Backgammon layout. Rules of the game short backgammon

Backgammon arrangement

Very often backgammon is confused with chess. Perhaps this is due to the fact that for quite a long time they walked side by side: the inside of the board was intended for playing backgammon, and the outside for chess. But chess and backgammon are absolutely two different things. Today, chess can be called a sport, and backgammon has remained an amazing and exciting board game.

For those who decide to learn how to play backgammon, you should first familiarize yourself with the rules of the game, as well as study the system for placing chips on the playing field. Even beginners know that there is a huge selection of different types of backgammon. But only two are considered the most common and generally accepted: long and short. Each of these options has its own features of the placement of chips.

Long backgammon

H ardy placement of chips on the field has its own specifics. In order to more accurately understand how this needs to be done, you first need to get acquainted with the field of play. The backgammon board is divided into two absolutely equal halves. There are 24 narrow andelongated triangles, which are called points and are numbered accordingly. But each of the players has its own numbering: where one player has the first point, his opponent will have the twenty-fourth. Backgammon is designed for two players, each of which has 15 chips of a certain color. It is they who must be placed in one row in the first or thirteenth paragraphs along the right side. This is the original arrangement of backgammon. This position is called the “head” and the move starts from the head.

Backgammon arrangement in its original form does not give advantages to any other player. All chances of winning are equal. How is this game different from chess? And that in chess only logical calculation and the ability to think constructively lead to success. In backgammon, there is still a share of luck that dice carry with them. This arrangement of backgammon is typical for a long look. With short backgammon, everything is different.

Short backgammon

Short backgammon is also designed for two players and the game board remains unchanged. The triangles known to us are called the house and the yard, the bar in the middle is the bar. There are points that are numbered from 1 to 24. The arrangement of chips changes. Each player has 15 checkers. The initial arrangement of checkers is as follows: each of the players has two checkers in the twenty-fourth point, five in the thirteenth, three in the eighth and five in the sixth.

The goal of the game in both cases is the need to determine the number of your moves by throwing the dice, moving the chips around the field to bring them to the house and be the first to completely remove them from the game. Backgammon arrangement, which differs in long and short varieties, makes the game more exciting and more difficult. Everyone can try their hand in one form or another.

Backgammon rules

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Backgammon - what is this game and why is it so popular? The fun is designed for a duel between two opponents or even two teams. The history of its origin goes back to ancient times, when the pharaohs ruled Egypt. An entertainment similar to the one in question was found by archaeologists in the tomb of Tutankhamen. And this is the fifteenth century BC!

There are many legends dedicated to the history of the birth of fun. One of them says that it was invented by a sage named Vazurgmihr, adviser to the king of Persia. This was a response to the Indians, who sent chess to their neighbors to test their wit. The Persian sage not only managed to easily cope with the challenge and quickly understand the basic provisions of chess, but also came up with a game of backgammon with game rules that the inhabitants of India could not figure out for a long time.

The very word used for the name of the fun comes from the Indian name of the plant, intended for the production of oil and incense in the country - this is one of the versions of the origin of the name. Entertainment is known in many countries and in each is called differently. For example, in Spain - tablero, in Turkey - tavla, in France - trictrac, in England - backgammon, in Italy - tavola reale.

At first, the fun in question was characteristic of the upper strata of society, but over time it became a favorite entertainment, including among the common people. It was especially popular among residents of states located in the Mediterranean region and in the east.

In 1743, a list of backgammon rules was published, authored by an Englishman named Edmond Hoyle. At the moment, every year around the planet there are about a thousand different competitions and tournaments dedicated to this fun. The number of her fans is growing day by day, and this is not surprising, because she perfectly develops strategic and logical thinking, improves memory and mathematical abilities, makes her concentrate and promotes the development of spatial imagination. That is why it is possible to acquaint children with the rules of classic backgammon from the age of 5-6.

Backgammon rules for beginners

Backgammon, the rules of the game and its main accessories will be discussed in detail below. The duel between rivals takes place on a rectangular playing field. It is marked up in a certain way and has components such as:

  • bar - vertical line in the middle;
  • points - twelve elongated triangles on each side of the participant;
  • house - six points combined.

The entertainment uses thirty stones: fifteen white ones for one opponent and fifteen black ones for the other. Also, players will need ordinary dice - cubes with dots on faces from one to six. After reviewing the list of necessary equipment, you can safely proceed to the study of backgammon and instructions for beginners.

