Resume and interview. Why it can be difficult to get started It’s better not to start

It is estimated that the average recruiter spends 15-20 seconds reading a resume. This is why it is so important to correctly present information about you.

In my opinion, even before you start looking for work via the Internet or any other means, you need to make competent resume.

Because from now until you receive new job, this document will be your face, your characteristics. And the final result – getting the desired position – will depend on how correctly you present information about yourself in this document.

One of the main principles when writing a resume is brevity. Surely the recruiter is of little interest in how difficult life path you had to go through before making you happy with your proposal;

Stick to it uniform style. Your resume should be in an official business style, without colloquial phrases or expressions. You should also not use professional and complicated words;

Use action verbs(trained, improved, etc.);

Of great importance resume design. Be sure to highlight headings and indent before the next logical part. You should not make a resume more than 1-2 pages. There is no need to attach a photograph to your resume (unless this requirement is specified in the vacancy);

Never don't write about yours weaknesses and about health. Surprisingly, It is not recommended to indicate the salary level, which you are counting on. If your candidacy suits the employer, then most likely you will be offered exactly the salary you expect;

Be sure to make resume for English language . This will increase your chances of being found in foreign company.

So, what should be included in a resume?

Contact Information
In this block you specify:

Full Name
Residence address, contact numbers
Date and place of birth
Marital status and


Please indicate which vacancy you are interested in. For example:

Goal: obtaining a position as an advertising specialist


In this block you write the main thing first higher education(or several, in order of receipt) indicating the faculty and time of study, and just below - courses and internships.

Described according to the scheme:

Duration of work (month and year of arrival and departure)
Company name
Direction of the company's activities
Job title
Job responsibilities
Number of subordinates (if any)

The last point is extremely important when writing a resume. Try indicate as many numbers as possible. For example, increasing the volume of advertising by 30% or attracting about 400 new partners. Use verbs: conducted, participated, developed, attracted, etc.

If you have a lot of experience and are afraid that you won't fit into a page or perhaps even two, list the work beyond last 10 years.

Additional Information

This part reflects the level of computer proficiency (for example, an advanced user) indicating the programs in which you worked, the level of proficiency, and whether you have a driver’s license.


For example, kayaking or reading classic English prose. This block makes your resume different from others.

Of course, it would be good to discuss this issue with your previous management in advance and receive, among other things, their written advice. But, unfortunately, this cannot always be done. In this case, it is better not to include this section in your resume at all.

At the very end of the resume you must indicate when are you ready to start work?.

Remember that a properly written resume is the key to a successful job search.

One of the important and key points When applying for a job, you need to fill out a special form or questionnaire. Oddly enough, this process can sometimes be quite complicated for the reason that the applicant does not always understand what specific answers need to be given to the questions in the application form when applying for a job in order to increase his chances of getting the desired position.

Pass the "exam"

You should prepare for an interview with a future employer almost like you would prepare for an exam. Absolutely everything is important – from appearance to filling out the application form. After all, passing this particular stage will allow you to determine whether you should work in this field or not. There are often cases when, on the night before a meeting with his future employer, a person repeats all sorts of materials related to his future profession, practices answers to expected questions in front of the mirror, spends a long time choosing what and how to wear, shoes, etc. All this, of course, is very important, and all these efforts will not be in vain if you really approach this matter with all responsibility.

An interview is also similar to an exam in that there is a dialogue, during which the main positions occupied by each interlocutor are revealed. During an interview, what matters is not how many questions you answer correctly, but how you know how to behave, speak, and defend your opinion. And when you answer questions on a job application form, it is important to formulate your thoughts clearly and clearly. Main principle– always answer honestly, you shouldn’t reveal all the existing shortcomings, but it also doesn’t make sense to attribute excessive advantages, and sometimes it’s even stupid.

So, the main principles when answering questionnaire questions or in direct dialogue with an employer:

Unfortunately, not everyone is able to give decent answers to a job application the first time.

And this absolutely does not depend on whether you are a literate person or not. It’s just that sometimes the applicant is not quite ready for some questions. There are also those that simply lead a person into a dead end, but this happens quite rarely. Most often, such questionnaires are compiled on the most common and well-established questions, such as the following:

  1. Describe your strengths and weaknesses. This is where people most often tend to fantasize and evade. It is a rare candidate who will be able to honestly evaluate himself. But in order to achieve success, in any business you need to be honest and slightly self-critical. This will help you improve morally and professionally in the future.
  2. Describe where you see yourself in 5-10 years. This question is not aimed at you describing your future career ups, but at identifying how well you know how to assess and distribute your strengths, what ambitions you have, whether you know how to plan and distribute free time, and your attitude towards life. Based on your answer, the employer will be able to easily understand how you feel about the profession, whether you want to achieve success in a particular area, whether you want to contribute to the development of the company, or just want to earn a living.
  3. An employee’s application form when applying for a job contains the most common and one of critical issues– a question about your personal life. Many people, when answering this question, are somewhat embarrassed because they do not know what, according to their superiors, is good and what is bad. For example, girls do not know for sure whether their employer will like the fact that they are already married and have children, or whether this will contribute to a refusal to hire them. Don't worry about it. This question is aimed at allowing the employer to get to know you better - nothing more. He is absolutely not interested in the mysteries of your personal life. Therefore, answer as you see fit.

