The baby develops at the 19th week of pregnancy. Nineteenth week of pregnancy: condition of mother and child

For parents, both expecting girls and expecting boys, an ultrasound examination is an opportunity to verify the health of their child, as well as find out his gender. By taking a photo of the 19th week of pregnancy, the doctor can already see the gender of the baby. The probability of error at this time is low.

  • At 19 weeks pregnant, it's time to learn more about life after childbirth. You can purchase specialized literature at a bookstore, chat with friends who already have a child, or sign up for courses for expectant mothers. There are similar schools in every antenatal clinic and at children's clinics.
  • The choice of sleeping positions for pregnant women is now limited: you can only lie on your right or left side, but not on your stomach or back. Some expectant mothers have problems falling asleep. Try using a special pregnancy pillow. It allows you to take a more comfortable position for a good night's rest.
  • Do not take medications without consulting your doctor. The choice of medications that will not harm the fetus is very limited, and only the doctor will know for sure what you need.

  • Now is the time for active pastime. Take walks on fresh air, exercise, travel. It is best to do this not alone, but with friends or with your baby's father.
  • Watch your weight. Signs of early toxicosis (nausea and vomiting) are left behind, and in the second trimester, expectant mothers indulge in sweets and starchy foods. Know the limits in this, otherwise it will be difficult in the last weeks of pregnancy.


For the information of mothers who believe that if you don’t feel sick, you can eat anything and in any quantity, nutritionists note: the choice of foods during pregnancy should be from the list of healthy and proper nutrition. Only in this case can you count on a calm and prosperous course of pregnancy. Still on everyone's menu expectant mother must be present:

  • fresh fruits and vegetables;
  • greens of any kind;
  • beef, veal, poultry and lean fish;
  • cereal porridges, soups, eggs, nuts;
  • freshly squeezed juices, jelly.

Alcohol, coffee, and carbonated drinks of any kind are strictly prohibited. Avoid fast food outlets and eat at home whenever possible. Remember that most vitamins are retained in dishes that are steamed or oven-baked.


Dear readers of the pregnancy calendar website! Vitamin-mineral complexes should always be in a pregnant woman’s medicine cabinet. Such drugs are prescribed by a gynecologist to replenish nutrients in a woman’s body. In the second trimester, the use of vitamins is most important, since it is during this period that improvement occurs. internal organs fetus, strengthening its bones and developing the central nervous system.

If there is a threat of miscarriage, the doctor orders the woman to take a course of magnesium B6 vitamins. It helps to cope with the tone of the uterus and get rid of pain.

Physical activity

A child at 19 weeks of pregnancy is no longer exposed to the same danger as in the first trimester. Now pregnant women can be physically active by playing their favorite sports. This could be yoga, dancing, swimming, water aerobics on land and in water. Exercise has a beneficial effect on the female body, but the most important thing is to adhere to certain rules:

  • Choose activities that you can handle. Everyone's skill level is different, so try what's familiar to you.
  • Don't overdo it with loads. Strong intensity of classes at this stage is contraindicated and can seriously harm the child.
  • Listen to how you feel. If you feel dizzy or weak, it is better to stop exercising.
  • After physical activity, remember to replenish your energy by eating well and resting in bed.

Sex at 19 weeks pregnant

No doctor will prohibit sex at 19 weeks of pregnancy, unless there is no reason for it. If a woman has a desire for intimacy and nothing bothers her, then the intimate life of the expectant mother can be exactly the same as before conception. However, it is important during this period to give preference to positions that will not disturb the child. We must not forget that the baby has already grown up and feels touches from the outside.

If you have multiple pregnancies or have a history of miscarriages, it is better to consult your doctor on this issue. The doctor must review the results of the examinations, assess the woman’s well-being and decide whether there are contraindications for sexual relations.

The 19th obstetric week of pregnancy is the end of the second trimester. At this stage, most women feel well, because toxicosis is left behind, and the tummy is not yet in the way. In this article, we will look at what else happens to mother and baby at 19 weeks of pregnancy.

Your baby is actively developing every day. At the nineteenth week, his daily routine begins to form. Now he sleeps and is awake at certain times. Sleep takes up to 18 hours. The baby will live according to approximately the same schedule for the first time after birth.

By this time, the jaw apparatus has been formed, and the rudiments of milk and molar teeth are already present. The baby spends all his free time improving his motor skills. He somersaults, turns and nods his head, puts his fingers in his mouth, grimaces, flinches from loud sounds, squints in bright light. The little one tries to grab the objects that are next to him with his hands. This is the umbilical cord, your own legs or skin.

Table of child development parameters at the 19th week of pregnancy by midwife:

Every day the baby's weight and height increases. The heart beats actively, the urinary and digestive systems function.

Let's look at the most important changes that occur with a tiny organism at this time:

  • The baby's heart rate is now 140-160 beats per minute. This is significantly higher than my mother's. This is due to the tiny size of the child’s heart.
  • The cerebral cortex is actively forming. The baby masters new reflexes - sucking, swallowing, squinting at the light, flinching at a loud sound.
  • Mommy clearly senses when the baby moves. Now there is enough space for him in the womb. He tumbles, moves his arms and legs, and plays with the umbilical cord. By patting her belly, a woman can feel the baby pushing in response. He is already in contact with his mother and is getting used to her voice.
  • The placenta is almost completely formed, but still allows some harmful substances to pass through. This is especially true for medications. In this regard, a woman should take any medications only as prescribed by a doctor.

Many changes are noted in the development of the brain. At 19 obstetric week During pregnancy, centers are formed in it that are responsible for the five basic senses - taste, smell, vision, touch, hearing.

In addition, the following changes occur:

  • Muscles are strengthened. After birth, the baby will not yet hold his head, but he will be able to turn it quite well.
  • The nail plates are already visible on the small fingers. The toddler flexes and straightens the phalanges and actively improves the grasping reflex.
  • At the 19th obstetric week, a fatty pad appears under the skin. It is necessary for protection and energy supply after birth.
  • Girls lay a huge number of eggs, up to 1.5 million. Boys have developed testicles. Now they are still in the abdominal cavity.
  • The respiratory organs develop. The fetus swallows amniotic fluid, training breathing skills.
  • The baby's tiny kidneys are working. The paired organ processes fluid and removes it from the body.
  • The intestines produce meconium - original feces.

Every day the baby looks more and more like a newborn, the proportions of his body become more harmonious, his head is no longer so large in relation to his body.

The mother must remember that any negative emotions do not reflect in the best way on the child. At 19 weeks, as well as at more early stages, stress and anxiety should be avoided.