Backgammon arrangement

Unlike checkers, in backgammon, the instruction says that it is not the owner of the white checkers who goes first, but the participant who wins the lot, carried out with the help of dice, receives white checkers. The second and subsequent moves occur in turn. In the classic version, the movement of stones across the field is carried out in a circle counterclockwise. The stones must go through the playing field almost a full circle, that is, come to the opposite side of the field, relative to the place where they started moving.

First, the participants' chips are placed along the left edge of the field, in the twelfth and twenty-fourth points, respectively. This arrangement of stones is called the head. The player then rolls the dice and makes a move. Opponents move in their own color, taking one chip from their heads. How many points fell on the bones, so many points you can move the chips around the field. The instructions for playing backgammon say that the winner is the one who comes to the house with all the checkers and is the first to throw all the stones out of its borders.

Backgammon for beginners - features

Playing backgammon is not difficult if you know the rules. The player throws two zaras at once. Then he moves the chips by the number of points that fell on the dice. Example: the numbers two and five fell out at dawn, which means that one chip moves by 2, and the second by 5. During the first move, they usually move with one checker for a number of points equal to the sum of the points that fell on two dice. For example, if the numbers two and five fell out at the dawn, then the player moves the chip by 7 points (2 + 5). But if during the first move the participant has doubles (3 * 3, 4 * 4, 6 * 6), then he has the opportunity to use two checkers. During subsequent steps, the player can move with 1 stone, or make two moves with different checkers, remove one from his head, and move the second forward. He also has the right to move with two checkers, which he has already moved before.

If a participant has the opportunity to step with 2 stones, then in backgammon the rules of the game for beginners prohibit making a move with only one. The player moves the 1st checker if there is no possibility to place the second one. Moreover, even when it is not profitable for him, the partner must make a move on the largest number that has fallen on the dice.

Any number of checkers can collect on the 1st field, but if the opponent’s piece has become there, then you can’t put your own pieces there. If the partner is lucky and doubles fall on the dice, then the game of backgammon and the rules of the game for beginners say that he can step four times.

Backgammon rules - easy and affordable

When all the figures have arrived at the house, the participant begins to take them out of the field. The backgammon game and the rules of the game say that chips can come out if a number of points equal to the number of the field on which the stone stands on the thrown dice of the participant fell out. If a number has fallen on the die, and there is no longer a stone on the corresponding field, then the chip is displayed from a smaller point. If it suits the player, then he may not remove the piece from the field. The winner is the one who brought the checkers off the board first.

Fun has its secrets and tricks, but it is better to get acquainted with them when you master the basic instructions for it. The more often a person practices, the faster he will become an experienced gamer.

Rules for playing long backgammon

Historians tend to believe that backgammon originated in the East. But there is no unequivocal opinion on this matter, there is still a lot of controversy. One of the legends tells that the Persians came up with the fun. They did this in retaliation to the Indians, who decided to test their ingenuity with the help of chess. Not only did the Persians easily cope with the test, but they also sent the competitors a game of long backgammon without the rules of the game, which the Indians could not figure out for about twelve years. The fun has reached our time, practically unchanged. Now it is known in many countries of the world and each has its own name. In large cities, clubs of connoisseurs of the entertainment in question are organized, friendly meetings, tournaments, and championships are held.

There are many varieties of fun, but the most famous are short and long ones. In this article, we will consider long backgammon and the rules of the game for beginners.

The duel is carried out between two participants on the playing field in the form of a rectangle. It is divided into two equal parts, on which there are twelve elongated triangles, called points. In total, there are twenty-four of them on the field, it is along them that the opponents move their stones. Thirty stones are involved in the battle, fifteen white ones belong to the first participant and fifteen black stones belong to his opponent. The color of the stones in the game affects the primacy of the move, white moves first. The number of steps that the participant will take on the board depends on the number that has fallen on the dice.

Long backgammon can be played by learning its basic rules and instructions. This kind of fun is popular mainly in the former republics of the Soviet Union.

At the beginning of the battle, each participant receives fifteen stones of a contrasting color and places them along the left edge of the field. Who goes first is determined by a draw. Partners throw out the dice, whoever has a higher number, he plays white and starts the fight.

In order to win, the player needs to move the stones, go around the board in the opposite direction of the clockwise movement, bring them home (the last, lower right quarter of the field). It is necessary to bring the last checker into the house when using a larger number that has fallen out. Then you need to throw all the checkers off the board.

