Rating for deposits of individuals. Which bank has the most favorable conditions for deposits and a high percentage of the deposit?

When a person has free funds, a fair question arises: where to invest it to generate income? The simplest and safest way to generate income from the point of view of state risk protection is through deposits. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the ratings of banks that have the highest deposit rates depending on the conditions of deposit programs.

Please note that when compiling the lists, banks included in the TOP 50 credit institutions in the country were used in order to exclude offers from companies that may be in an unstable financial situation.

Standard deposits

Standard deposits mean deposits for a certain period of time that do not have additional functions– replenishment or partial withdrawal. As a rule, the rates on such deposits are the highest. The top ten with the best offers looks like this:

Deposits with additional features

Even the most high percent for deposits in banks with additional options is usually lower than that of standard programs, but this does not reduce consumer interest in them. Such deposit products are preferred by depositors due to increased access to money and preservation of accrued interest.

Replenishable deposits

The TOP 10 banks that issue the most profitable deposits with the possibility of increasing the initial amount look like this:

  1. RosEuro Bank – 8.5%. The banking product is appropriately named “Replenish”. It is possible to open an account for a period of 91 to 1095 days in an amount of 50 thousand rubles. Monthly interest can be capitalized or used at your discretion. Replenish the deposit by at least 5 thousand rubles. available until the last 30 days of the contract validity.
  2. Tinkoff – 8.5%. The bank has two rates - 8.5% if it is possible to replenish the deposit only in the first 30 days and 8% if it is possible to increase the balance throughout the entire term of the agreement. The minimum deposit amount is 50 thousand rubles. The amount of additional contributions is not limited.
  3. TransCapital Bank – 8.5%. Another bank with high interest rate for deposits - TKB. The “Super Long-Term” deposit product is designed for 6,000 days with the ability to replenish the account at any convenient time. The minimum limit for opening is 10 thousand rubles. Interest payments occur every 400 days.
  4. Orient Express Bank – 8.3%. Thanks to the Savings Book deposit, a bank client can receive high income for 6-24 months. The agreement is drawn up if there is at least 30 thousand rubles in the account. The amount of payments to increase the deposit must be more than 5 thousand rubles.
  5. The All Inclusive program requires a minimum down payment of 30 thousand rubles. with the further possibility of replenishing the account for any amount. The deposit is opened for a period of 3 to 12 months.
  6. Globex – 8.25%. The “Optimal” product guarantees an increase in funds in the specified amount when deposited for 367 days. The initial contribution must be more than 30 thousand rubles, and each additional payment must be more than 5 thousand rubles. Capitalization of interest is possible at the request of the client.
  7. AK Bars – 8.25%. The deposit account is opened for a period of 91 to 720 days. The minimum deposit amount is 1 million rubles. It is possible to replenish the account, but not more than four times the initial balance.
  8. BinBank – 8.2%. The contract is drawn up for 91 days with automatic extension on the same terms. Initial payment from 10 thousand rubles. There is capitalization of interest, as well as the possibility of replenishing the deposit for any amount.
  9. Moscow Regional Bank – 8%. A product with a similar rate is available at MosoblBank. The minimum initial investment is 300 thousand rubles. You can count on the stated rate when signing a contract for 367 days. Bank charges are capitalized or transferred to the client's account. Account replenishment is possible in the first 183 days.
  10. Moscow Credit Bank – 7,75%. Registration with the proposed rate is possible only through an online application. The initial deposit amount must be at least 1 thousand rubles. The tariff provides for monthly capitalization of interest. Replenishment is possible up to the maximum limit - 10 million rubles.

