Cancer and Virgo - compatibility between men and women. Stability and security: compatibility of Virgo man with Cancer woman Cancer man with Virgo woman mutual understanding

He is a representative of the water element. She is the embodiment of earthly energy. Their union is a smooth surface with all-consuming tenderness and refined depth. As if they were made for each other - this is how this characteristic spins in your head when you see the pair “Cancer man/Virgo woman”.

Virgo is peaceful, calm and stable in her feelings. These are the qualities the Cancer guy looks for in a partner. After all, this can fully give him the tender care and reliable guardianship that he needs on a subconscious level. Virgo is not at all averse to playing the role of mommy in a relationship. That's all Cancer, overwhelmed by immeasurable love for his real mother, needs from his beloved.

A faithful companion without a hint of cruelty - this is what a Virgo woman is like in a love relationship. Cancer will enjoy this, although in return he may not be able to give her the brightness of feelings and impressions that she needs. True, the Virgo woman just has to be patient - and she will get everything. After all, the “Cancer” shell only at first seems impenetrable.

Yes, “on the surface” a Cancer man may even seem somewhat cold and calculating. But in reality he is very vulnerable and romantic. The truth of life is that many romantics have to hide behind a veneer of restraint, and Cancers even more so. After all, as soon as you open up to them, you can get injured. Cancer men are very susceptible to criticism; they experience grievances for a long time and painfully. In addition, they live with the attitude that weakness does not make a man look good.

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Therefore, the Cancer guy, even in close personal relationships, tries for as long as possible not to expose his trembling nature.
The solution is simple: surround him with your warmth and love - and then a wonderful romantic will appear before you in the form of a Cancer man. He will be touched by the beauty of the spring morning, bringing you breakfast in bed; give flowers in honor of the next date of acquaintance; take you to the beach at night to make wishes on falling stars together... All this will happen. But over time, at first he will want to appear brutal and callous in front of you (as in front of everyone around him). After all, he is so afraid to open up in tender feelings and stumble upon misunderstanding. He is afraid of insults because he is very vulnerable and has difficulty reconciling after them. There is a rational grain in this: it is better to play it safe and prevent bad things from happening than to get burned and suffer.

But if you earn his trust, then a new wonderful world will open up before you. In the zodiac sense, the Cancer man is protected by the Moon. And she gifts her charges with dreaminess and imagination. But from this side he opens up only to the closest people. And it is with the Virgo woman that he often manages to achieve that level of comfort and security in which the Cancer guy can fully open his soul and let it into his heart.

Cancer man and Virgo woman: an unimaginable level of trust

It turns out that between a Cancer man and a Virgo woman, if not absolute, then the greatest possible trust arises. And this largely depends on her natural character qualities.

Virgo girls are not inclined to ask for anything and deliberately demand from their chosen ones. This inspires confidence in Cancer. Cancers are very afraid that all women are mercantile individuals who base their relationships with men on profit. If this is not even a material benefit, but a psychological one, for example, male protection and guardianship, then Cancer is still alarmed by selfishness and he backs away. He is simply afraid that if he ever fails to cope with his “responsibilities,” the girl will stop loving him and leave him. And this is very painful and difficult for him.

So, the advantage of a Virgo girl in a relationship with a Cancer man is that she initially presents herself not as a contender for his hand and heart, but as a good friend who can understand, support and encourage if something happens. But this does not mean that she turns into a shirt-guy. No, the Virgo girl always behaves feminine and sophisticated, and this cannot but delight the romantic Cancer. After all, she is full of natural grace, sophistication and sexuality. Moreover, she is not ashamed to show her inner emotionality: to cry sentimentally, getting emotional while watching a film; appear weak in something; vividly admire the beauty of the surrounding world. And so little by little, after weeks of such unobtrusive communication, the Cancer man realizes that he is very attached to his Virgo, that he feels good with her and under no circumstances should he lose her... How sweet and wonderful that is!

What good does a Virgo woman get from a Cancer man?

At first, Virgo will enjoy the fact that the guy sees in her not breasts and butt, but a personality. It is very important for a deep and insightful representative of this sign to feel an interest in her inner world, and not to be a banal sexual object for a man.

Due to her qualities (which, at first glance, may seem like shortcomings and a manifestation of “male weakness”), Cancer will enthusiastically listen to her reasoning about the meaning of life, feel for a thread of spiritual intimacy with her and share her interests. At the same time, without trying to quickly drag her into bed.

This, in turn, allows the Virgo girl to relax, feel safe and cast her magic spell. Girls of this sign are more than endowed with charm by Mercury, their patron planet. Over time, the Virgo woman will open her soul to him, in the depths of which he will see a little defenseless girl who needs male care.

In this way, the relationship between a Cancer man and a Virgo woman will develop slowly, grow out of friendly intimacy, and not ignite instantly from the outbreak of sparks of passion. This is an excellent basis for concluding a strong marriage, in which that textbook advice and love will reign.

The love relationship of a Virgo woman with a Cancer man must have a strong foundation - mutual respect and absolute confidence in the partner. Of course, nothing can be guaranteed in this life, even in the business sphere, and even more so when it comes to sensual matters. But it seems that this particular couple will miraculously pass away the instability of love life. From the first day they met, they slowly and confidently move towards marriage.

What can stop them from doing this? There is a small chance that one day a Virgo girl will think about her career. It is possible that she will combine it with starting a family, but perhaps Virgo will want to devote herself entirely to something. At some point, this pragmatic beauty may put her personal ambitions and interests above love happiness. Cancer is quite capable of saving the situation. After all, he will reasonably prove that he will be the ideal husband who safely provides for the entire family and allows his wife to devote herself entirely and carefree to the children. If a Virgo girl has Napoleonic ambitions, it is possible that she will not want to sacrifice them even for the sake of such ideal family happiness.

But most likely, if this couple comes to planning a marriage, Virgo will not give up her Cancer. And even more so, she will not leave him and their cozy family nest after the wedding. In this case, their conversation can only be about the degree to which she is busy at work. And it is quite likely that with the birth of children, the Virgo spouse will neglect her professional activities in the name of caring for her children.

Advice to the Cancer man: under no circumstances should you give ultimatums to your beloved Virgo. She, of course, will choose you, but deep down she will harbor a grudge - and the relationship will be greatly damaged, perhaps even without the right to a “full recovery.”

Basically, an idyll reigns in the marriage of Cancers and Virgos. In their house you will almost never hear screams or scandals. They are so calm and understanding towards each other that they are excellent at resolving misunderstandings and conflict situations diplomatically and peacefully. In addition, the simplicity of trusting friendships does not disappear from the deep palette of their love over the years. It cannot be said that they are, first of all, partners, but they value this facet of their intimacy no less than the sexual and sensual.