The most popular survey questions

A correctly filled out application form when applying for a job is a ticket to a completely new and interesting life. This is a guarantee that you will get a decent and highly paid position, and that you will enjoy going to work. This is a “green light” on the path to success and career growth, so such an important event should be taken responsibly.

This article is a free translation of Steve Pavlina’s article “Overcoming procrastination” from real examples from my life.

The habit of leaving everything until the last minute can become a serious problem of dissatisfaction in your work and personal life. Regular overtime, working late, missed opportunities, stress and feelings of dissatisfaction are a few symptoms of this bad habit. Let's try to look at how you can avoid this and how I do it.

When you start work, tell yourself “I want to do this” instead of constantly reminding yourself “I need to do this.” Be that as it may, you always have a choice whether to do something or not, even if the consequences may be unpleasant. Make a conscious choice about what you would like to do now and do it! I usually make a plan for the day, in which I put only those tasks that I want to see done. This is my choice - that's why they are always I want to do.

If you think of a task as a big elephant that you want to eat, then you will probably put it off until later. Ask yourself, “Where can I start right now?” Bite off an elephant's ear and don't think about how it can all fit inside you. When this is done, choose the next smallest part of the elephant or the tastiest - it doesn't matter - and eat it! As the monster is destroyed, you will learn details about the elephant that were not visible at first. Each time you start with the next small part and have fun with it, until you eventually find that there is only one tail left of the elephant, which can easily fit inside you in one sitting. If the task is immense or not pleasant (but, of course, important for you!) - feel free to start and don’t think about finishing it yet.

Another reason leading to procrastination is the desire to do the task as best as possible. You think that you need to complete a task as well as possible - and this leads to postponing its completion indefinitely. Once the deadline approaches, you no longer have time to complete the task perfectly. This thought leads to stress and irritation about one's abilities and the organization of one's work. If a task does not have a specific completion date, then the desire to do it perfectly will never allow it to be completed, since there will always be a point that can be improved.

Always allow yourself the right to be human. But a person can make mistakes, nothing can be done about it. Many brilliant creations were preceded by 1000 unsuccessful ones, but it is unlikely that these brilliant creations would have appeared if not for these 1000 previous ones. An imperfect job done today is always better than a perfect job done forever.. If you want to write a 5,000 word article, allow your first draft to only be 100 words. I usually break an overwhelming task into several small tasks, without thinking about who will have to do them. Then I take one of them, add it to my “to do today” list and proceed without any thoughts about the perfection of the result. This is not particularly difficult, since a large, perfectly completed task has been replaced by a small edible piece.

Another reason for procrastination is the association of the task with deprivation. You think that doing business will consume all my free time and I won’t be able to spend it on what I like and is interested in. Such a thought, of course, is not conducive to solving the problem. In this case, I recommend setting aside time to do what you enjoy: hobbies, family, whatever. Set aside time for this and don't let other tasks intrude into those gaps. If you only have two hours to solve a problem, and you know that the rest of the time is already taken up by things that are pleasant for you, then it won’t be particularly difficult to complete this task, since there will be no other opportunity.

One of my work days, I was forced to leave early and only had 6 and a half hours to solve all the problems. I knew for sure that at 16:30 I was forced to leave the office, no matter how much I had done. The day was extremely efficient; about 12 tasks were completed, which on other days would have taken 8 or even more hours. Moreover, this gave me a positive emotional charge for the rest of the evening.

I like to set aside days not dedicated to any activities. Usually, one such day a week (Sunday!) is more than enough, on which you can completely relax and recharge your batteries for the next 6 days. When you know that tomorrow is a day off and you won’t have the right to do anything, you really want to do as much as possible on the previous day.

When I want to see an unpleasant task completed, I limit the time it takes to complete it. In the notebook, which is always in front of my eyes, there is a sparkling note that after 30 minutes (I indicate a specific time) I will stop solving this problem. In addition, I come up with something enjoyable to do in these 30 minutes. For example, while I am writing these lines, I have written in my notebook that I will have lunch from 11:20 to 11:30. I feel a slight feeling of hunger in my stomach, and the clock says 11:00. How difficult do you think it was to write this paragraph? 🙂

Sometimes, using this approach with arranging time frames, during these 30 minutes I become so involved in the process of working on a task that it is difficult for me to stop. Since these boundaries are self-imposed, I can easily invest more of my time in solving this problem. In any case, you can tell yourself “Stop!” and go drink tea or watch your favorite TV show, or go to your favorite forum, or something else that I came up with as a pleasant reward.

Remember the formula for success: Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today.

This article is a free translation of Steve Pavlina’s article “Overcoming procrastination” with real examples from my life.

