Roasted Asparagus with Bacon Recipe. Baked Asparagus with Bacon and Cheese How to Choose Good Asparagus at the Market

Some foods just beg to be cooked together, and asparagus and bacon is no exception. So if you decide to diversify your menu, but simply boiling asparagus seems too boring to you, then here is another recipe that can be implemented not only in your home kitchen, but also on a picnic. Come on, what else do we combine both asparagus and bacon with? Of course, with an egg - so you can’t do without it either.

Grilled Asparagus with Bacon

2 servings

12-16 asparagus spears
6-8 strips bacon or smoked brisket
2 fresh chicken eggs
20 g hard cheese

First, prepare the asparagus in the same way as usual: break off the bottom 2-3 centimeters of the stem and discard it, then carefully peel away the skin from the surface of the stem, except for the top. Now wrap the bacon around each asparagus spear and start preheating the grill.

In the meantime, you can boil the egg - at your choice either without the shell or just soft-boiled. In the first case, the egg should be broken from a low height into barely boiling water, seasoned with salt and vinegar, and after 2 minutes, taken out with a slotted spoon and dried a little - but if you decide to soft-boil the egg, then it’s not for me to teach you. Now let's get back to the asparagus. Season it with salt and pepper, drizzle with olive oil and place on the grill. After 3-4 minutes, you can carefully turn the asparagus over, and after the same amount of time, remove the asparagus from the grill. Serve with eggs and garnish with hard cheese.

So, first, let's prepare the asparagus. To do this, if you use white asparagus, you need to wash it and simply peel it with a vegetable knife. And if you use green asparagus, you don't need to peel it. But from any asparagus you need to break off the part that is hard; it is not needed in the dish. Then put the asparagus in already boiling water and boil until tender.

Cut the bacon into thin strips; it is better not to use very fatty bacon. Afterwards, each asparagus needs to be wrapped in a strip. The edges of the asparagus may stick out a little. If you don't have enough of one strip of bacon, you can use several. Afterwards we put it on a baking sheet. Be sure to remember to grease it well with oil or lay a sheet of parchment paper.

Three hard cheeses on a fine grater. After the asparagus is placed on a baking sheet, sprinkle it generously with cheese. As soon as the cheese has melted and baked, you can take out the dish. This asparagus and bacon dish is perfect for dinner6 or a simple snack. Despite the fact that it is baked using bacon, it is not very high in calories and at the same time very filling and appetizing.

A simple and delicious recipe for preparing a healthy seasonal vegetable, asparagus. Garlic, bacon, onion, cheese, honey and balsamic vinegar successfully complement and enrich the special taste of green asparagus.

The preparation of this dish is very simple. The main thing is to maintain the order of adding ingredients and not to overcook the asparagus. It should remain crispy inside. If you overcook, the green asparagus will be too soft and there will be nothing left of its wonderful texture.

When it comes to garlic, I almost always add it at the end of cooking a dish, rather than at the beginning, as most cookbooks advise. For the simple reason that I love the flavor of garlic in dishes and if you add it too early, very little flavor will remain in the dish. If you do not like the pronounced taste and aroma of garlic, add it at the beginning of cooking, along with the onion.


  • 20 ml olive oil
  • 100g smoked bacon, not too finely chopped
  • 1 large bunch of green asparagus
  • 2 shallots, finely chopped (can be replaced with regular onions)
  • 2 prongs garlic, squeeze
  • 3 tbsp. balsamic vinegar
  • 1 tsp honey
  • Salt to taste
  • 30 grams hard cheese (Parmesan, Grana Padano, Pecorino, etc.)

1) Break off the tough ends of the asparagus and chop coarsely.

2) Heat olive oil in a large frying pan and add bacon. Brown well.

3) Add onion and fry until onion is semi-soft.

4) Add the asparagus and, stirring frequently, over medium heat, cook until the asparagus is semi-soft.

Hello dear readers of our blog, I love to publish recipes for unusual dishes with strange ingredients, so to speak, and today is one of them. I imagine the recipe for fried asparagus with bacon in olive oil is a very attractive and unusual dish.


1. Asparagus - 200 gr.

2. Bacon - 200 gr.

3. Blue cheese with mold - 100 gr.

4. Olive oil - 30 ml.

5. Soy sauce - 50 ml.

Cooking method:

1. Cut blue cheese into small pieces.

2. Place the chopped bacon pieces on a cutting board. If you haven't cut your bacon yet, be sure to do so.

3. Carefully wrap fresh asparagus in bacon, as shown in the photo.

4. Pour olive oil into a frying pan and heat to the optimal temperature.

5. Fry the resulting packages in a frying pan, first on one side. Then turn over and fry on the other side.

6. When the packages are optimally fried on all sides, pour in a little soy sauce.

7. We continue to fry, constantly turning the workpieces until cooked.

8. Serve the finished dish along with blue cheese. This combination of flavors is optimal for this dish.

What is asparagus?

