Rating of NPF of the Russian Federation. Profitability of non-state pension funds State pension funds ratings

Until January 1, 2016, the “silent people” who silently entrusted their savings to the Pension Fund had a chance to quickly change their decision. Since this time, the process of transferring from a state to a non-state pension fund has become more complicated. Now you can transfer your savings while maintaining the right to investment income once every 5 years.

The changes apply to persons born in 1967 and younger and two groups of older people: men from 1953-1956 and women from 1957-1966, to whom employers contributed funds in 2002-2004.

Attention! When drawing up an application, the NPF to which the applicant plans to transfer the pension is indicated. If after 5 years something changes, the citizen must submit an additional notification with the data of another NPF.

The essence of the transfer is that the Pension Fund stores two types of applications, urgent and early.

“Urgent” allows you to transfer savings to NPF next year after the expiration of five years from the year of application. For example, you submitted an application in 2016, which means the funds can be transferred in 2021.

An “early” application allows funds to be transferred in the year following the year of application. But speed involves the risk of loss of investment income.

Step-by-step instructions for translation

If you decide to transfer your capital to a non-state pension fund, then first you should find out where the savings are located. This can be done on the Pension Fund website, Gosuslugi or at the local branch of the pension fund. Then:

  1. Decide who you are going to entrust your pension savings to.
  2. Decide for what period you will apply: for 5 years without risks or for a year with risks.
  3. Submit an application to the Pension Fund and monitor changes in the economic sphere in order to be able to change the name of your chosen non-state pension fund in a timely manner.

Criteria for selecting NPFs. Age and activity

First of all, you need to find out the date of creation of the fund. If the organization was registered before 1998 or before 2002, then this is already an indicator of reliability. This means that the funds were able to survive one or two crises that occurred in 1998 and 2008.

Then you need to study the main characteristics of the NPF, such as the volume of reserves and invested pension savings. Find out the number of applicants who have entrusted their funds to the organization and are already receiving a pension. The more impressive the indicators, the more serious the fund. All this data can be found on the websites of the organizations in question.

Who founded the NPF

The most serious funds are those whose founders are powerful financial or resource companies from the real sector of the economy.

For example:

  • Gasneft;
  • Lukoil;
  • Surgutneftegaz;
  • Russian Railways;
  • Sberbank;
  • VTB Bank, etc.

Funds are unreliable if their founders are private individuals or unknown small businesses. Comprehensive information about the founders can be found on the NPF websites. In addition, it can be obtained in the “Check yourself and your counterparty” section located on the Federal Tax Service resource.

Position in the fund rating

Advice. If the fund is listed at least in twentieth place in the ratings of the ExpertRA agency or the National Rating Agency, then it should be considered as a contender for storing and increasing pension savings.

NPF profitability level

The above indicators indicate reliability, but profitability is more complicated; it can be judged based on two sources:

  • according to information from the body that controls non-state pension funds, i.e. from the Federal Service for Financial Markets;
  • according to the organization itself.

Analytical data may differ by 3%, which means that it is impossible to know the real profitability accurately, especially since this is a floating concept.

An indirect sign of the level of profitability may be the ratio of the size of payments and the total number of clients. For example, 12% per annum with 900 thousand citizens is a more serious indicator than 30% with 130 clients.

Presence of a trade union in the founder’s organization

Unions defending the interests of enterprise employees are not a thing of the past. In large organizations such as Russian Railways or Gazprom, trade unions play a significant role in the lives of workers. If such an enterprise or institution is the founder of the NFP, then it will be checked not only by external bodies, but also by internal ones, on the initiative of the trade union fighting for the needs of the collective.

Convenience of obtaining information about the work of the fund

Another important selection criterion is the ability to find out at any time about the level of growth of your funds. This can usually be done in your personal account on the fund’s website. It is good if the foundation opens accounts on major social networks so that users can follow current information and get answers to questions.

In addition, the presence of real representative offices of the organization located in different regions of the Russian Federation plays an important role. And the existence of a toll-free 24-hour number, by calling which you can find out qualified answers and important news.

NFP rating at the end of 2015

According to the analysis of independent agencies, the top ten best NFPs at the end of 2015 included (information is given in ascending order):

  1. NPF CJSC Heritage.
  2. Promagrofond.
  4. KIT Finance.
  5. VTB Pension Fund.
  6. NPF RGS.
  7. NPF Electric Power Industry.
  8. NPF Sberbank.
  9. Well-being.
  10. In first place is NPF Lukoil-Garant.

