Radial drilling machines - overview of models. Radial drilling machines - characteristics and design features What is a radial drilling machine for?

To perform a wide range of different tasks, it is used, which is actively used both in small repair shops, and at large industrial facilities for large-scale production.

Using this type of equipment, you can perform not only drilling and reaming and repairs, but also countersinking, reaming, and threading using a tap.

If you additionally use a variety of special tools, then this type of equipment can also perform some functions that are typical for boring machines.

The technical characteristics of this unit depend on the type of model used.

Among the radial drilling machines in production, 2m55, 2k52, as well as 2a554, ac2532, 2n55 and 2532l are quite often used.

All models, despite the fact that they are designed to perform the same type of work, have some technical differences among themselves, which mainly relate to the power of the equipment and the type of work performed.

It should be noted that with the help of radial drilling devices a wide variety of repairs of parts for various purposes are performed.

The radial drilling tabletop machine consists of the most different elements and systems that ensure that they perform the corresponding tasks for their intended purpose.

Radial drilling machines belong to the metal-cutting class of equipment and are intended mainly for mechanical processing of a wide variety of parts, both steel and non-ferrous metals.

This tabletop unit belongs to the second class equipment according to the accepted classification of all metal-cutting equipment.

Among the main characteristics of the popular models 2m55, 2k52, 2a554, ac2532, as well as 2n55 and 2532l, one can note the ability to drill at different angles.

Equipment of this class is mainly used for roughing, semi-finishing, as well as finishing different types surfaces, its characteristics correspond to this type of work.

The desktop machine 2k52 and others can successfully work with both cylindrical and conical, as well as with end and threaded types of surfaces various types metals

The main working tools of this class of equipment are drills, countersinks, reamers, as well as a variety of taps.

In addition, when performing specific types of processing, a special tool can be additionally used.

Machines 2m55, 2k52, 2a554, ac2532, as well as 2n55 and 2532l have a distinctive feature, which is that they are mainly designed for processing internal cylindrical and conical surfaces in those parts that are quite large in size and irregular shapes.

Repair of workpieces on radial drilling machines is carried out in the most convenient way.

The part, before drilling, is rigidly secured on the work table in a special mount.

In this case, the cutting tool moves smoothly relative to the plane of the workpiece itself.

A tabletop machine of this type, regardless of its model, has high power characteristics, which makes it possible to carry out processing, including steel surfaces.

At the expense of their functionality, equipment of this class has found wide application in the most different types production, including automotive and aircraft manufacturing.

Device and design features

Radial drilling machines, which belong to the second group of all metal-cutting units, can be made in four different designs.

Thus, desktop machines 2m55 and 2k52 are available in a stationary version for general use.

In turn, devices 2a554 and ac2532 are additionally equipped with a column, which can, if necessary, move along special guides along the surface of the workpiece.

Larger radial drilling units 2n55 and 2532l, unlike ac2532 or 2a554, move along a special rail track.

There are also machines belonging to the radial drilling class, which are installed directly on the workpiece itself near the plane being processed.

These machines can not only repair metal workpieces, but also process finishing surfaces with high precision.

In order to work on radial drilling machines, you must have the appropriate qualifications and a good knowledge of the structure of the unit, as well as comply with safety rules when working on equipment of this class and be able to carry out minor repairs and maintenance.

Each tabletop radial drilling machine necessarily consists of a rigid base, a cylindrical column, as well as a traverse and a drilling head.

It is on the base that the part to be processed is fixed.

A vertical column is also attached to it, which can carry out a given rotation if necessary. The horizontal traverse of the machine is located directly on the column.

It is capable of moving in a horizontal plane if necessary. In turn, the drill headstock for the working spindle is attached to the horizontal crossbeam itself.

It moves in a horizontal plane in relation to the workpiece being processed. The spindle in radial drilling machines is used to fix the working tool.

This type of desktop unit is quite simple to operate. It is also quite easy to maintain during operation, as well as repair if necessary.

Work and operation

In devices of this type, the gearboxes and operating gears are located in the drill headstock.

Accordingly, all the main organs in units 2m55, 2k52, 2a554, as well as ac2532, 2n55 and 2532l are located directly on its front surface.

The main movement during which cutting is carried out in devices of this class is considered to be the rotation of the working tool used.

Necessary rotational movement it receives through transmission directly from the electric motor, which also provides, if necessary, auxiliary movement of the working tool used.