Long backgammon rules are available to everyone

After the partners have decided who will be the first to start the fight, they alternately throw out the zar. The numbers dropped on them show how many points the player can move his stones. At the beginning of the duel, partners capture the most advantageous positions. Only one chip is allowed to be removed from the head in one move, with the exception of doubles 6, 4, 3 at the first throw. During their loss, you can move with two pieces taken from the head, because it will not work to make a move alone.

Throwing two zaras at the same time, the participant walks. If, for example, the numbers 1 and 6 fell on the dice, then he moves one chip to 1, the second - to 6 points, or the only one - to the sum of the dropped numbers (1 + 6). It is allowed to take only one piece from the head, except for cases - exceptions. If the participant is lucky and a double fell on his bones, then the number of his moves is doubled.

The number of chips on one hole is not limited. It is forbidden to put your own on a hole where there is already an opponent's chip. During a backgammon match long rules games, building blocks (more than six chips in a row) is allowed only if at least one enemy chip is in front of this block. There are times when a gamer cannot walk, then he skips a turn. If you can make a full move, then even when it is not profitable for the gamer, he cannot refuse. So, if there are 4 points on the dawn that has fallen, and it is more profitable for the player to step on 3, then he, nevertheless, must step on 4. There are situations when a gamer can take only one step, then for him he must use a larger number that has fallen on bones.

In the final part of the duel, the participant must throw the pieces out of the field. The gamer uses the dropped numbers on the dice at his own discretion: either he throws out the figures with the help of them, or moves them inside the house. When, for example, 3 and 5 fell on the dice, the gamer can remove the figures from the third and fifth points, respectively. If there were no checkers on these fields, then it is allowed to remove them from the triangle with a number below the dropped numbers, but only if there are also no chips left on the triangle with a higher number.

Fun does not involve a draw. As soon as the bones of the first player left the field, the second player automatically lost. But, in the game parameters, there is an opportunity to play with the right of the last move for black, since white started the game, in a word, to equalize the chances of winning.

The game also has an end game option "Mars" and "Oin". If you select the "Mars" option, the players will have their additional "Mars" bet removed at the beginning of the game, and if the Mars layout is met, the winner will receive double the loser's bet, and the loser will lose their entire bet. And if the Mars layout is not completed, then the bets of both players on "Mars" will be returned to the participants. If you select the "Oin" option, additional bets are not removed and additional payments are not made.

Long backgammon arrangement is essential

In the entertainment under consideration, all your steps and the steps of the opponent must be calculated from the beginning of the duel. Otherwise, the chances of winning are disastrously small. Experienced gamers know some secrets of fun that favorably affect the outcome of the fight. Observation and attentiveness will not be superfluous. First of all, pay attention to the opponent's first step, after analyzing it, you can calculate the further development of events in the game several moves ahead.

Tips for beginners:

  • 1. Try to take three or more points at the opponent's head and do not let the opponent do it.
  • 2. Place the stones further than the sixth triangle, so you can easily get into the desired third quarter.
  • 3. Try to ensure that when you get a double, you always have something to go, otherwise you will lose the advantage. Often it is the double that turns the course of the fight.
  • 4. Come fast. To do this, move the figures of the second quarter to the third in one move.
  • 5. As soon as the opponent's chips approached the first quarter, try to close their move.

But don't underestimate the enemy. An experienced gamer also knows the above secrets, so think carefully about your protection. Remember that knowing the secrets is not enough to win, they must be used at the right time. Always look ahead, think over your moves and analyze the steps of the enemy - without this it is almost impossible to win the game. If you have the opportunity to play with an experienced gamer, do not miss it, because this is a chance to learn from his skills and abilities.

Rules for playing short backgammon

Fun has not lost its popularity for about five thousand years. The exact place and time of its appearance is not known to anyone, but there are many legends dedicated to the history of its occurrence. Connoisseurs of the game believe that it makes you think strategically, concentrate and calculate actions a few steps ahead. It is precisely with this that children begin to learn the basic rules of entertainment from the age of five or six.

Fans of fun spend a lot of time at the board, and frequent competitions, tournaments and just friendly meetings only arouse their interest. The official rules were approved in 1743, on the basis of which world-class championships are held.

In Western countries, such a type of entertainment as short backgammon has become more widespread, and we will consider their rules of the game in this article.

There are two people in the fight. To start the battle, players will need: a board, thirty chips of two contrasting colors and dice. The playing field includes twenty-four points, which are divided into four zones: house, opponent's house, yard, opponent's yard. The line between the house and the yard is called the bar.