The volume of savings of these funds is from 50,007,043 thousand rubles. at Heritage, up to 152,474,466 thousand rubles. from the Lukoil-Garant fund.

If you decide to entrust your savings to a non-state pension fund, then choosing according to the listed criteria will be optimal. In addition, you should periodically monitor the development of the economic situation and annually learn about changes in the latest ratings.

How to choose NPF - video

Choosing a Pension Fund is a responsible step. The size of your savings and their safety will depend on this. Some of the important criteria when choosing a non-state pension fund are its reliability, stability, profitability, and organizational status. Based on these indicators, a rating of non-state pension funds 2015 of the year.

Included in the 10 most stable and reliable non-state pension funds. More than three million people have participated in the program. The organization's pension reserves exceed 200 billion. The Foundation has been operating since 1995. Many years of experience in the pension payments market, stability and high profitability of Sberbank are high indicators of reliability and include the organization in the rating of the largest and most stable non-state pension funds.

It has a pension reserve of 2 billion rubles. The number of participants is more than 300 thousand people. The Gas Fund has high reliability indicators and confirms this with stable payments, which are already received by about 150 thousand pensioners. Clients can track their savings through a personal electronic account that the organization provides to everyone. If the insured wants to terminate the contract, Gazfond guarantees to compensate the contributions and the funded part in full. NPF is included in the rating of the most reliable commercial organizations of compulsory pension insurance.

It has been operating since 1996 and has established itself as a prestigious non-state pension fund, which has the maximum rating for the reliability and security of savings savings. The company's clients are 500 thousand people, of whom 150 thousand pensioners receive timely payments. The organization’s stable profitability and reliability, proven over the years, allow Telecom-Soyuz to participate in the ranking of the best non-state pension funds.

It has been operating in the pension services market for more than 20 years. The assets of a commercial organization amount to 100 billion, which inspires confidence in the company. The number of participants is rapidly approaching the 2 million mark, of which more than 400 thousand are already receiving payments. High profitability indicators, the maximum assessment of the reliability of experts include Lukoil GARANT in the 10 largest and best non-state pension funds of 2015.

It has been operating for 15 years and received the highest rating for reliability. Pensioners insured by Transneft receive accumulative contributions in a timely manner. The organization has been making stable payments for 11 years now. Reliability, proven over the years and the number of clients, which is growing every day, allows the non-profit organization to enter the top 10 most prestigious and largest non-state pension funds.

Provides compulsory pension insurance services since 1995. Twenty years of experience, high rates of pension savings, timely payments, and the highest rating of expert reliability are good indicators of stability and security. More than 500 individuals are already using the Fund’s services, and approximately 50 thousand insured persons receive timely pensions. Thanks to its impeccable reputation and customer reviews, the Big Pension Fund is among the top ten NPF ratings.

Company « National Non-State Pension Fund" has the highest degree of reliability according to expert assessments. He has been making payments since 1998. At the moment, more than 40 thousand insured citizens receive their pensions on time. Own savings exceed 2 billion, which is also an indicator of good reliability and a high level of protection of accumulated savings. NPF clients are about 400 thousand people and their number is growing every day. The co-financing program allows clients to take part in doubling their savings portion at the expense of the insured’s funds, which go to the Fund’s reserves. Thanks to this, you can earn a substantial supplement to your pension and ensure a comfortable old age. High ratings from experts, timely payments and customer reviews allow the National Non-State Pension Fund to be included in the rating of the most reliable Non-State Pension Funds for 2015.

one of the three largest and most respectable non-state pension funds . It has been operating for more than 15 years in the market providing pension services to the population. More than a million people are insured by the Fund. Of these, about 300 thousand are already receiving timely payments. According to the Expert RA agency, NPF Blagosostoyanie has the highest degree of reliability. The fund has the largest savings and provides legal advice free of charge to its insured clients. Pension savings are approaching the 300 billion mark. NPF guarantees a high degree of security and increase in funds.