Deposits with partial withdrawals

Several banks offer the highest rates on deposits in banks with the ability to withdraw part of the deposit amount (not counting accrued interest). Let's list them:

  1. Tinkoff – 8.5%. Universal deposit with replenishment and withdrawal of part of money. The minimum deposit amount is 50 thousand rubles. Partial withdrawal in the amount of 15 thousand rubles. possible after 60 days from the date of account opening. Duration from 3 months or more at the request of the client.
  2. Novikobank – 8.5%. Novikobank offers a program with fixed terms of 184 or 368 days. The initial deposit amount is from 30 thousand rubles. Partial withdrawal is possible if the minimum balance is more than 1.4 million rubles. Interest payments occur every 184 days.
  3. National Bank Trust - 8.25%. With the “All Inclusive” tariff, you can not only top up your account, but also partially withdraw money, provided that you maintain a minimum balance (similar to the initial minimum) - 30 thousand rubles. The terms are fixed - 91, 181 and 367 days.
  4. AK Bars – 8.25%. The bank has quite strict requirements regarding the minimum deposit size - 1 million rubles. The contract period can range from 3 to 24 months. The savings account can be replenished, as well as withdraw some money from it, maintaining the initial minimum of 1 million rubles.
  5. Globex – 8.15%. The “Universal Online” product is only available through an online application. Money can be invested for 6, 12 and 24 months. Initial payment – ​​10 thousand rubles. It is allowed to withdraw money from the account, subject to maintaining the minimum amount individually specified in the deposit agreement.
  6. Orient Express Bank – 8.02%. The “Practical” product allows you to withdraw money without losing interest. The amount of the down payment is from 100 thousand rubles. Processing times are 181 and 731 days. After partial withdrawal, the account must have a minimum balance of 100 thousand rubles.
  7. Absolut Bank – 8%. Absolut Bank offers a special program for people of retirement age. An account is opened with a minimum of 10 thousand rubles. lasting from 91 to 730 days. Possible one-time partial withdrawal amounts for the entire period, subject to maintaining the minimum deposit amount.
  8. Yugra – 7.89%. The “Maximum” banking program allows you to invest from 1.5 million rubles. for a period of 2 to 12 months. It is possible to replenish the deposit account, as well as withdraw part of the money while saving a minimum balance. In addition to this program, Ugra Bank also offers “Managed Interest”, where the minimum initial contribution is 100 thousand rubles, and the duration of placement of funds is 720 days. Replenishment is possible during the first year, and withdrawals are possible starting from 91 days from the date of conclusion of the agreement. The first year the rate is 10%, the second – 5.5% per annum. Interest can be withdrawn at the end of each period.
  9. Promsvyazbank – 7.5%. The minimum deposit amount is 150 thousand rubles, which can be invested for 367 or 731 days. The deposit can be replenished or withdrawn from it, maintaining the established initial limit. Automatic extension of the contract is possible.
  10. Credit Moscow Bank - 7.25%. The “Settlement” tariff is issued in the online banking system. The deposit is opened for at least 1000 rubles. You can top up in an amount of no more than 20 thousand rubles. With partial withdrawal Money The initial amount must remain in the account.

Opening a deposit

When is the most difficult process behind – the investor has determined where more profitable investment at interest, you can proceed directly to opening it. Most banks, along with registration at the branch, practice submitting online applications.

Often, for opening a deposit account online, the client can even receive a premium to the stated rate.

The only documents you will need are a passport. If the deposit is opened in favor of a third party, then it is necessary to provide his identification documents (certified copies). There are no requirements for the client as such; banks open deposits even in the name of minors.

Each person saves money for different purposes. However, what many people don't realize is that keeping your savings at home is not the best solution. Instead of generating income for their owner, they only lose their real value due to inflation. In addition, people often do not restrain themselves and spend money. However, deposits in Moscow will help you not only preserve your finances, but also increase them in accordance with the agreement.

Today this product is a universal investment tool. Unlike the stock or precious metals market, you do not need special knowledge or constant analysis of the economic situation. You simply find a suitable offer and sign the contract. Moreover, in most organizations there are no restrictions on minimum contributions, and if there are any, they are small.

The contract itself is very important, so you need to familiarize yourself with the text in person before signing it. To do this, ask the bank employees to provide a sample in printed or electronic form and carefully read all the points, especially those written in small print and marked with an asterisk. With the help of such tricks, unscrupulous organizations try to mislead a potential client and include conditions that are unfavorable for him in the agreement.