The fact that they both love comfort, cleanliness and order also unconditionally contributes to the success of their family event. So, together, they will create an ideal atmosphere in their nest with a comfortable arrangement of the internal space, where impeccable order will reign every day, seven days a week, almost by itself.

As for the children, the Cancer man will have no disagreements with the Virgo woman in raising them. They both have enough moral strength and tact for this and will pay enough attention to the kids. And children are the mirror of the family. They will please their parents with their diligent behavior and give them joy. Harmony - this is one word that can describe this family.

Sex in a couple of Virgo women and Cancer men

Sexual intimacy in the relationship between Cancers and Virgos is not the main thing. But they can give each other not only tenderness, but also sensual passion. Of course, in the initial stages of a relationship, a man and a woman will flash sparks of attraction, but their sedate mind and warm feelings will always be higher than this.

In the future, even bed compatibility between a Virgo girl and a Cancer man will be based more on emotional, psychological and spiritual intimacy than on animal instincts. But they strive to understand each other deeply at all levels. Therefore, even in bed, a Cancer man and a Virgo woman can have intimate conversations in order to better understand the desires and preferences of their partner.

What there won’t be in sex between a Cancer man and a Virgo woman is crazy experiments. Cancers are quite conservative at all levels. And Virgo doesn’t need anything super original to experience pleasure in sex. True, over time they will begin to feel each other so much that they will simply surrender to the tenderness of their bodies. And at this level, without any technical training, they can go beyond the limits. This will not be a purposeful, forced event, but rather will become a special natural communication at the level of physical bodies - a kind of tangible merging of souls. It should also be noted that final satisfaction in its strictest sense will never be the goal of their sexual relationship.

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This is an excellent union, somewhat boring from the outside, but more than suitable for both Cancer and Virgo.

They are similar in many ways, but with their differing features they complement each other well. Therefore, there are almost no quarrels in the couple and mutual understanding reigns. If they quarrel, it is rarely and unnoticed by others: both are not supporters of “Spanish passions.”

Cancer-Virgo compatibility: how to seduce a Virgo man?

The Cancer woman will charm the Virgo with tenderness and femininity. The Virgo man, deep down, is not self-confident, timid, does not like publicity and does not believe that he can get a real fairy-tale princess - dreamy, sensitive and caring. Cancer should not use bright makeup, flashy sexy clothes and provocative manners if she is interested in Virgo. This man chooses a woman to match himself - calm, quiet and not too active. What will be his delight when he discovers in her those traits that turn her into a fairy from dreams: tenderness, sensitivity and romance. Therefore, Cancer does not need to hide his vulnerable nature and defenselessness. Even if a Cancer woman has settled well in life (and she, for example, knows how to handle money and organize her life), she must show Virgo that she needs moral support and protection. The Virgo man will carry her in his arms and protect her from problems.

What does an ideal couple look like: a Cancer woman and a Virgo man?

These are nice, calm, quiet people. They do not like to be the center of attention, both are cautious and fearful, so they avoid dubious, risky and simply bright undertakings. Sometimes both can be hysterical and vindictive; among their loved ones they are famous for being able to demonstrate their character by demonstratively taking offense at someone or each other. Both love to be pitied. That is, from the outside this is not an ideal couple at all, but for the two of them it suits perfectly. Virgo in this relationship receives not only care (he himself takes good care of his loved ones), but also fresh feelings, romance, the opportunity to take a break from reality (and safe romance that does not require any action). Cancer feels in Virgo someone who is similar to her, understanding, but more practical and reliable, and understands that this protection is enough for her to feel calm. If they have a common life, then over time they become prosperous. They lack the scale to achieve great wealth, but they know how to work and save.

What are the difficulties in a union between a Cancer woman and a Virgo man?

The Virgo man is outwardly a peaceful and pleasant person, but in reality he often turns out to be insensitive. He knows no limits in criticism and nit-picking, which hurts Cancer. Cancer is very sensitive to comments, and Virgo showers them left and right. His jokes lack kindness, his petty quibbles offend. But the Cancer woman remembers grievances for a long time, and they accumulate and accumulate until Virgo finds next to her a woman who hates him, who, at best, will leave, and at worst, will also take revenge. There will also be difficulties with money. Both signs are practical. But Virgo is unaware of the rationality of her dreamy companion! When he understands that she is excellent at managing money and economic issues, he can share these concerns with her, or he can pull the blanket over himself, having gotten used to the fact that in these areas the main word is his. Cancer won't make a fuss. She will quietly play her game behind Virgo’s back, collecting a good reserve for a rainy day.

The Cancer woman will have to come to terms with the fact that her partner is not as romantic and receptive as she is. In fact, he is not evil and, to be honest, the Cancer woman is stronger in a pair, not the Virgo man. She will be able to gradually “take control of him.” Virgo easily makes concessions and does not fight for power. Peaceful by nature, he will not criticize and be sarcastic beyond measure if he knows that a scandal will follow. So this is exactly the case when Cancer does not need to accumulate grievances within himself. Two or three stormy scenes - and Virgo will begin to hone his wit on someone else, and not at home on Cancer. In financial matters, everything will work out if Cancer shows why her participation in them is beneficial. When Virgo is convinced that he and Rakini have common goals, that she is thrifty and manages the house well, he will not control her spending and will definitely listen to her advice, or even give her control of the common money.

Numerology by date of birth is a wonderful tool that allows you to find out all the features and subtleties of the character of your loved one. Compatibility analysis by date of birth is the key to successful and harmonious relationships.

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Compatibility of Cancer woman and Virgo man at work

Both are good responsible workers. They do not argue with each other, are busy with their part of the work, and are practical. Such a couple will not engage in personal matters while working, quarrel with colleagues and intrigue. True, both love to gossip, but not maliciously and over trifles.

Compatibility of Cancer woman and Virgo man - colleagues or partners

There is a good understanding between them. If Virgo does not offend Cancer with criticism, but begins to speak out exclusively on the matter, then their work will be productive. They both know how to manage money and can be entrusted with financial matters. But the business partnership will be long, but not very successful - both do not like to take risks, are cautious, they lack brilliance, courage and excitement.

When a Cancer woman is a boss and a Virgo man is a subordinate

This is a good union. The Cancer boss is calm and persistent. She and Virgo are similar in many ways, but Cancer is more decisive. The Virgo subordinate loves to work, but he needs guidance, and preferably gentle leadership that does not hurt his pride. The Cancer boss knows how to lead in a non-aggressive style.

When a Cancer woman is a subordinate, and a Virgo man is a boss

The Virgo boss is not malicious, petty picky and boring. The Cancer woman is impressed by his meticulousness; she herself does not like to miss the little things. He does not require speed or enthusiasm, and strives to maintain a smooth rhythm of work in the team. Difficulties arise between them only when something goes wrong: Virgo is always looking for someone to blame, and this “someone” may turn out to be the quiet, sensitive Rakin.