For 20 years it has been providing its services to insured persons. According to Expert RA, the highest level of reliability was assigned this year. A high interest rate and timely payments indicate the credibility of a commercial company. As of 2013, it was recognized as one of the largest funds based on pension savings funds. The stability and reliability of the Foundation is confirmed by the number of awards awarded. One of them was awarded for leadership in the development and rapid growth of pension provision. High returns on accumulated savings and timely pension payments to more than 20 thousand pensioners guarantee a high degree of stability in the services market. All these indicators allow the organization to be in second position in the NPF rating.

received first place in the list of NPF ratings 2015, thanks to its high profitability over the past three years. NPF has a very high level of reliability according to Expert RA. For ease of use of services, the fund has created an electronic personal account, where insured persons are given the opportunity to track their savings. The service is also provided in the mobile version of the application. The European Pension Fund has more than a million insured persons who have entered into an agreement on compulsory pension insurance. The Fund's savings funds are about 15 billion. The organization operates in more than 50 cities of the country. NPF has been providing services to the population for 20 years. Assets exceed 50 billion, and the yield is 14.37%. Services for insured persons are carried out according to European standards. The risk of losing accumulated savings is reduced to zero, since in the event of bankruptcy, the client has the right to transfer all funds to another pension fund.

RIA Rating - May 19. Last year, there was no clarity regarding the further development of the non-state pension system in Russia. The “freeze” of the funded part of pensions has again been extended, and the range of options under discussion for reform of the Russian pension system is still very wide - from the complete abolition of funded pensions, to the introduction of a new mandatory contribution to the NPF or the deprivation of pensions of rich Russians. Against this background, most NPFs managed to resolve legal issues in connection with the new requirements imposed on funds by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, which gave them access to client funds.

The role of non-state pension funds in the financial system as a whole has grown sharply

In general, at the end of 2015, the number of people who chose NPFs to place their funded pensions exceeded 26 million people, although as of January 1, 2015 there were 22 million. In general, over the past year the number of NPF clients increased by 19.3%. For comparison, in 2014, the number of clients of Russian non-state pension funds decreased by 1%, which was the result of the transition period when non-state pension funds needed to be incorporated. Thus, in 2015, clients came to the NPF in almost 2 years.

In monetary terms, the growth in 2015 was even greater. The volume of pension savings in non-state pension funds increased by almost 51.2% or by 600 billion rubles. In general, as of January 1, 2016, the volume of pension savings in Russian non-state pension funds exceeded 1.7 trillion rubles. For comparison, as of January 1, 2012, the amount of savings was less than 0.4 trillion rubles, that is, over 4 years, the volume of savings in NPFs increased more than 4 times.

In general, Russian non-state pension funds have already accumulated a sufficient amount of resources to play an important role in the financial system. After all, in addition to 1.7 trillion rubles in pension savings, NPFs have more than 1 trillion in other assets. Thus, the total assets of Russian non-state pension funds amount to just under 3 trillion rubles. A significant amount of financial resources of NPFs gave impetus to industry consolidation in 2015. In many cases, NPFs have consolidated with large banking groups. This resulted in a number of large IPOs of banks in 2015 being carried out using funds from friendly non-state pension funds, and thus, many future pensioners relatively unexpectedly became indirect co-owners of banks. In general, this trend is fully consistent with the philosophy of financial market development. However, there is already a giant fly in the ointment. Thus, along with the revocation of licenses from the DBK banking group, 6 non-state pension funds with funded pensions of Russians worth about 60 billion rubles also left the market. Moreover, these 6 pension funds were often acquired indirectly, and only indirectly could they be associated with the financial group and the beneficiary. Non-state pension funds placed part of the collected funds in the group’s banks, and after restrictions were introduced for banks to attract pension money, they were displayed in brokerage accounts (DBK in 2014 was the leader in Russia in terms of balances on these accounts). For the financial group, the presence of pension money was of great help, since it actually gave access to long-term and cheap money (with such a ownership scheme, virtually any interest rates could be assigned). The ending, given the noticeable tightening of regulation in recent years, was actually predetermined; the Central Bank of the Russian Federation did not allow this financial conglomerate to exist for long.

Money to money

The composition of the largest non-state pension funds on the market has changed significantly over the past year. This is evidenced by the results of the rating of non-state pension funds (NPFs) based on the results of 2015, prepared by RIA Rating experts, based on data from the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

In terms of the size of pension savings in the NPF rating, the leader is Sberbank NPF with the book value of savings as of January 1, 2016 in the amount of 243 billion rubles. A year ago, this NPF occupied only third place in Russia, but having shown an increase of 3.2 times or 169 billion rubles, it managed to take a leading position in the Russian market. It is worth noting that Sberbank’s non-state pension fund provided more than a quarter of the total growth in the pension savings market as a whole. In terms of absolute growth in savings, Sberbank became the leader, and in terms of relative growth, it showed the third result (stronger growth for the European Pension Fund NPF and Soglasie NPF).