Before starting work, the parameters of the specified processing are set using special handles located on the gearbox.

Feed control occurs in exactly the same way. The main operating characteristics of the unit are described by several indicators.

First of all, the nominal diameter matters maximum value, which can be processed with a drill.

The main number of the attached cone, which is located inside the spindle, is also taken into account.

The greatest movement of the spindle itself is also taken into account.

These devices also provide a different range of revolutions at which the spindle can rotate.

When operating drilling machines of this class, the number of steps responsible for the working rotation in the spindle must be taken into account.

The functionality of the machine is greatly influenced by the power of the electric motor used.

It is also worth noting that the cost of devices from this category is influenced, first of all, by the functional set, all its technological capabilities, as well as the technical condition.

Repair of a drilling machine should be carried out by professional craftsmen who are well versed in the structure and operating principle of units of this class.

When operating the unit, it is imperative to carry out regular maintenance.

This will help extend the life of the device and make it safe to use.

A prerequisite for working on devices of this class is strict adherence to safety regulations that every operator must follow.

In any case, a benchtop drilling machine of this class is considered reliable and quite functional equipment, with which you can perform high-quality processing of various metal surfaces.

Radial drilling machines are one of the most common tools in the field of metallurgy.

Radial drilling machines are used for processing metal surfaces, machining and creating holes in sheets, and are also capable of performing many other functions in the field of metalworking. As a rule, such equipment is used to work with large parts.

The machines are very convenient and easy to use; they allow you to process parts at any angle and work below floor level. Due to their high functionality, the machines have a very wide range of applications and are used for processing parts of a wide variety of configurations from various materials.

Operating principle of radial drilling machines

The machine operates by aligning the axis of the hole located on the workpiece with the axis on which the spindle is mounted. In this case, the spindle moves, but the workpiece itself remains motionless.

The basis for the operation of radial drilling machines is precisely the movement of the spindle along the axis - this is the main movement. The feed movement is the axial movement of the spindle simultaneously with the sleeve.

The operation of the machine is also carried out thanks to many auxiliary movements, namely:

  • Rotating and securing the traverse on the column.

  • Fastening and movement of the spindle head itself on the traverse.

  • Switching equipment speeds.

  • Spindle feed.

  • Movement and securing of the traverse.

All radial drilling machines consist of several main units, which are a column, a foundation plate, a traverse and the spindle head itself.

This configuration of the machine allows you to position and secure the spindle and the tool itself at any working point in the zone. This is achieved by moving the spindle head along the sleeves, which are used as traverses, and also by rotating the sleeve along the axis of the column.

Types and advantages of radial drilling machines

This type of equipment performs the same operations as vertical drilling machines.

Vertical drilling machines are capable of drilling holes in solid material, countersinking existing holes, countersinking end surfaces, reaming holes, and cutting large threads. But the main purpose of the machine is to process holes for large parts.

Radial drilling machines have a fundamental difference from vertical drilling machines - when working on such equipment, the part is stationary, and the spindle moves. This is due to the fact that when working with heavy and large parts, moving them is quite problematic.

The spindle in such equipment can move both radially and circumferentially. That is, it is possible to make holes at any point in the part area, which is limited by sectors of circles.

There are several main types of machines:

  • General purpose. When working on such a machine, the workpiece to be processed is placed on a table, and the spindle head can move in three directions around the part.

  • Machines with a column that moves along the guides of the bed. This equipment is used when it is necessary to process heavy, large parts.

  • Machines on self-propelled trolleys. The trolley moves along a special railway track. Used for working with large workpieces.

  • Portable machines. Allows you to make holes in the bodies of cast iron and steel castings. These are industrial machines that are used in heavy engineering, as well as in shipbuilding.

Scope of application of radial drilling machines

Radial drilling machines have a wide range of applications due to a large number of advantages, including the following:

  • All modern machines have high power, which allows them to process any parts, regardless of size and material.

  • The machines can be used both for the production of single products and for series. Found active use in production lines.

  • This equipment is particularly versatile - it can be used for drilling, enlarging existing holes, reaming and threading.

  • The equipment is quite easy to use and has ample adjustment capabilities. A drilling center can easily be created on the basis of such a machine.

Examples of radial drilling machines at the exhibition

The metallurgy industry is constantly evolving, which leads to the need to use new equipment and improve technology.

