It is not worth saying that playing checkers is logic and strategic thinking, everyone knows this.
At the same time, it can be inconvenient for small children to use checkers bought in a store.
Too suspicious parents are worried that the thing for adults will lose what is called presentation.

Finding a way out of this situation is easy. You need to make children's checkers with your own hands from improvised materials.

You will need:

  • 2-3 binders in different colors
  • 24 contrasting caps (12 each of the same color),
  • putty corrector,
  • circuit.

If the covers of one color are not enough, you can recolor them:

  • in white color - putty-corrector,
  • in black - stained glass contour.


  • From the folders we cut out 8 colored strips 3 cm wide in full length for the playing field and 4 strips of a contrasting color will be needed for the frame.
  • Making braid:
  • We fasten the strips for the frame at a right angle to make a square.
  • We fasten 8 strips of the same color with a stapler perpendicular to one side of the frame.
  • We fix 8 strips of a different color with a stapler on the adjacent side of the frame.
  • We twist the strips together and fasten their ends to opposite sides of the frame.

The field is ready, you can arrange checkers and play.

We wish you exciting battles.