In second place is the NPF LUKOIL-GARANT with pension savings of 222 billion rubles, although a year earlier this NPF was the leader. He failed to maintain first place even despite the second largest increase in savings in absolute terms (+72 billion rubles). In third place is NPF "FUTURE" (formerly NPF "BLAGOSOSTOYANIE OPS") with 164 billion rubles of pension savings (an increase over the year of +43% or 49 billion rubles). The top five in terms of the size of pension savings also included NPF "RGS" (rose from 5th to 4th place due to an increase in savings by 80%) and NPF GAZFOND, which moved from 8th to 5th place, whose pension savings for year increased by 81% or 51 billion rubles. At the end of the quarter, the first five largest funds accounted for 51% of all pension savings, although a year earlier it was 43%, and the first ten funds as of January 1, 2016 accounted for 77% (69% at the beginning of 2015). Thus, in 2015 there was a noticeable consolidation in the non-state pension fund market, and in 2016 we can expect its continuation both due to the transition of clients to larger funds and due to the exit of some non-state pension funds from the market.

The highest growth rates were demonstrated by the European Pension Fund NPF and Soglasie NPF. At the NPF "European Pension Fund", the volume of savings increased by 3.8 times, and the number of clients increased by 3.3 times. This allowed this NPF to take 11th place in the current ranking compared to 15th as of January 1, 2015. NPF Soglasie showed the largest relative increase in pension savings - 4.3 times, and the number of its clients increased by 3.2 times. This allowed NPF Soglasie to become one of the TOP-20 largest NPFs in Russia at the end of 2015.

In terms of the number of insured persons at the end of the year, Sberbank NPF managed to slightly overtake NPF LUKOIL-GARANT - 3.08 million clients versus 3.04 million clients as of January 1, 2016. The third place in the number of clients is occupied by the NPF "RGS" (4th place in savings), and the fourth in the number of clients is the NPF "FUTURE" (3rd place in pension savings).

KITFinance NPF and NPF Promagrofond also have relatively many clients (5th and 6th place in this indicator), but, apparently, future retirees in these funds are relatively poor, so they rank only 8th and 9th in terms of savings places.

Two thirds of NPFs showed returns below inflation

The highest returns on investing pension savings in 2015 were demonstrated by small funds: NPF "Education and Science" - 17.8%, NPF "Bashkortostan" - 17.8% and NPF "Non-State Savings Pension Fund" - 17.0%. And among relatively large funds, the best returns were from NPF Heritage - 16.9%, NPF Promagrofond - 16.3% and KITFinance NPF - 14.5%.

The only NPF with a negative return was NPF "Captain" (-2.1%). Weak results were reported by NPF FUTURE - 5.6%, NPF First National Pension Fund - 5.9%, NPF MECHEL-FOND - 6.4%, NPF Metallurgists - 7.0%, NPF Ural Financial House" - 7.4%, NPF "StalFond" - 7.5% and NPF "Magnit" - 7.7%. In general, two thirds of non-state pension funds in 2015 were unable to beat inflation (12.9%), and in real terms brought losses to future pensioners. At the same time, almost half of the NPFs could not even earn more than government bonds bring in (approximately the level of the refinancing rate is 11%).

RIA Rating is a universal rating agency of the media group MIA "Russia Today", specializing in assessing the condition of companies, regions, banks, industries and credit risks. The main activities of the agency are: assigning credit ratings and reliability ratings to banks, enterprises, regions, municipalities, insurance companies, securities, and other economic entities; economic research in the financial, corporate and government sectors.

MIA "Russia Today" - an international media group whose mission is prompt, balanced and objective coverage of world events, informing the audience about different views on key events. RIA Rating, as part of MIA Rossiya Segodnya, is part of the agency’s line of information resources, which also includes: RIA News , R-Sport , RIA Real Estate , Prime , InoSMI. MIA "Russia Today" is the leader in citation among Russian media and is increasing the citation of its brands abroad. The agency also occupies a leading position in terms of citations in Russian social networks and the blogosphere.