Backgammon short rules the following arrangement is provided: each of the partners has 5 figures in the 6th triangle, 2 in the 24th, 3 in the 8th, 5 in the 13th.

The task of the entertainment participant is to make a full circle around the field, return the pieces home, and then take them off the board.

Who will make the first move, it turns out like this: each of the participants in turn throws one zara, whoever has the larger number starts the duel. If the same number of points fell out, the players roll until different ones fall out. In the future, both bones are used. Checkers always move in a circle.

The values ​​on the bones are determined. how many pips a gamer can move chips. The pieces move strictly in one direction: white - clockwise, black - against. The stone moves only to that triangle, on which there are no 2 or more pieces of the opponent.

The values ​​rolled on the dice are the player's individual moves. So, if the numbers 2 and 3 fall out, then the gamer steps on 2 fields with one chip and on 3 fields with the other, in some cases he immediately goes to 5 with one. A rolled double allows the contestant to step four times.

Rules for playing short backgammon for beginners

Both drawn numbers at dawn must be used. When only one value can be used, the gamer must implement it. When each number can be played separately, then it is necessary to play large. The participant concedes a move in case there is no opportunity to take a step.

A blot is a triangle with only one token. When the opponent's checker comes to this point, it beats the opponent and his piece moves to the bar. Thus, in fun, you should try to put two or more figures in one triangle, protecting them from the danger of being beaten. When a participant has pieces on the bar, they need to be charged. The number rolled on the rolled die returns the checker to the point with the corresponding number.

Then, in short backgammon, after all the arrangements, movements and the return of 15 stones home, the gamer needs to throw them out of the field. To do this, you need to roll the dice, and the stones, standing on triangles, the numbers of which correspond to the numbers that have fallen out, are removed from the board. Example: 3 points drop out - the figure standing on point number three is removed. If the dropped value points to an empty triangle, then you can move the chip from the points, the number of which is less than the number of dropped points on the die.

The winner is the participant who can throw out 15 of his pieces faster than the opponent. The instruction for the entertainment in question is simple, therefore, having studied it, users will be able to familiarize themselves with the basics of the game, and a few fights will add self-confidence.

The rules of the game in Caucasian backgammon are similar to the rules of short backgammon, the difference lies in small nuance. The basics are easy enough for beginners to master, but in order to defeat an opponent, the player will need logical thinking and, of course, luck.

The fight is carried out by two participants on the playing field, which includes 24 holes (triangles). They are divided into 4 groups, 6 pieces each. This is the house and yard of one player and the house and yard of his opponent. The line, which is called the bar, separates the house and the yard of the participants. Each item has its own serial number. Numbering is carried out for each gamer separately. Each of the opponents has fifteen checkers at his disposal. Their arrangement is as follows: in the 24th triangle there are two, in the 13th - five, in the 8th - three, in the 6th - five.

The main task of the participants is to make a full circle around the field, return all the checkers to the house, and then remove them from the field. The one who manages to do it first wins.

Movement of figures

Partners take turns throwing dice and moving around the field in accordance with the numbers that fell on them. Movement on the board occurs in opposite directions for the opponents. A figure can only be placed on an open cell, that is, on a point with 2 or more opponent's stones.

The values ​​on each of the 2 dice are separate moves. When doubled, the value on each die plays twice, the gamer must use two charge values. When the situation is such that it is possible to play a single number, he is obliged to do so. If it is possible to move the checkers individually according to the rolled values, the larger rolled number should be played. The player skips a move if he cannot make it.

How to beat a stone

A blot is a triangle containing a single shape. The blot is considered beaten and moves to the bar when the partner's chip stops in this triangle. If one or more chips hit the bar, the player's primary task is to remove them. The checker can be returned to the playing field using the number of dots rolled on the die as the designation of the point number. If the holes corresponding to the values ​​of the dice are not free, the gamer gives way to the opponent.

A distinctive feature of Caucasian backgammon is that a player cannot beat a partner's chip in his house, and then hide. That is, if your stone has beaten an opponent's piece, you will not be able to put it on a cell next to your other stone during the same move. But at the same time, you can remove your checker from the field or put another stone on the attacker and move it further.

How to remove stones from the field

When 15 checkers are in the house, you can start removing them from the board. Throwing a couple of zar, a gamer can throw stones from the holes outside the field, the numbers of which match the numbers on the bones. If a number has fallen out, and the triangle with the corresponding number is empty, you can remove the chip from the point, the number of which is greater than the number of points dropped out. There can be no draw in a duel in Caucasian backgammon. The player whose chips left the playing field first wins.