Compatibility of Cancer woman and Virgo man in friendship

These are highly compatible signs in friendship. They both love quiet, calm leisure, are more contemplative than active, and avoid risk and the attention of others. Both are boring and often their leisure time consists of leisurely walks and boring, at an outside glance, conversations and discussions. It’s good that they have the same attitude towards money - both will not spend on trifles. From this friendship, Virgo gets the opportunity to dream, forget about everyday life, and give free rein to deeply hidden imagination. Cancer likes Virgo’s calmness and lack of conflict; she can tell him everything and get support. If they are not free, then they are unlikely to cheat on their “halves,” but a serious relationship can begin, even if they already have partners. Therefore, their couples should be wary of this friendship - if the compatibility of Cancer and Virgo with their partners is not as strong as with each other, they are able to change their choice.

There will be no passion in this union, but it will result in wonderful partnerships or family relationships. characterized by the fact that they are an excellent complement to each other.

This is a meeting of two partners who are interested in being together. Cancer brings emotionality and sensuality to relationships, while Virgo brings cold rationality and sober thinking. Virgo's down-to-earth nature helps her not to depend on her partner's mood swings and even calm him down during periods of depression without compromising her own moral health. The only problem in the union of these two opposites is Cancer's desire for possessiveness and Virgo's reluctance to tolerate any restriction of freedom.

The compatibility of the signs Cancer and Virgo does not allow them to experience the whole gamut of feelings - from timid tenderness to all-consuming passion. However, they find their happiness in joint practical activities. This couple can achieve good heights in society thanks to their pragmatism. Each of the partners needs financial stability like air, and they achieve it together. And in their ability to preserve their accumulated wealth, Cancer and Virgo have no equal among the signs of the Zodiac. Combined with the stability of the emotional background, such relationships can last forever and become a good foundation for a strong family. Perhaps they will still be missing something, so it is much better if Cancer and Virgo meet each other at a more mature age, when they already have some experience. Cancer, after a stormy period of romantic life, needs calm waters, and Virgo, who has experienced the bitterness of youthful failures, is looking for peace.

Compatibility between Cancer and Virgo is quite natural; they do not have to make sacrifices to be partners. Everyone remains themselves, while finding their other half. They harmoniously complement each other. Their union becomes so deep and reliable that Cancer and Virgo can no longer live outside of this relationship.

Sexual compatibility between Cancer and Virgo

Cancer attracts Virgo with its mystery and attractiveness. He skillfully seduces her, hiding her self-doubt under the guise of gallant charm. He perfectly feels what is going on in Virgo’s soul, and uses it to his advantage. Virgo's emotional coldness helps her to adequately perceive the chaotic manifestations of her partner's feelings and act calmly on him. Possessing sober realism, Virgo is not capable of all-consuming passion and unearthly tenderness. However, Cancer will still receive from her what he needs so much: care and a calm, stable relationship. Perhaps their intimate relationship will not be something exciting, but both partners are satisfied with peace and regularity in everything.

Compatibility: Cancer man and Virgo woman

This ratio of signs is very favorable for both partners. The Virgo woman is the one with whom Cancer will feel comfortable and safe. All his fears will go away, and his emotional background will stabilize. With her prudence, Virgo has a calming influence on her partner, making him more self-confident and restoring his ability to be a sweet, delicate and gallant gentleman. Cancer, in turn, invites Virgo into its sensual world, revealing to her the expanses of previously unexplored sensations. The Virgo woman is very tactful.

At first she is a little cold, but then she becomes truly close to Cancer, without invading his personal space, which he so fiercely protects. She can only slightly guide his feelings and thoughts, permeating his being with threads of logical reasoning. In union with a Cancer man, Virgo acquires a special sensuality and discovers facets of character that she had not previously suspected.

The relationship between a Cancer man and a Virgo woman is like a smooth lake. There is no storm and passion, but there is respect and mutual understanding, which makes the union so strong and durable.

Compatibility: Cancer woman and Virgo man

The Virgo man is not too confident in himself. He is timid, a little shy and in everything that concerns the weaker sex, he is not experienced enough. Having met a Cancer woman, deep down he thinks that he is not worthy of such a fairy-tale princess. The dreaminess and sensitivity of this girl amazes and delights Virgo. A woman born under the sign of Cancer should not hide her sentimental nature in a relationship with a Virgo man, since he is very impressed by this. He is looking for a partner who has qualities that match his inner world. The chosen one of the Virgo man should be calm and quiet. Having discovered boundless sensuality in the Cancer woman, the Virgo man will be pleasantly surprised. The compatibility of the signs Cancer and Virgo in this ratio is very favorable. She is gentle and caring, and he forgives her for minor antics and inconstancy of the emotional background, slightly directing her actions in the right direction, and on occasion, offering a vest so that his beloved can cry.

Business compatibility between Cancer and Virgo

The joint work of Cancer and Virgo will be very fruitful and bring practical benefits. When it comes to making money, this couple has no equal. in business it is based on personal friendly relationships. Being friends in life, they can easily work together in any field of activity. However, none of the partners should go too far and try to seize the leadership; the ideal option for them is precisely consolidation of efforts. The cooperation of Cancer and Virgo is very favorable for both.

    A Cancer man and a Virgo woman are probably just a match made in heaven. The signs are very different in essence, but when they meet, in my opinion, a symbiosis occurs, called love. And as you know, feelings give people the opportunity to understand each other and accept the behavior of a person who is dear to them. Cancer man and Virgo woman are, in my opinion, the most compatible zodiac signs.

    In theory everything is good, but in practice it is completely different, unfortunately.
    My best friend is a Virgo, and my husband is a Cancer. They don't get along at all, that is, at all. How many times have we tried to go somewhere with our families - constant dissatisfaction. Like a cat and a dog. Everything infuriates them, starting with the way they dress and talk.
    One could suspect passion between them, but we have known each other for too many years, and the situation has not changed.
    By the way, both my friend’s husband and I are Aquarius.

    • Likewise. I'm a Cancer, she was a Virgo. She always needs something, always worrying, fussing over little things. She was constantly tugging, although she could understand that if I do, then everything is thought out to the smallest detail, even accidents are provided for in the plan)) She was also infuriated by my slowness. So what if he’s slow, I can do everything I need perfectly well, but with her claims, she was only doing brain work and was of no use ((She kept me constantly on edge - my nerves went to hell ((And I’m a better cook than her)) and not homely at all. In some ways it was good sometimes, you just need a girl who isn’t brain-damaged))

    I'm a Virgo and my husband is a Cancer. We can't live together at all. I’ve never read horoscopes, but just now I was thinking about divorce and decided to read what the stars were saying. It turned out they were delusional.