Prices for asparagus are usually high, but during the season they drop two to three times, and everyone can afford this delicacy vegetable.

It's amazing how many people have never tried asparagus in their lives, and many of them have no intention of doing so. You can ask your friends. Surely many of them will say: “Asparagus? Well, I don’t know... What does everyone see in her? I definitely don’t need this!..” And they can be understood.

I myself avoided asparagus for a long time, buying more familiar and familiar vegetables. And in vain! After all, this vegetable is one of the first in the spring and contains, in addition to the vitamins so necessary for our body, also potassium, calcium, iron and protein.

In order for all the beneficial properties of asparagus to be preserved to the maximum extent, it is necessary to use it as fresh as possible, subjecting it to minimal heat treatment.

How to choose good asparagus in the market?

Determining the freshness of asparagus is easy. Choose dense, elastic shoots of uniform color. Press lightly on the top of the shoot. If the asparagus is fresh, the juice will release when pressed. The slices should also not be dried out.

Since the taste and beneficial properties of asparagus are lost during storage, do not delay preparing it until the day after purchase. If for some reason you still need to postpone cooking asparagus, we can recommend the following storage method: cut the asparagus shoots and place them in a jar of water. This will keep the asparagus fresh until needed.

Asparagus comes in white, green and purple colors. Green asparagus is the most common as it is grown all year round, but purple is quite rare.

But this does not mean that purple asparagus is tastier or healthier than green or white. The nutritional value of all of them is approximately the same, but white asparagus has the most delicate taste.

How is asparagus cooked?

The method of preparing asparagus is very simple. Wash the shoots, clear their lower part (about two-thirds of the length) from the fibrous top layer, tie into a bundle with a parsley sprig or just a thread and boil for 5 minutes.

It is best to use a special - tall and narrow pan, in which the asparagus is cooked “standing up”, immersed in water about two-thirds, and the tops “reach” in the steam.

Traditionally, asparagus is served with hollandaise sauce, which you can make yourself or buy ready-made. Light white wines, such as Silvaner or Chardonnay, go best with asparagus.

Thank you so much for your time, I hope the article was useful to you. That's all, see you soon!

Asparagus is a very healthy low-calorie product; it was valued back in the days of Ancient Egypt.

In modern cooking, there are a great many ways and recipes for preparing dishes with asparagus. I suggest trying bacon-wrapped asparagus cooked on a grill pan. The classic sauce for asparagus is hollandaise sauce (or hollandaise sauce), but in addition to asparagus in bacon, I have a quick-to-cook and equally delicious cream cheese sauce.

Minimum time, minimum ingredients and maximum taste.

To prepare this dish you will need fresh green asparagus.

For the sauce I used 30% fat cream, I have two types of cheese: semi-hard Tilsiter and soft Mozzarella for baking. These cheeses melt well, but you can use any cheese you like. Grate the cheese on a fine grater.

Pour a small amount of water into a suitable saucepan and bring to a boil. Water is needed to blanch asparagus. I didn't add salt to the water.

We will also need a bowl of ice water to quickly cool the asparagus so that it does not lose its beautiful green color.

We cut off the hard ends of the asparagus; we won’t need them.

Place the prepared asparagus in boiling water and blanch at low simmer for 5 minutes. Next, immediately transfer the asparagus to ice water and let cool.

Remove the cooled asparagus from the water, dry it with a paper towel and wrap it in strips of bacon. You can wrap each asparagus individually, or you can make bundles by wrapping 3-5 asparagus spears together in bacon.

Grease a grill pan with olive oil and heat above medium heat.

Place the bacon-wrapped asparagus in a hot frying pan and quickly fry on all sides until the bacon is golden brown.

While the asparagus is fried in bacon, prepare the sauce. To do this, bring the cream to a boil in a saucepan (or in a frying pan), after adding nutmeg, black pepper and thyme, as well as salt to taste if the cheese is not very salty.

Place finely grated cheese into the boiling cream and, stirring, cook over low heat until the cheese is completely melted. This will take 2-3 minutes.

Serve the asparagus hot. It turned out very tender in the crispy bacon.

And, of course, a generous amount of cream cheese sauce.

Bon appetit!