Mothers at the 19th obstetric week of pregnancy are concerned not only with the period at which the baby begins to push, but also with the norms of movements, that is, their quantities per day. This is due to the fact that in some women the toddler is very active, in others, on the contrary, it makes itself felt quite rarely. Let's look into this issue.

The first thing you should emphasize is that all children are very different, so you should definitely take into account the individuality of each baby. Even after birth, babies behave completely differently. Some sleep little, wake up often, and are capricious. Others behave calmly and sleep for many hours.

It is believed that a pregnant woman should experience approximately 8-10 movements per day. Due to the fact that at week 19 there is active development of the brain, the baby’s movements become clearer, but are not yet fully conscious. Some mothers push their little ones quite often, sometimes up to 15-20 times per knock.

If the movements are too active or passive, you need to inform your doctor. Previously, experts believed that if the baby pushes too often, this indicates oxygen starvation in the fetus. This claim has now been refuted. But the connection between external changes and the motor activity of the fetus still exists. Reviews from many pregnant women indicate that in hot and stuffy rooms the little person moves more actively.

What else can affect motor activity:

  • Fetal shudders are observed with loud sounds.
  • A pregnant woman's daily routine also affects the toddler's behavior. If mommy sleeps a lot and listens to calm music, the baby will also most likely behave calmly.
  • If a woman likes to treat herself to chocolate or coffee, the baby's motor activity usually increases.

Why are too active movements dangerous for the baby? With frequent movements, the child can become entangled in his own umbilical cord, which is dangerous for his life. If the tremors suddenly stop or become very passive, you should immediately consult a doctor. Mommy should carefully monitor the baby's movements throughout pregnancy. For any changes, you should consult your gynecologist.

At the 19th obstetric week of pregnancy, the mother’s condition returns to normal. Symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, lack of appetite and others disappear. Despite this, the following symptoms may affect your overall health:

  • Frequent urination. The growing uterus continues to put pressure on the bladder, so going to the toilet, especially at night, does not give the pregnant woman peace.
  • Often, women expecting a baby experience lower back pain and tightness in the lower abdomen. Discomfort in the back is observed due to a shift in the center of gravity, and pain in the lower abdomen occurs due to stretching of the uterus.
  • During the nineteenth week of pregnancy, the volume of vaginal secretions may increase. If it is clear and odorless, there is no need to worry. Brown and bloody discharge should be an immediate reason to consult a doctor.
  • Sometimes girls have pain on their left side while carrying a baby. In such a situation, the mother should definitely undergo a medical examination. If the pain is severe, you should call an ambulance. Often this symptom occurs with serious pathologies of internal organs.

Often, at the 19th obstetric week of pregnancy, increased uterine tone occurs. This condition manifests itself in the form of “petrification” of the abdomen, nagging pain, and a feeling of stiffness. Comfortable posture, even breathing and positive thoughts help relieve muscle tension. Hypertonicity is considered a more dangerous condition. It carries the threat of miscarriage and premature birth. In this case, Utrozhestan and other medications may be prescribed.

During the nineteenth week of pregnancy, a woman has to face many difficulties. But all of them will seem like a mere trifle after the long-awaited meeting with your baby.

Week 19 is how many months?

Before we figure out what month it is, let’s first find out what obstetric and embryonic periods are. All doctors use the obstetric counting method. It is calculated from the first day last menstrual period. Therefore, the 19th obstetric week is three months and three weeks.

If we talk about the embryonic period, then the period directly from conception is taken here. But it is quite difficult to calculate it. Therefore, in medicine they use obstetric calendar.

At the 19th obstetric week of pregnancy, the fetus moves freely in the uterus, as it is still small in size. The organ itself weighs approximately 320 g and is located 3-4 centimeters below the navel. The location of the baby in the uterus at this stage is not constant. The baby may roll over several times throughout the entire period.

There are several positions of the fetus in the womb:

  • Head - the head is located down towards the birth canal. This is the optimal fetal position for natural delivery.
  • Transverse - the fetus lies transversely, relative to the uterine os. The head and buttocks are located on the sides of the uterus.
  • Pelvic - the baby is positioned with his legs down. If the baby does not unfold before the moment of birth, doctors often decide on a Caesarean section.

If an ultrasound scan reveals a transverse or pelvic presentation of the fetus, do not panic. Before the baby is born, he still has enough time to turn around. In addition, there are special gymnastics for pregnant women that will help the baby take a natural position in the womb.

At the 19th obstetric week of pregnancy, a woman can be sent for a general blood and urine test. In addition, the expectant mother may need the following types of tests:

  • hemoglobin level:
  • blood for sugar;
  • protein in urine;
  • testing for TORCH infection, if it has not been performed previously;
  • blood test for hCG, ACE and free estriol.

At the nineteenth obstetric week of pregnancy, mandatory monitoring of the mother’s progesterone concentration is carried out. This hormone constantly increases in the blood, which indicates favorable development of the fetus.

ACE, hCG and free estriol are included in the study in the so-called triple analysis. These markers make it possible to suspect certain disorders in the development of the child, in particular, Edwards syndrome and neural tube pathologies. Read more about hCG.

These indicators are assessed strictly by a specialist in a comprehensive manner. If one or another marker is taken separately, they have no diagnostic value.

Ultrasound of the fetus at 19 obstetric weeks

Usually, an ultrasound examination is not performed at 19 weeks of pregnancy. This examination method is used when certain disorders in the child’s development are suspected. During the procedure, the doctor evaluates such important indicators in the fetus as the thickness of the collar zone, heartbeat, length of the nasal bone, the condition of the endometrium, the placenta attachment site, the child’s motor activity, etc.

With accuracy at this time it is already possible to determine the sex of the baby. The ultrasound monitor clearly shows who is in the womb, a boy or a girl. The likelihood of an error at the 19th obstetric week of pregnancy is negligible.

During an ultrasound, many parents ask the doctor to print out a photo of their baby as a keepsake. You can see what the baby looks like at this stage below.

In the picture you can already see the facial features of the little man. Now he looks almost like a newborn.

The danger of low placentation

The placenta is a very important organ that provides the baby with oxygen and other nutrients throughout the entire pregnancy. Ideally, the “baby seat” is attached to the back or front wall of the uterus, not lower than 7 cm above the uterine os.

Low placentation is a condition when the placenta is located close to the uterine os, but does not overlap it. This happens for many reasons.

Reasons for low placentation:

  • pregnancy after 30-35 years;
  • second, third or subsequent births;
  • scars or inflammation in the uterine area;
  • manual separation of the baby's seat during previous births;
  • pathologies of the structure of the female reproductive organs;
  • acquired physical defects of the uterus;
  • carrying twins or triplets;
  • pathologies leading to poor circulation in the pelvic area.