    • Irina, you should pay your attention to the eastern horoscope - this is also not unimportant... It contains such subtleties as dominant signs and slaves, or Grigory Kvasha that do not suit each other at all... Well, or so via the Internet... All the best to you!

    And I fell head over heels in love with Cancer... I am unbearably drawn to him... he is married, this upsets me terribly... he also showed me signs of attention, but I don’t want to get involved in other people’s relationships. I stopped communicating with him, but I can’t forget... even sometimes he dreams... by the way, his wife is a Scorpio... they say that Cancer and Scorpio are all chicks and farts)?

    • And I’m a Cancer and fell in love with a married guy, he’s a Virgo, I’m attracted to him in the wrong way, but we’ve already been in a relationship for two years, we’re very suitable for each other. Only his wife also has cancer.

    After reading what was written above, I completely saw the light.... to say what is true is the same as remaining silent... I rarely write reviews, but in this case it’s simply impossible to resist! My story is old - more than 20 years, but I met one girl once and it was a very long time ago....there was, of course, romance and love...and all that, but I had to break up, I don’t know the reason! I have scales and a couple of adult children (what else does a person need)….the virgin has the same picture…and now we’ve been together again for 3 years and I’m happy and this can be compared to madness…

    I'm a Virgo, he's a Cancer. 8 months since we met on the Internet, he has his own maiden, girlfriend, our birthdays are mine on September 3rd, her 6th.... God, I fell in love! I confessed to him, but he just takes advantage of my love. Everything is as written in our communication, everything is true. Before him, I didn’t even know that Cancer was the sign I needed. Before that I was married to Capricorn, this is a sign that suits me perfectly, as they write everywhere... but Capricorn wanted a divorce, I hope he will regret his action, I loved him sincerely and devotedly, but he didn’t appreciate me, I’m not a gift either, but and I endured his shortcomings as best I could... But now it’s not about him, but about my beloved Cancer... I don’t know, he honestly warned that there was a girl, why did he need me... just for the collection... He is a very charming cutie! And what a smile he has, it just melts me. I don’t know what will happen next... even now, despite words of love and signs of attention on my part, he communicates with me less and less and I understand that he is dissolving... leaving me... We haven’t seen each other in real life, he works far away , many thousands of kilometers away, but he promised to come to me as soon as possible, and now I’ve been waiting for him for 8 months. A promise was made from me to no one and no way. Of course I'll hold him back! But will he keep his word? Or at least the word is that if he doesn’t need me, he will let me know. I hope he doesn’t leave in English, I can’t stand it!

    • Well, he came to me, many thousands of kilometers away))
      It was just friendly sex! and I saw him simple and with his shortcomings, now there is no longer that mind-blowing craving that was last year, but I like to just be next to him, just be and not expect anything. He was with me for only a week. Now I'm waiting for the continuation. More precisely, the opportunity to see him again... We'll see) But for the rest, I don't want anyone else, it's better to be alone!

    I am a Virgo, a potential Cancer partner. Out of curiosity, I decided to see if we are compatible at all. At this stage of the development of our relationship, everything is exactly as described), that is, everything is good and harmonious. What I feel is written in the compatibility horoscope, what he feels described there. It all depends on character and patience. So I think if something doesn’t work out for you, you don’t need to blame the stars for it

    I'm a Cancer, my ex-wife is a Virgo. 7 years of marriage, 5 of which they tolerated each other while married, and it all started after the wedding. Constant quarrels, scandals, complete lack of understanding. I became very attached to her, but seeing that our relationship was not healthy, I proposed to divorce, she turned out, admitted her mistakes and we lived peacefully for some time, then everything started again - again he proposed to separate on good terms, again she got scared and calmed down. But when I left for work in another city, I became pregnant by someone else, we went to court for half a year and divided the property - she wanted to take everything away from me!
    In my opinion, these are absolutely incompatible signs. Friends have a similar situation! Cancer is not ready to tolerate the selfishness and constant whims of a virgin! Cancer needs a reliable rear and peace in the house, which Virgo cannot give him.

    • Virgo, there is strife for a virgin too. And you don’t always immediately understand where and what your happiness is. And there is also the moment of whether you have met your true love, i.e. the person who caused this wonderful feeling, if you met, work for both. Here I can say from my own experience that if a Virgo understands that this person is the one she was waiting for and looking for, then in this case the Virgo, like no other person, is able to push back or adjust, if you like, her personal plans and desires regarding her career and many others things and all efforts, all actions and thoughts are then directed exclusively towards the Beloved. Then the understanding comes that, in principle, even what you did before was solely for the sake of this meeting, for the sake of this love. Maintaining a relationship is not easy and requires a fair amount of diligence and wisdom. Advice to all Virgo women, if you have met your Beloved Cancer, then use your selfishness correctly, often remind yourself of how you lived before this meeting, did anyone before him give you as many wonderful, exciting feelings of your own as this person, did you want to be with someone? then how to show your tenderness, sensitivity, care, kindness and affection towards him, was all this in demand from other men as well as by this man, was everything valued as much by others as by him? Then you will be able to be selfish to your heart’s content, there will be no offense, and you will be able to maintain the relationship. Every person is self-governing and if you understand what you want, what you need in life, what is more important and important for you personally, then your own selfishness can become a very good means for preserving and achieving what is important to you without infringing on your rights and desires Beloved! Virgo women, before entering into a relationship, decide for yourself, understand yourself, if your choice is family, then we plow and work exclusively for the family; if it’s a career, then we plow and work for a career, forget about relationships and don’t whine then about the unfortunate fate, and if you want both otherwise, then get ready to work twice as hard, but in the third case, you must still remember that for the sake of the Beloved and the family, it is the woman who may sometimes need to moderate her ambitions and appetites in her career. And you also need to look at yourself more often and make demands on yourself, and not on others. Maybe you don’t have what your loved one needs. The choice is yours to work on yourself, to cultivate something new in yourself and preserve, or even increase Love, or to let everything take its course, fold your hands and ultimately lose even what you already have. It's up to each of us to decide. And not for men! Here are the wonderful words spoken by Nikolai Dorizo: Oh, how it often seems to us in our souls, That we, men, rule, decide. No! We choose only those women who have already chosen us. Dear women, if you have already chosen a man for yourself, then carry this cross with your head held high until the end. Otherwise, what is the point in everything if not for the sake of the Beloved and Love itself! I wish True Love to everyone, and believe me, if True Love has already been given to you, it means you already have the Strength to go through all its tests! Look for them each in yourself, and not in others! Then you won’t have to break up; this also applies to men, but offering to break up is the simplest thing, but working for a relationship is more difficult, even if at some point in the relationship one of the two has to work harder! Sooner or later it pays off in more ways than one Believe me, I now know this for sure!