The issue of transferring the funded part of future pension contributions to the best non-state pension funds has been worrying Russian citizens since 2014, when changes took place. Since 2014, pensions in Russia have been divided into two categories: funded and insurance contributions. And the working part of the country, upon retirement, has the opportunity to change their “fate”: give up savings in favor of insurance or invest them by becoming a client of a non-state company.

in Russia?

Citizens receiving “white” wages (official employment with annual contributions to the tax authorities and the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation) have the right, upon reaching retirement age, to receive benefits from the state - material, unlimited support. In 2014, the pension system in the country underwent a reorganization, and 22% of insurance contributions paid by the employer to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation for each employee can be formed in the following ways:

  • 16% are transferred to the insurance part for social needs, 6% are the employee’s savings contributions, which he can receive (taking into account indexation, if he transferred to a non-state pension fund) in a lump sum upon retirement or by dividing them into monthly payments;
  • only the insurance part: 22% out of 22% possible (implies refusal to form a funded share (0%) with the voluntary consent of the citizen or uncertainty when choosing a non-state pension fund - “silence”).

If, in the case of the first option, the future pensioner only has to decide on a non-state pension fund (which one to choose), then if he refuses savings, he automatically transfers the contributions withheld by the employer to the state (becomes a “silent man” - a client who has not entered into an agreement with a non-state fund and has not taken advantage of his opportunity to increase pension amount).

Who has the right to transfer the funded part of the pension?

Not all citizens of the Russian Federation can make the transition to a non-state pension fund, retaining 6% for investment according to the profitability of a non-state company:

  • those born before 1967 do not have the opportunity to change the size of the insurance portion; they have access to private programs concluded as part of the co-financing of pensions, which can be connected to at the branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation or from private companies;
  • The rest of the age categories have the right to choose: remain “silent” or take the future into their own hands by studying the NPF profitability rating and choosing a fund that inspires confidence.

All citizens of the permissible age category (who were no more than 49 years old in 2016) could exercise the right to transfer until December 31, 2015. For those individuals who, from January 1, 2014, transferred contributions to the Pension Fund for compulsory pension insurance for the first time, the state extended the election period until the end of 2018. And if their age at the time of transfer was less than 23 years, then permission to transfer is retained until they reach the retirement age.

How does the Russian Federation differ from non-state firms?

Having doubts about the NPF (which one to choose in order to get maximum income and confidence in receiving a pension), clients of insurance companies forget that, unlike non-state funds, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation guarantees annual indexation of contributions taking into account inflation. Whatever the financial situation in the country, the insurance pension will be paid in full with accrued interest.

The NPF does not guarantee 100% that the income calculated when signing the OPS agreement will remain in the same amount throughout the indexation period. Profitability ratios depend on the number of clients, the size of the financial portfolio, the total volume of pension payments to fund participants and external economic factors: the level of inflation, competition in the market, pension reforms (since 2015, the Central Bank has taken special control of NPFs). A private company, in the case of stable development, provides a chance to increase savings several times or receive the “naked” amount of withheld contributions (with a negative return).

NPF rating 2016 based on profitability

The higher the profitability, the more attractive it looks in the eyes of the client. The best non-state pension funds (top 5), guaranteeing the highest percentage of investment for the analyzed period (taking into account average annual indicators):

  1. JSC "OPF named after Livanov" (12.9%).
  2. "European PF" (12.4%).
  3. "Ural Financial House" (11.4%).
  4. "Education and science" (11.1%).
  5. "Education" (11%).

  1. CJSC "Promagrofond" (17.3%).
  2. "Consent" (12.7%)
  3. "Magnit" (12.2%).
  4. "European PF" (10.9%).
  5. "Sberfond" (10.2%).

Which NPF is the most reliable?

When choosing a private pension company, an important role is played by the reliability of the NPF, determined through the company’s voluntary participation in the rankings of independent agencies.

Expert RA and National RA are recognized as the most influential analytical agencies in the field of pension provision.

List of non-state pension funds that have been assigned an exceptionally high (A++) level of reliability from Expert RA:

  • "Diamond Autumn"
  • "Atomgarant".
  • "Welfare".
  • "Welfare EMANCY."
  • "Big".
  • "Vladimir".
  • "VTB PF".
  • "Gazfond".
  • "European PF".
  • Keith Finance.
  • "National".
  • "Neftegarant"
  • "Gazfond pension savings".
  • "Promagrofond".
  • "SAFMAR".
  • "RGS".
  • "Sberbank".
  • JSC "Surgutneftegas"

It included 9 companies, 6 of which were recognized by two agencies as the most reliable:

  • "Welfare".
  • "European PF".
  • Keith Finance.
  • "Neftegarant"
  • "RGS".
  • "Sberbank".