Description of important points

The main advantage of the service, in addition to a stable income, is reliability. Consumer accounts are protected by the state at the legislative level through the program compulsory insurance. Therefore, in the event of liquidation or revocation of the license, you will be paid compensation. However, it is limited to 1.4 million rubles, which does not prevent you from dividing the amount exceeding this limit and placing it in several organizations, eliminating various risks.

The next aspect we will look at is account types. The first one is urgent. In this case, you place funds for a certain period of time. Of course, you have the right to apply for early withdrawal, but with a high probability the bank will refuse to pay the accumulated interest. Moreover, this type of deposit is divided into savings and accumulative, which is intended for periodic replenishment (popularly called a “piggy bank”).

The second option - on demand - comes at a low rate. The thing is that it is not profitable for an organization to keep finances for itself, knowing that the owner has the right to demand their return at any time. Such a product is preferred by that category of customers for whom the fact of reliability is enough, and potential profits are of little interest to them.

Online assistant

On the website you will find current products on the market. Reliable information is collected here, which our specialists check and update daily. By comparing services according to their main parameters - and this is the interest rate, opening cost and commission, you can make the right decision, and the ratings section will help you in choosing an organization. the site is the largest financial supermarket on the Runet, successfully operating for more than ten years. All offers displayed on this page are the best or most profitable solely in the opinion of Banki.ru experts

Passive income is a nice bonus to your salary. There are many places where people often invest money in the hope of creating money: playing in the foreign exchange market, investing in cryptocurrencies, investing in company shares and more. But these methods do not guarantee results. When contributing money for any purpose, you should be aware of the risks and be prepared for defeat and loss of finances.

The least risky way to increase profits by permanent basis- Bank deposit. An individual provides the bank with his savings, for which the bank pays a certain percentage of the invested amount monthly or annually.

Best interest rates on bank deposits

You should trust finances only to reliable structures. This is one of the main criteria according to which depositors choose a bank. Nowadays, banking crises are not uncommon. It is good to have confidence that your bank will not collapse during the next period of financial difficulties.

The second important parameter is the interest rate. This is the money that you will receive as net profit from the deposit. It is desirable that there be not only a high interest rate, but also accompanying conditions that are comfortable for the investor. Passively accumulated funds can subsequently be increased by starting.

To combine the bank's reliability and profitability, we have compiled an up-to-date list of the most profitable deposits.

“My income” (Promsvyazbank)


  • currency - rubles;
  • minimum amount - 100,000 rubles;
  • terms and interest:
    • at 91 days - 6.6%;
    • on day 181 - 6.7%;
    • for 367 days - 6.7%.

Among the bank's programs, this deposit has the highest interest rate. If the client wishes to terminate the contract ahead of schedule, preferential conditions will make the process quick and with minimal losses. You cannot withdraw part of the money or replenish the deposit amount during its validity.

Interest is paid at the end of the agreed period to the same account in which the original deposit was placed. If you close the deposit after the due date, only half of the accumulated interest will be paid, so be punctual. To open a deposit, contact either your local Promsvyazbank office or PSB-Retail, available online.

“Maximum income” (Moscow Credit Bank)


  • minimum amount - 1000 rubles; US$100; 100 euro;
  • terms and interest for deposits in rubles:
    • for 95 days - 5.75%;
    • for 185 days - 6.25%;
    • for 370 days - 6.75%.
    • for 95 days - 0.75%;
    • for 185 days - 1.10%;
    • for 370 days - 1.45%.
    • for 95 days - 0.01%;
    • for 185 days - 0.20%;
    • for 370 days - 0.55%.

According to the primary agreement, interest is paid at the end of the term. However, the bank has created the ability to connect additional options. Thus, the investor can partially withdraw the invested funds, replenish the account, and also demand interest monthly. To activate one or more of the services described, you must enter into an additional agreement.