Ultrasound helps determine whether the placenta is developing correctly. Sometimes this condition poses a serious threat to the baby. In this case, bloody discharge, oxygen starvation of the fetus, and a decrease in blood pressure in the mother may be observed.

Despite the fact that low placentation is not considered a pathological condition, in late pregnancy a woman is recommended to adhere to the following tips:

  • Walk less and spend time on your feet, stop lifting weights and heavy physical work.
  • Rest more, sleep at least 8-9 hours a day.
  • While resting, try to keep your legs elevated.
  • Try not to squat or bend over too much.

In addition, you need to carefully monitor the nature of vaginal discharge and do not skip routine ultrasounds and examinations with a gynecologist.

Patients diagnosed with low placentation should be under close medical supervision throughout pregnancy.

Miscarriage at 19 obstetric weeks

First, let's figure out what a miscarriage is. A miscarriage is the spontaneous rejection of a fetus by a woman’s body. After 22 weeks of pregnancy, this process in medicine is called premature birth. The pathology is diagnosed mainly in the early stages, but is also observed quite often in the second trimester.

Causes of miscarriage:

  • genetic disorders in the fetus;
  • incorrect lifestyle of a pregnant woman;
  • bad habits of the expectant mother;
  • hormonal imbalances in a woman’s body;
  • infectious and inflammatory diseases;
  • abdominal injuries;
  • taking certain medications and so on.

Symptoms of miscarriage at the 19th obstetric week include pain of various types in the lower abdomen and lower back, as well as pathological discharge mixed with blood from the vagina. At earlier stages, the same symptoms can be observed with.

If such signs are detected, a pregnant woman should not waste a minute. If you go to the hospital in a timely manner, it is often possible to save the baby. While waiting for the doctor, the mother should take a lying position with her legs elevated. If there is a serious threat to the child, the girl is usually hospitalized.

Often women have to remain in confinement for quite a long period. Despite this, they manage to give birth to an absolutely healthy baby.

Frozen pregnancy

The threat of fetal death at 19 obstetric weeks, although not as high as in the early stages, still exists. The death of a child can occur under the influence of a variety of provoking factors.

Causes of frozen pregnancy:

  • chromosomal pathologies in the fetus;
  • hormonal imbalance in women;
  • serious pathologies of internal organs in the mother;
  • transmission of infectious diseases;
  • stress, bad habits, unhealthy diet;
  • abdominal injuries;
  • poisoning of the body with toxins, etc.

Fetal fading can occur in girls of various ages, no matter whether it is the first, second or subsequent pregnancy. Often the causes of this pathological condition remain unclear.

A woman can independently recognize the symptoms of a child’s freezing by the absence of movements. If they are not there, mommy should immediately go to the hospital. The gynecologist must conduct the necessary examination and refer the patient for an ultrasound. The baby's death is diagnosed by the absence of a heartbeat and some other signs.

What should a tummy be like?

The question of what size a pregnant woman’s belly should be at 19 obstetric weeks worries many mothers. There are no specific limits on size and shape. In medical practice, approximate parameters are used - the height of the tummy in centimeters should correspond to the number of weeks of pregnancy. But here, too, the individual characteristics of the girl’s body structure play a big role.

Some have a large tummy, others have a flat, soft one. For some it is sharp, for others it is round. Much also depends on the location of the fetus in the womb. If you gain weight quickly, your belly will be bigger. When the gain is low, the roundness will also be smaller. Be that as it may, you should not look for any deviations from the norm. Entrust your health to experienced doctors.

Photos of bellies at 19 weeks of pregnancy

In these photographs, girls are nineteen weeks pregnant.

It can be seen that different mothers have different tummies.

Is sex allowed during this period?

With the increase in the size of the tummy and the appearance of baby movements, many mothers are very worried whether sexual contact is allowed. During normal pregnancy, intimacy is not contraindicated. Of course, it is necessary to choose safe positions, avoid pressure on the abdominal area and deep penetration.

The situation is different for women who are at risk of miscarriage. In such cases, the gynecologist will most likely prohibit intimacy, since sex can provoke bleeding, placental abruption and even miscarriage.

There is no harm in being extra cautious in this delicate matter. Before having sex, you should definitely consult your doctor.

Food for mommy

The 19th obstetric week of pregnancy brings relief to the mother regarding her general well-being. The woman no longer feels sick, her appetite improves, and her digestion gradually improves. Despite this, you should continue to closely monitor your diet. On at this stage The baby needs vitamins and microelements for normal development.

  • To prevent a feeling of heaviness in the stomach, it is recommended to eat in small portions and not overeat. If you feel hungry between meals, you can eat an apple or banana, drink a cup of green tea or milk.
  • You can't skip breakfast. To do this, it is recommended to choose oatmeal, buckwheat, rice or other porridge. Cereals are ideal for morning appointment food will give you a boost of energy for the whole day.
  • You should limit your intake of sweets. Cakes, cakes, chocolate should be eaten a little at a time. It is better to replace them with halva, dried fruits, marmalade, marshmallows, and caramels are allowed.
  • During the daytime, it is better to eat mainly proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. In the evening you can drink a glass of kefir or yogurt.

It is better to cook food by boiling, stewing or baking. It is important to limit large amounts of salt, sugar, smoked foods, sausages, hot spices, sauces, and marinades in your diet. Preference should be given to cereals, vegetables, fruits, herbs, dairy and fermented milk products, fish, meat.

It will help to learn in detail about nutrition for a woman during lactation in the first month.

Sports and daily routine at the 19th obstetric week of pregnancy

A woman can choose the optimal physical activity for herself after consulting with her doctor. For this period, it is recommended to devote 2-3 days a week to gymnastics. It is very important that sport brings pleasure and only positive emotions.
The best options for the 19th obstetric week of pregnancy are yoga, swimming, fitball exercises and other safe sports. Heavy physical activity, of course, should be avoided.

As for sleep, the expectant mother needs to sleep at least 8 hours a day. It's a good idea to relax during the day. You shouldn’t be too tired at work; it’s important to avoid conflicts with colleagues. During this period, a woman should experience only positive emotions.

If you want to learn in detail about the development of the child by week of pregnancy, then read.