Backgammon (other common names: backgammon, backgammon), tavla, shesh-besh, kosha - an ancient oriental game. The homeland of this game is not exactly known, but it is known that people have been playing this game for more than 5000 years, For example, the oldest of the boards for playing backgammon was found in Iran (in Shahri-Sukhta) and dates back to about 3000 BC An analogue of this game was found in the tomb of Pharaoh Tutankhamen (XV BC. .).

Backgammon rules are simple and novice players can easily master them, but nevertheless, in order to win, you need logical thinking and, of course, luck. There are two main varieties - and backgammon. Backgammon game consists of a special board, 30 checkers of two different colors and two dice). The game is played by 2 players.

Short backgammon

Starting position

Fig 1. Board with checkers in initial position. An arrangement that is mirror-symmetrical to that shown in the figure is also possible. The house in it is located on the left, and the courtyard - respectively on the right.

Fig 2. Direction of movement of white checkers. The black checkers move in the opposite direction.

Rice. 3. Two ways white can play

Short backgammon (Fig. 1) is a game for two players on a board consisting of twenty-four narrow triangles called points. The triangles alternate in color and are grouped into four groups of six triangles each. These groups are called - house, yard, house of the enemy, yard of the enemy. The house and the yard are separated from each other by a plank that protrudes above the playing field and is called a bar.

Points are numbered for each player separately, starting from the house of this player. The farthest point is the 24th point, which is also the first point for the opponent. Each player has 15 checkers. The initial arrangement of checkers is as follows: each of the players has two checkers in the twenty-fourth point, five in the thirteenth, three in the eighth and five in the sixth.

Purpose of the game- transfer all your checkers to your home and then remove them from the board. The first player to remove all of their checkers wins the game.

Checkers movement

Players take turns throwing two dice and making moves.

The number on each die indicates how many points, or steps, the player must move his checkers. Checkers always move in only one direction (Fig. 2) - from points with large numbers to points with smaller ones.

The following rules apply:

A checker can only move to an open point, that is, one that is not occupied by two or more checkers of the opposite color.

The numbers on both dice make up separate moves.

For example, if the player rolled 5 and 3 (Fig. 3), then:

He can move one checker for three steps, and the other for five,

Or he can move with one checker eight (five plus three) steps at once, but the last one only if the intermediate point (at a distance of three or five steps from the starting point) is also open.

The player who rolled the double plays each of the numbers on each of the dice twice. For example, if the roll is 6-6, then the player must make four moves of six points, and he can move the checkers in any combination he sees fit.

The player must use both numbers he has drawn if they are allowed by the rules (or all four numbers if he has a double). When only one number can be played, the player must play that number.

If each of the numbers is playable individually (but not both together), the player must play the higher number.

If a player cannot make a move, then he skips a move. In case of a double, if the player cannot use all four numbers, he must play as many moves as possible.

How to beat and charge a checker

A point occupied by only one checker is called a blot. If a checker of the opposite color stops at this point, the blot is considered beaten and is placed on the bar. At any time when one or more checkers are on the bar, the player's first duty is to load the checkers in the opponent's home. The checker enters the game by moving to the point corresponding to the discarded value of the die.

For example, if a player has rolled 4 and 6, he can charge a checker to the fourth or sixth points, if they are not occupied by two or more opponent's checkers.

If both points corresponding to the values ​​of the rolled dice are occupied, the player skips his turn.

If a player can bring in some of his checkers but not all of them, he must charge all the checkers he can and then skip the remainder of his turn. Once all the checkers have been entered from the bar, the unused dice values ​​can be used as usual by moving the checker you loaded or any other checker.

How to throw away checkers

When a player has brought all his fifteen checkers to his home, he can start to throw them off the board. The player throws a checker as follows: a pair of dice is thrown, and the checkers that are on the points corresponding to the dropped values ​​are removed from the board. For example, if 6 points fell out, you can remove the checker from the sixth point.

If there is not a single checker on the point corresponding to the dropped die, the player is allowed to move the checker from points greater than the dropped number. If a player can make any moves, he is not obliged to throw a checker off the board.

In the stage of throwing out the checkers, all the checkers of the player must be in his home. If a checker is beaten in the process of dropping checkers, then the player must bring the checker back to his home before he continues to drop checkers. The first player to remove all checkers from the board wins the game.

Rules of the game

The number of players is two. The number of checkers on the board is 15 for each player.

