lack of self-sacrifice.

The scapegoat redeems the karma of the community. If we do not understand the situation, then we pay for the mistakes and sins of others. Under Algiz, people around are in a hurry to dump their worries and duties on us. One of the most important understandings of the Algiz rune is the ability to avoid excess. If we do not find a balance between our own and others, between "necessary" and "unnecessary", then we will not only earn our own problems, but also begin to pay for others.

The size of the task is more important than its positivity or negativity. Algiz is always associated with nuances, but at the same time it is always associated with very large programs. The shorter the program, the cruder and clearer it is. When it comes to great values, about serious large-scale processes, subtlety is required. Under Algiz, the runists manage to see the colossal problems of their lives. The situation that Algiz has fallen into often turns out to be part of a big significant problem. The success of our actions depends on how widely we are aware of what is happening: what it is connected with, what it interacts with and what depends on this rune. Whatever we ask, the answer is more complete than our question. Algiz calls to pray and determine the true extent of the problem. And they always turn out to be huge. The question that Algiz falls on must be understood as a fragment of a larger problem, as a great difficulty reflected in a mirror fragment.

Under the reverse Algiz (with the right attitude towards it), all problems increase, increase. This is precisely its protective nature. A person is more deeply included in egregor. He behaves more adequately in accordance with strategic programs.

An important motto of reverse Algiz: Heaven refuses only the superfluous.

Algiz does not always bring an outwardly benevolent response. Sometimes you have to give up something. In this case, the capture is not justified. Moreover, it is dangerous. Oddly enough, but everything that a person needs is given to him.

The greedy manipulate the unselfish. Under Algiz, there are often problems associated with shifting the load of other people onto us. We must decide whether we should take on other people's problems, whether we are capable of doing algism work for another. It is impossible to solve problems of this kind with stupid arrogance and selflessness - blame all the sins of the world on me, and I will atone for everything. We often like to talk (even better out loud) about altruism, meaning by this the permission to dump our garbage anywhere and as much as we want.

In a reverse situation, Algiz needs to find the root of greed in himself. We are subject to manipulation when the other person knows exactly what we need in return for their kindness and services. If we understand what kind of relationship has confused us, then we can easily refuse unnecessary assignments without feeling the slightest remorse. It's bad when individual people turn into drain pipes. Falsely understanding the principle of self-sacrifice and service, some people stop their evolution due to the fact that they begin to burn through the garbage of everyone around them indiscriminately. And thus they commit an offense against the universe: they impede their own development.

People around use only boastful fools. A sighted, modest person, when Algiz falls out, will always determine what to take and what to leave, in what way he can help others and where he is powerless. It is known from physiology that if hormones are introduced into the body for a long time, then the endocrine glands, which should produce these hormones, atrophy. Why produce a hormone if it is already present in the body? The principle of functional atrophy extends to karma as well. Helping other people, we forget that we deprive them of the opportunity to develop independently. Highly developed people resemble cold, hard, not very friendly egoists, because modern man Brought up on infantilism, it is pleasant to see a so-called saint who takes all his stupidity upon himself and allows him to work out stupidity further. Pisces compassion is thus understood as a free masochistic acceptance of anything. In fact, hidden vanity is satisfied: how kind, sacrificial, holy I am. Depriving a person of the opportunity to independently accept the consequences of his mistakes, we make it difficult for him to move towards the light. We deprive him of the incentive to develop.

The following motto of the reverse Algiz refers directly to Neptune: naivety and self-deception are the children of greed. During the action of Algiz, in a broad sense, everything must be abandoned. In any case, for the duration of this rune, try to consider the possibility of giving up a lot. What the refusal will consist of will depend on what exactly the situation offers us, what we asked about, what we want, what we are afraid of.

Both Perth (Pluto) and Algiz (Neptune) are transformational runes. They are related to the deep transformations of a person. They are always associated with the death of certain parts of the Ego, that is, what seemed to us the main thing, and are accompanied by the departure of obsolete fragments of the psyche, namely those with which we identified, but in reality they turned out to be not ours. When receiving Algiz, you should think about what you can refuse. It is primarily about psychological states, opinions, ideas, attachments, relationships with people.

More often than others, the most cunning are deceived.

Any excess is a consequence of inflexibility.

Flexibility allows you to see through any problem.

The real secret of protection lies in watching yourself and others. Here we come to the main problem of Algiz, the problem of Neptune, a very complex problem.

In outline, Algiz is similar to Neptune - a man with arms raised to the sky. Neptune is the strangest and most mysterious planet. On the one hand, he is called the master of love and prayer. On the other hand, Neptune is the lord of illusions, mistakes, delusions, lies, deceptions. Oddly enough, the clue to Algiz (like Neptune) is hidden in her image.

In esoteric astrology there is a purely magical section - the doctrine of inverted symbols. Only the Sun, the center, the essence is not subject to a revolution. For example, the inversion of Jupiter and Saturn (turning over, Jupiter becomes Saturn, and Saturn becomes Jupiter) indicates that the entire society and its life, regardless of civilization, time, era, is a delusion of the universe in a crystallized form. Inverted symbols are used in magical practices for certain tasks related to the introduction of a developing person into a state of crisis in order to then subject him to a serious transmutation. It's technologically savvy, professional work magic specialists.

The doctrine of inverted symbols gives an answer to the question why Neptune symbolizes such different states. Direct Algiz represents Neptune as a symbol of unity: the left branch is the outer world, the right branch is the inner world, the middle branch is the Ego, standing on the verge of two worlds. Neptune brings these three illusoryly separated elements together. In this position, he contributes to the emergence of a feeling of love as an experience of unity, where there are no longer differences between the inner and the outer, between the Self and the outside world. Everything is one. This experience is natural for a narcotic trance, when the mechanism of the functioning of the ego is disturbed due to poisoning of the brain. The experience of unity is also facilitated by artistic sensations, sexual stimuli. Man serves others as himself. In this state, he helps the world with absolute love for himself, because he realizes himself as a part of the universe, inseparably connected with it. This is a high, deep magic of the reunion of the divided hypostases of being: the unification of the subject and the object, the disappearance of the Ego-boundary between the inner and the outer.