If there are additional conditions, additional interest is provided for. If the client has an annual “Service Package” program, 0.25% will be added to deposits in rubles, and 0.15% to deposits in foreign currency. The same amount of premiums is possible if you open a deposit not in a bank office, but in MKB-Online or in the MKB terminal. If you do not close the deposit on time, its validity is extended automatically in ascending order. And after an open year, another 95 days will be added.

"Maximum income" (Sovcombank)


  • currency - rubles, dollars, euros;
  • minimum amount - 30,000 rubles; US$5,000; 5000 euros;
  • terms and interest when opening a ruble deposit in the office for up to 1 year:
    • upon termination within 31–90 days - 6.6/7.6% (Halva card);
    • upon termination within 91–180 days - 7.0/8.0% (Halva card);
    • upon termination within 181–270 days - 6.6/7.6% (“Halva”);
    • upon termination within 271–365 days - 6.6/7.6% (“Halva”).
  • terms and interest when opening a ruble deposit in the office for up to 3 years:
    • upon termination within 90 days - 6.8/7.8% (Halva card);
    • upon termination before 180 days - 7.2/8.2% (Halva card);
    • upon termination before 365 days - 6.8/7.8% (Halva card);
    • upon termination before 730 days - 6.0/7.0% (Halva card);
    • upon termination before 1095 days - 6.0/7.0% (halva card).
  • terms and interest when opening a ruble deposit through Internet banking for a period of up to 1 year:
    • upon termination within 31–90 days - 6.6%;
    • upon termination within 91–180 days - 7.0%;
    • upon termination within 181–270 days - 6.6%;
    • upon termination within 271–365 days - 6.6%.
  • terms and interest when opening foreign currency deposits:
    • in US dollars for 271–365 days - 1.55%;
    • in US dollars for 1095 days - 3.00%;
    • in euros for 271–365 days - 1.00%.

Partial withdrawals are not allowed, but deposits are allowed. Minimum amounts replenishment - 1000 rubles, 100 dollars or euros. Interest is paid after the end of the deposit period.

"Reliable" (Opening)


  • currency - rubles, dollars, euros;
  • minimum amount - 50,000 rubles; 1000 US dollars; 1000 euros;
  • terms and interest:
    • For ruble deposits at 91 or 191 days - 6.42–7.30%;
    • in US dollars for 91 or 181 days - 0.20–0.80%;
    • in euros for 91 or 181 days - 0.10%.

The accumulated interest is paid every month. Capitalization is possible: this means that with each new interest accrual, the previous ones are added to the original deposit amount. The rate increases if you own a Pension card of this bank.

"Maximum interest" (Binbank)


  • currency - rubles, dollars, euros;
  • deposit term - from 3 months to 2 years;
  • minimum amount - 10,000 rubles; US$300; 300 euros;
  • terms and interest for ruble deposits:
    • when opening in a bank branch - 6.10-7.30%;
    • For individuals(pensioners) - 6.25-7.45%;
    • when opening via the Internet - 6.30-7.50%.
  • terms and interest for deposits in US dollars:
    • when opening in a bank branch - 0.55-1.65%;
    • for individuals (pensioners) - 0.55-1.65%;
    • when opening via the Internet - 0.55-1.65%.
  • terms and interest for deposits in euros:
    • when opening at a bank branch - 0.01%;
    • for individuals (pensioners) - 0.01%;
    • when opening via the Internet - 0.01%.

During the validity period of the deposit, you cannot replenish it, withdraw part of the money or receive monthly payments. The entire invested amount, together with interest, is returned to the investor after the end of the agreed period.

"Profitable" (Rosselkhozbank)


  • currency - rubles, dollars;
  • terms for opening a deposit - from 31 to 1460 days;
  • minimum amount - 3000 rubles; US$50;
  • interest rate for ruble deposits - up to 6.70%;
  • The interest rate for deposits in US dollars is up to 2.45%.