Carrying a baby is a very exciting and responsible period in the life of every woman. To make this time as comfortable as possible, you should regularly visit a gynecologist, take all the necessary tests, and strictly adhere to the doctor’s recommendations. In addition, the following tips will not hurt:

  • Try to eliminate negative emotions and fears from your life. A positive attitude is the key to a child’s healthy development.
  • Eat right, buy food only from trusted stores, avoid spontaneous markets.
  • Organize your daily routine. Get more rest and walk in the fresh air.
  • Your baby hears you. Try to talk to him as often as possible, turn on relaxing music, read fairy tales. Involve dad in this process too. This will help to quickly establish a relationship between the baby and the father after birth.
  • Avoid heavy work and heavy lifting. This is very dangerous at 19 weeks of pregnancy.
  • Spend more time with loved ones and friends. Relatives will help you cope with the anxiety and fears that girls often experience during pregnancy.
  • If any alarming signs appear (bloody discharge, pressure surges, general deterioration in health), you must inform your doctor about it.
  • It is better to avoid flights and long trips. If such a need arises, you should first consult with a specialist.
  • Seat belts should always be worn in vehicles. Often this precaution saves the life of mother and child.

At week 19 you can sign up for courses for pregnant women. At such classes, specialists tell mothers a lot of useful information regarding childbirth and raising babies. In addition, there is an opportunity to communicate with other women.

The calendar shows the 19th obstetric week of pregnancy, the 17th from fertilization, the 15th from delay. Half of the gestation period has almost passed (pregnancy from 38 to 40 weeks is considered full-term).

  • How does the fetus develop, and what does a woman feel at 19 weeks of pregnancy?
  • What tests and studies need to be done, and do I need to visit a gynecologist?
  • Proper nutrition, vitamins and rules of conduct for a pregnant woman.
  • Problems and difficulties: how to identify and what to do?

Fetus. Development at 19 weeks

At the 19th obstetric week of pregnancy, the fetus reaches a length of about 20 cm (from the back of the head to the heels), weighing about 250 g. To visualize the size of the unborn baby, you can imagine a large potato.

Development and maturation processes internal systems and organ development continues, the future baby becomes more and more like an ordinary person. Many systems (gastrointestinal, cardiovascular, nervous) are already working, training their capabilities, in some the process of development continues (pulmonary, immune).

The nervous system is the basis of any organism; at the current stage it performs many functions, although its development is not yet complete. In the brain, the cortex is actively growing and convolutions are forming. Thanks to this process, in the future the fetus will have higher mental activity, will be able to learn and perform complex mental operations. The convolutions are formed as a result of the fusion of many grooves that have formed on the cerebral cortex over the previous few weeks.

At the current stage of development, connections between neurons are built in the brain, the ability to conduct signals between different nerve endings is honed, and the ability to control is trained. various parts bodies. The process of myelination of neurons continues, ensuring an increase in the conductivity of nerve endings. At the 19th week of pregnancy, fetal movements, which were previously chaotic, gradually become more orderly and are controlled by commands from the center of the nervous system (brain).

The development of the main sense organs continues. In the next 7 days, the formation of visual analyzers will be completed. While the baby cannot yet see and perceive his surroundings, he will very soon begin to raise and lower his eyelids. The formation of vision and perception of the environment is a long process that will continue throughout pregnancy and after birth.

Hearing improves; the future baby may flinch if there is a loud sound or music playing near the mother. For now, the sounds coming to the baby are muffled. After birth, the baby will have to get used to distinguishing between the sounds of individual objects and natural sounds for some time.

The tactile capabilities of the fetus continue to develop. Now he can already feel a touch on the uterus and, obeying reflexes, push away from it. The expectant mother can definitely feel the strongest tremors. Very soon the fetus will become larger, stronger, and the woman will be able to clearly hear how the unborn baby moves.

The fetal face has already formed, all the main organs are in place. Milk and molar teeth continue to form, located in the depths of the jaws, one under the other. To ensure the future child has healthy and beautiful teeth, it is necessary to carefully control the intake of sufficient calcium into the mother’s body.

The process of replacing cartilage tissue with bone tissue is in full swing. The baby already has about 200 bones, but by birth their number will increase to 270. The muscles around the hardening bones actively train, increasing in volume. The most developed muscles at this stage are the neck muscles. They allow the fetus to actively move its head, looking for the most comfortable position.

Internal systems are actively mastering basic functions. The gastrointestinal tract is formed, trying to process amniotic fluid (amniotic fluid) accidentally swallowed by the fetus. Juice is produced in the stomach, and meconium (original feces) is formed in the intestines. The kidneys actively filter the blood and continue to mature.

The fetus pees in the amniotic fluid, but do not worry that the unborn baby is surrounded by his own urine. Amniotic fluid is constantly replaced, cleaned and removed from the body of the expectant mother. To prevent the delicate skin of the fetus from coming into contact with amniotic fluid, its body has vernix lubrication produced by the sweat glands.

Vernix lubrication is an important element that allows you to regulate the body temperature of the fetus and protect the skin from harmful effects. It will help the future baby to be born and gradually disappear completely. Immediately after birth, the main part will be erased by obstetricians, and the mother will only have to gradually get rid of the remnants on the scalp (crusts).

The vernix is ​​retained on the baby's body by fine hairs (lanugo). This light fuzz will disappear after birth, but at this time it allows hair follicles to develop.

The skin of the fetus at the 19th week of pregnancy is red and wrinkled, there are still many folds on it. The skin is already 4-layered; underneath it, brown fat is actively forming. This type of fat will help your newborn baby stay warm while he sleeps a lot and eats little.

In the respiratory system of the fetus, the most important elements are actively developing. The bronchi continue to enlarge, gradually becoming like trees with numerous branches. Lungs begin to form. The muscles responsible for the movement of the sternum are actively trained, rising and falling slightly.

Future girls at this stage have already formed about 6 million eggs in their ovaries, but their number will decrease by ⅔ by birth.

At the 19th obstetric week of pregnancy, despite the working systems, the fetus cannot yet survive without the mother’s body. A woman should be attentive to her feelings and strive to provide the fetus with all the necessary elements for development.

Mother. Changes in the state of the body at 19 weeks

Most women at the 19th obstetric week of pregnancy feel satisfactorily, and a relatively calm period continues. Some mothers have felt their baby move in the previous week, but most expect it to happen within the next 7 days.

Normally, a woman can feel the first movements before. If the expectant mother does not feel the baby's movement at the current stage, there is no reason to worry. The basis for consultation with a gynecologist should be any new unpleasant sensations or changes in condition.

A pleasant bonus of this period is the reduction in breast soreness. In some women, by the 19th week, the breasts increased by 2 sizes, and colostrum began to be released from the nipples. This is normal and does not require treatment. If a lot of fluid is released, you can use special breast pads that are inserted into the bra.