If Algiz is turned over, Neptune automatically becomes the father of illusions. World unity, directed downwards, is divided. The idea of ​​the outside world, of one's own ego and subjective space again appears in a person. In this case, Neptune, as the father of illusions, divides the initially united, or, as psychologists say, produces an existential split of the world into separate parts. This split is a product of the disturbed activity of the intellect, an illusion as such. Opposites are perceived as self-existent. One is opposed to the other. A person finds himself in a mess of contradictory influences and with great difficulty can understand what is happening.

So, in the upright position, the rune Algiz contributes to the experience of unity and movement towards the achievement of this experience. This is where the highest security comes from, the bridge between the worlds, prayer, invocation of the heavenly. But when a person receives a reverse Algiz, he must be afraid of falling into the illusion of separation, dismemberment, negativity, he must be afraid that understanding will be lost. And in general, he is on the verge of insanity, in captivity of a false life orientation.

Algiz cannot be perceived through the word. Knowledge itself is illusory. The word limits the experience of reality. Direct Neptune, reverse Neptune, upright symbols or inverted - all these are limited representations of the whole. But we can live in contact with reality, experience it, feel it, be guided by this connection, receive instructions. We cannot live out of contact with reality.

Reality can be comprehended in paradoxical statements, paradoxical, and therefore containing contradictory statements. Any statement limits the spheres of reality, the word closes the frame around the object. If a statement is paradoxical, if it contains two opposing statements, then it points to a reality that exists between them. The synthesis of opposites represents reality without naming it.

A person is connected with the integrity of the world every second, every moment. We never disconnect from our roots. And if one day we wanted to be silent, keeping a waking consciousness, we would understand a lot: not the words about the runes, but the dimension of the being that is being spoken about. Runes are to lead the Deities to people. But they are not verbal. They are above human language. Deities do not speak in the words of people. This is the whole complexity of the perception of runes.

Algiz requires silence, a calm analysis of what is happening, unhurried, not rigid, not fast. Under this rune, it is impossible to get any thing or information. It promotes freedom. Algiz is similar to Perth, only she is not so tough. Therefore, the profane call Algiz blessed. For some reason, sentimental experiences are associated with prayer. However, prayer is different: with blood, in tears, in a storm, in a catastrophe, and so on. The action of Algiz will not bring us anything personally. We will not gain anything and we will not appropriate anything. The only thing that can be found under Algiz is getting rid of another illusion associated with an insufficiently complete understanding of the world.

Algiz promotes penetration to the non-verbal level of perception of reality, which is actually Neptunian. Neptune symbolizes the inexpressible, unformulated, but real. If we are serious about this very reality, then it requires complete trust, wordless and smiling. Christ said: "Until you become like these little ones, you will not enter the kingdom of God." An adult, unfortunately, does not have such a perception. He wants a clear understanding expressed in words.

We are in a paradoxical situation. Unfortunately, despite the harmfulness of words, we have no other way to communicate. We are forced to talk about the inexpressible. Therefore, the movements of words turn out to be paradoxical, contradictory and diverse. Operations with words will remain inevitable for a person until the moment of physical disincarnation. You just need to learn to listen to the words and use them in such a way that you feel an overmental, overhuman vibration behind them.

The most important thing under Algiz is to achieve a state of openness to a secret that does not really exist. The secret lies in experiencing the state of mystery. Mysterious means inexpressible, unformatable. Once we have formulated something, it ceases to be a mystery, because the mystery dies. Mystery is a state of approaching reality with the understanding that it is impossible to express this experience.

The new always invades unexpectedly. It always contradicts what is already there. Otherwise it is not new. Apparently, a person feels his connection with the universe when a sense of mystery is alive in him, not comprehended, but eternally present. This is not a secret, but a living feeling of the living world. It can be put into words, but there will be no sense, because the other person will perceive the words, and not what you mean.

In connection with the transition of mankind from the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius, a motto was born: the era of driving ended, the era of walking began. How long can you follow the many gurus on the leash? How much can you be guided by the opinions of smart people, for whom the "box" works more actively? It is time not only to think independently (largely in other people's words, other people's opinions), but also to feel independently: mine is not mine, it is necessary - it is not necessary, it is right - it is not right. The Age of Aquarius is the age of walking, soaring on the wings of one's own understanding.

True intuitive experiences are inexpressible. However, they cannot be considered empty. The inexpressibility of deep experiences does not yet mean their meaninglessness or inauthenticity. We can say that it is the inexpressible that is truly authentic, however vaguely we may feel it. It is impossible to say in advance what will come through the channel of intuition, because there is no certainty in the Higher World. He plays by his own rules, lives by his own rules. You can learn to listen to its influences, to look closely at what is happening and dodge, turn, jump, press in time.

Touching the runes through words, we learn to understand the contents and flows of inspirations that the Deities transmit to us. Man has access to the secret of life through his own soul. And an interview with runes allows you to expand this access, learn to enjoy inhuman conditions, manage yourself and deal with what happened.

Algiz teaches a person to perceive himself as a temple in which the Music of the Spheres sounds. It requires deep silence. If a person treats himself as a mysterious temple, then something temple-like happens in him. And runes, and texts, and books, and meetings are incentives for the emergence of service in the temple. Algiz says: "Return to yourself, unite with the world and serve a little. Stay in joy, in happiness. You still have to get out of this state later. But keep a bright, clear experience when you were genuine."


The German Norns or Greek Moiras cut off the threads of fate for those who did not follow the dictates of Heaven. They dealt with selfish and inattentive people. Therefore, the norns and moiras were considered dangerous creatures, with whom it is advisable not to quarrel.

Water mermaids - sneaked up, lured and drowned a person.