Some of the most comfortable conditions. An individual can receive interest even from small deposits for a short period. You cannot replenish and spend funds, but there are several options for operations with interest: capitalization and monthly withdrawal to the account are available.

"Profitable" (VTB 24)


  • currency - rubles;
  • minimum amount:
    • when opening a deposit online - 30,000 rubles;
    • when opening a deposit at a bank branch - 100,000 rubles.
  • terms and interest when opening a deposit at a bank branch:
    • for a period of 3–5 months - 6.20/6.23%;
    • for a period of 6 months - 6.20/6.28%;
    • for a period of 13–18 months - 5.90/6.15%;
    • for a period of 18–24 months - 5.70/6.02%;
  • terms and interest when opening a deposit online:
    • for a period of 3–5 months - 6.60/6.64%;
    • for a period of 6 months - 6.60/6.69%;
    • for a period of 6–13 months - 6.15/6.23%;
    • for a period of 13–18 months - 6.10/6.29%;
    • for a period of 18–24 months - 5.90/6.15%;
    • for a period of 24–36 months - 5.70/6.02%;
    • for a period of 36–61 months - 3.10/3.25%.

This deposit has an increased profitability, but if funds are withdrawn before the end of the contract, it is lost. Capitalization possible. If you do not close the deposit on time, its term is automatically extended for the shortest possible time (3 months), but no more than 2 times. If you close your deposit before the due date, you will receive 0.6% of the original rate. But for this, the deposit period must exceed 181 days.

"Pobeda+" (Alfa-Bank)


  • currency - rubles, dollars, euros;
  • minimum amount - 10,000 rubles; US$500; 500 Euro;
  • interest rates:
    • in rubles - 5.5–6.23%;
    • in US dollars - 0.35–2.38%;
    • in euros - 0.01–0.20%.

You cannot replenish your deposit or partially withdraw money. Accrued interest is capitalized, but the client loses it if the contract is terminated early.

"Savings" (Gazprombank)


  • currency - rubles, dollars, euros;
  • minimum amount - 15,000 rubles; US$500; 500 Euro;
  • terms - from 3 months to 1097 days;
  • interest rates for ruble deposits:
    • for an amount from 15,000 to 300,000 rubles - 5.6–5.8%;
    • for an amount from 300,000 to 1,000,000 rubles - 5.8–6.0%;
    • for an amount from 1,000,000 rubles - 6.0–6.4%;
  • interest rates for deposits in US dollars:
    • for amounts from $500 to $10,000 - 0.30–1.40%;
    • for an amount over $10,000 - 0.40–1.50%;
  • interest rates for deposits in euros:
    • for an amount from 500 to 10,000 euros - 0.01%;
    • for an amount from 10,000 euros - 0.01%.

A long term provides for the presence of separate conditions for interest payments. As a consequence, with a deposit period of more than 365 days, interest is paid not at the end of the entire term, but at the end of the calendar year. It is prohibited to replenish your account or withdraw funds. You can extend the deposit period, but not automatically. To do this you will have to visit the bank office.

“Replenish” (Sberbank)