Rating of the most “client-centric” non-state funds based on the results of 2015

The opinions of future pensioners who have signed a mandatory pension insurance agreement with a non-state company put pressure on potential clients of the fund. Negative online reviews left by NPF clients make investors think about leaving an unattractive fund that has received complaints from participants in the insurance contract.

Companies focused on compliance with the conditions of mandatory insurance policy and NGOs earn the trust of investors and enjoy the status of “client-centricity”.

  1. "European PF" (3.8 out of 5).
  2. "The Future" (3.2 out of 5).
  3. "Welfare" (2.9 out of 5).
  4. "Kit Finance" (2.6 out of 5).
  5. "Promagrofond".

Of the banking subsidiaries, the leader in the quality of customer service in 2015 was its share of more than 14% of the market and 243.3 billion rubles of pension savings (1st place).

Additional information that deserves attention when choosing a non-state pension fund

First, the age of the private firm. Although newcomers in 88% of cases offer more attractive conditions (yield from 10% and the possibility of an agent visiting your home), experience in the insurance business plays a role. Among the funds leading in the lists of reliability and profitability, there are no “newcomers” that have been operating for less than 3 years. This is not “hazing,” but healthy competition and a policy of “retention” (maintaining customer flow at the level of the previous period with a high satisfaction index), and not attracting new people at any cost (by deception, understatement).

Secondly, the convenience of online services. The “personal account” of a party to an OPS agreement must have a practical interface (large icons, a Russian-language menu understandable to a novice user) and provide maximum access to information (features of the agreement, history of transactions with private entrepreneurs). Comfortable remote service means that the client does not need to visit the branch.

Thirdly, the number of clients. When 500 thousand citizens or more wished to use the services of a private individual, this speaks not only of the successful work of insurance agents, but also of trust in the fund.

The choice has been made: how to transfer pension savings to a non-state pension fund?

If the issue of the activities of the non-state pension fund (which one to choose for transferring the low-income pension) has already been resolved, then workers have another problem: how to transfer the pension to a non-state fund?

In order to conclude a mandatory security agreement with a non-state pension fund, you must contact the office of the non-governmental organization at the place of registration. The only documents you need to take with you are your passport and SNILS. After completing the documentation, the client is given a copy of the agreement confirming the desire to transfer pension savings from the Russian Pension Fund to the Non-State Pension Fund.

But for the final transfer of private entrepreneurs to another fund, confirmation is required from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. This can be done in several ways:

  1. During a personal visit to the Pension Fund of Russia, filling out an application form with consent to the transfer.
  2. By confirming by phone specified in the OPS agreement (or with “feedback” from a specialist at the NPF contact center).
  3. By sending consent via email or SMS message.

In 2016, 25% of non-state funds (for example, NPF Sberbank) offer to confirm consent to transfer private entrepreneurs “without leaving the office”: when registering an OPS, the client receives an SMS message within 2-5 minutes with a code that must be communicated to the manager. The employee enters the code into the program - and the application is automatically sent to the Pension Fund. Repeated confirmation and a personal visit to the Russian Pension Fund are not required.

The nuances of switching to a non-state pension fund

You can transfer pension savings to any fund that offers services for concluding mandatory pension insurance and non-profit pension agreements. The transition process takes 1 year: after signing the agreement, savings are transferred to the NPF after a year has passed after the paperwork has been completed. All insurance contributions withheld by the employer and interest accrued by the previous company are transferred (provided that 5 years have passed since the date of conclusion of the previous contract). If the client terminates the contract early (in less than 5 years), he loses dividends, receiving only insurance premiums from the employer (their amount cannot be reduced, since they are mandatory paid by all officially employed citizens by deducting amounts from wages).

You can transfer savings between non-state funds and the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation no more than once a year.

NPF license - what is it?

Since 2015, the Central Bank began “cleansing” non-state funds, the number of which increased every year by dozens of companies. Organizations that did not fulfill their obligations to depositors (whose pension savings did not allow payments to all clients) and violated reporting deadlines were deprived of the right (a perpetual license of a non-state pension fund) to engage in insurance activities in the financial market of the Russian Federation.

At the end of the year, 89 funds received a license, a list of which is presented on the official website of the Central Bank of Russia.