The place of the initial location of the checkers, each of the players is called the head, and the move from the initial position is called "from the head" or "take from the head." Only one checker can be taken from the head in one move.

The player rolls two dice at the same time. Having made a throw, the player must move any checker by a number of cells equal to the rolled number of one of the cubes, and then any one checker - by a number of cells equal to the rolled number of the other cube. Those. if, for example, six or five fell on the dice, the player must move one checker six cells, and then any one (it can be the same, it can be different) by five cells. At the same time, only one checker can always be taken from the head. The only exception is the first throw in the game. If one checker, which can be removed from the head, passes, then you can remove the second one. There are only three such stones for the first player: six-six, four-four and three-three (opponent's checkers standing on their heads interfere). If one of these stones falls out, the player removes two checkers from his head. For the second player, the number of stones at which two checkers can be removed from the head increases, since it prevents the first stone from passing, not only the head, but also the stone removed by the opponent has the right. If the opponent threw with the first throw: two-one, six-two or five-five, then the second player can remove the second checker also with throws five-five and six-two (except: six-six, four-four and three-three, which also do not go directly).

You cannot move two checkers by the number of cells indicated by one die. Those. if the dice rolled - six-five, the player cannot move one checker, for example, to three and the other to three cells, so that together it turns out six, and then go "five".

If a hollow fell out, i.e. the same points on two dice, for example, five or five, the player makes four moves (for the corresponding number of dice cells).

You can not place your checker on a square occupied by an opponent's checker. If a checker hits an occupied cell, then they say about it that it "does not go". If the opponent's checkers occupy six squares in front of a checker, then this checker is locked.

It is impossible to block all fifteen checkers of the opponent. That is, it is possible to build a barrier of six checkers in a row only if at least one checker of the opponent is in front of this barrier.

If the player cannot make a single move by the number of points that fell on each die, i.e. if the checkers do not move, then the points disappear, and the checkers do not move.

If a player can make a move for the number of points that fell on one of the dice, and cannot make a move for the number of points that fell on the second die, he makes only the move that is possible, and the rest of the points disappear.

If a player has the opportunity to make a full move, he is obliged to make it even to the detriment of his own interests. If a stone is dropped that allows the player to make only one move, and any of the two, then the player must choose more. The smaller points are gone. The meaning of the game is to, having passed all the checkers a full circle, come to the house with them and throw out all the checkers before the opponent does.

The home for each player is the last quarter of the playing field, starting from the square 18 squares from the head. Throwing away checkers means making moves with them so that the checkers are off the board. A player can only start discarding checkers when all of his checkers have arrived at home.

There is no one. If the player who started first has thrown away all his checkers, and the second player can also make the next throw, the second player is considered a loser, since there will be no next throw: the game ends as soon as one of the players has thrown all his checkers.

Short Backgammon is an online game project, which is one of many varieties ancient game in backgammon, for two players on the board, which consists of 24 narrow triangles - points.

These triangles are divided into four groups, each of which has six such triangles. Such groups have their own name: their house, their yard, the house of the enemy, the yard of the enemy. The territories of the yard and the house are separated by a bar that protrudes above the playing field and is called the "bar".

To successfully move through the gameplay and defeat opponents, you will need knowledge of the main rules of the game, which you can then use to your advantage. Our knowledge base will help you get this knowledge.

Rules of the game "Short backgammon"

In this game project, you can get success in a duel with an enemy to a large extent with the help of your own skills, unlike " Long backgammon". This was the reason that tournaments are held in the west and more time is spent playing in short backgammon.

The key differences between playing "Short Backgammon" and playing "Long Backgammon" are:

  • placement of checkers;
  • drawing of beaten checkers.

To start the game, each of the opponents throws one zara. Thus, it is determined who will make the first move and what numbers will be used by him. If the values ​​that fell out at dawn are the same for both opponents, then the process is repeated until different values ​​are dropped. The opponent, who has a larger number on the heads, starts moving the checkers first, respectively, with the numbers on both heads.

In this game project, at the end of the first move, the opponents take turns throwing both balls. The dropped number on each dawn tells you how many points you need to move your checkers. Checkers always move in only one direction: starting from points with large numbers and ending with points with smaller numbers.

The main goal of the game in "Short backgammon"

Your task is to transfer all your chips to your own "home" and then remove them from the board. This must be done before the moment when your opponent removes his last checker. This is the only way you can win the game.