Homer's sirens seduced the heroes with their sweet singing, making them forget about what was entrusted to them. Neptune checks for "lice". What are our mental constructions, our life values, if they are washed away at the first onslaught of the elements, if we easily abandon them and replace them with new ones? Morena is a Slavic deity of death. It is associated with the rituals of dying and resurrection of nature. Moraines were called witches who harassed enemies. In Hellas they were called poisoners. They gave to drink not physical, but mental poison.

The Holy Grail, filled with the blood of Christ, gave power over the world. But only to those who managed to give up power. According to some legends, interaction with the Grail opened in a person the ability to foresee and analyze any situation. But only when he withstood the onslaught of Neptune and resisted many temptations.


Situation: revitalization of the environment.
Challenge: Save free space.
Warning: distraction.
Hint: balance.
Tip: the environment is a mirror of "I".
Consolation: new opportunities open up with abuse.


The key to proper orientation is to control emotions. Neptune governs deep emotional states. Vision is distorted by both positive and negative emotions. Behavior must always be justified by the current situation. Most of the Neptunian deviations are due to the fact that people point blank do not see what is happening. Overcoming this problem goes through the realization of the principle: Algiz is a mirror for the Warrior of the Spirit, in which he looks and comprehends himself. The mirror principle says that all answers are in environment, in front of us.

What is the psychological key of Neptune? How does it work and what prevents us from living? Neptune attaches strong emotions to certain contents. For example, the situation of falling in love with a certain person. Maybe he is the last scoundrel, but Neptune attaches a very strong emotion to his image. As a result, we lose orientation and do not see what is really happening. In control of emotions lies the secret of controlling Neptune, the secret of the relationship to the Algiz rune.

The experience of contact with reality must be non-emotional, non-exalted, non-sentimental. Then all the answers and actions in the situation surrounding us are visible.

If we ask a question and Algiz comes, then we do not look at the situation itself. We point-blank do not notice it, but only emotionally judge.

Both good and evil emotions distort the vision. The experience of contact with reality is a completely different state of mind. It looks more like indifference, dispassion. There is no anguish in him, no personal excitement.


When there is a split into the inner world and ourselves, we begin to act inadequately: either we try to burden ourselves with the problems of other people, or we transfer our problems onto them, whether through words, actions or other means.

With reverse Algiz, it is important not to take on too much and not to transfer too much to others. First you need to figure out what's going on. The action of the reverse Algiz is the increased pressure of Neptune. Delusions are inevitable if we act impulsively, without analysis. Then you have to deal with the newly formed problems. The most important problem of reverse Algiz is the danger of burdening others or being burdened yourself. Both of these upset the balance.


Her color is golden

The deity is Heimdall.

Heimdall is a guardian god. Protects such qualities as clairvoyance and vigilance.

Faithful guardian of the rainbow bridge. He sees both day and night at a distance of a hundred miles and hears the grass growing in the field and the wool on the sheep. His sleep is a bit like that of birds. A golden horn hangs from his belt, the sounds of which are heard in all countries of the world.

So the rune Algiz is the rune of attentiveness and caution. It is symbolized by sedge grass, which reacts to the slightest breath of the breeze. This is a rune of protection, it will not let anyone take you by surprise. Protects not only from harmful actions, but also from harmful thoughts. It protects the body, mind and soul. The power of Algiz serves as a shield against any attack, at all levels: physical, emotional and spiritual. Algiz symbolizes the survival instinct, protects our vulnerabilities. Awakens our hidden powers when faced with any challenge. Helps to maintain balance during stress, find strength in oneself, cope with any situation.

Algiz is a connecting bridge between gods and people, it helps to get into the collective unconscious. An energy channel through which an exchange of energies takes place between the gods and man.

If you are afraid of something, draw Algiz, and she will not let anyone take you by surprise.

Algiz - one of the strongest defensive runes. pictured Algiz on amulet and properly activated, it will become a serious invisible obstacle from the adverse effects of the outside world.
Going back to the source, Algiz can be interpreted like this:
Elk sedge usually lives in the swamp,
Grows in water. Hurts badly
Lets blood to every person,
Who will take her.
The rune symbolizes the powerful animal kingdom of the horned and bold.
In this rune, its location matters.
"Horns" pointing upwards is life. Down is a symbol of death.
Algiz is an amazing rune. Along with seeming simplicity, it is very deep and serious.
To some, it does not resemble the horns of an elk, but an open palm and is associated with Tyr's hand, which he was forced to sacrifice so that the evil and dark essence of Fenrir was isolated.
Undoubtedly, Algizruna of magicians and healers, since she is associated with Heimdall (Guardian of the Gods), who protects all living things from the invasion of EVIL. It significantly increases the power of the magician and does not allow him to cross dangerous boundaries. Wearing the rune Agiz can always count on help from above. The owner of the talisman with the image of this rune intensifies intuition, the instinct of self-preservation and the gift of foresight. Think of the reeds, which will inevitably make a noise when the enemy approaches...

An elm of four runes Algiz, a powerful protective symbol! Galdrastaf of 4 runes - greatly enhances the properties of this rune!

ALGIS or Care.

The night passed quietly. The young people slept soundly, feeling safe in the valley, cut off from the rest of the world and protected by nature on all sides. In the morning, quickly packing up their belongings and removing the traces of their stay, they set off on the return journey. We had breakfast on the go.

The only thing they spent some time doing was asking the runes a question.

This time, Wulf took out the rune himself, and in his hand was a circle with the Algis rune.
When they had overcome the thickets of thorns guarding the exit from the ravine, Orsana asked:

What does this rune mean? Tell me a little about her.

Precisely because this rune has fallen, we need to hurry. She will provide us with care and protection, so it is better for us to cover as much of the path as possible while we are under her protection. This is a water rune. It fits our situation very well, as it speaks of the art of wise retreat, which is what we are doing now. But I'm a little afraid that no one will notice us next to the valley ....