The appearance of colostrum is a reason to strengthen breast hygiene. It is recommended to wash it 2 times a day with warm water.

Some unpleasant symptoms that you need to tell your gynecologist about can ruin your mood:

  • itching in the lower abdomen. If discomfort is localized only in the lower abdomen, this is a manifestation of low skin elasticity. The main risk is the appearance of stretch marks. To avoid them, it is advisable to use specialized creams (recommended by a gynecologist) or olive oil.

If itching spreads to the arms, legs and other parts of the body, a consultation with a gynecologist is necessary. In some cases, this is how liver dysfunction manifests itself.

  • dizziness, drowsiness, weakness, low hemoglobin level. An increase in blood volume in the mother's body can cause these symptoms. If the hemoglobin level does not fall below 108 g/l, then the pregnant woman should rest more and reduce physical activity. If the level of hemoglobin in the blood decreases below 108 g/l, monitoring by a gynecologist is necessary, possibly additional studies, and taking iron-containing medications prescribed by a doctor;
  • changes in blood pressure. Increased amount of blood in female body may also affect blood pressure readings. The appearance of such a symptom is a reason to consult a gynecologist for advice. It is especially important to consult a doctor for women with blood pressure readings exceeding 140/90;
  • increased pigmentation. By the 19th week of pregnancy, a pregnant woman's skin becomes very sensitive. The “mask of pregnancy” (darkness on the forehead, cheeks, around the mouth, chin, neck) can greatly ruin your mood. To reduce the appearance of pigmentation, you should cover your face while under direct sun rays, use sunscreen approved by your gynecologist;
  • convulsions. If there is an insufficient amount of vitamins and minerals in a woman’s body, leg cramps may occur. Most often this symptom appears at night. To identify the causes of what is happening, a consultation with a gynecologist is necessary;
  • swelling. This is the most common pathological symptom in pregnant women. An increase in the amount of circulating blood forces the urinary system to work at full capacity. If the kidneys cannot cope with their duties, fluid retention in the body is possible. This is a dangerous situation that can become a harbinger of late toxicosis. If a woman notices swelling of the face, legs, arms, fingers, she should tell the gynecologist about this at the next meeting.
  • constipation, heartburn, heaviness in the stomach. Problems with gastrointestinal tract in most cases, they are associated with the growth of the uterus, which puts pressure on the intestines. If this unpleasant symptom appears, you should consult a gynecologist, and before taking it, try to stick to healthy foods, eating 5-6 times a day, in fractional portions.

Unpleasant sensations or the appearance of new symptoms are a reason to discuss with your pregnancy doctor. Seemingly insignificant details can help him notice unwanted changes in time and prescribe additional studies or tests in a timely manner.

Visiting an obstetrician-gynecologist

At the 19th obstetric week of pregnancy, some women may have another appointment with a gynecologist. On the eve of the meeting, it is necessary to take a urine and blood test (directions were issued at the last appearance).

At the appointment, the gynecologist will take measurements:

  • blood pressure;
  • body temperature;
  • weight;
  • abdominal circumference.

Additionally, an examination will be carried out in a chair, the fetal heartbeat will be listened to through a stethoscope, and a survey will be conducted about changes in the woman’s sensations.

During the appointment, it is advisable to tell the doctor about all new sensations and symptoms that cause anxiety. A list of questions compiled in advance will help you not to forget about important things.

During the appointment, the doctor can set a date for the 2nd screening (ultrasound and triple test (if indicated), and will issue a referral for a urine and blood test (if necessary).

Ultrasound and tests

At the 19th obstetric week of pregnancy, a 2nd planned ultrasound can be performed to identify possible pathologies in the fetus. It is also possible to receive a referral to take a “triple test” (blood test) to identify the likelihood of genetic abnormalities. If the dynamics are positive, there are no medical indications, and a good result of the “triple test” done earlier, the doctor can only prescribe an ultrasound.

The 2nd planned ultrasound allows the doctor to examine the condition of the fetus and uterus, and compare the indicators with the norms for the term. During the procedure, the doctor examines:

  • main parameters of the fetus: head circumference (HC), length of the femur (HB) and humerus (HB), width of the head from temple to temple (BPR).
  • the condition of the internal organs of the fetus, the correspondence of maturity and size to the gestational age;
  • condition of the skeleton of the unborn child, compliance of the parameter with the deadline;
  • location of the fetus in the uterus, place of attachment of the umbilical cord, location of the placenta;
  • volume of amniotic fluid.

Based on these data, conclusions can be drawn about the timeliness of the development of all major organs and systems of the unborn child, and the favorable course of pregnancy. If questions arise on any of the indicated points, the doctor may suggest that the woman undergo additional tests.

At the current stage, the ultrasound specialist can determine the sex of the unborn baby. The probability of error is minimal.

A triple test at the 19th week of pregnancy (if prescribed by a doctor) is done to identify the likelihood of congenital diseases. The following levels are measured in the blood of a pregnant woman:

  • free estriol;
  • alpha-fetoprotein.

The result obtained is not a 100% guarantee of the occurrence of a particular genetic abnormality, but it reveals possible risks. If an undesirable result appears, the doctor may prescribe an additional study (cordocentesis, amniocentesis, etc.). It is the woman’s decision to agree to the study or not. Any invasive procedure has a small but risk of complications.

Uterus and belly

At the 19th week of pregnancy, the uterus continues to increase in size and rise upward. At the current stage, the fundus of the uterus is 1-2 cm below the navel.

The belly can no longer be hidden under loose clothing; it protrudes well. When a woman lies on her back, the location of the fetus in the uterus is clearly visible.

This week, a woman should wear loose or special maternity clothing to prevent pressure on the abdomen. It is recommended to choose shoes only with low speed. High wedges or heels can not only cause additional pain in the legs, but also affect the health of the spine, which is already subject to additional stress.

Pain in the abdomen and other parts of the body

At the 19th week of pregnancy, pain may appear in different parts of the body. A woman needs to navigate possible reasons their appearance in order to take timely necessary measures to reduce the intensity of pain, make changes to the daily routine, and timely consultation with a gynecologist.

Stomach ache

At this stage of pregnancy, pain in the abdomen can be caused by various reasons. Depending on their nature, appropriate decisions must be made.