      Fuck I will! The same thing!)) I wanted to leave without pants - although I went on a spree myself)) I fully subscribe to these words: “Cancer is not ready to tolerate the selfishness and constant whims of a virgin! Cancer needs a reliable rear and peace in the house, which Virgo cannot give him.”

      Yes, I agree) I’m a Virgo woman and I understand that I’m selfish even in bed, I understand that I offend Cancer, but I can’t force myself) Cancers are very caring, attentive.. but sometimes it all really infuriates these interrogations about where, where, why, for what, until when, etc. you're suffocating ((and it seems to me that all the problems that happen between Virgo and Cancer are created by Virgo women. I admit it ☺️

    I'm a Virgo, married to a Cancer, both Dragons (12 years difference). They look like brother and sister in appearance, they are very close mentally, and in intimacy everything is also spiritual. We don’t strain each other in everyday life. We try not to advertise our happiness in public (from the very beginning, our friends and relatives were jealous of us). But our happiness can only be stopped by death. That's why we value each other every day. Also, my friend’s parents, Virgo-Cancer (father), have been living together for 35 years. What happiness when they are completely confident in you, and it’s mutual (like all other important feelings :)

    Here’s what I’ll say about this, I’m a Cancer, and there are a lot of similarities, especially this last relationship, first as friends and then you realize that this is something more, unfortunately she’s married ((((. there were many relationships with different signs, no one like that happened good... and the honest truth is that we have been looking for a long time for someone with whom we can at least date...

    My husband is a Cancer, I am a Virgo, we have been together for 25 years. And they fought and broke up against the backdrop of a passionate relationship, mutual jealousy, his immaturity, and sometimes even laziness and reluctance to earn normal money. Years have passed, my husband takes care of me like a child, he earns good money, buys me expensive things, I feel his love. But changes happened to me. While I was raising such a knight in my husband, I stopped loving him as a man. He is a very close person to me, I try to do something nice for him, cook delicious food and so on, but, nevertheless. And then at one fine moment it just blows my mind. This is a Libra-Dragon man. A sea of ​​charm, a sea of ​​tenderness, amazing sexual attraction, but all this against the backdrop of being so busy with myself, friends, even my ex-wife (“she’s the mother of my children! We lived together for 25 years! Her car broke down! Yes, I spent the night with her because I drank wine!” and everything in the same spirit). As they say, the old woman did not suffer for long in the experienced hands of the sailor. Accustomed to my husband’s constant and unconditional attention, I could not bear the neglect of myself. It was simply mortally painful, since I was already planning to tell my husband that I was leaving him, since it was impossible for me to be in close relationships with two men at the same time, and I blocked the phone, having previously written to my beloved that from now on I no longer lay claim to his personal time. Waiting until your heart hurts for the promised call and going crazy is not the best test of love. He immediately wrote a message that if I didn’t answer the phone, he would come to me and... he didn’t come. I realized that I did the right thing. The worst thing for a woman is neglect of her feelings. You can, of course, trust horoscopes, but in each individual case there are nuances. Drug addiction to love is not a guarantee of happiness. It is impossible to love one for two. If a person says that he loves, but forgets about his promises, even the most insignificant ones, he simply takes advantage of the opportunity to have fun, that’s all. Making plans for a relationship like this is truly crazy.

    • Natalya, passion, it passes! and what remains is true love! and my Cancer came to me and kept his promise. A promise that is fulfilled is very important for any person! And empty words mean nothing! And it is impossible to love one for two - I had the same thing with my ex-husband, now we are divorced! and I don't want marriage anymore! Maybe I can have a child with my beloved Cancer if it works out, but I don’t want marriage..

      No, dear, do not deceive yourself that it is not possible for you to be in an intimate relationship with two men at once, you plopped into bed with a man, being married to someone else. Sorry for being so rude. What did you want, you should have initially thought with your head how this man might treat you in this situation. You need to be able to position yourself correctly in front of the man you like. I dare to suggest that initially there were no completely correct actions on your part, and the right words were found in relation to this person, and therefore at some point he made a decision for himself, just an affair, nothing more. Rewind every meeting you have, play back every conversation you have with him and I assure you that you will find a lot of moments where you did the wrong thing, maybe didn’t say something or something else. You didn’t convince the man of your love for him, that’s the result. Or maybe you didn’t have any love for him at all? And if you got involved with a man who already had a family before, then you need to understand that if he is a responsible person, then he will not refuse children, and in order for him to finally move away from his ex-wife, then you yourself need to do this due effort was made. And, what is also important is to moderate his sense of possessiveness and accept the fact that he will still communicate with his ex-wife, resolving any issues regarding their joint children. Well, what if you are not ready to put up with it and accept it. Then there is nothing to talk about Love. You don’t have it for him!

      • To immediately understand what kind of Cancer we are talking about, I will say that he is an ordinary womanizer, this was evident from him and from his behavior. In bed with two men at once - I have never done this! I had a husband, it was difficult, but I had him alone! I got divorced, then I found this Cancer guy, I liked him, despite his “strange” behavior... In the end he came to me, kept his promise, but we just had friendly sex, in his own words! He has a girlfriend, a daughter, mom and dad too, family in a word. It turned out that he was also 10 years older than me... He turned out to be an experienced Cancer seducer. so Love is not love, that is what I have for him, that only time will tell. I don’t want to look too far ahead

        • Where did you get the idea that everyone just sits on the couch and flounders giving advice? I myself love my cancer madly, he loves me too, every time he strives to go home, but I support this love in myself and in him. For example, due to my job, I often travel on business trips. There are a lot of different men hanging around me, but the question of loyalty and devotion for me personally has been decided for a long time and irrevocably, that’s why, by the way, apparently I’m hanging around, sometimes my trembling one and I have fun about this, different girls are also hanging around him, this is another subject for our joint fun with him, and the passion is fueled by this is not shabby, here, of course, the main thing is not to overdo it (self-control + sensitivity to your loved one in this situation = my formula for heating up love and passion in both of us). Subtle calculation, self-control and observation are a great girl's thing. You know, I’m not lazy about weighing everything by gram, you know, just like in chemistry I slightly rearranged the substances and instead of the desired reaction, bang and explosion, I didn’t report the reaction and it didn’t happen, and in relationships. And you say while sitting on the couch. I rarely have to sit on the sofa, the day is scheduled to suit my teeth, which is probably why I don’t suffer from boredom. Once every six months I leave all sorts of scribbles on different sites for the sake of entertainment, it’s interesting to see people’s reactions and read opinions. Thank you for your attention!))) PS: Yes, if one of the impudent people tries too zealously to get closer to me, I tell my husband about it, well, who has ever seen him in a rage about this, more in my direction as As a rule, he doesn’t even raise his eyes when meeting! And I’m happy, don’t interfere with what’s not yours!!! And I don’t forget to wave my tail in front of my cancer as a sign of gratitude for the protection!)))