Starting position of checkers

Short backgammon is an online game project designed to be played by two participants. The virtual board is lined with 24 narrow triangles, whose name is points. All these triangles alternate in color and are combined into groups consisting of six triangles in each.

These points also have their own numbering, and this numbering is provided for each opponent separately and begins with "home". For each of the opponents, the home is the territory of the last quarter of the playing field for him. The beginning of the "house" is the point on which there are five stones in the initial position.

The farthest point is the 24th, which in turn is the 1st point for your opponent. To play "Short backgammon" you, like your opponent, are given 15 checkers. Initial arrangement of checkers: 2 checkers in the 24th point, 5 in the 13th, 3 in the 8th and 5 in the 6th.

In the classic version of the game, each of the opponents has its own pair of dice. In Backgammon Arena, of course, there is only one pair of such bones.

Starting lot

In order to determine which of the opponents will start the game process first, as well as which numbers will be used for his first move, you need to roll one die. If the result is the same, the die is rolled until the numbers rolled are different.

Movement of game pieces

In this game project, the movement of a checker is possible only to an open point, on which there is not a single opponent's chip or there is only one.

Having made the first move, the opponents roll the dice in turn, and move the chips in accordance with the rolled numbers. You can move the checkers in only one direction from the points with the highest numbers to the points with the smallest numbers. For some chips, this is a movement behind the clock hand, for others - against.

The numbers that appear on both dice represent individual moves. For example, if you rolled 4 and 5, then you can move one of your chips by four points, and the second by five. There is also an option to move only one chip nine points (4+5=9), but this is only possible if the intermediate point, which is four or five points away from the initial one, is also free.

If you were lucky and got a double, that is, there are two identical numbers on each die, then you need to make such four moves. For example, you get 5-5, then you must make four moves of five. It also gives you the right to move the pieces in any combination you see fit.

You must use both numbers that are rolled if allowed by the rules, or all four numbers if the double is rolled. If you can play only one number, then you simply must play it. If the dropped numbers can be played separately (you can’t place it), then you need to play a larger number. If you can’t make a move in any way, then you let the enemy go forward. If, when a double occurs, you do not have the opportunity to use all four moves, then you need to play as much as the situation allows at the moment.

How to beat and charge a chip

In an online game of backgammon, a point on which there is only one chip is called a "blot". At the moment when the opponent's chip stops in this place, then this blot is considered beaten, and the chip must be put on the bar. In this game project, it is necessary, and it is fashionable, so to speak, to place two chips on one point, thus protecting them from battle. For,

To be able to make double chips, you need to roll the dice. Doubled chips cannot be beaten, nor can you place your own chips there. If you have the opportunity to go to a point where there is already more than one enemy chip, then the chip “does not go”. If the six points in front of your pawn are occupied by the opponent's doubled pawns, then your pawn becomes "locked". Until that time, while there is this barrier, the chip will not be able to make any movements.


It is forbidden: kill the opponent's piece and "hide". Moving such a piece back in the same move to place it on a point with another piece and make it double and thus protect it from being beaten is not possible.


  • beat the opponent's chip and cover your chip with another;
  • beat the opponent's chip and move on to the place of a free point, that is, do not hide;
  • beat the opponent's piece and discard.

Backgammon rules stipulate that if there are your chips on the bar, then your first duty is to charge them at the opponent's house. The return of the chip to the game occurs on the condition that it enters the point, which is equal to the value that fell at dawn. For example, if you get a combination of 3 and 5, then you have the right to charge a chip in the fifth or third paragraph, provided that there are not two or more opponent's chips there.

If both points that you have dropped out are occupied by at least two chips, then you skip your turn. If you do not have the opportunity to enter all the checkers, according to the numbers drawn at dawn, then they disappear. Once you have removed all the chips from the bar, you will be able to make normal moves and move any chip you want.

How to discard chips

As soon as you bring all your chips into the house, the process of throwing chips out of the game begins. In "Backgammon" it is necessary to throw out a chip in this way: chips and dice that stand on the points, respectively, with the dropped points, are discarded and removed from the playing field.