  • single abdominal pain, accompanied by tension across the entire surface of the abdomen. Most often, this is how the tone of the uterus manifests itself. Most often, this symptom appears after physical activity or stress. In such a situation, you need to lie down and relax. If the pain has stopped and does not recur, you should try to avoid the situations that caused the symptom in the future;
  • frequent abdominal pain, accompanied by tension across the entire surface of the abdomen. Frequent or constant uterine tone is the reason for urgent consultation with a gynecologist;
  • severe, increasing pain in the abdomen: cramping, intensifying when pressed, accompanied by bloody or brown discharge, fever above 37.5 degrees Celsius. If these symptoms occur, you should immediately seek medical help.
  • pain in the right or left side, with an incorrect sitting position, sudden movement while standing. Most often, pain on one side caused by a sudden movement or incorrect body position is caused by excessive tension in the abdominal muscles. If the pain intensity quickly decreases after taking an even position, this symptom does not require treatment. It is recommended to wear a prenatal bandage.

Back pain

The 19th week of pregnancy is characterized by the appearance of unpleasant sensations and back pain. Most often, unpleasant sensations appear in the late afternoon, in the lumbar region. The appearance of this symptom is associated with a shift in the center of gravity due to increased weight and a larger abdomen. Wearing a prenatal bandage will help reduce the intensity of symptoms.

If the back pain is shooting, aching on the right or left, accompanied by abdominal tension, a consultation with a gynecologist is necessary.

Leg pain

Pain in the legs can be caused by various reasons. Special attention require those that do not go away after a night's sleep or daytime rest. The search for the causes of pain should be carried out by a gynecologist, based on the tests of the pregnant woman.


The appearance of headaches in the 19th week of pregnancy is a reason to consult a doctor. Before taking it during an attack of pain, it is necessary to measure blood pressure.


Normally, discharge at this stage of pregnancy should be light in color and without a strong odor. The amount of discharge may increase. A reason to see a doctor is any change in color, consistency or smell.

If a pregnant woman feels that the discharge has become more watery, but there are no changes in color or odor, she should consult a gynecologist.

Bleeding and menstruation

Normally, there should be no bleeding or menstruation at the 19th obstetric week of pregnancy. If any red or Brown it is necessary to urgently seek medical help.


At the 19th week of pregnancy, a woman’s diet should be as balanced and correct as possible. At this stage, almost all expectant mothers have a noticeable decrease in hemoglobin in the blood, so this week it is necessary to pay attention to foods containing a lot of iron (buckwheat, apples, offal, beans, cashews, raisins).

We must not forget about a sufficient amount of calcium, magnesium and vitamin D (cottage cheese, cheese, almonds, bananas, broccoli, sesame seeds, oatmeal, brown rice, chicken eggs, spinach, walnuts, chicken eggs, sea fish, red caviar).

A developing fetus requires many different nutrients from the mother's body. To avoid undesirable consequences It is advisable to replenish the body's reserves in a timely manner. Among the most essential vitamins and minerals, attention should be paid to:

  • zinc. A lot is found in carrots, beets, cabbage, and chicken;
  • Selena: seaweed, offal, oatmeal, buckwheat;
  • fluoride: rice, apples, beef, chicken eggs;
  • phosphorus: fish, dairy products;
  • iodine: prunes, seaweed, cranberries, strawberries (seasonal);
  • vitamin A: carrots, pumpkin, liver, dried apricots;
  • B vitamins: red meat, walnuts, bananas, oats;
  • Vitamin C: rose hips, red bell pepper, black currant, parsley;
  • Vitamin E: spinach, chicken eggs, almonds, broccoli, sunflower seeds;
  • Vitamin K: asparagus, cucumbers, green onions, prunes, broccoli.

It is advisable to cook dishes for a pregnant woman by steaming or in the oven, with minimal use of seasonings. It is recommended to reduce salt to a minimum amount, if possible avoid it altogether.

The drinking regime in the 19th week should be observed, unless there is direct instruction from the gynecologist to reduce fluid intake. The recommended daily fluid volume is about 2.5 liters.


Taking vitamins must be agreed upon with a gynecologist. Self-prescription and use of food additives can harm the health of mother and child.


By the 19th week of pregnancy, a woman should normally gain from 3.5 to 5.5 kg. In some cases a little more is possible. Over the next 7 days, it is permissible to gain 500 g.

It is possible and it is not possible

By the 19th week of pregnancy, a woman begins to notice that she wants to move less and wants to lie down and sleep more and more. A decrease in physical activity quickly leads to excess weight gain. To avoid extra pounds in the 19th week of pregnancy, you should force yourself to walk outside for at least 30 minutes a day, do various exercises and engage in approved sports (swimming, Pilates, water aerobics, etc.).

During this period, many women begin to experience difficulty falling asleep. An enlarged belly, discomfort and other factors can make it difficult to fall asleep and force you to wake up several times a night. To improve the quality of your night's sleep, it is recommended:

  • ventilate the room well before going to bed;
  • use a special pillow for pregnant women or place small pillows under your back and legs;
  • reduce the amount of salt you consume, do not drink a lot of liquid before bed.

At the 19th obstetric week of pregnancy, a woman is recommended to adhere to certain simple rules, allowing you to avoid many unpleasant consequences:

  • completely eliminate alcohol, drugs and smoking (active and passive);
  • Avoid contact with heavy chemical compounds. Minimize the amount of cosmetics you use. If you need to dye your hair, use ammonia-free dye;
  • monitor your diet, avoiding junk food (smoked, dried, fried, highly salted or seasoned);
  • carefully monitor your own hygiene and cleanliness of the environment;
  • avoid contact with sick people, minimize visits to crowded places, especially during epidemics;
  • avoid self-medication and self-prescription of any medications;
  • use traditional methods of treatment and reduction of discomfort only after consultation with a gynecologist;
  • accurately follow doctor's orders;
  • Avoid stress, heavy physical labor, and overwork.


In the 19th obstetric week of pregnancy, sex is not prohibited unless there is direct instruction from the gynecologist. The main thing that future parents should remember is the safety of the woman and the fetus. You should not use poses that put pressure on the stomach; the expectant mother needs to take an unnatural body position. With a sensitive and attentive attitude towards a woman, sex is not only permitted, but also useful.

The 19th obstetric week of pregnancy is almost half the term, but the fetus cannot yet live outside the mother. If caution is not observed, the presence of genetic characteristics of the woman’s body, injuries and other unforeseen situations and peculiarities of the course of pregnancy, some problems may arise. The correct response to certain symptoms allows you to avoid many unpleasant consequences.

The appearance of cramping pain

In rare cases, at the 19th week of pregnancy, a woman may experience severe, shooting pain in the lower abdomen. First of all, the expectant mother needs to lie down and rest. If the pain does not decrease or becomes stronger, you should immediately consult a doctor. This is how an incipient miscarriage may manifest itself. If a complication is detected in a timely manner and treatment is started, it is possible to prevent fetal death.