  • currency - rubles, dollars;
  • minimum amount - 1000 rubles; US$100;
  • terms - from 3 months to 3 years;
  • terms and interest rates for ruble deposits when opened through Sberbank Online (from 1000 rubles):
    • for 3–6 months - 3.70/3.71%;
    • for 6–12 months - 3.80/3.83%;
    • for 1–2 years - 3.60/3.66%;
    • for 2–3 years - 3.45/3.63%;
    • for 3 years - 3.45/3.63%.
  • terms and interest rates for ruble deposits when opened through Sberbank Online (from 100,000 rubles):
    • for 3–6 months - 3.85/3.86%;
    • for 6–12 months - 3.95/3.98%;
    • for 1–2 years - 3.75/3.82%;
    • for 2–3 years - 3.70/3.83%;
    • for 3 years - 3.60/3.80%.
  • terms and interest rates for ruble deposits when opened through Sberbank Online (from 400,000 rubles):
    • for 3–6 months - 4.00/4.01%;
    • for 6–12 months - 4.10/4.14%;
    • for 1–2 years - 3.90/3.97%;
    • for 2–3 years - 3.85/4.00%;
    • for 3 years - 3.75/3.96%.
  • terms and interest rates for ruble deposits when opened through Sberbank Online (from 700,000 rubles):
    • for 3–6 months - 4.00/4.01%;
    • for 6–12 months - 4.10/4.14%;
    • for 1–2 years - 3.90/3.97%;
    • for 2–3 years - 3.85/4.00%;
    • for 3 years - 3.75/3.96%.
  • terms and interest rates for ruble deposits when opened through Sberbank Online (from 2,000,000 rubles):
    • for 3–6 months - 4.00/4.01%;
    • for 6–12 months - 4.10/4.14%;
    • for 1–2 years - 3.90/3.97%;
    • for 2–3 years - 3.85/4.00%;
    • for 3 years - 3.75%.
  • terms and interest rates for ruble deposits when opening in a bank branch (from 1000 rubles):
    • for 3–6 months - 3.45/3.45%;
    • for 6–12 months - 3.55/3.58%;
    • for 1–2 years - 3.55/3.58%;
    • for 2–3 years - 3.30/3.41%;
    • for 3 years - 3.20/3.35%.
  • terms and interest rates for ruble deposits when opened in a bank branch (from 100,000 rubles):
    • for 3–6 months - 3.60/3.61%;
    • for 6–12 months - 3.70/3.73%;
    • for 1–2 years - 3.50/3.56%;
    • for 2–3 years - 3.45/3.57%;
    • for 3 years - 3.35/3.52%.
  • terms and interest rates for ruble deposits when opened in a bank branch (from 400,000 rubles):
    • for 3–6 months - 3.75/3.76%;
    • for 6–12 months - 3.85/3.88%;
    • for 1–2 years - 3.65/3.71%;
    • for 2–3 years - 3.60/3.73%;
    • for 3 years - 3.50/3.68%.
  • terms and interest rates for ruble deposits when opened in a bank branch (from 700,000 rubles):
    • for 3–6 months - 3.75/3.76%;
    • for 6–12 months - 3.85/3.88%;
    • for 1–2 years - 3.65/3.71%;
    • for 2–3 years - 3.60/3.73%;
    • for 3 years - 3.50/3.68%.
  • terms and interest rates for ruble deposits when opened in a bank branch (from 2,000,000 rubles):
    • for 3–6 months - 3.75/3.76%;
    • for 6–12 months - 3.85/3.88%;
    • for 1–2 years - 3.65/3.71%;
    • for 2–3 years - 3.60/3.73%;
    • for 3 years - 3.50/3.68%.
  • terms and interest rates for dollar deposits when opening through Sberbank Online (from $100):
    • for 3–6 months - 0.25%;
    • for 6–12 months - 0.55%;
    • for 1–2 years - 0.85%;
    • for 2–3 years - 0.95%;
    • for 3 years - 1.05%.
  • terms and interest rates for dollar deposits when opened through Sberbank Online (from $3,000):
    • for 3–6 months - 0.30%;
    • for 6–12 months - 0.60%;
    • for 1–2 years - 0.95%;
    • for 2–3 years - 1.05%;
    • for 3 years - 1.15%.
  • terms and interest rates for dollar deposits when opened through Sberbank Online (from $10,000):
    • for 3–6 months - 0.30%;
    • for 6–12 months - 0.60%;
    • for 1–2 years - 0.95%;
    • for 2–3 years - 1.05%;
    • for 3 years - 1.15%.
  • terms and interest rates for dollar deposits when opened through Sberbank Online (from $20,000):
    • for 3–6 months - 0.30%;
    • for 6–12 months - 0.60%;
    • for 1–2 years - 0.95%;
    • for 2–3 years - 1.05%;
    • for 3 years - 1.15%.
  • terms and interest rates for dollar deposits when opened through Sberbank Online (from $100,000):
    • for 3–6 months - 0.30%;
    • for 6–12 months - 0.60%;
    • for 1–2 years - 0.95%;
    • for 2–3 years - 1.05%;
    • for 3 years - 1.15%.
    • for 3–6 months - 0.05%;
    • for 6–12 months - 0.20%;
    • for 1–2 years - 0.50%;
    • for 2–3 years - 0.60%;
    • for 3 years - 0.70%.
  • terms and interest rates for dollar deposits when opened at a bank branch (from $3,000):
    • for 3–6 months - 0.05%;
    • for 6–12 months - 0.25%;
    • for 1–2 years - 0.60%;
    • for 2–3 years - 0.70%;
    • for 3 years - 0.80%.
  • terms and interest rates for dollar deposits when opened at a bank branch (from $10,000):
    • for 3–6 months - 0.05%;
    • for 6–12 months - 0.30%;
    • for 1–2 years - 0.65%;
    • for 2–3 years - 0.75%;
    • for 3 years - 0.85%.
  • terms and interest rates for dollar deposits when opened at a bank branch (from $20,000):
    • for 3–6 months - 0.10%;
    • for 6–12 months - 0.40%;
    • for 1–2 years - 0.75%;
    • for 2–3 years - 0.85%;
    • for 3 years - 0.95%.
  • terms and interest rates for dollar deposits when opened at a bank branch (from $100):
    • for 3–6 months - 0.10%;
    • for 6–12 months - 0.40%;
    • for 1–2 years - 0.75%;
    • for 2–3 years - 0.85%;
    • for 3 years - 0.95%.