The habit of leaving everything until the last minute can become a serious problem of dissatisfaction in your work and personal life. Regular overtime, working late, missed opportunities, stress and feelings of dissatisfaction are a few symptoms of this bad habit. Let's try to look at how you can avoid this and how I do it.

When you start work, tell yourself “I want to do this” instead of constantly reminding yourself “I need to do this.” Be that as it may, you always have a choice whether to do something or not, even if the consequences may be unpleasant. Make a conscious choice about what you would like to do now and do it! I usually make a plan for the day, in which I put only those tasks that I want to see done. This is my choice - that's why they are always I want to do.

If you think of a task as a big elephant that you want to eat, then you will probably put it off until later. Ask yourself, “Where can I start right now?” Bite off an elephant's ear and don't think about how it can all fit inside you. When this is done, choose the next smallest part of the elephant or the most delicious - it doesn't matter - and eat it! As the monster is destroyed, you will learn details about the elephant that were not visible at first. Each time you start with the next small part and have fun with it, until you eventually find that there is only one tail left of the elephant, which can easily fit inside you in one sitting. If the task is immense or not pleasant (but, of course, important for you!) - feel free to start and don’t think about finishing it yet.

Another reason leading to procrastination is the desire to do the task as best as possible. You think that you need to complete a task as well as possible - and this leads to postponing its completion indefinitely. Once the deadline approaches, you no longer have time to complete the task perfectly. This thought leads to stress and irritation about one's abilities and the organization of one's work. If a task does not have a specific completion date, then the desire to do it perfectly will never allow it to be completed, since there will always be a point that can be improved.

Always allow yourself the right to be human. But a person can make mistakes, nothing can be done about it. Many brilliant creations were preceded by 1000 unsuccessful ones, but it is unlikely that these brilliant creations would have appeared if not for these 1000 previous ones. An imperfect job done today is always better than a perfect job done forever.. If you want to write a 5,000 word article, allow your first draft to only be 100 words. I usually break an overwhelming task into several small tasks, without thinking about who will have to do them. Then I take one of them, add it to the “to do today” list and proceed without any thoughts about the perfection of the result. This is not particularly difficult, since a large, perfectly completed task has been replaced by a small edible piece.

Another reason for procrastination is the association of the task with deprivation. You think that doing business will consume all my free time and I won’t be able to spend it on what I like and is interested in. Such a thought, of course, is not conducive to solving the problem. In this case, I recommend setting aside time to do what you enjoy: hobbies, family, whatever. Set aside time for this and don't let other tasks intrude into those gaps. If you only have two hours to solve a problem, and you know that the rest of the time is already taken up by things that are pleasant for you, then it won’t be particularly difficult to complete this task, since there will be no other opportunity.

One of my work days, I was forced to leave early and only had 6 and a half hours to solve all the problems. I knew for sure that at 16:30 I was forced to leave the small office, no matter how much I had done. The day was extremely efficient; about 12 tasks were completed, which on other days would have taken 8 or even more hours. Moreover, this gave me a positive emotional charge for the rest of the evening.

I like to set aside days not dedicated to any activities. Usually, one such day a week (Sunday!) is more than enough, on which you can completely relax and recharge your batteries for the next 6 days. When you know that tomorrow is a day off and you won’t have the right to do anything, you really want to do as much as possible on the previous day.

When I want to see an unpleasant task completed, I limit the time it takes to complete it. In the notebook, which is always in front of my eyes, there is a sparkling note that after 30 minutes (I indicate a specific time) I will stop solving this problem. In addition, I come up with something enjoyable to do in these 30 minutes. For example, while I am writing these lines, I have written in my notebook that I will have lunch from 11:20 to 11:30. I feel a slight feeling of hunger in my stomach, and the clock says 11:00. How difficult do you think it was to write this paragraph? :)

Sometimes, using this approach with arranging time frames, during these 30 minutes I become so involved in the process of working on a task that it is difficult for me to stop. Since these boundaries are self-imposed, I can easily invest more of my time in solving this problem. In any case, you can tell yourself “Stop!” and go drink tea or watch your favorite TV show, or go to your favorite forum, or something else that I came up with as a pleasant reward.

Remember the formula for success: Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today.

To interest the employer in yours and successfully pass, if it was carried out to select the best candidates for vacant place, is only half the battle. From signing on at this stage The employee is separated by an interview with the immediate supervisor or an employee involved in the selection of new personnel.

If not everything, then a lot depends on what impression the applicant will make on the recruiter. Experienced workers know that the interview takes into account the ability to present oneself, appearance candidate and attention is necessarily paid to his clear and often resourceful answers to the questions posed.

How to register at the labor exchange to receive benefits for the unemployed - read our detailed information.

tell us about yourself

This request is usually made at the beginning of the interview. Sometimes it is completely missed, focusing on the resume. It is undesirable to go into a lengthy and monotonous narrative about yourself, outlining your entire life in ten minutes. This does not make the best impression of a person.

It is better to briefly touch on important points, focusing on education or professional skills.