    I usually don’t write reviews, and I’m not into horoscopes, but I couldn’t resist here - 100% COINCIDENCE! I am a Virgo, my future husband is a Cancer, and everything that is written here is about us! We've been together for a year and a half, and everything is fine with us. I never thought that my soulmate would be a Cancer, but, thanks to fate, we are happy together)) Of course, I think that everything is individual, but the male energy of Cancer and the female energy of Virgo are truly like a match made in heaven )))

    In fact, this is all nonsense. I'm a Virgo, my husband is a Cancer, we've been together for 6 years. Loved him very much. But crayfish are selfish, I adjusted to him as best I could. so many offensive words, so many insults. The epiphany came a year ago, I can’t and don’t want to live with him, but I have a child together and he loves her very much. Cancers, people who love to have people look into their mouths, tried for them, supported them, loved them, and in return there was only stinginess.

    • That’s for sure. Even though we’ve been living with cancer for 4 months, it’s true that he’s an egoist. About tenderness, compliments, care, I completely forgot what it is. But he loves to be caressed, kissed, “licked” so to speak. He says that he this is alien to her, a glass to the marrow. wait and see, as they say

    I am 60, my husband will be 48, I already wrote that he is Cancer, and I am Virgo. Anything has happened, of course, over the past 25 years; in his youth, he still wanted muses for himself. centers. Over the years, I taught him to be not just stingy, but generous with himself. As for everything else, I can call and say that I’m out of pads or my tights are torn, and my husband will buy it. He rarely gives flowers, it’s true, but he bought me a house in Bulgaria last year. And I have enough trinkets and perfume not only for my granddaughter, but also for gifts for others. A woman makes a man out of a boy.

    I'm very afraid that I won't get along with Cancer. I'm a virgin. The beginning of a relationship, he gets mad about every reason.. I already told all the young people to just not even write “hello, how are you?” Because it infuriates him, and I’m a young, pleasant girl, I’ve always had a lot of attention. I can’t go anywhere without him.. Maybe with friends during the daytime. For the second time yesterday, I persuaded him to give me a second chance because, having looked or social networks, he saw a correspondence with a friend and if I had not let my emotions take over, I would have had to leave silently. By the way, that’s what we agreed on. If next time it’s such bullshit, I’ll leave silently. He's complicated. The child is right! Capricious, cruel in some places (perhaps a mask), a complete egoist! Yes, I.. VIRGO, everything is for him, everything is for him, and he “no, I told you it will be like this! ".. For me, having always been the main one in relationships before, it’s a little difficult, although that’s why I wanted to be with him so that I could finally be an obedient girl.. Will I be able to? Or will Cancer eat me? After all, I don’t show him anything. And he forces, roughly speaking, all of me (more like habits) to change according to his sketch.

    • Olga, Cancers are terrible jealous people! For me, it’s even pleasant, well, not at the moment when he is boiling and is about to explode)) from jealousy! and that means I’m not indifferent to him! I’m tired of past men who I looked into their mouths and who weren’t the least bit jealous of me, I’m tired of this, I want to be needed by at least someone!

      Are you familiar with the word sensitivity? Apparently not. Think about this word. And think, do you have a True Feeling of Love for him? Think also about whether you are making a mistake by contacting a person for whose sake it is so difficult for you to change yourself? You see, when True Love is revealed to a person, questions such as: “Can I?” do not arise. You say everything is for him, everything is for him. But the question is, are you trying to give him what he needs? You see, it seems that the person has serious doubts about the sincerity of your feelings for him, that’s why I’m writing to you, ask yourself, is your True Love for him or are there some other motives hidden under the same criss-cross of your being with him, and if you already know, these motives, then accept them, be honest and just stop torturing yourself and him too, get up and leave.

      Understand, men are not some kind of insensitive blockheads and they show cruelty not because of a mask. They feel everything, understand everything, constantly analyze our actions, deeds, words, promises, and then simply make a decision and fulfill it. It seems that in your case, Olga, the person has already made a certain decision. And the chance that he gave you, I believe that he does not believe in it. The person is apparently an order of magnitude older than you? And in his head he has just that mess that, apparently, you no longer have and he knows exactly what kind of woman he needs, but Alas, you don’t seem to correspond to the image and likeness of this woman. That is why he sets such unrealistic and difficult conditions for you to fulfill, and that is why he is cruel to you. Why then doesn’t he expel you? Maybe he’s sparing you, or maybe he can’t find the strength in himself for this yet. Don't just tell a person to leave, you know. But consider that he is now doing you an invaluable service. A little later you will be able to think about everything, re-evaluate, become a little more serious in love affairs, and most importantly, it is through such complex relationships that a woman usually comes to understand what kind of man she really needs and I assure you that such a person will then definitely appear in your life who will will become your True Love and then you won’t even understand how your own Love will reshape you, although even here you will still have to work on yourself, but you have confidence in your abilities that you will overcome everything, I EMPHASIZE, FOR THE SAKE OF YOUR FAVORITE PERSON will be 100%. So, in any case, stay close to him for as long as you can stand it. It will do you good.

      In general, if you want to get a richer experience, stay around as long as you can, it will be beneficial. If you don’t want to continue tormenting yourself and tormenting him, leave when you can dare to do this, it will also be a good experience. As you can see, no matter what you do, no matter how you act, there is one continuous benefit everywhere. I am writing to you this way because I myself once went through all this a long time ago. And only when I met a person whom I truly fell in love with, I realized that Love really creates miracles of internal changes in people. And these changes are not at all stressful, but on the contrary, they even become a joy. Our love is already 10 years old, and it is only growing and strengthening! I wish the same for you with all my heart, with a person who will truly be yours!

    I'm a Virgo, he's a Cancer... We met... And away we go!!! He left his wife, he said: we only have children in common... We had a good time and fun together, I took care of him, prepared delicious food... I went to pick him up at work.. I loved him in general, it seemed to me that he loved me too, but one fine day he went to a colleague’s wedding... Came 4 days later to get things... I was shocked, cried, humiliated, asked to stay and not leave me.. He said that he couldn’t live without children... He returned to his wife.. We lived 6 months, we went on vacation twice.. I don’t understand how we broke up.. But I’m still grateful to him for the lesson, even if it was cruel (((you can’t dissolve in a man!!! Now I met a guy, he’s also a cancer.. I hope everything will be fine with us !!!)