For deposits opened by pensioners, it is established maximum bet for the selected period, regardless of the deposit amount. The deposit can be freely replenished, but withdrawing money before the expiration date, in whole or in part, is not allowed.

Advice: find out which financial institutions today.

How to calculate the profitability of a deposit?

Calculating interest according to bank terms is not always easy. The standard formula provides for a fixed amount of accrued interest and a deposit amount that does not change throughout the entire period. The calculation is made as follows: deposit amount * duration of the deposit * agreed percentage. For example: deposit amount - 100,000 rubles, time - six months, interest rate - 10% per annum. As a result, we get: 100,000 * 0.5 * 10% = 5,000 rubles of income.

Formula for deposit profitability with capitalization includes several more conditions. After all, now it is necessary to take into account the fact that the size of the deposit and interest increases slightly for each period of their accrual. In this case, you should calculate as follows: N*(1+P*d/D/100)n-N, Where

  • N – initial deposit size;
  • P – interest rate;
  • d – calendar days after which new interest is accrued (usually 30 or 31 days);
  • D – 365 or 366 days a year, depending on the current year;
  • n – how many times interest will be accrued (if the capitalization period is 30-31 days, then this number will be 12).

Common mistakes when choosing a deposit

Typical majority opinions can sometimes lead to unpleasant situations. Banks try to play for maximum benefit from clients, so clients should be careful when choosing favorable conditions for themselves. After all, they are good for the bank and bring profit in any variations provided.

First mistake. The proposal looks noticeable and is better than others in all respects. The interest rate is significantly higher than the market average. This is a signal to take a closer look at the bank itself. A positive scenario: a big holiday is coming up and the bank is attracting new customers with similar promotions. Negative option: the bank is unreliable and could collapse at any moment. His plan of action is based on getting the maximum benefit from clients who want the same thing - big money in a short time. Then such organizations declare bankruptcy, and investors lose everything.

Advice: check each bank for presence in the Deposit Insurance Agency system. This organization returns citizens' deposits in the event of bank liquidation. Initially, dubious structures, as a rule, are not associated with it. You can also see on the AKB website which banks have already been liquidated or are in the process of being liquidated.