Rules for throwing chips:

  • the chip standing on the point is removed, which corresponds to the value dropped out at dawn. For example, if you got a zara with number 6, then you can throw out a chip that is on the sixth point. If at this point you do not have a single chip, then it is allowed to move a checker from points, the number of which is less than that dropped out at dawn;
  • moves any chip inside the house with a large number. That is, if you get a triple, then the chip is subject to movement from the fifth point to three positions, that is, to position number two, even if there is a chip on the third;
  • the chip standing on the point with a smaller number is removed, in the absence of chips on the point in accordance with the dropped number and at a higher value than the value of the dropped out charge. That is, if you get the number 4 and at the same time there are no chips on points 4, 5 and 6, then you can discard the chip that is on point 3. If there are no chips on point 3, then you can throw off from point 2 and so on;
  • while moving a chip in the inner part of the playing field, and at the same time, having killed an opponent's chip, it is forbidden to throw out this chip or a pair of chips.

In the discard stage, all chips must be in your home. If a chip is hit during the discard process, you must bring it back to the house before continuing to discard the tiles. The one who first threw all his chips from the playing field and wins this game.

In the online game "Short Backgammon", the situation when the loser managed to throw at least one chip is called "oin". The losing "oin" should be paid only a single bet. The situation when the loser failed to throw a single chip is called "mars". The losing mars has to pay double the bet.


As a rule, backgammon is played by placing bets. With each new level, the stakes increase. During the game process, if you feel your great advantage in the game, then you can offer your opponent to “dave” - to give up or double the bets. The opponent can make a decision and give up or double the bet only before he rolls the dice.

Both opponents have the initial right to offer "dave". At the time when the offer is made, accepted, and the bet is increased, the right to make a “dave” is given only to the player who accepted it earlier. Before the game begins, the opponents agree on how the stakes will increase: in a geometric (2, 4, 8) or arithmetic (1, 2, 3, 4) progression.

Counter doubling the bet in the same game is called "bass" or "redouble". If one of the opponents surrenders at the moment, then he loses the number of points that was at stake in front of this redouble. Otherwise, the cube passes to him, and the game continues with twice the bet again. There is no limit on the number of "redubles" in the game.

The special “dave” cube has faces with the numbers 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64 for the multiplicity of the bet increase. Thus, it shows how many times the current rate increases. With the use of the dove cube, the excitement in backgammon rises more, because the amount of the initial bet can increase 64 times.

During the game of short backgammon with "dave", there is no "mars".

Additional rules

More widespread in the game "Backgammon" received some additional rules.

  • Auto-double If the same number of points falls out, the bets are doubled on the first move. The rotation of the cube occurs in twos, after which the cube remains in the middle of the board. Usually, an agreement is made between opponents in advance to limit the number of auto-double at the beginning of the game process. The use of this rule usually occurs for more excitement.
  • Beaver. If you have been called “dave”, then you have the opportunity to immediately double your bet. To do this, an oncoming redouble beaver is announced, in this case the cube remains with you. If you were the first to accept "dave", then you need to make a decision: do you agree to this beaver or not. With a negative decision, you lose already doubled bet.
  • Jacobi rule. Mars and coke are considered to be one point, provided that "dave" is not announced by any of the opponents during the gameplay. This rule speeds up the game, since the situation with the announcement of "dave" is eliminated, since the desire of opponents to play "mars".

Includes a board divided into two halves, 15 checkers for each player and two dice called Zara. Initially, players line up checkers in one line (head) on opposite halves of the board. Next, the first move is determined. Players take turns throwing one die at a time. Whose dice will have a larger number, he goes first. If both players have the same number, then the rolls are repeated.

The player who received the first move throws two dice and moves the checker from the head to the number that fell on the dice. At different numbers on dice, a player can move only one checker from his head. If during the first move the player has the maximum value of 6 and 6 on both bones, then two checkers are removed from the head at once. The same rule applies to the player who moves second.

Players then move in turn, throwing two dice. The bones must necessarily fall on one side of the board and evenly. If the dice fell out of the board, fell to the other side, or stood up unevenly, then the player rerolls the dice. Checkers move to empty places, for one player from left to right, for another - from right to left. The player is obliged to make a move if he has a place where he can put a checker. If all the places are occupied by the opponent, then the player skips a turn.

When two identical values ​​appear on the dice (double), the player's move is doubled and he can move four checkers at a time. The essence of the game is to be the first to overtake all the checkers from the head to the opposite side of the board, which is called the house, and then to be the first to throw them out of the house outside the board.

How to throw checkers

When throwing checkers, players also throw two dice. If the number that fell on the dice coincided with the number on which the checker stands, then it can be thrown away. But the player can also make a move in the house, if the value on the bones allows you to move the checker closer to the edge of the board. If the checkers are closer to the edge, and the player has a higher value, then the checker is thrown, the number of which is closest to the value on the bones. The player who first removes all checkers from the board wins.