Because someone himself can take it before I arrivedet here our tribe? Orsana guessed.

- Exactly. But I hope that the spirits of Nature, who patronize this rune, will protect not only us, but also access to this valley. We must gather all our strength to spend less time on the way back than on the way here.

Then they walked in silence, moving quickly and with concentration. The road was familiar. They didn't even stop for lunch. Suminced meat was eaten on the go. The sun was quite high when they passed the hut over the lake where they spent the night.

The girl was very tired, but tried not to show it. She knew well that they needed to hurry. There was also no time to stop and ask the runes for advice. It was dusk when they reached the clearing above the river where they had once stopped for lunch.

We’ll spend the night here,” Wolfe decided.

Where? Orsana looked around in confusion. Maybe we can buildsome kind of hut?

I think we can do without it. Absolute will come soondarkness, and here in the forest there may be predatory animals. Besides, we it is not worth wasting energy, because tomorrow we will set off at dawn, and we should have a good rest. In addition, it is important to remember that the Algis rune is protecting us.

But I'm afraid to sleep on bare ground, - Orsana got worried.

And who told you that we will sleep on bare ground?

Where is it?

On the tree.

I don't understand!

Look, here grows a powerful oak tree. In its crown we will find a safe haven. Not a single predator will climb there, and the birds do not threaten us. Let's climb on it, make ourselves comfortable, and in order not to fall at night, we will tie our belts to thick branches. So we will be completely safe and have a good rest.

Orsana at first listened to Wulf with disbelief, but when he described everything in detail, she became interested. She only asked:

Are there birds of prey here?

There are no people who could threaten us.

Okay, let's do that," she agreed.

Wulf hooked the rope on a thick oak branch, climbed up it and helped the girl climb up. Thick branches made the next task easier. For an overnight stay, travelers chose a fork in two thick branches. Placed there quite comfortably and tied to them with a rope. The travelers were so exhausted that, as soon as they closed their eyelids, they immediately fell into a dream.


algis, algiz, algiz, elkh


moose, moose antlers


Harmonizes, balances the psyche. Improves mood, calms emotions, gives inner balance. Acts as an antidepressant.

Rune potential:

Uniting and strengthening force, anchor, guardianship.

Basic properties:

Natural protection, the ability to make decisions, cleansing the aura.

Rune Message:

Be mindful of your vulnerability and harmful influences that may push you astray from your chosen path.

Predictive value:

Protection, the art of wise retreat and defense, nobility, healing abilities. Welfare, new perspectives, intellectual work, the ability to fix (“anchor”) something in reality, openness to the new. Recovery, successful restoration of strength, strengthening of mental strength.

Magic use:

The rune draws energy from the Cosmic Source and facilitates its practical use. Protects from injuries, stimulates intellectual abilities. Protects property, protects from hostile forces of all kinds. Favors success, strengthens well-being, adds vitality, calms emotions, balances the psyche.

Runa Algis can help you:

- develop resourcefulness;

— to cope with the challenges of Fate;

- get rid of negative influences;

- fix (“anchor”) your plans and aspirations in real life.

Runa Algis should be meditated, When would you like to receive answers? next questions:

What is wealth for me?

When do I feel insecure?

— can I use the energy of the Universe?

How do I restore my psychic powers?

- what hurts me?

Can I be open to new things?

— Can I get in touch with my Spiritual patrons?

Name: ALGIZ, EOLH - elk (German: Elch). The only letter whose name does not begin with the sound it represents ("Z"). When translating Latin inscriptions and compiling magic formulas, it can also denote the sound "X" (ks). Sedge (Gothic), Sedge (English), — (Norwegian), — (Isl.)

runic formula — ᚨᛚᚷᛁᛉ

Action Algiz: following for.

Plant: reed (Arundo phragmites), sedge or reed. (Rose hip?)

Character: magnetic rune.

Essence: reversible rune.

Images of Rune Algiz:

  • students learn from teachers
  • the athlete follows the recommendations of the coach,
  • believers follow the dogmas of the church,
  • the criminal submits to "authority",
  • the medium repeats the actions of the "spirit",
  • a blind man follows a guide dog,
  • the baby elephant follows the elephant, grabbing her tail with his trunk,
  • the drunk reaches for the bottle,
  • migratory bees fly after the queen,
  • the grazing elk follows the noise in the reeds,
  • the thread runs after the needle,
  • wagons are moving behind the locomotive,
  • a mirror reflects a person
  • tributaries run to the river,
  • the sound comes after the shot,
  • the satellite of the planet flies after the planet,

Rune Algiz Meaning

Following others. The sharpness of attention, the depth of understanding and the speed of reactions of any figure are limited, but there is always someone more observant, more experienced, faster, whom you can follow for your own benefit.

Sometimes the activist finds himself in a situation where there is no other way out than to follow the “older comrade” in his actions. Insufficient perfection of one's own actions in a situation is an incentive for Algiz to act.

The result of this action is the subordination of one's own actions to the actions of the chosen leading figure.

The use of the Rune Algiz in magic

Magical meaning: protection, first of all, of life, from causing intentional or unintentional harm. If you are afraid of something, if you expect an attack or risk, draw this rune, and it will not let anyone take you by surprise. Often used in combination with runes and to protect premises, property, vehicles.

Rune of Protection or, more precisely, Security. With any definition, however, it should be noted that the protection here is passive in nature, although the rune requires a certain amount of personal strength from the defender. The use of the Algiz rune creates certain conditions that prevent the invasion of external harmful forces - whether it be someone else's witchcraft or a brick falling from the roof. In this regard, the definition of "the rune of Security" really turns out to be somewhat more accurate. Often this rune is associated with the patronage of light forces.

In addition, the Algiz rune acts like "big-eyed" stones (cat's eye, tiger's eye), enhancing a person's ability to anticipate danger or someone's attack, and sometimes warning him in one way or another.