    I’m a Virgo, he’s a Cancer, we met 11 months ago on the Internet, we talked for two months, he immediately started writing, I love living, I can’t live, I didn’t believe it and held on with ice, we often quarreled, he used to be offended by any word, he said that I have a very sharp tongue that needs to be pulled out) ) there is a lot of passion and quarrels between us, we met later in life, the same thing happened, we decided to call it a day and he said so, I regret that I fell in love with you at all, well, after 6 months we broke up, I thought it was all over, I met a new guy, he is a Leo, everything is perfect, understanding but with We remained friends with Cancer, I told him about the Leo guy, he was happy, he also found himself some kind of girl, she was also Cancer, but a month later I was in shock, he suggested we get together again and, strangely enough, they began to quarrel less, but his tongue is mine I still don’t like it, but in my heart I’m drawn to him, he broke up with that Cancer girl, but I don’t know what to do, they’re both good guys, Leo is reliable, he’s loyal, calm, kind, and this Cancer is explosive, it’s easy to get angry, but he’s generous, but damn I’m drawn to him, maybe later I’ll marry him, but he’s also unreliable, he said, if you behave the same way as before, we’ll separate again, but I feel like we might separate, but then we’ll be together again. I feel bad because I don’t want to offend anyone and I don’t know how to put an end to it, I’m not decisive in these matters, I’m two-faced, I even doubt I’m not behaving correctly, but correctly, in order to behave I need to leave my Leo guy, but I can’t (((I don’t even like his coldness and rudeness in Cancer I could say harshness, they offend me, and Leo is gentle and attentive, I like it so much, so I can’t make a point, eh, I’m confused, but I’m drawn and drawn to Cancer, if he came back to me, it means he’s also attracted, but it seems to me that he seems so rude, he hides a lot and is very untrue trusting if he were soft and sweet and the main thing was to say that no matter what happens, I’ll be there then everything would change ((

    My story with cancer began 5 years ago, we dated for a month and began to live together. Everything was just wonderful, such a caring, understanding man carried me in his arms in the literal sense of the word. But soon we separated... A year later I married a Capricorn, whom I divorced two years ago and now my ex-cancer has appeared, now we are just calling each other, and he and I understand that we were very suitable for each other and then separated out of stupidity. He now lives with a girl, he says that everything is very difficult for them, he wants the peace of family comfort, so that there are soup pies, but she only disappears at parties. In general, I don’t know, I would like to renew our relationship

    I had a Cancer guy, I'm a Virgo. We dated for a long time, I married someone else (the circumstances turned out that way). Now I’m married, he’s married, we still can’t forget each other, he’s calling. I know that this is impossible, but I am drawn to him, sometimes it seems to me that only he understands me. Today I just decided to look at the horoscope...

    • I fell head over heels in love with Cancer, who is 5 years younger than me. Age is very confusing. I have never seen a relationship where the woman was so much older. But I can't live without him. I never told him anything, but on the contrary, I constantly push him away because I’m afraid.

  1. It's complete bullshit. I'm Virgo, He's Cancer. He just pisses me off! Every word he says infuriates me. I don’t believe him, he doesn’t inspire confidence. He doesn’t seem sincere. He makes a promise and forgets and is also stingy and terrible. I have never given gifts. I don't find him interesting anymore. I tried really hard but it didn't work out. We quarrel, break up and two days later he calls, they say that’s why he loves me.. but I don’t think it’s love..

    I once had one Virgo, I fell in love, I swear, at first sight, I achieved it with my “Disinterest in her” (I had the strongest feelings, I melted at the sight of her like a piece of ice in boiling water, but remained the most restrained) Long correspondence, communication and one day I invited her to become my girlfriend... I didn’t let her go, saying that “You won’t leave until you answer me in the eyes, yes, that means yes, no, I won’t come to you again”... And she agreed, but, everything somehow didn’t work out that way, I don’t like empty thoughts, I like everything clearly and specifically, I plan and go towards the goal and I don’t like when even the SMALLEST promises are broken.. We lasted a little more than two months and the reason for it was “lack of concentration, stupidity, silence and the beginning of a relationship with left partners” She was, of course, sweet, but the chronic ability to feel everything bad in one place did not let me down, we broke up and it was a blow for me, even though I broke up myself and brought her to this conversation, just in my opinion I think that if you can’t love and communicate with strangers, and I prefer to leave love no matter how strong, you need to let go (for those who think and think now with an intelligent face, “Love was worth holding on to, showing ability, all because you are weak and etc. "I will say that the feelings that are “Real” are given once, all that follows is useless attempts to return what you experienced, and as a result, nerves and so on) and I let go, although I really regretted it inside... Time passed, enough to forget everything, but not so much... And she began to show me her interest in me, something like a role reversal, she began to write to me, smile and did not miss even the smallest of my company... I saw and understood, but I was I don’t care, I got so much out of her and one day I decided to play.. I began to show reciprocity, albeit selfish but reciprocity, I slept with her and disappeared, she wrote, called and I decided to talk.. She said that once upon a time I was The best thing is that after me she didn’t have such a relationship, albeit a short one, I sat listening, of course it was flattering, I smiled, but deep down I hated her so much for these words, for the fact that your stupid head only “After taking a walk, having suffered more than one rejection and betrayal” I realized what she really needed.. I was so furious and didn’t know what to answer, I kissed her after these words and said that I needed to solve problems and I couldn’t talk about us confidently, having kissed I knew that she would think that I was in her hands, one might say she thought so, in the end I disappeared again, but then I called her, met and said that I couldn’t be with her because it was stupidity and I didn’t I want this, then I fell in love with someone else and went to her... The virgin was so disappointed that she could not hide it in herself, she swore then fell silent, saying that I was nothing to her, and now she wants to communicate with me again, I see it but not I give you my attention, since you have behaved like this, lead yourself to the end... What I want to say, dear ladies, when a person is ready to do anything for you, you don’t need to play, because love is not a toy, and don’t try to return to old feelings, what if this Cancer will be my opinion...

    • You’re probably right, but I don’t think Cancers should open up right away either... I didn’t play, but I’m sorry, when after 3 weeks Cancer says everything, I love you, I can’t, let’s get married, it’s very hard to believe.. I respect my ex-Cancer very much, I’m immensely grateful to him for all! I mentally wish him happiness and probably now only after 2 years I understand that there is no one dearer and closer and perhaps there never will be..

      • I don't know, I'm a cancer. Always ready for a serious relationship. Fleeting connections do not interest me. I made proposals and in less than three weeks)) for example, at the third meeting)) they lived for 7 years - he was always faithful, so I see no reason to distrust a quick proposal. And in general, what else can you do to better prove the seriousness of your intentions?

    My dear, dear Virgos and Cancers!
    And none of you have ever come across such a small reservation in the horoscopes of compatibility of zodiac signs regarding positive reviews of love between Cancer and Virgo?
    Yes. Virgo and Cancer are simply made for each other... “... but at a more mature age! »
    And before that, they are simply not able to discern in each other what in the future, when the wind flies out of their heads along with their youth, for the general peace of their souls they will look for the rest of their lives in a partner!