Signs of gestosis

Preeclampsia, or late toxicosis, is a pathological reaction of the body to pregnancy. Unlike early toxicosis, it is expressed by obvious disturbances in the functioning of the internal systems of the woman’s body. Most often, gestosis manifests itself in the last weeks of pregnancy, but its precursors may appear at the 19th week of pregnancy.

The danger of not monitoring the condition of a woman with obvious signs of gestosis is very high. Late toxicosis can lead to serious consequences: from kidney damage to the death of a woman and child. To avoid complications, you need to visit a gynecologist in a timely manner, inform him of all unpleasant symptoms, and take all prescribed tests.

At the 19th obstetric week of pregnancy, a woman should be alert to:

  • changes in blood pressure;
  • the appearance of back pain localized on the sides;
  • swelling of the face, hands, feet, pain in the wrist (carpal tunnel syndrome);
  • severe visual impairment;
  • headaches accompanied by a feeling of heaviness in the back of the head.

You must tell your gynecologist about the appearance of any of these symptoms.

Placenta previa

During a routine ultrasound in the 19th week of pregnancy, a woman may be informed of placenta previa. Partial or complete occlusion of the uterine os is possible. This is a potentially dangerous condition that can lead to bleeding and premature birth.

At this stage of pregnancy, if placenta previa is detected, additional monitoring by a gynecologist is necessary. Quite often, along with the growth of the uterus, the placenta “migrates” and pregnancy complications do not occur.

If the prognosis is unfavorable, the goal of the gynecologist and the woman is to create conditions for maintaining pregnancy until the maximum possible period, timely decision-making caesarean section or delivery option.

Placental abruption

A routine ultrasound may detect placental abruption. Departure of the edges or part of the placenta from the uterus threatens termination of pregnancy and bleeding. To reduce the possibility of negative consequences, careful monitoring by a gynecologist and the appointment of suitable treatment are necessary.

Modern medicine, with timely detection of complications, allows us to create optimal conditions for bearing the fetus and normalizing its nutrition. A pregnant woman should carefully follow the gynecologist’s instructions, undergo screening on time, take tests and report the appearance of unpleasant symptoms.

Fading pregnancy

Pregnancy miscarriage at 19 weeks is very rare. Severe stress, use of illegal substances or medications, and injuries can cause intrauterine fetal death. This is a potentially dangerous condition for a woman’s health that requires emergency medical attention.

If you experience severe abdominal pain that increases with pressure, a temperature rise above 37.5 degrees Celsius, red or brown discharge, or blood clots, you should urgently consult a gynecologist.

The 19th week of pregnancy is the beginning of a new stage in a woman’s life. A growing belly begins to interfere with sleep, and discomfort in the stomach and legs appears after any long walk or exertion. But all this is nothing compared to the movement of the baby in the stomach. Many mothers are already well aware of when their babies are awake, others are still waiting for movement.

The baby in the mother’s womb is becoming larger, its systems and organs are developing and improving. He already hears and feels what is happening with his mother, his brain begins to coordinate body movements. In order for important processes to proceed correctly, the fetus to receive everything it needs and to feel good, a pregnant woman should follow the doctor’s prescriptions and adhere to simple rules of behavior. Half of the journey is almost completed, the long-awaited meeting with the baby is getting closer.

During the 19th week of pregnancy, the baby's development inside the womb continues. Distinctive features of the period are an increase in the size of the head, the formation and development of nerve cells responsible for the development of the musculoskeletal system. The baby can already make the movements he wants, knows how to move his fingers and toes. This week, the proportions of the body are determined (including the length of the lower leg and hips).

The baby’s respiratory system also develops, and bronchioles appear at this stage. The baby's eyelids are still closed, but he can already distinguish the brightness of the light flux. From this moment on, the growth of the baby’s body slows down slightly, but due to the supply of fatty tissues to the child’s body, the heat inside the placenta is well preserved.

During this period of time, the woman already feels well the smallest movements of the baby. Frequent movements of the baby can cause discomfort to the mother, and the greatly increased weight is already a hindrance. There is a significant expansion of the hips, and often a violation of posture occurs due to the fact that the stomach increases significantly in size and increasingly begins to pull down. The baby's weight at this stage of development is approximately 200 grams. A woman should devote more time to rest, give her body a minimum of physical activity, and talk more often with her baby, who by the 18th week of pregnancy can already clearly hear all the sounds coming from outside.

The 19th week of pregnancy belongs to the 5th month of the baby’s intrauterine development, or more precisely, its 3rd week.

Features of development

Fetal development in the 19th week of pregnancy occurs even more actively and faster. The baby's brain grows especially quickly. All actions performed by the baby inside the womb become more meaningful and coordinated during this period. Children's miniature organs also develop quickly. At the 19th week of pregnancy, the bronchial tree is formed, and the previously formed lungs, bronchioles and bronchi form the baby’s full-fledged respiratory system. The improvement of these organs will occur until the birth of the child.

At the 19th week of intrauterine development, active work sebaceous glands. They produce a special whitish substance that performs protective functions and completely covers the baby’s body. This lubricant has excellent bactericidal properties and protects the child from the effects of amniotic fluid and harmful microorganisms.

The baby's skin continues to be covered with small fluff. The hairs on the baby's face are especially visible. There is no need to worry about their presence, because after birth this vegetation disappears. At the 19th week of pregnancy, the baby can already hold his head and turn it to the sides. The baby's neck is strong enough and now he can turn it 180C.

Belly and uterus

The uterus in the 4th week of the 5th month of pregnancy (19th week from the beginning of conception) continues to grow, and at this point in time its weight is about 320 g. The expectant mother will be able to feel the uterus on her own by lowering her hand about 1.3 cm below the navel. The growth of the uterus can cause pain inside the abdomen. However, they do not pose a great danger unless they are accompanied by bleeding and a change in the color and smell of vaginal discharge.

At the 19th week of pregnancy, the abdominal muscles become stronger and thicker, but their elasticity decreases significantly. In this regard, when they are strongly stretched, painful sensations occur. At the end of this week, the expectant mother often feels pressure from the uterus on her navel. You need to be patient a little, after a while the discomfort associated with this will disappear. Pain occurs during this period of time in the pelvis and lower back, which are also under pressure from the uterus. Increasingly, painful sensations also arise in the bones, which gradually diverge and expand the birth canal for the baby to pass through in the future. Pain in the back and lower back at the 19th week of pregnancy can occur as a result of long walking, or sitting for a long time in an uncomfortable position. If a pregnant woman has a sedentary job, she should take breaks at least once an hour. To avoid swelling, it is better to sit on a chair with a back or a comfortable chair, and say “no” to high-heeled shoes.