The latest products from domestic and foreign metallurgy will be available at a specialized exhibition dedicated to this industry.

The international format exhibition "" will be held in Moscow, at the Expocentre Fairgrounds.

The spindle of the machine 1 is located in a retractable quill 5. In the front support, in addition to two radial ball bearings, there is also a thrust bearing 3, which takes up the axial load when drilling.

The rear support contains radial and thrust bearings 7 and 6, respectively. The thrust bearings are tightened through the support washer 8 with a nut 9.

The transmission of rotational motion from the gearbox to the spindle is carried out through its tail part, which mates with the gearbox sleeve with splines.

The lower part of the spindle has a Morse taper 5 for mounting the cutting tool.

The quill of spindle 7 has a rack cut into it, designed to transmit the feed movement. A special key 12 ensures that the spindle stroke is limited, the end of which fits into the groove of the quill.

Pin 2 serves to stop the spindle in extreme positions, which acts on microswitch 10, opening the power supply circuit of the electric motor.

Drilling head of the machine

The drilling head consists of several assembly units. The gearbox and feeds are located in the upper part of the head. The hydraulic system control panel is attached to the rear plane. In addition, the head is equipped with electro-hydraulic pre-selection (pre-selection) mechanisms. Allowing the next technological processing mode to be carried out even before the end of the previous one.

It is placed on the sleeve guides, along which it can easily move in the radial direction.

Ease of movement is ensured through the use of combined rolling-sliding guides. In the pressed state, the gap between the guides of the head and the sleeve is 0.03-0.05 mm, and along the upper guides the head moves along the rollers.

Rollers 1 and 4 are mounted on ball bearings 13 on eccentric axes 12.

The gap between the guides is adjusted using eccentric axes 17.

Radial drilling machine gearbox

The drilling machine's gearbox is designed to transmit 24 rotation speeds to the spindle. Different spindle rotation speeds are provided by switching the corresponding moving blocks. A friction clutch is located on the first shaft, which serves to connect the kinematic chain between the electric motor drive and the spindle.

Smooth and quiet operation, as well as the transmission of high loads, is ensured by making all gears and gears from high-quality steel, hardening and subsequent grinding.

Feed box for radial drilling machine

The feed box of the drilling machine is located between the spindle and the feed mechanism and receives rotational motion from the spindle through gear 1.

The lower supports of shafts 6 and 7 are sockets located in the intermediate plate 4.

On shaft 7 there is a selector gear 3. An additional selector group is located in the feed mechanism.

Technical characteristics of the radial drilling machine 2A554

Main settings 2A554
Largest drilling diameter, mm:
in steel 50
in cast iron 63
cut thread:
in steel M52x5
in cast iron M54x4

Distance from the spindle axis to the column guides, mm:

greatest 1600
least 375
Spindle travel, mm:
greatest 400
one turn of the dial 120
one division of the dial 1

Maximum movement of the drilling head along the column, mm


The largest angle of rotation of the sleeve around

column axis, deg

Speed ​​of vertical movement of the sleeve, m/s 0,023
Spindle speed limits, rpm 18...2000
Maximum torque on the spindle, Nm 7100
Overall dimensions of the machine, mm:
length 2850
width 1030
height 3430
Machine weight, kg 4700

The Odessa RCT plant manufactures radial drilling machines of the 2A554 series. This type of equipment is designed for processing large-sized workpieces, the movement of which along the surface of the work table is difficult. The design of the machine provides maximum access to all edges of the part and allows you to perform a wide range of operations.

Machine design

The main purpose of the 2A554 machine is to form holes by drilling, countersinking and trimming ends. The spindle head has several degrees of freedom and moves relative to the workpiece.

The main difference from similar models is the concentration of the main controls in the design of the drilling head. It is located on the sleeve, which is fixed to the axis of the vertical column. This ensures displacement of the drilling unit both vertically and horizontally. An advanced control system allows for maximum automation of the processing process.

The 2A554 radial drilling machine has the following components and assemblies:

  • base plate, which has several T-shaped grooves for securely fixing the part;
  • a column rotating around its axis. To perform this function, it is provided with bearings;
  • a sleeve attached to a column;
  • drill head. It moves along the guide sleeves in a horizontal direction.