    I'm a Virgo, my guy is Cancer. The relationship began suddenly. Everything was great! He tried to persuade me to move in with him, I agreed because I was crazy! Only two months later he closed himself off from everyone. It’s been a week now that he hasn’t controlled me, hasn’t called or written. Although I know for sure that I have no problems. I was never jealous, and there was no reason to. Patience is running out. Tell me, maybe this is depression? How do you get him out of that shell?

    • It is difficult to say what exactly needs to be done in your case. Maybe you shouldn't worry so much. Cancers, like Virgos, sometimes just need to close themselves off for a while and, no matter if possible, no one touches them, think about their own. Do you live together? Just walking around like a shadow? Or what? But about being jealous, maybe it’s worth giving a small reason to be jealous. For example: if you live together, talk loudly and cheerfully with someone from the opposite sex on the phone in the next room, only then don’t be surprised if he suddenly flies up in anger and yells at you, and then he also throws your phone somewhere...)) Yes Just don’t forget to have tears on wheels after this and sincere surprise and misunderstanding for being yelled at so much...))) It works for me.) Just don’t overdo it with the challenge of jealousy, otherwise you will know that there is the wrath of All Gods...)) In general, apparently, your relationship is just being established, so you need to talk to him after he crawls out of his shell again into the light of God...

      • Yesterday I tried to have a kind conversation, I seemed to understand, everything seemed fine. In the morning I wrote a message that there would be no such relationship as before, that he wanted to be alone, I packed my things. She went to her parents. Moreover, he says that the atmosphere with me is not the same for him. I didn’t want to torture either him or myself. Doesn't call or write. And I didn’t wait for an explanation of what was wrong. So it will be like this for now, but we'll see. Thank you for the answer.

    I'm a Cancer, she's a Virgo. We've only been together for 2.5 months and she's already “reshaping” me. He tries to change my habits, he gets jealous where he shouldn’t. But in spirit we are together, intellectually we are simply insatiable interlocutors. Physically we are also attracted, but I fantasize. :).We recently had a fight over a trifle and tried each other out. But the aftertaste of her moralizing and criticism constantly makes me think: Do I need this? Necessary. We learn to negotiate and make peace, and only then will we be harmonious.

    Hello everyone, I’m a Cancer, she’s a Virgo, we’ve been dating for 6 months, I wanted to say that during this time I realized: She likes excessive attention, constant compliments, which we cannot do constantly and often! We can think well but not speak. So in general, so far everything is fine I wish everyone love and understanding and remember that a horoscope is not everything, there is such a quality as upbringing, traditions and much more.

    Good day to all,
    Maybe someone knows or can tell me, otherwise my head is spinning, I lost five kg in a week.
    I have this situation, I broke up with my girlfriend a week ago, I'm a Cancer, she's a Virgo
    She is the initiator of the breakup, she says that she is tired, she is tired of everything, we lived together with me, I will not forget this day in the morning, kisses, and after lunch I packed my things and went to my mother, she says that she does not love, that she does not want to be together, so as not to call and didn’t write, she deleted me everywhere she could, please tell me she will come back or should I no longer count on a relationship with her?

    • don’t get soggy! she prepared this in advance. And the kisses were to relax you, so that you wouldn’t suspect anything. This is an old trick. She found someone else, she already met a couple of times a week before this decision and decided it was a good time to hook up with another guy. Like she’s free and and lives with her mother. Yeah! And the fact that she deleted you everywhere is a sign that she is experienced in such situations. She has already broken off relationships more than once in the past, and she knows that some guys can bother you with calls and text messages. That is, she never got to know you as a person. I never understood. You were just as ordinary to her as everyone else and therefore she used the same approach as with others. Most likely she won’t return, and it’s good that she won’t return. Because if she returns, it will only happen if if she gets tired of the new couple with her antics and he leaves her. if she returns, she will return only to avoid temporary loneliness and then again she will scour around to “go to her mother” again ha-ha-ha! do you need it? lost five kilos? that’s good! you should be happy! seize the moment! make dates with new people instead of grieving about the past! Virgos are very prudent; she’s already thought of everything in advance, a week before the breakup. grab your freedom and use it for your own good! why? should you return a woman who cannot be trusted? Sorry for the typos. I had to poke around on my phone for a long time

      • Victor, thank you, you encouraged me, I have already begun to come to my senses, now the pink veil has fallen from my eyes, if she wants, I now know what to do.

Unions between representatives of the earth and water elements are distinguished by extraordinary depth and tenderness. It seems that the partners in them are created to be each other's other halves. The Virgo woman is distinguished by a calm disposition and stability of feelings. This is exactly the kind of partner a Cancer man needs, who needs care and guardianship. We can say that their relationship will sometimes resemble the relationship between mother and son, however, the Cancer man always takes a filial position, and the relationship with the Virgo woman in this regard is unlikely to be any different. She will be able to become his faithful companion, although she will be a little lacking in the toughness that the Cancer man needs. She will miss the fullness of feelings and devotion from him - however, she may not notice this.

The sex life of a Virgo woman and a Cancer man will be quite eventful. He knows how to feel his partner inside and out, and understands her needs and desires well. Thanks to this, their sex will be both tender and passionate - depending on the emotional state that prevails in the partners at the moment. The Virgo woman will always be able to create comfort and coziness so that the environment is conducive to love and pleasure. Problems in their sex life may arise due to the fact that the Cancer man can often behave inertly and relaxed, even realizing that the Virgo woman wants to see a strong and energetic lover in front of her.

Family and marriage

Their family life will be quite happy. The keeper of the most tender feelings and subtle emotions will be the Cancer man, and the creator of home comfort will be the Virgo woman. Together they will be able to create that very nest in which both will feel warm and happy. If the Virgo woman may well become a classic wife - faithful and economical, and even hard-working, then the Cancer man is unlikely to personify the image of an ideal husband. He lacks the rigidity that is inherent in the “father of the family” and the “master of the house” - which, however, does not greatly spoil the picture of their wonderful marriage.

The friendship between a Virgo woman and a Cancer man will be tender and strong. They will show all their best qualities: the Cancer man - attentiveness and depth of perception of someone else's soul, the Virgo woman - reliability, loyalty to her word and the ability to always come to the rescue in difficult times. Together they can have fun and do something serious that is useful for both. Their friendship can last a lifetime, because there will not be many reasons for quarrels.

Work and business

If a Virgo woman and a Cancer man work together, they should be able to achieve their plans. They were both used to acting slowly, carefully checking every step. Of course, she is more practical, her decisions are based on logic, while the Cancer man relies on intuition. On this basis, by the way, they may have disagreements, but when they see that both methods lead to equally good results, they will forget about their claims to each other. Of the two, she is the one who is concerned about the financial side of the issue, so that their common business will be profitable - otherwise she is unlikely to start it at all.