Interpretation of Rune Algiz in divination

Mantic meaning: security. Warning, the art of retreat and defense. The need for heightened attention and openness. New perspectives. Work for the mind. In an inverted position, insecurity, vulnerability; disease.


Upright: something new comes into life, very carefully and gently - and it will put everything in its place. The appearance of a spiritual mentor in your life. Gaining opportunities for new development prospects. Finding the highest protection.

Reversed: breaks, denials of requests, failures - you are actively influenced from the outside, manipulated and forced to act according to programs of behavior that are not inherent in you.

Provided opportunities

Upright: active spiritual enlightenment, the acquisition of new development prospects, for those walking in the Spirit - a period of new initiations. A sharpened intuition will make it possible to understand a lot about life. Now you are under the protection of a more powerful force, organization, person than before. Following in the key of their requirements and rules, you gain new horizons.

Reversed: an excellent period of training for heightened attention and diplomatic tact, relying only on oneself - because no one else can help you right now, rather, on the contrary.

Rune's Warning

Upright: during the action of Algiz, you are under the close and evaluative attention of the Higher Forces. You need to be extremely open, honest and following the laws of the Higher Forces. At least - "do to others what you wish for yourself." Otherwise, their judgment will be ruthless.

Reversed: don't blame yourself for failures. Assess the influence from the outside, track how you are being manipulated. Understanding the situation puts power in your hands.

Upright: recognize how you allow yourself to be used, what benefits and opportunities are provided by this - and go further consciously. The opportunities provided are often associated with manifestations in you and the "dark" side - ego, abuse of power and newfound power, spiritual influence on people. This is a test for clearing the "darkness" in oneself.

Reversed: understand what allowed you to submit to someone - what levers were pressed, what beckoned, what feelings and emotions were played on. If you do not do this, the next lesson will be disastrous, you will forever remain someone else's servant.

Problems caused by the Rune

Problems in the upright position

The key to proper orientation is to control your emotions. Neptune governs deep emotional states. Vision is distorted by both positive and negative emotions. Behavior must always be justified by the current situation. Most of the Neptunian deviations are due to the fact that people point blank do not see what is happening. Overcoming this problem goes through the realization of the principle: Algiz is a mirror for the Warrior of the Spirit, in which he looks and comprehends himself. The mirror principle says that all answers are in the environment, in front of us.

What is the psychological key of Neptune? How does it work and what prevents us from living? Neptune attaches strong emotions to certain contents. For example, the situation of falling in love with a certain person. Maybe he is the last scoundrel, but Neptune attaches a very strong emotion to his image. As a result, we lose orientation and do not see what is really happening. In control of emotions lies the secret of controlling Neptune, the secret of the relationship to the Algiz rune.

The experience of contact with reality must be non-emotional, non-exalted, non-sentimental. Then all the answers and actions in the situation surrounding us are visible.

If we ask a question and Algiz comes, then we do not look at the situation itself. We point-blank do not notice it, but only emotionally judge.

Both good and evil emotions distort the vision. The experience of contact with reality is a completely different state of mind. It looks more like indifference, dispassion. There is no anguish in him, no personal excitement.

Problems in upside down

When there is a split into the inner world and ourselves, we begin to act inadequately: either we try to burden ourselves with the problems of other people, or we transfer our problems onto them, whether through words, actions or other means.

With reverse Algiz, it is important not to take on too much and not to transfer too much to others. First you need to figure out what's going on. The action of the reverse Algiz is the increased pressure of Neptune. Delusions are inevitable if we act impulsively, without analysis. Then you have to deal with the newly formed problems. The most important problem of reverse Algiz is the danger of burdening others or being burdened yourself. Both of these upset the balance.


  1. Kolesov E., Torsten A. - "Runes. Futhark Classical and Armanic»
  2. A. Platov, A. van Dart - "Practical course of runic art"
  3. Oleg Sinko - "Runes: the practice of divination"
  4. Konstantin Selchenok - "Astrological interpretation of the runes"
  5. T. Carlson - "Uthark»
  6. Vladimir Smirnov (HaukwithR Gandwiki) — « Runic. Reference book of values»

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Mannaz is a rune that symbolizes man and humanity as a whole. The ego is formed under the influence and interaction of personalities. The variety of relationships between people is characterized by a rune and reflects concepts such as:

  • mutual assistance;
  • optimism, resourcefulness;
  • friendship and compassion;
  • the presence of psychological problems, internal conflict;
  • self-esteem of the individual;
  • understanding.

The meaning of the rune Mannaz

Relations between people are far from perfect and often ambiguous - this is reflected in the interpretation of events with the help of the rune. The appearance of Mannaz in the layout is a symbol of the onset of the most successful life cycle. However, a successful period cannot arise on its own - it is possible only as a result of work on oneself. To do this, it is important to change your rhythm, to show moderation and modesty in everything.

If the Mannaz rune fell out in the layout, then the fortuneteller can be sure that a wonderful time is coming for him, which will bring success, both professionally and in life situations. Everything is moving in the right direction and now there is no need to fight fate. During this period, one should not expect financial losses, various troubles. However, it is necessary to clearly represent your desires and confidently move towards the intended goal.

Do not doubt your endeavors. Life planning, efficiency and intelligence, responsibility, concern for mercy and generosity will bear fruit. Success is guaranteed. Another interpretation of the Mannaz rune is described by the union between a woman and a man, which is created for the birth of a new life. The graphic symbol resembles a plexus of hands, smoothly turning into a unifying “we”.

The main meaning of the rune

The rune advises people to seek God not in distant lands, but in their own hearts. It reminds of the connection of man with the divine principle. To do this, one should learn to see in the most ordinary things and in people not banal manifestations, but something that is higher than everyday relations. Find the strength in yourself to get rid of everything superficial, superfluous, in your aspirations to rely on restraint and modesty.