For the operation of units and components, the machine design has hydraulic clamps that provide fairly easy position changes. The controls are located on the side of the drill head, making it easy to set up the equipment. It is also possible to pre-set operating modes and frequency. This feature improves productivity and accuracy of workpiece processing.

Regardless of the location of the spindle, it will always be balanced. Thanks to this, the range of operations performed, degrees of processing of the part, is expanded.

Equipment technical parameters

The competent layout of the 2A554 machine made it possible to achieve optimal performance. This directly affected the characteristics of the equipment. Their review should begin with the main parameters. The weight of the machine is 4700 kg, its dimensions are 266.5 * 103 * 343 cm.

The accuracy class of the equipment corresponds to “N”. The maximum permissible drilling diameter for steel 45 is 50 mm. It is also possible to form holes in cast iron blanks. Their diameter cannot exceed 63 mm. The spindle can move along the hose at a distance from 35 to 160 cm. The maximum height of the hose lift along the column is 75 cm. In this case, the maximum speed is 1.4 m/min.

The dimensions of the work table are 102*255.5 cm. Additionally, it is possible to install additional tools to improve the technical and functional capabilities of the equipment. Its weight cannot exceed 15 kg.

To understand the performance of the 2A554 machine, you should carefully study the parameters of the spindle head:

  • sleeve diameter – 9 cm;
  • rotation speed limits - from 18 to 2000 rpm;
  • the number of speeds is 24;
  • limits of working feeds that are possible with one spindle revolution – from 0.045 to 5 mm/rev;
  • thread formation parameters. Feed limits per revolution - from 1 to 5 mm;
  • maximum torque, kgf*cm – 7100;
  • permissible feed force, kN – 20.

To control the position of the working head, there are several types of clamps in the design. When the column rotates and the drilling head moves along the sleeve, hydraulic devices are used. Clamping of the sleeve on the column stand is carried out using electric clamps.

The main drive of the 2A554 machine is performed by an electric motor with a power of 5.5 kW. To move along the hose, the design includes a 2.2 kW electrical installation. Additional devices (5 pcs) are designed to supply coolant and ensure reliable fixation of machine components relative to each other.

To turn off the spindle and change the direction of its rotation, the machine has a friction clutch. It is located between the gearbox and the main electric motor.

Before final installation of the 2A554 machine, you should prepare a working platform for it. It is best to equip a special platform that will be able to support the weight of the equipment. Then you need to check the components and assemblies for hidden and obvious defects.

After installation, connection to the electrical network is carried out. It must be designed for maximum power equipment. Therefore, it is important to study all the characteristics of the machine, changing parameters depending on the current operating modes.

In addition, during operation of the equipment the following factors should be taken into account:

  • in the event of an emergency (breakdown or malfunction), the complete shutdown and only then repair work is carried out;
  • While the equipment is operating, it is prohibited to clean it, change the position of the workpiece, or tighten the bolts and nuts of the structure;
  • If drain chips form, the drill should be removed from the hole. Otherwise, there is a high probability of long chips forming. It can stick to the cutting edges of the drill or the ends of the surfaces being processed;
  • control the functionality of the counterweight, which is necessary to adjust the position of the spindle.

The operating personnel are required to undergo safety training, and the characteristics of the machine are studied in detail.

The video shows an example of the operation of the 2A554 machine:

Radial drilling machine: popular modifications and types. A radial drilling machine allows you to perform a much wider range of tasks than a conventional vertical drilling machine. But which ones are the most best models such machines? Review of the best modifications.

A radial drilling machine differs from that in that the bed with the drill moves in different planes relative to the workpiece, and not vice versa.

This is due to the fact that many workpieces are large and are inconvenient to fix on the object table. Thanks to this work scheme, not only productivity increases, but it is also much more convenient to implement various technologies streaming production. However, we must take into account that not all radial drilling machines are easy to use. So, what are the best models of such machines that you can buy in Russia today?

Belarusian radial drilling machines

Belarusian radial drilling machines of the GS544, 2K550, 2K552, GS545, 2K550V brands, which can be purchased at a minimal price and without customs clearance, are in great demand. They are cheap, their frames are reliable, the weight range is from 950 kg to 3.5 tons, the power is from 1.5 to 4 kW.