The appearance of abdominal pain in the 19th week of pregnancy may indicate a threat of miscarriage. This threat occurs especially often if the painful sensations are of the nature of contractions. A woman should definitely see a doctor if, at the 19th week of pregnancy, she experiences bleeding, accompanied by a pulling sensation or pain in the lower abdomen.

Due to the large size of the tummy at this stage, the expectant mother will most likely find it uncomfortable to sleep and will have to look for a comfortable position for rest. Now you can’t rest on your stomach, because in this case there is strong pressure on the uterus, which is extremely undesirable. You should also not sleep on your back, because in this position the weight of the uterus will compress the vena cava, through which oxygen and blood flow to the fetus.

Woman's feelings

The main sensation of the expectant mother at the 19th week of pregnancy is the movement of the fetus. The body is actively preparing for childbirth and breastfeeding, and in connection with this, colostrum is produced. Experts recommend simply wiping the nipples with a clean napkin when milky fluid is released from them.

During the described period of gestation, the level of hemoglobin in the blood often decreases, which is associated with an increase in its volume. Because of this, women feel severe weakness, dizziness and nausea during this period of time. The pulse becomes more frequent, breathing is often difficult and the woman can only with great difficulty take a deep breath. The 19th week of gestation is also characterized by an increase in sweating, more frequent urge to urination, and in the absence of prevention - even the appearance of stretch marks. The fetal tremors inside the womb become even more active, more frequent, and stronger.


The amount of vaginal discharge increases during the 19th week of pregnancy. Their color and smell remain unchanged, but the consistency becomes liquid and the volume is greater than in the early stages. If the discharge changes its consistency, volume, color and smell, then the woman should tell her doctor about it. A danger to the health of the baby and the expectant mother is curdled discharge of green, red, brown hue, characterized by a pungent and unpleasant odor. They are all a sign infectious disease, treatment of which should be carried out under the strict supervision of a doctor and, preferably, before the date of birth.

Intimate life

The second trimester of pregnancy, which includes the 19th week - best time in order to pay attention to yourself and sexual games with your partner. During this period, a good solution is to vacation in warm countries. However, if there is a threat of miscarriage, or the pregnancy is not progressing well, then it is better to postpone the trip until a more favorable time. If she feels well during this week of pregnancy, a woman is advised to walk more, move and, of course, have sex with her beloved spouse. The week described is one of the calmest in the entire period of gestation, so a woman should definitely enjoy this wonderful time.

Ultrasound and other tests

Tests at the 19th week of pregnancy are prescribed by a doctor to diagnose the condition of the fetus and the characteristics of its development. At this stage of bearing a baby, it is time to check the level of hemoglobin in the woman’s blood and take a urine test to check the amount of protein. It is important at this stage to determine the blood sugar level.

If necessary, the doctor prescribes the woman to undergo tests for hormones and, in particular, progesterone levels. The successful course of pregnancy will largely depend on the level of hormones. If a woman has not yet undergone screening in the second trimester, the doctor may suggest that she undergo such a procedure at the 19th week. Screening is used to diagnose congenital anomalies of fetal development, which include neural tube defects and Down syndrome. In any case, the assessment of the results of screening in the second trimester of pregnancy occurs in a comprehensive manner.

Ultrasound diagnostics also becomes a mandatory procedure included in the second screening. During this procedure, the specialist evaluates the correct development of the nasal bone, the baby’s heartbeat, parameters of the thickness of the collar area, the condition and characteristics of the amniotic fluid. At the request of the parents, the doctor can name the gender of the baby. Sometimes, during an ultrasound, you can see how the baby moves, plays, and frolics in his “temporary home.” By this point, the baby has already established its own daily routine. Most time (about 18 hours) the child sleeps, and the rest of the time he plays and exhibits motor activity.

Frozen fruit

At the 19th week of pregnancy, there is still a risk of fetal death, so a woman should listen to her own body. Emerging ailments should not be ignored, because they can be a harbinger of serious health problems in the fetus and mother. With normal and full development, the baby at this stage actively moves, pushes with his legs and arms. And if a woman does not feel these tremors, then she should consult a doctor. Sometimes it happens that a frozen fetus remains in the womb for several weeks until the next medical diagnosis reveals the problem. This situation is very dangerous, and therefore it is very desirable that the determination of a frozen pregnancy occurs as early as possible.

Only a doctor can accurately detect the cessation of fetal development and its death when performing ultrasound diagnostics. The main symptoms of fading pregnancy are the discrepancy between the size of the uterus and the actual development of the fetus, the absence of the baby's movements and heartbeat. The only good news is that the risk of fetal death at such a late stage is minimal. However, at the slightest ailment, a woman preparing to become a mother should still visit a doctor.

What should the diet be like?

Adequate and proper nutrition at 19 weeks will contribute to the normal development of all organs and systems of the child’s body. The diet of the expectant mother must be dominated by natural foods, balanced and healthy food. Doctors recommend that the expectant mother include nuts in small quantities, boiled beef, and legumes in her menu (you need to be careful with them, especially if you have problems with gas formation).

When cooking, it is advisable to use a minimum of fat, giving preference to steamed dishes. It is better for a pregnant woman to exclude fried, smoked and spicy foods from her diet. The consumption of sweets and salty foods should be kept under strict control.

The expectant mother's menu must include foods rich in calcium and iron. These include figs, dried apricots, blueberries, oatmeal and buckwheat porridge, tomato juice, rabbit meat, beef. It is also advisable to include eggs, cheese, leafy greens, fruits, and green vegetables in your diet. Doctors recommend that the expectant mother eat in small portions, and never bring the body to a state of hunger. Your baby should receive the nutritional components necessary for its development, but the mother’s body should not be overloaded with food, as this will lead to the development of serious problems, the main of which is excess weight. By the way, a woman should carefully monitor the addition of extra pounds associated with pregnancy and weigh herself at least once a week. The norm is considered to be a weight gain in the second trimester of 250-300 grams per week. That is, according to established standards, a woman should gain about 3.5-6.5 kg during the second trimester of pregnancy. But we must remember that all these norms are calculated individually, in accordance with the characteristics of the expectant mother’s body, her state of health, age and other factors.

A pregnant woman at 19 weeks should already listen to her feelings. There is a high probability that the baby will push inside the tummy. However, if this does not happen, then you need to wait a little, not forgetting to visit a gynecologist who is monitoring the course of the pregnancy.

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