The main meaning in the direct position of the rune is human relationships and connections. Mannaz symbolizes the intellect, one's own ego, ancestral memory and a sense of dignity. Uneven, complex, confusing relationships among loved ones are described by ambiguous interpretations of the rune.

Love and relationships

When dealt with in love and relationships, the rune makes it possible to comprehend that a person is not completely belonging only to himself. Often situations in which a person is ready to obey, and not insist on his own, indicate that it is necessary to maintain dignity. Your own living space is another recommendation from Mannaz. With its help, a person gets the opportunity to retire in order to understand himself.

Work and career

The direct position of Mannaz in relation to work and career can be interpreted as the need for self-education, establishing contacts with business partners, colleagues. However, success will only be possible if decent attitude to yourself and those around you. A person must show common sense and intelligence. Therefore, one should adhere to moderation in all matters, but not take the description of the alignment as a call to expect a miracle.

The meaning of the inverted rune Mannaz

If an inverted rune appeared in the layout, then it symbolizes the beginning of actions by enemies, which will lead to a violation of plans. In this case, a person will not receive help from friends. Therefore, we can state that the person was alone with his problems. Moreover, the appearance of an inverted Mannaz is related to both external and internal problems of the fortuneteller. It indicates that unresolved internal problems prevent the achievement of the desired result.

Fuss, pressure and unjustified haste can influence the lack of success. The reversed Mannaz is often used to overcome old habits. It can describe relationships with a person who has a completely different culture, worldview, and also interpret hidden phobias and complexes that significantly complicate the life of a fortuneteller.

Love and relationships

The position of Mannaz inverted can be an interpretation of selfishness, alienation of partners, lack of love. With the help of the alignment, a situation is described that arises between people seeking to find a flaw in their partner. If there is a feeling of an unfair attitude of a partner, then the appearance of an inverted Mannaz should be taken as a warning. All attempts to counteract the partner can be programmed by the opponent.

Work and career

The inverted Mannaz, which fell out in the scenario, gives a person a description of the variant of the appearance of competitors. A person should take into account their own shortcomings. Such traits as achieving the desired at any cost, short-sightedness, forgetfulness can significantly harm.

The advice of the rune in the upright position is aimed at showing maximum modesty, the absence of demands for immediate reward. Slowly prepare yourself for self-improvement, for the search for the meaning of life.

The inverted position of the rune calls for a search for the source of the problem in one's inner state. An even recognition of the negative aspects of your personality helps to change for the better. Help can come from the most unexpected quarters—often in the form of advice.

Magical use of Mannaz

Runa Mannaz can affect a group of individuals or an individual, as well as an organization. Her power is used in attempts to attract supporters, appease enemies. With the help of a rune, a person is indicated if his name could not be recognized. The energy of the rune is aimed at creating a favorable environment in the team. Can be used in meditation. With the help of the magical power of Mannaz, you can:

  1. realize your ambitious projects;
  2. harmonize relationships in the team;
  3. attract the attention of the necessary object;
  4. find a person with whom there has been no connection for a long time;
  5. settle the conflict
  6. get support during a difficult period of life;
  7. heal a person from a distance.

Talismans and amulets from the rune

Mannaz is used to create a talisman for success and money. However, it provides support only to motivated people, and does not help gamblers, gamblers. The energy from the talisman helps to get rid of uncertainty and excessive suspiciousness. Awakens intelligence and creativity.

The connection of the rune with higher powers endows the owner of the talisman with magical abilities, develops the ability to interpret mystical phenomena, signs; opens the gift of divination. With the help of Mannaz, changes occur in inner world man, true knowledge is acquired. To create such a talisman, oak, maple, pine or ash are used.

The meaning of the Rune Mannaz as a tattoo

To use the magical power of the rune, it can be applied to the body in the form of a tattoo. The tattoo is located on the area of ​​​​the body in such a way that it does not catch the eye of strangers, otherwise it will not patronize.

The meaning of the tattoo is enhanced if combinations of different runes are used. Their exact combination for a certain situation provides a solution to a vital problem.

Formulas with the rune Mannaz

The use of various combinations of Mannaz with other runes:

  1. Mannaz - Ansuz - Yera - mental processes are intensified. The thought process develops harmoniously, affects self-knowledge.
  2. Mannaz - Isa in the scenario warns of the presence of internal stagnation.
  3. Ansuz - Mannaz - Jagaz - finding balance in the midst of chaos. Symbolizes the desire to move forward. Directs the flow of thought in the right direction.
  4. Mannaz - Raido symbolizes success as a result of creative, intellectual research.
  5. Perth - Mannaz characterizes a person as having the ability of a psychic, a magician. Having learned about this, a person needs to start their development.
  6. Raido - Mannaz - Ansuz suggests the choice of the right path, which is prophesied by higher powers to a person.
  7. Yera - Ansuz - Mannaz-Yera strengthening of the moral principle, a manifestation of wisdom.
  8. Laguz - Mannaz - a combination of runes describes the ability of a partner who is guessing to become an excellent adviser, a true friend.
  9. The inverted runes of Algiz-Mannaz indicate the tendency of the individual to perform actions and concede in resolving issues without his own benefit.
  10. Ansuz - Mannaz - Algiz affects the search for a companion, totem, guardian angel. Helps to connect with them.
  11. Soulu - Yera - Mannaz - a formula aimed at self-realization and gaining a well-deserved reward.
  12. Odal - Mannaz - the mutual influence of these two runes indicates an increased attention to the material side of the matter, otherwise problems may arise associated with a loss of reputation.
  13. Teyvaz - Mannaz demonstrates the losses that accompany an assertive and hurried person.
  14. Mannaz - Teyvaz - Nautiz helps to solve many problems, including getting rid of bad habits (smoking).
  15. Fehu - Teyvaz - Vunyo - Mannaz this type of formula allows you to defeat a competitor and take the desired position, promising financial prosperity.

The name of the rune Algiz goes back to the Old Norse "elch", which means "elk" in translation. Traditionally, the meaning of the Algiz rune, which can be found in almost all futharks and futorks, comes down to the concept of universal protection, but the semantics of the image has a much deeper and more multifaceted meaning.