Second mistake. You choose the maximum deposit term because it pays the most interest. The pitfall is that today the ruble exchange rate is not tied to the price of oil. Its fall and rise are impossible to predict. In the event of a sudden weakening of the national currency, banks will raise new interest rates, leaving existing deposits at the same level of payments. As a result, early termination of the contract will return you significantly less money, and without it it is impossible to transfer to new deposit conditions.

Advice: If you want to take the maximum term, take the average one. Preferably with interest capitalization. The deposit period should not exceed one year.

Third mistake. The terms of the deposit provide a huge number of possibilities: withdrawal and replenishment of the account at any time, capitalization of interest and much more. Please note the bet: it is clearly not the maximum. The presence of some advantages eliminates others.

Advice: Before opening a deposit, set your priorities. Is interest capitalization so important to you? What about monthly withdrawals? Will it really be necessary to withdraw part of the invested funds ahead of schedule? Based on the responses received, choose a bank only with those additional offers that you really need.

Fourth mistake. Ignoring the achievements of civilization. Most large banks are transferring their services to the Internet format. There are even banks that operate entirely on the Internet. As a result, it may turn out that if you open a deposit via the Internet, the interest rate will be significantly higher, and the minimum deposit will be lower than if you open it in the office.

Advice: If you are concerned about the safety of your data, always check the address of the page you are on. At the top there should be either a similar icon with a padlock (see below) or the inscription https in green.

This means that communication channels are encrypted and confidential. Also, two-factor authentication is used in monetary transactions: without an SMS with an access code, you will not be able to deposit or withdraw funds.

Let's sum it up

Bank deposits – for individuals. When choosing terms, you should not always be tempted by a high interest rate. It is best to check the market for such offers and invest in a deposit on conditions that correspond to the highest level of offers. To avoid the risk of losing money, do not trust banks you have never heard of before.

Also, initially decide what you want to get from the deposit. Additional income is guaranteed by the capitalization of interest. Choose realistic dates in which you definitely won’t need this money. Early termination of the contract with the bank risks paying much less money than was specified in the contract.

A strict savings regime, hard work, an inheritance or a gift can help you have a free amount of money that you can use at your discretion. different ways: hide money in a secret place, invest in a business, buy real estate, etc. Recently, deposits in Moscow have become increasingly popular. They allow you to guarantee the preservation of capital, including through state insurance, as well as receive additional income in the form of interest paid.

Deposit rates in Moscow banks

Since interest on deposits in Moscow largely determines how much of the deposit will be added to the original one, many consider them the most important condition for the deposit and, on this basis, make the choice of program and bank.

Of course, deposit rates have a big impact on the profitability of deposits in Moscow, but not only they can reduce or increase your profits. Thus, the type of deposit itself can greatly affect the profitability of the entire deposit program:

  • time deposits with a strict limitation on the storage period for savings are characterized by the highest interest rates;
  • permanent or short-term deposits usually come with lower deposit rates Moscow banks.

Thus, if you want to open a deposit at high interest rates, then try to plan your budget wisely in order to be prepared to comply with certain restrictions:

  • ban on closing bank deposit in Moscow ahead of schedule;
  • prohibition on partial withdrawal of funds placed on the deposit.

Violation of these rules for deposits in Moscow banks may lead to penalties from the bank and a reduction in the initial rate.

In addition, you can choose the interest payment period. There are several options:

  • daily;
  • once a week;
  • once a month;
  • once a quarter;
  • only at the end of the term.

All interest on deposits of individuals in Moscow is accrued daily, but may differ from each other by the presence of capitalization.

Which bank in Moscow is better to open a deposit in?

In 2020, many banks are working with deposits: Sberbank, VTB, Rosselkhozbank, Post Bank, Alfa Bank, etc.

To open a deposit in Moscow on the best terms, you will have to spend time studying all the current options, making calculations, and consulting with specialists.

The deposit calculator on this page will help you quickly obtain all the necessary information on current deposits:

  1. Enter your deposit requirements.
  2. Get full list current deposits in Moscow banks updated for today.

After this, you will be able to make an informed choice, as well as immediately submit an online application for the selected deposit program.