Radial drilling machine GS544

These machines have everything you need. In the GS series, the drilling head rotates at any angle, many models have the ability to supply coolant, in general, these, although not very functional, are very worthy products that can meet the minimum production needs. They drill holes up to 60 mm, which allows them to be used in almost any field. Of course, reviews for radial drilling machines made in Belarus are not always full of positive ratings, but this applies to all budget equipment. The price for these models starts from 1 million rubles - for professional equipment in this category this is very, very little.

In conditions, Belarusian machines will become quite widespread, unless, of course, relations between the countries deteriorate. Judging by latest news, supplies of equipment from Belarus may well begin to be subject to duties.

Russian radial drilling machines

The most popular model of a Russian-made radial drilling machine is, of course, the Soviet model 2A554. Also, the 2M55 machine has always been very popular. Today, these models have many competitors - in particular, the AC2250 model, which can be bought for only 950,000 rubles, is actively replacing it. There are also cheaper modifications, for example, the price for the AC2532 radial drilling machine is about 520,000 rubles. For the average performance model AC2540 – 630,000 rubles. All this is very cheap.

Radial drilling machine AC2250

What is interesting about Russian radial drilling machines. They do not compete, for example, with Belarusian models. They occupy a separate niche. For example, their spindle speed adjustment is stepless. The maximum hole diameter is up to 40 mm. But they do not differ in weight and power - Russian machines also have 1.2 and 4 kW of power, the weight reaches 3.5 tons.

But in terms of technology, the Belarusian manufacturer has gone somewhat ahead. Still, Belarusian devices are more universal, especially the GS series. But Russian equipment is much cheaper. As for quality, it is approximately at the same level - slightly higher than Soviet.

Ukrainian radial drilling machines

Ukrainian radial drilling machines are in great demand in Russia, primarily due to the fact that the 2A554 machine with a stepped transmission is still produced in Ukraine. Moreover, what is interesting is that Ukrainian machines are significantly superior in quality to Russian and Belarusian ones. Therefore, when entrepreneurs decide to buy a 2A554 radial drilling machine for continuous production, even if they overpay for delivery and customs procedures, they can be understood - they just want many years of trouble-free operation. This machine is made at the Odessa Radial Drilling Machines Plant, where machine-building equipment was riveted 100 years ago. The plant is fully engaged in these types of machines, it has managed to retain the accumulated experience, and therefore the quality of the equipment is not bad.

Radial drilling machine 2A554

Ukrainian radial drilling machines also occupy their niche in the market. In addition to the 2A554 model, ultra-high power machines are made in Odessa. Thus, model 2A576 produces 7.5 kW, weighs more than 11 tons and can drill holes up to 100 mm. But there is also an even more powerful model 2A587, which drills holes up to 125 mm, weighs about 17 tons and produces 11 kW of power. Both modifications have continuously variable

transmission and excellent hydraulics.

Chinese radial drilling machines

Chinese radial drilling machines are very common. For example, the manufacturer SMTCL supplies Russian market two very attractive models - Z3050x16 and Z3040, which can be purchased at a price of 940,000 rubles. These are very interesting 3-kilowatt modifications with big amount features that can drill holes up to 50mm. The spindle rotation is adjusted in steps and has 16 speeds.

Radial drilling machine SMTCL Z3040

The models are very functional and easy to use, consume little electricity, and operate quite quietly.

The manufacturer claims that Chinese radial drilling machines are made from hardened metal alloys, but domestic consumers have some doubts about this. In principle, if you do not overload the machine, it will most likely last quite a long time. But is the declared 3 kW of power enough for serious metal processing, especially with a diameter of 5 cm?

Radial drilling machine MRD32x7 from Weiss Machinery

Weiss Machinery is a very popular company among Chinese radial drilling machines. For example, for its model MRD32x7 the price is only 130,000 rubles. And this is a very high-quality 1.1-kilowatt machine, capable of drilling up to 32 mm. This manufacturer also has more powerful models MRD50x16, MRD40x10, reviews of which are very positive. Although, of course, compared to Ukrainian, Russian and Belarusian machines, these models look very flimsy.

By the way, in China they produce machines under the Czech brand PROMA and the Swiss brand JET. Externally and functionally they are not much different from Weiss Machinery and SMTCL. In many cases electrical diagram The radial drilling machine used by these manufacturers is the same. But, according to managers, quality control is higher there.

To summarize, it can be noted that Belarusian and Ukrainian machines are more proven, as well as for mass production. However, Chinese manufacturers offer cheaper, more functional and economical models suitable for small industries.