For example, the famous Austrian runologist Guido von List called it the “rune of life”, while the inverted rune Algiz bears the title “death rune” for him. In Nazi Germany, the Algiz rune served as the emblem of the Lebensborn medical formations, but this interpretation is rather simplified and even exaggerated. At the same time, in the Scandinavian countries, for many centuries, the Algiz rune in the upright position on the tombstones indicates the date of birth, while the inverted Algiz rune marks the date of death.

  • Rune semantics: protection, higher (divine) patronage
  • Rune transliteration: С (S-R, Z-R)
  • Old Norse rune name: Ihwar
  • Norse and Icelandic rune name: Elgr
  • Anglo-Saxon rune name: Eolh or Olh
  • Celtic rune name: Eileadh
  • Germanic rune name: Algis, Algiz or Elhaz

It is curious to note that in medieval inscriptions using Latin characters, the letter “R” is written instead of the Algiz rune, while the original form is used if the rune is located at the end of the word and its sound is equated to the sound “s (z)”.

The meaning of the rune Algiz in the upright position

The Algiz rune (a photo of its statutory style is presented below) graphically imitates a human figure with raised arms. This is probably a call for patronage, so the Algiz rune in a direct position indicates security, a connection with a certain “higher beginning”. This is the rune of friendship and positive developing relationships, she talks about trust, unity, success and development (perspectives). Algiz can also indicate an unexpected (but favorable) turn and mental work.

Figuratively, the meaning of the Algiz rune is correlated with a flight of fancy, free creativity. The rune indicates that something very important and positive is happening in your life. This is probably an indication of the proximity of happiness or its actual presence at the current moment in time. At the moment, you are completely protected from trouble, and in a relationship, the Algiz rune speaks of absolute trust. The rune also indicates that you need to trust your intuition, you are doing the right thing. Often we can talk about the fact that you will have (or have already presented) a good opportunity to change your life for the better.

The rune advises to pay attention to the fact that in any unexpected situation (critical or favorable), caution is necessary, which in fact will become your main defense. The meaning of the Algiz rune comes down to a lucky coincidence, but this is an active principle, which means you should not be inactive. Be careful, do not give in to feelings (and do not confuse passion and fanaticism with intuition), keep a sober mind and make decisions on time.

The meaning of the rune Algiz in an inverted position

Inverted Algiz does not always represent negativity. She only says that something went wrong. You have lost patronage, but it is unlikely that this happened through someone else's fault, rather, you yourself were careless. Now you have to listen with three ears, the inverted rune Algiz obliges you to stop and weigh all the possibilities. We are talking about a bad mood or health problems that you need to pay attention to.

In the broadest sense, the meaning of the inverted Algiz rune can be reduced to the fact that the task before you simply has no solution. It is worth for a while to forget about this aspiration and do something else. But just for a while, because later you can succeed. The inverted Algiz says that now you must clearly and completely control yourself, watch your words, do not give in to anger, this will only make it worse. Depending on the scenario, the meaning of the inverted rune Algiz may come down to a person with whom you do not need to communicate, or you will simply receive a refusal to your offer. However, success can be achieved if you replay the situation.

An inverted Algiz in a relationship almost unequivocally indicates that you need to think carefully again. You are probably in too much of a hurry, which is why you are failing. Here the best defense against mistakes is time, which definitely plays on your side. But in the business sphere, the meaning of the Algiz rune in an inverted position is extremely negative - it is deceit, betrayal, financial and ideological collapse.

The meaning of the inverted Algiz is obvious - carefully observe all the processes that take place inside and around you. On this stage for one reason or another, you lose someone's help and the circumstances are not in the best way, but this does not mean at all that you need to give up. Change strategy, adapt if necessary - stop or even retreat. In this sense, the advice of the inverted rune Algiz (the photo of the options is presented above) is obvious - it is better to lose the battle than the war.

Use of Algiz in rituals

Due to the exceptional power of the image hidden in this rune, it is used in many rituals, in particular - to ensure confident progressive development. Runa Algiz acts as a guarantor of good luck, but here again it is worth paying attention to the fact that a dynamic, motivational image is hidden in it, that is, this is not the option when you should rely on circumstances, even if "everything is fine." The rune helps to move from words to action, to catch luck by the tail, to see success, to come and take it. In addition, the value of the Algiz rune allows you to use it for instinctive protection, improve your instincts, and more effectively anticipate danger.

Using the Algiz rune in runescripts

The use of the Algiz rune in all kinds of runic records and staves is obvious. It helps to detect enemies and defend against them. Algiz is a rune of protection in the broadest sense, that is, it protects both from life's adversities, and from specific ill-wishers, and from "evil" as such (including "inner demons"). It motivates, gives strength in difficult times, allows you to focus on the most important and strengthens relationships. Below are the most popular (frequently used) runescript combinations, which include the Algiz rune:

  • "Algiz Teyvaz". This is a simple but energetically capacious combination that combines active defense and absolute victory. "Algiz Teyvaz" is appropriate in the case of a "holy war". That is, you are defending, protecting your home and your honor. In such a situation, Algiz Teyvaz will allow you to focus all your resources into a single, well-balanced strike and not receive a retaliatory attack.
  • "Algiz Soulu" (variation of "Soulu Algiz Soulu"). This runic combination is sometimes called the "solar shield". "Algiz Soulu" gives large-scale protection, involves all the patrons that only you have. This is not just an appeal to "higher powers". "Algiz Soulu" is an accumulation of generic energy for a quick and high-quality resolution of a critical situation.
  • Algiz Raido Algiz. The meaning of this combination does not imply ambiguity - it is protection along the way. Moreover, "Algiz Raido Algiz" can be used as a talisman not only for physical travel by transport. Often "Algiz Raido Algiz" is used by shamans who practice "astral" travel. Such a runescript will protect against unforeseen circumstances and their unfavorable combination.
  • Isa Algiz. This is a rather peculiar combination that requires a clear understanding of the underlying principles of the operation of any runescript. "Isa Algiz" allows you to "slow down" the enemy, "tie" him, giving you the opportunity to make a winning move. Often, "Isa Algiz" is positioned as a defense against "evil spirits", although such an interpretation, to put it mildly, is not obvious.
  • "Algiz Fehu". The meaning of this combination is interpreted very simply - the Algiz Fehu runescript grants protection in business, it guarantees the success of a transaction or agreement, saves finances. Of course, you don’t need to think that if you use Algiz Fehu, then you don’t need to do anything on your own. On the contrary, the runescript requires vigorous activity, otherwise it will not even be activated.
  • Algiz Gebo. This simple runescript is used to protect relationships, and not only from outside influence. "Algiz Gebo" allows a couple to better control their emotions, teaches them to understand each other and give in. Also, "Algiz Gebo" allows you to make new acquaintances.
  • Algiz Laguz. This combination is used often, but few understand its essence. Runescript "Algiz Laguz" does not help you overcome circumstances, it stabilizes you, gives you the opportunity to think things through and take a break. "Algiz Laguz" is a very good runescript that can be used quite often.
  • Algiz Berkana Algiz. This combination has a powerful figurative connotation, it can be used both for conception and for protecting pregnancy, saving a child. "Algiz Berkana Algiz" protects to a greater extent "new life", but part of the protection also extends to the "carrier". However, you need to use the Algiz Berkana Algiz runescript very carefully, it requires a lot of energy.
  • "Algiz Dagaz Algiz" (you can just "Algiz Dagaz"). This combination is designed to help achieve success in a particular case. "Algiz Dagaz Algiz" always has an obvious (for you) purpose, if this is not there (or the purpose is not clear to you), then the runescript is useless. But with the proper application of forces, Algiz Dagaz Algiz will give you the missing motivation and energy for the “finish straight”.
  • "Algiz Evaz Algiz". This runescript is aimed at restoring relationships. However, you need to understand that if someone in a couple sincerely does not want to return to the past, Algiz Evaz Algiz will simply be useless. That is why this combination requires high-quality preparation before use, however, if everything is done correctly, Algiz Evaz Algiz will help restore mutual understanding, warmth and kindness.

Of course, the meaning of the Algiz rune allows it to be used in many runescripts. It is not necessary to apply existing combinations, sometimes experimentation becomes the best way out of the situation, the main thing is to act carefully and very carefully.

The philosophy of the image of the Algiz rune: saving grace

As K. Meadows writes, the power of Algiz lies in the unity of the individual Spirit with the universal whole, with the community of the surrounding world. Rune Algiz unites four components of the human essence - Spirit, Soul, Mind and Body. In symbolic terms, the meaning of the Algiz rune is dualistic: in the upright position, it personifies the crown of the World Tree, in the inverted position, its roots. In a certain sense, the crown is the superconscious (“above the Self”), and the roots are the Freudian ocean of the unconscious (“under the Self”).

Algiz, or Z-rune, embodies the concepts of "unity" and "protection". Unity with the higher self (super-self) implies a solid support, it is a protection against destabilization. In fact, we are talking about the fact that if a person is spiritually and mentally developed, it does not matter when all his development is reduced to the comprehension of speculative truths, having no projection in the physical world, at the everyday level. Rune Algiz says that even potential immortality has its own "anchor", a physical shell, with which other components of the human personality are inextricably linked. As for the aspect of protection, the symbolism of this rune protects us from spiritual selfishness and pride.

It is curious that Christian moralists, who sought to discredit the runic culture, saw in the Algiz rune a symbolic image of the female genital organs, and in an inverted form - of the male. Such a position, which today seems to us obvious stupidity, led to the fact that church dogmas associated the meaning of the Algiz rune with sexual magic and satanic orgies. In fact, Algiz is objectively related to the union of two principles, but in a completely different aspect. We have already mentioned that with early medieval in the Scandinavian countries, direct Algiz denoted the date of birth (coming into the world, leaving the female womb), and inverted - the date of death (death, mainly in battle, already from a male hand).

At the same time, the energy of Algiz is directly related to instincts and survival. But this is not only a reflection on the physical level, an elementary reaction to stimuli. It is also spiritual protection, the ability to distinguish truth from untruth, spiritual insight and inner understanding. Looking at a photo of the Algiz rune, many intuitively call it a “spiritual compass”, which suggests that our survival is connected not only with the basic formula “fight or flight”, but also with active work brain, imagination and creativity. Runic shamans saw in Algiz the universe of the animal world, in other words, the elemental forces of nature, which are really capable of protecting the one who "knows the approach to them." AT runic practice this rune allows you to perform various tasks in a state of altered perception.

Continuing the conversation about the practical aspect of the Algiz rune, it is worth saying that the shamans of the northern tradition often used it to create a "protective egg" or "cocoon", as well as to strengthen their ties with the earth and family. In this sense, the meaning of the Algiz rune also relies on its charter mark. Indeed, to a certain extent, this rune really resembles a staff on which the traveler can lean.

  • The potential of the rune Algiz: the connection and unification necessary for progress, protection at all levels: physical, spiritual, emotional.
  • Basic esoteric qualities: projecting a protective aura, instinctive defense, the ability to resist, achieve and win.
  • The practical aspect in esotericism: the rune makes it possible to receive energy from a "higher source" and apply it to solve practical tasks. Algiz also protects or levels the vulnerable elements of the system.
  • Rune challenge: you should never forget that each of us has weaknesses and vulnerabilities, you can’t relax, not only in critical situations, but also in those moments when victory seems obvious.

Working with the Algiz rune is quite simple, but, as with any other rune, deep understanding and concentrated intention are needed. This is a powerful positive rune that helps to meet adversity and overcome them, achieving your own.