NPF's license was taken away: what should clients do?

In case of cancellation of the fund's license, the client is given the opportunity to transfer his savings to another private company. If you refuse to choose another NPF, pension savings will by default be transferred to the Pension Fund of Russia, retaining 6% of the NPF.

Within the framework of Law No. 422-FZ, which regulates the rights of insured persons when concluding compulsory insurance in the Russian Federation, at the end of 2015, 32 non-state pension funds entered the private private enterprise guarantee system. This means that pension savings of citizens, indexed by the Pension Fund of Russia or NPF (protected by the Deposit Insurance Agency), are guaranteed by the state.

Moratorium on NPE 2014-2016: when should we expect indexation?

In 2016, the Government confirmed the extension of the moratorium on investment in private enterprises. The reason is the crisis, forcing the state to save on citizens' savings.

The ban on the formation of the required 6% for investment, according to financial analysts, will be extended into 2017 - until the market and the Russian economy stabilize.

Today, more than a hundred non-state pension funds offer their services on the Russian pension market. Each of them offers their own conditions, assuring that it is in their company that they are the best and most profitable. When supply begins to exceed demand, black competition techniques come into play and it becomes really difficult to find a truly reliable and safe fund. An official rating of non-state pension funds in Russia has not yet been created, but it can be considered as such list compiled by the organization "Expert RA". It is recognized by the Bank of Russia, the Ministry of Finance RF and received official approved by the association and NAPF.

What information does the rating provide?

The information on this page was collected from open sources, including from the Expert RA rating agency. What information can you get about non-state pension funds? The rating will show whether the fund fulfills its obligations, how reliable it is, what the dynamics of its development are, how long ago it was founded, what is the forecast for its activities in the coming years, how many clients the company currently has, what amounts are paid, what are the reserve savings and profitability.You can find out both the current rating of pension funds for 2015 and for 5 years.

Ratings assignment methodology

The complete assignment algorithm is confidential information; we will only describe its main nuances. It should be understood that the main task of the NPF ranking is to assess the company’s ability to fully and timely fulfill its obligations under contracts . Information is taken exclusively from open sources, including: actuary's conclusions, audit results for the last few years, license, charter, pension and insurance rules organizations, various mandatory forms of non-state pension funds (profit and loss statements,directions of spendingfunds to fulfill obligations under contracts, etc.), investment strategy, independent statistics and verified information from the media.

The list of non-state pension funds with ratings is first compiled without taking into account external factors (owners and the state), and only then is correlated taking into account stress factors and other side sources of impact. Positions in the market are studied (number of clients, geography of activity, reputation of the company and its founders/investors), financial analysis is carried out (capital, reserves, possible risks, strategy and its effectiveness) and management as a whole is assessed (for example, transparency of information and risk management) .

Rating scale

Indicators such as profitability or the number of clients do not require additional classification, but the Expert RA agency reduced the abstract concept of reliability to distribution into classes. Don’t know who to trust and where to transfer your pension savings? The rating of the best non-state pension funds will help you decide! Each fund is assigned a letter equivalent: from E to A++. Let's take a closer look:

    E - the fund is in the process of liquidation or its license has been revoked;

    D- the company is declared bankrupt;

    C - cases of non-fulfillment of obligations were noted;

    C+ - unsatisfactory level of reliability, there is a very high probability of losing the license;

    C++ - extremely low level of reliability, high probability that the fund will not fulfill its obligations, go bankrupt or revoke its license;

    B - low level of reliability;

    B+ - not a very high level of reliability, problems are possible in situations involving the need for significant payments;

    B++ - satisfactory level;

    A - high level of reliability;

    A+- very tall;

    A++ - exceptionally high level of reliability, successful cooperation is guaranteed regardless of any market fluctuations.

The very fact of assigning a rating to a non-state pension fund speaks of the company as an official organization and it is recommended to contact them first. The rating of the best non-state pension funds in Russia for 2015 helps to objectively assess your chances for a mutually beneficial partnership and insure yourself against all possible troubles associated with the loss of part or the full amount of contributions.

To summarize, we can say that the most important indicators on the basis of which you can form an objective opinion about the company are its average annual profitability, the number of clients, the volume of savings and the reliability rating from Expert RA. We sincerely hope that if you don’t know how to choose a non-state pension fund, the 2015 rating on our website will help you make a decision. We wish you successful and reliable investments!